Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 May 1905, p. 4

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I hé mvI i h »"nbj ,,My, for a coVp4 te lum limbjta 5thé titi. pmgearlIts* hi UllanRmu. bb &rM aimévalon laite.!o SLIha.-hadmon amat _m n ovr tyeare ~~iisv delaré & ithé rail.mU éa t mil t'thévrdaéqai ,bm <Ianqad uny Intima- kt srffleucaoboy nmre of Onr 01 CAlS Bu W1PED 011 mru *ou4 a dfatieth tram lm ué oughli t b aqhh-Wsu Ti. ila viclésiltatemmét, M foieliliProutf eunIl. jalali 0bWý'Sàmnu.iHopkta. Adams, himihg mory of tht. dt.mée ý,Uaé ma communl l e. 10 « of d o âa ,m e nd m a n y 10a OfUvOL.Thé$aat bfn aa iis lévelgaton bteff Ciy of 100,000 ta- *s M wame pé ba a Million zr n asthé laxm ofai avlag -sand probalsly à hutirat doularmoreila éotte ta t. lftaa*Mount. of Monep' mtsnt, vouit prmUtcallp > tm dlia... W.bavé mitI lb 'clw pi urapmsaci"im; ý ls pub& ,b"m iwbhi o rlnstemffM ýlh thé Iforadag vu é anmd ameli otbér." va ,ê!t m Il bm t rme tw ..4 l... ewrsmé We dia ast ave e. iae vo it ema esta mmmi»a Ph bang-Voeu as. The ÎT 14*a largoérirc"la eothés' veatly payer te omMny. AdéAnla lisi -LOANf-On goati roal 6 er mot.PÂCI. MAC- goiffillinenybhmge.-' tmChlcéigo Excéilént ra rde. Eshatblsd Wlmhiug tuaretre from maaaacn tmloc. ui.. >-DT-4 have for me paval ad chdi ,la 04555, Limteuvtlls 80-4 1noue homm., mati bara. Applp ImaErgNnn 93-2 ri ta do' génral hoqme- ,el. àMs..JANUEPWGiCI - 32-h.-- rualbai roam t.> one Inqaire at ths office. 342 $moad bandi'gAitn mm-'Iéw monta thM.\plp Yom. glyer gpangW lei aqbeq 7Omaetr 1. Aloc 343 iLlim fie titvinÉ boues pi ïm pply ÎSnLs àhonne. P&M x M* SProved i frma, 25,ta) ,0 ta tour niles W r to P. (rabhé, Lii- tu auto aryrgo b on wthout top. Iémm l. I. WàImxN itégua, Ili. *poekel-book, con- aém ao ovner. MuilnlatireL C sot Muroe. autr bertap, aknout e Oébaya, ali1 si> UoEmoYà6imgm eeigniiobas . mémn.-& soi .ivtcop 01teaehraaa rtamtloas t l a vrions f6flar tt mvW b. cawrWis ou at the Wâbm asBinIlh, lbe amm who eavintilet thé Tirt NàttTiud. lýankof lh"place out cf teen dollars aMd wam aftsrvrd atreeté la Racla. for atthéîata b mou ie tarné hrpleai giltty ta thé chatof mvtélag iandi vas mmtmea hm-,eatl t Itheoxptrstila i m. termhe thbre-a-irrùtéd l 'Wbramgui bore ta facé,a meoud charge e. tatou Attorneéyilanna i i mécuréan ladidt- mét agatint bila t thé néit étting ef thé grand jury. Mma Thos. Ale.u, a! Cton @trust Ipd a narrow escape tram bumrng Saturd"a nlght wville bhiuibad wam .amy. Wllh ber tlant babh.Mmi atireth'md as*il a fire% breaklng outinlathé rmer ai thé boume ha l amît coiderablé e ay *beau neWhlghos iumcavondti suanidrmhd la vaktig hbar ly t luUimé tu énable ber ta ecape. Whén théefine tiopart. mét reeched thé %pot thé hlan,.. ere aimat héponti contrai andt théhoum. va.. raînét. Air., Alosim bbM'a "ln bar bisâ auabaaati$150vwhichhC beu tiepoé1ttd ta thetckvam barnet. mmra.WumléyStarme, aofClat a&venus, in ot ntamg i4mred dolleraeiida au~ tily QI jéeolrp asthé miutaiér - -n... te itagétqýo. Acouple 09tMnithe. ago ehWe a paung lma vho--ame ta lumw door ati eterward -ùfoérsî la mli ai cothé.If h. woahd .tap ati belp bot move -ber householti gootie toaa noir home vbkicb mii vimovlag Itt. Thii meéyoangman titi md an mis hépét about tha, placé for hlm boardi A couplé of daéï7 ag lire. Blême 11 hlm thé monéy wiihIchl ouati laa tia box tý,ger mélh sévérél fplease.of =W*Wv l i ch lieb bméahaiala enturd"ayJus"lceWo imMta othe grandi jury la bonda is * 1,000 on. lamé Wilgbt ho «àmayahécarnébore ic~ago au« ealo Indiens andi vholme harge witth a 1a brotea th maleof North- 1 .tmrn ieemtcrontbomtlioffdividoi cosr thé L.a ecounty tlino. nTIéit l adtbaeoccuffl May 8th "antio Mwetokplamonhe It*.notfarfroié olrbie ltégte wowrm receot.metli t olem 6f Isatr, vaetiai! îa boul were taiée trounthe cor me. wa s of ~ I.o hsi Télte mi ta t M . cam é aL the m é d t ire 1hlé oine ai thélargé plimo i voe ofouatispr.a sroms the bottainof a dîlci andtilh oveed vtth mmd. et *me evideént thaàt thé thlévea Ibaihb ta àmrté thégoodo vtth thé ipltaé *o&tir.rng Mant Ming thema vhea lImé .1blatiachéiso.. Wrigit vaa obldpd la P otu J&IL 4;- I On Tutiat Smraqk EkiaétIwn u beinuad ovetotails. <ra%=jury ebargét vlth thé murterol0Raar gmona the nlght 01msy10 Âfttr.belug Ivie ?otiuathé cal wv a Sastlp PýIn théÔ lia eeoatt andi oaa chap lu t 1 ,héardthé cam. itm énrally belil tht nother the tat lnon thétefé.a braugit't otblié .traaget a gmént, me It was concédés .that hé woulTi Le houati over toawaait 1furthén tievelopmiete. At thé béaring .much aofLihé évidence broughit ot at the comroner'm inquetwa. jone avér and Il iltber aide. ha.! amy futhér taformatioîa .il Zar not préentai. Emeillan con LieUnata déay ay inomeetgaor UN 1Mutier anti may that bai h. famé ýhle vite andi Ogumlin gthétr ho cool. .havé tlmîthlm-mud vould bavé givi himméif up ta thé, aîtborltes m anti aI Il reput Woulti have meciveti a Iglil ti onmm butai t t, hbtu le eta<mta ia -good chance ofa! 'hétag ad a il mainrtien. 'Bis countrymen bavéeralmeti à 1c eaierablé amount ai monq ta bi .usetitahi dense. ; M. C. Antan (tebre amsimstat éditoer01 thée othalRnmca.1.non 11.1 - some wrtiffl are gre.tly atiminatilW ait reandors of!Grmnn nempers, s ,J ha. u eIlRéGoToutl Lotai rup ndeu re ranitam ran CRnm L ia o . Il le p lém u n anti gr as [able totaireanti v orny mathit tory luntaremlt.." Bo la _pleesan fiquli mtildcin fon thie cur, af Conatîp& Liton, Bullonénéfe. d, iml" mdD"i Y POP"- 2k, ant P60401.SoMtîy P - B;-L!icx44 day. If pôu leavo pour aider net later than Wedaesday evening BOYCIfSe otWankegala "for Iorty4our y..rmorua. tletu 1d wlu 1W00 lhlvetiandcandmti lvnonthé 14. aadi téUN» athé leouli béltve pomIblo?>' "-Wbma 1 camn e t in '56 and entérol the hhtng buminéme theré were thitffl, litho mhoaneTrlrgged eu.tand, About one haadred mon enga4geti In fimblegf 40 Waukegan. Thé littho veumewui iavethé docté, théré va. no harbior buero then, at daybroak and go- ont tweoty mi!lluin theé te ta thé e eu ro*eratng lan thé afteraaon ur ovealng often with fa much ae four tons of Ilmb to theboat."- .'"Why. do yan kaow," hé ,mid, "Lb. other day whén two ythtte flsh ver. caagt héro they vmaadt LQt la.tté. In- thame days tbey ver. oommon andi moit for aimost nothing. We usmd tu thnow away sturgon. 1 have o!ten menmau.many a. four haadrmd a! thembiliait vélghiag from n ful3t -on.hutreti poundé éach, pilétid on athé bech SMé card wooti and for twénty- ilve cent@ aay oneecould bave bWehoicéo0 thé lot. Nuow thieme same'h are a rarit and rétily F el for from ttéélve to four- tomi cent. a po und on the miarket and are regardeti an luxurtée at that prtcé. In faet thé last mturgeoit caught at Lisi paint was taken twa yeax- ega. What were thrqwn away in à day it iomé Limée wonld nov bring groin twelve bundréti to fiftééa hantireti dollaré." "Tait about laite trout," pontianuet thé vétéran fimbérman. "thém ltlte. andi t*ôivé ponnd mtnnowm that open thé épe0f theé attvedr viieïthey are broaght up tôwn are notbiag. We enmd otlentw catch them welighhag tram ulxtp ta méventy pouada anti I remémber 'one thst 1 caught that véigiieti. 1thînt, Oithér elghtto or eight.fonr.*' "IW. madtiewo shtpnéne n. inter ta amp old b4onié baek taConnécticuti of renBay and olisér nortl>ern IIMýgon thé top of 1h. blaffla the da" me .hlgh asmvent7.9v. or cm b htdmlal.couldti le oeaumed bot nW oniy two or thmem gigut4i dt .wm li »enon tIhe horison. *hàla thé autuma hufidréds of toem w14 ldb ,éon lned,,p waitiag ta deliver- *h bai o! wheat ta thé waréhoame but iow aIl t. change& 'the fariers. on b, 'prairie' west of unan o Was Ne- Uoeoeid to conée heme for markt but thé iaflroadm have robhed thé take of fttm betralag agala to nmlmnes o! hlm faihng day@ the anclént flormaa weiît ou: 'thé-boy', that #MWtlutathose dayo ane uotly dowa la the grave-yard now andi their Marne. mau éond carved on the marise %labo. -Thé little lvillage of oial-- Dha ite four hundnéd élîes that at that lIaei;isîréad out over thé andy besêh basatrien away ta houéen andi mancfactarieii. Théo hootérs tlîat useti te mua ta witlî their little (,argo have given away to oteanm d ri ven aione liters and thé old pier. are forgotten. Thé aId fleiféea thing of'tie paat andi only livesIn the 'ménîîory of a fî,w aId ditrélei l ke nie thît are tomméd on thé seauIlei. tuilholdingounr weakeing tiubeua togéther to woather a few mi gal e éom Iwheng thrown h3' the a,.fl i that great ilion. of whiclt weodawayo h-ear but never sep." ÀaÉlddenly roustîîg h: itmpief from liia: reveilet. thé »ld man ..aid, "Weil itâ get- ttmg late and f1inui.t h. hon,.'. will tell yon smre mre the n.'xt tine 1Im as.u Andi ýwlh a titep that h.lied thé yeari. of tai, aMhi rhiep on thée torla drîven waterit, lhé lose.> thé door bhiind "ble,. ad va. gone. Eamma M Churchill & but; t.m Lim ULvi w Y, n wXse 31. 2 Elavp d-------------...760(X) Ada T William@ & hum. et ai to L0C &tate Lin.. ty strtîî 109) ft- vd tbrnsa3%nw% m ec12 New- Ceri Déadtten & w! tu Ch"g 871h Tear Ceugregauoaal&ft lote Line Rty @trip 100 ft vitie tru.ew X w X see31 Galibot la COaUtY UéaIlug Wautegan twp andl thru se 3X -ne)31mmc Warren twp wd-..S0 00 AILLDAY FR00 RAU. Lentig Mumciewsti & wf to. - Chgo& State Lin.' ly part e -Thé Uirty-avéth annual coatefné . v31 e 1 ec24 Warren >f thé. Congregatlonai chre of Lait*v vti----------------.....175 00> ,va j prise &bus et al tuChgo Goeunly wl hé belti la Wântegan tli & aset. ne ltp 90.6 ace.. in a peau, thé date as annonacét héhag Ta..- e M1sec 24 Warrn tvp vil. . 20.'t4 -0 Idey Pan. 18. Thé plan. viii be t lb Bt8 id,*'&vf teCbRo & State MIe ogeg eoa humb etaLthé L- 4 30ns wd ta coarrof Grand avéaum'î.al Noth tiuca grme 31 .,évpart twp wd 2407l 50 atréWmX Murphy tai1 C Haléelt il attete.ý e.blk54 North Cilcagoi deéti. . 251) (9) IThé offiSrwnofo!the coafboacéame: A. IL B j 1 Diiami& .q £ vi W 1. .f Stevart, madérator, Mn. J. Jli, un- 134 acnéstaimerc 7 Wa.kgaî te-1-7; pamar'af. charchée, A. V. BaoM, tvp wd--------------t.....1 l")0où à Milbarq; A. S. D@Pew, Rockaleller; W. J J Galhàghér &w! to E 1. B B. Ziesde, Ivauhoé; A. T. Stephen. Gémiy, e % ne 31 w 3%sec :12 Gs'paat; is Etéron Fks, lae rt twp (le............1 00 sm"e Ra II.. mt age , a &w uHnry ZMau gos; G. .'j5apnm, GésiaD, Waiitéga4. 5X acre. hi Awv% 3r11 é lw a Ëollowing t. thé pragrain for Lb. Antibhi vd.............. (.-o (Po i mert ooflie 4s., vhlch ama iâtceretlng E rmeaA Howard & hue t'. une replet. vtthléstarff: Jane Hettinger Lt. 19 & 29) s ~Hoyard Ho i-t. lanse.' 3 It ~~Grant tLvpr ............. 50 00 i6 ZQý T-&,Oéealvtiommi iiim R-t, v. G. Percival Pearc & wl tu HarY s U.aa..Wauhéeae. C PattérPoa 11.68 rd % bli ~ t> McKays 2od add Wauke- r M91e M..~. ~ .8.1gîy. kegan vd--------------........ itise 38àAna. iCrmérSarah A Hlggias &bhus <to Aune E»offeliâer, (oioeL - Px Maochtle it 2 hMir 1:1 m-Uses , Em . 0.. Susbqeli. -Exmoor ad i.Hgland Park sa aeeëLwd ....................9.)7 le; Supremé Sted.nOrt rr-Jaseph lDoiw»i.y&W1 Gré# i eataax éeebée. -1. Due wIDuthé. Sitnat Lire. 1ev. A. W. Stewart part oof u %>ee.1) SeS bula. Shilds tvp (Il.-----------...000(10 0 aB. Cbttar, Smtreieré. Ray Lékemen.JmsG-Iu>',hn ft id S. i" uE1 vangelim. Beyn. lu. H. Tovnsend f<nttb 8831uerem in a ia!.- Eér Leader.,1ev. A. T. mma 17 anti 18 Ofibteldé tm(j ,Uiléé. emw"e. qe---------------------......... ti-4mm5-joihminet. Hue. Twned Smth & vi ta C (0 le oe A.bpbb Bouse,81% acres I ls% ms S "iAb Citya. w. îm. E.mTOPÉ 17 ant »Sthields tvp wd ... 120000 p-maafnxi lU mv m .Tn TowasenilSmithb & w! to J If tS i*te brlt'é hehl faeh onriii Coaniar . . u.Cnonmuiue. Taylor 6% acres e (i! roui! in e "A Pa~énfortimmole.31mec17 Shuiedoi twp wd 300 00> .&I ktr %0U-hé mu aàgé.io», iCiimr.h A Etate of J McU Adams d.'cd to "U bol# >,la uiel sabemmhe btteW Il P (1OreRscnp 10. 11 and 12 afr od &rgmoi<ss N hik 11$ HighlmadPark d ffll...5000<> 60(P t.m-oéé e aObu... - tIl 8 Gru> tgu Eith 14, - -s Uné*1énééo dMmuuIn1.Adam, pat t 1i l bI s ~ ammrme Highland lPark wd ....26000 <>0 Kow AY e -1crese Cas acob wfta Sarahs tim~~RaWv fl tai tgmcry firoroie efront (a) la 1 «M t"é bout éacberam Ulm .ci Soretbffle. Utàieé on ill St otb.>! Grand Ave tt ý 90m~meBle StudY. Mimi Waukeganl wd............. 185000U l ev(pn Oboiscam .ter. Dr.. County.Clrk nerthvest part fo! te fP«e 21 Libertyviic twp inta Mme a >Z N W, 1 10) 32 ito ................... HleJivton tuu Ü;iiUmmPm ; ogr;;Wnlcarei AIl Patdoet & y! ta Nlît. . 1- Sm léaént, Bey. A. 9. Depew, Woolner liLtanmsMe 1 mm ilvot Rockefeller. -unAntioci twp vd------------. .200 00 *té- 1 nennt. Jéanie C (lil & bus tu Angat SISAL i* T IANPA. Peason &4 lIt I15 anti la FuuIheti dby -bit 2 Rapts Renb fort Lak C~ Tll 4Trul a. Shrmdant, ............. 1000 0 Lait CluueTm * Tut o. anaio M'Farnr & bas et ai t.1,IA"*. ito earane toc& MEoRRC1losi Tmpb lSdg. WatkmmaIII -. e 2Oft lé 3 bibi anti Its1, 2 1 Unà J. ouaxn. Ho -13 84 &ft.2Q ft lts i8and 39 Pc Ràeet& utgsf eay it2 Blfilda ub Waatégan Mýa rivpetlI 052Le - vd.«I ...........o4684)u oMmnrvt, ..........I 100 W WWiebaltt& vtua neil_ CaratSkot IIUlteIm airý'F M S O ilev mmi»i BgmantPart wd 550 o r001~S O Big w'Tha"4r % Feuille m - MAN4uFAÇtuA<UoF Hér1~ittta argaret M-k dGranite c'ira Flalaaa wtee ,ta 2 ad 24 Nl d1 taae1~rnLlvwd. 650 00 YVreéy& vite A Olf peu ie 21 a 22NOlo.fat ud Wok fe Eer aubin lacse 1 rant tvp vti 3SM0(10CerneyWoko -vr RIlâla A'tté wt±o W C cc"scipio Itain avaw 31ufi»086 Aven twI *. ' -ý ,'.1. , -....8SM00 buga Buggi gou are sure ýIt. is rg udrthe Paint. w e have a Good Stock Corne in and MaLk it over 0 e el 01" u pga Eagbth eU k Celon ant Imla Tb$ mis *UlpOwato BOHANglu Faqshiona bic MerchOÈnt Spring Samples now in, cali. and makeyourselection. LIsEtrTYVILLc, ILLINOIS '4 1 L au imon.......... .. e-lb caSwest Cura.. 2-lby cou Wax Boneu...... 24 )bcan e.! Ktiney Beau......... 8-lb caa ....... ................ 8-lb cma aSeCorn..............1 8-lb camW trH. aapk 8-lb) eaauhaketi limna .. ........ 8-lb cmaiigg Pluma . ............1.. 8-lb cma Etra Toaaomi........ 2-lb ce a Rrly june Pe;........ 2-lb tma MlMML..................... 'i-lb ea OrmeString Ihans....... 2-lb cma Soot dPhaéapplm...........11 2-lb mua Blaakrrim ........... 2-lb cmiPJlumer...... .... 2-lbcapPlaa.. ... ........ 1-lb oc némt Sp.... Plat ilolllTomato Caump .. Waitwr Mate* l.1hoolaîm% lbcaa. Q a k Pflt e a '0 C c s . 3 l tau. . . Ralaton Brekt Yaed peu' plg (trau fat..petpl... PoatmCeeal arg p&.- Orlole bommddPIlanq, poaaip&g... Thanlsgvlng Crrant. ouuatip4&,, CarolineHRand Rime, perlb ......À Jupon Rtc., pen lb.................... Ami & Rémmer DradM. oda, lb pis, 9-10aral iag lnSap . Peo ;; 10 " Cn ae..mdnlop..., 10 swittW l apa juae Grentps'm Womdn Tam" verbav J>t Lump lis.oh (la bull>, per bb..,u oSinigle Waeb Borde ...-..1 OwrmatidTube. aclL6,icamd PalImbd Wood Ciothé. Pin., pué« g Ooti 4-Soivéti Bna>m ... ....... nsueStlw Poilé, porpk B. B. ELLSWOR-t ~eo~oz~. TrHoIIP.sON STOCK -FARMj JOHN'R. THO MP.50N, Proprfetor Libertyville - - - - - - (Ilinols Address J. W. MURRAY, Superintendent. AGAMEMNON 2:13 1.4 Is thé .simof!#L4manyv igli Une .amrriagn and rond hon" san any * home 'in thie state of ll.oouri * [ie3lbas the az, pé,qualiltyaSUi * action, and thé '.eýry le't of! fét and WgH tlîat go to male théeIdja rond and efarrit.' hune' Manny o hi.. gt have been old for largé prioem and heen ment to . ikrnanyamid Franee. lHe Is aima the mÈre ai *J. B. 1). 2:10%; wagon r.'- lî.thier, 2:17% The Elk, 2:1!1%( Bommie Mmnnon (3>)'2C4 Fwét, tr. 2:14 Lady Memnon, tr. 2:26YÉ Agamemanon, 26838 the ""aOn of 1905 at ft ville, Mlinois. For complete pedigi cati on C. A..APPLEY, 81 record 2:131, wlI make le County Farm, Liberty. eree or futrther Information, .jwfl8. 3 SPEIALS 36 in. unbleached Musfila.saleice pr god - 36 in. ight colord percale, sale pnieoe prijd e C Bog' focgshitswifh to cllasead orne* S RLXJ-E(INALD 1B. UOD FREI' - RETA!L- Veaish Paots WWI Paper WaI Colos D. A. IUrjý UbertgvOle. 16. G;Ei>. rulaGos, OLD STAND. i WAUKFEIAVE. SOUTH OP BUTÉ We contrpact to WaYM a bushel fôr-cicumbers. Q tr*ca knd seed eau* be hu M. B. Colby'ig, Smith J via', and B. W. Parklïuxi ôr of Wm. Keloy.- Soedà a pound. -ALL KINDS---. Uood Gradess at Fair ffrk -00098, .wiffloiysi- KING OF THE SNOW-IPAtHl And Winner of the I)amond Medal for Trotter4.......... SQLON GRATTAN -_TottngRace« Record 2:isiL QÀon of (Irattan 2:13, dam 'Zileati., (dam algo of Chris Grattan 2:21%), l.y Ziktsadi (lolddust; 44010; éecnd dam l)iooé, y(na 'z 4> H an benton ail couwn., inciiding the instéét paffra in Chicaga tht. winter. 4uprb i ndividuni, igh action front and >ait- ()90 o9 theé léat gai".' trQtt-ré in t1w worid, and alroady the amreof a grand lot of colt.. iGOM9

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