Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 28 Apr 1905, p. 5

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. l- M .-- ' That ticide the pat. aM4d hing the petect j0 of a coiet.d stomcuch mfr uthe r f a dIc@Utiy mornlog." No Wtsbit voem mw, 'TOO - moov moraigg ve vunoir Ltt«ce RIa Mpmwagus. Ce isa m ,,S#oach. VogtaM -Oystu. pie Plt. Csrma.Paran, ime a1y, Nev Potato.sTwaml& EtDc; f TaIk vith us by phones ifcoovedtat, c.IL Be aum to order ealy" LIBETYVILE A RKETa a ndasti- aa E gRY miýuvv iý,uvw Watches Clocks Jewelry fine Repairing a- SpeciaItg Sheet'1-Music ANDRE 1'Libertyville OW HUSS sr o Duwby Bros. - - Illinois - lw àl àààààS à l 1,1.71 v15 c Iltyoia contemplate purchaslng a new carpet this spring don't lau .to cxi- -amine ouilamrge-new Une of »Maplea Oîr fine of BrusselB hi coniplete ini lit- est piatterns and colors WITH BOIUER and STAIR CARPETS TO MATCH. Royal Axminister, EpieAxmini4r, Wiltoià Velvet and 'Iapestry Brîîsqeis. Ingrains We handie ail the standard brandit of ingrains: I.oweil, Extra and Tremont Su- perfines, TIremont C. C., Obrook, Model, C'olumbia, Faultiemb; anîd Premitm. Stair Carpet We hiave etifir carpets Ili Brîtssels and Tugraiiîs i.desirable p;tterîîs. Our Prices- Are The Lowest on Al Graèdesý Somitli&Dvs ILocal Items *I l nterest to Libertý,vlle Readecss. qe Pan. R. N. Rickey, of Oraysieke, spent Sunday fhors. Framing of ail Monde. Mata, etc., et Bgswic'$. Barry Simiths, of Grayalake, vsited finonda liens over Snnday. Mises Alice Skinner le now casher for tise M. B. Colby Merchatile Company'. Misi etis Pope le ver>' iliIwitli typbold fever. Rer condition ilesakid to lis c*'tlcai. * Mca. Dr. Van Noppen and two chidren, of Niles, Mcli., are viitiag lier parents, Mr. and Mrm. B. Md. Fick. Miese Clard and Nellie Elininger are spending a few deys vitis their sîster, ms. Edward Masn, ilAÂvon. Tise Lon Ameges club was entertained liN Mrs. Fîta Itandoîpli, t lier home weat of tise village, Mona>' alternoon. Mie Ethel Gîbeon, viso bas lisen Is tise south for severai months on account of lier iealtis, returtied home Saturdey eveiig We bave may new styles of photo@ to cisoosef roni, and voe atiefy ail our eue- toters. Oel and ffsee smples. BFgcas1 studio. Jon. Dietmeyer and Henry Mormen, of Waukegen, are fitting up. thee ad Pentu- nmen building on Milwauukee avenue anid will opien a blacksmith sliop there. Ethel Bock. dengliter of Peter Bock in niclt vitis diplitlerià. Tise Ibouse in sînarantinoeand precautioner>' meneurs hauve heen teken ta control the dimesae. (lerge Lacis shoha lis en laid up for seis-rai secoké t ih afractored wrist reliortsfor vork- Monday. Ho inae fîrenian on tise C. M. & St. P. reilroed. Tom Russell, seho for severel yeens wue blacksmith for Mat Pester, lie openod a sliop at Rockefeler and le doinig laskmmithing in hie osn -mime. eTIse Mintie Workers field an informal rception alter their reguler meeting Tuemday ovaning. About ixty vers prosent and @lient an enjoyabieeovening in dancing. Mrme Ches. EBayes,viso udreta optiration in e Chicago haspital Friday o! met sepl-i, le improvtng rupidy. tl leiseved site viliteaeremuit of tii eopera-* tio's e permanently cured. Gjeorge Lynchi and Cham. Smith left Wedneeday for lJpringfield visons they vers needed an account of urgent.state1 ussetere. it i expected that tisey will r,turn on saturduy. Hoseever if gaver nor lDent onlprenwmestheni suttteiently they uîsy lýieirdus'ed ta stay longer. Claence lFIagg vaxs pleesen l>' sur- prised ut bis home lest Tliorday niglit by about twenty ai hi»young friends. A mont onj<yeblo ouns nbl, gan.ei and danscing beiîig tihe principal feaures fi thse evpuiu. After a boueotiful supper aIl depants- reliortiîsg a monut dellgistful Tite lamt nseetirig of tIhe vilage bîoard an et prement orgenized sais eld Fiday1 Ui4lit. Tite nese loard meeta Monda>' aiglt, May L. Witt) vill Le appointed an inslsl. treet sumuisslaîsor and sebat if enytising, le ta lie donc sith th iseceneei mutter, aiford tîsemes ofconjec-ture juet liqW. At a meeting of tise Loyal Temperance Legion, fid April 12 the foloving olis-ers wense ected: Pre»ent, Merjory l'rite; Vice l'remident, Lisle limaie; Secre-i tary. Arthsur Johnseon; Treesurer,1 Vernstta Hicks. Meetings of tise League1 are ht-Id eveny ynidey efternoon eit1 4o o'clocis..9 Arthsur Prime a former Libertyvilie boy ln stutioned on tise attieslip Wisconsin which ilenase in tise Aiatic waters This slip lis 1Âen in closte taudis with tise developmenta of tise cent and in case tif a Lattle betseeen tiseJaptances and Itumssan fleets it la ex pected tisat it yl bin lsclose proxirnit>'. With tise clairmen of tIhe board of supervsors and coroner ta lier credit Lieylie ie seell satisfied. vs tistlie reontion #ise lies reoeived froin the county. Mr. Miller le t - the hast of Our knoseiedge tise tiret chairman 0f tise board to ha cliooen from Lihertyville, tisougis the coroner lias for severel yearo vitis an occesianal interrupition "heen e LhartyvilLenmen. At tlie Methadiet chorcisa ver>' pleae- ing Eester program vas rendered Sun- day nlght. Specieàl decanations for the occasbon made e pretty effect and alto- gether it ses a most eppropriete asd intenssting service. At the Pneshy- teian cisurcb tise Clristian Endeevor hed charge of tise services Reslter moru- ing and tisere elso vere beautiful dloyen te add ta theREaster joy. Horses for training are~ steadily erniving et the Tratting assouciation tracis and nov thens are ne7rly 80 ln tise stables and tsea mare stringi are expected -in tise course of a fev daya. Dis-k MMeann, of Chilcago, -vis a sn expected lest seeek did nat arrive with hie stables Lut siliL e bere in a short tinte..Thie Fenimore stable wseiin l c pnsdfighthioresa iii aleo enter training seithsi ie course ai a vesk. C. W. Bogart, of Colorado Springe vitis hie fine black mare (iolddust Maid vithl aerecord of 2:12% làaone oi tise nevest arivais. J. W. Sseanobrough liestise largesti Lunch on tiek rounds - bevag tiventy is al. The individuel visa inspired tise fabrn al lies publislied is a Wankegan pper relative ta tise village electian in Lîierti>': ville, purchaaed a large numiser of copses of tise issue and mailed them to Liberty- ville people. But tien, his metisode are in keeping seltistise littlenas af bie dverf- e conception of faîrnesa. Tise man ln that fellos ecouldn't lie détectgd vitis an X-ray machine. Jutea ensaking individu- eliey tisat etabsa ntise dark and glanaes lnsits meanisee. A remuant of vhatGo.d meant ha shouîd ha. lie la ratlser ta Le pitled tisais coudemned. Ifs la unfontiueate thens lies nived among- us suds a aoie. ln Libertyrville ve hbave ieretofore sean or ot in tise'politicai ganse vitis tisegr"ce ecomlng nmen, neiglibors and f ionda. Thons has iseen no vir to poIsn and embitter, no Wvstdnatr od ftequlilties that permsit af feirnees, manlinese and deceiicy is aur politieel différences. - Refernlng to dur ilate principal, Prof. Ethavers, tise JoltNoae says: Bliavene vas principal of tise Lockpot higli echool ans year. tram SeptemIj~ 1903, tu Jane 1904,. He pneseisted l e application te thse dîrsetors late lInbise summer ai ,1908. Another tombher lied bese hlred but lie gave up tise position ,and, et thu atimoment, aàlmot, lb as obppearéd tobe-b.ail rJgbt CaviSpon- da ma, ascarls4 i nW"thbie ppas t.. vilo. ' vkutwuad d a blr 'tEold the to*qe p"4, is bel Cash Day, of Iowa, le viHiting Liberty- ville relative.. Born, to Mr. and &rs. Etigleberry, of Hall D"y, a thlrteen tsour.d boy. Confirmation and seeddinw groupa are eta 1eaty t*les eation atBeswick's sudCo. esont wark. Hiram Look haï Purslsased or Judson Moore ttel~ @ssnhormeoand engaged la tiie expiqu.aad truc king business. ";Joyous Pances" Ly Earle C. Hinnian New evYork la&anese piano sompoultion d«Ue tO bbecome lioliular. [t ceni h. procurei b>' esding -54-r to J. H. Schroe- der, 10 But$ 16 St, New Yiork City. W. silellipenny iictur,-e. Four posi- tions and lwenby-four pittures, g5 cents, et BKavwulo. Thee setinent sn .tntiohli ver tise general lieW UsEtât 001the lseing ealiter of the Mlwaukee Ftrst National Bank vas lu thafs village tihe fi rat of the week. à inuel ided mari applied to lvr~. maniS imone wlshing to le diven =a exprsssed t *"yselere, o e>icauget out of tovn.L" imane coull fot accoin- modate hlm and hl.e551'liLd to another stable and was drivesi tu Richmond. Tii. man bore e etrcsrig remeiblance to newespeper picturem andî descriptions of 0911 and hie peculsar and nervous demeaanor,only tended fi> etrengthen thse suspicions 0f Antiocis lwîple. Asf the IxNDE'ENilE.Nlgoe to pree tise Second annuel Lesnuýt of tise L.ake county Criatian Endiavor is Leing held et tise Preabytiirarien 'Isu-is of this place. At the . banqïuet arc Iroient thse officars and -delegates Ironsi . fi-varions unions throughout the county and thse foilose- ing toasts vîi a i e n..londed to under th@, subject of electic roades with W. IL. Coperiyastoastnsast.r. a The Promoten, Touastnsaster. Rigli.of-vay. C. S. Kisnball. ltoed Bad, Mr. Grandy. Power, T. A. St.'îîls.e Service-OGea. Brair-vil. Terminus, B.H.B% an Meiter. la ths game beteri enti Libortyvilee and the Nortthic ela.t Sundey et thse fair groundoa thi- zîsse isakers e e deieated lii amecore (ifiIl to :3. The local boys sitis Dietz in ts.. box put up a good game arnd etly lia-ed Browen sho pitched tihe vindul,. ThsWsstBaEde ut tVuukegan eterted out tise season lest fiSciiltiy setis a weiiri- sind game ehaesing thi- crac.k Souths Chisiego teâm witi a ew- iof5 tos 3. Arthsur Belins will giv,- a dansý.e ani raille, UMay 3, et vivsLsî- IHal, 1 i saisis.>. Good munic. Everx le.iy iinviti!il. , Thse higli mark itriisg thes local Lawlere tiis week %%e t to Lute [ietz witis asore of 212. Tise higli verag-,s fia thse seî.k are: EdN aMl........................ 173 Nd.reoî.................... 173) (lerry Fiiser ................... 161 Opeazing of Pavîlion. Agraiddance sel rsmark thseopening i Hele'sl,9 pevilion ut Hall l>ay Sutun- day niglit May' fi. This popular and bigli clamsplaceofamusement je excep- tsonelly seelI equipped and weoil deuervesi tise large patronsage. it receives Iroln roni- dents ot tid se nty It je perliape the il nest iu Luake county, wth lie polsslid floor SOxi.52 feet, ladies reti nloussi and checks roo11L andiail Ztlev onvenienses. Mr. Hertel ies devoti l hs every enengy to niaki- the plae. and evenything conneeted seitis it one tisat mlsuil appeal tu, tise select dels s iso patronie, t, and lia succeedesi. A t Ravinie Park. Tise managemnent oi Ravmnie Park aunoance.tise engagement of Leopoîd Kremer, Consert-Mdeister of tise Chicago orchsestra, togetlsan vitis athen artista ta, epiear in consent et Bavinia tiseatre, indayevenisg lay Sti. Thie ennouusce- ment eliould lînove of especial intereet tu the mueieloving pisopie af tise Norths Sonseaand tu tise Thosas Ueetra peoplein suputicular, es it sl L e an apportunity tiu heur Mn. Krainer Iseho la probably thi" 10r -of any violiniot in this cooiscry 4at lis hast. Be selîl Le eesstsd iîy tise follawing soloistm: Mr@. Ws. <G. Baxter, soprano. Mn. J. Il. Miller, tenon. Mn. F. Lester Price, organ. Mre. laxter sebo bas often Les hourd, in recitule la well and levorabiy kusoseu along tise Nontis Shore as one of its motet taented mingers, sehile Mn. Miller lias always Leen a favorite un musical cireles in and around Chicago. Mn. Price visa preeldes aitishe orgals lis a moot enviable relutation as a -performer. on tiset instrument .ixcelling perliape most organiste in his treetmeùt of tise instrumeent as un orchestra. Tise eppeinance o! tiese artiste sel liseurs ta tho.. vis are to have tise pleasuree of hearing thein an evening of exceptioal enjoy ment. Mm .Nise Shumnejr 'Knapp of tise Nartliseen Schoal aifniusic and Mn. 0. Bini oI tise Chiaga orchestra Lotis veil kisosn as-eosspaiista selîl asmset et fia piano. Cheap Rate to Califorula. .On Meay 11, 12 and 13 round trip tickets@ ii li e eold ta San Firancisco ansd man>' othen Californie points Ly tise C. M. & St P. nailroad for $63 good for 90 days, vieaons route ansd nstunsing via assther if deoired. Stol) avers alloseed on going trip. Touniet leeper rate to the coasti 7. 3t)-2 F. J. ALLENiAN, Libertyville, Agent. ýDAM LEFT Batuday May 6 la Poo.ively the Laut Dey of the GREAT PIANO SALE AT THE W. M. JIEATIX BUILDING0 OnIy a Pcv Planos Left 'REMEMBER: When this sale is over ycu have lcgt an opportunity of a lifetime. Why pay three or four profits on aeino whe n yon enu #et an nid r al i grade piano delivered to your home (on a very mmalilcash peyment down and the balance on amail monthly peyments il you 0 desîre) st thse factory whoiosaio price. le It not rea9onable tîjat we. thse largeet manufacturer@ of h1gh grade piano@ ln, the world, enu @@Il pianos cheaper b selilg theni directiy fromnourfactories la Chlcago, there belng only one profit and a very inaîl expenee, than a tri whichi linys pianos af a wholesale frin, which la turn buya themi froml a joliber. lie buying tliem froni tisefactory and a factory possly one-fourtis tie output of Our fetory. We do ilot daim to maire no profit for we do, but we oely make the saineprofit we would sf we were to @el a dealer the saime nnmber-of C axos and let hlm oeil themn for a unde t a hnndred and fifty dollars more money and lie gettlng;the difference, wlslch however, le only a fair profit for bila with which to pay the necessoary ex @si§ for the length of time it would te hlm to oeil the saint nunhe'r of pianos in thse retail way. STOP AND THINK. There are agreat meny things to lie considered wben buy ing a piano. FIRST-l it an old reliabie make. SECOND-Do you buy it of the manufacturer, andila the manufacturer in a position to take care of the piano?,, TE IRD-Doffl the guarantee you get wth thse piano say so? And there are a liundred other thinge you shouid know. before buying and whiclt we wil giadly explain to you. It in useleois for us to try ta tell you on par- wliat- we are. doing, but if you are et ail interested, whether you wisli tu buy a pin t th e time or flot and seul celi at, W. M. Heath*s building 1 wîll gladly explain more fully the pro- postin tmb eonly 0 dys ef postin that eoerf dyouef. G<I.LASSI A. Factory Reprpftntatsve. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. l'IBrrTyliLE, IL!.., April 19, 1905. Board met in regular adjourned session, full board prèsent. After a ,ean- Vas of vote@ cast et election field ,t pril P4, 1905 tise folowing miotimis seere made and eerried. iMov,.d iy Kaiser and Triggm that Panul MacOuMfn having received a uiaicor- ity of votes cet for Village President lie do,lared elected for thse enouing terni. 1Moved Ly (irabise and Giardner that Frank B. Loveil having received a mjority of votes ceet for village trvsstee Le.declered eleeted for the ensuiag term. Moved by Kaiser and Triggs that Mason B. Colby having received a: majoritN of voteq caat for village trustes. lie declared eiected for thse ensuing terni. Moved by G(ardner and Bayes =that Cliaries R. Oalloway having received .a majonxty of votes cant for viumee trustee lie delared elected for thse enuing terni. Moved by Gairdner aud Skinner that William C. Senlioru havigrecePvd a majorit>' of votes cent for1villageclrk lie declared éIected for the ensning termi. Moved b>' Gardner and Kie hat warrant lie drqbwn for tlhe salaries of thse bsoard memibers for tihe peet Near. Motion carried. The President, ordered bille rtad and referred tu the finance committeo and upon favorable report by senie it was moved by Gardner and Grablie that bllIs lie ellowed and warrants drawn. Motion carried. £mmnn Marner Oô Brick etc .64 sM ilex Kolsmer, psU mdnd lpver....... is ,lo, 11,adnaser. labor................. au Chas. Kaisr. telepisone retitat ... se teiapbone toile........-lu se «epense lnvetigatins con 8 90s Tranka. Just ealary ...... ........25 ou t'. B. Boye............. us 0. 0. Gardeer... .............25~ Yred Graishe :*, 210"5 a. B..K.s.r.-.. .. 26 Vu JLT rs........ ý......... 2 ( P. M. Rarns 14 extr Meetings lé 00 SMeeting adjonrned on motion Ly Bssyes and Gardner. X ANNoUNCEM9Nrs X On $anda>'morningattise PresLytenies; cisurcli the. salijeti aIthe peston's sermon seili h. "Pseying sud Preaching" [n tise eveuing tise themne viii ha 'Tnted rejectian of J. D. Rocisefellenes $100,00. AIl ans invited. At the Metisodiet chuncis Sundey thons silîl lie pnecthing b> tise pastan ut 10:30 on isHeart>' Services" and ut 7:130 upon "Sanie Perils af Our Tma." A mens. bible 'clam WiII ha organized at tise Sonde>' ochool hour for a systeunatie stu.dy of tise Lufe aI Christ. Uaclamed Latter.. Thse ltot o slaimed lettersat LIhanfyvîlle II. postoffine for thse veet, ending Aprîl 2i. Whoiens aln orthasa lettens say "advssr- tissd.'l B. Fl Annettafflebeni I have rented tise pestons fornrely occopied Ly Wm. Spelîman and sel uccept saune stock to a pestn. E. J. BROW'. lie that and knows 1 knows, is' Polow He that knc COLI and knows that knows What They [s not only wl clothed-1 hie is welI ted Dine With-fim A Abig lot of al wool ngrain CÏrpe inl1yd., 1*yd.,and ilyd.lengthswt tat about haif actnal value. 1 yard fengths 35c 11« yard lengths 45e and 50e ~ il yard lengths 66c and Tbc We have also one place containind Il yards, ait wool Ingrain Carpet, it os worth 76e ayarêt, Our pria. Extra Heavy, cioseiy woven China Mattingtuer"s jteed towear well, the 25c ksnd et Extra fine cotton Warp ,JapanesMatng!40c TncFAIR Better Visit, Gunthcr's Ualidy Agep(< Youi'Il be mighty glad for your pocket bo6 for the satisfaction of knowing that you"rêd A Little Better Thon You An!j other Candyj Store.i~< £4111 J*dDt Tr~jOurDixie, r5 s o s e s e e * i e e s s s s j s q g g j s j e s j M E s g j s E g I t~pho170stering =ýnd Carnaàge Trimmin7g C INET MAKIM41 IN ALL BRANCHES, CHAIRS RECANED, IATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER AND RENOVATEO AND IADE OVER. rAve yofiu ýwork doue by a man experienced. n't weit'a year for, your goods to be returned. m( vie ati1athat your work i. properly attend- to. Beopgv tiked. IEyery .olle ln tlheir turn.,

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