Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Aug 1905, p. 8

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mretui Lm e iiybsvtàreed froue«IL * yack vait wti ber, É41 plae.»MrattodIg~ ot VfotUmd. Om liMc 3ete.Mr. "d .Juà 1 . s.> Coblite ieitedthie or IR". Rartuetlu Ryces. my vibai u co II u~ondanuaber of bis '9 gsodKlgeai Dos sodueee ith grand. t4Maudiom Ron.ce vitled aBunstbeatiretarueti Fri. tede& hc, vooe, wih li aBi d Rodge are bey- trou ewovYoriem e goci iegala"u tii. vaY o ks ttt vlecfP"ltim. miibec Ftiiy, of lut c..roulio aie ente. Olutilc ie fPeatineIi b MWd vils tLomga ore "ed Mcc. . Kulog ant gp L*eis K o!fLberty- %autoin le nd teteoe M*lr atmdoibet fDem. ve bare a., amatie relWra à,lI ibe tain eeb deyibis 0 tg la ie tinte bas poe la agsedlogte veel M ete<tmd Mleaylo-, lieciey anti Carn ~ werc te gutest kx t 1vdeys ot Este, F% .ensiylvaola, ph.., lu vleltleg,fdloal eh.. le vntfng imei -an tser aother, lins. FIibuetTusi. ty oMei boao* dWmo 0 #ve t'oSa. Sli bv UCORNERS. vaete is aoetor's em p. ta effln e.hiiet tô rport Mr..Jut. MW" ce lu*Pendisa Llsrqille mculmg on be1ali a.bai timm a ea leoi ite acepin4ed viii Re .9w t. c lob PeA tr of Ieiit anfirnue puse. Alvave the cmee.The Ruleayeriool 'vishes htutik the Dl4aioad 'Lake ladies lot PrpDlg sncb a delicoun lunch, The eallcln o i.twcl PA",TINE. Maueme Oe»t ls.on Ibe idi ]lt.' Ilore ta Mr. anti Mr». Fred Blohnî, a danghter, Au«. 14. Fru»k Blere in reeovrering froue I toceliFreereeilneu. *Mr. Corai Ikgolinl nt recover- frmbis meei ~lwteA on e colti M. Richmond loft, bug antidepgfor bis nov home ilu oraàlfbunedey lMus Anus and Tuile Nams w"ti telr WOnter IrS joma vire vr: péamsat er. un fuleitinluPaltiue rM-ntl. MM s.r. JFihiiriti tise Mieoe LiM": Mdtiltle e.5o spoutia twa -«"wvactibon la -Sdià R ayon. Me. Miss e"haTorgier la laiprovneg la frtiuitope tu wecouieber home. lithe ceci future. iss LiOF Cohen ofChiego -von the. ::;aset e inLydila Bicinaseanti et- tet idth etliere' picole lunSh&b- hg g.18. Umss Rîelti dire. Ratle Ugiie- .Sel eédt tvaebiltienaSWo lire E. Un- icluanti àAima fichues.4». -vlltîg relativela.GrndRpIat, Mloh. eat MM .F.Catiosl lanimsseretta ai cm180 f, M.,anti14M J.,R cett &= r ftç J e anti la eonpcay idtth Mra. J. 1,H. sbIcrd the Msswe. attende th ie pleuic la cary Stnrd ï1 LAKCE ZURICH. Hretdamces noit Sdturday nlgt, A uumerc mtabore ettffld(d tis th@. hellgamnt hpalsilu."lit Satm. p.neit àbgaclng troaoeti bunineo taluegoMo daiau uay. lillatan neiv.t a cui fnad of taive ad pringerelat vofai b ho t' dia P yo, bond that ho cUl citb lit Oox anti MisaAoa8&boisu80 oha R Odaf Roefebllerenti brother 1 w Jivork sett.. vers llers b9re Wm.Baeshiug matie a trnp ta LiiertY- féBru, tu Mx,. anti lre. Pott, a baby 9girl Dr. 1andi Mm. Coïare ao I be PhOpemta of a baby girl. Cgars Fred 1ostile csniting George Graber vitis hWstbreeblng rnahiùe agala Iis yon crs ievited ta theigrand Harvet .;-1 À AVictor gvaphopbamnogeilp nev for s^le Ceep. Cmi on, -. Frank Laie BRemse Patanal Hirgan Kuffen ams bttia vMiproWax e couple ai Cams o!i ba 1cr lieRry hmae le the arn uoilallthé iabi i1 a lOç.A. ue, ltutberlad, Md. r eà'"At Ifi.egP ofIil aioetb çMr am lfrglu cinle il bhouleh, - cis .etious Tirat Trouble, adtwoi vbyaWo.lm* gavaber op. W veut al- in . t * w4o ea *avisonO yood te M-1w K)sIXAOV.ry for Cont foo ïfttb. fte r talltltour mure aluitor- ~ItAt =28 oru bcvagCaeale ""onutina hor PcopeY «»M mte <scim dil dl e r u PUMY 4,4 taliuai Dtb5uu th"ton pet a<Jvaiilibe 1%10 pefveacfor tbmtcaubocdthee las fbe oftof .to fa tnot hww suti cr more <a twe mage doame -' Dnie Lw TIetle Ormlndccoe toveslbu of Luiictyvuwe Min Ernma n 0Ol iveEtu ipet a few a btheego rlatives. A: o. acrms.adati .S>uelmitp to Burffugton, Wls, Wedmedaj'. Chan. Weboiereof l log bis Vacation ab Bey.r S. J. Palnuiir ha eomp»lted uicaI inch well for the Ke & Chapeli Ba y Mcm. Chas. Sehwerne and on Arthur, fron Chicago, are spendleg sumi.tisu. witb Mcm. il B..'farnly Mdnti b relatv.. The infant child of Osto etoehey, whlch lr d lait aturdey wo buried the Lutborag uemnetaryMoâdày. Mcma. a. Ihuermen, gr., and Um Lune took a trip acrthe tf. ait t Benton Harbor licoçePauy with a number ' ofrelative. ,bomn Chicago Tib@ Lutheran Couuretlon beld ti It annuel muueonâry fetivailalu «tber'e govo let' Buaday, clearfu lor mlsslonr, Purnob-s 4100- alt dedntlns SU expmes. Littio Arthtur Bos, eged -six yean mcd tour moathl, grendispuet Mim Jakei Bou f tbis pae ld &tsi isborna la Cieolut week miter An Iliums of coterai wekîduratio.' Re w*eo&i sick qegrly in the. summerultWho& l ber d&a crtica e. ! ai n. .ook, placeleucordla cs.tery leut Sonday. PREMONT CENTER. Miss Rose Frreke le visttlg frlends ine tii iy. Jas..Obeniuf aed inter KetIe, spent Sandmy at NMcH.ntY. Rd. Lukof RoundULie, wua Fremout cailor sedvonlmng. Mis. Mat ry mefferlo0,Caiclago, lm viltlug witb ber parento emr .MissesAnne Assau la spendîng a few wSe swtth relative. ut MIWi wui Mcmir. o. Mrtel in èntertalalg ber1 mother, lire. Jus. Bba.r of the.elty. .l1rM. Frak omrer aad daughtor, of Chicago ame vlitfl gwli UM. sud Mcm Frank ormusn. mie.m i. Ruhman md elldron, of ud ctiMm. tGwpaens lir. aad lire. Jobg Gaiser am. *pendi- leu a ev weeis wlttb lore ticepter, li e. 9. orher, of I;ôug tirov*. Mms.Mâtlir P"at.sud cblie, -of Oufro. ,axe vltmg wtb Mvt. Petu' parme, lMr. ad Mcm.John loinl. Nb" aThtrmgass u d Yhape Reoslg, et (Ombes, lad., Worm iii.guosto ïd the. fornus'. aiter, Mis. Imabellak R1m, Sltndej. Mcm. FrankI Horouilmena«eoepaaIed by ber friéed, Mcm. MaILle KWig0f Aigue. lilcb.. spet a fewdejyu wltb reltive. as voa. ait BUadAr afteaPoe st 5 IS. Ta' Cathbo erowW 'ommea e Wîàà otil f Leona. oui 'danghbur of cd Mmre Jic L tor.W e r oufnet hoarmift aupatby tu tbg-j orrôwlng parentsIo la andberavesuset. liMr, andti ri. AI W air visîtet Misati ves et Id" g (rove Sond. MM-s Mi. Wagner le oncertauning rlativeu frani Chse-ago austi Lngu(rore et present. CARI) OFT HANNK. W. wlsb ta thank out frientin anti nelgbbors for thbir kiedses and syeipatb.y tiriiig the ncansu ed <eath ni aur blolied deu<lauter LeO4s. M& AND ineMeU'AK Dtvoac. Ne iPvili&ii ,Saturdimy E Venti11g Aqx. 26 19 Zgvmu7body inw'iWtebcorne anid bave a good Urnme Musie by N:" 5 ac it h~p er dwu*gboaboie.. Mm. Le. mc Reelme.bave beeu vbetoma ue. fit. isput woob. -7 de mi. Wo. »s«br R utoW*ào lanud undam uw'. eStryker, o1 Chlulego, spent linuh« we t l c.Ouleer lnilly> Mr. and Mcm West anti chiltiron, of Otto <Olt, of iows, le vlsting rlxltives j4r.eir. W. Hf. WiImot antiMsa gqt%ôSWaukegan- were Deerfielt C. R. Toqple for SuntiayMiction Wori Vuig oeu. Aete 1: 18-18: Titan 2M: L.(Sorne anid Foreign hFields.) lira, Fred iioggie, leader. Mir. and Mn'. Mayer and daugliter LIy, 'of Chleago. ellted i wtl T. E. lidrandi iesily llunday. miss augle Pettis, Whhlan lier Viitln ia Iovw<for the punit lire weeko rettuuie homle Frldey. 1gluisTlile anti Marie l)eckinger vibited i Ch @g everail days thim weelt.. An, llnsated mermon viili bcgiven le tiie Presbyterian ebsirch Banta iangbt, aubjftt, "Christs ;Second Yeer sle Lb. publie mlnistry. , 1 Arthur Endoer, tif New. York, la viitieg st borni.. Tii. pblc inaia(ouseti toa knowiedge of thoe-ttve merite of tuaI great lnd-ti iînal tanie, Eleetrie. Bitters, for aid. atm"eei, lier and kdneys. Mary M~ Wattera, of 546 St. Clair A ve., Co)leabdo, 0., writen.:"For several eontils. 1 van giron np io dle. 1 bad lever aed algue, Syury si w.!. .wricketi; I caul.iat iwo »and tMy toueech w.. bu ek, train slàdcoî tirage, thet 1 coula utt et oon afster blinaeugta sle ZeltrcBlt*oi, I obtaineti relief, and la a sbort t4ine I was entirely coret." Gqàraut$d (et P. iB. LObVILL'a Llbert- vinle, OaeveLaKa PiiAieiÂcirdrug star«s; ptkce.Sttc. NEWPORT. Feresers are busy thresblng. Gea. Shpherti was le Wankegaa lMon- Gu Dletieeyer le wurkiig for Ed. ouï is or W. tri eWaokega Mi.Phl#là 4 )lmeyor -andi daugbters voeeCIm~~Lr ody lière. Wa)rlterLaas, vas eiling an Hiram Colegt»ve I4± f-orb hioti e Pontice, 'lis., Aturday. WiIiu W"b vent viLit bilale afr ne Chieg>. A blackt mare atrayeti mbo M. Webb'n Manda,. lTe dae rena have lier ly casltig anti provilg property ced payiuig for l. koeclinx. WVARRE.N*ON GCROVE., Mire. Doîsile anti nephow Jamiesi t.>'Rriu Who were vimiting wiLh Mcm. M. Dsugen for lji. pnoît we-y.k have retuncd tu tiaitboule iClhicago. f Mr. and Mrme.J. Jo*mcalpftii rei~str- tortaiing relativie frointhtie Lity. ' Mis..M. Ctrr<,llandi <luugter (Gravie of Chicago âare isitiiig titl J. ltiya. anti f.mnily. Mc. Tulis iof Chicuagoî i seniig a fow daya wlth rolîîLiffl s ln. Mies Laura McCansi entî.rtained sev,.ral frienals le bonaor of hliirtlsday evealeg. Ail report an eejoyalik. Lieue. Severai I roni bore atteutird tise liuerai of Mis. M. (Gamn onilMondey. Mis a Margaret Granm i vlted ai tihe boaiofThoans cCamne ver faday. liMr. acdt14m s.Fraak Barka speet Sua. day at Wadeiwortf lflî tPI rient.. LONG LAU Wsuî. Wilmott isiteti bis Hamaon, reetly. * lire. iteheli ýha. lie. frlontima irom Chicago. TiseGrabasu Rotei ham ai bonsieen taetoe'o. B. ClevelandtIslaeatertstl of, bourder. from Ok.(ai lt Mcm.Niki Wite, fôs, paies.,lveny Bloki sullier 1 MJiss ele eacd Ada1 Churccî, of Oaki Pari, ns ticIp toa FoiLaie by te Lake tliro.uçb fSquaw Ore Areeeptlpa 'illî be bel v. 'Reese otr a h tOb t 'x Luise o0# k a ., Agee itu e >e 'r. Ree-mse ion re et sf a vile ead for ltat bouaracecordet i tîu GRANGE HA~ adr.. W. B. Prim 0o1 Ch Io vaiting f rieud@ cut ia Ibis vlinty. lit. Perny's. two mletes oogtýar. visitieg TIe seQthe W. 8Niver 41tie nsapýtsSet flsterday àitjgJt 44~l"q Mr. cuti Mr». tcari, Mcm F. J. VMunromN Germes, cth thoir ;& r«e 2 tet, etc." G esu* tee t t fi,. sO L ' Lilertvlrlle; (lar g PuAuacy tinsg .toWe, ptlce 25ec. LONGu aRCVaU Frank Quentin spent a 1.'w ticysin~ tIse clty recently. lire. Fred Gins Sr. bas quite a uuler of Liybettdersat promeut IlnyCordes Whin lewarlcng for Wii Stlig Seuut Snntie ehom. Mise O(te 'ehîman of Barregtme vialtoa vîit ber parents Sunday. Mr. anti lre. WIII Stolling are vîitisg relative. al;Illsenatnville a e w ida.. lir..cot Mn'.(Ieqrge Friîti of'Watt- non& visiled ltb relatIveé hors Rende!, MissenBtsuaelier suent &-verni ticys wltb ber slster Mr@. A. Wolf et; Aptakie Win Ratl: Purrhamil two i-ave of ury Hilîman of Lake Zurich let veek e Saturday. SW. L. Bergharn anti fiilî oi Ro- feller apeint lit veek Tbur.tiay wlii relatives boe.. bot eôlv a iiaol eotdbi lu tbhopital viLli typolti lever. Mm. lIen Wennogar anddlagituîr Rotiser ati Mr@. Barbacra Wee4gar0 Palatine ver. Lhe gnes i thée rmner'e parent» Mr. and lire. itaîer latit we EAST FOX LAM OGea. .Bikford antifamdly arelt tueur. sommaer home ut Fox Lak. -A. Richarde anti fam'uly are elitirtafi.- lug bis cousin, Miss Champion. Rev. K. B. Whitney cud tandily wpee vitieg relatives et tiis place ,thse latter part of tise viai.1 1 The beavy relin storns Friciay afta'r- noon gavethie farieres a vacation frone Itheir terni woru. A -large <véoiecuraeooffrienti. atin relatives' gathpreti st lite home of Mr». Williem Nelson ous Tburedey alternoon, 'Auguet 17 te, perforin the lest maud .tribut. of ta lier enioryinl laylng awuy lier reuusainelnthse cenietery et tbis place.: Ber dtfitbaccurred Montiay ..vening a little alter 9 o'cloei. 4)n lStntiey suternoon of tise wes.k bseore @lh. feu on tihe iloor af lier bluie receiviag Injurie,@ vhieb ove.proinbly lthé lsnuiediatecamuse of lier stiait. 5h. vasile ier 4tt ypar and baiq inq l poor healtit for cm Iw- ROSECRANS. E. S. Falier lýe etu'rtammiuîg rAlîîirî.e frone St. iPaul. - UmssOauinkiw'v in eutterttifing bers co)uilnMis eI.ter.oui Mc. l.zille. îf Watikigan, im vi1isî lier Iiniîter, L. Suarr..1 11 ilowan ss and ire. iof iM jîîmii'i,, visutieg bh is utle.r i . The huiidlings îoit te hort farisii an beiosr p eth idl by M r. NoiIr;înoP. Qmîart"rly îi.'tiig wcii l '.11 eJ lt llmwaî,Aim, 27 .'v. Katiy ili lîreacl inlethe. uim ig) îm~. Onu ThUsrsda.v eît'ri,îut ti.g~ilo*- cemnq rivet bidige, liittiiiltid <eO'5T't were cotiduriti.d liv ioveu. Ssi;iuiui l Northi Pririe. Tlînse f roni Noîrth Prairlitetid ue frnt Istonéi'i'îs c e baptizet.______ Tuie paper eau routier tua greuter seor vice Uv its m&ly rentier. tin tt - ~~~Medicine. 11e-ttiToic tveynîi (fi. adetvrt1lle intîsesse rOIlnni. ia a iarselema desugliten, M-e. elmettte for Cator 01, , l'atgkoie anti tingerous oothmigdroIts antila iaidt n eiitert.ailuing lie lteniast lieaseut ands relialie isedi. .cIme là use for thse quit-k sanilcertai cure » b.e rocieti for Cuîalpaion anti Fistulenîiy. it 1 coqWans no opium,. nioslpbie or<iter ileîng a etiiber tiereOtid i and atuiiefyilig drugii. For 4mei t adanature lut tig".tirig andl MMI.fofth%& l-ng . Mtalfs antdsuia naurg utrl o Ii 1métl~, natural lel. i-Co Tîsnic home lus Ure.ysefe t tle laa enrtailiit re for ail achc troahles. 25c, 50c anti $101. Caine andt Mr-olI b P. B. LovicLÉ, Liliertyviiie. t.Seeîîymati.fc ona, fronut LongCUA iti lit honoraiflire. '(lecent I)uv liiim@et Monday lt (ffigretiona chkblaso. - et.urdaa veu-. Jan»siMtrneY ant i wfe of. Me1leir htuteb parlons. Suidayeti witiste fire'soihr.* mbinito bita- Miell eyolIda anti Hecusîgpr of Chi- reuweotiOiltJe cago vem.plesnt saiiera le Culîn suu- deiy. lir. George Hapké anti fe.miljy o? [j, Wamscantia viiteal witlsMg',. Telkauuipa ulag Biglie, lir. asti Mm. EtI. Metienaofliarnitigtan Id meghliae. vexecilng ou rolatives lie. aurtiay antd Suntisu. . 1- r, frons Arling. Min . Myrtié Bandai) estertaimieti etbshm uenl>er ut .her yoîung friéude Suetay C. Tý . EWbdt a M, ad metlr. Oeorge Con wsy andti on tGnofigo Hall of Chukpgq ameapondleg e'iew tayc with rîte Ausla, ialtiven hem.. etetiR=" md papi.A____ 0e.. lir. Paul B. Fusoni, Lihe popular icysr ~tipuiVi1tl > noi-Uel,Ifil., irritfs thse following Fôuýe udqw ei o? JWeGo TonIc aiWekfls, tiroew~ro.e .0ifî y fiait: 4 ii y-pn.'os. *at 1 bave nti ed (Iq Mi t lînTisais of *aivBrwtp le tuy ieuJîlfor' is reppquduq1bj~*t itne 4ssaandirg?1 ~ 1,à )lle Ruiiiig and' rote........4000 4$t e.......... .0() N .40 00 Thé Trick, tlouse TIis lfecture leolîy e tenaof sapple acrobate Who kesp the people laugh- log wîth "lia.fuuy autii andWh concluie Nltb a Trick Moute, a Pan-ý toalleepartuslQtb4 it sorng doors. I uvsmare of Imgter. Performance Each Afterrnoon. iH ao NOT AN ofAcrotiub eGd vitb.e ,setbcsueeue. e bav e aqqu! i isiie Prouac acm Arldvne< ()ne of the. Best andIleat 3cmom.wcal Rangea en th earket This rangé is -gooeted wl* <nil cast triMmed emolod etool bodieq, moud caet d0ors. ceaitop and bottoan oven, plaies. avant thoroughly Xleod wth esiootos. We insffl this range ln yosa home for 017.00, ineh.dng'sorvlm pipe, siove ino ed" eutiesemater. r Provldig eur so7ceO 1p9np : coud O pet fru, pq, *F' u7 and Moue Unele.dseppi eucoed foot fr- onte~r iq ev.. Exapi of aiuber willlb. cPàrged ai roea4 dr, pruce. North ~;o i Lumber, L004~ Bric Luie SewerPje - EDWIN A. BIBOP, M'g'r sui .. »....L!, Interlor Finish andi Mill cari on Bitant NotIce Picotes your Isonses aith "01?IICIJLES." I 'M4asti 1 wre r i

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