etarts for KWataa ke ome for Mr.i ~bàwe whili they oU lockekilar ~ raDar au. 457 De*'avaçalouala~u lemfrs Uâm is ViNa>. -W*umwaetu * ~'lMs. ..Tanneq toalaaar» Md *1. ia tim iepsay ii mmIUV 1 mtoit. o x-flboi.~ lmgota lait W"wsak her w il twr d*Ugbisr a MW weesm. id mosit bspetiuguop auaWom Va. Kruearat Laka. CQruevs * ,aoter lai beabi nive tie.thai cl n ot b. 1 npeiihlefor a aux Ms atrated by bobwiu tmla 0 ,lM, 'am aui. 0djel ~~ t~~l un i aieitrallaeauid wbmonln -J' I mai Couaé EsifDay, ni: 9 L SuturdafY .4hE vening9 froni CMl Mionda, esem-euti.,Il et qsutFumeda Mr. J oa a." t ls rltie e-àlr. L aud o"b tbbioto bsarouln Ev. IIW*h. tii. hua ~*Nusimrtaia-bd .h~ *dOI nais On. e s aUuuiar'~lm ,1àak~rltb4is sud Elaier Dame mmd Mmm..W Wyê 159, 19W vmqbody lnvited to 'Omo1 and have a Scouithne fb klind t w.aAber wu't ordeem t=y*4o oiof Cbbmdre le speudiuig à* . dlii ber pafteue.,. We i ur&0b* ue $Md ilnt a"b Nfot a theflortune ta » ný " St. ai or@e mm« nh. I 10t% i Mu t. F2 1,oke udfr.lwuted frien de %mm»@ at Barrian lue$budAy,, ~ .Emetiuno r.,ile u faig zeAin lame st oes, I* C. wittof Barri a Lou. la.d fac eekm with lber ZÎlteNs bo*enain, bere. Ob Uttiii fir., in eatotainlag . ah *ad elfe aud their davelter, s $$Mm, of Cloagn. a -Strm narrios hies ain lu a s4fIe the ourth of àuy. A sp' e apmded and laumaahbisa no*. -aeapmndo. notmare t« I~ ~ ~ l ee a eta l araingi. na biu Diedolanin lliving sMfr ee> dollar maveai. ThAt tii. tas. ho annot hé tno cirfl t vUHa4UsIsy epotais. Ver>' Often sauta properly invested,llke bulinq for bis gardes, efIl maye é.veral auioy Iter ou. I lsýb. rmni Ljwg hnhrwlnaColle, Choiera B l»aReaedy. t, coaebut a entiud a bottis o itla tii houom »à ff. a dotor', billa!ofieraI a.: For sala b>' F. 8LotuiL , Mdm aDuap ,ialt 0. 0. Chapmulspmuailg her -Uaho N.& ýýM» *~O!hetJul'. aM% Xi,& tedatn, aif Gru.., d e at0iaW Banda.. l. W 141 of urllmn oWi. le »d l .x;T.7;Athur Simpbon and kilt Hali et Sundtki at Wm. Mim KW. Cha i bheen vlintlngber graudmothé for a 'Couple ofe lea l Dhiflnton, Wli. of heur a.laborè sd friande tbé fourtbs. &U report a fluns it-. Mis Kiel sdcbilidren, of Obeaga.1 are épenang sua ceeks vintlng at Vie homie of 1fr,. Wilsoin. Ml. anïlMrt. Wilse on ett tura> and Anais>' vit*ngett h ome aifof Mnr.i Wilmmu'l parent$ la Usif Day. 'Mr. aud Mm as.Dlap a1e0 11W. aud lira. W. Haethoru speut lait Sanda> .vhdilg at 1Mr. N. WlorIl'. Mr. and M". O. 9. Whitaore sud lir. ad Mas. Foeqr and dangbteréÀ atteudeal a party et George lirodgen's lb. ourth -)f Jul>'. WiIIi rtmchmer, f chca*o, spent thé 4th ith freudolior. Uarry Wlitmana, o! Rlghlffld Park, ued n. o;« fisuds ersemuyj. MffÈmes Mande Walton *adI flelu îtuionai were Orryelake calieralatr. Mime Rom. Usion, of Elgin, tupeut Baturda>' sud Banday elth relailas lir. ud lMrm. OL Aonrd 01fC~ visilsaltir.sand Mmi.Jael i tadt a lur day. lb. pomt eek. VIande Riaabwon, a! Elgin. ,p.ent noemdayi'dari the past coeh eith Mr. sud ,Mrs.Chas. R su ad mollisaofVaulegah. arvimtlng at Raug6î Brûs. ibis Wook. Mimera. 1ake Worts aud Vu: liontgonrv, af Cinag, are Y"09n rlativelu VQ0fmici sudvl>. Mis. Du en~*m Ud danghtar Marw abdr,.A f1= utter. oïl chumidre TbeY ce u p la the automnobile. 48 in lburnLahe to it II Jttly 5, E or bWsui i 0a~oOdetu 4V 46 y1n,iltuoa s. 1fr. Odnwm. = maatCouhllngWashiug- ton vmMty ToIhaL fept. 2, 181. Sis came boe. wtb ber famlly liv ý= ý- lb. wM» a. kWud- beatd 1 1 éa" udM ihly ssteffmedfer talh n.w lier. Db. ila urviv.d by ~~aad,,n.e dgtar, 1fre.. %mu LuM ansd evrai nmuT.hei. unerpi .a W.d am ber hotu. Frida>' Jul>' 7 &bd the burin!iwas in the Mltura éosmet?>, 1er. ti. SaBord otc>Ratd. beam iac I, ear kupwu 1tô tbom persaseWh.Oto,aau a na odme nt PInes. The valusai tborealabtaled fron the plue tmsebas lou« besa reoayulmd iu tih. trea*mtofai dmammofo l. a nsd kIde..0u.domaof Kiusls.w L MVs . sd a.' 4tt4. I*ieAUY Sue oliby WILL 'RA*LgY, Libertyrillle; Os»iaLà i*E N4RM Y. 1Ms. Alen Dilion vaited hemn Tueuda>. Ifr.. Bdtb4pent8unday In Wagkegau. John melirva wues aÇhk:mariltur on Tuetida>'. The Junior C. 9. will meet with M r.. Lmee Tueeday, Jul>' 18. X nember Dom hère attnndpd rburcb servinluWaukegan Igndai evenlng. .Mm -T, On>' and daugbter liboda, of Wauükffl, apent taieweel witla Mrs. Mas. Carysud-na ebildren f itSt New the* épet a fe dâyà of this week wlth 1 Mmm.Bidwel. Sunda>'both mornulnud .vmulu.AHl avte oidlall>'lnyied k atteud. C.B 8. opin f o nda>' Jul>' la"ThIe Namp01athe lb. laer," MLi. :20-4; à nunihar of Drt Ri'a rlouls met at hbi hoeBaturds>' ovecax ensd gv hlm a iurprise partyin lubon.. of is. lrthdy. AMIl rport a pleaist time. L.ake Côoutl'Titis. aTmut Co. Ahéabmte ofTill.Tle. it iaranwtesa liamouin Temple Bldg. Waukegau, fil. Jam" es inohan & Wl t1 ils Moualian 280 séuni mmerail aud 14 Waeunndatwp qe .....10000 N Wetéei & wi et ai to Cbgo S ltat. Line Il>'Ch m4 ip flirt se sa aec 24 Warren tep A Bhuneaan &wf ta Uhgo &tteLine Ry Copartne 3j ai w aen? Shieldls twp ed....40010 Audrew Canltl>-oA bLino 11>' Wa part e j% mec7 lieide twip .d ..................... »5 0 Anu E 0'Mslle.v & hum ta C & $l Lino R>' Co strip 100 f t wide 0*tlru nw n ne mc 6 Shlelda twp cd................. 1000 (0 JE l'CoaWor & w! t'> R& LU0'Connor 12 acire lnuane »4, '4Vernon .twp q.... 004 ü,.8 Q'o i iar cf'to il L O'Cnnr 8 ln 00 Xelsue24 Vuuwtp ;...... ....10000 Edlitb c Rorrink & hum te Katli.rln Pets It 2 blk ac P W ' its aadaita Libert>'. vile W.....................400,0 Kathorine P utz 10 Maffrarl Pute It 2 blk C F Wîrights udd Lib.rt'ujlle Wd.. ........... i100 WJKel & wf ta James 04MOanu (n % ne ~sc24 Vernosn vp wd ...........2400 00 caIbrins iînes to M & j Mines 215 am ln mena 20 and 21 Uelo tci', )....... 0 00 O Emtma Kaiio.y ta M &J Mine 2:15 an lu ena, 20 aud 21. ) ablajds tw" qe............'200 0 215- ana lu men 20 aud 21 Rhbelds bWp qc ............2»010 0 llon à,îroug ta M & J Mies 215 ame alnsm20 And nE Slds tep 'qc ............ 800 100 MU"'Thorpa tëMx J Mins 25am. la ena 20 end 21 abietwp.qe .............8wo000. LiaW0sGMon toM & J Mine" 215 ac. lu ecs 20 and1 8bledat n......100 00 Ri. M Oulliat e.t a 6 0A of se 82 "sd38 Wrre t1Wqn e.......5 00 1 U R Barris. & hum 10 J3 C Ouitlet un4lvided %parts y# ý aS82 -Warren lwp W4.,.850 OU À e tFiaus.b.e cf 10 J C c ý tbe t . e% neA sc82 'VIlettlwp qe... -A -- 100 .Vlalbs& ci to Alla le w ) me82 Warren t vwp qn 100 blanee & cf to 1 M -rt w % mv ý seo1 .wu ............ 100 1 1 - 1 n m rw % » W % . --la TIi. Ürant toensblp buildiug coin- mittiase wIl rai,. bi4sfar tii. connue. tion of s zowu hlnl, .ecurdkag to tie pimtansd àpeàlflcsilau tu .bandu o ramrve lg t .jeut an> a.nd aI, W&d @A ît d-eu advîiable. bd BOutaOr COUMIneer Add e cmanualcaioinito 'T. Orlam ngleslde, 111.4FS pT.W.Blmot-iv. * *. btpiheria of timelBoard of lkfirectnrmof Libertyville Trotting Aoxaio. A plessont suipttt ps May Xivpn ta T our ionaeïmli .ller théidrlpai veuddinalrvs conerfl rmad,. *Io'dIg éend No.344 One of the. a" a nd Wmaeud on- ., emudCeaIdo"", Mo mm l-seet *von pla«. - laist Wd wft ewo-4 . lu'*ta* ffhi.rase . t - fo 81.00, liticb *0,S pipe, e mm.. nsd s»tuea sarvdedo.. au camef 00foeufrein t" gt. e m'id aives liaido« ot sasse fut froein tsr 1 to ev. lu of sAlut ci b. charged nt Mi Sewe cem Inteodior flalhand Mill ort llon hi VaukigaS lion- i paict.d wlth lb. i Partisane o! Roche. E m'a ib.ê~lir- Huda' I Vaukessu bas put' jeu ai lb. Bent>' han. Caaald.tSttOu bc uie. se» a Ieo vietor L r.uleffu, lu spadlne ê*WanoogSti, J hm. e.