1' 1~ î)cAomeRcUr=5LoWeoRs",~ h';~- i~I.l.. ~e- erlel. vecI fie suif se- viss fl 0" te 0- ta a neec leIre Se t I- e. viceerai.he ot bmIl te cae Hauet Kia. wae amnsvoa, p-sees mar.pleq ou Wb Ilaent velthe wimÈ that anse-rhlm: as ne eaaa re, *"lt by theaue*Ibli VA1h - il ael eieli neci1 easlasblut-1 i tke Mon v we cale e e bivmi e et li fralent»he ur sarp- lel: pShort. a"ine e hnebis, gmXe és asdatsd evnl, WUc vlas ou L- at1 tlad svehtreadithe ekit.he o b. vro regard. 'se ak be sr nadpe, bali sh p Otnsm liogm-lmu secaces M ew b iu ie- ace- hi . Ifha als lmt aha or ad md takn rlie ipi fie.t-t 1srgad ks ca vute, Misand.- cW te, le- h ve pss -"versas v wu hea lire. vsarafiucetv Y% e ,fagreet var lua e s oer ibaithora are people Who asi, "'Whait leaal tua about?" vbeu tisl e- asthticbanda playing aud soo fie =>eer ilenDy là pure sentiment. Sentiment lte eof the muni w prailsus jevole lu fié humez. lits. Whott 1h a man la little boterhee ta in mm@& 'Se te bardin luils bualnaeaffaireansd lu his home. Nohede- love.w s mam ibasu neseâtimet lua bis bramai.h Wi Il ho le humnlse& .Ho rever e avey names ot fia heroas Wv i bave touait for fie eueeUfi ehleèvei l nsuad.passeSon. He' la sorry fiai 0"ey onDoieS; &Udtem.coame ematir- ven h b flwka e icgrauduesa of fiew natures that matie posible s gref nation, prosperousi, happy, progressive. t - Tm&*ilel if jeathe very fotatol cfrfina nation. Wc glortty te amt- t nssmot mch mm .as Ineolu and Grant, Jackson sud Le., snd say tute oc rlalta .g gseratimi: 'A nation mueuh progreas te lire. Sa. ticestanidardl etf maititood a" d deton set by lieue beroe.. *hdy them, sund kncv fiat.trou e-ca rtanks ansi cerne.,be grat mn, boviteyl hear fie rfspenslhllltie6U. 90tithfe isti, lea ucfelCh e West: lu futurm.They ver. rosi man. ton, as .tdor euScuaetmuai shov sn evonhilgbar type et manhoci.. ton muaido 1 s vireand botter. -hi "'-ey loveS flair country. as 514 the thotasauda cf brave flleva vho lti tb*ir vIvesanSd Utdrenandswaeethearts te match ho flair graves. s A" n ny firougli PatrIotmain sd love ot one's land la tefietcy sud pros- b pert that fefland aaurel. If yen let busiesS an mastery ion at yen hava 6 ne dkm te tae part lu the tings fiat make fotwer l tefre -et yenr coun- t try, e-en vIi hoau ohstacle te progrema.If yen lett saifainoasexcinda qsi- pafly and thic chastentitgffets et. ucmory cf good deeds doue by Ochir frein e-ue mlud sud icArt 7yo1 eau npver lhe s goeciizn."- -IrisLps yon caunet observe Decoreticu Day bly iyle-a dSer en the grave etf anme here. but yOSena siletY tltank Ged for fie good fiat has bu. and li» ho; fiat bas belen iiered on e-ou as a citizen cf lieu Unitedd siefes.toe au raelve $9 ho ca paut It he fie-it for botter conditions sud t hîgier cIvlnlstLeD. Ilte e t vaeed vit avordsansd e-uisa, but tie thue i las a battitan sdthie Rîgt ountvin Ifthfe laiid cf Wahiugtou la te endura.A . Sentiment! The aentimeut fiat comas vili the tragrent foyers Of Dec-t ortfln Day and thie hisutnenotes of die lbugle tumuishescourage. ton cent ralseftb Uichecouante-e- t#ael evliWorth dyiluafer teaveon vorth living a"S etrivlug fer. put ftaee-cur partef. thcbel thie spirit ef floute vie bave goee.a"d eou wlll have doue vreIL-CDflU Peut.t bring brle-lilu ndmijo. lif vas ier vas onu drasume-g." oesWe ateltld, anti i. had lireS vith .Wbetitae-lil vas te rIsIt et fis tramp ber natill havas12 years oftoce, Wvicor tlis abrI cf tihie-asofgoid, Bobc hie faftheiaS taken hlm svay te fie coniS not tolt.butaI h. laid awake hiatt West. aie-hI nutl»afler ulduiglit. At ast. boy- t-II Corne vibl me," eesaiS hindlle. avr«, ho tell luto e lieht doe, front vhlci bardly e-ecgniins Iter ovu voies e. vcwkenad vili a start. Tbcrs vai Bob vwas lso surpriseS et the lteted 5au unuietkabie sonud tin esking vood.1 toneeof fi. ld lady,. but fi instinctive- Bob vas np lu aumonut sud liatenice- ty litI .ewiuied t10oa lie trcdAc- lt.ntly. Thi sund couhinuued as if fi. catlglhlistruided houe vti ber. ktciieo ahutters ver@ iaig tercldopen; Mise Meisa diS not do me-lme-hait thez s heare - asen as,. M qeme lumoi- vse-, and Bob vent thirough s proces personubcdi elimbaditi ush the wba in' ut leansîne- Ibal made hlm ache. Tien dow. EBe coulSd istilleb ear lie souaid ,isolil clohis vwre firowu aut ou fieetooipenti.ilurau knoP anui soeaof bar oephav's gar- Whst muat b. do? Misle MeliusaWva mela ilc ta» lS lady- hsd cherîshed, & very sonad leepar, snd sequireti alot * s pea hlm. Il vas surprisine- et "£king and calmg e- leaskma hoe. te transfortion fiat a hat The rebber could couse upshslra long be- lïffubtla Bws ppeaanc. thnt uetho dons, but viai shouoitI "MISSM'isa. ld Bob on.a a ne The Ihiaf vas evldcntly rua.cklug lie vhe, anutilduner. "vhal'a ual dluutee. lu insanteh oote-, anti Bob ranft idtr" ihall uP Ka heb et oet hic ould hast the mattereS word. et dteap- stffa tar?" . 1polutuent ct the faliers te u cu*D- . *«ats as snlJW'Bob,"anavredt tI.ad tlime- et value. Tien lie teps came ho. lady,, "and L'il telleon vhsl 1h leansd yard te saa. t iene-a bkevvat 1 meano. -tti- A fla rIoita-" . vie as aI li fr ot eldier, and vian lhe ver vas top ot tbe sirrov tairys4 e- ccldenlalli ov:esb brone-t home a lot et cannnloucheS the aId cannon baIL Quiek as lialisamd'i ba liuput sailto au.e-e-at, lieue-ht ho pnshed it oves te fie edgo 1bis hll ami pt la aI fisthanut!f the 0ethle statrs. Il w,,Reheavy. toc henry flars s tecciime b.R. as oe-l t tfbat lhsmaussedt oeoll It. Tien plfl sund di t i ovmstale m b4 ,balauclug lil as von as hotecotaiS. hos ait- ibut ic vaç te-y fond oethfie roll. = ued. >lhc dlsd ho gave il tu mc a"dao gave sie Thet bre- started te sesutithe .a bas oet god. Mecie-ou me! Wiai doesabessud hnalunI o reached the.turu. e-ou vin?"WhianBob eare osprodîglow us aiand L The lat tomait va'stirct te s ivue-- iPsitiu reut iron hall. Crash! p vie éitSid. 15 epe deorWYse. Banig!as lie hallstuck the bruItvaw "I nly Wveut somtiluete Oest. tepe; he roliber hnruud canti vaultaS oer Ilma'am," hoaRmid, le on.vte" hctrieS lie banitora eut et ilse. Thball 1to maks- humble. "lm nvie- hane-ry, rolist Soya he. atirlesanti creou thie mas..L" rocu sud came t.sua » hi a"&anut h >- "Rare, eou telle thil,"aid mise M@. manteîples. 1lisses sharple, handîne- anme lr.asd M)ise Mlssa vonaaai hi uhies.é ement, "antiSeaOt abuaout your huai' sud.ilibti laband. peer.S Soya l.the e L mis, on one-hI 10 lhe oriue-. luteandBob clome hehînd, her, t1oae e lsWcag et bouillte-,'bure-Ie- - isaitirougli te ktchu. via- - Thi. tramp teck lb. proffered toond d tov. te mutterlne nme thanka, ehasablet ont of Tile ont mersine-Mins Melissea"at the yatd. Mfs Milama vatc hi blaitn-Bob usie-elte lfe t0 o ciS 480»la ml, Wou icraS.ýIee all a te ses eteate ' A DRubtEl Boy AI SIULOI The hiatore- et the great Civil Wsr wili neyer ho complet.util 1111 et lhc incidapta, pathetie sud othurwise, whlch .ware vttuessad liy theprIvat. anidiea, save lieeD reduced 10 print and tins pre- scrved. With the passlng efthe 015 sol- dier ver! sueur ihinga wil ha repeated. with a great desi aulded utereto, vitia clii ha handad dovu lie-tradition s tiloe s fat ocnurrad durIg lte Wer ot the Babalien-'Tbis wili, perliap-. lie te tome axhaul, parulonable liecause efthte intense patriohian d huroiarn dispise îy the mennWhin fulit tebaIlles oethIle Union trou '01 toi '65. The baIlle et Pittalinre Landinq. cein- meuhy spoken nt. as hhe baIlle of lihiloli. bias ftirnisbed mont Instances whieh have beau told sud re-hold . Boue of tem bave feuad their way int priot. That great lioule. perlasathe.greateiit fougil hy the Westernu5mai. vas toue-hb ounlthe Ilti and 7th daya of Aprîl, 18M2, ender the coumnuil of Cen. Grant. Whetlier or ont the Union arme- vas surprised lal a question that viii prebahly tic diseuse- cd for al lima ho corne. It is Wel kovu howaver, that on Sunday moru- it th.e ecmy epproacbad the 'toton iuas lu getet forcc sud ail tbroue-h that da- Store lte Poilerali roops teck in ttc direction of the river or landine-. I hava been aet1he baille e-round Ivicq mlce tbc ver and I ar n oly sstoaisbcd tbat Graul'a ariuy vas nt drircu laIe the Tenneseeriver lie-the ovcrwbelini force se-ainsI thora. A comrada vho vas lu thc batîle sud vie vau veudéd tie Oral dey reateiM le me an Incident vhIeh llinlrates fia patuiotlsm oethee-aonus mei cf thet day Titis @tory I nu lsd hto helleve la Irne Lais lu the atterneca ou Sundae-, thIa courade vas vounded sud Iatupon li battitsfield. When bhe baille ceaed ai ulghl lie, vith mant- othirs, ere stil Iyiug vhere lhey lied talion. sud it begai ho reiu rery hard. Along- about mlduigh hoe beard e voievhicli anuuded - yen mueb 11ke the vole ct a vomnn. It ai raisad lu song and tha pern vas clos lng the familier litron: "eh oingtateme etr11e-ave-n. wi am au eld 10 die-; 8elosseug of hel-eetlnuyu TawtImy seul oau ihîl.* Atter salugs fat statua, the coun rade. vue vas llaheulug, rccoe-nizcd lta lb. vole et a boy. Bolug ucar. ho lit t-au te cravl ta hM on bis banda ani kacas; lhluking ha ulghl eld or ecoufur it nme. As hi approutehe i hm th boy ceutiuad auglng., "*Areul -de-lue- ed. let oaa sweal sont ha airen. i LeI malle eheer ume bltou arih, And great me StirluInHeavea." As thiesatouts vas haine-sntth ceurade continueS to- adv4pe tovard the boy. Whan ver! neartho hlm a lithi ravine luterycued. lu vhîch there vas atreiunetfvaler. Brsoi*te emirad ,aleppeul 10 bathe lils evu tevefeSlbrire ,anS agalu the velce trou luanme-;: ".Aronni me- ilfeleas tde-, Assembla Ihee1Iloea Andting et BavC, dclishttui Heavea, Me- alortoas hoeaboyae.' Ey tlus lime the corarade lied reachs She boy and placish is baud tpon IL .heart found hlm .1111i lu dah. B 1spirit bailascandoti te'II home c , hclie ba ad jusl heeniuffiug. 1) The patrlotisu eftîhcl dae- vas hi rentgrovth et suci tecchlug upen 1h. p&i Iof' lie loyal. Chriahlan mother. et I eNarth. lHe, et whom tiI ncident la r 9latad, vas a drummer bey of an Oh regie-mnh, nette*ly ielve years cf ne- ,vho lied.beau upon th. batilafielS de Ing lu1h. blondiy struggle oet fat day. Whou tliey.gaberad np the deaS. hbi test Attar tic govctuuant tôt chearge1 et iNaiolestCemaery Aiti* 18 i eiéi~h blsfllxIt raz VISION A"D»'rue 0111. a5 *r. . . S.oeras .-i. TexLU "Hq, trembled sud ausilshfed. nid, Lord, wiiat wilt Mh htte me10 dot àADIZ hôe Lout aad untO 111104 Arise, nnd ge inte the clîY-, Audit $asl be tol« the&> vhat thon muet do."- Thie vas a grant day for Batul, for ft. rasacuVirai, hause lia-5MW tichecuChý0rist for bitusel!. Second' Ir, ha bad anîuted the risen Christ at Thès te Wothizklie bd happenednun- expectefly, alter tbree daya'. journal, aud visu tefiia situuwalts of Damas- euaswvoraiaready Wihin bts vleW, h. MW Uic Ilsea Christ standing itepre above him la the bIne aky. He heard Hie vot, :ha prostratcd haiseul et Hie tact, saying, "Master sud Christ!" He et once deslred 10 turu bie vision luho practle, <md insianhiy to bis lips thereaprane- tbe lnqulnY: itWhat wilt thon have me ho d9?' The anavwer vas s ièery siarttlng anc. "Go Imb the clty." Ha vas not saut to aither Jérusalemu or Tenus, but sent 10 D)arnascua, Of ail places lu thte %oril. vîere ha waîsBus- pecicdb he be ri»tiauis, aud taled as tiair persecutor, and dreaded. lHe vas te go lte-no. Nov, viten siuy greet love or surrow euter% a trnauuuor a o-mals nlite-.te mont natural thtngisg to du-ire tu gel avay from the nid fautillir ituullt. Suppoaslue- a girl sial to-day auddeuly Sud ou. wbo viii ho lite true love Of her lita;, i voiit seeiu very strange 10 tailleup tha coinrnplace dullea, tie drudgery et "the goverulese or te ser- vant lu tîhe fatber's borne or lu the materso bou'ge; very atranga. The %oui msye:."N.o. I bave accu a great vision. Let me go by myselt snd nurse Il lu solitude; but hake ýup ordnry cem- mouplace duhy, tbia la starîline- lu- dged,*, ilvas ouiy yetcrday thal oua vho vas pasalingthbroligb s mont awft araetfsorrow, said: *'Ah! Yeu bave flt suffered. or you would kuov fiai Ilte laimpossible t10 ays!et home. 1 muet ge t teparie, 1 muet go ahrod; I muet go anywbere Inu the orld except lu tise. familier streais-" Ande1hIla fiat titller lu love or lu soarOv. vien vc bave *uddenly bacome angroead viti an entlraly uev passion. ve de- aire te go elsecylers tiinn t& ltes cer- Imeupiaea.But. arangelY ecnOngh. fis la the. very thhng that Christ laYa upou us ail. .-Haye Yen acu Me? Have yen ibeard IMy voice? Have yen pros- frahed yenrseit befors Me? Tiien go baci inte thae ity, sud thera unudo tb vrong fiai yen bave don." Nov Il la necessry f-rthh rursens fiat ie aliouid go inte the City. virnt, iif va do net go ve ar- gpt te becotu. viaienaies. cpi le become da-asamers Thon fier, are lasonsviwc ic cite- &loue eau teacli. And. hilrdy, fie cite- needs us n dU fiat vo mey brng Into ils midet Christ'. Idéal For fis grené cIty vlu Dlot coue te cor churcliea. lit la nccessry, theretora. that tlou o etus viioce &uishave beau liti b christ aiboulltipesu lu sud ont amouisi men, reveaitug te flou tiie possIbil et a religion vblcb in robuat sund man- ly vomanly, naturel. Tint lutesd et the vorid aeparated hatveen thua rdi« nary secular aud tha extraordlnarY "n cred lite, it may fuel that the religious »sidanIte8compatible vith ail the.de- smandeansd needs et daIly ..vine-. S And se for ailhueu sons, let ni ese tg il that.ve go forth klotheielty. Hare yen seenthie Christ? Do yoU *hoov HUm for youruelf? Hava You *beard Hts volce' Hava yen proatrated tYour &oui befora Hlm and sald, 'Wlis vilt Thon have me te do?' Then go suojbad dey by day lun rdlnary lite à jfwhOW .trong. aud fait, sud beauti- a foi U. eau make tiens vie are sali mlting te Hlm. WHlEX ON TRI WAYI. tex-" flouglit On my vaYs, and Il fUred My tactunute fiy testlmonie&. EL -Psaim cxix: 59. ýt -Pascal nild that fhia Paalm.contaia- y ad& &long vîti ftue atudy et human lits. à the aut faIl tha Christianuvirtuas * sud gave th* turnig point of man's cbaracter and deatiuy. ,The appreseb to Qed maj' ha y many varied pathu, but tieY )muet ail lead tue"ia"MO gSate et serions floue-ht sud fanest refieciion..The drlviug povOr vitieb *bringa ho fie Point Ot décision may hb IU aii metion. or keen acorrov. or peaû it fui repentauncê.or fie Impulsofa le hli résolve, or thie olue ot a grea love, or a kludled passion attar goo ad purty. But ail the ronds cou- Terge te ti" point et selemu rafiectiol, Wben a man coneiders bisIlite luat kt ligli t 1God' présence. Conversion, leWa vi e tuv e aaur rfelfont ef'*old an la «Vlpathuluâto te ay 01ittela th fruit cfor evskeucd qoascieuce sud- set oueieS ction- "I tieftIglo n MY- vie- end tuansilMY-ftatante fiy teati The compiaint ot aul the.proIhu sud tanchers of the Bible la tiat MU d Ul net fllnk. The lament Oft fi he Book cf D.nteroftumy te - typîcal et -r- thoughfugeos Implias tuat eeliected- Denet er no", Whib eau OUly com*n frein a, long dIsci Pline. Complaceut drlttlug WItii the tlde la cÔluion lu avery rogion. lu pollUtes va Sud a,- erywhere the nnlteëiigeut aceeptauce of a parte creed, wbere mon refflt th*e 014 çateb-vor",O f parti sed do Dlot moeiyset themsives te Wssit.r te problems tiieyr a llog on te decide. la butine"s thare là asqea a ck of Initiative, the Jack ot a étilpite gril, cf flic stStlou. metn Wj>A oth.boo selves atrauuousaiy te veýrkîàg do not Set iIcuemlves te tbdklg, attampmin te eomprehend, deep doii aud 'ail areuud, the place of a partieular bu*4 nase lu thceconmomlc system. lu re- ligion hov cmoinu It la te Sud fhé tradîttounal and the. couveuhlonal, aud boy seldom tuc origInal. Br orinal 1 do flot tuas rbite usclesa afii ore- ter uew oplulous but a livng tath tita thie expreolo f a5Mu'@owu thought sud experience. LIM ne cou- telsate ourseives boy littie ve tudulge la the. habit cft hinkingi À fumons Engîtehmu o f lettara vas once relatIug to a Quaker lady bovIb. spant bis dois, the. matifoiel ay tu which ba dit! bis Work, carefuliy r.' raugtng for ea'o&Pbhour, ahovlug iiov littie tima vas weated by bis systemat-1 le methouis aud athe asksd. "Friand. viien dontt han tbinkr'. Ilte a per- tlunut questlou for aIl wiio liv. busy anud full lives; for actlvity tMay ho floti the fruit of thouglit but a substitut. for I It. la far casier t10 hahusy tjiau thougbtful. We may drowu serionsJ tliongltitn a flond of activitien. It il ludeed nue of the, cornuoneat expadl- enta. A mau eau forget grief sud for- g4 tekeeue-stImlpression* by tbrow- tng Iinseif Imm a&H sorts of affaira. Tbere are nuore ways, otflddng dis- tractiou than by te common way et worldy pîcasure. IBusinessasmiay haa distractipu te-a man by wbhhe liese 1 rra offiteclamant. -eaUte conslder, ho tbuk, he ire caim sud serlous rille- tJtote i.grentest questions ln the. world. W. maiy hose engrossed la living that va eau neglet Illfe. WlIt tbe countins. distractions of Onr mod- cru lilfe, vt t ie mauy vays of cvad- lug hiogit, by railng, by business, by pleasura, sud audit like, v. mai weil take the. prophetle counsci te1 baart te gatiier ourselves at lie center 10 cousidar sud thluk. on our vaye. "A thIilg mau la the worat aeuy thé Prince 0f Darkueas ceauhava." asye Carlyle: snd that la truc, for tliOngit- 1 eoneté. caroeuesa, Intellectuel snd moral tudltresiee, arat th. grest ati.- blug blocks la thcvrai oethlie paat rasa of tuereligio. SCIENCE RVa MIRACLE&. oam or. . WasUC. Bret.. Ir seieosbhaforees nete lsy blm euphaison mie-aIs a lureligion, thie recuit la quité, lu accordance vifi the 8spirtt et Christ himlaî, wio depeded ou lte moral power of li*t tachtng to auforce lUn own auhiierty, and aSught miracles reluetatiy,.Ifteaaso luaâo- cordance wifi thecfoneiglit of BEuh. Bntier, Who, lu his gresi à'naiog," for 110item sdi.t oramost Obratiln tait book on apelogetlca, onetved te ha possible thai tote bigier luteIli- geucaS *0 a tuai audthie supernatur- ai araeue. To 004 fiera la ne enpcruataral- The sapernatural la lte horzon et hum»n rBO07 dicvr.IOt Infidel ueecutY. Poe- pcilliuns te Siva up God, but flic loy- u s dseov ry of God as Il Iu ail, cbnracerlaes the full understlnng e9 the inevitable movernent of the mod.- aru mine uIls quent of rth. 81D bas be dto e ha etural;0soit ta to emou men ofnme planes ef lits, but virlu. la eqnaîly nauiral ho men ou higlier planes. Ced gave uns luChrist s asvl* ulotion of ebaracter pertectly blendcd, ute, whleh goodnesas as native but not dneceWattt i God Io lu nature;,the seul links Qed su ad nature lu man;,(Christ Joins 0od ,sud mai lu perfect union. Christ' i. vuiY vas net foreS apon humga- ity by saDecety of*coapnlsiouIte vas the resuit ut veluutar onaus wiii the sprit of Gcd. In fiat spirit, religion, lnstead et boetgtan adjaet, becoeu snaturel as lite. DANGER lEu PECu"LATON. or »Ocr. Naese-eiscS Young meu, havare efthle tempia' . tion te rlsk menai' tbnt yonen anut a, afford te lots or that halouga te otra 'a for the. ske cf large gains sometimes 'I te haumade, lu hattlug on flic price et 14 vheat Young men vho venture uoney 5lu i vhoai speculatien .te tthe vain of at interestaetfottera viie depcud on 1 theai have a bud exemple lu men of » hîgli position In teUicanuciai vend. D ettlug on th* prie cf May viieat Slast moutli bronght disacter lua a i- t ber of quarter.. d! iAtil e alevs Whbave ne uoncy et a" thoir ovu te lots ara stimalatcd fe n, tae, tie rlsk by fhe exampie eof mu. âe Who are net crippiod by Uic lemsof , mllions. Thé vbole proedure la de- id moralzlng sud he man bas luoney >a nougb te give htu tha right te drail - thi e wrWd'Bbasines ltc abuse Pro> rca satgau'bllug. -; t The. cri tint al l nvea*xuu.t meann Srlsk'do.. net excue mmnfer pîshlua fer large stakas lu bettlng On vhàt witantyUl ha e rth e mentit er twc Ofah ber that thc bigger a mSOUiste bu lu tic business 7worthé gtfépeter be. RUSTORfD TI)O IL THANKI TO PEUIh-NA friends Were Alarmed- Advised Chanige 6f Climate. Mins M ildred Xieler, 719f 131h .tre5t N. W.. Washington, D. C., wrltaec . *" co safely recommend Partuta fat carrh. I bail it for years aud ih wouid respoud to no kiud, of treatrneuL or If Il did it was ouly îernporary, aud on th---: siihtent provocation the trouble would I cone bock. -.1 vas la sàwh a aga# e ta,.py was advlsed t0 loett*ibbs Nfauf TnnI1trled Pesante, euE 1 air gu lof touiE It 'helped me . ftâssh. De-s dose 1 fook. andEà aite hoties a",d ..lt built up Mny constitution, 1 re- gai;ied myletîpetite. sud 1 tact that I ami lerfectiy weli sud troug."-Mildred Keller. Ze have on file many thnusand tasti- moiia like the alovQ We. eau gir. our readerx .Iuy a atligilt gliipse. of the vaut sarray of unaolleited endorseno. D>r. artimau la recelinîg. A F"renîch phlsysl.laf. I)r. Ilarcou, pays lth tone orthie lrati: Mîaire hs ilruek litiii1 (ig) litrrivailuaItussia wats the enrornotiti qautlty of sulidower meeds eonuuuwd lu tht country. The seeds, white are olenglitous aud bave u îirecatile tanteare conusanllY chewed by the people. The outer huak ln detacieul Wittb the tteetb and @Pat ont. These lînakg are sepen seattered about ou pavernents and gardeti wulks, lu rallvay <arrlairea, tramwaiy cars and catis. and ou the floors of restaurants sudt private roonte. Outdays of publie festlvity tbe ground everywhere la cov- Peoui wllbtlem asthicklY 'as flic strel of l'aria are xtrewu wlth con- fetti during the curnival. At every aIre-et corner a brisk trade la doue lu th,@ seeda hy nid wouaen. A strlklug prSor f iis passion- for It la nothlng les--of the Rtuslftn pîasant la the faci that the Csartna couid thiuk of nothîns tbat would ha more welcome ta the soldiers lu Stfan- churie. and site laq aald ta have speui $100 lu satlsfing thair cravlug. for suulflower acd. As tluesacclaareve-17 chcsp, that anom represenla au enor- mous consignuicut. LAmmail Observer. "Now, rny dear." said the doctor o1 à amali patieut. "take one of thee lu-a pluie powders every loir, and Ion wil soon ha welt." "'Ali right," rejained littho Beasie. -"And me, 1 put thern on with rnarnra's pour- der puEr' Mns. ('hatter-Do Iou heliera ail tht dluagrecable thiîus you rend inu-hel. lera about iieoplie? lirq. Tattler--Ohi. uer. uio-only when tue-y are alîoit people t know. G REAT CHANGE Frotte Changre las Food. The brain depends mucuh more on tie stornacl than we are apt ta sup- pose until va takre thought ln the marter. Feed the. stomach on proper food eana te digest and coutaiuing f0 * propar amount of phosphates, and 1fIe healtliy. braîn viii reapoud toa ail de» L matuds, A notable houzewlte ln But- talo writes: "The doctor dlagnoscd my trouble as a 'nervenx affection of the eatemach.' t vas actuaily se nervous that 1 coula ni ait stîlI for Ève minute-s to reed thc newspaper, aud là attend ta my bouaeboid doties vas simpiy Imposai- ble. 1 doctored ail tlie time wltb remi- ediest, but medicine did n gond. *'Sly physiclan put me ou ail sorts of diet, and 1 trled mauy kiddae o ceroal fonds, but noue of thern agraed v-ith me. 1 vas aimoi dlceuraged. and When I trled Grapa-Nuts 1 dld se witb mny zusgvngs-I bhad nofalli thet t Il vuid aucceed wliere ever- thtug aise bhadfalied. "But I l d succeed. sud Ion don't- kuow bo;v giad I am that 1 trled If. 1 tedl Ike a new Persanu. 1have galucd lu velght. and 1 vdont bave tbat terrible ournlug sensation Ia my atomacli auy more. I (cal nse trong again that .1 arn urPrlaed et mYseif. The street noises that usad te irrltt me no, 1 neyer notice nov, and my mlud ain dcear tliat my housebold duties are a reail pleasura." « Nome glven by Poattuu Cd.. Batti. Crack, Mtcb. There's a reaaeU, Nov vby wastthMa griot change,~ mode lu this woman? The atornsch sud ithe raln bail net bain aupplled wlth the rlght kleind o food to rcbuilid sd treugtien the narre centera u lniese ergaus. It le absolute f0117 to trY ta do thus ylth mcdietcui Thero la but oue sure way. sud thai la to quit the o14 food that bs falied aud taire on Grape-Nuts it fond wlicuh la more than hait dlgested lu the proceas Of manufactue sud 18 rieiilu nthe phosphate of poti l 1- tatlned lnu tii e (pral gfistue ll6 uuite vth ubuecuand *il a.Ir lire ,ubtSpo s t- W