-i >ENJE XiII -NO. 3:3. "MILLE, LAKE ,FRIDAY, MAY 12,1905-16-PAGES &C'. Leed. ui&W. MM garnte LI0V E LL.S. DR UG STO0RE iIedq.tusfw l-loi ' 01 GItClo l iI AT 201hv CENTURY CASH STORE MWa'.S" k fon SiO to $15. YouaMea Sut,.17, 18, 19. 20 Ye w S 57.50, Memiflas Ail Vool Pa nl, $250S Mi'.lista fom 50e tb 52.0 Do,.' q& MN647Orn«s f«u25c. Mia'. Show. Patent Leather. BOX CmL. VfiKid. Vork $hoes front $L25 ta 54000. -' SCHANCK-DLocK IFUO rm 01 ben's and fencu ieoigee S*.Work Sihirtg uMW PARKHURST LAKE COUNTV NATrIONAL BANKc, CAPITAL - -s 50,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 10.000-00 DEPOSITS - - 400.000.00 WE WANT AL.. the cch..eing aicounts e c!an get, arid offt'r en-rtv ad'.nntt<* thati htA le guioed lby ttw, use i ban k ehecki. COnin band toUtk it orer with us. DE PRHDEICK K. MTN f DtV . SC HI1DING. <iCi-.2oti Fnir j Practi-e limfiet t Kaiur Block.,- Milwaukee Avenue. EVE, EAR, NQ8EF AND TIIROAI Ba1en:Iliii12 ul.mus 1 ta :1 anîd 7 os honn 2 to 4 p. us. DR. . L TAYLOR. OFFICE E HstTRil(1il'tsa 1ci i. laoca:-7 ta If) a. ni,2 t 4 âîIî 6 ta 8 P. ti. "eidence on linualiiay, alîl,onit.- l'aitk. DR., . .NICI-OLS. tif Cliiuugii DENTAL OFFICE BUTLER CLOCEOVESi SMtTH& a II§' sTORE mou 9s.-W.411attclaVi.(il o.eh I.wkTmnit 8:00 m. rit. t.r<6:04)p. l.l f>v ll liliîîis. DR.,R. FL SMiTH h)ENTIST. OFFICE uiVPIt LAKt~E UNTY lBANE. Rosîa>Mî-tii 12 a. mIn. iad tu 5 P. nM. . C. R. GALLOWAY. OFFIE. OVER L4iVFELL'S uiuRiuiSTORE. oocas-iroin 1 to 3andti o a8 p. ni. Lihentyvihi>, Ililinis. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. -ATTORNEY AT LAW. tibertyvilie, lilluoo. PHONE ani. DR, 0. F. BUTTBRFIELD, VETEINARY SURGEON. R55'rT ki TATS VBTZMItiWA4Ai. Ith*Wtvville. Illfinis, .T. 92 State Street, Cbicago. LI BERT-YVI LLE. JOIIN L. TAYLOR, BENJAMIN H. MiLLER, C. W. TA YLOR, IÀ-ao not upont otiiens, rely upo)n L'<ur own fitrpnscb. Earn your owîî lmoflar. $avo and Dll.'pitltam s aîy of tho-sedol- lars as you can. liepoit tlîcîîî witii tIis1 batik. Dosa general - a)nking buiiinesm. Dopo*4its solicited anid cour- teous tre atmentgiven to ail. It willpay yout i bank at the J?14 Noïttônal. é~~G roet Lake Electe oTe usil Woot$a Uxbeueon « Pal- vote Rlght.Of.wéy Com- monucang w.rk ibis Suuaer., MoRes RAILS ARR LAID. Superlntendent B. 1). Wync, manager ând prontdteronI Ure western extenion et Urne Waukegen andi Foix Lake electrie âdMlits tuat ibere are new parties Inter- mfet inbis proposeed rati and maya thai Urne Wark ull b.et«antet in1 a short tinte. This rond wlîlcb bm bean u i theombnyo -rsseveral yeaussms nov ta onituup as an almast matured faît. By laU litein opod to have the wurk oi conutnuitioo well unden way andi it te entierstood uhat (lGe",and l>nuces lakes wiil lie touehed the i way ta (irayslake., Froni tiisPoint lr. Wynu does ot s"te wbat bill plansare but thabaen gýien ouitliy anc wlîo lesaîid ta)b.olie- blnd the. deuil that tbhe ait (if thoqe wbo are backing the prujecite in ulii a line ubrotigli ta Meleiiry and -. teure ta lielvidere. ht lm propose)wd ïtamn the.>wbole line w.>st finit he city lhuits at Waukegan na-r urivai. rigbi-ui-way and thé crûss- ingat th. esPlaines river wili beîidway -hetween the plaîîk rond and thé Gurnee rond in cas the, preseit labns are caried ihmougb. - TheBrnit jiniation ithe publie lied that tbi'ru- ams iontuiug, lig planued b>' the >Fox tae. uopie wan the euddeu tîv>î.oa he part 01 Wj.nn in hîîy- iog the WWetzel irai-t anti laying aecross. ing aven tise sirip waiited b>' théî Northi- western coinpany fur ibeir nught-ai-way. Alter this more rails w.>re laid, In aIl mnasg about fie indreti feet, the greator lpant wlîicb w.>rp laid lant Fnitia> niglit, wbeiia gang of men wee put to wonk ai nlgbtlail. 1In spmakiug of the. matter Wynu saiti that ihére was no reasoit for laying the track at nigbt othen titan that li e ould get te extra nîu-o needi-tiutire readil>' ai ubat Utie tlian tin the.>day. Thtte. connected with the. building ni the extension are extreoi.>ly retigent *bout divnlgitg tlieir plans but 'itein id Ltâat by a fear f1mw ibis aniner thé whje fine m fareeuïox 'Làae wilhl l MAY MOVE ROAD. Supervisora Heur Warrn- Newport Conentc, liut Natter la Not Declded. CONDITIONS INTERFERL. Tlin uatten ni nîoviog thte. ilghwa>' whére ih crosse-s theDeýslaine, river ~eu the tawn lin.> betweuen Warren anti New- port tu a point 80 rode suuti aod ex- i'au on.hetawu lin.>, wae up for iiear- ing blotfae Supervisons Quentin, Edwamts andi ýaumy Tuestay, anti vue tbein tieciejin %wlll all<. ie roati W>hb. maveti yet conditions luiposeti ina>' prevemt I. Oui- readpens yul reuienber a contet bas been uon fur a cunsjideralile Uie w twe.uî Newpont.a»stiWarren farmerbse a ta advieabliiy of maving thé rand anti' nov ihat a new steel bridge bas heen ortiered natternscame ta a heati. blti reeileuts ai the neigbborbood i- iorn usthat about 50 years ega the niîad was jusi wbere his i now desireti b> sotie ta move it, anti bei-anse oithte buggy antialntoet bottainess condition oi theit>uullwbere apiurnaches are neom- sary ta tie bridge, vas movedti tu presoni loiatiou. Thiesnies condition existe at present and ti h yl-nvolve a large expenditure oni ne>'tu bud saisactuîry âppnoachei. hIs W-ligL Imme thte conditions iniposed , b>'th. snpenvisone wiil tend ta kuiep theérmatinl itu preseuit location, ant i ch are thet il the rtlue tota .greaten ihan uliat lif. eurret i n constru-tiimsg tlip >average bridge over ithe river, ithontiielocati on met nat lho i-angcti. It in bscomiug niai-e apparent ihat public opinion le agaînst mnvingtii.h ronath e peoplle learn ai the uîlitaclo anti probable coet. -Tins. viait at tiret favoreti bavhog itie bigbvay on ithe tawn lino wliure it belon'gi, bave chbange tîtein îîintis - oice the>' have lissa la- lortied th fle gnuai xpens. iu conse. queulce ioit.building approaches. it l pr-obable thi. et-octwillib. su mach greater thon if the.> îîw bridge In hallS vhere théeiigbway rit)îw crasses ile river ibat eventuall>' tuere yl oli tile opposition ta building the bridge thére &a ai iret -propos.e-Ianti that the road, will fut hb. aVeti. Delînqueut Tax LIi. Thebc Nsi'xuwT rprlcutae iswsek Lbe delinijueut texoi stion Lae.couni>', Il compnrning ifty.aiis coînnrijs oai type andi oitIn salitionpartil. Tte tân O E.O Rn J Generaî Masiager 604.>jjg suaJusupe ea- CCtuaonIl. ia Oui. A VRY TALEC. Undein#SWlfg lit-ad lisies tie Waukegan lss% IIcd edoresdai that Presldeai A. C. lFros-t ni tIe C. &. R electrietaM ïdbad lx*?n retiretiby stock. holdereand thai 4., L. lrum, ioninorly wlth tic. Indiania Union Traction, Compay ucceeîl'-d hit as general manager. 'Tiihemto)rY waî empleed wlthae(ualus ai ll'-ged diîatcfecon' wlth FropVs iaiiîgeitient, andte ::.'ým * a-un altugetuher> trat horetîlt.-r lie pursed. Tii. oS.Wd suletance atif hewbole matter latiib Preei-nt Froci bas for mnth beausnver>' ueli overwonked anti bas ben lkiuig about ion a general mnaageto-Ilie b-laîn)fiimmcii a1tiie end" eW t*h is joitiion as Pruent aam aamm ,ilo'îl'î-s. lefouiid soi-b min l mrunt, .Ij(,is recognlimed as onaslUreof st -'- ii oat Dieu In Uic counntry.Mrn. Frost le sutlandi will reniut ttih hai 'of tIip, tmpan>',Mrn. Drunt acting undou lusilpdrectioniiin the capeclty of pfent! uzafing.. As utaistesLat a P-klregiil.nt Fi-st will go teAwMa u it Jîîly in the intereste oi a nailfiad-bui.huitittre anti ai whlci b. isaut tt»ebeal. 1lti-i iireuntedti ui dulngblea*ueui'-î i.l>Drtin willasmmea cantrol t f ir.. iii tlii C. &MR. elecinli- ITTLING Te b. Dws.$0duaiRouad Lake lu Tite t4er. Future wluh A Capaîltr of Four Ituadreti - CgORI>ally. 01ILUS« V*CTOI<Y BU ILDING0 »oon hé abazw l tutLai>- ouuty if the plans of elî-a.îuis aif Waikcn Youug &.0 at-nialir-. Ment retire- rssntlng theue-rtIIwilk.-iliisnue ni the irgt l t -y acre at Round 1 lake a lbv dayi uë ng for a location anti expreessd lýýbnlv.s ns very Weil pimmsd with .I -jnusqss-ts ut taiplace. Alubougli tIse> have iet an yi-t cluici- thi-e"I wilsenî-y tiie, demiru.dfluîjîole ple.4 Apostu. wllt Eadeavor te DiSctaltied by UadIcal Change 0f Polley. DD]NOUNCE8 TUE W. C. T. U. la order ta bridge ail chances of future finanmWiatressJohn Alex. >owie ,has declded ta inaugurate a mnot radial e.bage late neethode ofcarrying on thne MIon Industries andbas inrmalty announesdti tabis loliowsrs uthat lie u'lll iwsebande 1.the us niuni ai 7,000,000 an4 wlll give. as ssuarlty the whl ofa tite mmc ppeffltles In tiisweek'i Leaves ai Hcaling *uucb a- n sdevatedti tathe Rexin pieuta- tjan project and te neeti oi lundi ta carry on ibat plan inakes tiisitep nei-emsry. In iisisue lie also annaunces publiy that theiVOIiou n- dustries willi e Iinan(-ti untier une nanie anti the systeti aif seniies will lic calleti the Zion Wuotslidated Annuitie. Tiie securities for ubu.séveral Ziîîn iotitutlons will lie purtchaseti li.y-thii.isue «i 7 lier oent. galti bonde.. Ail investore are warned upon pur- cbasing Zion stock Obaitilîcy muei alter a year'a noticeb.e mdmy tii tualiai-k "uy stoek tint they nia> have upon tienand, and ibile awbqL>wie propots tu miaetem do. lua Wnotice umate p)ubulieaye;: "Every promise we lieve matie tn aur sàùck bolders e w. sha failiI. Tuie tins> ha. «oic fornibis consolldatlon." Aitackes W. C. T. U. and Y. M. C. A. ha his sermon at iihe tabernacle Suuday Dowse eatteke theii W. C. T. U. saying thet as an organisation ht was une ai te greatess falures o' the wanld today - Utâàt-Was ithecauseoaiman>' wrcuketi hbine sud diarudtured lauusUie. "i1 am in layon oi temperance," raid b.> "But 1 do flot thlok thé cause shnuld lie mauaged b>' a partiel of oid niaide."1 Stje.king of-the. Y. M. C. A. ho ahi. rel.gatet iLt t theranka ai the.>cuiseson the face ai Lbe nant iw eying thai It kept the yonng men out lJe.nighte in the. conipan>' oi othér yoag nten, wheS' wiiliuut th. eetralning influences- of niotîsers, istern s wssuhsate iu were sure lte Iol4w Urne pathu of evil.. As to dornasilicto' bli deus are Yetu> litrk-t anti n bie sermon h. sMye; "lionso solution fuir an tubhappyhome is for thé ,Ilhooker"s Varn*oshes Pattoi,'s Sun1 Jaalac, Lead, ois and1 W.M.HEA8l' farniture and Underta& 1Libertilvile Y1.> beg leav.>ta f.ali-your attention to a few ni thei=W cons wby Masury's Bouse Pajots tihould m>.eive your a0". aboîut tdo-pa ni your boume. First A hall eentury's exporience bua proven their gros u ÎM question or dispute. Their bigli quality te a generaly hip persan at ail mlformed on pots will eorrobornte ît, our cou it. la using Masrys Palot-ç theroforé, you are tnt ,niàli but are prnlitlng by ithe experienee of othersi. Second gaury'q Paints are guarant«ed Pure Linssed 011 Pel no water. benzine. alkali or other deleterloas agwedeetR cheapen thc paint at the expense of iii desirablllty. Third ][twill flot costyou more to.paint wîth Ma#Mr'» P&te ff rior gonds, the. cnet per galion rniay b. fmore, but tbàii.â peciy af Macury's Paints willI more than equalise titis àtik. Fourth It coute, as mach ta appiy poor peint ae it domsta$0. whieh ]autte longet passible portod. Why tho go i painting threeor fouir tîntes ln tbý sanieMinie thât Olw 1Kasury's wanllatt Fifth Meaurv.s Paint is better-Ever 50Mach Botter tbmas h and ai]. If you doutât ibis picase give us a chance 1a reasons and our proofi; bearlng on tiis m .tter. Missi application. . acquirsd it le tlougbt tîtat titir.> wilI eb.humbazid to ruie ai the.> ead. If lsh el ao bitili in thl ngotiestiolos and le willl nuL le ruled by him lot hlm casi lier îh, rougb itni rstee, Wni. Umpw, hb ther Intentioin tii o;s-n the > attury l'y out, liecause @lhe bas_ brokeni ler vow ta wlticb the fifty acre tract just motà 0 thUi e onifi July wiîlî a iîaparity ta love. honnor and obey" the Jos. Downey farm wau tarmed over bondie fronit tweniy-tlve ta îiiirty tlioum- Takes exception to Apostle. tu Graeme Stewart, ofICibcago. and pouends dîýilly. - The tranufer was made ta 1fr. Stewart The lBrni ins for a loiigtiiiplaodled a Mr@.. arriet W. Brand, treuren >r becauqe. h will libe reniembored, . fe was Y"ecxtensiv.- biclit iiieiago and th%> Natioala W. C. T. U. answi-red naeti himna h bcg this in iii. irst attempt fa do the. Dowie's critiçcl n nMonday sayiog: Ctzn. omue1hc ofrdtgv botiliag end of the work in thte country. lJohn Alexanden Dowie lm badly malin-ii> se ta iitteoenwoent f o Rive Gilmer Factory WilI be Buili. - iornied. As thé resuit of aur work there th-oitp tu te land choen hIl. thwogit I bas eI-ýn reportetiarouîîd the ij On ilhe statut. book* af svery etat> inlîatétotite tancts il . t luahortý éounty uhat. thé >(Mintier laitory wbicb je the union a lau' requiring pubic sliol tijliha othat ticse o will et lie aeatartd heing lînlit hv Kee.>& Claîs.j would fut ciidn o a iven scieiitiflc temérafice tnt n httewr iib tr niatenialii bu ,'t inquiry dieîîrîves theii. é ou co ste air r aeot runir. It i.> a lai-t, hat work watt jnitroctionf-fti le ts.ught the. nature andiu î<î sts air r saeot not starteti a.s onnas plunni-tibut theb.>efféct of aleiilîol ouithelic Ymtenm.' Theisi.>ed ransferring the lanîl frointMr. delay, hisla iii-d, wan îau.îd 4,v tiih-e_____ teatt uegvr4en iiu prasent etrikin laChicago> whilî ticeo- Stewartuto the ouiver 5000. il n sltatedl putting off the. work a churt tinte. Commtst. for manti and buld: FIRS atinRs h wl ae hreo lng atane liai' heen let tu lcal liarties DE O (aptin s wlarrielIbav ewha ao and the. assertion ihat the matter wouild iprtnu1)iarlel alwdy bcdropuied imridiculed by tlîsîs.>î-nuected andtlwîll rentain ber. to averse.>tiie wltb the ente eprime. F lF l wiirl. H.> bas been expecteti for comse Tii. Minie .lipîing ratel are prousýiset **ll titeluit was tiot seat as the land boit froin i (her as irom Lthertyvillt. and____ Baringtnaii d ud 5 hteàlainieîl tiat tnt been iorntally isîrneti ovon. As son there will b.>endioadvaniage dueneto thie Viret Plae iof Lad fer Naval as ibis le dons b.e Will iimcdiately take fat that tii.>E. J. & E bas n direct con- Itràiniug Scirnool Taken charge. Dectiong witlî theeii.veimnt Th avlTtiigy.oo a The la-titat alil ulargercouceýrneare yOvrnct-Ti>N al rlig S-biws comnging.jto thi.eoîîntry toe ..talish Incatei at Nortli Chicago after a bard theïn bottliiîg wonks tirkes it evident TRtANBFER MAllE MONDAY..figlît lu wieih ail the. lake states tuiai ihey appîreciatae iativaniagea f'a tiitdad Laeeany l cleanilueis whiclitbey contnai get in thepa ani ak uiîiy t big utiles auîd insusue a itten îîuaîiîy uof The first active step t» 1>. taken lîy thi. espeially fortîtoate in laîîding tiis greai iUlk for tde buyere as thèse botties are governitient toward the aî'ijliritig of governmntal inve.ttnteni aod national ni opened îsfter spaling uâtil opened bil lanti for tii. naval nebosil wlîilàî wll lie igbtseers objective point. To Coogrese- tbe consumier. lt Lath îougit liy sonie sittiated ei Northi Chicago.,iwas talcen mian G. -4E. Fuos> mors titan aoy otter. tuai it will lie but a maîter of tinte tb nieiase a iteb gnyj u.ti><ei fleîigti when al.th- uîilk sbipped InoaChicago Mati ay whntetasevsmd y1gncinueherdtofoctgte wlll lie in bottied foat.,t he Nortit Chiago Landi association% station in L.ake couuîty. new plantS equlpped of repairu machines A] mote.. QUI right p~iieii. 218 Wî NEWSPA PERIODI TOSA Itae. Om Eiver>i, day. il jae t - LYON'S Big Basement Salesroom l9ia mighty popular, place for people who want Bargains in TINWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, HOUSE FURNISH- W R ING GOODS AND SMALL HARDWARE . R. ,YONS & SON, Leaders of Low Prices,WAUKEGAN, ILL. The Big (lenerai Mer-handilse Stare. se- ~ 51.50 A N A 1 1 .- - . - ý 1 A ir t t lLâ«tr