I lie cari 'ti, -gt est vat emcI irse *ad *monS#sveed lba îýocIted Tcar#- êdAffl fIat duraa U7 sec tua ovuer gr 't*«Suh labor Kr-,pblsor5 eIn ý Périr ., «éÈco- 'a1**à%;,al- mtaytma. ïM prZ.7 ., vi se e sla Idoit an loi yn u*m t- diect the poney tic ttle, té go Iw * o asiOR-*U. bis Splnim A" r on,.dowt.lù»w urfiat u .lg-on lamal oves té t:e la rou ",e o^e hcyvbe'l sae *era'.", oI fcv of lise â le ia tie11 gt#ii5t5U,'.t, peiint viticut ao àknou.ý -Vl odice boy la smoking eolStI'ArticloefI«IOiE a. iu0., ., C m at Ilsbookiepele& riklg Iev4I c0 à t' r r biis lon:, ~. il lypetttcr' - - TbrOUomgI h B90je-ara saacdîtM ~.~.._______ bd'i«e i <ogifledfrmea ti hgideair £Mt'. n* oIt' C"i. #Ub<Wb" ha b bs enewspapic Wb Wl 'IN 0i0delOta la V#h IOir.Obf. Hic ites, And they vers #f51uiy ronàùg trilll migis or u' i ê trow nd' am i tst - , ure aliaya digesttri pStebldit&M Abeigdble auteffl te tie edltorilipage. Elle Sle« la egIUg' 'ui evluSbmoitmendacu theticneya, Cem*tews- O<»laaUv» bte-lafLeoialiiglo, npartiai storlca Wiich This la tIcM- * OWIte o *-voe tere' ulfoctcd orconfuesti for Ce1 for bMisandtuéOIs-s 4 Md bribe, f avor. or peisou siiatereat. r »m àela liny re pt la tQc bouse. - And cao st elow gbut pt Tyit Lorin U Colla%"ihba s be Botbjailt*g t 400so 4Mi$L0 pelated auoclte jettice of tihe Su- * ~ csclp~j~t~afuPreîh 'tbc Panama Canal« %ons, te noteti os a k ~~~~~~~~~ endodCpcols'cmctru-Fr eam Tb* Wrd »I,4011w.rome fto anrex larsi lic latin morS4,4 »IO" or b-picwuO asORthle Cii- forebartl, nti"jilco" K&Tbcreef icutbn Pg for "pmre5utlcc"s cs'e em*iag or "&M le also - bas - an épiicubeficiaut dor bérorc - tince terme - hacîlte. Te io ssuOptais - de-' itciln eg elw am &aJudoig m e ranft$ A *5 ob- thue, bavîug 5501 W)M«hbor 1o, 1gu #» kacwlad1#Sat one seselon ý>N PrriUdte&.. cpiinlorg*ea -aftor 088> nn»cf a' eus. aut aftir toég uetgtO nr .çuU (Clline îaa bora' :M MMt W My Oiey h lliU4but Mu-a« Wapplns. Coul.,la 184& but vas 04ot VrapoeY ha iUyts -Ouutiuc.." taie-n teSt. Paul la lia clbildiotd. lu 1,gl JIO Wic l ttcbf lO as erle- oe f wM2 ho vas grmtu*îtdfroua Notti- tic voila re .lirssiédt, vIe ticvga ra Uaerethy, an t vcyogis &sI-ttet bl hutoi sud aience aM W- laht- le began the psactlce of lai la e-iiea cor cite-t ticonoCuUleS5or ClIeff.. RIs base 1, la whSotcs lm ~ ho alsthesliaIthey aIdC A t e Ms Acih ipraj4eewFruemw rilWl. bac reporhsd flac »Muet liaslwu Ilv*onhia on f ~ EaitbietcAsurance oety's __ affaiMàrA. ha boit I*uel*es. meb~ 'i2 loc 5 u. bolg ed *alor, lndtiil 1 Ry. I"Mieptot a masn 1. i. " ,t rdldn tihati g oea. bafr oQui hed stffl Iuii .,1rut- - -t ~ mOuý les hoo un- c*uiiolLouis T, Payn. Rit om te roa uilkeity iclaa Kw0bom b a W f aud"laa velulow" boug r. icg'o etnoL@giclturobavlns boecs Bou- ilcv- tsi, ihol?. nesoave tene,ic as xl. colleter cf tbc prt-cëf Neu, Torkfrrn w0 1*w» e i.cteg as cnl 84at Thor ettcf 4l 'la - q-Ow - -u iIac - ,: ecilai sBeara- WbIs I alsu.p -ftcsneo - f<vcaoscIpoes I ud n1nety-t i dank-bin Ivas ber r L"ropli otii - Wt1~I Sa tié lcitlas*f#Mot 0cr er wa teck, *lth tbcvwt tb*a Mmr ,aud ioting but a fxoùm t#aui& to o4t, aud atblsg but bloei» W, be&,d ing »tonus teo ep me valu, 55 ' I arn not entlttéd, apnitaê anoýbWW elo ugt é av oe.Tiboror «i ia olt Mturulp bhast ~a beiro f a ýb«tiselt i l to piess. ovofm~t~ I0O~befobretie agIta- Tio~sp~ vtwtandi senti- fim- sn =-'w -%r faoebagn. .Bfit Ia# asons." c.Ii~ fo icnaa thon te" ** -(Boci)y*t. w ffltt 0»Tpt mat on tie -4a9aau1 cure bu lut"et fb'WnOM .Tbsgua nr boom -~ tdoubt by lirs. - =csae l#hiti"85su Hatssy A. voli kuovu tite. mntc t j>5C115 0tà15330 11nu. Tibt Mm badil Rcumatlsm' «0 tai ti Il hW acqnalntameec pft*c'Mt Ob n . pirb e rahr o es5Osi 017 cf ber o iuase uoolelu >il r va.u <omoot11,0 ears 555 bere thet. are .cverefcmu osucti1V tOr Reurstssn aliveir for l*0 tour laide,b ta boiphoet. thti re. The pears Uat tic grosu profita cf ts trot Yser 1 do as muci asea' er i urgt, than tic eg9sa poofit# baby eol» do Z rslled a littlebit tic packers. It 08am aOut tbat thc sud hon Tie a rar*go agitation reauig tic paeking Inus tlic got s<laY bandes andi feet. 1 try vitt slowtIui m a euxit .t Si2torti aio r andlu USIt. dcvil fourail la aicaning the Pi: "Ali 1WB3ý vie n d tidieti. lIditsqueal anti no vooL" "1 cady tùtr, e oboxes of DodU'. flmman uc ti tcofflomîîoas on. Kliduoy pflla U tic wèweeks I1coilit Alexandre Dumaa, thc groat French vair on bau dueaw My owniWO to00r vrlter, vas vcry fond andi l'dos m - mu t oes andi gatbons! a r v ~ a L DtsK-prouti cf ils sou xaradncu 01a110 Mcy ' le ,fat Dds I hmeaafemoüs aétiOr. Hilsregard RIcsutlo * sd bi rle acitifor hlini.vas lncroea$apparcutir by la b icot.~I'p ld.ney Puis put t tic tat ati e SftbUa t o900do tiÎc i Kls ' ~to take ailtic eappréciaion cf hq value cf mobey, a oek al» cUt b ood. quaMUyr vielstbc ftbcrdid sot POO- smm la t thé ia~ doPeo PtANE. A riw~ c ueolstis dtesta bu"*OferLits le oeuS. violtDouas idlit. Germain. Bufer it.I-He* lat jusistbac bttcn Sum-tic handi Periapotwls atterrible penatuebyiae doot asn «uablé to vnlte, suffretfoc'rel reaono nrîerebut vas dietki ng ovel. Iufd tS otgauïe mut ons any cf f ils son vent ont es thc vlator caine Zsyu.di-il.bià4 bsdescribeti by Per- .Alxnrba stf mMi civa etjntes if,'-Te 'Openlng of lrur a ua 01m. i Tribet. 1%e». Sukà ilve ln th ic tic fatier. "Wiat a gooti feilov tint barn mânne? te c novîntate; tien boy le! Junt famer, Ibis mornlng I re- liergo lIe ~or aperid cf cleved O050franc.Hc aMite .me. 'l'il try oa ic~tue foer an leri, forixtaie 50 franc» et IV ' f t tquite hoar thmeyeat ad,. Wetythre dasoniy 50. no 1 called *ut: %ld on! inter foili,~~nnt-bedy;adtosth a on aiao Andi auch i t Umost ona lveîILet ume bave 100 cf-lt e tat!'-But 1 itithe. qrom4<' cays Mr. Lnd .tell rou l'aouiy Cing la taie 511!'be "tiercs easpn losed wltb a calicti ont. 'ohb. oh.' saM 1, 'T ticugit net&to* *ïq, 11,frot ýf yig eregoing ho ta»e *i 000. Weil, a1~lîg'" egi~ietatae as muci as r" oM aut. lacs. a vd~~~tbtwob4mns satie Andi Dumas ucdfflproutijy, aa la. oueeaIt a4 ht. LThe abbot wasgoldenhattiflo Aca1retl tU@sadoti 14,'aëo.lyte uic, blsb.srr ,UasW'e odw4s$p jspect lima ies. slarptl s cstos. slab. We otooti tutallie- oourtjurd la tic sun and T1E vAnbM thât îict vlti codti pprc- lcslc*io tbink, en tic îibolic wuvas JAN t»il ifsanr thngj msa Iin ail O à 1*01. 14*Mr bai! a mlsaWs pause the O!UAE ase NsruÏsd, or triodti ove, but Av.îaIibi.oi c Wsm ou t "Msast agrain. Tbicsvor slowiy oct *Ume agw foisauéisiezm *c,&mo«talaiy it vas Ipthed back, Dwa un,*~ vl*lussUoa. sbtà ,abled rciasm vis ,cveaied. Th i th" ca p ë ,s1,11bb Tibèrevuas aan a pause et thirty sec- OF".i rob#-olt.0*4 Mdssi ebeful, omdý arliug vilcImagination rau WhitcMa" in ta'pAsi, W"si -aiW e xbt but cdenot tdink tht sur other jme& d.la don. stos ie Ama ils tbbag muid bave been ka Intenseir pa- visa to' tic nigul ty lt i itosé ec 11011e as that ve ctuallyiy 5W. ind tii.ircgmlsltu htic ilasci tbec ".& band, inuted ln a tigitir ounti funtlo ltle, ar ecubgwainthe a. m. pincescf tIrty cloth, for ail lie vonld Whea eiqn«05 dW$ÇXWti esting aI a tump of on ara, wuapattully goco wosg; Miclnsd tlsonscfoal aam tarast up, and very wIcahîr.it feltl fai soi vet ti*c1304, *Im 0 OM098au th s ikh1m. Af 1er a fruli.tsutu- cften tcoenn. bling tic band sîowly qulvoicti back . ',rjour yens." auntlr. Davis os- agblnii on th e darknese.A 1ev mo_- 05y1 11 " uee auebhcmlscry acuta later tdore vas agalaem n lef- frein ali iemtsageeveir sosil ao- fectunl effort, and tieu tie atone aiab compaled ilgttlg apela, abermeas ofbreti sud MaSvÈPMaiu lMyl idfd moveti noleeiessly aeros.'the opeang. Tic res l ilrg.cvpIsa "Once a day trater andt u unieuv- pmss ott os einanup enedt cake cf flour la piacoti for tcct u atheWMtngI wda pr$eoa* opon that is», thc aignal l10 Uc #aiRuwasgogt glusn, ant ieb.may t11t, It l. l i i t me tsoath 1w tos a verson te over for tthiy anud lu tc*the ie d mwitb -" fd soc.um'a <arimaisetfbil. cli, whbevs1 nhglt and i ~s itUe esEsi, Vb atsnltt* day.c, mo anmt andti ticdc iare uacn1lg~l~~uscsit &Ui allie, be-poor soul-lawdthouahtit îî iuIt pow no deritbo'I couhti that anôtier day of -isluslngPeénance gSorcs] ely .. iybject.O" vax over." "Ooulds'ou behlp your' I"Plvetoeltoullbteti me, batl IN COL.ONEL'S TOWN olt n Mn abe4t. du 1 1 ea Thie appe- su.mediclue. s or, w bthtedc Pics tic born ecft tiétaibu"KUrI- lrçetrciot vas Dr. Wiâs'PaPll ici Koarhiai of Cart«OrnIU," aay ant'sudtioyr ur la Odsat te O acu <èas outi, comtes an ieubti*U lelt- 1 titiDoct bame isobfath in tisa Vis te clb.ut Postum. 1 bagua, tO tau c llc. 1 Ifoau usoiZ fot'ag bceindigestion sud a servous bores tisaI ibogc tlà) klmla sia troUle . 'avre laIt' pauil. lardIrlsey0che lOks **v t.y is e*d siseps ' ne doctor ordcP e-o te dia. futé ililai I gô». IY troubles cseue tic-uose o b iJêiofteO je s-' ispt lsaala t ti tafy l.os.rct bk1lb waa lilkb Pm@** t 4béuje, i.ttcci r4«%4 7 »& ck crremo diafulicue. lIaI 0Wlo1 iii tisSe .«i? 1 Couail cet ontrol mymsll,.« >el à ' bAte I MMi ut ovsolbu= isa mj loe.for It that IoOultpt ait bm is5wuau11 $8 1ied4 aUSU Mud wu sulirsud 4lset3 lioz " f Iletan Fol lCW«rv m O * rbi esula eeroê 0e -dIng *M w," $34 m> mterPillé fleta"InssMg bp - Not tic a"i. t élies t. bo*u £Io a n ipm .14 "Tocr ille 1lItaNiebau beau aéy, b. oSet'uot ci b 41éfeo,'tr7 I w" a e 1 theticYoungbuaa. ~-«&àt a Ésa st je go«q ~ "litlaame s ti'f ucivous ticubO moula à a aoteldt itd' tic doctOrsuld tirmutbave pcr-, lé ect'reit anti, quiet, 'utrot a it *à$tbeàl« wbb 0 »Mest. ni of nctilpt - Andi ailt tim, boa sy pi~u' g~ tsr Busay, 1 , îouiî coalisaîl c5 " p« u*secib ,«y The yoibuS ciyou.éa*' It over an thutison re«a t hrhgh very siovir. MWi 'Ï-* -f i Atsb~' A put Il lu bils pooct, anti vnt cut a md.. t desr tic s$IoMst*àta. taM ept thbikn&. ~h~.OI,~. ~ ~ d w0Iawa ),tbaklva M.asi t uas UbWefJ w i50 nfPe, vieb la the.,boo ut iet leule imovu. Lt la anilnlisait I tibu for ict dobliltr andti Iesn dumacrom s Woprevaiîîng turing sut. ang oebr- Lt fortletbq tý 7si 13-at prus~tIonu a, mmrlovel A"d otrac troubles are rare la tain> llsWocmi'a Grapo Toute la os- -u.wcmm« ras couhllatteswam* to ther iemso0. If uàim Oae wt latbr i doms nlosuul oi Gtos eut Attoenq«-Wba: do Fou da ur% inf$L Witaoss-I lais a dar oef Attoinr-Ho0W long have you bat pocaI job? Dom't reatuigo.t. suppis Vlan i togit It& 'eb, l vsohundlc il (grooo ild' .,àt of w'i b a m V.U 1 el sud os 1)lidffl ana enouft, Ti ondu*bb~. 1Io& Tois ilu ulU cuta.1 tioe« mm ew. But m The com He wu Bavei tisa MM ters