en sud h. etyourorder. M biW. t tb1, Wits a Oood Thlngý à b te 0" rneba4 artlutarbrnd" and gt wbat rbu Wee0htmi go outiâr ilguout of stock orsaoetblgWu sla. oW~vr auttttamins loti *ynoo les dgood ThIng *"altboms '1ou aaeep t ltgh iWt and 4ýlntjr pautry, etc. It'oGodýttdn> ot>"g ýTelmo" l" 4)pruoeU . very artice under Ibis brand in *t<Ictl pure, wh4oome and the. prie reasonable. t'saGodt ig 9titwlth uct> y phi.me and aâmn.abouit ti new tinlms arrtvine J. ELI TRIGUS UBRRTVILLE MARKET amd dROCI3RY watches Clocks Jewelryi flne, Repaunng .ciSpeciaituj Sheet Music ANDREW JIUSS LIDEPTVILLE, X X X IWNOIS tI~ uen$14.75 Warranited [:'or Ten Vears. (etounEitrth) Us svera gglés'ami Prices We cali,,save -you mÙ tw 1 Wxy 0.Sewing 4* as, il I444*aMa4~ .Tohg WOrond, onBrtoEgld ,j .s bill its son, Willa tod ~t*vo w, =bl Flaa" W~ Dsswiik'a studio witi give 15 cabinet WUIJl f*ter wthi. mare price an. a dosen tii. &" u 28. Ju.9.millway1 Wédom Mme lIaf" wtt rois lb. oaet -that h.,~ ~ ~ ~~fn Mm wr i eo.ta ~seN.1 -&- Ib..*u, atiinâoo.la piW dby tii. endlof thbf wook'and repor$t tat tii lnstalling-o! @tO vms laprucedlng vory. rapily. J* « '1aat Uedsirmenwere out from Chîcago "nd sad-papered and cpd the. bowling -iiya- They are 1no lua a fIlab"Vaaàaemit eaie'renuveting. Beinspiber .Bnlwi4'a studio acepts Waltnger's pho oeqpospreloy ti. s am w P .do. n ad you are C.W. T~ cltyfoot.b rb bralsedasM Twohou Mion Host dey ditnit homi.soutI ship ou lia . Fopt tit Tùoirmday fora te*W ,*lth ber minter, àNrm. wqWe*Mat lHarvard. ,u 99.eI lland Park tact G.~'lagr fov.rîëiy or e, Is*»Pw-lvigin 4alrt on«timwd udt witti iriqzde ssip1h sosmnmer. qrtW a ltowiîîg wett.au a fa* Place ut a d.pth of Il ma èel iti,%j.,.and làb¶a5 i. . treamca an. ëttheground. weU aLborty.i:Ie Wdueg. utbltwmitaum,. On.. of tbofr mts iy bail l...en visittug isla" and a4]itunnwtown- suais .ernd. Anyons sWho ltt.m 10teme ifut drivlsg bouam the. cnpety 0< urren t ta ail parts eau me lit alaltan yliai. of tii.day bjr ofithevillage ovelr aboiri-;w Une.Cur, gun uI1tehé Trottlng assocatio6n renuinla ow Igsii.ratod iiWuea <rud.Witto W 0 brsu tbo@ru 1attsd laou on p.Iànay. .lSue iurtb,,r cd Iii. limtether inlanuallp eometbiug ..djxctilng Ji ns.n y tae) orfectthie dolng. glystezu, whlob lalternatiîîg Idteuai o Côuaty Clark lIneSe bas received is ~direct sheectolor, afid teraî<lb as. oalgiamm" -olbtutens'ieoep offiCiaitP.b*eJIi.il0P aMS the msprtcniie.wba seit parciase The wbotaetorp.ot tea1oîs ha.. lc.n * hl" documents *IW'begad ta loarn re.euga&ledpr sMx& year l'y il,.aeiur ut tue'tI ot bà oiiTy a dollar of tbisecbon] board and içili teffeh the, tus yoear instead ti the 0.5ase palS a camegtaffm.b tant Yoar. Prof. J. W. Yser f0. Nord boac retUrned tae bin ole ut lit COnuty Clerk Hendee aul Attorney Sterling, Ill., JMMrphrwNuod, grade.. Wei"a, ai Waukfgan wseere in tosen 7 anS 8 ta Wauk.gan %ilicre bii., wli *Wduosday. Tii.7 exprecsed süruriâengut swpend the. nommer, Uic,.... Greco and ta lld toughs about aur elreets carry. gteseait ta their hotus in %I i bilgan andi Inn-taives sud revolvers. Tberatay ~ yaJbsntU.S.rigMise seas short and poiullzag bis autaonabile Satterson selîl etaY il, Liberty%,ille tlrauekeward Mr. W.isemalS."Weil, turing the gneater part oai ý illiiir,1 iota <et out beate comething @tarte." At thc meetingaietihe Village bulard Thov bail read the. su»s. 1cr Mbday lgh itt.- wax iidane Miea Lau Cater seas a mnomber of thi.e ecept the geeri "utiti a-rt araduatiug tia, ofthie Clleqeoft Liberal u1cenaof. M eholît,. s-wai. talion Arts, Nortliwetern University, kRvan.. P altaselug miner bll.. ail salarie.. tain, and a number of Libertyvilla eain. I Amnng the0e w»at ive dollars. p.r day ti.'ecanti friendn attended tie ax&n.'isev gseb,for spécial poW-l Ch.i lam. Hiti boti] In the Audhtorilirn, Chlcagu, the ansd neinbaugii, frSedi. r. Pvening o u lunIii. Uio.. Cater lu tigewac voted ta inatruet 1W. E. havie, tii. daugbiterol Mr. anSdtirs. John Ceter. - out.goiug tresurer,to, suliailt i.. agînual - itenîliseti report of the sat.' if tii.' fond, A fow nighta agail Brt Austin l.f t him il itioflic. Ttbemo.ing aiLs aljo)urtied biL.Ytle setandJing autside af Triu.' ountitnoel:Mauday nigbt. miarket door sudl fater wben be tooketi Watneacopst.îIito ar for liLt outoS thatit seau gone. it bac value OUPM fi "ni.> sate not turneil up ice andilit la ttougîîýt l orwh agevlei -mijili-d on th"t it wan x toten. The initter wac r- cabinet photos; là> for a 1' ' onî porteS-ta IMarshalt Maek butausyet nt> traie. of theii.. 1,1b a.. lien"dim4iavered. Announicemnts are 'lit i,.r ttie nialrriage (i Minse Firen..Ioiî..I1ialrd Very rrttu Cittrene l>ay i<rert!ic.. agltr ir. tlr..lll Ialr wereetebratiedat the Mthatiuit h rehtifaiParkt avenue--g.liorge B Sun<lay night anS wltnommsd byuall wb,.>Folltelaitilae~e p'-"IN i.iauna t c'.ul lnS ou,,lutheaudltarluzii, whi'h .quiet affair and docit d:tif! iM. 111. seaipacked. Tit llne ltlu n hsslrparti. arsoinage Wednseday o>iiiî i :4o wreexci.tentantievery numbere-ikitedtge otrvicegg hein« very siii,j.l,- in naature. appreelatiaiîh, fflb. ainî.Juctithe dayAliter tie ceremauy thb. ýI 'a g .coupile being att thut preventei continî.uinsacait tsi Mr. I"ollet'a litiiii*.- sîîîtî t apîîtans. ta)wn. tBotte are sWei tnu.w iili Liberty. Li4iid Venper welîl put a brilli'nnt and ville huvlngltueS ln th .i.ilisriîî transoparent finish an any artileai ail their liveu, weoti or gigotai that bas a 1'arnulied,t jepaned or enampkd i ur ace, renewina tMNoTc~E r amnS incn.nîaing IL..original bilae o M U CFMr niewiiess, sithout ltlion.The Laie',aAid Soelty .,îiii..c pre..u no B. i3. Ente, sgent. terian chanci Witt mil t ttii tiolie uto C On. 01 Lb. féatures ai the Trotting tins. WltTiîur8dé1g iîiarnuon, p.arti ut tte puent turne la l>lk,the Jufne 22,.e inaîîcut oft (bars stable.'lilet la a whito Tite aet 1 glve.. a dan',.. at lHertel@s pigeon and nosema ta have no icar parti, ail ay, next Thmni.day zigtit. c whtevpn ofman. At Memphisabe wsec juce 22. nlliiw4ed itberty ofthte part bent on M l.ing broughî ber. lit wsse hiredt at be Regular service'..ntithei.. lIliiist .-ippad. Heient perftc.y ut bomle ih suppliei bY a vsltitig niinitor a,ltdois ttc barpnaenansd makeR triends with at aslMIon. t W-ho comle. Acmo Camp M. "J. O. 17.1 Witul Tb h keago Bureau ai CharLies . lS ldituannueal Itiint ai )iunid tLakel'àt niaking ai, endfauvor tae îsbtain the ,iitY 27. Particu-ielrs «In, cUlfflltlfîiia'lu consent of citisens of itiertyvillte tfugue,5,but teep Wîin î iait. hdate. i op,-n their hone. a party ofai idren Relal servie", ft tfii, Prseliytoria e b imeS i t..si ai tila ulîmer in l cuberCh liuzday. 11, tii..mornhsig tii.w thae l'lai' ut tie IBareau taeliing about tapie Wittl*'lte "t.lgsi Iakw l thirty-dtif tome children bers about Example." In thee.îiiig"TitaeChurvlinz thes tant <if lune or the. lIrottil JuIy for a anti a Yuung Man, h gitay oft two see. Ttay asolt the NI hearty cl4)pemation oaiattand lirplie te lie alite t iitprost. tio- pop,. il thg. COUNCIL PROCCEDINGS. ti towzî b the wark. fa The state i ltfinnim .anciyear alloses irie waiti.lasipo. t.> certain ostidpnti w lia are coaiîpelledt tapas.. euamiuiatione RivenotheLa purpoce. Titi@ year three 1rontliakecrouity srute the examinia- lion lfar thei. ecýbiarstiip. T)iey sean. A. N. Lurte,Zion City; Daniael Cabli, lligblaud Irr anti Osar Kaiser iiertyville. Titîe xamlnatlas, sec belti Baturdau, laine ainhithe premence af Suporteudent (loggi at thIe Court bouse lu Wankegan. The Chica.o Poe$ aya: Apropos the reprt "bt ES (Canigan viaihet i Lberty- ville, Ii1. sud lessed tne race tract nit thon. ior a elxty-day runulug meting ta ho holS alter the trotting meot, It mgbt b. saithat the izaseter ai Hawethorne" Once passeSl near the. golf. links ut Whatau. Penbape lue seoulS seant ta kbec. hei for a basebali fied. Aiso "% E d" pamse near the drainage canal ceverat Saym ln u.uceaia- *perbae hoel l bsSe Lebig ditci ta pull 0f a rogatta. Mr. Carrlgan hia; *visitIeSsevorat bat.eS of lute. He , migih simb tu loss. tbemftonthie acioanadation ai tho great flmberoaigueltsehoexpee.ts atoneol bisrace me. "Tieiosll ho uno ractug9beot for runnlng bianes ut ta lac,"l a ie emphutie dispatcb tram an. Ot tho mot prominient men lu -ilihetyvtlie.. "We only permit a short tratting meeting.", Final Grsdsing Exeoises. TieeSeulon Clama night exercictes belti hat Thursday eveut.g at thie Union çhurceli owe e onsiderable meit an the. *part ai1th. several participants. Mace drilling wss.@viSent traintthe wuy that the meuihers baudtsd thoîr parts. The Oas. BHistnry by Robert liondS <aosed' consclentiaans effort aud the. Preatbey by -Va. t. Poster decem secnWlt omnii- dation. "Six Cape ot Chocolate" wîtiia cat of six gtrls Waa gond. sebile the. farei. entittod "The Engllsb (lirl and tbe Western Girl" ws a sitty take-oiii Wselh ws. seeilIcarnet out. .Commencemont Exorcises. The Aunuai (Commencement exercices Fnidîty ulgbt wei'e belti In the. pr.es-ne (If an oveefiowtug boue s ad the speaker ofe e voning, Trot. J. A.'James, bldthle audaience ton n.arly ou bour selti a mast dtNffiui tait. Mr. Jamies lesa pleausng s-peaker a-tIi a mannor of addreme M .loiunt Idseth anS thoco seho misseS Juuaeng hluinlsted a mraret1 'Ater a vocal solo by Mise Laursa 0ketSsuS selcb eaéofuthIe sucegea.c ulftIeoeilg, Ufr. J, W. Kern prosentads the iptoiiiae lu.a t uobenfie a of aI teudmt . j1W.Vma M s Wb*ses ReeOlutlonu hlîis' t Village haurdl lune 12, IeS Pecclead, Tlîat $200~ ho tateon frontz the uuaîpprjiiîts.d tîîîsland ptc'Imilii the. utrt4etliglîtizig faî,l un.part tif formier approtriatimii. Rsclted. TVint el I--,1)lie taken frmiî tic uiapîîropriated iiîîîîîlanti plac..it inj Lh. bond anti liîti'rct faiid a.. fameasly &pnpatedt. si 5-,oli e taken tram1 lb. unapprapriateîl f i iiand plaeS in1 dme tire anti suter iîînl nas parI ot former1 ap~~niatd o 1<lPoletatou irronthe1 uuapraplato buianîd piasd lth e1 contigenttnnd ai.brt -Oai former1 appropriation.t Clalme Tecbulcatlîy. The Wisconcin (eatral railroad limeet.î ing t La aoid PYtlynit iii ils àseool anti nuS taxlu Lut.. oîunty. The objctiranj ta the legalty of the taix ievy inb bueS ni lihe act liaItii.. tatiatemm tate that th m levy muet b. signet by titres dîretors inu the. ireselnce oft cadi atier. The coon. pany edaimts that tii. lapers shaw Siffer.i ont cotord int anîd will atteMpt ho provei that titil s s ttat tiey seore signeS ut1 dilierent limes. It i.. inobubleubaî thec auteome of the ca.'.e seul deponti1 Upo" tbe cssertiaai ai the company that làad tbepapers been uigned at on. time that lhe came lit a'oaîli ho useti by ail of the signer@. About $2,50Ô Sepends. an the decision of the c-ourt, In thoe cboIl. tax alone. Tie otjtion t he lb.Mt tax ln tat prulir itining wast tan muade. - Mitrn cabuinet î,tuut fo tirhie prie afI a dosez. until loune 2.- at tieuwickA. m IlOgittitegO f rueaud iitcistataru seart giaaraateed, ail )ri tîlus do t nuit gi.h ut but iewcstudiom, a Do yan icually gio lion>,. rom ciuaub. .,thî aheàda4ýtio? Itl i<.ytur .e..L. The. seb fo r , .î adrie Wla iutîa p i f you an.iileSn Mima vent and avercoaaiî' ueli beailarhs ier. enceuu are .'a.ity recagiuled by tlielr ctearnese andtiran.gnou id aapluhiy for esch and every case. Th. buiesa aIteS ta the fane by spcla ssavZ moute, Ibis bailfit very noemwsy la ob- allgtébos remuto.Hvu .X% 1 ý 4 t. Pont Morse are being, Put Shape for July Meeting. 9SEASON TO OPigN H EUE. In & ltile over two, weeke the hrotti oeanob wit open at Libertyvile ati1 Aoeatq6u.xru d.On Jul 4 1 roflsg-lbo nunea.- a p -gr h.~,p ii occ asin wea tnaiw iWaDaUIr, owing tbeIttha'titb ut a ew dapat beeauannouncod, wilt mark &tie.beginut ot bain...raclng lu -.tht. part oftt country. From hors thectlas Winlfa siteWest chiago Drvln1 club Ineetil and foui hora o tbU ctdciit flua ing atilietroit whtcli open, on JuIy 24. Osers Wtin Drive ai West. Ed.efte, the i lent, -Mins",t getest driver and traîner the'wor ever kmi.w, brought hie big string fly'ers up from Meniphîsie week. Tbi la Geerw tiret vudt ln tii... parte in mai yru, sda .pru me. ttepicturoqu Lbsrtyvlletrak, t.ber wlti bsstab utOltaf or twentyheaofwodoifnl fast hor. of bth a4, sould ni onty yrove a go drawing card, hi »Olloda toil, ta ti meeting tbc Win belli afgauni a lLniiei waY, ln anotber tJh ,etlit tetrialentat. Lt je not1itprobabe tii rorne olthe borsenien May-hie thermelv wvbe eIt witl be encler te pick up i Puises than will ho the ecm at Liberti FUilgdriving against tirs mout warrelot zriismqian tjiat ever mounteti a sulky. " Fait Work ai Tract. The new trati. lumptv teemtng w t hune. these day. 14117 i150 heiny on thi ~rounds and af tais the stiff wurk ha rouaded nearty eaitoai tbem lnta sbap fur the. races. Ttiere are fume woiidei 11111Y 4i hhlly bie.at work and it t rainnta scetbe quarters.reëled off S1 81l or 82. seconds and i nstances.ci iluartera lu 80 second», ar a two iîîinut gait, can be potnted out. AmOng tire berit knawn tioae t thi course are StiYlacl, 2'0Nf%;Calcne 2:1A~ Citation, 2:091%; itacnae Mediumn, 2.11 Black Orattan, 2:14%; Gamnbetta Prince Abblegtttiîre 2-07%- Nancy Ilolland 216<%; Missouri &îrattau, 2:16%; (lipide, ilçtt6, a fuli brothier to ilaton. rattan 2:;l ; .H. H -., 2*22%; IWilllai î Mc XinleY, 2:20; <Jldduet Maid 2:12% utn( flilly A 2:17%. iemide.. the., lom4ns..Iow a£ thstrait others wbu.bhahve lien winterpil ai other tracks witt tlm brauglit ber.. for tiîù the Initial meetinîg aiIth e séaon, s n'imber af trainer. laving airmady un uniltteîr Intention ai beingii..r foi hé. f1qcacon. Tract ffxceptlonally Fast. The. horne mon are unanlnoic in t inalan ibat the. local trwa. exvelîtion 113y fait and are nat bactward in 8 sUonS ng its jîraice. Laest Tuesday at thr wirkaut Goerg tatd Superintendeni Martin thiza the track wac tîzat day biter banh bevper eaw the fainons m&teiiio trac. "Il,",l n=ct i s eme of nb< rpcordas boudbgn a mub belore tit touron us over. lûrrigafi Leans Toward Libertyvilto. Wliile camnetof the papers bath in tusi Punty and in ChbiagoMaire lgbtof the rct tirat Corrigan ham had any ilire to cies taO Libertyvîlle it le interemtifig ta rd, wbat tthe Chica go Tribune in %Vfdnpo4day's houée cuysoun the cubjeet: L. E. Ingaît... awner af the. Joliet rale a..k did nat matie gour] bic proims to ge ont a otatenient yei.terday wlieýther Ir lot a runntng race Meeting wiulîl lW leid et bis track. instpad liebcaid tIi. on wlîom hoébahm be1 ry, g t teret ini tbe affair wpre a bard lot ta, leI wittî and tbat id mirerai day.. lie ouid know wbether lie wn atout or )n borî.eback. Rd Carrigan woutd give :()liglît on'tho matter. HIe malS lie badl eId a ten minutes, conversation wittî r. Ingaila, turing wbti*b everything wrtaitiing tt iesProoedmeeting wai; horoughly thrsbed out, and tlîey le t) crnie tuanuunderstandjng. it vas blteved from Co)rrigaiima taikt tt li teanet i trangv tuwards the. Libe.rty. ,lie track, but le wo)uld flot ,oiînilt îîî'lt am. t.,the.outlook. As Vlewed -Promi The Pulpît. 1'aking am i.lm.. ubject -Law and i.rd,'r ILibertyville witli Iteference tist Hu... Wcent Evpnt,." Itev. T. R. quayle hifft înday eu.'njng outliiied ficstiellît iin onneetion wltb the pressau: state otf fairs ln Ibis vlll Choocing ac4 hi.. et "lu Thune Day.. TiioM e sNu King 1 eraý.I Bat each DId What HeTbaught âght lu Ric Ows Mid" lie ..ai.t bhootlng serapes no common lu Wauk.'. n andICbtcago bave beretolone been (luite tknown lu Libertyvlle. Trheftat.c an- rnlng that Incident whicb iapponed lre lacî bonday ulght rau be liar. ioiseS, he. etatements cancerning tii. fair caonover ho. ". 'We bad cmre visitarin lu r toawn ,ntly, corne unweteome visitons, tlî.'y ireo oelevated occupations,0ai, gang einging wirec ai an etoctric liglît ç.oîil- any and the otber preparing a watsr mir and 'thougb one @et wa.. aithie ,er tank tbrougb the. day @,,)me ollioti ,e ai; the boer tank ah niglît. %Vf! av aIea some irounggeitlemen, native. tie. place, wba are by ni) m"418 odels ai cbaracter and uirtue. Bird.. o father finek together."1 "Tbirty or farty accdarding Wtahte DICPENIiENT," continued 11ev. quayle Were in ane af aur low satonslat înday niglit. It was 8uit in tie saine' l>e r that tiiere were @Orne lier. wtio td ecided ta 'du np'lbirenarsiîutoçwere ey gIven the î'hanco. Our bord bail iLt to Cbicaga ton these Marsli. c..ibly tn'neaar atermen were unfogrtu- te, it waai at atieof ai a rike and Ithze good nien wrsre, neethere. ittîcr the autbartties thoîiit Lduit mytbiig woutd (ta for Llberty%-ilte im. )t i ziot tnawn but anyway th.7 c.'t 'sempnIeniere. Ttiey were drlnking auîd iten tilt aine Ii lu -tbe wlt lm ont' thi.i blaWý was given, tiien a nrovAtr îwn, thion a idiot anudtlthe man wtfo S THiE ILIBERTYVILLE FAIR, Thl'nkïing. ofH lIt's the time to consider installtion o4 bot'water*î4ymtem you want lun.u We are agents for the best bot water anTi bot air furnaes. Corne am W W W. ~ ~ ~ JiI 1ov ge. !.rgle I e A little savilig when you can should be the 'of every mnan. Can yoti biay ip.to.dIalo eut? Dishing goodsiat a Dry goods store? .Wowanl tb everY mxan wlîo resids this that You can i Store. It will be te your advantage to bue articles as Shirts, Collarsq, Undýr"wear, fIaîf Hlome, Ties, Suspenders, Shoos, Jue and Overalis of as. ivi tg We court'compar isoi with any other store town to show à better line of $1 Negligee ShIw We gie you the farnous~ Egyptian Baibrigi Underwear for 5Oc a garmeit-l'all sizes." Be stores show as good undêerwear for 25e a garff as we (Io. We waîît you to compae them. the best, but extra value for the nioney. $a9flom 2119 Lihertgville = --I* ~AT IA LFPR About A>. doz. Ladies' NeckwearTa men's amples ini endless variety. of et 1 colors. STOCKS in white, pink, bineh4 aîî<I nixerl eo1orts. Somefaggoted, some with lMM Turn Over Collors, !mdroidered -Cgl. Black Spaogled Collr., Collar and Cuif 5 Lace Collrs,Etc. 'l'le 20 and 25c.kind at 10c The 2to 35c kind at 15a(d20e Fancy IKmbridered Collar and Ouif sotgZS Black Silk Tab Collars 20c