l*qgpITY 0OF Ïý5i',stind.U eati fer motiar amcng the IkautetantlIx sud be- wà tmu to tue extrmiltl le et slaxka. Wbheai b III,11 vasl the meana Ir164 le4shcgt PasseUigu sI.On heard Ils wàs tvi oveS a i- i hL»uuge ii. oues ef -,-S't frst> teIa dia eStes or vhlch tii WM4 -aimet aimucb'esm e, vatet sud tood. Tiid * Ataini JammaJl, i bai. arrheS ix da"u bevever, an acIdent hap- mt «Mee - y nil ah. ti.ii* lless. - Tien Pm toved bar te port iifgkltfl.Ohinamen vai 3chs.mi coîer die Sarth "o ovèr a aeiofi c I.. ý lieý boomsryen. but luimadlwoe v.:Duitme- - t ou iti. t oul- .*slaceeea brlae2ehtib. wt icoadensee. Oni r ti> "eh el psa vas ail *'l otusta.... sI doAs Erooklim ..4r 42 Boutou ... 5047 a Detroit.-565 45E WathnaeniL. 41 el *ldaapolla 54'04 IN" 1-é- 1478 Ir. h.57 li The attptoctege 'vii. laileut been 3aav uiaMouins anS ïét av" wvien the ,ie t liiimur- is t cf1.City, Jan uigàtaltsihm binl- a"S hWietei 'eS -i ramauel beilsband vas Mâ ulson the michî- de, bW hoe rouS as k1.ud iremau Pleteh- b4, une plnaS under uumW aeaihdeSd at tkey et sgsln bamve as juil heu âet 'wt.. toe lepoor- ta élt ue ima h. lad à"s coiortabIi fortune y - hils Idorslng notei b§04 vie proveS foia. a i-utr. Place, a arselas solS bis silic, on Long Isand l'baliede, ho maiing hîr &l a utce. tons o'apea theur purses b ubstniptîorns. te tii .9a itmoutiug teo nl3 pista feorUouay. oom eit encommitted foi ,r.bbery ta revealed atte *lgetion et tbe circula xIbg thie Setisefthleu Él buisvfe 'Bertha i t*r on lBldge, » IIllld soS lie persot aile et 1. hrl k*14aSperler. 1 j» %11a4t 51 Ma *0 uaB, a six g~wootb RNMIiiabve aie sta ix laemi -d Ilrtuiste kilt )r. eui.B oag daughiteé mulésIWOm f0shll'b. daisE5 1 Uide a ire. n.:Çitul saue DAS Gro,'. it1ek ti, M ait* t:, remitd Jol>' 8.frigte.ed ah.ie «i. an»41h" gsve il te the pis. u empIQoye pril vate dtacties. Tuat and the s tlt ir ver. malibiS lu Béat OOKO- ta b. tfonewing.tu-o lunsvçark andl th. latet tve lu Patrnson. lMrm.R.: saiSdish famnly didSnt ari te talk much about0 encourage lthe vihher te contiune the &an- nOya&nce. *We bellqe .the. letters are the, yenr of sa.ne boys who are trrinlu te amuse tiieinsaobre. After gitting the first ltter ve vere afrai to elaiTe th e ong. er elildr.n eut ut siglt vitheut a& IIOder persen vîi tiiem. When I relised tht somehoili- v ai ne f un vth na « eteppea al Investigation aud pernitted lha chiildria te go sud isltthdeyr littIt frienda. 1 au cal- Brry - vthat ve vu eft 0 oeilsias ta paysau>'attentioni aven te tdia ral lette." PLku Te l?4CEK5.BEABT. Ventry Ma n. pu nWar Footing et 280,000 moa. Il la piaed by thi.e ocials Of the. War Departuent te put thea sun!OfIthe. United States on s va: footing, etf2MO,- 000 mon. à .ehsný& vîi t te end lu ,ieur viii ho subuitted tg tongresi si 115 nert session. it bas beau under consid- eratiea for several veeika ii-officers ef th. departuent. anSd ey nov hIIe the plan ln tangie feue. -The regula: ami-Y nov consistaetf S,000 nmen but it an bi expandeti te 10.000 iIllng OP the. *ceauýpanleso e i.reginta te their maxi- muni treagth. The. new plan cnteni' plates thie roahion et a "regiar r-ei" et 40,000 men. whiieii vuld conaish Of the. able-hodied disechaiged soldirs, viiona -mes voulti b. plaeS OR file la the. War Dapartment and Who CetIlS h. 0res- 1 lua .servicesat a niMenVs' wmi Te- vonld b. pald $3 Per meti fer keeping la touci vWiti the. Se- pattmitiet.Thié nov plan lnluies the acation ef a national aisoe etc 10,00 min,wviose addresses voe h. filed vitb the. departmnet. Thejr vonîd b. paid $5pr yes: Tien lie satlqunai ui a* op te 2n000«» es clop 'r»5?EOTEI BT BA Wea.maWhcnsl asoutbeiai n- À sie tala, yiad. hall sud eleetrical seta evopt o~.LaCreme cente, Wis., Budaý,wi&ht aid get d"mage vis donsla so sosas.theeiien tank die ton. et a tea.d, iilu laediers die min v«M a iondbuui. Haill mineS Ithe îgreuing cr095 l larg, ectiMons ef vet- una IWlacSslaand sntbern Minnesta. Trae aon thesMilwauke and B-UrnglOl rendi s aëdeauormd. t Weae, Mina, a lage section of thi Milwaukee sud et. Faut tracis vas currieS avai' a"S Mailtrains lvero rua eoui a tempe- rary traci The. vashout on tiie But- hasgtes vasbetw.ea MaiS.. Rockad 8L. ?gel and delayefia#l trains frein tIrl e tM~x heure. àA sui!torniade in reporteS&ai liVingdon.ema fldaS. la thi iuotveslam pat 91 Wlaona. unlyu Xian. Tb*. bouse et fa"i a dÈsta'ved sadMx&ss.naders vas'a buS hurt. MM.vs. lakinte the ho9utal aI Rocbucter. YUTL VAGIE IEE laSI&Efl GIVINO. . aee l.Ceaies*"aGiS Ote. R.proumstaiea eoftthe Amentein Ai-1 soeiatioe et Noner-uno,' lie Amerilca -ieS hi-uSe Association, end tie Soetyi of Ainetcan Flrissand. OrusmenhAi Elottluturinsavéaîaoigansed, vith iF. IL Pietac et Tarritovu, N. Ir., chair- malt, anUCharles 7. pag.etof DesI Moines, Iowa, seeretari-. lie mimhoni demaaadee a dsaoutinuance of Sgoveru' mesals) re.aeS distribhution. Au effort viii ha' maS.e<le abolish tue glvlug of eommismins te garileners and others makng paroes t on public Institutions or large pilîsta e>ers. The allieS asso- clationuaise proposes le Seai vi lie qu4shlea "et aaftIor comnissilons palS te lie agents f hoYemi" Thes suient thriee-stonl sud atoh omne AtIM selmanPrince treesi.Nov Terli, la vhilcIpresilent >1000. 1 5Ju- , 1881, vas parilydefetmieed y lire The fire atarted i a reg iqrée la thé. base- nient. Ssvqt Webba ate a broze. tiI lit comesmeoratlng laina. orus deahi lin. vas plabi ou diaheus. P. Rare*ir PueuscolsDelit. Tie Rocg Island roiS iii inesued a bulletin l là bcitIlutas t iItvoli netoutad fer garasimant of lthe vages et IlIs employes.. The. onde: sahs lihat the airet tîmej an ocapo perutta hie vages te b. garulahedSi the emploa il .osupeaud and-fer a second offens~et this knS vil ho disciarged. Uais. p0tau. 1 ewv Rairod. The.IMuxietnscierument la contraet- uS vil J3. ALNaule, la behlt et tus ejuhem Pacifie rahrou, for lie con- nautica eofsa*$0.000,000 railroad trou Q«u-uas le Guadljara. Tlie 115e wil trsverse a niaIhriteri- and vii! h. approxhmaeisl 1,50iltouaters long. q&s Op~oqar CaLusetYs-cl. Tiie coronr KaI Cleel#ind, Ohio, lu he Coficiai Sciails, saikt d e ht tlegrapli operitor aI Mentor, Ohio. tirev tue svtcb h t tcauseS tie vreck oethie Laie Shore tve4tieth cetury limItai, la vhicii ninteeeikpersp!nilest their Uves. Il la ltuuied te Deth. Joeph Mars, a terme: 'cIty empoya, vas stabiied te deth in àa &dlii treet rrestaurant lu Cincinnati, Ohio, iii-AurI r Bernes,.WBorecnes, came front Atiau- r. vomai arrestud, laimia tiat ho cIed la ailI-Sefeise. n MarS.: butri Sofdier-.. A telegraun frein Batavia, Dulci Et Iadices,reports su uagir ,tbi'eai ot Aèhk paie rpbels. viio attachai[ lie Delci a we 7yst tvîmen. W is ix menoefdi ne Pet e ad tShle%* eveounded. g, LordCuesR ln. LorS Curzon bas resignod as viceroy ef india aller a brlllisat poitical career fteloivng a dlasgremuent vili Lord ofRtceien uic: tse admniustration et the le, re hili l iw g4in . eoq htf ov.I is l i. u ai pCi.ctes aslSu, a.:it mr. to bln.t4 u"braox Wrseiaeie UsS~' Tildes Bt. iuiiîasranasuu pi aient itatrasa, .1 bers beuleatia di. Gramerey Park, lai :1 J1. Tildes elIpseis, and *vui»c m Mu« taSuiaoi.ed util Dow. gz the tsuaia .1 doSae bu ntba.* hone" atone ila 1879. vin hao 4w uIlAmant 1886. hue in a logead asinqt dii .1- hlm. reSnts et the -nelagbtiS lat TilSen, vie moused a lie* of enusiilb t... part ho teck la Ith.ex«peetfirt he Tweed ring, buSed ainuf et ert an&a* sinstien sud bSi t Is eusiaecondlagl 1h vas touaS thatt he building lad t tu reoofs tiatdet ue, andthat a tinT staire lad le a secret Pa~agetroustih& second dmr. Ea<tke anet all acainaS bii Pressing a kueon u a ut40ifllay ed valant pastel. lu thei etelare III suligtrthirth et vaneandaiPSssUM vars toaS leaSing te a bateked tiid, the val$aoet vich amie eie1ëi -,th mnoIS, tbeviicias.otharreeperteetly dry. The. tunnel, se ftanmi *il euli bie exploraS, liS strXight soieti rou he mansion. but [te terminus iidenth iedS heen closeS forita>'rosira. EX-BNDITA lROXOTKEB. As DaeS et loepantau colé Te-BS Undist" in utnbss ul Coie Youuiger, ex-bandit and trini robber. la the huit anS front ef a mueT,- aient le bud an eleetrie ralrsad troin Loue laed te Kinsas Cil?. Tie elapan>' Xhat vill baulite Une vae Luc«uPOni tii, olier day ah Jefferson i Ct7 the om oe t he Kansas CitY, LOSiiit mit anS Bastor Electrie Bulirea Ceai- peur. Teunger anS lisasiaaeiates 5"Y .that th iiniit et vîy bas bea saCuris anS thonthdi.projeet ha. beauInaned It le tii. intention eltlmaleli- te -endli lie Uine le Jifmorn City, arboe eIl vWU, ceeI viii lthe projected elOetric Md5 trouaset. Louis, thua Luaiuga tIougb sieetrie maliroad wbeenKansas City and St Luis. q baie been bard 5 vpce ou dhiaproposition," saiS Cl Yonags. "I haie thampeS evrer the au- tire Uine, sudhave obtateed prietical.li- ail et the riai t fvra. Tiie Proposition _le_ _fliancedl hyaiesn1>-octCicage and N.v Ton. 1 ha,, bea agreâtiuculie te vomi on tuia proposition. As a bol 1 gel aeiluainted with aîory foot cf the greund thingh wvi'co mr rondS ylrue. Iate: la lite 1 made a great Seul Oetru- hie l a t n u,hborhocet euS' -nov -1 vait, ilaà ayi. te utake amenils 1vsei- ing dat Mr- elS tieads asud elghboel havi tacililies, fer briuglng thae!r iiogs caIult-nS cern te marioL." TrRAmPI MUReDzRA aGIRL. SIa nby Uta fer Wl... f@le Was Pro- pailg a Usai. Mattie Hackett, tie 18-j'ear-olS Sagh- ter oeti J. Hackett a fartait et r eat'a Buht a Village Ott "miles 1rhh- esatof Augusta. wvas muadered hi- trampe. Four mon appied nt tue boume 1for a ment sud wviile vwii tng pire- Spareil b>- theue ietr. Haciitt, aeomu- ipanled by oue et 1h. strangers, vint te tlthe stable near b>' to don.somai. LA scruein vas biserdand. roniug tte lhe 'roisé, Haickt t ondSis angiblsin- rcouaclena vati a ssllcorS dfriva tigi- t Irabout her neck. BlooS vis Pam'Ing troct a deep gauhla uieh end. -AIl tue tramps escipad except lime oie vie had' gens to the bai-n. Ycunug Wamcn Lest Yul. Ooiagte Fred Churcill, an emploi-e e thei Union Eleetrie LIgit and Pover Cent- pany, andStSeIla MeMfullen vire drovu- uS a mile anS a hait! ucit cf lteecltY' limitaetfst. Louis, onthe hIos aide ot the ýMi»ssippi river. A juarti- cuapi-- iug s"e youug men and thre. jouag vomen vont swimnlg at Ibis-"peint Young Churchill vas cauit in an dir anS svept eut m tu te svimltng waters. Mies MeMulien vent te iireéceiand aie. toc. vai cvept onde: itlehie arme. Morsest rescue yere futile, Trie teKilt Chiaa'»iuler A Tien-tain diapahch sais tilt gS it- tempt vax made ounlthe litesik -the Dovager Empresa cf China skéa. as paling îhrough the noithhvualgale et tie ci-te o ierm*sommer palace. Hr aumitant vac dresseS isea soliîeraSd vas bayoneted 1v letgaS,d Fatal Auoile, Leuldint. Vinson Walh. maoirei$loimIrs ., Walsh, mluloire inte ovait, Ww mil SanSdtenur other yeusEmeindmOrsn Newipoet "Mrei- er. nurdluan aujtomobile vici vas hdiwei Att.ptasDliseU , e Au attempt vii mad, te kW !Quest. 1Miargierlta. motlii.: teI di. K ettai-y. ta har-Icae héblag bulit I lt. unlildle of ,a ronSd alde vituruntberlui-toobihle, ~. GDuo & Co.s$ vusly' IraS. t.. bport shows vcrsei-a5 la Slaeeugýr rates andSegieral prosperit in la bunessir- légios WoeuuiDeuble Ca-ms, Mm Midi. Welin, b:yes lel. ef Huldhlnau>iKm, ilieSW WMlAMrBural 'ber liane, vbopref*ued Sya tw anSdieu comualttiS suiclide. Adelphe Wiliam'Boe French artIst, dieS lu Lu hocà k tô sl IrlgitSue te the réent 41 a burgiarte bib home in, Pais. FierPamieuseDreuusd 4 The Atuantue C«« au s Lit exfsie ttrain pluseS trougii an opoq pwan# S t itt- PsssOngsmast'y a600ea,"w«ié r*Srwevud and peuran uie ni Wliti $10,00 acèin Mo' gI b- ionglng te Churlis A. lOtvea & BWotb- eteie.Gai Bebiis a roi-oSespleuÀ*of tbaii Chicago Onu,* dicppeared fre% th*aclts.' 6"iibeen eleaSili dicling d.uIM. 10 Eleveu casa et jUOin AvSr have bais discovenee t W .lnep t ClIlm1as4 a it ta selSthe prs.ade cf 'tii. fsvp.tisa bas bain kept a seeret aine 3.1710M of Pepie'.Agmli icea alS y. Çzar, Nichais.bon Isse4 a àslfsste nt cllot for lhe algelies 0t a ipuls-* mm.ubly ila Ensie, bu$ O p5hatu. talain nh'gl.a MAO"eva. et 'int 1 ]vl, *tk46a of tie-pesuibla ' mtY of Waeabt'*,'ttemained ta e eonal-9 ted wbea ' h*,p.e plelpotut 'A"la1 tesumed *uei MeulaI- at 1 he, rits-1 môutii v yerdTiursday morilIi-- U*haIlh, qoffl whie it iabainin- possibe to ait. sud *hlcb blad béeli passed over; tndemnIty, limitation uaffl hsIba ouBpoker, the, anrren4er et the. Interced, vtrsbips and the graut of Iaiong tlglitg on the Mitoral of the i moltite pilrixcei.1 Pouce. prospeta seemed distluetly1 brIgiiter SnwtagThuridny. The. pl«nut. po*talsalaiiored witii a serloueu.ti1 sud earasutuei wblch lft net the . ,llgbtent detubthe at be#. alixiut pointa emaiutd te b. contesteS antid the. pleulpotentlaulaes ofenh aida spots ai If thi.e btffee ewould go te places1 vale55t cth dW .15.gave VT,tii 1 epliuitofcompromisae was lu the air.-1 A!uhelua T7asud 8vere dIsposetiof 1 Wedgeaday. the former "Iu princlplb, the lutter "uuantmously," accom<Ing te the ofiilbullaes. Article 7 previde. tfurtthe cession ta China cf the. buancli1 et the. (tlae.. Eateru Rallroad ruai-> niug aoutii tromUHarl»n te Port Arthur 0ud Daluy an" vitii a brandi lina con-, nactisat Yeq'ehaug vith ithe. Sud- lialia-Tientsa nroad. Article 8 provides for the. retention iiy Iussfa eoftthu linethbrougli Northera Mauneltria, vheb forme the, couneet- iMg iukcà tii. main Ilin.efthteiTrans- Sberiauan ad the tmurri RallroaS vith Ias terminal at Vladivôot & nS Khab- arovali. .ia 01 Gvc Up Watr Outlet. Rns"l, by the. acceptance eft tiSe tvc articles; la cuineetion vltii siti- eaes 2, 3. 4 amg 6.surranders every Vestige of he',aitiou la anhuia. lie closes the . tote i.arm vit., k-a-fr..port o e any. open vblclr iii lavb»helier rmillons. and rNtainl GY, ms a eemnnereeai 'i'oS&:the liak of ra Il- roem enctng lier EuroyfùPstesi- doens witli thearinntime . proivis "pon the. Pacifie. The nigbt to police It vithiRuîseantaeop or rallroad guarda la gtven up, a"Sita protectIon wiilbe- tome.the. 4utO'oetChina. Enssilalian yielSed te lapan on ail queations whieii pracipitated the vs:. nei. han agreed tnte ievacuntion, -cf Manchurla. bas. promiseS te prealIrve as, fax as posible the. integrit>' of China sud has not opposeS l te cession eoftthe Chil"s.EatnlaMm IWway te the ce.a> tial empire. ti.limeuted'a 1lu. t à50*c tsidà-,ý fars e*gpance tte ii iit apo le net bibiseonsuned hi aa efli *M' bitlon, but ratier tliatnaseireshO' jolwta the lia phii.tgent satienala pree the riglits cf tue viii agaiestthe opprniaons etftthe strong. Presse r i mPewars BiglaiS. ilbas, bient cistied, vas pout t hi.tliumbrevi -on Japan, wiiie Gamaujy nd-France liaS Rua- %ta lu a corner srgulng vîh lis and threûtenlng. Presîdent Rooievolt hus bien lu alose tond vîli the aitpftlouî pleadlng for peace. Ia addition te all these peventul luiguences liaei0o114Y ing$ of the vend 8,cot word le Ports- molh= halle giitng mnt euS. lueneuewe the proposition vas adrfaced 1h51 If th. envoya shetild nil- hie heu efthe disputeS questions, lsty- lng IbicesIon of Bakihluindan sd tie instemnlty unsettied and couplet- Ing a tréaty tle tus point, poslbly the home geveruments oeth11e tIve oun- tries might ceean a uuderatnndtug on thexe pointescren if lie conference shouledJîum inla adeadleck. Michigan lavc prolhhît lieé empicyaut etaol y i unit.:14 i-era old. Breckhen (Mass.) steautfilîcre haie ebtained an Incresse ho 11&50 a day. There are more than 900 vemen teani- sîCrs and drai-men ta the United Statma Ocucu-al feai vages la Arkansas have talle. Imouf $18 s nionti tfle * ihl flteen ho tysut- eans. Oue butinea& houa. le Ohicago reporte lIaI the abandouneut of lie'untbn label for a fev mentis cash il $47,000. National licadquarters o et iAmlga. mare.) Leslier W ariens otAmenies vîli tb, remnoveil tram Ihiladeipia tahoNew- aik. N. J. Dehroit (Mîci.) ganbage drivers haie received anu lodens. of 5Wcents a veek. making their wsges $11, ami double pay for aaitioeitlie. A project tu catalihomes ftfor ta- capacitared 'trade unionisea s beau tai- u enop for consideruhien hi- the United eAssociation.«t Plombera. >- Au effort vii ho maSe by thé union labor bodies on the. lacie c0at te en- WMA TRIO JAPANESE PEACE TERMS lIBAN Ths Ruasian envoya Thuradai-ceont- 06 ruaS>'te accue te Jap*n'c diaidi as aIl but tire eitst. The- vamei piast forthé cshmot. rtic var. Tie Nuiles amiiaiaa.oks baSaiovadf I % hi undèrebced liatCI Iey ol ndt opo bhis. ua.betfev ofthiose vsatehlsg event. IsIleveSdisse quel- lIon. vouM d' aal«ed te 114--k th* pesaiaugtlatibil. Bi- yilfis ogtee conelltioU ef Japsul in v.e ther laitance Rusais aeknovleSpSdattait auaSgtvi te ht.nV= i ia a 1-uhapsiThe admaruni tnisiHarbin aouth- Tii top run» rouhfe satlhon la Muaharla m eA am"ite Pogan- ItWaa h ir'il effl Mvm th e opgv.nflet-cvted tlaur omS te the dwsaI- il va -tua "ocit.off" viai mmot h anyuu eiit ie paveSdiat ,My- for wyutlaI kuo*u 'thlm»s- eborilaiadventire," Chglug lieth* vii.) Piaet m. Witte. Wvilla Miitet ïf Finulc. His objeet lad basa ou!' toMais et Dataia riticSul atre- pot forj origa IraS., -but. viti lie ,.nlrfsIOriiroad btilS ýhelM, lii 4"V#krWty' aggreeiftepoli- begaui. lie asâres et tii.Chufes hstefi coap o nsita ftSwPi00, hl ta tue' ~amfa stle, ceru.omilO aïe he"la inte Scers0t thé gIussoCl ue 5 ai as testes. lie 4 per cent bondi lianeS trOum t t tqtoi- "ia é4quuitictlel. ers gut-Ated he i . iase" . n uoe oaIit s64 itth~ o.1» 0000490 :Tii terp$s cft ii tr .se noim&t- -teS bi i-lipq, laiTs ot bien ragarSe Wrýt fli vcSas or, onbl i'uer- btiant Xioiey otpatà 'violerte gig up~l li igftluamo sigulaet via- 11415 va:, but tlia-gtetf 0 at ilugsý »0 bues en a U.*IeSulpraitig. '1This esiflot ha aiteotit b> posetrie. A.i5 fiisti*;0di uiutlm sa-llt country la support eoftthe anti-japanese agfitation. Thon enaranov la. Californie 35.000 jripaaes., sût ou the. vole lîngth cf tha ,eoast fui!, 109,000, the. usjorlty havizia arrivla t laitkm ve yeare. , eptésentatieeet offourtean of the. bit tructuhal building tisSes organIsation. cf Boston. Mais., are pîoceeding with dthe formatilot fàastructural, building ttades alliance lua t tCity. ious, ie i*ly F.d-eifter, a s evleemly er, tirestons to sue the president cf the Sheat Matai Wonker. for $10,000 Sain- age., &%gins lubel lu'declating tehelîlu- ter ulif airateio*01labo:. Bélatl,.ly fev iuaciianlcs lu the. build- Ing traS.. la 1New YorkState vork more than 6144t heurs a day, asu the bnlld. tug Iadutriy of New York City the foîîy- f oui-hou, veeli la aluiost uiversel. AU the. bottllug establishments lu AI.adrla, Va., bave beau uiouize and the. emploas plScd lu affllatien vlîh th. national organisation of brewery work- mua. It la stated that siun.@tthe organ- isation cf the. bottiers they 'ure recelving au incresa. of vagée ove: -ho,. formarly recelled of frein 50 to 100 per cent e erstsry. Strauba of the, Chicago Al- liBed Pnlntlng Trades' Councîl, hut sueS . ausv âlractoi'Y cf the.union label print-' ilng oilleas and bluderl.a lu the, clty. Thé revigad Dota- ahowa219 @hop% usiug ths lIabe1, sud at insane that tii.y are eni- ploj'lng union wvenir. excluslvely. The. report of dt.escrts4ry aueo show, tust tht' labe.l h".bain withdrawn, for bau0, frein tliaut-elgit aopa. 'aaSitC. O. hherlan et the ne TuSustrial Wonko f tau World organ- îsatba 4dl,athat ho especta te au. mre i tub OW0U vorkers lu th*, union *Ithin 'ix S@utJii.Tii, cqnsttun, îho §%y*, viii ha piluweSand at onc, foi- 0, wtfimSte Europe, iii:. imauy unione are expsatelte become affiliated. Itlel aiS dtii National FVIt Glass Wcnkena bave agS e» oliito wit i 1151,500 S.Th#. .xectll. board of the National a abmbo.d et Operatia .1>otters liu The. yellc ver piagnu e00t3 tO b. -oving viea .m 07. ha der, An ïOnr ernB. TIib 87mllnBiet reS a &tbt vbois thé pbagt. va itllar7 aligat durithl.e moy É& tItoleéne*vrée than ube fevu àI. m. Tluî Sourthrate, nov la, lB «? ent, puring lie lont tvoveei PýJUlyIFl v*a, 25te 80. petrcMt Pî'ty-eizhit pe:ragMt, or M66 cass, tv. been dl"eharged as curati; 88 Per ut or M4ases. ara stilI udaer trOat- net. Up ta e W.desay 93cazes bad bienureporteS. Tii dlstIngnloied ÂrciibiuioP Clii. elle, h dea a -leverviem.via63 ren et ag, ne vas barn ln Prince suS cama te tâte country lu lm3. H. vM educatett ai et. marre. coiiege. H le baS charges nit B al1timore s n d asslilnz- ton sud vus for nom, yeors coadjutor te Archlabhp sol- poInte, et Igunts lie, vbom lie nucceeded. Ha has been anch- biffluop ot Nev Onleanas acee là0vu r. CiUPELLE. 1897 and han beu upestolledelegale te Cuba and tha Philippines. lîthere ver, cny vho belleved tuaI Le yellov leverepidemle youd" b. haecheS ai noce as tb. natienul heith aulluontles lied aaumeel charge, 1h51 av-e bain gnsatly dîsap)poluteti. The dIse blas «pread Iu Nev Orleans anS lunIoulslana. Itlei.beglanlng ta be-IconeS 11111 it Ina>bave ta runltc course outl orerconie b>' lia natural enein>', fi-oal.The epldeîîîtc baSgo strqng s a oiS Whou.nis presç-ece vas recownize& tuaI Il relit) net b.- stnîuup- ed ouI nt oeue.uo malter vhel vai doue. Il ouglit unt ta bae lîen ai!- nwed ta gain .a hlISlu 'New Orleans. Probabli> h oid îot iftfhe eîy baS baS a better qîînrsîuie servIce, If bhal service wv-re te bc transferred lu the national goveruinent Ne* orleanA would blicle.a expoiîed ta future Yellow 'eer vîsltaios' Alîhougli lb" Simens. es *prendlug t loai taInteassume iliat 1h vc,îld bave maSe moe r nid progressIfthe na- tional henluliofficIaIs bad net laiten charge. Tbey bave vorked systemnati- cali- and encrgetically and have been mre. uceesfi lnluseeuring i'csults lu noeiweya Ilion the 1brQattoelais bave been. Tlîey are more Ijuorougli and have InspIreS the. public vîhia gratllr legu-ee cf canfidence. 'The bleus, alerta vhlcb vas% eltlnl Msîsllp aud Toxas le suboidinat. beratuse th1e authoritles «tftiiosa $;lâte$ feel that e'rer-tbing possible ln beat doue. Tii.> knov thnt th4re la ne sUlPPre.sleu Of tacts and tintlte werst lmebeiug laId. Il viii b. a se-loua malter for New Orleans iflthe aplitiexure la not 8soon tandem Ifull central. The extensive fruit traite et the cli>'blstien stopped and hananuasare becoluînat o Inir>'. Tii oyster cnulîle tuduot->' iiilibcInte-r. fcred vltlî. Tlhe buëlneus of 1the etY as a grain exportnat point ill Ibe ut ficheS. Tr.iue wllllu nani- uvnY. suifer more tban lu preccdlng Yellun ferer epîdemies, This la an addltlnsl renson mb>'il"i local aouliuelée andtihte businesls col muulty are Seing ail lunllîeir poiner ta buiing th1e opidemie undar contrai Banilar>' preratutions ire belîig el, forceS wltb a rigor bitberta unkuiomu sund tb. Ignorant people whe geiîer:11li apuru sncb prerautlous are hcluî terceS ta occePî btil. Th ii. latilo Io net wîhhout eaeoliragiiig teantures. Dr. Walter WYmlan.n-ho. un urgeel geueî'al cftheCUitai Stutes. DOW ha charge cf the, nedir'i opera lions lu) Suppression etf>-el- - - lov forer at Nev Orleans, 1s a disatin- guislied pliaclan. He vus bor ai tSt. Louis llus.5, as granuteS freont Amhierst lu 1870. aud tItre, i ee It ram the St. Lýouis Medîcal Col- lege. H. entere,) tha marine hosi- l'. w'vymAI.'4 toi corps la 1876,> @Ince wtiicb lime h lias Itemlu Inte service et tlie goreri meult. In 18931 le baS charge ot meai ares te word oiff choIera, nSdho suI gesteS aud estabIlsbed lte Si-at go, cramentgaultunîum loi- ceusumptiv. at Fort Stonten. N. M. Surgeon Gel OUIl Wymon Is a Member etfuman meilical aud,'oleatille association and bis name ulqe lm ou lbe relsc tue Soele.ly cf Colonial Wnra, The. Blute Boardi et Hoaill a nounees tbat lun1the litaI outiS, Nov Orleans Ibere boreheýin taeÉtal 120 cases and 24 denths. Tii, Selcu say the reasen negrees Se uat take la because 111.11 sios are seolic they are net eaili- Iuoculoted b>' me qullees. Ou. houselielder WvlO refuseS ta i 10vthoelicalli ofiteers ho enter h premisesand tumîgale te iii! mosqi tesvas ai-resteS y he liPouice. À proeorty hlideo vie do fiel sevei lii: itera aller lire, daSac' acta txoomtnic . eiidiét fer tollemmer ai 1h05. and tiie diacent rte lwoeal alighli upvakrd. BusinesscodItIons refiact itidy ex. penion lau nuisdeîjiui4a u&S -fli linaemlt, cf leaSIng eoiamslltoies, ruleeoaSfailîled belua teste, ta thje talL extent tliuuhont the Wolit. The ufanltetug or gra.in bhi e ttin- - noS on an eneruacus sae', lte qîlnutity - liandled lber. cggrexatling13,771,757 buabile, aiuisânt 1,3555tilicla ia.t veek, 'and 8,78afi104llgilili à yenr *go. Notable galasalîpear ln lbe re- ceipts 0t vheut miid luikey anaisueo la fleur. luitroiu are andu foirent pro,)- nets the.recet t îiîgnîeitatlon la ilium- taîneil, lunier -ret-chaI beliiac4156,- 000 f el, sgiilnat 42,187.0<10 feet luit veek and 34,1314M00 tita year agO.ý Otiier receipts et .lrueWral material romain bcstvy. (Conguliullitoi et build- ing stuiff launh>l'IredpnedIy riplîl01i84 prlcua-bave a rlslng té»dpiiey for or- gent supplies, Ilb. Commînercial Msso- elallon reglaîrtitlan ex(ePdt'huit ot lest wek, testifyliîg ta a cOtiiiisl large Influx ef v1slting iuyer». Initac-iurlng - brîiiî-be-i exhIbIt sleadlnea, lu both proutioni andi for- ward enriers, tahIle plit<P liste liaye s iran toue. 1intahec! steel continue»s la gooti deuîaîî,. partieuîarli- for tructu, rai purposea, liit-bisilklitg nult firtory nu. More ahtvity lm nouillu Ji1iîle-. nuent, hardwaire. and mebisier!. iThe deuisud for luinber aii suill vent Ila more Pressing. owlug ta thie rusi' ot building openatlons bei-e and a other,, polits. Faîlur7es luinte Chicago district nuniber :W. nainist SBt at wveciandi 28 sai-car ago.-D)utà's ltvlev cf TriS.. Fteu- traita, vill* uit Kw Yi'yet imiter full lîeadvay. laxiaS Ii- gqtiicrlng force. Coinlilsied' cereal yleIli yil probabli- eieed ail paI ys-rs lu bath quantIty sand.îîîllty. ielatvel, higli jnrfl-e for agrieulfural iîrodueta. manu- ufactureii taterila nit tapib prod- nets (Ioflot di-te.r biîyiug openatiotas. Collectionîs cii the irliole bavc lm.- proveSîil il, cand veu in thie South, exceetlti a smiili ores of the fever-, tnf"-te<l zone, I rude andl eoliertlcns are alike btter tliînli îcilpate earle, wihI the West iind Lcit isae retn more favorab!le cdIvieS. Curreiicy tblet#- thil 1e eointry are larrons- i ng. buntno piirtlî-îlar effecl on monaY raIes mi; 3et., Buiness tailireq. lu heb. tleS Rtntes for thie repk euilng Anlg. 1- nunîher 147,. ,lltinît1111 mt veek, 2(13 1lu tue like we of k ut 1). 1661 lu 1913, 181 ln 1902 aiid 181 lu 1011. lu Cin- aaisfilurei; uui'ier 29. as ugainat 32 lagt week uiil Ir, lu tiis week a i-car ago.-Bradotreet's Commercial iteport. 1 ,i.ago-Lattle, ennon te Prime. e 405) ht*u111'borsprime lies'>'. $4,(X) tu *$6.27; slieep. fain le choie. $3.10 rte $5.40; whioat. No. 2. 711e te '»e. corn, -Ne. 2,5ktae : acta, standlard, 25C tu 2(ke; rye. No. 2. 57c u 0c 9; bey, Rtimotîy. K.50> ta $13.00;: prairie. *$(LO0 te $10.50; butter, chioîe,' creniinery,' I18e te 2()c;'eggg, fregîh. 111e ta I&; Poites, e ew. au-rtuglel. 40f.- it, 414c. * Iîiîiaîîialiu tile. shilpping. *3.00 te $5.115; hg.choira lettry. *4.00 >tau*1L30; sbeep. Commuiin t- primep, $2.50 ta $5.010; *wleat, Nu. 9. 8b 8ta2Le: corn,î.No. 2 w hite, 54e ho 55c; ents. No. 2 vile, 21, te 27C. Y , . ,uis-CgttIv, $4.50 to *5.20; hogs. g$400 te 114325; sheep. Il4.00 te $4.85;, iwiieat, No. 2. 77ç hota 78vcorn. No. 2, 50c ta 5ic; unsa. No. 2, 24e tu 2:W;;ni-s, n No. 2, CiSctea 00e. Ciucinnti--Czttle. $4.00 ho *5.00; bugs. $4.00 tea*$0.35; aheeP. $2.00 te r *425; viieat, No. 2. Slc ta 81;corn, No. 2 mixed, 54e te NiSe.;4eati, No. 2 mixai, 2.4e te 26e;-r>e,'.,o4. 2, 57e te Detroit--Cattie, *3.50'10 *5.00; hogs. $4.oo te $0.151; ahcep. *l2.50. ta *4.50; vheat, No. 2, 82c e a 8; cern. Ne. 8 yulliev, 5e te 58c'. osta No. 3 white, 2(k te 27c. rje, No. 2. 00e hoaOac. Mllvukee-Wiieat, \o. 2 nortiieru, $105 te $1.08; corn. -No. 3,.5Me te 55c; osts, ýNe. 2 wile,.2Me te 28c, r>-., No. 1, 59,cta0 OOc; barley, No. 2, 49c te 50c; -Park, mess, *14.00. Toledo-Wient. Nu. 2 mixeS, I85e te la 80c; cor-n. No. 2 mIxe,). Ste ta 53e; e. au, No. 2 mixai, 30e te 32t; rye, No. 2, 54C tea62e; clor:seed, Priais. *7.30. Buffalo-Cattle, choice, hlpping steers. 9" 4.00 te $5.50 bohe, fair te choice, *4.00 r-. te fO 650heep, commnnte gond mixai, es $400 te *5.25; laiubs, fairte, choie, Ill s.00- ho $8.(X). 17 New Yonk-.ýCahtle, $4.00 ta $5.62-, s: agsa, *4.00 tea*10.70; sbeep. *3.00- ho f e500; viteal, -Ne. 2 raS, &5e tea Me; corn, No. 2, 60e te 62c; oas, naturel. a-wh-ite, 111e ta 32ie; butter, ereamer>', 'Ille tet 21c; eggs, western, 20e te 22e. tee-al* e. its fi Lighteing stnilck naIreet.car in Xcv York. causias a panie a lu*4lcii fourtsoa personM ver, injureS. )a- franchise vus glantcd b> tiie City' Counicil et Hautisirg, MIsS., 1iar tl- $125.000 undersrouitd. teleplioùe systent. la Elihu Ite l, Presid nti.Pb.osvelt's nev., 111- Secretari- of site, hai, jwlý004 tiou> auIl LU the, boasrdet eoePratiusé eQjm tiuch h. 'in serveS as a dreto .,. ,