Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Jun 1905, p. 3

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coavapw*< -XMUkS 18 MAI). e"Ne"velaMr"a& - Elgin -ll umhoid at assanuelcha- ASft&r Li ud e4 Public Service tsniqas tsembi>, begianulgus e.24 sud Vetea'ad' cmmene, le CIused. clotiogJt>-4 sugeïpunaa liustuue . asl t Thie smallîox epidenteie luChicago ts *hs~..'0!rlPltilligoix ditivt iied at beginaing te dcrede ias. ite summer i~ie~n werýa.umAfter u iliuées o! meulnheapproii,. "!«~al illoi, TU-o end., liowever came al'envi e i6len dcida on oit for. 'W4ie ate bah t ds eri> pst o Iert State mnt otre!the ia-me'Touer- I.x 1 'ebriiry,' a-heu be w.. striekela i slument'Asociation.~ 7-waeilntan. -4t va, thpn tiioutfilett Mie4 l Dîola vas evàsYIn lmired AF ls was ftiy ili ind inmr.diro! is a ylug golf bat imll- veàikU4 gacre., fani wve.%nutrntonnel tfiiti- capital, flic lilukant Jacksont Park, Chiceago. menie asia Co. Mai-ah teîutiorariiy i-e- drowue&wville flaliug at Jacksonville. gisined bis treuglhi.butf ilWIvanîlt long Tii. fathser attaînpted te riehe csono. afte returning. tii h. bonne tient lie lie- A ZitlIed cannen tiat ,W'.d an Iimer- gan te i ewislii, hil% end hinghait.-ned. tant part lu the Crl'p ;Fort Mer' I l thmairgit. be tii- iilo,'k if liii iife's gan, int, r Molpile, wvas Oiaed lu Dan Col Iietib wa hum sla Wyuiie cati Park. Csirn. . teusip. Hancoek eoiuty, llliiii, su1Anunle. the '-yeur-old dauglter of was reareul ou is feitlraifartati dua-iaitusFrede-rickw, re*ldiug tire uailles cated la private aciouîtil 14 >i5i-5 north o! Sterling, chekeuil te deati on a of aie, ehen bie . aset t, Jihile,' eni- ,ntaillucre -of pieke. loge., Ne cuterril tfi(- iuwittl-tîof hi-mTi brother. Judge J,.%V. Moioe. iit Wjlrvaw Th grain stippers et Adamss sud Han- eud vas iluitted t, î f'ieba isAM)'ur cck casiies have effecteil sirangements Voeler 3Mr. Linuia'n iriial foPr tuban: fer ftle prpo..e!f urtiseriug legisîstian teetsin lu 11<11 li. essil ) îciiiiilY,~for the boeeit o! lie grain ahippers. cavait>- sud vent tu tend ri-il îîîtels- lijrIluin Quiînette, viose i-eh vs, dsa'cd i, ,.rvicem tetiiiEît. Yites a. brikii ly a fal Iront a scaffoei ulC(hi- .Marsh, vatsdimtlîîgiiiaeli'-it iteivil Icig,.i). itn pruvingInl isconddition. suit War by aitun ualliy tî;inii-iiisai -irl- probaily viiireeiver, accerdlug ta jîbjai- charge, lu vhiî-Ili ui le-mi. %ýiiliiîl ai-r- n_ ian'aàt tii.'usc-ok ciuay hospituil. et- fni les..Ile '- vagIl î ii-,i,i'f I',- Cainu. C(l-es *nlz of Troop D, Virii- greuma fruits 187t; t)12.fn ai 1iit t i,i -i-tr, ,tor îiucliiba is beei u-t-î-i-l H19(10 sud fi-ont 115>2 't l,î- umi- (Pt liim itîitiu-ehy the.-lualuplanther-,'uniton. dînait. lie lairi- u liin-. -o! viieli lie- litu a nenne ileriiltptimnt re- lu ATtnilileLllini uar,i. GIR9L SHOhiTt MERtITII . If le dî'cy imttilu iriuhly vii-hlihe In - î-iiiîili-I vie b.platcdun aule liat of VLalai t Wunde iParent Who Knocks tà am. Doin lier Illther. Tic i-utrait for builinîg lii- Tanne11r T'> aave licreif fi-,iiîm t, - ilrrîi ert- ooIa.P i n ig -iPt- tack in vi lihler flmf- tt-'l ui:iiu:tii Ok hhig-mmîi-i v1 ~ - iui-awurîled u fa iie,- ve Khot ir fiihîr, .Pdhutil im. U s o ilg t-, i lti' r ite-l-u f 11i a i. liiof $iiti, ii,-Itlm vas e.ilIiOmm i t lIl V.,[i.itPf ii , 1 iv vif ituv- i "il . . hi thati.. ltimi-îuîut l, - t -t ~cntt - -r, r,ý %vasmît, etelia ini-aulmi-r et Thii t i- ir li-ett ta I.%Yli d .iiiatrrP r ruii)tlu. in , P1, if iirectarç ur 'fiil ove t i, Auc iminvti-se L ,ii 1, I li ' -, ie - - Atui- s.lm. srsi ut!tfimnizt-,t penutingi>-ie ri--t'ý'ifvi-J lu fth.,-t -iii* I i-uî finit. T:e uîfit:t uý i - ,îO '1w- Sua tý .-uXitittii'Clirdt irftin,- oéiai-k iilit ii mum7ui. lt- i.i-,' , ii lluc V'ui-ki ie îof Aîii.-i- i' i lu trustreàtimîr f-,ai -itm,' im nui t,- vu'tigz-t tu ', lii' hluîuîa boriig îihlaxi-. ilum' pe vi ii u-i uttthii- l "n ,r ..i-:,i:î Iliaîthum- lit i r r laîmi' - li- livr fîlvîr. ihlii ltli-m udruitii . ' '-- i I ntrial. Then if it ieu) t,,- Hé lii~ r ienrtui Pumrtfile 1-rî-,lie mîi-- tlur1- l fii f iiti-n* urt-w pasttur-- Ne] l'j i m lm emi ii' tut', il, il,... uta tfil-i,- t,,va' sii--, una>- tiiîrlint.i erra tii l flle mui-u m numimdtmI,-g i i t,, fi 0ut-ratomri t ihi- un iîu î'îkî-rv a, sla fiit l e t--nv i - t it -rt-li il ":" ;i1i' umuvI il ie. ir i , tmiii jut snya>-isimmil mitli - 1 %%;m1- il ieiuanduIn i-i. ï.- i' tla~ti uav ani-'uivPiu flme if,îice'iu-ut 'il ftter -'ru k li-r', n-r ti- m'a i Cii a tm P -r tir-r 1:u,v. liul. i-ii--tîaimn--mu-î-'u AM-tit v .X. lb iiu:lt. agrcal-gràtirmtuiirauf tiiur nl fru , , m lu i ii.. j'. i-r aimi,P u,,-"f XiPl iiu-uag'a'rv ln. ,-aum sî- bier aithj iî thii. 8$t-- . a t î-I it, ,r--.ik i,'.în-'nî ti- Nisith t'miii- iiii ais-t u l;ai , att"i, ie li.uývu. îitiii i lu, i-tt-!- N~- ~,m uii et -r'- -il U gut. MIil iji vi,-î' t.uu i t ,ir. v -Pi - 'r eI 'ala ..-i-t t - l i, i,- ,iir 'r fefler aliarili s.ii1t ilut hlu,- ' 'u.f V l:l illuârt, a " lg' l,',r-u aî,iîlli hitt u"n tail. fi-tuiring lu' mNv îî,i ta k I l,. r'c v-- ,rami- thitthr. li .- file.-giletu frIra lier. vl -acI tti, 0.1 . iurit- - ,Xttrihimii-i andlîî u 1 bsi-t i ii Iet mimi. ime ri ! tumîu tiskiiuutfi! n 1 t, I * -m-trt :t le'-- t l'î t icai effett i l i gel- mu. Ni-glili.ri ii-.1 i i m".Iy u'eh, i i s . l i vuu i-: StS ! t-,. hi-a inemllutien îî iu'u.m- u-uit vîlumil-e ii i usMluy-i-- una-r 1h,,' iiiiieiîi-;if luii,r flu» ius -u Iud. - fiend. lit, I . li iii -l ie IPPn,, ,îulty tur il n Cc'-uh:iii.i2 -car- ',f a.--vi, inaulur$1,-ar-a :1iA lias ahlm yS lia-t es .-, i ý ti. u1-ili ,; lit ,-î i 'i, . ils ji,: PRESS ASnl.tCIATION PREUII>tLNT. u alaa tue lt itwarr--ti-ti Avuiicjutaftr eut Imgaii l h-aîr John B, Cisaille lasuber. Mairchant tund li-,iîil'ira iinliItvi.. vuiuit île sud ttdtaof the t5sndwtch Arus. tiut-btlietdiu-i-.The lmuy'i rh-ien, Job"nfilI l. mhî, vas . Piamuî ri-ii mu iim.uvlut- bvsias unît as, a stutel in-vml - of l icu' lu- ' irsi sîîmî I l ltie t-iiý.itiunt h,- lm inîjli' nusana ti us t, raeuit i-utig ie Ch'ti- î-mitt , l huie uîtuînîm.,u lir- ittur lina, t-ait,. 1- 44i- vus»,.-ir ,- --ît v ucii--uI iu i l tîîuun. ilvtpa- mui l I :.îialier mti ,,- hniui'giutitujrPIsfert ii'I - u n a i uu3 fi- - '4 Iitu 1mv u ,h Agil. l. l ouiimiuim i aumntlu uu gi. a - i, erviii i ii> î A -'imilk i-tail, isn the Cli-azoa.Miliveitu' - .......11. u-fer i tru i - um r- Vt- i ii r,î i al a tiu- a tbuggy ile'u-.ilus lhu f ige . i s iia triiher. r.~i;il Flu isait, erItaicrutistin - -jîliî îi'nuilu mf leii-râ,icm. iuuvla utiy kiliiig ot thei tirie j,îîI- Il r-i eil ni- au,,, rua iiiîzig i eruil lie- o;ey. i t.: jurii ttu httrttuju.u rbiiimuar- lron ta tal. w l.î i il 'l'lie tmuîuic - rels lt imtrélf iggy o ivi-tu , i a '.' fl m i uc wail la c-l m n d-h u uîi tu-i rim, e nei] cdIi(-iit Iiuî i 'ii- -rse, -i e tiirîlirîi)ml tn.m i-k'. ýi ru 'iîiuIl>- iuliiuuhi l iitu .,t m-rt- iitiîtm i, Ne..i i te'le t frim-i u rits. ii-i tie- I > rilt" lfi ri t ifi-m Trt. w s thri i a imiatrtie i-rîi- JOHN 5.l'AiIT: lietriitm'. t 150 Ir I iumg igte. *miii,,k ,limt for ie,.-cari,*' tend ('-ille ""Ograuâti- cd fiP- mi ti - P li-. ii' i cit- 'if Lai. IIl" ('luicI of Puli,l,',- W iiî uuKcrnu-r sitn in int-rc'ti-i1l tii i r i'lîiî-r iunuît iitl' mî -a l 1iriuliuimiy fatuily mv'uîndei ('ifford nee i-ai a l - iusrm N tit l c ýiPitgag.-t lie ut I l~iu uuî,,r l i riî ur. îî hauîhiiig'lys iaJiîr n- r Sni-llin. l'ilî te sii ,t u ILIOK XIAT ON THE WAY. -Fuiti;ruuiumîN'u' 1. mit-iursil Muuvuiui -r tlu is i't m vidâtim, oftfi le ri-tes- in Caseus lttnstratuins ilstory cof Stalee îtîm tilTar u iiat,,-,îîîuuu m lul Hhîptmd le orliiuil. itu ,a vhmtuilu. -nui, nli4itilug strii-k4iiu. I xii ~ i~ilhit ir filue Lewi iv saoit - Clark i\u~ itiimli i %v Pets u ti,. iiuy t. , l t ,' ittl li îsiit I luiIi. li t irikliiu Purlal, il, wthi vu-Paîî'i u 'mIWlictiKeoaaui-stteniliti-ul Ir uîrm-t ~M;i ie.rmtirii he golf oîu I<eor- ;nn I lu- iule- I liirýi - liiiii mn fil,. - r l bit i en h a nl the leg. 1'c-mer exiiat rit i neul. i'irl>-eigt f wevi II1.îîît lis [.!stol and gigat Maeumit tli caescti er,' the n1.dith-r Play -fruits il lte Uiversity -of Ililbigm. ixel of ~tilues tinne aru' ,eniteii ctuvîvcy ti ,- iuuu'iii- i adili' (mî]> of Freepot lmafullaliheil lai,sudthue reuiaiuit,,-r i gi-iui-i-ti t e - i iui It l îuet mit fiuîci, lemme,'ii(' hisliir' Aiiti'frimueufIle,19,airuu',iiudeuufililaih Ciel encli, c.,"' iii te levtil tu.,s i ati le tr 1l-g- '-. h -iî--ug-. mli liil itat irelu i-bu- sul ji-'t" liiiuuvl'alile-r i"ri'iuu'i u i tii., - m aI !lîu atJ:rt i miii. ls fatiier. mvii,> l(i- timi""liuui u,lr l-euerat "mutaui" -v luu u y'r f19lu. as ovii'r f niali> "llslu1 icor i hs ý iii iitiioi."t'rutiitaut'.Pif -i-ilii ag tiui,P'nui 1ves iiy. Ii.l,, efi Iliitiuie~îi't il l viii aliera vîiltopIm e - ' otit i tlli mm u i' ta lie; meun. Amut mni-tu- votpl ti-lit -art Dr. tfNi-ma- toi-k. al.. Pdu-l ivithin iu flue frmuîîi-r wami ti d inîl file C~ii lu t ieuir rîIii It tlitafortuine tia tii -f- IVar.ftle ctltiîf Vi ,i-ugu. tii,- Cuieu e lit. - luuutit lji- a -nstrilia, eelsu line,'lime CîluIbiauî ixpoviiuunI iir ntarnled filt ti tailta OMim vCady anîd hir tyr Hv'noee of Illitiii." Mir. Jav relatives hâimve letter"wl tillushuoiv fii Palmier Webler yl îeivéet iame for t ueeo! Hlee' deat Ilit 1,15 hieuesir -Portlandlul upelirvisue tile arrangemntfleurhiu leu» Moule>-9go tabis iliie. Ta-o9 e! thie exitlit. Ste rvlablîy vill bhi'. -utures end tbree aimtti af the yauteun à a compauieti b>- Mv. Mry Berkey ut aiil content tie nglîl o! the girl tô tie Cianipeigu, wvimîlusbeeli selecteul asnotn. n ftO s]ie lu mati-m of the bîuldinîg.ii-eeziort. The $tate tropstbulletin for, ile,- a-ek SIEiCS TO éÏWALLOW CHILD. says the iveutliur vs uas oti>- nfuiorsbte - - for germinmationi. Plet -gu-iiti nutari Olgantie Snake Injures Habit Gi Neur vork. Cern plaitiar hile beeu greati>- .Kevsuee. iuderciliilithe nrtiiera ntiusonîiîei-n Miheu Mirs. F. H. DMon. living nttîlicdîqtri-itq b>- vet veather. iu fite centrai eateru parit o! -Eliîîiritiimvownship, temi uistriet Piuaitl tutnt isifiuîlieiimi tames unîuest of Kemi-mmîe. hga n lier moiene ielul. have bl ct iiititvatreu. Tber, .ioaae.ivork tue atieramriug itiase ieft liter Ilia considérable cotutlaint e! Plumage doue Infant daugiter on a pipee,-uvtu -îrpet iis b>-ilit a-arts. Onts, wat, aî iy.eandî1 the, îîrcii. Looking oît of flilor hl aifltriey mantaiîî generail>- s tirifty cou- su iuuîîr tâtermie,- n..hurriied tii sec, a dilioîî. Wiieuth andmrye si-e heauing eut.1 mînter iuaare twvisliug lMntirtho- iliî. $ornie coirespotidents rePpart tilet beat Tite sîîîuke hall bitîc tursrit on Pnan in l eadiug ver>- lov. Claver islu bnoos of thie itttc girl liissev-raîiplîlacea snui' in tie centraldstict iith prospecta Il APPiIARII AND D1SAPPRAPIL hilîtiadt Ferumer Rétai-ns. Aïeuae su Neurta TOW24 *"udAgsla 16Gee Geourge Smnmelr, a formrai, îî'io iisap- penreul trou, Miltadt iailenur aga this niaullu.lifter livieg4bei-n nîairieii oui>- oan euotii. nipoueuii-in lltaidt Tiui-s day tua- abottan iour andl îlîîn disep- peared ua. uytenlouai>-esslie diii oui the former occasion. iheude a ls. a bsby whom ie h.butsneyer ieeu, bat lie did Tit go te s.. Il non hie wlfc, 'lie speut tie tiraç in lovu tslkiug tuae few fid friends. bîtt dilulsot tell themi vu,--.lie lied topa anud vint lie hliti douae *viii. a [ram home. 1fre. Saudera. a-lia as for- menA>- Miss hiall>- Schidttt, iurad tiat i wasa lutowtn andl trie u a iad imlutbut lie hall teft b>-tIie lime she arrived aIt Mitlistadt. Tiec miaing manî vaikemi s rpitteiltiti-m a-heu ut home. sud anc de>- lest 3a Masatiet lie v-a goiag ta the bumuehiuli Este- Hie vi-t.asmi le sai, andîlwhitie thbea- tt irerai ot hae fi-ends tiut tie>- wîuld ncn,-r sce.bilntaarain. 'he suie day le disapîicrei, andl al- tlîcugi s viguraurs eai-cii iiwu% tri-i-d on fat su-eraI vc-i'ks b>-hi% relattives,.lie u»n t-er tputid. Saiuhm- rs hater. tii- liialn, u a tImr in Bellevilliu- yaleiioaiy disapaçul-cl fi-ut asoue igit umatis ago. Heu-u$ascee ta ueeku, agi, lu Eat S. Lfuaisfurua fiv nmments b>- au lt'niia '-.lit agait v'aliiul. lne is aI-omouai-iiei. NiEW IIYITIîD STATES MARAHA. Gslesburg Metn Appolateci for Dstrict of gouateru llli. -Leiiu .1. T-uiiieuu. hatker., ner,-laîît ncîu u -tua ttir fri)mailiîr Thirt v ifî lu triu- h n-ti uav jiututbeetiIqtpupolntedtl'ait- i-Stati- ninr4bl ot iliii- c,aîlieu-adis- trit of Illnoisa, avlivhra la Avun. t-UuIîmi rouaI>-. 11h-. iseti' lie lu i- ru,,ivi-m u'e I ' hic i-turîn m-Iit-it imî a au- eut ui'lis il, et A i-mutturd ,rî t I.leerauma 'iii Kii, uuur -it ui. vrntugtu'i f rlienaui>- eao fruu v:, it-Itui iui, ii-ilui'u lu-ti-. lm ls-ni'cui tumur ye is a ;;s il.r."rea "un- . lr.uuuiiui.til urg, t",u nuium-ra a îî I sax u,-,li idk. t - tummin -la fm-i r a t i linu-suJ-tt ir., luu l u-iiI i l 'bum t iil un s- lie lu a-iir i asit le priri:lnt iut11, lICItI BRAKEM>AN QUITS. Ytoungs htilouuire Leaves Eseteru liii. note Rond ta Work for l'ater. G. Il. Ni'eiî. vîlas bit e-n k:iown i ls hii iliiti - tr. keuman u ile iti the e!inl,.yluu-:ttlmt tite, 'liieagiî sud Easterni Iliiauf-iut Bha.auîîngtou stnc. last Jane, hume neigiiiladlieuvei-ut aonce for Sin- i-rviti-.Ms. Younîg KIene lu tic son -'f tii,' jr-imeit uitti the oonvumkeh iai- lu-r tumaiiy umii was an the rond loi- l,.it n-otl,iiry primai- otat.kiîîg up iai-oul mau le i- sauhl i lie a miliionire iu lits 0ian right uu1utul gave iiii tIi, posI ut u-miuue- maile'-aîiiitiu erime a rial- ru'. al îîu. Ht- atuariiil il, Fqta n'aik lusili way luithle froint. but thie ectreaties if; Ii. ylîuîag îîife t lat titiuni ta give mp te lite outlruiniaui. vo lui -ut,taol ut firliat iteu mvîutllue criuîîmlîd orn kilîil. IHl, exlffi-itu gui mmnithueioad azaiuî f-rtii-i fthler. Whilteai-iring as. lraku-uari ÏKeuie stteaied srh,'tiy la hie iuin haviuucs and idîlîitut a-uk fur uay fuiv. li.I'l".i t.t auulîerhivel uv vesti ui wu taiit).'îmuuuu- uanul the stîr>- îvt,.ic.îruu-ut Iy tii'ofUfiiin la okiug i)lu s reta-rir-v vi-Ien uuuuikiig spptica- ii,, fàr u-uîluyu-un. lie nmade aàist' cutas i-eu-o. PRESIDENT OF BAR ASSOCIATION. Gleorge T. Paire, of Peorta, Chosin le Plt That Position. i;mvrge T. P"age, ncmvhy elethid lreqi-' lent if tIhe tiîoiStaue i-ai-Amsinl- t mmm. 1v suiuîu ou-rtienh mîofthlIe ina ot tu-r tut Pci-ila.lie haî liten lurst vic-e tur-ictto! tIie mr- git-muntion. nalao la a mentîer ofthte Anti-rit-an Bair As- Sumihmtli. Mi-. Pagc brmm iu n S'inx Bna'. Ill.. in i i850 sud iiv eilueuteid Illîu,,i-i. lile îiitet, trile bsr la 1882. andl vent aht EOHOE T. iPAGE. ont-e ta iColorado. b.eîruî,'ied for timo 3t-a-mu. vrle uretarued ta Peoria. CAiICAGO RAS A MAIL RECORD. Carpteré Cever a Lurgea- Terrîler>- Thini ; , iu Auy Otier City. A report touflue Postumaister (Genti-al madî,e pulie inla shatingtoin gireu ('li- t-tg,, a re-oi-d iîî mail service. The 1,571 c;triiers la fiat cil>- caver 11)2 square aile. a iarger ternitor>- than 10 serveul litsu>- otier alit>-New Yoi-k sud Brook- lyna.' viltr12 squtare miles, bave 2,604 curirva. Tii. perceutage catit of thime sr- iue it Chîi-tago I. 12.5-4, agailoal 15.63 for (i-ester New Tai-k. EXONIATIND AND RXARRESTED,' Policemn n arle>- Chcarger with Eua- dca- for Xmuphy Ktllini. Ittuedaely ster isi. xonera1tian lu> tIie corner's juury Iuvestigaîiug lie kilI- ing o! C. W. Mai-ph>-lI.Spriingfield, Po- liceman James l'a-e>- aa rratei ou a charge et tu-ici- Preferevi ut-insI lita b>- Fr-ank ai-pli>, the uliail manas broI ler. Mu-pi>- a1 kilietlwhileri- Msttiuig enrrer. Dîme ln Powder Explosion. William Penko sud William Pauka, Jr., veretu iciilb hrueu uin 2panier exlosion. at Senti loiutain sbatt, in P'etersbarg. Wiilim Panuka dieu 11vo meurs atteremni ln tai-rible egon>-. Hie ion le net expected te survive. A mpeik dropplug loto tic povuler keg le seppouied te have asd ibweplosion. *om -ownins. liii 0'. ABA rTLÉ tâb Czarle Peet-flattle Use amom.emsi Terrible snd te Big Vitl7 ts.e.4ap d.oet* 01 'tht nava tl*it.'Wo a cofeoudSt ,vitiithe Jaatu es ut. vhe domcaubet. scenxe as supéemeiy terrible, thie ganaof etnarIi fIUt varsipe firng. TetVs veesels. tuis cerreejiondeutMas, man«ieueciWti pefect precleiL Fer atiina betlk bellIg ,erents gave sitot for siot.but with àa aoitle s uadron on ench Rough estima»aa made oethie ans- elde and sehrahesd et bit. IROJeet- sal beres la te batie fougbi t i thevmolk>- vaspractie«Il>- d.eet.d vîthim la tbOight 1h11t Ïbe mejoril>- perisicd. Caicutatlng tho cempienmtunnur eti. saken and eatMed asipasnt upvarid, e! 10.00% tl#.1oiiid Icave 7000 me... auRccounted 1 t 3, Possible tAat -tisea hipewvhib aecped rcscued soine-. Ofet li mubegaet!thiecreva et thi- leu !ou'nt=aeibîpa. Mnay bediesdu have been waebed&shore où't1»e loi.- and$ansd on tii. shore@ of thme nelgb- borIng cetaM er thie scene o! the bttis, Itesa Admirai Veiersat, vbo vas»' commiander et lî b bttiesiip iquadron o o! the lie uflet, vas kllie'i the, fi-st day efth6e bttile lu thue coaulng tower et bis Ussiilp, the battieghlp Oslabia. eue 9e .vesnela suk b>- the. 7apanese. licar Admirai Voetkevinm vis ap- Poiuhed commander etfIlh. batîlesiîp equadi-on ot tiea Rusalan 1tleeh la Jul>- let sud l.t Cronstadt _Aîug. 25- vms Bc"£ or os Eam>BÂTiLE thie othea- vessecommandeul b>-Ad- mirai Rojeutveusky. It vas 1'oeiker- iet bMadagascai-. He dîspayed besita. snomsequasdnon, accordtng te report, tion lu hià, tactico and tliii esuit6d ha vhIch fired on the . British, trawiera lu the utter contusion O!flIe Raiin leet. thie joihSenamlstakithezaafor Au Infernai concnt-ation etfli-re cis Japase. torpede boats: .8 ii aOnuith at 2 'ciock un. the attenneen. Admirai Toge's suppiemnta-> ae. As the RIussians adraceI lu tiie dine- port makes lise Rumelan deteat a stag tIen et Vladivostoik a Japauuece uquadroa gerin dlvas lyhug betveen lient sud tiiei- desti. aein atOta ugequaled lu naval bi*. nation, aud thi.dooued Ruesas yer 0i-. Practicaily every'llghtiug hilp battered-on ail sîdes. Betweeu S'and 1 o! a once upieu4tl 5e vas ethtiisounk o'eleck l inte afta-oon a criser o! the. "Il ba tà report, Veut' majestys lathe . Uiic fieut â.m re a 'VI.dve.ta,,,-C icae um or captured, representing a lois of tonu- nage exceeding 150,00 tons. The re- nainiuenguxits of the. flet, conisting iargeiy of auxIlliarles &ad transports, have i6een dlspersed, sorne geLng to Vladivostok, others to the China- Coast. AdmilraI Rojestvensky, wot:nded, eccu- pu a cet lu a japanes. hoapital, a prisoner of war. The. sortons wound of Admirai [iojcstvenaky, wbo wvas tsken to fasebo on a Japanese battie- ahip, la a bruise on the, torteaed and a silght fracture of the akatl. Tokio was astottnded sud eiated ai the. etent of Togo$ triaMpb. Befor. the. combat a partial vlctory wltb opes' tiones round Vadvostok dnriug thé,' summer wae geucrally expected. No one in Japan dreaned et thi.e eemys annlhlation et the. irat meeting. Lathr reports indicate that the. ftghting wA, of the, mot desperate nature. On Bat- ardal aud SundaY tiiere wers persis- tent torpedo attacks foiiowing heavyý gun fighting. Admrai Rojéstvensity appears te havebeen iiopeeeslY Matelasseai n KIM- nery. i tareported tuai fkwas necs- sary for Admirai -Roleeveaky te chan"e hi$e OaPghIP, Ovetiaaedurins the batt,. IH; 8mai37 took refuge on thse torpedoboat destroyer, wbere h. was capture&. Tb. Veto Power tu Oigie. For more than 100 years th. Goveenor et Oio had no veto power, te proeejt Governor. My'ron T. Herick. Wu# gthe. first inveetedwitb the. pew ila uh* Ions -Period. - The.etory lbout th# way lu wbilcMe veto power wue tbsa awsy, Ila an iatereeins one.. 11t", Ohio W came a stat. tiih oee oeeisywa paid l ae. The rturas ,unt e«M. dent te satisfy, Ge. Siniciralsd ho ssked the. Territorial Legielature te'pçt hlm Sit alar. Accordlagly. two bille vere drawn ap. On.eoft hem provideel otber aboiished tithe. ysatela..'Tii. Governol- passed the eaiary- bill, but y@. to.d the. on. aboliahiug e es. It could not b. papsed over hie veto. and ha cou- tiud te dr*w bohou mur, and feoa ne Admtirai Nakilmoif uisa and the. repsi shlp Ksmciiatka feunder.d attea- hbal uppen Woèks hsdhee hatieted. Tbo 4amniane braire lu utter disordet, lois their formation and vent zigzag. Tii. Japanese cioaed Ilansd pa-aesa th.m ta yard thi. Nagot.> coas Tie iIgbtl ated undut 7 octoek la lis. eveulng. lie cora-eusueiit ontines "Toge ralk.d nothhng sud 10.1 uothilag Dsrkneas breagit as gileas night wv14 satetansd transaresle es. lie Rus sians wve duiuag uortb yard viti lb, poverfni Japauese fleet lu a rsosnia: iUie acroes hisir boys, !ormulug au effeo tiv. barrher. Thon. undea- setchlgis amd cover et the. ig g uni of tie wai' siips, tic Japon... torpedo flotls bagas ik, locus te s tigaud lnk hie eiiemi, the. Rasssisseontinuing te eturnu lb guoi-e. At 2 'elock luatith oi-ing the, fgitiag vas'flence aud Intense aud no i-eitvas alioved thi.Russiauma. *"Witb davu et Sunda>-thie Japane,. fluet cama late stAh e or range..,AL day long thie battiseontlina.d sud bj .voung vas raging ocg nothern Nagoto. The. Rasaiaes ver. poverles, te effer snj effectiv, raitance" - TMH i<TE QBATHï. Nevw Ti' Tubes-cmuioi Xzpert Erlagu out Bssin.Ietea-aetiug Pcte. Betore 'the Nstional Association ter the. iudj, aud Prevention ef Tuienemi- boale, vbne convention wv e tlul luBos- ton, Dr. itenry P. Lotis o! Nev Yoi-k. sau autiionityou pulmouar>- tubercuiosis. racd a paper vbicihbas crested vide la- tai-est among phyicas. Hic dedactiona vere dravu trot clame study etf500 lu 200 cases e! chroafle couumption. Dr». Loomîs !eund tiat the average tengi ot lite atila- tic beglnnlng of tibe disease vas 23 1-3 tontha. In 107 cass et acate ensumption lie aver-age iaugtb et lite asttr the disesse Si-t deveiopcd vas oly oua sud seven-elghthe montis lu 80 par cent of!mli cases the liet premamabie svldence of!ths dises., vas saci t t th.cases eauli be arranged under dalnte loéada. Under the beai ot colasud rougie. eontinulag sud net dlsappearlig la a tevw- e4ka, h*e ceagi vas gccompanied b>- ne ixpeetation lu 20 Per cent ot theseucse. Wiieasthe. P&- -tot e ibeau lu as "rudoeacondi- tien, latin& valght, but vith ne ceagi et droit, it wvcu enad liaI Ibis eundîiIon tssted on au average et Ove and on9e-Isi inonthhsbefore the actuel dodsveai t the diseous. la casse vieré piemia-Is>-e ceded conaumpteon, thse average t, eb.- Ivem thie Brt attacit et pleumad-u the actuel devlepteat of tubercnlonil vas lires suden-ature Dr. Loomia reacbed the eouciuie, tisaI vietiiet eue or bath lange are tnveiv.d doma bot affect tisa utimata prOgacol, sud that huusorr"ige, eaugite, expectbra- tien sud nember, et bacIlli asteof 11111e value lu progneel.. lu atudyiut condi- tions favorlag th. cure O! Patients, Dr. Loemis madsi analyste o! 55 cured cases e! ifthimls. H fie teniliat licaver-age age et ea-ad ptients vas 2) YeS-s aud' 1 liat ont>- Ore vers unier 20. Long-llved1 ancestars vene a ve2ylImpor-tatfactor. - Sg.eke freunthe Wires. itor, spli ber iai-yx b>- a tallIin bur NewYork hotu sud ires aend«"c spscWs. e - -- e,.-"41 Another FVaok. "That youug mnuo! yeurs," aaid tie obîernlug parent ns bls daugiies- came daim ho breakfast, I"bould asp- PI>- fer uajob lu a muacaîn." "Wiy, fatier," exclninetcheb young lady ilutetes et Indignation. "vint do yen melal"' 1101j, nthing," ansvered - lbe ohd roa, I"oui>- v,îîti passeul thi-oug te bail tat. Int uglît I-tsotlc.d titat ho bail ive boude upon biesiebulders." A Staenune Hînt. -Mise wIiltg-Don't yen teesta draugbttovert tietb>- the. indovi Siowbef'-Yes, f-ei--bclleve 1 de, Sbisit ipull dovu ttue-er-biind, ou camne over sud oit b>- yen? ise WiIg-Wuall, 1 iiink len bai! bettr-er-puelIdevn the. blnud-fârst. MM. Miatuise. - Fia-st Itrangev-I beg peg e* hu 7"r uà» CF-M 'Oemd sIuwme-hI The f.'vneof the i,' -u i'aChrist.- 1ev. 1:10-2l0. Golden i ,-t. amn lie ttit1it liveth and iv. *i,,,lad jl. t, eh'l iamn .11ve fOreverntor-Itev. 1:1S'. The- p~lt,,I-i u-s hiv 1-vuslived 0s aài îii, nW . iof Ii. dîîingv a nd Hilq teaei-lii;.. The EiitIr--idîalu, tu wno the divine aide of ili i. t, ml;,hw il.iti umi-aningi lad pro in ij maire fui y than the Gospel.. W,' it i m tii-nialso an el-ah- Oratiail 'f Iliî~i-, an d nan y hintA and exîla ý t,îuv i t'a tli'r require et nisi la 'r eriryday ~î..Theiird principî i lit th la-trr-T,:it'-hrir b.d laid îiîwîî ia-tri Iicia.t" ar-ts mnd pri--pti lit, tIi,. ii -, f li.. eir Chusen îlv-îîl n t, l. t 1t;'lie tîangit 1y thletainiiir arii1i îoii:ir ta v. ti î.vie ht ias put -i-î1 , te-ll thii , H-w non- Verts thtîaîtliî-. oiil ie mkée i-taGod aiain, t1ir- a,ofth, -jr livn-a. Tliey -inut li i- i î-abîîî--î:ia I ii *t lave ioidI.,l'l tin -.'r Tîg îrttihe '0'atv i. i %vo r- umtde ta, fcîl ttiiî theii,v iî-î d v'î o1i ard fi-i.,' i' ai- Ys $ tin t I niii-l .)f tihe writers.-ml liat if we. wW,-ilî i l,ve Çli'v iium hiithein iii- 11ý iîiii.lîi'k îîf'C1ist Ivliihe amuile vay. Tiih it-mlf 1evI , nil ito' hi tr uIta,: irt. thit tli-r,- vi i->,înitriiioti üiiiflî-mti " i ,'taî-i vi i t 1- g'itg uain î-artl ii îlida t i ii.,ing au in ii eo7,- ane sil,-of t!,,' 1iit mn" -'i. ".r.: the ither tiîr,'. 8-(-wt. rt i î a ,î)itiîia.îmis war i 1btcii'îg ivag'tlii -,', a (tii-t Hit, Stan fir the imiî'ioi f tIi v var A.1nd tlîirl. itait mli ti, ii.i,f tlit tWar are ktiuoiii tcf,,r-liiit tCodiian(uithat ttuere riluho ."u1y- ,,ct -,vittm' rdiig ta, t il. -liamelicir laiit thïlia- ivl aiiilicho tiîi:ily cast out aimiii l Ii,; mvork-i ,lcvtroyel]. - . Notes. Verse I theI liiqpiirit" iv laken by sanie ta, iim-,iu in a tria,,'. Tii-r,' are tintes in a-uh i î.*-i ,lthli'îulituanditfeel- 'Ings niay la- i lt- lier d i«oat,,It.front the. tiiir-itla t tire' fiamiliar. nul il-heu the. sui, r.perîcîiilly receptive of spirit- ual tluiîiti. ti." ilustate aot unommen ta, î,lmi îeîvtle io'fvlàor e,oftea say thit they are liarîllin lathliî' world. The Lard'. J>y ay th Oe day upon a-ii .im'va-,rose frant the dead-tie lirst dpy if the. weî'k. or aur Shanday. John lieu-ml bhliad liaia gi-est vaice. H. e'cplaiuisinl verse 12 tIiat after ijear- ing it Ile îmried tu $se wliuv Spoke. t'er- heps theie s-,nimue first tauim go tti;t he niight lie reavv4nréd'l.amî iaotbe token ton mach bl uy rprise by the glanions, eight 'hi' flerwarîl s aw. The voit-,' ias great "as of a trampet. it lias the Voire of on. ankiîiit a proc;a- hear IL. Verse 11t-Tsi] he R . pute lie name "the Alpha Aud Oîuig" l inte elighthh verge, bat ait ler,'. Th~ese er. the. nni'. of itie itand lat letters of the. Greek nalphabiet, and lîcre syntbolized the begiiuiigý and eaullng of ail tliugs, ln wiiaia andii ty wlium udfor wiom n thing..%exlist. Tlui-re are muiueifie messages ta psch ot the seven elînrcelic. It wtîs nat oaiy these but the Whoie book tîtat vas te lie sent Ag A message ta tiiese t-lurcee., Verse 12.-Tue golden canîllestlck, or ratller. lampotsud, vitii lie neveu higiits was an institution of 'the tabernacle. (Er. 25:31-«).1 Here At eaipears as a setting for Hlm Who, sald. "I aga the Lait eoftthe orld." (John S8-M) Verses 13-16.-The astoulslsing bs John eaw W1a-tusperson -.Leuto a gsoc. of man." <il. V.) The formt as m like. bat tii. atîpearanee.filother re- spects denoted sometliag more than biu. The. ulenner of dreqswven by ibis Per- son scentsta ludicate that lHe van s Priet sud s King. Thei.lite hoin may stand as a symbol et cge or windein; the flsmlug eYcs, otf ar-sigliteduesand eu- crg7: the feet. of hurnisheul brass, of uta- bility; sud the, woullerful vrolce, o!flthe Power ta make men, hear aud ta per- suade thnt. Verse 17.-Tira agiiln te Vaut. 10 and rend verses.Ti. 8. 10, IR. Versé 1S.-Althonglh it wosnsegonder. fui and fearSonle ftie Voice of Hum wbo "Ileth aad was dead" sud i. nov alil, foreî-crmiire ninsî have brouglît ier- pressible haPPinees ta John. Hie loyed ta hear tiie voie of the. Lard. Tii. vends "I a" tmke un bock te Ood's annouace- tut o! ttitiî'eif ta Moges. They tell of s Betiiig wlii la unchaiînging wiio bas been îamii i li e, ta viioni tinte lo not. and ta inluni tiieretore we muay sa- then are '0ia-it andifuture tensea. Haviiig "tie key,# o! deati sud of Hade,4" cvideuutiy means absolate control O! lite andî death, aud of thoeeWvoieore demd. Vçurse 11-Johln 15given bie comntei slou direct trou, the banda of Christ s0 lier. coaul b. no doubt ou bis part that lhe vivions [lie wos ta secsuad descrble stood for truc tiii"gp. Ve-rsé 20 i-xpiailis thst tie seven lampe Stan'd for the. sa-en cîmurches, sud the > seven .tmrs ver,' heur angels. lWe st-e tantglit h'atlîink O! spurit belugs wha tlive before (;ominluHeaven anid Wha have soaietliiug tuido viti tIie affaira of mdi. vidual maman beings. Fair Warning. "My dean,' Raid Mr. Meek-erton et thse breakfast table theotoler moru- Immg, liviat vvouid you do If 1 ver. one Of tiose faut-findliîîg banda wbo C1 get Up cross in the moruiug and edam things aroîînd and kick upta nov just* because the coffee bapp;Eas te b. coid?" "John," repiied is better it, s sit. leoked i hm aquarely Iluthe eye, 111 wouldîs't do A: iiing but makte it hiot for yen."1 Md u y Ulae ý THfESE CxL u»st bo. st ýpti aw.aa on "~ LFOn"j 11 1: wll--Y

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