Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 28 Apr 1905, p. 7

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11e0ir QueAda Cubn Mir n te .t tlas oe. l an article lu iOtjlook for-Jliy. 189. >- nurg ennwbeeard lu qda pm t tihe L'teldrs Theaiter. IMatanzas, Cubia. ha saidsis * [ha efols au dncsundor the mesil ot el OQIuent speech And hi the grip el strong-tm<tlonal e atretbtIbu-rreywitneeed sueis a "ceue at i ti clo*ee otQuesda'n assoq upon tise d,-sd patriot. Nlayti." In a letter to Tise Pasuna Medicine Com- pany, rritten from Wahîfngton, 1). C.. Se.r Quesade eau: * Poruna I can recommend as a ver>' good ne&- cie. It 1 an excellent streng*hoang tOalc ad It asýjs n efficaclous cure for the almost uni versai compaintof catarrh. "--Uonzalo De Quesada. C . ocugs-@mau J. H. -Bankiseat. ut AIs- 'amma. one et tise monst inluential ms-m- isess uf tise Itissie ou t t-î,s--nttives. in a lettes- aslits-i tfrom Washiington, D. C, g4ves is eidorgeenent to dis- grî'at cs- c- rs- rmedy l'es-nue, ln tise tolloalng wrs-: "Vyour, ont. et th* boat aWkiaCs 1aver ta-led. and no fanl.v aWald bu m'ttbeut peurremuarkaMle ~o-dy. Ai a taeck .,d ctarrh care- 1 kaew et uething hotter. "...l TIseraIe butat s ingle medistîne risici la a radical specific for catis-rh.Il la ePersuan which bas stoosi à hait centur>- test andi cur& thesanda uofccases. If you do flot dartre prompt and matis rtactory reçuit* trountishe use of P-runi. Write at once to Dr. llartmau. giving a fuill Maternent ot your case, and he wiIl lS pleacedti tu gve mui bis valuable ad- vice gratis. Addrem Dr. Hartinan, Presids-ut of The Hartman Sanli"uin, Columbus, 0. Ali correspondeuea helti strict> coni. deutial. Facis Are Stubborn lblngs tTiform excellant quality for over a quarter of a Century lhai taadly incs-esad tisasalei et LION COFFE, The cleader e01a&U package cotteca luon Cottee la Dow usa in mmihomt of homai. Snch popitharisuccema apiab sfer iteaIL It is a pulilvo puai th Isa N fiCuI hme tise Coaulieoet lme People. Thse unifor-niquelity eofLION COOF s us-vises au Opposition. lamcornoevm *aaN. et Islea"am ÎWU la oeaoift. onm -ru aai Oh piautll. U les o u y iefflytn- pudIetai lr u i b. ameuoiae" ga ami al m auusammli-ad fu . me l hotho mo. Tu* peecludios Im po.mSIhIilet.aduilomtsms or eoumet wiltb g.m. det, imai. blMeeor U'mClemu huais. ne uhauft. puaytlu UOF4COFFEN la Ibm-dca'. um'mlod le lm.e cmummr. soti. uni>-is 1 lb. TÀem ~on.hod on ie>-r package aeo thsoe bafor i-miable presumisa. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWEE YOOLBOXn BCo. , Tolodo Oblo, I-cas- t aithe Tuh'a, "pIl>- tisa por salles," saidthedi aantati boas-des.' 'is 1 ieg'es *"Tes,, reJoetitis eieas-ul idiot, ."he goeaitrou eue bas-k te anediet-, as It wre.." IW. 3. 5 0 I ABICOtianti Ananasad. Tise Mad-W'ist la loe-? Tise Bacislr-Love la ia heps-s-Ide to sastrîmon>-. Th ise Mid-Anti riat la matrîmon>-? Tise Bat-hlos-Tise preludtisteail- Cala-is cananot Ba ca-d aStis LOCAL APPLICATION,;. as ts-y rannot s-achtise seat ofthtie diseuse. Celas-sh lis a blond or constituttonai tiis-ase. andi lu osdes go scuret oe. mu.t latte linternal remails ela aa-- l-etos-a Ites-nalI>-. andi esdt you thse blooti antimus-ouasurfa-a. Ie' a- la not a quak medis-ie. i cs rcrbed b>- une othtie bet pIstaslth tSlaunts->- oc yeuse, anti la a reçula-prescrIption. B la coisn- tiesa boat ea.kuovi. cumnbloat i ati Imticcossurf pOcI5es-sacting dlrect5y un tise mis-nusuras-s.Tis e iaot combination ut tie e inrdents vi prous-es as-a awou- desfuersslt niag rs-h. tSend fos-teu- titâfnfaisfs-se. y. J. CHENET &tOW., Ps-eps., Toledo, 0. Scdby Dsu.lsto. ps-tee c. Hallsà Feuils-Pilla ara théa bert. la thse Olssemlng. Noa doitishe back port- hobed a pais- . When thte aumarday la doue; Tre tus-me rîtis but a single chais-, Tro heeatis at ths-ohsas eue. Mobar Osra ruai »Perdais tht uecefit n eduaIb>Motser oral, lans-e u te ChUdroua's oui laNewrkus- Cou n. alimtinn. rPveslabau6 B"Settomeh, Toasts- Iug ~ ~ a »estro- at ouate e rais amt Destrcol ngy&Over mWuO taaimaljab. At ail Don o. aat Yo5 A&. trucs A-S. Lar. . We me>- ho as u ot as re plasma, if vre piesarntu ha gooL-Bars-er. 'Pliera ara 30,000 tii- oosstoVus la tIse. W Unit te L. Om fludrod Tom Agi>. ýOves-100 pas-sens lest tisas-il-as cb> thea great flood ot tise rives- Tîbar. Tise United States ftrîgete fpaez, Comuodiore Basreon, as-riveti et Ts-lat Graua ons-nais anneuncedthedi mas-ch ot 150,000 PrussIans te tisa trený tiere cf Eus-opa. Algerlan pirates captureti a Pertu- guai. frigate wltb 100 men, cas-rylug tisa] loito alave->. lu AuIo e Spanîis sblip rlth'einable cargo and $280,000 lu golti ras ce>- tus-ad b>- a British Prlfateer anti ment te Fîlmeuts. &oaity4IbgTomlS A Baverai terns rere destroyed b>- an eartltquake in Sentis Âmes-les. Navigation ln tise Black Bes ras aPaetie te Amertcan vessaIs. Tiese tanding aru>-ofethdiaUnited las numbe-et but 6,000 men. Tise bill for a national rad tram Buffalo telNerwOOrleans rie rajectati ln lise bouse by 88 te 105. lu Niew Englanthe tise s- rste uffrage ras granted te ever- mile ishaiiant of 21 ye .ae, accept Paupers anti pes- -sono eccesi frern payi--- taxes eI tls-ownroqueat. A fs-e $tâte convention ds-ew up thei Toeka constitutien. à Ps-elave->' lezglature ras ergan. IZed. lu Kansas. A clonti passetie eN-w es-k City- wricsceuseil e ditskiiesa e<uiuelte night. A us-w sunuing record fer e mile ram set b>- Heur>- Pesrlitt un tise MataIt-le course At New Orîca no la 1:42. A MOIs lu Platte Count>-, Missouri, ordereti that se ps-s-son belenglng te dia Nos-tises-n Methodiot Chus-ch sisenit pracis lu tist ceunt>- ondes- penalty of tes- ansi featis or bs-tp s-opa. Irrty TommAg@. Prasidetît Lincoln rat $bot b>- WIilkes Boeths lu Foi-s's Theatar, Wamhiagton, D. C. Secratar- Sewrd rai attceat h orne andi roundeti. Presldeut Lincoln tise nut de>- diet tran theia ound luflicteti b>-Booths. An- drar Johson m's's'.70ru ln an Preati- dent. À ces-ention ras reaciseti ieten Ganerai Shes-man stnd Genas-al Jehson (Ceutedes-ate) ftusetsasus-rende- ot dia isttas-'s esrn>-, but ras disavered ieat b>- the govetstment. Investiuiation lu Washington b>- milI- tas-y anti civil authiso-tss fixai thei Identit et tise mu-de-e- etPreaitient Llncoin as J. Wilkes Booths. rilt>- Tm. Aue. Two seroauts wrase suffocatati anti e third ns-ar>- perîisedlnl an ast-eut et 2'i,011 tet lunl'aria b>- balbon. A plan et puttlug is-on gunbeats lu tha Riîne te offset a slmilas- praposasi -plan b>- France ras aunounced b>- Gar- gipn>. , Emuparras-Willam et German>- sîgu- ad tise billrltitd-nsg the rigisaen- Joyed b>-tisa Catbolic chus-ch. A ps-e. papal nerapaper lu Bs-slits ras sup- presaed. Tise Brsitis Itouse of Commottes-e. jected a patîtion te di-amiss fron thdi benci tise jutigegs wohait presidedti u tise Ticurua case, on tise gronadet pas-tlallty, anti te Impeaci tise speaker to- gimler rasons. Irnelt- Tms A90>. A mois lt Pie-s-, DakL, lyncisetia wite mus-de-us on a flagpole ln. front et tise ceurtisense. S Tise body>-of C. As-thsurPs-elles-, et Lendon, sîsîn b>- Maxwell, ras teunti lu a ts-unk lu a St. Louis bots-I. Tise presance efthtie Prlucess et Wales aluna preveosteil violence te the Prince trou a mobisnlutisastreets et Ces-k, diraugs 'ncb tise rayaipa-t>- passeti. Josephs B. Greenisut wus deposati trou tise ps-esids-ncy oethdiawhisky trstI allt es-b d retuseti to rasigu. Tise body>-oe Blanche Lament ras tount lu tise bs-iy fs- thtie Emsuuel Bapilst Chus-ch lu San dia liisr>- etfrisici tise body ofetMin- nie Wlliamns ad beau tounti ou dia ps-ovions day. 1 Ban Fs-auciscc police bs-Ils-ydtise>- boit ixed tisa mus-des- etBlanche La- ment audti Mnute Willilams ou Titee- dora Durant, anti tesmal>- ciarget inl îi tisahes-rima, tes-risicis ha late- ras baugeti. John M. Palme- andi -lnde lu Chi- cage erganlzed the Honeat Moue>- Longue, te oppose tise frs-s u-as moi-a- uent et Goves-uo Alîgalti. elcis-egui's ht'tempt te ai-ada the' payntent of Étabte te Englanti usarly lu vol-ad tise Unitaed States in a centes, rîts BritaIn. Tise Vauderbîlte estonîtidtisa paops at a sieighislugfestival at Noarjst-, épaarln* la tbefr automnobile&. TisheaU Bl isada. tuor Tanr amai sti h arrsd te-Bss-a4ott4s Il-v Sebwg or. ,cftise Uipa lty Ide oatï ahanafi es- le e- im res, rle rabagmois-n pterns printati on papes- againat out rails, andi considered tber nmon re usnapleasatitl>. It roulti bard»' ha tair- te my -thist wu considered them beautitul or sirtistie. But tliey rare tbe vug» ue al4were put on. The time bas conma Wben, with our bitter methodu for, intarier decoration, bttai affects can b.esenuerd. lu wail coerings, whether the>- ha of paInt. or ofkl na.,or ot Aie betiua-whataver tise iatrial used te eover the ral-tse thinz dîaired in that rihicbhas the. gtetst vering powrs, in rail as pesrnency andi beautî of "oor. Alabatine, a wa l coyi-sl ground trou Alabester rock-whlch tneans a bard wite rock-in tbie idoal folerlug taer. a rai. TIsa mont beautiful wall decoratlons In the ans-Id at-e thoxe ahicis are laid on witis the bruih. Thse mural desîgua lu our large public buildings, and tisa freacoed design* lu thse large cathedrals and é bus-chas bai-a a permiasseucy aud au art of rhlch rail papes- la but a cisp imitation. Thema muralsi hiemes andi freacocti dealacen be hrought witisin the rescisf heet i.a-r> day home. They enu ha doue rus Alaisatine, whieb le permanent lu lin coloring. It doua not s-nb off, aud t has thse sott effect of pastelle. It does flot pi-I. it dues not blister, aud it la thoroughly sanitar>-. be- cause it ilefnot stuck on oîth sons- pnet or smelly glue. Ail sorts oftateot-> affects and ui klud utfimursl design eau ba secus-ed a&n>- klnd ut frescoing cen bs doue. Iu tact. tha range ut the possibili- tien oftbtis materlal are ouI>- fixed b>- the artlstlc Instincts ofthtie person who applias it. Natnrally a profess;iosial dec-' orator counît do more %vith it tissu an amateur, but tise nntraîîied ps-sson cau secure beatitul reanits o iese tihe ambi- tion dosanflt lideune luto a desire for tue tryiug effacta, 1A -s-et man>- peuple defer tise redec- orating ut thair routa n'ýt off>- becauso ut the expense but bacause ofthtie discom- tort of t. Wltis Âlaba';ine there us-ad ho no discorntort and tters- cau beo n mass, for ail thet la needeti, in te lai- a sheet or cauvaon the fluor, have your mzan comae lu rwidi e pel, make the so- lution and impl>- brus it on the wail. That is ail tbare la to it, and tise room ie perfect»' dIean, anti thorougisi>-renu- raeot. Iler 1's-anferusiou She drank quantifies ot nater,. ate a lot* ofet saschytfod, Ab9tsiucd fs-ont exesi'.ing everý day; Sue assimilatesi lactic and a case ut n teti gondis, But it seemed ber fate to have to fade away. She se mous-neti attenuaton, with a vis- age -liko au nai. Tisat a smile npon be'rface was never Osen; W~hile below ber mouathocre wrinkles. nnd aboya ber et,-'. ocre s¶oo And ber nome ras lil., a hatchet in be- tweesn. But une dsy she fell t. lsîghing iu a strange. hystes-le way. Just su thiuklug ho ridiculons it provedl; And it melloweti tu s enikie tiat wans santie enongis. î!i.y su>-. Till St iset sacgiggl-d s-ver>- time sisc 1moveti. Wby, abs-cistt-kleti out ber orinkles. and ahe suiekeresi off bs-r fsowus, Andi thoei toek te su tise thingi mise shouidn't do; Nor she's gron n as fat as butter. snd 1bas ontgruwu eil ber gons: But site langises as> et tinat disaster, -Wemau's tHome Compenion. CURE 'fOUR KIDNEVI. Wboa ti.Buck Ach«an sd fliatder Tenables let ]lu, Ge t et the aue. Deat maike tise mistare et believlng biekacheansd bladdes- Ille te be local atiMenta.ý Get et tise cause snd cure thse kidueyo l'ai' Doana Kidue>- e ured tbeuesnds. Huuter, ot En- gine Ne. 14, Pîtts- isur>-. Pa., Pire Dapartineut. andi resldlug ut 2721) XW'yîie avenue. "It ras tisree ys-ars age tisat I uss-d Doans Kidns-y Pfilla fer au sttack of kidue>- trouble thât ras mesti>- backicise, end tse>- fled me up flue. Tiesas ane ntlstakte about tisat, anti if I ohouii etes'- be troubloti agaîn I woulti gat tisem tirst thiug, as 1 knew risat tisWî as-e."à For sale by aIl dealers. PrIcçz 50 cents. Foster-.%Milbnru Co., Busffalo,. An Oit>-. Wife--The woiau ri ecss--ntI>- movet ns-ct iloor la castaill> au odit- lty. Hiushni-Hloos tisat? Wfe--Wliy, suis'does-sut baloug te e single societ>- for tise prevention of anyting! Caunot Itasice e Rate. It la stuiteu lnliWasinlgton lisat un- des- tise Torsisenti rete bill, If a s-te ls fIls-d b>- the Commîsaloi It cannet ba lowr-d b>- a s-iilreed. Sisonît an amas-gent-y arise cailing for a decreaseti s-ate, tise ralîroads os- sippars roulti bava te appeal agaîn te tisa Commis- sion, thare baing ne uatitudie aliorati, riselever tise casuistaucas. Hiîtharte a maximum rots- has beeu tha rule. but ne sut-h conression la matie undas- dia prapocati leglalatuon. An l"nuatcu. Tom bisa bs-ss a benedict tes- almoat tIWOras-k s. "Yen bave no0 ileas hat yeunassb>- n't ieing suas-sled.' ha saIi te bis frIand Jack. ,*.Ne, 1 suppsose net."rejoinadthedialat- ter. "Do yens couit yens- moue>- aves-> ulgist sud îoos-îlisg?" aIm EtOtibodi Work. Andtheia os-Id ouiti le.more hippy anti eontenteti. Juil - couaidas- ber mus- pain anti trouble resulta ln yeur body-, 'heu yeur livrs-er-stomiaci stop woikng. Happîl>-, you s-an bon set tlieu te nos-k again, cura yens- pains, end restre yu. elf t beit. " e tentuant wltb D5r. càldWeil'a (lsa- &Il iiits et 504.-and $1.00. Moue>- back Ir it rala. ______ OaPt. BéntD, au fuguaIs sallr, 82 Yie çk bo ho as saa 4 e e from le.. ho"a.*e organ j1mrbim e tat, * it "Ma Whm av~@ Ru' amestocaa"* met@. tMa. f-S-e.1 It was tbougbt ln 19M6. risn ovoi Iftty thounitipeople wangt rOu iste United Sttes te Canada, that thee Umit of tisa yeerly emîgretion to tise iteit zone ofthtie Continent lied beau s-ech- edi. But risun lu 1891 about as large a numbar et Amrneacn citizen& signi- lied thair Intention ot becouaIag set- lera on Canadisu lands, lise gene-el public wr reapas-ed tes-rtise an- nounicemeut et large numbers in 1905. Xe surprise therefore nIl be conseil risasfi la madeê kncru that tise ps-e- dictions et tuliyflfty theuaud~ lu 1905 are arrauteul lu thse tact tisat tise tprlug mevent Cenadawres i la grenter titanfit bas ever lieen. Tisa special traina tr9m Osmahat, Chicago, St. Paul, Detroit and other gatersys have beau crewded. Men>- have Soee te jolis friands and relativeasrise bave preparati homes fer tisernsd otses- bave gene s-elylng upon tsairu s-e-i sous-cea, stlati edtist 'abat others bave doue eou ai e adne b>- tiem. Tisay>eus-mucis uew tes-ritor- bas beau opaneti np b> ltae ralîroad, 'alicis Il are axteudlng thiser main lunes and tbs-ewlng Ont branches lu tieir -mas-ch i acrons tisa boit grain anti grazlug 525< lande on the continent Tiss u ere-lE: Vito rites-y bas attractions for tise desls-lng sort to isemesteatilou tise on.eisundreti antiset sit ocre. grantetileeb mettier b>-datetu Canadian ooves-nmeut Min>- elae ia tsukea dvantage et the opportiinlty te Id pus-clis alnds ai tisa 10w figure. et'îa wriîc they ara er wbing offerati. e It doam no ets-quis-amucis tiougist te fl convince ene tiat If Iowa. Illinois, Il Minns-sota anti othar lands, rit ea Mp v'alute et (rom fiftte e unds-ed and WOO tlfty dollars au acre, nill give s gooti -T, lIlvlssg by producing ten te titis-tes-n Vee busheis etf 'beat te tise acre and wol tit>-te fltty buabels ef corn toe tsat acre tise lands ot Western Canada at Y ses-au te ten dollars au acre. pre)duclug ali trern treut-te thlrty bushels ot a su- Ec« perler riseat te tise acre. should pr-o. o duceaa competence te tise os-dluary pL former lu, a ver>- tew yeas-s. These a us-e. tisetacta as lts- cents-ont thb tu s-cate-. Tises-e are millions et acres et hani sncb landi lu Western Canada lu nddl- DO51 tien ltiste other millions tisat are üon- aides-ad te ha portions o et iabg ai ýF sud hast range* tisat ever lI-lted diaef1 catt1p anti borme produrofettise Nor-ts N Auscrican c-entiueut Wist la pas-tien- ws- las-t>- svident iluN este-u Canada la iseicB.ý tact tbat the riseat lands, adJolulug Moi, thse gs-azlug lands, make tsrmlng pas-- knc, tieular>- agreeabie aud profitable. Thse agents efthtie Canadien Govrs-mesit, wbo are ilways wIlliug te, gîve fotr- mation aund ativce te lntendlug et- tiers, a-titat tise acreage put under cs-op tills season le great>- lu exceassot lit ceasen. Kuer Wlais-af HeaSpoke. ,*If i bnd a wite," aidth ie ver>- youug uman, -Icertainl- woultln't rat bs-r t be at some wossaa's club dis- eu&qlug pu~blie affaira titI rnidnigist -Neither roulai you mut isers-te dis- eues private affaira atiberne atar mld- ulgisi," s-sjoins-iltise mat nitstise ah- lent bals-. "but lt's pickles te tutige aise weuid dûfi just tise sme." WILD WITHI ECZEMA A&.d Other Iltahlng, Buran. Seely Brnptilost., ru 1Ear-SP"sd- i>-Curati bv Cuticure. Balis e aiffecteil pas-ta ridi bot C rater and Cuticurs Seap, te cicieanc mm the as-rface ot cruseansueulaes andi sotten tha tickeued cuticle; dry, wits- 0 eut bard rubbing, andi nPPly Cutiepra Olinent freel>-, te, alla>- ltcing, Isrri- tation sud Inflammation, and soothite .1 sud beai; and, lat>-, take Cuticura m... lieaelvent Pilas te cool anti clanse _"à tise blooti. A cingle set ostlug but S $i.00, la ettan sullictent te cureatdiaM. ineet tertu-tug, dlsflguriug skin, scalp Plffl and blooti bumors. nltisIon et hai- wisen ail aise talla. This la AwtiL - 111 discove ia peculia- thiln i, my ' routalest uigst' remis-ke th ie ciseerful - idiot at the br-eaktast table. "L hati tour Qui* legs aud uni> one- tout." love "My goodnus" exclaimedth ie landi- mec iv lady excited>-. "Wisat was f? "A bedi,, anseretithe c. i.slieho DO winked et tise pretty aitreas. Unlasubla. Ms-. Steele-WbY lasfi tftt nth 8sncbTZO e name ion are su awtisl>- alekei> 1Ms-. Goode-Wisi la It aîth sucsah name Yun are su awtullY soiti - OiL iggest±ons ow jun ne oman laaatlrali t-atsoui Vagdll di planesfData"e ts?.1Wt5ITW ould .1we% ce veai>- . ns , .mtn u (n s a maies-a strateou on&Wman ,a ondl fer tity. If It la painfal or- Isregnias- natai l an nw iesiu lwrong wrish aheuld beha rou p Mam>- rlg t oril ileat te mai-ous de- P5aiIiCforie w~ li agoument et ths e ola touai. o-gea, table Cbnpocade~ L Sugh testlicSy- ]doean Iss tty Iboussnti romaon b>- &il omna.w crn s-ae teatifieti lu grttafl laite-ate Mrs. diat Lydlî IL PluI akissu that L>-ti E. Plakbam'a CoupeGnti tandi =I fftabla Compoundi oves-coespain- s-Oued>- for a11ts 'dl ni ud-ragular imenstruatiou. roman. gt providesa amaifaandi sure ra-ofet as- TIsasucamu ef LyMl pe fr-onat iitresalng anti dingerusVetable Cmôi eakuamsse uti d as-enswerI.ue gih Tise two teîlowlug lattera tall goCon- roman. 1-. risatLîtis UEPinkisam'a When roman asams ega e Comppndti nlldeotes-ulîr, eupprmaa or omou, tse>- anuot Lau te hrlng hope tien. louoerrSoedls otisonanda etfauos-as-a ceation oetheUta'ou iis Nollie Relues of 540 ~N. I-i î_dean feeling. liu" on MSreet, Buffalo, 2. 'rY., rt . ovaes. eeachab. Ï" Mr mm- Plakham:- - OitC>), geuesal*delt*, Yoarmadclialsli a wbiainacus e-svous proali-tlqIO.àn 1a - it stan>- rall. A rsIdfot hey asou1d-msl E 3M cd' »dm te ta>- LIdIafPLnk at no s-amatei-,, ka'. Voetahia Cornpond aI dlid ou, andiVsaelaCman loncer suifer mI it1 bfiMayi>-pasIodas tabe-o m yen;rà bsgM la mc riseZ.îMedicin. for laiS AU rommn ric maas- e tÈ. Ydla>BISW piakham'a vegmaisaOnaaum" I»fum Mr.TIl V l 1a-t5ci lascre,. . bout item. si mr Mr&e Plukisant'- rilitd a4U I 1migisi have have issopaa'ssi m>Ir". W o,è mah1 tts or gifforfug a" iPaun bld I1uni>-Witt«g h« aon erthlise aiioe>-of Lysf. ILnas' h at à mmi Pb~hm$ M>s4W ME ORILAMD F~~~~ Wb"IUSmii -ad P - ivl m b i sts.eea a-l dI .itlf d a .t.etesiv, j Obi , 1IL -ate# isé N.! Yod Alwvays Roi IIProgu l.,vezA~U D'si kh. -1-»L- 4-

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