Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Jul 1905, p. 5

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VWm saop hgw ttb* o. o4p àiguqMW soWma iia. 1TWm mk c.#1oesul adm .veuage 30c .m iokadJava oeWk.[li ÉMbestevr i iré* SOC. J.1LI Clocks5 Jewelr-y Fin Reiaf~uu aSpeddtu ShetMusic ANDR3W IHUS uonwuýxxxmmi CMe~e $1475 )IV film ttéd.Ail Wrmted fou' Ten Vears. la several s- pen ad- Pices We can save you nôtney. on Sewingý TIME tMu Uberyvîlu MBIII . &M. Elactnic. WE5T IiOL'Y4iTilUP 2* If.......... les 1a. amd houri, unhli Pî . .................. ...... 1.. ............e te wifiiouî notice, tant car Io » 10.27 3j .10.0 EAMT fi0l5'I) T&4IN5 .....; ......&Ma. m..and bourlv qtiW q» p. m.. Lent car 10.40 -m 1044 iisrth -..$$m s -556-10.44 - êU - 10,68 .............. ,~ t11.00 The aivu te te .aboveate the regular TAOest wbàl oli IW ntaiLake luff until ila.A B10"O etiko laff wth t'iraon a alis mug lu the <aitbu» erned Mho-.- igfeIeaIutViiIeago, vlited rocetly aI lii ékiMur bàoni MiNlwaue Ejus GOaS e llald and brother, of, ou7w n iaevbtiag at thebhumeo01 Ka .&Wher n iî otertaiming ber bràOhr Wllliffl Newton u! Fowler, à#"ae . Km"taiwho withbhiii,»on la trac for a large heatlmg apparatus and "oproused air water yteni 4)li e bult for L»mevlIed parties. ut. C. 0i. Huion, of volo, Who lait 511i purcbaiad Ueo. Bond'@ place wîll aoon mov@ tu thls village. Mr. Ilond lm eretlng brimilfa new bonne. peorge Grldley, Who bai been coufln.d Id hie hom, for the pat couple ot W"eS. la *oïnewbal improv.d and la ablo lu get onut 1doo. at 'present. »uniug the uday-of teahootiug gallery J1.. Reading fr two weeka enucmmsively won the- blgbet score a.. mankonan0, muakiug lmnitthe champion rifle shot utf tThe. W. .'. C. 9W,*tthe FoLett, bum south of towtà Tu,W C. A. True.dak &bd wité, of Penrin, are guees ut i. TruaWee doiter, Mn. Mrt. ad Mmie.Svl tCorltt visted Libetyville Mastia ovfr the' 4tii, alima ii. ÉmtBur The local camp 0f Woodri.n je to hold its aunual picuis tDI)air'ord Lake TbunsaJu 27U. ?eFort Sheridan amausemenmd Iii daace,, a great big' tino in in store tut "Wooduuîrand thèir f riands. Sme amnouneement next week and theiie gbuIs tor tnliparticulara. lSalpb. Darby, fUOtvlVrgna wlio witb bis bride of a week, arrived in Librtyvleai oW d ln u r lait lajine, for a ahort viul, aaeontered uumual ,inifortune in liai biswil. waa taken aenloualy ili a day after their arrivai amd la now very loW with iyplîid tirer. At timem sih. seerma tu bover jumt betweep lile mmd deti, tbongh nI lhis ,wriing ahe in reported slIgbtly lwtter, but ot (out of daner. b Qon. James .brougitât u the 4LuomX. NNOUNCOMENTS PENmEJ4XT office the. otier day a iiead ot Tri.te willt . a ela meeting Of 11eabbaga letînce" inauuing lu cr. Lakeaide Cem.tery Aseociitimu ou Fil. eunitencée 43 mcii... it was of the. day alternoon, Jnly 14 aI ithe bone of "leverlaiting" varlety and as tender and MIr@. Bd. W.114 Malters (uf great lit- toothsome as if ralmed under cuiver. portance to tii. o.hao are b le bruugb t Thstle Uommliluiner Llrb.rry given botore tthe meeting, th.untore lt every î'arnlng that nlote thintem and -oxominerbor whai iii. good out lhe suclety weeds on Libryville îîoperty are eut at bert b. Promut. imm.sdlstely b. will attend bto cuttiug At the ev.iuiggrseieat tlhe Presbyter. thom. ExpenSe of su doing will b. ianu rch n, exi;SOUiiiY thepawtor will chsrged agalt property. Ct your gi ve an addrom ilhunirated by a ait.reop- weds and avoid troubleanad expemmel licou. The flnit prt Will Le a mprvice of Nany f ront ber. bave ,isîted thesung whiieh will b. accoitpauied witii1 DsmroSciiconcert@a ah'lavinia the. paut Word@ of hymne thrown nion lb. cau- fow day. and ail are w.11 pleaimd witb Vii.and ttPOiid put twill b@ an exhibi. th raretreat givolilot lhe beautitul 11011 of iceno.llUiseo! th. permecu-1 lithoe park. Only a short time re mains tiomssiuttered b$ là@ 0awly cbureb.1 Allareý for atl.ndlug tbearecitalaiand aIl .hould especially lnvltad te bipregeut. go betore tbe season of tits wondrfnl o.retrs ends. X POMTS maliA SMBT lu aCeh*ca>ocourt lait wa.k Joseph Ti htvleThe'ldr aîîiut *Weil, kuoir & bout race lrscka as "tho weight liaxd of baie bail P]ay70i, met and Yullooi- Kil" was tound guilty 'ot vanqulbud a sîmilar te"l front Ivanhoe mwindling Edward B. Doolttie of "aatiflhdà,yealthe Fair grouudî. jtclua. Orayelake, outIo! $1,000 on a '"ake" ot thagaine'tb.amore stood la to -. rat ing bt. Wellbai been iddleted At the. Trtting AssoeItIon grounds a.vral tino. lefore, but Iis la bis iret Ilait Sunday aflermoon . erayalakes ecOmmietion. t6ok lhe, Lib.rtyville flegniara into While at the racei heme Iat week camptta tou f 1t> P)luna Lattimg Coonty Clerk A. L. Hodae wai r.feled gaine in whtch err<,ra îlayed a comid- ore a puma. coutalnimgr $10 and cousider- arabhle Part. Libertyvllle's batter.v ale ralroad transportation. Mr. wai ab"nt and evervbodypma a bmmd Hendep la o! the opinion that lb. hhief la tbe pltc-hing whlci accunta for tIhe took odantago of the. jan wiilà wa..largo mere. csnm*ed by the crowd gettimg oit hoeloc. The evouleî,uîultotn a trie car as b. remembors thal two men at.Aurora notharinuly1rotting races aenwd t ake tepeelal pains lu et iluhis altractumauy u>fti(ie "bîîsey"ounesfrui way at ha ia me0. Bits vicinitY. Trie 'Aurura assocation i. Village offiiais hatI!ted at fortumate tita year lu Lavlng 110 coin- tii. uortii and south limita wamnîmg pOing meetinlg witliju lwo bumdredc automobile driver. to reduco speed to mlles; ot that ity duriug lb. marne week. six umiles au bour withhlu lb.village. It Thmi ma slarge 11.10. amd abanp races bas bad' the deslred eflct ai lrier. la ievery.beat. There are fourtau classes perceptiblo cure exercimed ut lote liy auto mmd $7,000 are hununl pursf.. parties wbereae tbey berehofore steeuud Tiie Libotyville Colts iet th. Vernonb th t bItonlY the bileh Places -in tetia a Bl!Day mmd carrled the. day0 paWqlg tbrougii thevillue eiidaiigerng rolurng wlth a scure oitu i0i. thei rA pepacelaosthe. .tra.ta mmd-caumlng tavr. T> eVernon*a bave pay.d aa r-a.w t u 0pergnsmslavae[«i..trong gaineail thuâ&a«aWo mm asid. Thecontlaui.d raina are beomiug erailtredit in du. to lwal boye for thei. eions, vlewed fron tbe farinera ,stand- way tbey hamdied them opponEo. Tu. point. M'ay bad ct their boy juil gaine irom the. Lbrtyvîlle stemdpoint lieore the heavi domaouonnad wai Praetically errorlete.yet wlthont aC anzlouely awailu an opportnuity to Bave Il te imely bitiug the Vernon would r lb. cneop whlch la bowover badly bave, giron Ibein a tn oita. daîuuged. Esrly potatoeo are reporledl lob. rottimg lu soume eciomsanmd feara Supervleore Procoedînge. d that oaha will lodge Ludly are expreemed. Ou lhe inside pageastlb.heINDrpi'N. 0f course.conditions differ lu section, DENT wiîî b. tound 1the officIai poceid endtho.reaa a large umber who report poed notai eh nthei ba a loIgeof theboApnil apoialand Jue regular8 tbey bave meehisaa o! leetlako Cuboty andrmeo hhathiecro lamotsu!eii.g.Superviater. tiooys expeuded mmd !fo I The Huit Manuuactung Coumpany la uî up lail tc nir re e located in .ii uew fatory ou the. lugs of the.county insEerp are re- property partîy occupied by te "id cord.din detail. Every ctiman souldLe t plant buit soins yeani ugo by MIr. Uolt. iuhenet.d lutii. transactions ofthteib Tii. cumpany, upon detonminatiouuO! Board. The xiu,i-RuooF-wlàansd bau t tu remove ho Grayéelake, wa" beem lb. Omiy liapen publhlng the t t.uderod a Proposition In ,ff0et hat If doingi of, lhe Snîterrimunn. tb.y woul.J bulld in Lib.rtyvîlle, land autfficient hoi provîde- tor future ex- Libertyville Trottina Amocta-o paniion would b. douatod thoan. Ths.tou.a wai accompllsheul by Mr. Chai. Smth N1otice ce( Spaclal M aigofti who aeenred suberipiona amountîng Stockhuoldana. ,1 il) nmemi. 4200. nemmaary in Notice la borehv giveu that a 1t' t boy the. des!red land and the. coinpany meeti «of..ýhe stock boldens of OeLiber- t 1bmOcmes a permanet iture. The new tyvîlli Assoiation wll bt ha het -building la auffcrtb. frthtelbproet and On TQeb4I4 tbefBst da7 tit hgw%19M05 4addtWobà wlll b. erctod ai tih usIn@@ me. oürot;s opau ti'OC llage o jQI»O.0-o vo in th@or ilb eof of *0 bar0& flot) eaob. euorporahlon ngc wm bmod he amnat o! vgetfuI> r-qmeut.d tu -b. Work Ou The Imuua Gras 'oumme ag 0f t brtyvili. la Feut Prour*gwng Auad PaUitiug of Plowura WI @mm Com &ea. ?rE ,CHICAGO Ross CO.ý Colorado, wlll inte mai thome of our readons holding stock lu tbe King Salomon Tunnel sud Dcvbopuuenl company ut wblch ther. ia âconelderable distribut.d tlîrongbont Lakre cnnnty: For th. past week Fnimo bau been lie lîvolleit camp lu lie coîmmty. Sumetiiing over îbirty stockiiuldmro lu the. King Solomon Tunnel and Developîment coim- pany accoîupauied Mn. 8. H. Aleander. mecretmry uftheii compaury, for the ipecll purp ose itakimg a penannai itnspection (Ji beir prporty and a clone Inveqtîga- lion o! h b. nuer lu whlcb lie uuuney tbey ment ontutler" wre b.lng oxpeudeul, bave been be. This. wai tire tiret vimît ot a unajority iut tbe ocoklioldens ta the gold (mines lu the Rocky nountain,. SAlter ipemding a week la vl.itiug ail the. properties owued by the, King Sol- omon Tunnel and Devetoptuent comfpaiiy ai weli ai exainuing iuarrY of the adjoinlmg propertina, &Il expneaeed theuinetres ta the repre.euntativo ut the Bulleiti aiMLing ver y agreee4ily.s ur- pri.ed lu lIndlug evorytilng rmnchi Letton tham they expected tu) mtfroui readlng tie varions reporta wblu.h îbey hastre- ceived front ithe officers sud dîrecluna of the coulpaty , and neanly ail outirhent hhreased tbeir holding. Tii. Raud cozopressor and drilla wlîlcb have recently beau luetalleil ln the, King Moroin tunnel are worklng very satis. lattorly and the tunnel i.nDow b.lnx advanced at the. rat, uft wture10 urffeet aîoblft. Tue campadyl15nowameured ut mufilcemt tuisis tu eomplete the. tunnel fo tonlivast tlima houiand test lu whlcb distance It wili ciii at liaitthem kuuwn Jade* eantylîg psy oreoI lursa .veiue troai four to tunrt y test wide. Tii. çQmpauy wiIi bon 54 uee tctrla kt- iqgplant and peuhb ttnnel vrîh hroe Iv ~v.,.... Dress Shirts, 50c and ý$1 Work Shlirts, Soc WIth or wlthout bibs SOC, 75Ce 8àc, Boys' Brownles'25c and 45c Pensoms trervellng on the. Libertyvi branc-b out tiiChicago & IlIwa electrlc cannot but notice the work be dong Bt the. new gmeénhouse wbichil prooos.. of oeetion a obpnt diste o! Bondout and east of the DesPlaine. river, At the prosent turne tbroq ut a merle0 iproposed, boumuar ae roder construction gruad au nwia"lt. xpeuditura of about $85.000 la being lad ont and It Ilabo t0 bave at toastit of titsse boueui under glass by the . mat of, Auguit If the. weather continus. favorable and thô4 other two wlll ho haitened tocompletio am soon ai tb. doseu and a hait ia" mow at work eau, g& thefr. e tagether. Neit year il lai the plan of tb concru to huild at toit fi ve more anda >proportinal expeuditure witl o! neceuly two 100 borne ,power botter@ will.b placed ithe bameuet fot onhat purpomsand to bc used for eping water out of the well whtch la hoa dug. ÀA-six lnb well la being isunk -a bai at tht. time reacbod a depth ot abou one hundrod feet and iu order to get the llow.ofwater that wll bc ueeded ik. thougbt by the wall men tbat a depth bl about a tbouad test will haye tu -hu resched. To cover, home three honses approu. mately 50,000 test of glas. Winlb. m mucb ot whlch in on the. ground ready, je b. put in élace. Ai moon au hhey ans filulshd 25,000 ton rumen wlll h. met out and for the filIt year thia will b. the- principal produet alhhough by anuther season, k lanhopoid tu <0t thecarnation, ehrysmmtheur. andIlly bede unmder way. Whou imtervl.w.d on the. subjeci Wednesday altiirnoon tir. Mgurpb ,tha foreman and une of the. tocbbo JL r 1 the. company, slated ubat by Sepleuibes- wihh any mort of lucir whalever the. Brut cnttinks would b.cinade. ' lipeaking o! the. reason why tii. Pite> chosen for the. greenhouse was d.cid.d on by the Brin Mr. Murphy expiaiùe that much aod wam requlred to prepanm the. ope"lasomit for lbthed&anmd uat near Cbicago sud was bard 'lo get aud i ery expenalve and thet the. excellent adysutages fer brlnglng theal supply ho lthe door ofthlb bouse by opeclal awltch wào aniother atrOuê induemant H. maidtI liaIabout OMM, toua of tlua ft woluid ha nowl hea 6M year and tuauaiheb. umbaraf I>uldlngi lnere.sed tus Item would -nter int the matter mor. mmi more. Fitteen acres arn owned by thie compauy uow and tbey baie aecurod anu option ou tihe test ot the O'B.nmen tain wbich lu aIl comprises about 48 acre. Tihe solt for use o! the. bouse bos already bom preparod amd over1inca the. Bruit work wui bun bai beanunder- goimg the. rottllug procées mmd laiieimg -Mi±ed on. flft part Weil rott. mamure lu four tI!tha rottad m.adow sud. To thua about a toiai ground homs uiesalto oacb houa. will b. added wben plaeed lu the b.d.. From eigbt toton men will b. l eiployed comtinually once the plant in iii operatîou. Thi.e onurm l a itAuck company and will bear the min.oft"Tii. Chicago Rose Conuiany" the. principal huldere of t aoc beiug J. P. Wolmmd, J. P. Degnan aud D. J. Murphy. Tii. latter will be tho active mnager and In a tn well vermedl im the.tuanmesabaviug lad 1 tweuly-aix yeari exparlenSelu grecn bouse work. Tii. compmmy will ownUnit jwm Chjicago store mmd ivili bénldes lealing Im lIowersa haqdle a lin, otfiori.ta supplies. Elngi Soloufoa EMe Iap.cted. Tii. (ollowlng froin tii. Broehn.rigei tielleiitu, officiai papa, of Summit o., Our Men's -Tans and: Pa at $3.,5o ARE: BEAUTI We also invite Vo. te visit ýour DrU G * R. Colby Merc Pitons 29 iitm,1ile a M12u102C ngh ......... ............ Bmome m*4m* '35e *-Id u Ufru............ Boys' DakOe Mm 0" t Sivi. olid...4 2 5c W %aste ràs 5 sau bt........ 25cl -eto eomte........... .... SinaU"un -Udiak.p"s.............. 1 1114ýr UBSERTYVOLLE a 0 0 0 0 Bit Borgain Saie. Hibm,'Outteiu & Co., ut Wankegan, n.lvertia. a spe-cial reducîlon sale at their big store, of taites akirla, tOoeucur1 Saturday atnd Monday eil. Thisa crieeru usn1the ,ili'on@mofut likim<'in the t eouty;' buIimg direct fromu lbhe manu-1 tactrerànd ailbev are lboral dvertîsero are doung a trexueudoun busjiness. f New Marahal Apliointed. Clem H.'mtjei#, o!fWukegan; hai Leen aptuoind .Manabahan'd aasumod bis duties liedlrmItftii.wepk. 1r. Benîjea la a- court«jus offirer, kmuws bis duhy aud doesl. HBeuilares Lbertvilllo b. ai well ordered as amy vilage' b. kuowe t iançioneounternonutrouble or evon umIPlasatiuesailuthe. î.-torm- o ut big duty. If. makes a good omIler. Te Wts@ TbeC 010.5<, MIS bas srrag Mt f1 lu Kihbôurn au, cureton ticket. li the. river. A ipee Lîbertyvîlie aI ., 21 sud r@tÙrpng-' 6j:00 p. n. Thie tunnty tor a trlpl Inymeùanmd rm M. & B. P. Ry. lo#l, The MMfam aea M.n etofsSi we 1 W4* and get adddos Sm Water. 'Cs s" _ YVouths' 15C Men"s 25c. 35c, 50c fi

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