itis iet and sued n*w - ne -lsa eàser- tii. kind ni s or Ihi for elmik lI i.4mboï m'aster. IN.*0551 0<of ueSUtoù 44 .a Iwo. spolirate by W*éogil.dsi00.B ywaa eflabai aveauco. wo ,«flppuui.caIma $1000 ads alons aldiu.lemu w mi.1 eaS mu a.. heffort.o f Wtru or ue ttun, ~'> ea . race ah. 0l Lfseba. po.t.I ub statfqolou ie auth plie .. ,,~ ~~Il M Tbation aiR do * o.Ü~y 9 dý ri arg'Ch s- ti»dleam r = é= e.lciyfa1rstpthe; lf tJlir#0 mab' t tva 0te Pan 01 On MU&W . P.WOU& who I.em Ployel as a plumber h i inge rot date on lllinery butixmnai"w I lu s course of mu~ ~ y&eoEcUn apabdb amm Whotpeoud m»Oi tride. Eabed hm'a bicgoplomber wo sd Viabng to reise f ro .why hé vas woe1, e IdSi. ta. #ii wu at #*a. .. Se.lrs. resnt.etrisw. i 9Il 6" uifth 10, lbptj'INs 1 ho.a haoa ttraol l i xer whoéera1Itlbhea hW aeled C Oh M-rdmmsi MwS to ]Profi * 1 witi rig for country w"5 allid,wmauted .adtdm 4110 m, "d4 man or vomanu and ois .whbbmmoù o aý. b lef4mtct ity jwl . gavébisaueiU t WODmo All erfIb,.austvi te or With the. irItr> tm th pr.thélt o h ey.A muro~t o th~ BjnrV W. SoU-î.h tave eaitai tb :l2 After s*ooldIvA$per ____________wouuding bis tepsinaoka -to killhbis wle, ýmartie bot. w.glu UOformer Waukofgammnie t1100, botb good Batàvla.,, udt mad i% ul sumyne-ly m-W; aunjiaiprevlout bi r i« ST for dîh$g m iam.ýve a. pIajropmu at nua et tb. oJMý-4o w hieb tha.j' etloe phuldm aand4 tinsterme themwitb glv mndqd and Mdhi. th. to fbefvufag àmeD coeaisted or a ecre bi Mu. DBiere. , was weiI.tMuèd i me .jq.d. Musie ,*a, uraled by choire, frdîn bath la Tuesdayvmorndes wus piant tufe wia sgaQd attendance. After the oPé ai sezoroli.awas hed a very an-, meta.ry dr4i1 .oadncted by lira, Berger. Aer wa read, by M.. errkcko Lbdvlewbich broukht éïtmome thue afiermoon Iii..shepard roma paper wettb: b Im. Lake of Guru.., wbo wraé unahi. to attend. It waim MWse Dcbwith, Of, laubo. read a pëM whib wad iWed to witb maried &tbmgtoa; 1 1 Roy. LU.wiB of thei.i. ehob igave an in*ereeting taIk, on temtpeSn an*i MIW4 fb iD.':.ý UIWhBltut* clmed, wlttb le geM nWmotemt, held Tuooe vua mnd pÏ,lbdpted le b 6Oe' ig dWjsmd "en yoflug ma. fIs tie he "w«A li motleoeatagsmon aud iram luihe* atleede<. lroi, gstai, of Wan- kegmu*, ia arded thé moisi. though l wm s, hard tewk for tha juigai to ijoldethe aaatt r. A Àvote of tha4ika vas eztended to sil -b bad hélped make »lestituts the .uoplit *am sud om of lb. mail inter- .mtitig1 beipul end entertlenine ti- etxutie7th.ln uthe coeatjcaeito au On Land Vorue.rly ÇUatf 0 .1LthatsyvlIl*. A h p lto téiad whlchviiléast ma. niro tio t b. VIler peopio bas pbuhtoutright, b: an Evâantogs un ttéhesi 04 wbklela s Mr. Volaud sud the mon an ieking 6uSd 01 1D ba awothat ilekMra. duffert tbae he insnr .sudiii.hodé UMM dby has bc touk lie op"k a ew monthaega = ýe.Oiieqeg -ade with thé >'*" bmek t..a ...on- .0 a e OF. PATM And Wilie f lrothe hitaond Medal for Trotters...... --Trotti ng Race geord 2: 1 &- 84 O attun 2:13, dam iieStie (dam a)Ra of Chris Orattan :1, lla*'1iieahmait coeur , lnciuding thé ,fasint etr ie., Jp hicaou vdtior. Superb ledi.vidua l, s etiefrl nt daI$.On. of thé hést 'gaited trotbreà iii the worM; suid aimady te.siri cf a. gmuad kit of coite. TJtI1PONSTOCK FARM Libertyville JOHiN R. TiIOMPSON, Peaprietor Si' auna, iu Mnva se * iii *iqg i pai Muasse rein. NqeSsa fambai head... USé M~regh ~ . Ne W Illinois 1 Address J. W MURRAY, Suparlatenient. I.It Sring Sainples nowin, -caIj a4 make yÇur lÏàtiôon Il K MEN'S WIEAk M4eu' Pante from..........................$si to 2.7 Mon'. Overàlls ............. ....0c, 75d and 85c Men's Shou................. 1.60, 2.00 anid 8.60 in e asaiu4ueist of worklui shirt. for.. -Al oOMPlOýe Mof Som.pdere f m 60, GrM~ae- llroé water AM~M~4O2:13 147 le tlii sise 0f n aunyt high olkme. orrige and Tond borsee au hnj borme.inle té elule al Mimeori. Be lbas thédm, spem, qualt'yand action, und thé en beettof frut andilegs that sgO IÙ;nîpigMthéeidee moai and cariago hôte.. -Ma"g of lhi.Wai v e an s.d ifor larg pi"iand bta onet to GermaeY and France. Ri oaiea the, ire 01 J.B .2-10 wagon ret Nords2:28% Iteel meineon (l) 2:24 J. 4r M linon, tr. 2:26% ai ny ai otiier gitod oui..s Hall Di afl Sattirdsy' Everybody Invlted to mc and bave .a good tia. Wear E et L Ltlg t igsgyLiberq shove lGERO. 111005 Swhich iIFVAuKFS VE eamar. §MW aot 4e. »~itter- ua ot pm Le ou Io m e a i :0.bmk t-i For comuplete pedt 6n o tX2'A -'lÂ?PPLIÇ at the' CQuzty. Farii, 'Liberty- or further Information, wnor. aO-ia. .... . ..0....... -...... Sdis, lb Pb* si p-rI. topoi L il