Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Jul 1905, p. 7

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1etolllAesu144-u V1(igh1uuton abal à tior- du et ctho aRairs-et t hie pî4MuBcarne.0$ flete »W -klèbemtbeb ft iron li*P»OW e»I ncbelyliItOf U0c 'a" i cd fée., Pie>' le "in o-~g~ fath*Uicovrnist vWho, exaginalteadita bolutelr fur bm dpm 1« Wb" ' vth«Ui, A eocter ontbout 0000 -at 4PM trausser. Je in th* bande of Isafeturas jt e on this theékvuIIqtioo v* hb bu beau V III sl hlia te gorernusct 1wstmillioana ni dollars hIlte uith- lboeer. Tb*s contracta iu >1 . a gg Harbor N. X. As teras.mnoecharges otfrend 11 wibhebbclîvestlgalon. The lgomes ana attrjbutsd te oa.ff of it lgbasinees.Th.larcatiga- le Ucota.. of tb. trouble vîit &",aaemployu adtlsg hack 10 laet nI 0EIb more raet scandai . #«- te .m«n of the arenal vas t1Motu ramldi'an clght cutters ver. or eilug e Oh.Cubs ln PreseueMî aulmidng cf ta NationalLau W.L WL Noir York.. .53 21lChiclnatl ..-.8035 Vlteg ... .47 2L4 t Lou.-2 46 Uhýdegial. 44 211celon-.....2252 -44Bralobin....J222 -1kadba etthe American lecgue- W. L. W. L. .41 2î,oftom--...29 33 Clevland . . .48 20 New York -.-.. 30 8 PbitWdphist. 42 27 Woeihngto.. 24 43 S8485St.Loule.245 iwUandslaoft h. Amiecrln AsocIation: W. L. W. L laaPol&. 50 2? tudjeompolia. 3) 39 Çoetu.. tg4830 Lousville ,- ...386443 M*21lame..45 30Toledo-....2647 Ut JoI- 8?4OEIase.Cty..2? 40ý tanding of thc Western Lamin: - -W. LW. L Uiate. .44 21 Omeha - 34 30 c"ll.. 8? 2 clo. Springs.2p 48 1500.1<n UtIK E <5W y1051 'ý<.j«cht ale.maidTreeMer %7» Çbibdvcau JacketMapwl' vulon. vhlel haa mmabislo 5M 0h- ar ar cgeralstr.1Mb.lunNovItOrt ID -ib#Om vges smd ""reragn fthea e *Dicu. The Trouers Matera Union irau ItUtoc frmauadranca of wuages. s tan-, :hou vork dua so raiatlon o the gnlau. Thorn are8,000 Irouers zmater cul; in 25W sope. Ooiud, Ncv.. Duria ZOMs - nGphtdlcd, 14v, cao blocte otheb boulâmees anssicadence setion vers- de- @febyi r, entluling. a lem.oftSM,- Sa A vw lad icluaval tre.n main Otrw wsva l it aI svd era atavu front Sdemitton. Au automobile tac- vas blown mp and a nov 04.000 haula etaiofly twcnty minuta. IN. Tna e roaa. James Bruno agal 22 yeara, and Jobs palmno. agati 1&. vers Irlavied In the Cuyabega river i Cleveldblle bath- lnt. Tony Ensa, vo attemptecii tasru- eue temn. bail àhan Ogt for 1hi. lite -Vîiti bot t thea, as they aloet hadl kis pflaI ider vater batora yte- lecsed licir ll on hi-. )4ja Millia Hill of Ilopublcan Cte Mdl Henry Whie, vtoseoresileutsid wuelmowvra tillei, and Ihlrty Othars inerlhlre lalua vracoth e isBcllog ~adlMissur rRUiltoa- Xnef 010044s ~Rlinsundmerut-he tra*t. !Ncbi lltrx. oig be train ki"othéa Mumcor«" tre aes Titrae. -rbe London- -Stnmda rCilalaw ""%peondent sens thât the Norvagiau so»»h bicu a oferal ta Prince CharWa 9Dumrk. second sou ot Crovn Prince siie.Prince Cherue la the bue- a" of Princega Maul Alexandrna of test Ert4isn. 00" Aitmbons ivor. At th. unet résie et bis qoni>' iv-, w dlIi, Uic vif. afieInt. 10 tit e tal stales rmy, Col. W. y. Col> Ieualo Bil) yl dismima lia appuci tu Io tait-foi divorce sol mat, neotuuIer tort ta aitain a legal séparton frem je vite. N*wv]gavr te Vensanels. WbiMM W. Ramuliai Mryland. I lal wâmlirmuconcfl i Wmslhnon. tas p« *90olulaliniulaer la Veowtcla, >M lbe «I somaucelMn. Baves. Mr. z iaàs utat*aito Columbia, wvins - raligeaibî it. Barrett. Piay Fffy l itochu u&lachc bihm mtbea, Willom m datun. s M 14,5"1 hi. lties onae inluChicago and lim hl uue vhlch auad hlmbdath et et te mmielIee hspital. Ol ta olas obe atet ldg.nad iUj0o00 visa laken lit Columbus, o.. taêqr myla thU"Idt'sx 0f th. 100 or "eu smigla« o do" iàfor i al- ~' i4aportete<lib. Oll'wit the mmAn& Sblt& boré l W4ma a ole s ties liht a aoline, ~e i. Ige lia asuse fer vster appied à teAlait.cing a turic sid"on *lh 4 oulaI la -t.he ms i liaad h«Partial dustno f ba pis% etbm by Lrml<l e boa e bis e ", Wb"ea re isa i e fime mm. P »vIt«t nverioltfe the ilde t ofvaman. mati crux tes »iai 1*4er publiseb e adoue sa, Uic wiiln couseulor raqueit 0a WrIles, la osIer tai other»Ick WC s"a ben ai rnl te>' bavabc l:7idScydl, of 418 North sret, West Philaticîphia. Pa., vi bd t litr &Me at lallase aea mtWbaby g ululteeri uffrlu nt o n lhel. sau *vt oteAvmIsyou have I Just ma s nrd as Ui. scydel ciraI. vwll Lylla, IL Put: vomanaufclag roeqsu>'tot fvema 1 11. ' Nocter mediaina lu @a1 l li h.. auch a record ai cnre& otf f troubles sebas Lylla E. Pinkl Vegetabie Cmpounl. Titerator rU dçut omas viii accept mu>' s vb wici a drugylat me f If yin are siek. wrta>fs.Jl Lyno. Mam. for spaclal atiVIWs à arlosei wr%otbr te laIsssof tira * A miai loupdcof te fermera at ~tb lb1 ArO0tOak xro»ia 0Uicepolate mIta mo>. aagaidganunlal t 19 tens le ~ ~ ~ ~ we ffmlinliiie lMc a market bas, iargsja l B s udc lte aen% t 1al llkyatilrgoset 1New England. Ph pettaR f epwataf Irans- potticp ýroit Usi eta ailpointe lalow thec New UngInal 009«tkecps C&M wIrgfreWbl rate om.thea. poteloaes g oadrboout- et [,cblgaz4 and tliraiisht ettil nd7CticaSO and ottcr coumailtlci.4itaI raglan. . <01 mcu an),yago0 tavorntg sua di am clos brauebtt #tPOMaudoua yleld r'day. lutely 'f th. rmen leu. i, i4tii rites. dsul 'fe -MOISBmapeTonfic Trotalle. ndeloubl. Dspepim., Choier. E:tç.? Na oue uboshbu- Ive. M truagtbaa aI. art heaih, aud se- <haobouela sudiule.ra tilt contracti <I.. isu Ic. W. awiipro@ "Muplatts. lavari- Io yoe chat m uII'a &bir, ihey a,. the Craee Toutecota rouit of Comiata,iiCootipatl anad *sl wblrh mmeassa drc. bft terrible louai peosadd iiaitroublas hacauseil bo"r tesim l<se. cts e hr Blod sni Check diarrbea s-d mâlsthe<ha lsainioa yom areafiabi, tu latai practicslly one" le b9ci poison-aphyic e <cr the satri ceo maktsja sourtse. dle., aid bhrogs han 'Thora la ouiy ont ight arktu< lie -oothig corse sud lbit!la te lse ulli. -,For .b tremit tb. ca».. Re- artharfils le aquel »U11IMFN IS MFUMMiTOUA Geland orillai' clilrraa mial ag .maothemu FREE COUPON Sentmill rnb is t.5P00 nulleNasumadaia- d.esead mor deiteg1tta .esrtartrr a- tleo Ni se= oi*bteahTouacaa !o mls wwhiUomTdIce. 21 Tu"U Ave. a Isissi CL Odu sPullAddras m dWriia Plalaiwu Tbe .e sa.brtis coamaie alletht.. <da the Sme aime. AtI rugatoe. Thegoobuhe adata anti sunher atampe D:u <ha tel-keano ater emtou y"diiaa5lat. At normal ratesPpri- uc.thare would have Wen a glutof Uthe dnatonaary amar- kets and the Pittat owud have rottad on the tarir a T hep te potato grav- ers thea ralîrotaOfirome Michigan mode nrecedentell ow rates on'POtatoos te every veachalile market even carry- lux tb.. la larip> quantitica to a Place »o remetseas Bouton. The Aroostaok ffroWera bal te reduce the prIce, an thoîr potatougand even lten couldsot dispose of thea unleg the Boston and mains rallroad rcduced lit already low -rate. wblcb It did . By measof these l0w rates. innking possible low prices. Ah~pWoçppa f ~tb ichigan ,and. erybady lied &Il lte potatoes he wanted. 4 Whljle lifichlgan raliroada iade rate" t twould have bees rulsous to th. r4lîroada. bad tbey becs aPPlied te the mavement of, ail potatoes et -ai! timea. ta ail places. they helped their ,pbtond tu finit markets thon. Tàie Boston and IMaine rallrand auirered a detreane ti lis revenue tram Patataea. but II ennbled the Arotaok farmnera ta mîarket their crop and thereby ta obtaîn mrney wih they spent for the ,srled-supplies whlch the raUlroads hronyxht t tthein. If the inaklng of rateswere subject ta governmestal ail- lamitnent Îsncb adical andi prompt ac- tion could neyer have heen takes, b.- railse It la Weil establilhed that If a rate hoe once reduccd. hy s rallroad comntfy It cannt lho retoreài tbrougb the red tape of governanestal pracoti- rotre. jr the 'Michilgan- raliroade and beensaubjecteil ta governmseiltl lîii- tailon they woshd bave feit oblge t t keepnop theîr ratesm as do the ralîroada of France and Englnnd and Germuany <ioder goversmnental lmitation and lt the potatoes rut.-Ezchange. The Propos Thinc. L'ncie John-Tommy. dont ion know licIter thon ta est thune green sppleam rmyO.that's ail rlght. Vin training. . Uncle John-Tralning for what? Tomisy--Our amateur cireua. 'm to 4 he cecntoýrtlnist. Sec') CONSTANT ACHINO. Buck aches ail thc lime. Spola Your appotite, vearles the body, worrîes the mld& lCiiner aseIail land DO&Ins Khdney Pilasroi- bave and Cure IL, IL B. KeCarver, etO 201 Cherry St., * Potanii Oro., là- apector of frelgili for te Trans-Con- tiniental ce, »ay$: e-l usaI DOanas Kldney Pilla for' back ache and oUi-, er ,aymptoma of ki1d ae y trouble whlcb lied ansoyed me for mantits. 1 tiink acoldvwas rospouaible for thbe vhole trouble. It aconied toemotI. InatMy khI"oYa. Doata iduîe Plla rooted Il out. It ta aav- eral siontbesaince 1 nsedthem. and up te date there bas bees orecurreace ai thé trouble." iJoan'a Kidney Pilla for saIe by ail dealers. Priée 50 centa per box. ]Po&- ter-Miihurn Co.. Buffalo, N. y. TORTUAING. DISFIGURINO amoe.Ecmueas.tchegn, lafsam- msttions. Duralaga, Sceidinzan md Chaîne* Cured by Cutiaye. The agosizlng ltchlsg and bumnlng of the alin, as in aczena; Uic frlghtful icaflna',as ln psorlisls; te lm etfhalr a", crusUng of the. acalp. as lunacalla bad;tbe facial iiffigureenente. as la IhliS and rlngworm: the awtui enf- fèring ef Intenta, and axlety of voru- ont Parents, salt m1k crust tetter and malt rbeum--l*l deino a rcmedy 01 alntoet superbuman virtues te auccse- fully copo vili ttem. That Cutieura Soap, Olotanent. andi Pilla are ancli stands proven beond ail danlit-by thes teatmony of lte clvlllaed orld. A GoI B ]egluuang. "Were yan suceffEful wlth your' Orst case doctor')"sked Uicéamédical atudent "Sure thlng,"' replled Uic oit! physI- clan. "I atteeded the paUtienoly two wveksa, ter whîcb the admlnstrabor of hie catate psu my bil l i tit" De Tre ot Ahe Msd Basas? ah"@e loe eur slees MIcas lad-115S. a pauder 1tac 1h.etet' Itl aes tiLt or new shos tat esay. Cures catis, Bua- tana Soa, UIl saeling PeeL.At aili gmdlt.s ,4fstores, Zk. sain 15. sent Addnu A O imeds. L goy. N. Y. ureen-f«o< a pb7tscian muet auffet whan convlnee l hât isdiagnoeleiofai cea nwangl Brownu-Ts.h. vould ratier balle"a hi. larighladlet the .patient du the s*effariez.__________ PIsOsCuv, for Consomption pmtIy 'isiivff My 111*1. .rrold @]$ter of croup-Xia. U L. . sire.- 83Pu essalt. BradklyN. y ., Oct 2.19a. om Reàttty. Phylle-TIoanmaa it wmon beau- tifol aven tique ho MeISI m , lllhylý-i t tijathebaussi o oM tle ladite. hlm te eili isetis a WY. 2 Lewis, »Bbwes lNe s*aalst fin 0elgar. Madesofripa,. mwt*defi Sc rwin ta eallt? *t imarnebUe emsl ,ffl l Nae. -Laeloiym. M> Dou't jin&" a mmby the Ibinga bis - bar ais »M nmaboul:blu. Mrt. l tu"asi Wl iarnw iav a pouimona Soot va8 w e, Pruilent f sate wua airugon, a jallel a irap- ltlon that be ta yelln- «f-4ccupyig ce before Uie bar ta rettira te lte obite and il là beleved liaI Preuiftt Roosevelt lbas imaIe It plats te lUr. aoû1tIthtIl vas bis duty t ta ab hhala imof tate a a ln te fr at itt a citical Point. The acceptance b7 M. woot mitansaa continuation ofrtae apEui400r" polie>' hi China as in.liteI by Secretar>' Ha>'. * Is la à1111e mare than 60 yaanu aId, itvius beau barsln Cils- ton, Oneld CouaI>, 1New Tant, Pcb. 15, l845 RH.u vas et chasen ta. ai- Oct, as judge of bitew Yv ork Court ot Common Pines la 1819 Président ArtbUr appointaI hleu Unitedi State district attorney fW lte soltbern dis- trict of 1New Toit c&" haoccuplel Uhit offie for tva Yiara Ne vesI IlA Uic McKinley' cabinet ss Beetary af Wen ald vu* etlie bernéOf tiet départ- ment grf liee mmas..iidurlng lthe troublons tlimas19 lbcW PhilippID« 1tel- oviag te pniait-Amailcu anvr. Mr. Bott mge laI oihtinta rsume thé practlccetrlaw, la vhiebha i t- gardel as on.eqf1Nev Tank'.s most suc-' c"eful mon. - OR. CLARK RELECTED. Los.bis nieas. Auaarcy ai'flire Ciris tin an Euéesviem. Akhboutgh confla 1tal bihomea hy II- néese, R«..liv. . lvmadm ILClsrk,. bealoet the internatianal Christian Endeavon or- ganlsation, was te- qbecta !preulleut ai Ibo auxillrai ce- t>', Inîrusled vitb lb.. affairaq of ttc pgter body. et thc - caventian bell in Batttuan.e. -Traasse- er -William Sias - sgtee: Roeipta là 'te paut yn, l.unés, $K591.24; bai- Dsa. .r o.e n".s in aitrcasuny, Elghî houmnI deegale tu thcInter- national convention assamblet! [n ArmanT Hail. vblh had beau elaboattly deco- rated for lhii coming. and tht 16,000 amats le- lte gréât building ver.-Ouled. Ttc iront audience w-a-a sue -vtten- itîam.Treemuref Shaw ot ttc United Boelaty rasd a ltter fron Préeident Roeseqelland tha readlng ofthUi leller. avokl the heartiost appiase. The dox- ology vas mana hy the great audienCee anti Rar. Floyd Tbompaon of Phîladel- jbla deiverel a prayer. . Gar. Edvin Warfichd of Maryland! delvered su md- Incas of wolcome. Mayor< ELCay Ti- maneof Baltimore iollowed lu a brinf addrest, sud Rer. Sinitht Baker, pastan af thc "mothen macicety churet." respond- mi. Ttc conventon clînrus; sang ttc an- thein. --Té Henrens are Telling."' and ttc annual re*ew oft<he Christian En- deavan fiel wu& presented b>' General - Secnetany Ton Ogden Vogt. --CITY 0F'LIGHTS. BomzîlmaElectrir jti!ilsuay ta Be a Festine of 1Denver. Amovement je ou foot ta marelDen- verth bét liglîted rdlyin 'tlb. ri. Alra.dy cointal the cleanéactlia power tu atîrse e Uc ouristlaIle o ne reaset! by a lgitint system n tat1vi matre ils utracla et uighl nesenable tUic ourtm et a vorldf air and make Il reaune a "The Cty et Ltghtaq." Il Wla u act, tram te vonderfuli>' beatîft effecla secunet! aI the Chicago, Buffaloansd St. Loui expositions thal lhe Idesatflightiug the streels of the citY tes been derivet!, aud the Mass vbo planeti theme efforts tibrou brotishîta Denver ta uridetke ta do tor a city's lighting Ihal whieh te aceeatPtiheii for ltetain grunda. Theafiral #tep toarnthelbibg Pian for Denner vili ha the erection ai tblnîy- lhresteel arches Ita span lotIt street. lb.f principal tht'roghfs're of thetc di.eset ancb te carry 220 lileacco"et locînic light bulbe. Ttc arches viii roeel front ent ttla* c urb lise, sud frent tiaca viii ima bu anapendril the trolley vire. of ttc, tramway lise. andi so- al ottar pales *long ttc treet aili ho reisoved aud full save iveirn thc eye la tcnvi ai th glowlng archesmorf ighit. The arches are la theiaelvec -oraMflsl. and lu replmcing andisniYPol08. vii oaven lu tte davlight dl late beny aofltae sgtreol. Il yul Il heiln a maithe.Ib utilca] or lreay, botel a oumlled de- mInble lu a cil>' 00 muct eught -b>' Ib toutand o slghtter manjeDenver. AI the sane lima thetc îe,vlttscitla ox- pere tolab. mact btter tllmn.là sonured tnomlte arec ihbl, on w"ictheia pcblia ligtlng oft lie ctyty IPréent dePenla. Coi. stephen N. WiuIaw ta bau> co- icclel villi the PhlindlplslaInqulre ter ahXtythrt a as John W. Hutchinsan.ielg lite t ain- oua bnd 0f aluogaiaboliahtio , I te-W aaaigfreinwa"so»be. tlea MIkm' lOve, ir ~ I~a sv for Uotwekvses tlIes chrba*cle4 for mani aà day. 14 ln- cluii : ,.George Batlmy su"son FranX. fr0. lalon ReplIsMIic. The senIor Kru &Itly vas ptobably thé olasetImmnÎrant lts anegone loto the na-w iction te settle for rears. Se la 87 ysars of mga. andi vas eue of Uic Ploiteffl et UMîcilgan. Mr. Battley, lia pite of bisa vancal yeaas. la halaeun bearly andasm straiglil a a rrov. Me paisacd 2 Yom ars&a"cilien an" itla Ver>' tu- twreelug- t butlhi.telk or thos. atlyrine arly BUisln the Balger Statl e cbah Uop aa ov.rnment cdain et si.1#a seraout es lnouik tint- ber ,Wp jIf lb. tamir.and sa* lb. lan slw . gvalue of $W per acre. Haf niv «im o W Uinov Watt ta r.- peal t* the age of St yearu Mel alaaclVo point vas sUrat- torn 1%sxas.en thaeRock lalan& @ym- lem.. aMIbe vas fu" 'enjaylng ever7 Mmle * ic jeurne>'. A few ylacis mgo ves Uiey vere %peralng cable oasniop andi down a ateep Mil in oe 9 e e Nre14w rngland cles, &a Uidlaasqlady, who had ocrer seau Uic. b9fors. enteraI a car one day Uiat cotaînal oni> twvO tiiet pendle. seatlug irersoîf as neer lte con- ductor as Possible, and vhen lbe bad collecte&' ber faneemite apoke 10 him snd said: la. this car parfectli sase?", l 4,pý,- - " inIt la tha nir pcweet zOVU wesdacba. ihauda,lcoaetlpaUlom. a"i la ft»rac th*lbdanawous aftoe.ef ueet headache powdéf e. ry *1. Sol4 ii'ail drugglesat 50eau i.01, money bac* if ntalia. Solh-.I ,nderatad thât Gréen le opeeulatlng on a large gcale. Jone-W aIl, ha will et - leat -have sousthiag on which to wme the conte- quences. . ad smy. Whou tva saule have a inge tlaoight, A" are elcecd to every other, Yatido, ot bave .W;Oke.ama*rch Tut tboqh 04lo~ AIS #F8TZR ?It m B ic eo me OWi14V ., E Demshob.d am sol btW b ire le a ami> fr tata4i. u AM n4r tou yeof t emeuai. Von sud te a$sary oft bnnlg Ie cem iaccI. 1"AI Uic outbramk oithUicIboii- Amerlaa arm," temym, "Iventviit Company B. E1gth llement ,'M. 1mWo Smp et Ohickapmagasud wvii. ltera m>'=y tem becmia thoroqNgii hometite vlime. Aile a vila aomotor Howd ite &*Mxa begfln' "I imnotoa a pcini lu aklas mal kue. joints. Titiss utolloveib> a nuit) feelin-la-Y Igm Me. bal ltrtiite. d- lu, =yau>'-lg vould aba sorbc ar etî408&ii I bail comtanltrobe ag iabout il t.eda.rk I a U Ighl -itsraag la a>' roam aI nWglil" 1 aurSMl al laos mymof iil ts drknus.* Eau vwiti Uic &i of a 4hgil1I ehilelMd mavUl rasait ouI sud aSt baof uecmim ta veul inMaiuftrmufllt? -"Pour ycaa lmL Duriag bleds trm ynra1I vas anuhstu, be4,sous. lime. f«ob wyak, agau ftôtIbs, eour wooke at.iimc.Wb» 1VU lYlmg do" lt elalU inMy bncWuvae.e qnanîlyisoseweffa mlIUtoRlbsl"la opSud putlna cilr to a a hablert- liat. i Maloonadmle-PMUla l=yt> bwav. u o outnrulor., a>' idusYs Te orsl t f &Uvw tliaI0litueo 00.11 gir. me no hope 0< isev«ar," "NIov w ymou auaI" *,l rect IlmIDr. ilWPn Pli Ia oursl aootoe MIsaisand onea or tvo trlena apo bme aabout tie ran tcMy"eifsd I. haiýual msm mmm ttan m ox 1ifmauli té paùin amy 'knoe ai uie-vu gresti>' revaiL Jwourt t esf.. yard 1Ibocam as i~a>wBat~ ISMn taa>' ajoying tc 0 by eali. Mir. lvarwIL .A" 1 Rie.O.Ne 48 Powov sicac.Aetr' qa 0r ng, a!aoasi ocleansnlfthe ping of faling hiaïr, fi whiteningand sooliu and sore hands, forj lchings, and chaf&ng of baths for annoy and infammatIons, ct spiration, hlnte fora ulcerative WeakII< many smnatlve,asioil whidradly 0 W as weII as faf al tit ltse gr-dilut mç TII. VIII le li c ma *t. 'r "Have you ever b al accidenta on titis awful atecp bll" "Weil." replild the conductor, *Iliere have only taon a fav amal accidenta; notlng bseius.', "Wtcro vonl 1 go,? siétehon ln- qutrel, "if tlsl car abould gel away and go aidlng dovu titis teep mii?" ,*Weil, mada.."@41dil t c ondnc'tor. "il vodl&ailde>ea n es owYOD uhave Uval yossr peut llie."-Phladèlphia LedÉer. Kuabeque, Ps, julyl..-SaclL- la lhis section of Penusylvanie, there la a grovlug bllet liat for uhi Nid- Dey kliscasa as Sbmatlam anti Lame Eacb tote lamoui 'ouiMM au"r culdltaI la Dalla £llaa Pilla. This ballet prowa frovà aoc neas'au ltaI et Urs. M. L Davimo f Site tole the mtory buef as tallova: **I hava ufferd, tram libaunatiait 'for lirty years M au OIntit Dodd'a Kidney Pille have dounc me more gool tas auy Medicine I bave ave, tatien. 1 vas a1.0 bothral vithlLame Back and1 ca only emy Ibat ai bock haan't bottered me mInce I1 too1)0115 Kil- ney' Pill." Conadiclua li Mn. Davimon oui>' trtva boxeq oofffl 4.Klftey Pilla. lte rosait would lii consilared vanler- fui if il ver. not liat othera arc te- parting aimilet rosuits daiIy. Knabc- qua la test errivlng at a verdict that "Dofldi dney Pille are tira o»set cura for bieamathsIn." Prof. E. Symea Tlompaon, Greaia professear ef medicilnahe iccourse of mu addreat het Go lytachalei logent treet, on "The »volution antiDogen- statione0f tire Teelli" e arlai Ihat vùIle thc boue@ ef mansud &animais bald dcayal areati'rug Uiche lai 6000 or 7,000 years, the tectb_ hat been prervel lu a muci ttler condition. Teetli votenot part of boucs. but part of the skiai-Uic>' Were, lutfart, dermal ppendagem. 914 people voeeaurpnImal le fisd tat vlethe ic eeti 0f -lie lover jav leparel thon, vas very lit- tic -of Uic fi*' left. Thisaprolucad viral vas lalled thc nut-cracker physi"' ognomy>. gefrng ta lia tact tbat lte crocodile ha& an aulutated toolli- ptckilte form'of a bird. vIrlb re- moved forelgu matter, Uie leeturcr on- fonel lte lemon etf-hUicecsit>' et attcslitig carefully ta the cleansina or lte teeth,, and eommeuled attention te thein et nlght as telng mare lItpor- tant than inte moralng. l Inoe modern laya, ho sald. no chance vas giyes teathec bath, becaume everytltlns vas coaketi for maltas liaI vas thre causeaof lte deterianation 0fotrteth in modern limes. Bal toeelli.Prof. Thampsan conciuded. detroyel good loaks.-Lonlon Standard. Train yeural tgt keep yonr troublem ta yourtalt. Don't pour Uic. outI upon acquaintanea or, anagers. I l laitI temr faut If you bave troubles, and- tbey lan't vaut ta boïar of ponts, te- cause tho>' have go many of Iboîr ovn. And hoide-hbera la à point te coualti- e-lt you Inslat on telling otor peo- ple ai yaur igrievaucea Uiay viii et length coma te 11.111e andi alun Yeu, because thercby loen prevent0tem fr. tellng Ibeir troublas. WANTED TO B1,11>.- Curions tisa ir et.tPreacber »Shol . 1Have OacI Deama A mînister speaba or Uic curions of- tact of Grape-lÇuts food ou hi. cnl itaw iltbas relievel him. "asYeu ldoublua nnlorstanl boy lte suffering vlir Indigestion viit vtlch 1I eelta b. troublIedmals, rny vork mn aimont uuendurmble burtien, and vhy t vas lIaI atter MY Bah- bath dutiés ad Ibeau perforanni. leap van a atraugar taa>' pUlov 1111 neariy layllgbt. "1 bal ltelic vaq caretul au ta viral 1 ate. and aven vili ail mi Caro I ax- perlenced paigna tiyatmi lltrpa atter meas and maU>'foonover as4is liel me. 'SIX. montbo have lapeal ince I begas te nu Gtape-Nultoo1004and lia besatila I hava berAvaI tram . Ilare very deaile. 1Inon lauger aurF f"to Indigettion. anl 1 b«»aute ImprOve fro. tbd tudb Grapo-Niitea ppeal on out tabla. I Lid liaI b>' ntigëk liai ofri it ai' my BiSbat vwoitla donc (snd I, slve>a «do a. nov) mi nares osé quletel ami 'rutlsud- refreablaig aleeup mavengefl me. I tomeltat1 cosud ot passIM>' do vîitont Grmge. Nuls food. nonv liaIt anw Ita veIne. l lasinvarlabl>' au aur tablc-)sFemIe ltaI at e mm4t te comple-e cl amIbiour ebilires vli ecl Gt'sPS-lNut viete Uic,- m ubepwmadd$,"te T', Th4 yo wdINooJEa 'i L'a Ç.,eliue ~a eY iýl -1 q, $bvd.b..4 IM-1

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