Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Jul 1905, p. 3

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~Z 5 «TTEu wOIlLflPREVENT DIRIEs A110..Oves lIa e*.. - - Ro Suaveîy vas Insluntiy killetmlu i A*MUConIte erllieXI.Cetrutiaflrunuwsy oubils fatlie'i teaotnorl t lo a Agnosie eplug sLaIr Cial , Sterling. navas throvu frain a bai àla iforoiatlon lu equitY -as lltie rare, braukîng is ueck. T .ttosi (aemerailBster!ilu, the Tazeti P rom Incs greva in their Owu YaS.mar elouliti circuit court, thc'purpoae of vtlcl Christoî'len Plnlps anti vifs Of Sterling nol» la tsi prrsî a dîMe beisi but acrose lie bave matie theln evu cefflus santi vilbus, endaai taatil lto Sprnug huke; ' ourteau kop tham onîi le>- ydi. jlen, balov pekîn. The Sprnug lakts The sanoal sirboel cenaus for tle Chi-etloi drainuegu and lifre.dItrit vas frme a eibrso awo ori akrn hi vwealthy land ovuers of 'Taaeweli agdRerFuinâet showo otal gainfalPar e countî<snî plans ver. devisai te tdruainti0«rve r os eur. tta ginetsr about-15M 0acres ot land ti i Ild is, 0 eartepalosya trlt. $Seve ral rsaowing laid la Wille dosig a ptit ot motei mtelIMme t he distit boliCteti te thc plan andti , ewIW1a on a c raitaboya hlm, Jo notIe stepa arare tahen le prevénut Il. Thse Statu îa vtlmnvssrc !am o? illnole14i au seet 11867 ladlampro- locomotive andti Isanly kilidlanChi- a le prlateti $6,2W0 furrie drasgii et i a nuage,9'ta confetng the Illinois river witii Sprnîî Peter Noumana pîcadeti guillhta the larg laiteanti sinca theun ba pîroisiatelcharge o? martieing Mss. Ulneka.Syrng SUt mnaiy te deepen anti maintain the dtiîh. andt receivesi a liirlî-yeur sentence lu ho.I The objectons contenu ilthâSprlng luetis eneltiaY f om Jotige Bannai et Pli& in a navigable bhof Wt alter anti la tits- C1110890 pul der tbe central et the litote of Ilinlois 001. Deneen bas lmsuetia procaaion 'de o anti the canai la undslr the costralofethtce ffeine a rewardloet $200 fer the arreniu , canal cemmisslonera, Iberefore nu privais and conviction eofIWulter Mon.oati bee Individuel cean cloaa the Cenl by lini a t Ltebfielti for thenmortieret William der a dite acros Il. -TIse plin t fîle drain- Motîse ou July 4. mis âgé comnouiealuiiaalelaifer the expaisîl- The blsgecgt oit veff yet struck lu the bet lanaeo close lu $1.(»),tl000 lit an effort P'arker Township, fiel -as bniesgi lu et rnelaumatlinso? tub sîènp land.If 'th. Ol'ler dan- ot the ouo arnta,. otb- tise ladre lun aluet I, vilii estruy eue veut et Martinarilie. Ilia production ls ofilhe fineetat isn ud lahutitisgroupnîacainiate- t i5,0 barrels a a nY. ce latIse Stâte ant i u buter lui] l hîen- Al l e inles lu Saline cousity, eîssley- ieu hava Joti itis tle $tte oet li, s- inlutise neighborhood of 1,5wJ minoa. IN noiste revnt b. dainge roicl- have remumîesivork. lioth nîjîsers sand th ojirators uislsarently une Atisfiedti v tb e mas. TÂTES Io ROBBE>. ts ti echisio ndîeret initregard luahoitarp - trn. day 3* weli Valuedat .5 000 Are Taicea Sait n'es tarieti in the Seîsei'r Conrt Lyi fens gedence et tprnutld. l ilictengote force stî,ckhiders lis the put 1Vhil-ý former Civ. iRichard Vates watt 'aî-us-hî.uitosk i îy their stock nl ln Frankort, Ky.,laboitiînuth:a l.acionsc MI cslîrijîtiîîsslu.itothe tiîlisîst listitu- ig ton tise defPuse of t'aleb 1 l-,wer4, Mire. tioîs a.tIse creditors mur reciva their Sin Tatas nos roibaet ofaill'Per Jewels, con- sitiey. Col elitili fetslitairesi, broIes and chdi-- JoasphWsil. kîownatout noce tmacks dit tans .f diamitiiil tu tise value if $EI.t15l. as île "V-e Kiî." vusfutidgilti el'ii Ms. ys is 'nailte tinteiesi-let t'le stî.ry lii tle Ct t Cut in sChiicago of car 44l-f te olisîry. [lits. lr. laies, si15otiihue liiîlisitg l B. iI)l litla utftGrain 1, hst retirnel, lasn offerel a nevarîl of ILake out if $1.2 otlt a friaduleut rue- lait $150 for tisa aplrebet.iin ofutict!iîis'f. in; bla. [)Il Arthur Graec, aliais ltorr.v Wiliâisin lulliu,î,is îngA bouse tIse burnner for tise cul supposeti te Iit5sîsttlthe tîet I at.h ~- iiresttilargièt ticiagticî atiih Croe as vusreccotly releîscefrotth.îsîe te -- cneiin hc n lBute e new trasiîon pre.srundcîiaî,ee recesit lco'ei lsDenver. Tisa $tâte 'v theYât*'newreil-Yl-Pni'ltseni.t a dleguste.. Ionsasonsecond rk bhasontaken jte it osas Iecesii. rie it, i l.:"..C Toberytitn -onluittl ig ole 7 W -ii Dr E. E. lluldýoYd of tChicago sudiIln the 104 wnucdige-îîrei-lMr. Yoe us tîrlny ferais Alabama îemnitted '$oi- pcseeitisveasai tutplice 4soi tiiey lotid anii.Itg booe fateled usie acide t Nlevoud byb- tking Iiiâu. lUe ceat )le left Ilaiii Ilîal stihe- iosiAc-- r% ns ePv- eso tnn lrvr"A 'tr,,,,Alabamia, wiîeri. lis aidow andi Ta ta. iuse-sl ,? eiîisiiuîi"ctiîstileî f our cîîîîîren liire leti-ait 45 ycars ly wsith t hi'e<,risoilîîihîcî.as niusent Id.M i îl tiver isth.- b i iiitiuOi' tecii'hîle " h èeiiC i' Nitofth oad v Mupiî. Ni sliîiy. â.lisisc bill, .,f the ,n 11f eeî-r îcmte t i or fa ir. i t is c.iiilie .ta hi :tý i l. NI -.. ut inîistri,"' hlla umeeting nuthîe bî wos a iîi oiî i i l tii ic-lit oein itise 1.tteliiis' ii Sir' iglit-1.1 os,' devideti t(s , 4 liirumry. t irt>îe. i n n usîs .ir'. cii. d r-e- ý.iiîsd se île en tile n.uewa'- gr Iliai tieliiute. luiljitliii t ni'f-roji. .y itst . itiolun duriugthtei.cous- fi olîîcteil. ie- disapîsco nl li.'fcnî NSitit. ît3it Matlien reachet i ngfield. Chiarles lPeel. a rurasl f ree deliveni nio carier ef lis-svi ti couun>y, vastaken to iie ]PITIABLE @TUJUE RIUiiiiii,litigtois te oaiiwer il, tise charge o? at PITABL STIE REULT ,'sis-aiiig$5saettiy hua ta lie for- Ju wared iin muer entiers, Hae vas saut il t" Woaa. wbo Soait Work. Walk itse federai jssi t Srnfedl e a Iliecs traminlouluua to ilil. al ,f $.1M bndusn fre oin Dolu,îîe. oua, îomil us soîlk wl George Ilookes. :X)yeurs olti.mema s r iuaile te go fartisar uîiiieare'l on the hirnibi ilslutYluingstien srus ea T streêts tisera lise tbi'r sIght. Sue suil l ibsastiin tr oneur l aksîs n'a te Pil * thut visis the Chicagio tenoîsters' sîika wulut i e miaitij und bilts thersw tarit.h sterltd last larinini'sbandi lier hlîsîsîsîs rvoviii g t-sliieil anti hell m a ltchiet' a-are ciiuipelitilu tes- te 'ble'sttseigelt > eilii "sitr s ienscii- c.i)oytiàeeut. Tîci hacoosie itraisIedti t~iltesisarli iccil <f wrlicisgruodth îe hoil>- v. q litliuse. andati ilsi Cewnik hk ite iîto amnl fragmsenst.s,, )tise pieces oasd l tIair former lieute. Tise wîî-i:tsua iîîiesl se le g.tlivrei ita huchets. T te Sisprvison 1). A.<Chabrlain for temilailiut lasnlieenmateienl Mount trauspenlatiln te Chilugo. Tise sitnry Verion froun tinie te imue hecaume oftIhe imuprpsessasitansd n ticket vss îinovitiai. efforts oof a tviing Tom" vbu mlestiti 'Phe iuAbisI lal;tryln e to irh hic wa tisaaimais lunlIse City, anti ha vas dis- t bock. lun('hicago tac otli llîdren torerisi île- tier iiit gazing imb île Id vaiatonertîcin 1srn«. ,The wuîaîsl'aieax hiîiuo's fthlie bumcetfJohn %V. M tansnel anti travel litaineti. anti liait n'unis 1,r. iie4idelsl otise Mouint Vernon fO the bela anti soles fronbler sabees. tici ieh lîrî. Mn. Miller iredt Io sisetier IrI iin siedtile duprtil la Crigr anate. él Jîsiilpee esslege,. ue cf tothaient an- i CEOSE CMAIL TO WREPORT FINit. e-o houas îinstitsuossilis e $tate oet li i -isol, fttuîîîîd h- isiiil'hilasîder Chsase a Postogffi~e AuiboilliaCharge »cp< , ftise Eîîi4coî-sl cisrcît. lun1537 ball tien in Svtng Ativertlinme.t. A trauti enter bac bean u eu ly the Iseaisreranized and lsilhl oeli gulén"'it Posoflc lîîrteu brnti fî, l,,Saltcîierafier au intenlu ot morae PomoileoI)e)armet brriirtian two deeadet. The collage iscI * mails rte îlex MauufslcuigComupaniy aalfutes ulitbmlnaasite-si et Frecîsert . Tiia cîînceet las airer te snrossndeileiiies e oraanin e1 iseil extensivel>- a propanoli te seuoil r- prtcf rtue iUf acres comopuissLg thet- Puaîlalean>- peint lu ie Utileil ststes ou liantp ith im o ià neceipt of $1 a î,mintsure sehl <ni in î isate tii abta Ieîio ?Is sent la-o petaiiu. Tbuse ahe re'sîidd wree suririseîlte ne-reeistatiru ferr iTeekladir ci'p rns-at ismised th ie t1cmis iotut>a mioltore sdol it .iug giieraiiieut s s of etConditiosin s Iis vbicb ithe detiettoisOt deictities tuspruc- %tate: Frl'rient sticitetu. linsfsioable fori icaily wtetnîlsau. Tisee ol iasretetred hlarrestiig. tiraiisg ala ii ioyîg;est, Iote saDistrictAteorney t 1'iiogi.ri aheuiii,: ian is> lsetulicue verrisie, but dMeinesl te preiseete. but the deastîmeut enîisii tee irai fîîr renppiraandal isicers c wili efuose te permit ais>-mniealttera dorns condîitiionta epainOully favorable, ei ta le delivene t te cconcern éon tic . tiousciiug; out§ gêerali>- stasndingi greunti that tle advenisemcît tecives. oP vali. but ocerehotu>-damages,.nse et rye bligstti; graile» ProýPling: apies bi 8 TREET CR A, TPE. ligit criiP: laie ptatees benalleandlot CANIVL TOPE>. nov proîini. Q * Coipneair EJaoînat froni Using Pabil Jutige Johnu H. Miîkey. agati 81, tiie Ir TboeoaufaSvUnt Rock FaIts. ut lis lime iluMetnopoiis. Several yearâ p Jude iumai',ou pîiicaienet sge lia e tr itisau accident wnulle sigit- * tsuibset dïiirs t l sapl'catils lu'R intg troiua atrahi ln St. Lonis, from wn'icb oued an înjonnîieîî stopliior île îatioi ieh' nover taihi rececereal. île wasa I and rainrd Crnia Cmpan frotîla tsî'cetfKeituckY, aut senvedti t , Ibe anti ruinnt (amirl Conpaiiimoii wr. hou Iliirelraste li, oheing upon tle utreets of île Cilty. buel rnlneut i e eai goute ima age tisa City-Councili tasseti a boQryhoue i.'runke st a hamteia 1.,.,Lesouion giring tise streata for the use et thc tai. The snti-treel firlpentlete the baruismn less Codugrt o ir ae JE hiredataterneysansd aispeisrel ietors-fth omu lenas ou tfCe tin .l Jutie Rausay askiug tîat usonîaîuuillfl a17 iewsesdt h Surenie Court efthtie $rate. Ilera laer preceetius c b.Isuesi agaîittise CitySu coinîelhng thc Couneil t oehecar- acs1tiiei a great reputttion as a juristi, te evetue but dpeclueti reelectien atter seavngoib nival lents. The isîtge efissesi te do seut i ieyentrn andt Iis vas olloed l h ie raliiesitfonr lreb ii ree tmde an ijouclue wblls vs Jante. Jmes Corvin, tise 1U;-reutolti son et a r ~ iBelleville policeman, Arthur Borg, 19, RANGS SULF WITR TOWItL. was nmiracseilously sîveiltirntdethi l Ma-u oidtheecui n oom o e b.Jordan beoa t , Ma. tpacie ie R.J. IL Dmn*insaof tory lu Belleville. Serg vas vorkiug eait Fond du Lac, Wls...Pound Beat. a îîncî riear a flii vIielwi. vbc asine- i A lovel vas the iecîss by visicli a vlvin itîitgrcat velocty, vbeu a pro- ma sppoeai te bc J. Hensry Daissusaen tniding boit contint-lis elothiag anti Jerk' et Fond du Lac, Wls., chanste commit cd hlmt froua t leuro. Probably a bâtn- suicida la an ampty freigisi car at Mai- sredtimnes le vas vîirîai arouti îlhe1 rene Park. Chicago. He langes iaslîlusai vel, iesrearns strlklng terreir te the te the rofoth Ie box car. Tise boyur . aftet Icmsr npioyasInlatlb.réun. vas founti hi John KIos. a blackam th Younug Cerwnis as enaeofthtIe ev te employai y hle alroati Companyr. Tise retaiîî tîscli seit-polîeseilenant i vtboul tesiIde loi beau emploicîl bY thc rail' bieitation le nislesl ntheu bsstops lo t rndt as a liiorar ton savenai veeks lu tle mter réni,visera le tbrev offithe ' Metrose Park. 'leaappeneil 0te an aviteis that contraslete cilueni lathe L tu . - -lf. -0bài1l . - aIl> - - snipth-frn i- boa»'. .n. te oletaCoesti men. Neanli EDuI"i1) Attive Tieras Tise., Paesnus!. td T'ha dentin at bis home lii Moultie ni satyi et saiual Rùealer! clonseta te- JU rkable career, peaiunique la 1111- a Is. por lb. lest thirty-tve yoes ho S je hatttauan oce eof nekîntiluin h tdi uily, bsea constable for nine cenetti- M ad teris. cotfetpolie"forelgbteen c' ms sud ln addition tvas depoti #borie, tl ret commlesiener aud tex collecter. ig urIng lis cayrnosoeliler ho capturai Il a, oeti cimmis aud ovas, ameti for la feu»esa. Wlen a ho>- ha vas f 3tod*s onàatbleta, but feul anti Injureini *ag anti since speul a ftne la trnai avoiti- amputation. Havus lof t asec 'ga ftendniothar prolierty valuai t si 9,000, bot &al vaut te surgeons asti w aspîtals. Hosevas a patient ln une box- ai ahi tIre. ycars anti trer sucessive am- ci ltatieus efthlbiimb acre neraon it înring bis lfellnee oaas thoîîglît le rd on thras differeul occasions anti lad a e placed tepna colinsi hourd hi on- es ertakers. He vax cou.ciuofii t aat si as going on areund i hm. but unible te ci irve a màbscle. lHe carreau eswapesl 0 elug burict alIme on ail thrce occasions. v 19CIOOL TO COur *i ,000.000. t gtheite Biaap anti Trss«aBegin 1WorM n onFelsanvhlle Instituion. s mers en$.00.00yl hacapeut in I ea conistruction ot finepreet adtiuis tu t e Feeliauviîia honae fin beys, lu Des- i laintes. tirulsin-au bokenth Ie ether I ýay. andti arcnling te i'ns-idaut Jolin A.i ýnch oflise çatioaa 1l Biko et le -t iblie.wa-li acle pubielcthelais, tIsey mtilation,n-ban cîosupheteîl. siilil ba hec igat lismiteîoidftise lis! iituahenital il uata,. .At th'rsi le scisool eau Oc- t 'suso flah boy@ui. ilen lithe eai- tiîîsstune cosusiateil buudreisof aPisl- i uts triost uler lImait--i ulac tken - ne ot. Tise lieeliaurilleaciool opus 5100 ures o et ldt, ood andd ueaslov a andl ou thée ltiîk.î utftua ptctatirewque Des- fiisses river. MIee ettitis Ita'iitt be sî1tircuti Iii tise boy sietianta. NWiueu 1 ai bois comitlete tiseir course eft rau-1 g et tle scheboo, an anloînaCut bureau ili bc establslsatIstb deaowntiiei-db let cf Chicago. ahIii ili sarre as at 'lariug bouai'" betvxn 11cm anti poi-à *., positions. ISTOCCTON flAN WEDS AUNT. A<restei on Warranztttois JasticeWho WVillam 1Mouf marnicti bi s aut. %liai Lillian Wisiitis. a» heautisi Yooug omnan e? Zl icans. andsinov bell tle rida anti groom havelacis arnatieti ou Issue warrantcsud honni] over lu thec grn uryn>. 71eyr rciîlin Stockton andsi re grecs,, uectineti lis manniage licenue froui tise couti clark ofuteSielson conu>y. He-aaurad ili questions conr- ect> anti immediateli atter secusiniuthe ceuie tle sattanti isallieii' iurriadti t ajustice court, viser. tht-v rare marriet.i. usa nthîe jusaticeiseauradth Ie tee ton lie ceremnu le waoscooafronteti vitl the surai îlthtisacouple adtiviolati the nea murniage haisoethtie State anti s warrntlwas lnuneti immcdiateii tfrotta lh* ifinc, et the justice aise marrieti theun. Tluey a-are amreutai anti at the isaoning "rlit vas hennttiorer le tisa grand juny, thein bil hing pîschi at $2W10cai tisicis ihaituruimbei. ELGIN CoMPLzTEa LIOHIT DEAL. Traction Compn,yte TuaGvrs, th Mnicipal Plant. Arrangements bave beau cempîlti for lhe transiter et tIe.municipal ligbtfug plantln luinate teatI nion campai!. Tisc commîtteeasppointed i y Yon Bol»- font complateti its inrenteof thtie pnei>- -nty. sud the maearlal Io beiug clecketi ovan hy Qifilals epneaautiug lotispar- ies le the contnact. it lu expecteti that lie portion et the equipîoaut net avait- ala for tis.axueeofthe traction Company will bu stoncti. anti that tise compani wiii ha nte sîuppiî streetlilghts aioce. Thue centract providtia tisihie propenti sie tonnahbaektoletise cil>- at tis eantiet liheitxi yeirs'terunii as gomePcOntiltiou as nit the pretcsut lime, l'or tisis ressent lhe fulfiltlut of lise ugneemenutliasbban dlaea utitil a prupan inventer! cotilt lie mode. BOND PROPOI1TION CARUIIIS saiiae Coat! Wlu Isse 0140,000 lis Retaudiua per.. At a speciol eleclion hlinl Saline î'euuty tIehe ropsition te iste nagetiabîs coupon nefuntinsi honda et Saline ceon11tY te the amsont et $146,000, te heur inter- est at 4%,4ipar cent par saunt, canni by a rota o? 4î,") or anti il)saatuât. The purpoute of Issuing tîsise bouda la te toike apt anti rdeetu a 11ke ament et outoaaut- Iug bonds et Saline cont!. draving 6 par cent Intenrest, anti so arrange it te pS! off $8,000 carl yanr, stutil ail ane polit. The cutire oew bond issu. bas bienu solt i t;. W. Haisey et Chicago at psr anti $2300 Prnua. OETBACK 1IN STRENT FAIR BULL. IlusiaisTowma Ave D.lkai by Ielmo ofAteorney GeneraL Tisa necent opinion nendereti by Ateor- nai Genanal Steadti tbt cillas bave; ne rigbt te permit tle holding et cîneet faîte lias playati havoc vith île plans o? aev- oral ambitions muiciptalillen ovrnthb State. plans bave beau matie tonsomt- mer carnîvala and tisreet tains, anti lu mev- anal Iustaucas ipensons OPPOaiug tle cou- lampiatai exibiitions bave takan %teps te preveut t11cm lakisng place. Tise Al- terney Genenal holtis injonction proceeti- ingu ana necessari. 1 DIRE .AX JAIL AT PEKIN. 7100e Prionnere @genre Raya anti MiMe - accesfail Escape. William Graamu, B. D. Hunnington and George Divitison ascapotl frounttle Tasayel conti Joi lu Pehin hi pullng tle keya frouat the joli door loto tle main 'corridor dunlng tle absence o? lb. jailen. None o? thaunbas been spprebentied. tGnahamunwvas ciargat i vth ateeling a m4me te lb.0f thaRocky Moue- tain&s«éeM cuditions wers gen- rel 'ft'aabI~. tegbrallher cool lu i.e Missouri vallty. <h-er ranch ahe gater part 'ai the country frein the South Atlantlc anti golf coantu northward te lb. lake région, MJinîeso0ta anti thé *akntaq excessive rain bell. greatîY hill- ancti tha coltlvatiqni of crope%, coussdl rpidti rowth of veetsand ln Places ln- jred' hay anti harveat grainî. There -us pricticalli ne relu in New Engiandt. Onîy liglit showers n thi imsdiata mid- lae Atlantiec Crot, aid aune in the iochi Iounitiin F.aO co agt ragions, lu centrai anti niitbctn Califirnja and por- oas of Oregon aW Waghiogton intense tiat prevalled dturI4 gthe latter parý of te vaek. The ceas uap hieoahèd a week of i:ery svorblejieîdloSOfor growth, except ithe uppar Mlpsut i-alil-y. wherq Ilu progrnslias basa ralir alow auonsa- counit of insuflicieailtient and ack of guuhios- Wbile raine have irsterfered ritb cnltlvaion ei s oin@exetent. the crop sL a vhole Ilainla a foinit gotistote of cultivali,'ntanti ls largaîtllaid hy exept in the more nortiierli districts. WNinter vhent barvait continlue* lu the sertherir districts ant inlalargely Suisheil elsawbcra. Baîiyvauthen liasexten- sively Interfenedti viii lrjeing aud bas causeti tamage te grain lin.shock lu parts of the mitddle Attieatlk States anud cantrai ralitys. The ibnormai hieSt in the north p'acifiec ost uring the latter part of iae week probablÉ caused tdamsge te tha wheat crop in Washing-ton. lu psortions oft South l)nkola sud Min- netota sprtg wbeat 0 o Ion ds bos tuf- fred frein vgilowg* but eiaewbcre in tha aprini 'vbêtt région the £trop la la premiing gopdftiltI tust continua@I L South Dakotaant i Mnneseta, thoogh Dol naterisîlyi loroasinf, und le baguning te appear la North Daîkota. sprnt whè*t ceutininai promitî ou011.the nth L-atific coast, tbough expoeed to lryinl lieut conditions ding the latter Part Of the wcek. lloth standing anti burvested Ott* bayé guffaeti considerabli friua wel veather, jirhcb bas causai l ltging, hindered bar- vesting anti inuretienalan stock Oz' giiock. .1 fine crop. hou ever, la ganerai, ly Iudiffletd.:- - lu Illinois fraeut mabewer% vere un- tfavorable for banvaitinsi. tbnasbiug aud lsaying. Oeta a»e elpen. Mani ms- dowï are oveMp,ibut tise gtounti la lu' val for réopéra and amr. The cou- ti$ton of sior la .xceptEs4oaiIî favorable, sOma tasseÜD& 0& Osogenerali! are standing upni>l,but nseabadly letiged. WIT1T FOR ENsVOI*. Cxaa Lppoifmtaf1ln Ci6tef Plealpoten. 11.77 .of RassIe Emperor Nleboles bas appolutati IL Witte, presîisant et the committai Of ministers, te b.e chiai pl,-uipotentiary rai- regentlug ths Reua goveruosut ln 1he peace negotlatîops tele hacouducteti ueo montb la Washington. Sergius Wittethe Itosslan picuipi- teuttary, mai b. rogardati as the leading Libenal slataisonof itussie. l'or the lent thirteen isora le habeeu eue 0c the strongest permouulitieu ln the Rus- alan horeaucracy, aithough bis political fortunes suffereti'i scetbuck vben lha vs compelleiltie10 esla te porifoilti of mis' ister et financ, la Augoat, 11903, asu agalu vben, attèr belog appointetilpneui dent of -tire coueil of ministers inu il samne montb. bit oee graduali let ili importance tutu rumors of bis Inteutieý te rearignand go abroati bati beau P.r sistenili clrcuialed. Witte le about 56 yearsns id antibhi vorketi bis vay up froun the position t1 an untierpald ralîroati clark, who occi- sionally acteti as porter, -te tirtet oflh leading stateaman of spite ol the tact that bis enemiai are numenour anti Include nome of the mont powenfu mten la Rasai.. A man of large sillone aud muculan, standing over six tee blgb. Witte bas the reputation of halai birsh te bis suhordinitas, bul bis Ahilili bas neyer beau doubteaveu an hieis one eneaias. Ha vas createti a conrti 1901. M. Witte la thoroaghly familiernvil Othe fr an staro -queation lnanai its beir Juge. Ha undersandthle Japaneza pool lion sud fully realizeti before the wvI thal the aggresuîo'e polilcypouned n der the lendi of Viceroy Alexiaif anti M Bazobrazoif, president of lb. Valu Tii ber Company, anti the coterie of adran tarera conuectetilwitb tbem voolti dri'i Japon to taire op the ivord. At eti lima IWitte taîketi over tlb.ituation vi'l Marquis Ito, prasideot ofetb.J&aa privi council and eue of the leadii staiesmen of Japun. Practicalli it va Witte& disapprevai et Ruesia's fer cent ara policy andti he crealion of a ve royalty in the fran st vhlccon bis dowufuil as mnister of finance. COLONIZE THE SOUTHWEST yeiraîngtLandes Tien e e esattflb. iaropoan, Imuulaamte. Promînent among the unterpnlaise f the mettlement of the. great West ai Soutbwast ara the veriona colonuatli projeirîs haiug poaheti fenvaniby ti ralînoitis and aven hy lbe foneigu go, annotants. Tie Rock Isand pasasluier départ menut. after conqiderubia effort, banums( ceedeti in locating a etour of.Mononlte lu Seward conty. Kaneas, The colon ha. punchaseti eightî.tonr quarter sec tiens of landi, oeaquarter section fo eacb famliy. This landi, outil a ahl lime &go was regarded as anîi ant i tanly wortileas. For a long toua th lundi proveti utterly uât for agric-ulturi purposes, but latel Il hbas been foun wali atiapteti te tle grovrth et Dorbi wbeat, andti Iis le tli ee 10 hicb wilI b. Put by the aev colonîsta. Art SicIa I rrigation la that; section la net a'o usian. The celony bas oveii, chance tc prouperili. Neorsi et xlme. lIsté. TIse atrlke amongt the Montevideo bi ber bauds , deliclo. , isturbans1 hava occurresl at Villa Omo. Urugusi buornter fr re-abished. The -Literale -vers ieale.d _______ Uoy C.GWiOMM United 11113118 We notice a declded improvémnt la minlater t0 japon, who bas haef mi the mnarket for "taintetimoinoner"- U aas * kely aucee, bt'OAtedsS Wall Street Journal. aut socretary et The wlzard tijat we are loi ufr épie LoisaliFoi la the M in W o wlll lOvent the. bang- bais tuad a dis- les.lire cracker.-New York MAIL. se I*ow cant the Czir pay au n I tmw ti 7eev tathé dp- ïo Japon wben lie bais to spont ail hieoaie»v& m o i ne la building new Joi$s 10 henel but e nteru ebis people?-New Yorki Mail. H i. ltmntra 0 f what tatesman before Mr. li., prvate seertar7 bai It been sauti wlth such alnhea* t. 0 thlà0'labe =nnmlty i ait parts eo the "W.'4Tima .Dy *We trie dbim'-Provideace Jour. - , b"do Oal.teto h.elonrt et StIlI there were nmre fairly capable et jlames. H bld that place, hou-S o men in, the.early day cabieta,au1, aver, .nly outil 3lm& 141er b.ieWuOo tbough they dItin't step Int, *ldlOAOO a wr correspondentl ln Coloibia anidu jobs when they retreti-ICaniai Citl aftarwarti vas ln the district attO'- Journal.n»Y aoUIn'lu14sv Toik lty. Hlu FU It malylie nid ot the late SecrtarY 0servetias StAf captaIn lA thé uiod - 1of Stite Hal' tirt ho never belittieti Statue volonté«aramy la M00 but ft- lis@ pusition by holding it as a stoplat-i- lguetifrom lth. armj b toe-nter thé daer by.wblcb 1tellmb te a parti nomi, diplomatie effie. Préidtent MN. lf nation.-Bostou Poot. loy la lm99appoitai Mr. Grimm,8» rev i Présidient Hatieylea« bat a ma ou aitu7 f Ii5tioi 0u OC@iitantinPi~ fmal lbe -toi oiodje Dot an original wber e haiseo for a lime actai am Idlacovevy. Several Equltable colebri- charge d'affaires.and vii larglr lu. ties have been acting upon it fuo @ morne5t7IiOll lnnli the porte te pay tltqew York Mail. daIms for danala dons t0 Âmerla a Mr. Justice Brewer's remarli thatln §eshooi lé, the Sultmas domltoas. Mi, lui the future Philippine govemmniet GIeuvsmteilllraPrI a there la danger of too 1111e Taft anti la 10mandi ln lm1 Wuotransferst4 t 100 oomucb graft, li as suggestive auI lb.themone important poltat TOUS 9ePlgramniatlc.-Boston Heraid. Durlng is service. thora bo atitioltoi 9 oecuet tno bis réputation au a diplomet by pr- T 9gaged te marry a womn etf dos empire. Whou lhe Japauess d& IfThrough an overaight, perbapa, thé ciditi on govorament monopolles of te T -o0f heý fortune-Colorado Springs 0Ga- Griaison demandai liat lbe large r. e.American intereale receve properr&7e.1rTai003*01 oe It la saud tbat.tbe commission spi. lmbufflemont for tb. loiset f heir bout.- iiini l Pointedte btry General Stoeosel bast goé& Mlblanter GrIimvas borst lu *Mudnithol tIhe mirreuiler-of Port . <ov-kewmerin la 1i2 tla the Sen @aQ<. s i. thur vas justifiable. The Japane Clement A.. Qrlecom, forumrei id have lhought so al long.-New York ortéIntaernatioal Mercantile marine >0 v nng S n Company. Ho as mxarrld la liondon A Kansas patter vents te, know if lu 1901 1teiît Elleàbeth Duer Bron. i ber. la *"somethlug about Congre« son, of Ne* YqrbL Hie homol Hvr ré that épolle a m»n?" Net at aIl. But tord, Ps. J. ieres smetblng about some men tbat tendue. o spoîl Congress - Florida, Profeseai Nathan C. Beha.<er, who, Tlmes-talon. Wva loeiapréosident ot the NideO * tngIneer Wallace le trankueus ltself. iucationi eoiAI. -00 He asyaie bas left tbe Panama Canal prom intlahe L. ln sncb excellent shape tual nuybedy Atlantic lates for f can do lbe engineering, lte dlgglng many yearsas- an P' and lte Incidentai dtltalle.-St. Loutis idtui, clergy. la Globe-Democrt.o a an. joursit Perbaps the mont rernarbable thlig aid author. 130 - about the lirfe of the laie Genaral Go vaswon lon la Pond- ig mes ls the fact thatliha nved almost sylvanu an lu 19 20 sovi years since the close of lhe var i'olitili f wltboul being the principal of an lu- éatineata itf '- vestgatio.-De4 Moines News. Unind5.4Mrshal. 0 Nolvltbstanding ber crime a one.eP. ttl m f. of i.moat cold-blooded and revolilug 1er, et P ha., 01011Mina id murtiera lu receut yirci t nov ai>- th Germon D.tormol O re 1- peurs aimnt certain that sentimental- 1'Mpo1grtiagosus. I1b Ét lota have won andi Mrs. Rogers vill nt ot veuilles 0flelia. uet e k a , " b&ng.-Wbeellng (W. Va.) Regtster. Leitsof i .arlie rmas A lmfii N ul It woulti bave ben more pleasant Ift tocher at fflNaMllnaum Marshalltoi- M-lr. Loomis could bave atoliet gob9ig la j= b e o, ame p*iepsa 51 « os abroad under a ýIoud, but ditfflib- the Kuyston atm eNormial ie111c"016C of eti aea vitb important business aaat- Iwhere le remlueandM»I US.tehs m- lng attention il amrpe canutolaitiho vas seloti 1te th.oue. et Stale hé arounti walting for a dilatory andtimu- busrtsedent ot Public Iastrtimb. 7 'O certain veather bureau.-BttteInter'- He o o ~ a dmal nk"csla éducato J!l un M ountala. ai asso catio ns endlta d itr ot lw e uil e, The realdent adminlatratora of the slticationat pubicatli-.o et Philippines, haviag heard of Secretary -3-> us Tartua abilîty as an off banti letter John r. Stevens, vho bu bfom or [t wrller. viii probably lbe curefai dur- polatoti chiot engins«r M lb. Panam rit Ing bls presence lu the Islandes te avod Cami, tu otl as a raliboSi mm 4"m isaylng or doiug snytbing calculaledtlaas a elvUonglomo. it Invite the attention of hle typewritet. . Ierocnfl ro- Lr.--Chicago Inter Ocian «Sad lie postioS A s* Corneilles diUcnlly as 10 vhich fagu 5preellunt of ar te fiyfrom the turrels ofSkibo, lhe Hc eat n-2 Stars end Stripes or lb. Union Jack,. t., a ii IL i gbt botter have beau coinpromisd. - ofteaxeva u-_ by the. adoption of on entlrely new t o rili ti va ebleai; embroldereti nets anti thisîles, ne on a grount ofrfbnut mortgage steel piklippine Islandi.ý ilb bonde, for lnstance.-Puck. M. Steven~s w ~ if realdset oosevit eu estblls ~et West Apil T B Dg sometblug likre a teat business systeus. îeme,4r lu lnthe performance of governmnot 25,*195; wau edueabti as a civil en- s work la Wasbington, andi If this , tginter, ant là 1874 recelvet ishiebrat mi fori, once eslobllahad, la made par- appointient as assistent eugineer manent, lien thie wîîî ho aven grenier Minneapolis, bian. This position ha thon the othar Roosevelt achleve- heldti t oueri, andti bi g hW I rnol.-Kansas Cty Timtes. career as a ralway Mau vili thée Sa- bine Pais andi NortbwOOtar rad >y VUcle Sam@ deffit for lantleuar Sobsoqiistiy ho wu co5 cOhOtBi viti cornes te about 30 cents opIace for hie the Dever & Big Grande, d thé Piu, fr 80,000000 niaem and nephews, big andtihen canadiean Pacll, ths Gant Noi. in littie. It seauns as if w. mlght bave e* n anti otherhUeS. Mr.SBtvefls 1110W [on scrapetialing vth 0 cents' WorthlaOego ha- lems, ju;l for thb sik of ipplylng as sounti business sense te oun goverti- Rov' Dr. Carl A. BJork, Who lia xt. mentl affaira as to our prlvate ente:- boo r i-elecle i r.atisaof tb. Ove. c- prises.-Bouton Transcnîpt. diai BaiNgellOsl LtheaMissonol,~a1 ais Wbite Ur. Morton la cuttlng off lhe. Convesalof Amer. o- 11 "' pensîoners of tb. Eqitlitle and get- Icia, ln a * ntadll t! o i'c tlng ready te demanti the cepaynnenl churchutan andiIufu e otof otonays suapected of having beau1 misionary orker. l. wrongtuliy socnred from the sociey.Heorogantzedet i abeE th what Io ha golug te do about tIhe pal rsI convent tinueuuI at he vili gel froot the geverumant for In& vilh 40 u p ind the lime ha spent ln fraining theeru-.mombers; nowv IL 'ot forma up?-PittsblilO Times. bas ovni 90,000 ý t Thert la oevery Iprat ht-member anti 10 cI e la the vay et governameat regula- churches, wlth m for lion or Insurauice companias. The sioni la AlanugSai gV Uuited States Supreais Court bas de- ed China, hoside ýlared ai est ve limes 1h51 lueur- 1h. Northi Park Colloge uni thé Cou- ince la net commerce la any meaning vent Hooi Dr. 11jorM vwas bore la "a of the terni. Hence, It cannot b. inter- Linderne, Smaland, Uvstioo, la 1887. caboie commerce anti Congres annot R or, naka laws 10 govera t.-Buffilo Ex- Charles Ritchard Vaun He. os e tePress. the commencement uséi lof ethé us. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Utrrt eiIst oWndnlrllodssout b ent e ie lae cmz ,, làwwi l' M 35 I Y?'! .*y y- s.. 89s l' hî S S w FoR VOUI d" lot A

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