Ln' auà palais s, mmd emtu~gcj7 Oribj. PIC t uv.nil .w.k4wý, *. fk wM u b pVeg fehiw.wê.@ t00 'MVIL MAuTwl gMe. aà R'EY tches Clocks JewWr ipeRepairiàog-a Speçatg Sheet Music ANlREW is Sm«#~ e t . *Bu.' Libertyville - - Illinois Ifu y@i ftemplat. pulxhaang a new carllt tila sprlns ém' tl uto ex- amine ouularge new Ilneof impies One~ line of Brummela i»i Complote ini lat- twt 1 mtterns and ojtrs'WITII BORDER -antd 8TAIR CARPET.14 TO MATCHI. Royal Axminititer, Empire Axminint.er, Wiltoîî Volvet and TapeAiry flrnels. We haridle ail theu st.andavd bmnids of lograins: Iwel, Extra and Tremont Su- perfines, Treoat (. C.,- Obrook, Modél, -tUglumbia, Iuantos and Preminin. Stair carpet. lgiisin deîirable patterntu. 0w Prices Are The Lowest on AlGéades' h&Davis., Port is Ieiflg put -la A.èb la 09 rj8fY=o 110f1110 fr0. lie r der 1for th* li'nelitiinffl. The spetit Snuday Rop . er. ' dam . 0 p~ anot ae yot been Dora FrtUaylsIii t, lUr. sud Mas. iddd. Haary (Ileaoà, a boy babjr. Witli Pu". 4 $.rm tilo Waukegans Mm.. 13"e, Edke 0f Ciieago i. vlit bsailMaawîihil beviiti 19j. barsister, M.J .Davis. Edas, of the. ià qvsr the. bM $Ui "to of 1 , tu 0. The. jmiik OI49 Ch iirAOviitd C 1098 ~tiicold fo good Ilim s.ou bhome o01« *dY- M bot 9. doinoitra tedt. u G.Chas Eek . ufrda>attack filet ta h"q ibu" the miating OC a lit Of'w~m. eisl Mo..ind niber tua. ~riIe~ 'pj.Theivat gamInrho playel at the.noir Mm l m,.GIeComrWl, of Cambiit, Wl.., Trotilig A obo 4ri'-k is advertised *e vWstÙMz ber eut, Mrs..William for a.x 85up4aW 00 wilIl bliitwe.plb skwin., Jilakeaeu. lem ED«Hll Part Brîîwnteand thé Dr. L. L. Goldlug will attend lthe. 4M WaITaD50bOf Çh6n lectric cars ru sa nai tlg of th@ UIDla &&t b the. gaIs cfAbégrourîds nd it inun- - lmli,9toI. 4mtow tht elà kbut tihe iret of a OsaIIilcie~tsMolieMa9to1. eriesof good aaabtolie put on atthe ,41berI LYOnsreturned to work Thom rmuak. 8daer aller being laid up a vw..k wltii Iuuoowhlcb wes brought on by Wi uW.g$ u b*.u Bob FJ)kiUiimnons xposure.eaMed llrnqDtaw's ilaelisînith 5ii0p f lflg ainii. bs ro- pee tsd 0 Whri. w re .lî)wing val> -l w.ek or two iuntE= tOVUl. TM h si. wili i îidont- giad by th@eniloft t.prmuat week the. edly b. cherebed m incii. th' e ,tti businm . ceter wiil liai e heen reacLied . great Igltqr. Tii. le creain soda season t. witî «aalu andl disenaern of tiat dlilcic rrur.hmet are prepariug Wtle tae lii.w.~ats ttbyuuuet s aeon W. A. Dean. and cife ret;urued Wedan day front a two week'e visit wi relativeii ln Indiana. Mr. l)eanek Tiinrmdey f.r the asi ciiere b.etail i v fur 'ée veral week 8. p <oe of tthIret thînge that ciret i.< aisuloner Young did upon enterth upon hiii duties cas lu talle the . engins iboule and lWîet it tu tlirougb lei,qaad renovating. Mdiss (raoe Hariînoatieniled a hall the. Dana bal lln hicago last Saturîl aigit and bas tiie distinction of leaii tihe grand march. Sh was also bonne wîti> floral gis, beiug tbe recîpient lfty-two roues. Mri. George Bophm expecta upeu Aaloon lun the building owneil by ei. tipraga. aIret andl reoetiy vacated1 Fm Euderlin, the. eomtlng Saturd, andl if bot tieu the. irt of next week. IMr p. Ptb, Bock andl four ofb ctilidren are suffrng wth diphtheri Two, Percy ad Viola, bail but ligl attacks, wcul, EdiLli cas very serionw il but i. mie out of danger. l)oet Martin lhas careil for the fanliiy. Condutor J. W. Hare attiqîded If annual hail of railroad -onductore of f Mlwaukee .division ofthtei(-C.M. & st.1 raliroue in Milwaukee tiie 27tl ifo Apri lifflîtfl unîany comduetora from i I Mladieu)n division cere la attpndani It wa tIi. uiiol grand affair, and il 'cobels"and thj-ir ladies lafi on gai. tine.. ions lit ting oire 1at Ma on b, y,' ber ght sIy !toi' the .' ee. at Tncs.lny igit, May 2i the Catiiolieff oif the- Liliatyville parib cl give a <aiwe .initIie TownuHall, procceil tub. dîvit.'d t). the new ciiurch structure. badiesi of the chun-li are te serve éupper in the liasenientof thie lbal] aaud a seltet oînîîetra lias been engageil for the occaqion. lb promises te b. On., of the. riot ilelituiitfu alifuntione of tye sea*on. Abut..twenty-fve.couples gatiiered ait thehumon.f homie ofMr. and IMM. E. H. *Brown on Mfonda.y eveniug lu oéebra- tion o! tiela tcenty-gstli ceddlng atnl- vprsary. Progressive wure cas thie 0fl -f- the evenimg, tb. tiret prise inekg won by Mfr. Mocers anilthe. ff'iind by Mm Re.obrt L3yon..Rfrfflb- mnus wre serveil at lii. close of tic lîleasant eveuing. The prevalingeliortage insatracîîerries rani geen staff In Libertyville at. the ptusent tmas la due te tIhe sirike lui Chiagoandfor the. pat ceek the grocmilvnot iieeu able te gel amy r.f. lies. articles hyexpress. Sr beri.. uipped in by freigiit reaeh this 1plaSein a st andl wortbiess condition 'wbucb makei it uprofitable for the. mercant toblandl them. Otlierperiei-. able staff in saffeting lu a like manDer on acconi othte inipaireil facilities of transportation. 1 Tiiere he aoc at the. track ln training fully ane bundreil borse..anui more *dalîr oming fromu different points. -11ropby'e e4tring fo. the,'Fox Lake Stoc-k Fain cifl b. hIcrethii week. Dick MMlaiîou of Clilago lia taken a row oi Stweve stables andl ha. bn lierea ines tie.irt -ceek cuile George- Feuitmnore &Mo oafna Cicago arrived ase cas expected. (*» 1.as4.11l hma aemuit @table à-he ai>i lV, on. of tie .rno nint arrivais. Tic Iforsenien are aIl ilelighted clU>tii.h traci andl comument very favoraily apon bie excellent accoeiodationsie eecally th tI.fine water.mpyteui. .A deal bai' irn eloscil ieîîrty 1Mr. B.A. llîslop, ofIlIamumonil, Inti. seeurès couipletecontrol <f theIius-Mereer Lainier eompamy's business at tbi4 place. Mr. Bi.h<îp ia a practical Man An ans lai hiexperiemîce lu the.business and fla fortunate ilu aequiriugasexteusive a conceru as thîe local lainier yard ha. poveil tu b. uniler the managemient o! ~ r. Enîmons. Upon turning over the. busIness te bile sum'essor Mr. Emmons andl family wiii niake an extended toar o* h ai wi est iavimg California an tbelr oljectivi point. Tnesday niglit a fareceli PartY cw" given at their moinse<v.,the eletric depolxt lu houai'o!1Mr. anil Mms.Robert Lyon@ who wdli goofi leave for Higb- coud chers tîiere they wdll liv,. M r. Lyon@ clan las for the paat two year been ou lie Lbertyvîlie division <f the plecbric mail in the.capacily of conduetor cu wl continue in tlid emploi of lie coma- pàny and illi bave a run on tie main ilip. 'Alter a pessant 'eveniug dii Mir. andl 1r.. Lyon@ the. part>' ad- jorued - to the. Bebotîr home on Park avenue cbcre refreshimente were serveil. *The. deatb of Miss Elizabeth C. Pope ai the. bomueof ber parents lub cest of the. villîîge Saturilay morning cas a siiock te the ciiuî t'-ifeverychere "0i Informîatiouni- of lier uulîmelyidluminé, conseil saidemuei heurt%. MIss Ppe an kmou'. te b.ver>'fiI l tit2plil<aver but -'ber d"tii cas Dot 1ooed l o oni- aide tie Immeiiate reatv«-and frieuda, oil the.famiulyi. A îong lady' of aeet uliguaceritics he bailendeareil berSelf wthe Iiciroleof Iriends lu ebicli .1. moveil. 0f reliriangdisposition Si. cet jénocu lin a ty to bat few, andI t la Wh m ot appmeciateilber vrtues. -Mis Po wncaameibr of lb.eloc" order o! atom 8 tar and - bl la blgh sebsein lua I ot rgaailoa. -* cas,28 -7e" o1 TIup. George Tager lias tir.. v.i.k <ffrei a bail to the iidlW wli i ti"igbeut average for tea gaie.isil, hi satfir<ay Vr it. deTi. ..me............ .. ........ Wui Ray ..... ..;........................15 E. Carroll,................................146 F. Mller . ..... ........................ 146) Tii. local' boys vLîzita-l North liago Snnday giving tbsa a r- nitiii l gaine cutih resalted disasr.uiulIy for the. Uibertyvilie la a gale î,f latting tiie zinc makerm ;vonu 1t51 . X ANNOUNcREENTS X The (Q. et. Q el tm aîniani May ty tbir 'Town lii in ouFriday ie d a fl IThe. Lakeuide .emet- riv affloclation and"6"allo'w"ay.Moinb. ciii nmont wftliMm ir.fi. I.Eger on ,Moveil hy Gardlner andl Colby liaI Friday May 5. Tiie aftet-rii i ili lme $800 bethieamantaet wich licelume b. Lspent in se;#lng. placei. Ayos-Garilnpr, (iolby andl - Tc'Myti.Wo*es lai. înuguarIL.ovil. Nays, Boyon, Sininer and ah Mymlielpo«th, eîeiiîguratiied (jailoway. Tho Pt'reident vot-il no. for the, Work. Ths èoiit-..tiiîg cdes are Motion fot. lisailed.by p. loebasud ;ii.'rt Lu,.'. G(ardner ad Boses mQved t4) 1h amnant et $7(K0. y-arnltie "The Ladies *Aid Societv '"f tiil' reglbY- linner anîd Ialloway. Nayw-Colby lerilsn churcl i dilimet cîrlil Vrs. Fred.and Lovel.i. otion earrieid. yAllenian Turia atiîriOîyi. ther tusiness iefîîre tiS iboard cas of Wimrk ciii b. fimurnil. a routine nature andi actIon on ail que$- finnmbineLIlMge No>. 27 ..Tri P Ben irl lle la h ieîena Hua cll give sapil miiW.'îlîieday, nanîmoile. May 19) at 8 p. m e t tf iîîiigt rotons, ov,'r Sniltb h is T h,"'1epublie MenLisuîmlan oli'ason, of Chieago, in cordially inviteil touid. îr'l 1f reeli- ie eaie br Ùýd mente serveil, 15 etat. vetdrltvshr u.d a Tho. calendar ,aIttii.%PthJiîL'dit iurrii Jîlium Treptow in aek [rtrom lk'ctiur tDay 7 wlll be: ft:.4.5gowrai hua nîcojet- boîre b. bas boen attending tho Wood- jng 0:K 4pnaciugiiy Il. h l.i.ge,,; Jnoa,>e-oiventiominlubbthe, .awitY of a '12 « Su d scîiool th ii its it rgniar jdeig.t. metg» ot(145EpworlltI.rî7r:30uor This wPek Robiert Procttor and twO leagie; 1:45Epcotiî .-îîiie;78) fls lîrothere clio resiue in Clîiîago preacin~ b tie iai. i'. it.Jc "A olilthpir intercti i rc9 iic rChrimtian Atalete!'I -ir. .rrdiall n E W rctr w in the ly otquibloc welcme a ail~ * î.î interest in the. pro perty. Rob'lc Proc-tor and bis two brother. owueil a, Moto.. uxth inlerest each aud it i. that of, We bave $1,00 hutt says ce hny cblch tbey bave disposei. direct Jrom the . iiiturete. Tiere oeiîaoarmcnluou are nm &> cosC".orbenl tIi. ýweek ugtiatiaitwitb Eil Apple: Piano@ USIDeHumAthieN mewl&er. rti ater.ProPortY et cornier W Pians .itl Hus, ie ewecr. Mileiaukee andl Newherry avenues. Il in mal the.mn Orepresteut a brewingr epn atlhoe..the. runor tbii.lad RS tmG ud tgldeered by partiesho csh tu ceSt Saisaarila wbca g>csa brecery lu LIhc)rtyville. Juat foîr Uuu uisb3oiia god afwtte nilwhat purPOM Onb. inuare aecking fond uievuul uêeied STREWCTH. iti [,bertyvilleteciiENldleual aseu'rtaiii.inual ALBERT W. LIoeftMLD MANUFAtCTURER O- Mllk-Aerators and Coolers and Dairy Supplies LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS The Lkchfeld Aerator and Cooder lu far superior and has more points of- merit thanany other. The Lielitfi] M ilk 4eratur and Oooler in nue of the ie@t, Most inîproveil A'a tors on the. market to-day, and 't in the wdoni 1e made. that lias two tlorougih- ly aerated spae eo thâat the. air cAn pans tirougb, whicb ln the. mont emmential point t4), purity nilk. It han flft>-two) inclies of coollng surface wblûlî redue.. tthe m11k to the. terîle.rntu re of the. water at <ur, nd.nn'i the water creulatlon le perfeet. Seuil' for dîeeriptive Cireular. UpjhoIstering~ Carniage TrI~ming CABINET MAKINÜ IN ALL BRANCI4ES. CHAÀIRS RECANEO. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER AND RgNovATaD AND MADE OVER. Have your work, done by -a. man experienced. Don't wait a year for your goode to be returned. Glve me a trial that your work las properly attend- ed to. Be çqnylhced. Every o'ne In tlxeir turn. -M bor .»*4 nd-knor knwsis' Folio w 1 H le that ki -94uug Street Comfsaeloner. eLICENSE PLACBD At *ioQ, Monday ahitii.D village board met Wu rogular eessiou, it heug 10e Brtirt .ir 1 .iatMe»Mfin nnounedbis ap> panst of commlftiwan followe: .,aa~~2llowu~Loveil, Sinner. FIMs IeAOM AXDArER-LoVell, Ual. Bixu.axo-Bolo.. Coîby. fikinnér. r LgnËio*-4kinn.r, Boyu <alloway. 1 HaàL4e 4xa SÂeîvTARv-Oardnei,, >ohiij, Boy*. Appltints Lji.the. presidemit tie toilowlu, cilers for the ansuing year W.reuzdamoasiy confirmuei: Mav.bal-Jaes nMack. Street Coueioer-9. C. Young. VHÎMee Attoruy--C. N. Durand. VullageTr.astr-L. H. Sciiaack. Tii. name"a'@ saary was ied at$85 pur mouth iandl the. stree mmlaioner aI$60. Tiie attoruey'o laîary nos luail. 150 per year. Wlien It came to conigMeration of the. iceuSe question ti>.,. eue a divIraity of jopinion, the chair Ie mlmq nlred twiee hi> cat the. detidhmîg vote. It wes Varions- peryearwltii afinalreutoflmvngtta the aId'figure of $700. Tiieliosei voteil ion tLiii.proposition as Ilaicateilberewitii: Moved by Colby andl <alloway tiiat the. lieense be t1usd ut $12M0 per year. Aye-Uardner, Boys.. olly. xay@- likinner,, Oalioway' Loveil. Presideul M&acOutîlu voteil nu and dti mrotion cas ln SMoved by Côlby and uilLell the. amount b. fi zeil at01,004). Ayes-Colby andl Loveil. Nays-Uardner, Boy.., Sikinner sud Oalloway. Motion lost. lioveil by LoveIl andl Coiby to zaake lieem- teI.. 0h0. Aye-Coll>y andi Lovell. Nav-Giardner, Boyèp. i kinuer What They Ha't Is not only weII clothed,l he ig weII ted Dine' With fim' M.B. Colbyr mercailel .19 :1 dec.. a'ueartcd eiybi'.qfil)f adi' 8 mmer Woght. 11*11imi îSuite in Whi~t. îr Creamui. leevelesu ori short e4 I Tim is i.a mnilbe ine' (i upeior quallty hlee brM4u garnwniîts. gemerally molîl at I5e t1 0cl, our jîrice only - Ladies' l.iule Tiireail Kîit Çurent Covers i i elier lobng or short eleeve. or eutiroly i<levele, 851, 40. Wind r! Uildrn'm rilîbeildracers, [litubrel4boltouns, tom. f i bale'RilsbeilVet., uipiîiau velue«,uai Sa, lOew ý Gunters, C M 38 ~ ~ O yeas epeiene n te Make- A is teir ecor. A oxd U Z and 'knows thaàt,