Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 28 Jul 1905, p. 5

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'St,.. CIbcks F~ae Re~àing a Specia1i~ Sheet . Music AND~W.ItU ~SHC, Men't# Slark SkIa Wator Proof $3 75 Shark Skis, -M *h eut.....32 Uuii'iiWork $ho........ 225 Ail Amedme Patent Cot .... '75 Al, Ami.$onVi@l Nid .........350 Walkaway Patent Colt .........2-50 Yoiths' (Jaif Belm<>i........ SoyO'tintin Caif '......... Boym' Boix Omt............ Tril by ............ .......... (Jfèsi Aexandê........... L4dW», atr&p Vioi l Kd.lippers V!*dls' id M-Oxford.. eh1 oeasiis.......... (flllg' b u i 140 15,4 uAewnoInlDruAnotice .aMà bigsedaitt# eu l?0.40 . ... . . . l o i JitU.~~hYb a.fahl.r oÂaèbab Mhre Leealed t actii. home >1 be uo#. Kntuckv by er& odpia* inth laeHr ofhan been srlC .lu nq enealdote. ahe p. arter home, Maor MaCOiw vlth t wa Chiago O lti4BÎ i v rié f *icaMP-et f rentis - W %Ï for Portlandi, 9qaoq ajW lodywft r.'anti Mrm- regon, t«»&De*ree weekm. ýRo ià7e i. vhbhi lame of Premby- oxpectathl yrelaliW ta réah boe .the C *EINo'A "du mebool. boys 1le arpiiflu at oftblgavesk tuorsVisa withILake o *sés La'. h. eek. Ocyrlaies ý-Edtrw ilathe. shake race for the Wrdhas buin eeived lhere that lMr, 0 lépiaîber mutingst tih. mile truck andieWord wbbh have <baud, iDmbe 126. amti lr&. Wuà)rÔg,< ofolRumeeli are tii. prauti parents of ebaby girl horu JuIy 22. ait 1f..Smun, operahor eth eunewdepot 1ràob .hep*<1..Clybu bgl ocm hie vacation andthet .boys i>il eri>' of Llhohvle.c> 8Li b&v4'lt Boa viiiretarD a benediet.. ...Se a. w riinLbty IMMs Bothe Young Who bas heem C.l eR Sbin àaagentuniarrvein Liberty-wu -Mhlng B. C. Young andti l>'leit vlesr> l uEtad gi aeu Weh.»May mung for ber home In t rciea p3a hreaiun'c -~ eyes every, SahurddV n ln he pant, He C Hoyau Rereo im utwdie tbin Vrwina, 1it' "0 *oUniversity st Urbana, b lýu th, motiier of e,$a9Wo puid boy, boru. lJberigylug hoM e helpecte teaspend joue Ir,5. Fot A Chicago ' ao&lâ rti"t was in) town a 10 iilU.kldlsOn,'Couplet ofda. f ...o ot wek anti put a 0 là crebe ai 1 hi e veushe Hotel turing golkWl@4paigu ai wesa 1in ert an tie LU Il. Oo eW. asbieme -s aDetroit, Mc. 9i urbes e* l qmift. 9Ois-k- Lake Couahy NtYAal tank wndcrw@..t wi.e.iWspdlgtiewek. The wi>"we fLO#ell'odrug store ant iey Iloifuhksr vile anti danghter, Pouhurt'eebh o tre aiseo vere 1 *W" nuI-oB"nd lrm.Etta EliM have dec b>tit h lame nman witb su- t boie At Desplalnhl this week ln bleueapp ptûédWeio their trade. attffldonoeupon te methodilet carup , jA Mantt. pajibistue eek tsleaetthe 1 tu, mariage 0a ineii.yrvie , daugbter 1 gis. Wn, Falloir anti lre. C. 0. Illch, aof1Mr. anti lre. A. B. Webb of that Fo ol gropitie, loft Thuroda>' for Green place, ta lMr. ich Krauus, of CbIc8go. su <aihoun couns", lova, vbore.they ' m b <Shfit i viii ta4remnentrsdato t vI olit acoule a veke iIAdes> Web*bo up toaboiut 20 >'rs I el.0 IL fflago as a biakffllth in the old Penu!- 1 Mim Badi. Hailon ie vleling relative»l>senberry's av aflua"diat, N. enjoiriug trips iWagon @hop. 'M$s webt. is now about b nulthae au river and otherdiversioui jtiirty Yeats aof and umail ber parentsle11 for Wh"lchuit section lu notable.- Miss moveti away,bvlsolived in tus Viliage. se Banl"n expert tO bO 90alle-yral Tii.,youngiopjk wfli ake their borne 1 weeie. in Chicago la tthfture.1 Tiio.Corieth andi Bei. quayle Wben the u*uoý and water improve. Nc wortertoined nmrnefifty gu18"s on. day met. aecoupletiLibertyviile Witt 105h~eokaha is llnCosiati'g oo.-bebondetuhothe etoutof saume $90,000, AitlWiye, natives or their de0eceten i jdu1j.>, ihoe. s atyi>'e ati NI am .lii ie fM"a. whiteno'on. caunpragonabi>' ten>' that 1 liM rs. Fred Santiman anti Misen ua> botii qWatoe are needed yet tiser. le a 01 Stapil eai e oniater attmeding thej great variu nael opinion am ta' advis- < Feast of tUn.Tabernacle at Zion City', blit> of Imaeiate 1 istalîntion oi bath wheilhau beau la p rogreesthe pnt twa lu thekeitret>'. it i.arguedib>' iany w"a a more coneervative course wauld le.J. I. Ala.soitthle veek ot mitber bo tO testait tihe initial Plants a1 botb c Moidemieant preperty, corner Diîvisioun u>steme. with thei r principal ex tensions am churèbie te te l>M1r Oea. Oritiley. anti extent tise water mains andi severs o Mis Aleso w ak ibrhorne with Iron jor ta ypar as reeldent or' vani- di berh daugiter, lira. d ButterMdlt. ou. streets doinaîîd theni, thus avoidiug to A LrtiLbert>'vllle businesa ~l bond.g ho sueh ext.-nt.lo wotlatiug forau autouiiile anti ex- Tii. s-mtontheaid baby ofaitr. and of Kpeu o by. If ho dose it viii e hoe M lre. Davit i ircliet, Who lireu (nthe'i rio&nt e ownsti lu the viliags. HIe I& d Arthur Morris fatn luit vest of V nmrn e itiiekdithbis empbahic requSot.Libertyville wne struci and killeti b>. anof lames Mach receivet a telegrarn fro.s glrovi train u tii Wisconsin Centrai, Oulea, Km.. Tuusay evuning ealing trates, which cross the. farrn, lte bis ta hi@ ltihome hocanges ofth@.deatb Wetiuotiay afternon. Witb a three- nt of ie motiier. Mlrs. Maci is ln Wiaco- jear-aiti brother the baby disappeareti L »In wltii ber motiier Wtho ig not ex pocteti tramé about tihe dooryarti anti other o --té ivé;chiltiren of tii. fartil>' vere serhni for vf SprnilngaiLii sreosi th bain..tlsem when tiie .>det h chutwas eu- et 8ointe? p 01oee attteon the . b.its ucounered walkirg aloug ithe truck@eJ oUi iova tion appieclat t» it l7g. Quetionucd b. slid ">by ltea andoinav oa etn strelatedijýII. b baci there" and sure eougk a little I hi...Ti. vitbpid at>'furthe on was fouilt the cWwgletbody. al 1fsum mon- Who cotribute something t agadtanpna trl'bfr 3egtaecb. vei. , vrtit la premie it vaa the* vblcb truck i IlWo ete eb wek.,IV Woth i, hechid. iàinquet lat o e Ml ~lÂberV*Mla le h ave a ful>' equippidtihreugi t attinte of gaina ho préose ithan »o oileg uperedbYugtain.ontbhem,andttie Icta Àtho ii.> ib. I 'ud xprleeedyong adis.reveabeti b>' train bands mn>' thraw lb&mof donbt a. ho location tue>' are uOl ht an tiheaccident.t Ipe a"e h utirne ta annotnos noth-1M *ihithan thoîr tiecilon to open The faiiawing appearetilli tSaturs A étau a e about September 11. day' sue ai the Fiorence, Wl., Minaisg lu ina po eeo tijuly' Noe: Herutan C. Gat, orf Ubertvllle,8 gaI ueti effu b to.n Ill.,anti Miss Dors LaChgpele, of this e resit.raterpaiful~ it>', ver. rnarried boere tuie rnrning.a je *munaceountabie inanner Téer oytook pIloee t 4.0 o'ciack Sd ofthe ueile be amea hei Catholie eburch ponno, theie hn bis featum lfndltng hurnees ~trLi RO. joseph aunroP 0tig ntknaThe.bride vas attendeti b>' 1111104(Ùhoe *ô d Dbs legs. Thibert anti John IMIsnmil,heoeider ba ii7gno7fr of the brite, otioebét man. garnieCo. an Ibo we.dvding vas a qui" aair, ouI>' a 4j"btimrgienf o.anlahhber f tise relatives bequ prisent. Afterb ttcibtmor 'the, daluttent bygleulo a vsding breakfast. aht ht home of the t4>l #eqluliexmo ovrieranbee .brides latter on Flos'ouc.avenue, the. - uo lu&comlelonpat p at pyYongcouple departed op the. hobj$5, at pese neicinal nsa, bp> ou tofiipi. talet m.etc. Cal anti ee mOrmnn train for thiv future borne ah i ~i ist hptlees. 43-0 LUberhy ville, Ill., vli. hie>',begin1 xoaylmr *hem bave beuvisittng thebe nuekeepiug ah onn0T-ibe " viW SrpMeshinUew et p ine. whicb tha be uofathie maet populargins lun j oelebrahes lits fýorty-elxtb annual loreneli, bus Evert ithrs e Y"' ail ber çatsnlg l hi litieCoo eont~1haSti béleoveti anti hepetetlbyevery- Lt twuu. Moudi Mettdhh.from &ail viboul>'. 1mr. «aivwa«lovhi;erl mplayeti pruty av bef I atatinc oi : i> Maig wÇ à-' ;-pL H That - (bldMda Flour Woto>' »ais WI b Laild ORDNAC 1HP.A8ED. ~ouni th,,i nosiem atn roii.<t<oviers ho thm eoUe t* s 1UÏ4 lata i. epo eambor u t.i thRetb leekiMo mornhg hog, hm objetim ons t a Ier motter of l"Irng a symuo! v aIne là lth#village. Thère vois entier of objectai.on b aud, Nevbi 'orne bavlnçà lrgIttresih éjeetloul va. tain dyou lanW eaing the. loudofLoeeal po ut.nie Mt té! ooeit ti.>. oing "v ton tii. Board o wh ou athein se vilile ll PglgahUi pitacoitsuanti- sowa bre Liglt Inch fMleas F w Milwauiee avenue fiant sie maonnesoth ho Park ave.1.1 Cbok avenue brou vtoly >'termiu et 8 tub aterniau h rin aurt. èpan trebt from tanter>' ter nineu >Imnwch nio eamttho Furet s"rut. iW Inch Pipée on Foilowing Streetie Milwaukee avenue froni Newbe ken nortib to Apphy 'avernu. Miwaukee ovenuw soutb frour? re@nne ho a point 200 test moutb of~ Lnake avenue. aenu wester>' a tiiehnce of1180 fSet Branenul court froni Laie street t îurç ti tree. Clook ajene ioui Brainrul court i sh1*«WestImMiwaukee av"e » Drainentcourt- - uçcItaie's Grave noat, front u hai nreet ta Division mstreet Division Ëtimet fruma Milwaukee avenu ýMochuutle Oro"e Rooi, Stewar venue frais Division streesi MOKIni> avenue froni Stewart aven billofailot 5'Kaebker's su >o Stewart Avenue. s Pari avenuie brou Stewart avrenue ta 'onrth stress.. llhbutcanrfronmlvauniceavenu tPark Place. Broadway frornMuivaàies avenue tu- rourtii etreet.' Orchard elvuot frorn Milwvaukee avenu to Fonrh sre Hligh street f rom Milwvaukee avenue ta . e treet., Newbirry.avmue,,SomMilwanie venue ta e>'J ereet. Elle>' s tre rou Hlgh etreet ho Nev on>'y avenue. North avenus tram Firet stresStat swout atresi Park Place riaPasti avenuse. Broadwvay. Second àtreet from Pari avenue ho North avenue. '. FIet mtrset houiPark avenue ho- Broadwvay. NFIpt trsif rg> Orcbard street ta Third gtreet brou Pani avenue ta ®rchard Street. Fourth trom Park avenue ta ®rchard street. The location oi mains o>ail enst antid test, Crist. viii b% 12 feet north a ceier of street anti on nortit anti auetbh streets 12 Met etof contr, Fibt>'-oua Ludlow tlire bydrantsarýe pecitiedt tai>. ut ah convient point.a ati listributet vîth regard ta avalablit>' ao langeet amoue% of territor>', being lcutet lu uoet Instancesai ntersection of shreets. 1h le mestiraetibiiprove. nent viii Invoivo an expenditur. ai aven $31.000 anti the bonds ardtho ran a tprm of ten Yeats.. . Ordinance ia Paseet. The couneil met Monda>' night nnd upon recomndotation of the Board of L.ocal lupi'avernonts paseth te ortiluance vbleh piet for tihe laytng of mains as indicat above. The next step vill b. the appolutunt by Judge Jones oi appralvers ho apreat tii. tex and, the seurlua of exact descriptians ta se furnishuti b>' on abstract cornpany ai ail prape>aecti Ihi popaeit oplots thelumprove. ment tus s amuler aindhMU. x AHNOWiC3MTS The Ladie'Aid socil>' ai the. Presby- « terlan cburch wviii met uh the boue of'e Mmr. Kimbai, Thuretia> alternoon, Auguât 3. Thoe ubiect of the discussion gent Sunda>' norning Ist the Presbytenlan cburcb viilbe "Tii. Man, The Preaciien anti The Physte"a." Tbe LadisA40 of the Prebyterion chanch vii gîv" l re reaul lawn social an the liwP oh the ciiurcb Aug 4, Watcb for notice ne"t veek. ý ' The nez t regfo? ee tingoa i ti.'Laie. aide Cometef> AuoltSioniii hoeàt the borne of Mm.e.Barbon>' on l'aida> aier- noan Augut4. A flon cent lunch vihihoe ..vilhveryone rflvîa. Hon. Clay'Y. Gatmer, Prohibition momber af tise leglallbro viii tikcus the liquor que" at the Union cbnroh, Tuestia>y evenlng. AU t-.h1iuah7:80. Able and eMoquent,lIc= L antienhertain- ing. You are Invited. . Don't bail ta bear bluf. On Thuretia>, Aug. 3 tii. Laieecant>' C. E. union viii boIt an echo mli> ai the Jialtimont convention aUbe Preçhyter- fn ciiutch. Report. anti convention us your wants for iroc rIes, cMats Pimo29 mirtpille W. have about 4 dosefl ai tho.. Ladies@' Stoek coi. lare left out of $bat élampie lot of 25 dosen. Tbey artF Iwortlî train 20'te 25e, To clone tber out qniekiy vwuj have nîarked thein down tu Rprnnants of S>1k ln.tenghit of Y to 2 yde vortb 50 ho 05e a yd, to Ïnake a qnick cléaring, for week at Coliar Applieque, Butter Colore. Valahncienfls, Lins, la- sertion, Colared Enibroideriei, Ernbroldery lnesrtlona anti Biack Si k AXpplicqueu, former price 15 taS2c.e ard, gat he .uilform pricé oi, m P P mR x SPORTS Md AMSMYTSXj A îbher joverai vee ofclaisti bame dur- ing whlch the sciivnrts opea houeflst 3 ,Wauiegan bau been tuorouabî' lYeanet anti renovateti the seasan vîli open Bat- urda>' night, J ui 21), i i lthY erOnd@ Cd%] liuetrelo anti the lamons ahu ul it>t. Kit Langiarti anti ohuervweilitiovu mlnrth>'eavne boss>enamé t b is-cni- pan' pied n.w anti eositly ahsNO mtinge areprontisdtithé public in va>' ofbatrftc. Lilio thon. ,on Sonda>' nlgih "Ijacle Jîuqb Per-1 kîns" viii hait11b or eanti s gond 1 pietoral pla'oi a remmwTt anti purit>' ln, trotucing tourt* %distinct aont thfu tyes i liracter vi be gven b>' a cou- pn>' ai unuaM uol mot anti wotb. Pop- ular prieu viii b chargeti. ruo c Thse Ranbierp, Lbrt'ileahght vegiit base bail ine 16 Pglttaf» 11 ganse his espIon tiiat nayWeWl$ altier mn st ahbe'gO 5Q Last Sund&>'Ytbe b itI*the ti atiteti ao 1tipr le.!tuho r re6o4tipp ' victar>' aven tbe htIlmaies - North Ubitago heam.vith motuethlof a imme. lli emre was q o 5,JFAlIq. Carntick anti Warren Bo hIrot Wvhile Leslie Webb playeti hblti t u>P position.' The. Libirtyville lsaaem et 0 h <h'avdeiaiesaa ltesl10 S>p New Wili Bake The 'Best*' Then Trj ack BeConvinc*

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