*44*44ai~ bb ou -on otto &ma qàwa ,w.dusake That w bave s. y càt Md .411 owlng ~fI*ob&Wudjiva cOEI.Si. duebeet ever UMMUM VVLLE MARKETadGRCR Watches Clo0cks Jewelry leRepairing a Speciatgj. Shetmusic ANDREW H-USS t e D e Orby Sres. LIBEMTVILLE .X X X ILLIOIS rOR MEN Mu ShatrIkSkia Wateir Proof $4 75 Sb3rk Skin, . Igb Uot ........... :122 uiiaîî Work Ihoe ....... 2.5 Ail Amnerican Patent Colt ... 3 70 Ail Ainerleau Viol Kid ..........3, 5 Wlkaway Patenit Colt ... . 2 140 1 50 2, Oô Yotts' ,, ailfBelmoýfe..... &)s, 'Box. (lit............. TRiff ..y............. 250 .ýàly . .............. I5 Ltl .. . ... . . .. . . .. . I~ Ladies' sotraji Vipi Kidi Sllîper8 1 4Q Ir4djtýâqViol ]Kld Oxords ..I4 liaby Moccasiis .......... . 1 (Jlîlt& ..o........ .. < .Smith & Davis, LrtyvBIe~ III. Lihsfvlla vl.oi O & t.ÇI.trC. Subj*ct ~ hg withOut notice Ls.flf........ o 6 a.n d honliuntil &00 P.-sM. Lest cor 10n ECedUS...........4.0 .. .a. iuwwv.UIOm.......... .... mit muIo .....~oe ..........sa i o ~e~gll..........0te, £ART BOU!IND TEMlo5 U.~iest.......isoa. M. and honnii until 9.8 P. m. Los cr 10.40 .... vil - ...............8,8 -10 Je e8 ........ ..... tu" ' ' , "10.53 Laeat. .......S .. . . às il-Co fi ai,«Op to île above lath@reaular À.e Mr Irbi l jeSat Lot Blff until Is& ami uVUS & SekebWet 7 i .27 and la eon-uepondlgli luMO a4 40l1lntermo.ilate 40 **dm. M~ BiO~et la ia ImEwlh Cas @oM"i lips. MieCli àAell returmeil unday ILon Kn4 la l rertemI tu bave par- fro,* a ten dayq iut at Lincoln, Naub. jnhs.ed tii john Baosn borne.j Don»t foSfgeths.Prasyterlan AId tirs;. P. B. Dawsue ýtriTeîillioin, 8. D. Iawg gdai , vith program, Frltay las vsiting at tbii lo 01 Jai don iMaoan. misbt. ?Mrm. W. P. B&Ih'alumi a part ai the litr. &6à i ir. James Swan, af Antiacla. wecsk with ber »-0ren Mr. anmd'tirs. apeat uadaj wluh 0«). Wrghti amd John Bllard. faM ly. tMr. Lawtoau4&d&«gtcr o ai nrng. lirej, J. F. -Clark and dan ghteir, tirs, ton, Kos. and Haut Bamtnmaî oi Down- Mornie Brlgg, are violtingç friendm in r's Grov, are VWUDitlng ti. ripp fanmille.s Dilinge, Mont. ., h ere.1 D)r. Taylor and wifé retnrned the dtrot tirs. Mike <merlu wholislm-en for ti tiie week fron their fonr weekiq trip, ta orne tirs. at St. EIW,-l hlopital la Oregon andl Califorlal. Chicago ham returned lui', . î.ýry til lir. and MMre C. F. Wrlgit are at tbé tiniPrav-ed in beeIl.. presut time ai Bopkinton. N. Y. Tipmy A number of lesd dollar4 nui] quarter. are on a tbroe .weekf;' trip throngmtheihaeba- een pameeiloff on ia-rî'Iiantwand eàt. reitent. oi tiie village rec..ntIy and ail tirs. Ethan .Allen, aifHighîland, Ca-sli-'onîti take -canee nom t., ake ini foris, receiitl3' iited anfw days wiît ' bad money., ber eousin. irs.. Avenu, tiMr». Allen t'as A nmaler aif[boys bav..' l,11 eercently enTante tA) Boton. icauglit linibing ti imt v tuwer andi W%' WIis bai.lofit the IdM . . Cilliy tii.ee hanit her in nîmid' 1w lait that ldereantile ..ompany anti l. now inte t ey are hiable to arreRt îand tiat this glove departinint ai 'Marshil ieFld &iteuP nay b. taken If tlm..o 'mîrtinue til ) ' store Cicaf1. dang.rous practice.ý Wllfred Y oung lis îlerking In the M. Lyneh Brothe.rs titis %% ...krceeived a .5. Co: lierraitile campanm He tore iîfl liipm.nt Ofecaketa andl have acquiret tii. paee ailier lsier iemie aba tmirulaites ta inter tii.f.Id..l a fun.ral taiting a vaati. - .atiCi .y . tdir.ctpo. 'Mr. John L.>îm h iagraduote - -Jido-W F.W" an (ýoutyClrkuntertaker andi mo'mmt tu taIt Aiert L. Bentiee, ai Waukegan, wP r agé91 inale town faoday evPenlng in ithe judges. tire. lfalph Danby iL' mi'rted t..Le autmoble allng n fi-ne. lowly recovrig fronti I. r lonig seie of autoînhle .aling<amitriet..typlioid lever, Ber twmm irmtlerw W. E. rito loretor' lriteri.in, iii titlIf ain id J. L. Carroll are hi'. %% itli lir. The. amail 40 page volumae ai wiich F. F. latter is workig for Nl.Il. 'Clby anid Wlre, ni Lait, treet h authaîr,. teitiig lbas deternilmiedt ta tay i tîma. llac*'. a( vanloîua indi of save inveîtments for people ai liniteti ineans. Hoarace Butlr, tom Whitrmy, Clarene Monday morning on. of the englusjé tii torn table wie iieing tokren oui anti s.vera m u iwere retlnired noutil titree o'clek in the afternoan to get it bock Charlie firabfio*!eh .81S11 "agi, i- h do ore- camping t 089.- Lake. ot wb h bar roonot. th, camPing grountd report tifit tiii.y iii' livinig on mustmtrd andi boans. an the track. L.nckiIy a frigte..aine 1Cantrator olit liii. a gang ai men wuâ earandthii wa mid tutak bth huily engageai lu ectig the addition train ta Chicgo. ta tiie grand *,taud litil.. Fait grounds à4tlgdtiy* man froan Lihertyvôlle andi puing up a lalge new blarn. Tihe atiseidte Mi.tethodiatCamup Meeting t 'watt wil l e campletoit in anmpe tan. for Desplaines. it marlmed the largemt 1 tii.l'ait. Ail aifitie buildings are ta lie attenitance of ail tihe essionr, oCt 15>0111 painteti anti Willmur tMeredith hlas thie perposill ielg <Ontihegroana.ie.i)tltrileontat. bntin ai*100 t's taen u <ii tu-1jA part: oi youtmg men fraîî laee alia taii.niaeliddlit Imvng a ialoîwee "' loft iay niglt lor a tay ai a couple *,0.Tihe meetings lastidsundiay ai day. at theii.dii,. Hautclub lionmet iglt t'ith ipetial senvisa, Waconda were î'iught ln tiie iiavy A coupite oai amaath l iliidicnnletorm wthlié-u rrî.d thnt evening anti tiroiped4 inta town Wedrieday with a rmehed the cottagi' iin a e onditia i more @nppi!r ai whai tiipy 1epresemti dai auusing than pleailiîg.1 blik base ant i hieh uley siodtotathe. lice am anti miii..(on the lawn met tbe hoii.'vesfor ten entsa aPounid. Theii. trincuiFrdyugt liiwero (lernman catp, the kinti the Pebieincir'îFma mgt Governmnent epentis large aounts in lit. and tirs. lIber; Lasvovk andi .pdavoingta idthi. lakes ai. But their ne! e14iis Iate D nan ai1ili bot' siiald tii. innocent bpqsewiveg delpl4ia have temmi isiting William Lay- kuoor tint> .ocitandi innîlit tment.y. tir. Laya-adoL ~i s.crmtauy ut the LIimont Driving club Witl hus' ucht, i grtiiifln(0qiPiîadlpii andt ienefore mucl initer- rural irée delivery carriers will soan estedin a the ritigAscaontal b# giving the. boxes alang their routes gp bore. - aTuyrttunîmîn t'as hel atuc net' coat. Tii. potai authoritiebave .LAycoc hoil euion wiw blit a h not ileciteti lmît'Inucii th. crrIers s@hall t allowed for eadi box paiumet but the Tiie man wiio a ý-ii, ai weekmi ago, departaient amilfnrnîsb tIhe paint andi camPleted ia 504) mil. trP ta Ziain heini brwsheu. Shaulti andi carrier uecine ta' tweuty-une days oui the road paised ea the extra mney solie ne me .will throngb Iere c-iroute to i nid hon. in bui eMplojeul Nebrasita Tnesda..lia bis trip ta ZMon hi amu. eviaieav a .JJ do bu t Bondaj, i rder ta eniarce theii pee ~ordiance,, OMmlicen ie tîeieds heavy 'tulîete> atalephane pole oppasite Dr. eaulWe' relwencandi 9Mi.other endti Ctem wnappe« about hiei 270 pounuts-et avolrdupolsa ou oppoite mit. at street. An ossifint mo. potet a sp.cified cmnuer of leet .p tiie street andl then a s . top match t'as niedtu tadetAraine exact t ime lietameen tii. tt' point«. Not a gis camo wasthere reqiring the ofilcerî b o.vea reprimann the. chiauffeur as ail drove tien mchines itîin the speed linili. Mpeakiug ai the. incitent the. Ck6cayo Post hWtithe fllowing tiquda.qy lqght si49Jl ap Luertyvilie, miiene the. pouplelovet t ait horme andi 40it touliting Imeeting iper:y.ar, (bey imhave use.ed a monument ai tbein blovea tt' a in'lu ebshape ai ai automobile ondinaci that soya a machine iay Dlot rnuai a faster rate tiiar'pbatso,, es *trot, 8sixmii,. p ui ui. Notie ta thie jÇP#W W "paedetin'every rand ,nt.tlnfi *btWn but sona-tinies a chauffeur Imnors tiie warnng. Then thent is an arrut tad a Rue. Justice neyer mint'.i *'*inlaLbertyville wlismu an autaoh lai qeetiau. Thuty are lDot toc ,exact about lite stop wtid and uîi neiiuri ourses, pieay au part i tliiail m. The. hors. la tbe ueed4tor. el' .4tii.eautùiet wiia gola 44bitlail44Mi d passes ame on the roatihi. iumtiitsly'arreated.Il. ho aante to questiontliti$itaiiii. Dîmie tuai fllo a mis a taer autmcoure ho 'mniY appela is came andmItake iibefore a juy of Laïho caunty larniere. The fine nsuaily folstshil,, lsiattractive; at aoy rate there have neyer been amy appea s. i wmc gravel an t. enteri -»0, tvie rné C12~e n ht n &Uthouitiolee e. îioueeod.tanit aimoet uuban hi. arrival anti shot it mach tu bis chagrfin, fHe carnet the matter tu Chie[ ai Police "Tati' liban but coulti gmt no satisiaton wlatever. The. increaimmg amouat of freiglit handieti at Llbarty viile ho. necesitatet tatianing mil a iwitcli engin. hore anti wihiaima hm e ti.,tork at Bandant. Tii. tw ocalfrelgimusuhut have alays operated i i.tweea Chicago and1 Janeevilie ni)w rumâ iran ieberiyville ta janeoviii*i. Thits mii aean the location1 Qf a haildoaen families oi rallrooti men la Our cty, a very desirable acquisition tu Our populatiaon.,e1 » fI 4tie tiîle e.k'ioldhii. praperti an Lakte street a hall -,Mile ' toet of thei. caeery tg Lali.. loritt *rts. Tii. sigoete 09sl s fseven acresWtii improx.- mupts, aa n i the twsa iwu, wlma bave aoketifuor îne tine in iie latter lien aiIuineim stley are verseil. They take pommsisai in 'a lot' st'eks. tir. bas flot tecideti Wiat ho wlll do or where h. la ta lornae. Frank Snitri wlm o mona far Warren geath l isotii.tirni lelielithat troubles ambon they get startqil are llkely tu eome tlick andi faLt. Last Thuriday eveuinmg hiei ton year aId sOn, é Inmitatiaon ai "Little H41 tlme capètai'i boy" In spart cllmbled up a telegraPh 1>01 and whie ai the top grasiiet n couple amwies. What happoseethten lehousomt exactly kîîow but' anyway li. drappeti. The fait dit nat reanît In amîy serions tianioge but the boy'. fac.t'asseratcheil anti hléd pro. iusily ant a dep cet Was mode in lii. tangue. Witlm caouidrable assistance ho made e sway hoi me an 1,d n n.llng te boum. bis yoanger hratîer wbo' ai Ingwiag ugb"É,fgbIdp1W», Qpeemfmq i lof Il .1 Pionsl0 Olven 5.46Tbuuay b Acus. CÏup of Lbsylt WoomeuPçov.. (Wood ATHLBTICII A FRATURE. 1 - Notice. its wiil ti e elveti iy the village ai ,iliertyvilie for the sale,1 U na,$500ul.00 iommti, payabile as falot'.: NÇuiiber 1 anti -2July i 1 <1010 3 i 4~1911 <!~ 1912 9 1914 Sait bond, lient interesi at thme rate ai ive per nent (5 per cent> pet annum f ron Bld. muai lie aecc.ipanlet hy a certi. l e , l s o it n y a b . t a t h e . v i l a g e t re A - .arlow nmv e moi-(.perom>fbd That OoId Medal Flour Will Bake The Best Bread, Then Try a Sack anid .Be Conývinced.-" Last Thnrsday moring the Woodm» loue begaln to. arrive early at Diamnd oh.e for the. annuial plcnic given by th&# ýdot. Tire day waa brlght ad fair aM e&rj a thonsanil porons irom a&Il ni Air# ooucty gatherei lnl the grove cu ho »ore of ithe littie faite ta perid tii. iy la plenaure andl necrestion. Refrehmnent boothu ad ail Ih* mrinrle ueeeary tu the.enjoyni.nt ,fthe, outlng were ln evidence ma# bonghthe Rpe.kýr of tie du.y 1.11.tek rivesa prograpt 0pouuilsting of Athlet%' a and conteets wua oarried out am 1 dliti mnchlnt.nuet frominthoieepieoen$ la te ii. mng the. Ubertvili "nhier@ met anidva»quiahda tlis. eli teaoe c mpnllog lm gaâ maker. of at town, while ln tihe afterncou the Âsirtyrlil egUfflare bowed down wfore thRe Cube of Wankegan, a mou, àan o rdlnary faut toum, bielng defeated > a score oif 8 toi1. Ln the,&iletc cobteate Panl Ray of Xamonil Lakte, carrled off more thon bla hare of the honore capturing fInit in tii. ff0 yard daréb, standig broad lumpig kd bl1b lump. Walter Aciien w'on u igh kick havlng tie.field Ileaten fro, i. sFtart while Pd tfcCormiek provei b4s :iiletic abîlity by, takiftiih runuing oad jnmp. The ladies 50 yard daalî Md tihe Woodmen'e wives raee went wpectively toutirs. Myron Lyons an&l rs. Albert LI'ans both of Lubertyville. in the. ev.ning the. dance given ut tihe trvilion t'as teil attiided,and prâveil succeris tioagiiouitbougb it woeu ct 1but by the. approaih 01 a h.avy main nil tl0inter Mtorin whlch caught maisy I the. dancers belore tliy reacheil theit homes, The. abie marner'witbiîh wh tihé evints of tihe day were tarried out rettec muci creditun tii.mnaogemnent >U .ciie camp et Lieeivillb under timope putspi"-atii. afain t'asarrangeti. Tihe finaneial otatenient halq not as jet limeui rawn rip but it Io boped tirat this wiien conipkleto.wlll [cave the. margin of proltt wbi the. camp, doerves. About Fronstae Potitiona. A receut ruling by tii, Attorney inerai beatitig ipoti the inatter of e<eesity of frontage petitions tu .41.-et aproveanelatm sncb as pavement@, fsewl. and water mains lis ai particular intereit to Liertyville jnluettuathisme. The. Attorney enueral hoido that city eoumicils and board tif local iimprove- ruent@ bavet. titheright to Inaugnarate and pnir improv.anents of tiie nainre mntioneti withont asking contient of iroperty owners, Tii. neeesity for frontage petýti0fli wOi tiped out by the st kegîsaturp. Wlîetiîer tio, radical tep wll lie enstaîned bly the. supremne ourt ià a question tihe attorney generi oues not cane tauaaswer. Tiie net muit go to tiie enpreme court fur a tinai, lu. t.,rpetatiun andi many citio4, ppnding lie courts mnling, do notF fSi entir.ily naie in proceeding witbonit the fron tage ettkMi, ga al speal te tihesulîreme oonti liy @orneobjeotilig iùmpeniy owner ina -kiuck ont the. whole proceedlngoi ant render the. bonda voli, thue ceating eonsidmrable lois. la ptobablè that a tfet case will b. prepareil anti hurrieti nta higiier conrt. 1 X ANNOUNRNTS le The next regular meeting of Lakepite C'.mtery Association wiU ho at tii.boule of tirs. larbour un Division street mit Friday afteruoon, Anguit 4. A teui cent lunth will lie served. Everyomie Invited. Tii. Mystic Worker wll glve an ici, ereamn social lu their hall. Tnetoay ovening, Ang. $- Invitation commltt.e: Otto Baldwin, Frani Lock, Glbert Lnce, tire.1-d Wells and tMr@. Frani Dyer. SSonday nigbt at tihe Presbyterîan .'hurci the. puator wlll Illustrate bis adl- dreswitm a, sereopticon, lion @Sneo ai the. Ille. oiChrist, and aiea illusitrai, a vry fanons sang. Ro.gulor servime@ at the Mdethodiuit enhun!h liexi Sunday, wiil lie condnct.ti hy tii. pastor. In the morning a eiass of probationers are to ho admitteti Imito full membermhip. lt.nember the Preebyteroan Aid scs'ial Friday nigi>t C. F. Smale andi farnily are toa pent a manth at Drue Lake,, wbere Mir. S8mai, lias a cottage. Tii.- Mocarotil factorY starteti u p Tlînrsdny wlth one pres- and h le ex- pie-temi that M.înday next wiU me tiverai of tin going. It I@ not plannedtu t sitai t iii)witi aili force of bandm os yet andtie ti, actory wili m ail prohlaiiilîty run liglt for a whule. it im a -pleamure ta tal@c. t.itdesR Little Livor Pille andi ,njoy tîjeir tonle efleut nii ii theliver. Solti ly Witi, H tKE. Lîbertyville-: .îAeÀ Phbone 29 Ubertgvulle THEA TRE Winglleid, Roawland & Clifford, Le-su ChareA.Takacs. Manger Thursday, Aug. 3 1905 F. J. CARPENTER, Big &-enie PrgAuictiomi, HAL IEDS [tEST PLAY Pree-èw.iteti ly a capabi.' campauy 01 knomwn ployr Fojur Big Act; oiSceniý(C.Irantieur. No- Vît Effets. Pradtntmarriet coin- pkcte. M. W. T.AyLORBs Bi c ePradncllou of wtIYw0MrAN SIN, Êy W[LL c. muipHY ~ lAdte.' ni he lub. The. struggie un ii the StOl Thesu .mel ln te dak. The reallotie esmalus si@Cane. ~[Themue Da fTtmbyo. ]Imm Ilsy puree 1 " I L Col leg 1905, Wg Yum Cours k ST , GRAPIM PrNA~S4P ww i 25 d-ozen footed wlne goblets,maef , î crystal glass' in several dilYerent, aise an:4, ternis worth 35c per idozen our price O2 j dozen at 15 cents jLarge size, holding abou t 1-3 gallon, I1 'with wide tops and I1irge handie, in twc pretty ont glàss designe, à quarter article, o 10 cents Just reeeived another lot of tfiose Un Diuls * at locents HE l 8 IT PA Nt n m Send us your wants for » Oroceries .Meats 11 1 Ir- 1 & *Dry- Goods0 A New and FUI rfbrther