mders dpte i» wotbe an rtile achesp gr Our'aigh la ta l.oip the. boïtp.rnhm that ýcon b bo.4N ond oeil th.m Bet au smO a *prota8.0 &»0 cotislftmbiitiou prinalpiés wil admit of. WiI pt Smisropceit any article and WIf t aboild not pfflQe wha> w. dtaim for i wilIl ch.avulIy refund tua ,w.nsy. No ené expucIS a good article te compote wfth a poor one, iprico................ LIRTY VILLE MARKET " and iôRÔÔRY 141 tces Ciocks ýJeweiry flne- Repairing a Specioltij Sheet Music ANDREW HUSS LUEÎTV1ILLE X Xx RimL5OIS I VUU~ I WWU IFIUUV'~UJWWy ~F DENTF -.------~--.-- gON exODI Persa oLawuspemr d 20 10 30c hme. ineas, D oted Swss PriaIs 5 to 25C 25 to35c 4 te7c, Percales*u' 7 (o 1 Jc White Vesog O 35 to -15C Naiasoo&s e 10S lto 15C Giqlais7 te 12C Madras e. ** l2tolSc Goo0d Waist silk" 60 voile 'e o' 50 t. 75C 23 to SOC ÀAd a garge assortment of other Sam- ium.remssgoods. Sl#ti &Davis.- ru D. ta. afow*Y lo vlsltlng ber Mmr. Claueso Woolley ana lire. A. At. trint salela Iwa.Tayl«,or, ObGree ware ln town ah, 3ert Ihélbon of the Northwestern WediieudY. bill Ilca collage hahome, Yen donu thave te go to i e ago forao WI ru. Kiipp,. of Evonstonl, bhs becogoot powto; Dmuwiek makomat very style te iig reonteaaitithe boni. of'F. B. or picti o09,aMd iguarantees yon mii. , better flaliioti Work for tut. eaga" rnoey O i Cvur.ythuu*inthi. framing lino te aOngll Ii iy. . kl )d mier oeaelnlly at Billwicule and TUi. iOpOU" ot ll oiibtf Mrg. D. 0111 cm, fu.e eorrectIy, any Mmld of a 00k o lte.Mbr. reaalaed thîs Place del a.Tbreday éj Mô.tr». Cook wi ibe am UV. raiten ofwau one. an eenmotbeio f UM P- . llew%ýittrîaond bh" s?.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1 160tn fWacuo o hu ayfisd at.Village- haviug speut enal tjbghéspat hw da'sat teleaon severa moenthe lest Wînter et the mn se on Orchard strest. , Ellsworth a oie, Rer agi ait the, tirae wo dim Bos TOnng attended the gradua- of ber death woq 74 years and rogulted t laalerole etathoerortbwegteru sebool from i omn e aî od, gaea eultaut eot onde lent ThtIà"dayevenlng. otbady&ncdm O.- legotiatiose areboile carried on Edîtor Fewier o! the, Waukiegou Su% bave Pattery C. frrn Waukegau gir. dolîmAilste0 opount te bim readers that w MU aitlihe Trotting association naeet aroin of lierl existe ilu Llb4'rtyvfile. hal du. Olboou and Ethel lofth iholImtof actole jm o iS ii ee eno eakfrPortland, Ore. wberot, ie.,salsy ol lua ttàiaandwsvDi rIl i le latives and attend thie Lewis flotw ielat.ta kwwnmtti, taa nulî of iClark expouion now beiug field He Wise a Chble# adertaan laclore tze Enli liaI dut. bae 1j reforrm elemneoirs; buiili tirai îity and bi, PMieni aaluilders aepatclycorne naBa br uutatioable ity inot ilwok ,ou the iehg toicer tactacel.I ilre rusa!4 tr goi ta lte Creek .os lir!, onSjih aallaaîati bhý. beet ywiI luLu a ta! tankinti ad lbrtden ;à gag company. ptn a akJ~uoaoabormweeresc the d ra. F. (7. Cleveland étitertained fier and filied $50' aud cotr. ly Jusatice boa! tr. trs. Paullietfger adoud bad, Heckley. The. iiuvy fiue %watt irgpoaed ti IL t week. Mir. and Mrs. Metzger partly hecnuse the filon reiteth e T n.FIV unolcery work. -ÎNÎ1 iniitiar poy the flue and wt-,' laitLt',in theMai gnny picturea are til ba'ing mod et connty jail -n Wauk;a. r evening me& rwica M studio. -pae!uneaiu o ii gane i .; Austin, of Chicago), a br(aiber utilai faf, h ghl util Montlay ana! n Austin hasa purcaseeda lto li<n moroig wne . a ed $.-.angd ebtataabar lauket, avenue jusL nortb uftheb.. aol 1.5wiblie li, seul 6once Wells Place and will ereet aX i dweliing lu the ueo! future. fie will X ANNOONCEMENTS x Lt er reinovo his family tti t4isplace and not ke bis borne bore. . NextI TuW&dy afferuattin tre 1:1 at of1 tAie borneof lMra.Ed. Clark %will lac eld ii 01.8 Avis ISoolttIe of Crayéloke, Who a meeting ofitthe W. C. '1 Mnàebpmsvil latates u in sie.1une 14 at St. Marys» urged taeAbe presont.Thie Lemy, Libertyville, ban Iseeainvita. s tta »nii -karc nd wblcbwiil hea Sunida orniolng nail--I Mlethodimt 111 ýtreot ta' Uio. f»vore! te attend. 'hurch tbere wllie balti,.tî îof infants M peamic i s'prga ^ e tWlee of uiheîaud ao peclal sermon t> t'lildren. thai tit St. amoy e mue"l9Vlbranche% of Preparaioas. have laeertri matit for thie i catiou, oad wbiphbui for lauiktif L'hildreu'a Day *xercie t wlttli oeeur 6m we wonld ho publishea!. flndal-oiening, din] emgident MacOffluudeelared te an Topics tu h. dlsaëumeit it .Preàalit el't,YstrT reporter Wednesoday aller- teriazi clîurcb ofifaîuty w111 ha i a (Ihe sent l tha i in lebis inte.ntion tai again lu aOruiug: "= ""teegt %\uit itt le îll ect ng te the vllage oift-erm tai alsiThinge analdulîest ltia 'intalfa chlai Ma'k and laat hbeli cîagaitidring 'lingm." l levaigrt ilja alremp vg g111, the igaon wlaua miot INwcîalac "lew aud Urdov inlu ,t*îtleWitb ao tr. Ha e iarac a t liiho propotiatetifltfrei t~wu lieeint ad vi me who is ruaauifagthaé village anad dom a Laaaglingly odded: '*Wt arc goîug F D Tchuto oave a Quaker toiwn aud il ihprea' e ais. witi enough lIeu latuthie ordlnaiaceATOfol ik wo wîîîi ae omo."- GR i-t3t Sbs borne Ia Lhe Sauter liatslia & l ogi. kkegan oun Monday lent occurr.d thetC S M tn lah otf"rank C. Pickertbon. tir. ~ I.SLJtu ikenon wan weli knowu lu Liherty- the% o, favlug heen employed several Yeatsl Thirty.twio cbalariq Coniplete relgi seà driver for Dr. (iolloway. Ho wa U u ors.y ty-flve yeore oh! sud boa! lissécm- e>! sbookiamper eittthe tire imille gris, tihe L. C. ToeosCoal 4&blesnar. fim BIG U4T«4»INO PIffiSENT. hing àtives ai, roede lunIenglaad viiere b ho' po arase! sad wore notifieti hy cable' ro mnof hie deatb. [le ave. a villof oat!".N lo hol cgae îe ia og eoougb tea se Wbo contmntly stfl h hm dur, htlh Ion u 11 bu bon li knowti a île fast Ilînesa. oheie bjeau.. Evmrv urriculm 4 crowded. Yoeu siould learn wbat te T ouin Locke bronglit tu the 1Jglimpilexciudoe An Weil au wlaaît toseek aliter. r office Mouday a worm remgblig Cuip4uslty ff 1sUbj4tuMeelle us ai eVery au tho nyuiling hais àPi.onsof tain. poclesatlon demnande tan! ai- imou twine and about a foot long. tentio aeta&l tigua',t 'sMo aid kRe. H. F. it thie varlety su deadly poison end a wl~ le abli hwtalaureato adairees ob la e lieho ound on growing giron lest SUada)-rîlght eititheUniong egages, holag bardljy dlstingulebable cuuil1latou.tu gadataiig claiâe ut the 1tis the mure dangrous. se il out Ui*y#tvuwo Waaaiol uben cabbagl e i rpareal for tAie *11wil eeryatit (if yoen whot>lias tIi.. ge Sulte are luvai lfattal tt ioe do4ff anti ambitiote toiea etudent ta "kni o! tiei. otale. Ih le thbl hve thé opponîuuuty toi mtudy tiiswide' lion worm that infeuted localilies lu worM wbkih yeo ntwhegintet,' a let Yser and w*hors a nomber ekinfg of failtirtea tbr noun f x bol dIt te eta ubaoliiitiatve and )1wemnal ambition 11ev. h xaminatilon latin,.iiaîwed île u twber s$&,d l %mmîrt'sand scores of ailice. Tise'ipeclinn lf, vtbun la 1=1 b twlhAe ahil ty 01 a ilacaulay As Bibibution ai tioffice. hale down iittaohivion boaansutwPi eorge sud John Lyucb lait weeli tbey laced thie sfil 1i of arrongoméîîî ana!1n4g11 ehasof iWrn. Rkinnair, the Iatiter'ii expressiou conpit'd nita a wiiltovo'aak. Pr" enrty un Milwaukee avenue ineluti Cmmon every day ilainge May kIc su mt t livery business sud are naw lu utatea! as ta hoe ait itiar ta thie jirac nulle rg., For the promeut the young men art." elxtel 1mako no changes but later oxpect Do Thy Woeki Weil. the i Id iwoh.taroit somlacosed carrloges If a Kith leavet lita imperfeaiiiiak ina en oter oeentiele and engage lu the, chel Atvainstarngrt<îta addir rtaking bnsiness, Mr. John Lynch W estuîfinit. If a wt1ak epot je leftin a Vlew ij a raut qia rlsio.îeaWaill,)îtartonger thau 'ltait la vr poUlgrltiespohu etil IICP.wuee spot 1)l'rotit« tlwe tenu lande aiflundi b ai ntulieluWleibilag than. Ur. ithe aalloy. If tPira-ii a a oit luthe' e'tay ler will tcuip b bonne fur saine, oretîonoti e fortit ,aLloml the enemy will apin @jet, 4,ud w eb a «euatuho wililad theplace Anda! rathe batiloînenis &t go I laà a not dei . there. If yonuui t titecharacter witb 8614 t te tins thie Its»xPRgENgxvgoste knowledge and tatilto imbue i wib l>i' si l in the tak ait the truck thaoî moral courage yart build a tawer of ÏZK< iý on the front page of tiiisue le Balil atber tlan a taveW t' f treugtb." a4 rted no a rumor le aimont a tact. Te evtnlng wae ara ideai oue amalib. the temeu eoy thal Corrigan made an clatra-l was cro wded taeitf tmiont by beil r t th owuersof the trocc to give the noasaibly wlii'h t .teref ta bear the. Ai M 44,000 ana! a strinig of abouqt 40M gîdnmend taltlis'sittgng0o the large anda! aho JOwblîr would Menani outlaY 0f ipprclated choir. i,-v. Quayle useiste tante ,ut thei moatut moirefora ai ou0f lu the services. tAie i lys. Tlinroday if teroon ibere was Eighth Grade Gradualion, .toi jumeet-iug 0f the owfers ofthe truck (Ou Wtduesaday evenina b.olhm bIîM ciluference vilat the pronuattere nofgîPA egradutation exercises W..rebelda 't rannlag project te deflultely arreange tile union chu reli and glhose W ha doue mtuer h1t ai yei their action le not arrangei te praigraga Worm eepec'idly aeci ci(. fls ie4thattLias uw gove on forteaîte *u- ebtilliuig Rev. J. A. J. 5, parto ithe inageruo! thietrack l Wbippleof tihe lIrait M. E. chureb of tie tal hy the fataL imborehais naît hoon o Waukegan asnLthe mseaker ut the evenlng. 5tOPI Jiin retoru for tiie money investe! 1ev. W hippie is a gîtan ni wlde iaow, tetida *cunîe oftefallure ou the. part of thie lodijearna! xpt'ri-rîte lu pr*utlcol uNaire etreal oe of. tea aociation te) latereut anadlaWebeeliouuull=rmesuca-nufoîlin huilt nto.eliy prouiulni trotmting lîmen eharoh anad publie wîl.forrnerly of ePeca )net# thie countray. jielt, Aie was onie ofthtîe origluatore and Th mtrng iffiv tct tîlut& ioremuphtîlders of the, now voil tfnions curie stin ofs.laa Fide aes r na lro Steel Vorucrs Clubîlofut uat place. An tu lti helbrP ave eiere alteraia an lgtexoepiionally Mtrong men ho commnandoeunau tnip and a! e tre riii ttAie remue-t and! a-oieratIon ut thosie !rTtng Aeaocalorgrouuds3. Thiey vitA Wom Aie Worke. BM. i. prori f J. C. Adanie a big A Waukegan orchestre playe4 STI ci in f Phoienix, Arts. and! are severai selecione and a Weil arrange! jum !g hiaudid by J. IÇ. Wlieat, owuer of adpolpcga a edrd f Mile truck ai ibat clty Thie îaorses e !peeiià ro ran i s eteed o ab i viii h Icokeal te)ta upholal the eellenn a enerl aiedthvasmPri ty oïfthe.stable ibis year are Vc-In nltam nymre!b a.5i~ le M. a'troter witb a record of vrosenceeoa le* inîatiilegallerp goa a rr ~~~aud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " in . ,,.~ia is oewa f tAie knowleilgp tiat Uic y wcre laor taMl y u 2m7a lIeobr aethsroc lot tinder the wata'Iitul oye ai theîr dii.> a paceria cnourse et education anda! maimiuae leîi ttmia bu taken mPund tiIs summor te get rowyiuî » "Md tA travelinglun fai to'npauyGonm 1 Chi This U* uqI wmI Of 01110111 b figo ofCA tbe aluorof' thei. 111 di PffltiÇalarly Eeaabanigb, vii. do iii ta empiiauie thoir prosno hi outtal toik of what, tbey will <do ana 'onni lnguage, diefflilngly rough andl bcone, smocks go mnch of thei. mm di& its of th", elty, Incite@ rather thac àotes trouble. Helnbaugh had madi moeit n0 obuoilônoe et the restaurani bombae boarded It md bei deterMlnel erefuse hlm more meule. Re, dispiayed knit. with which lie aaseted'ai ed two man; proudiy exhibiteia iping from a twe year old Chicago gl deecribing iiow 4 had kliloed a Mm id that8ltates Attorney Deueen was deavorlug to eonvict hlm for, the urder, bo.eted of bip flirtatons wiîh mon and flnaiiy in a burst of prof"-i , hat ho could lIIck ony two mon in Lib. tyvllis. Ho octod 11ke a Chia-ago thaug dIl thora. le u ntng thoat rankles or nid, tend tuo sur up trouble it le ta ive sncb a man proudly parading our r.Mlotbod '#iUthoK5T5lriiy oftau Mer. 1't in ovident tu the lax.x 'rT there won a desire-uipon the part someo0f the crowd that gatbered ln lerlin*o saloon to b ave somothini ppeu _that would &%frd an opportun- tu "'get at" the man, and whlch itude eaon fot ho too vigorousiy con. mfiod, and yet it waes i >aggadloclo dcourse vnigarlty, etories of whieh dbeen bruited about ail day tonr,, at ntited the hatred of the crowd. rhart aloe itsllr haveotbeut trahall, Mark aid Momne local yonng- ,a au dboys congregoto about aur, et corners, otteu by thoir p)r"menc beeonaing a uine, rly warrants the iuepired misrepre nation lu the. Waukegan Sun thai ortyvWin l appailiug tongb. -Thero b nor bas tere been a condition either our coAptdlei could. noi meeet ti lge oflicer lu upeedily termiuaîlug. re le hardiy another village in noie coutainiug six saluons and wlth ingle ofleor tu aamin the, pence. ltei as weli ordered asé Libertyvile., :ous characters thore are noue.. ply a few amalrt Alece Who need cipiuing.. Liboýrtyville le fiseiy repre. ded la the Sun and Incidleute lu con- tion with tie unfortknate ebooting Mr goralod to lit the fana-y gofthunse poneible for Une publication. To vrtime broadcaut in sncb a ngner . incaculable brna, but we ar. in- s!d tu. pou.the motter ai ihin tUrne Lvu further comptuent thon ttoa aaure oidere wiiu may rend thc Suo our lei not luleented with a tuugh or vic- ,eleaneut, that we have augitt tu cou. dwitb utiier thon ae lew tractable euib bointrous Yuoni. Thie tolk of a go of lawbuspus ev.eryone lu Liberty- eunbiameg by persoual or po litical Bances knowe tu ho absolite rot. À gie officer wîth a little tact and th* er deteronlnatio a ngai preveni evon PLANS. iter Rationilonsansd Per. uanent Sewer Ameured et Publie Meetugi. #adverised the villa/bord beld o it meeting at the towu hall Mogagay t, at wbicb some tifty cititeng wcre gent, for thie purtiose 0f explaliuig ;what won proposed ignthie way uf diug a permanent aacwer mytitetu and odîng the wakter mainé thronghout village. mident 34affutln and the truteea eee-ofdthie Meeting, glvigag tlacar t, un tu wbat wao naaeded, Latang thc îaaeeaitlair plano for raaaeang a.EaaerAnderson oft Lake et Aiiise ugaged tu giv> hie [ion se ta bout mode oi proceedure.. watt eite2 tbat frouna avillaeeao population live'yeaos go tu the out setinttel population of froua 0 to 1114*0 wcks.aphenoîni, 'I growtb thoit eanitary condition, Jacu sotin. »17y wonow a menace tu pubie :h. ewor systeta wee deelared ta ha> an ointe uneieeeity and turiber that the, efur "talkiug" had passed. Bud sewergand at once waffs the senti. ot 01 themeeting. lýxtesioQ ut Uic ter mtaius lt won explained was l;ceeery aud this le tu ho M * ýht away b4ymenus ut !w Mceuenut&. A bondIsaune ut 100 in iconteitplated lu JuIt and iLA iumouey land (an ho puruhaeed, a )ti syaatemi bult aud thee mains ex. le Iront Marne afr lae Fourth et, frorn wbich Uic sewer le tu lac icit varions part-ol the villagle by 'aI monuesnt.- eo board's views were bertily ctoa- idlubythone at the imting, a vote atefcinig taken sud wbîcb watt ecatorle, saie, of ReIÈOO Euti~. a.T8OF ILLINOIS eoen. 1. lhtejni,<u ouse 2-. I1ât.11h, seoninrof toîaa W ll .liltso J. flapier. lser M uttr For the future we wilI th is -store your best trag eface. IÉIVÀYTIINU ti good wiliI be found i and at the'very Iowest p Strawberries 'A Tomatoes. as well as other Fruits. Vegetables Table Deinties, Meats end other sMéple goods. . .. . Make il a point to see what's dolsg MB. Colby Mercai Pluooe29 - &sAaAaaa ILADII3S' NECKW About 20 dos. I*Laeee Neckwesu- 'e:'uanlsnedssvieyc olors. STOCKS In white, pink, bl< Someffggoted, oê jTwir Over Collars, !mdrMdd RIs4 Ç..,>...s1.I P.ja...... I..Ja..... ~ i'--i u" ..Fp.sgo~eI ~.ens uu W..'U~ U15 I.Ut Uit mi Lace Collais Etc. - The 20 and 25o klnd at,.iOc The 25 to 85c klnd at15 and3 t Fancy EmubrodSeed Collar anld Cuf a Black 811k Tab Coliar. 2lot: THE, FAIRPt, LU L E at ti i No w Is Ttte Time To INSTALLBD 1 handie the highest grade et bot; water boliers and hot air furnaceei If you are in the mnarket.for 'pltmWa ilîg or heating, get ml flgq'e's. do ouly flrs tkCls.W"r ~5 i hii* berof .ecois<hq e- Whien you wantQ Butterm-the kinc(it is. Made Rlght.-Taste This Store, we can-PIea» Sure à 1 ý