Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Sep 1905, p. 5

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-I *0 NEy nIIM-' LIB8RTVILLE MARuCBT Md, OROCERY -Watches, It pays to buy the best you mau afford. At our prices auj body cin afford a pretty good one. We have Do watches at any price that ve can't warrant to keop goodtUme ClOcks A. ousehold il pretty apt to be well regulated, that han the s right time-any dlock 11 in y satore will aupply it.. ANDRIW IiUSS'r Rueuu.W t a*ea Lm, TYVMR ZX x LINOIlS Smlth &" Davi.s GEIIS ERNN ffI1GS MWe bave just recel yod a nicei ne of tieci- wear for gents. The n4tty kiwi well dre@s- e d men wear, also a oiiperler assortment of dres-gloves. They are uielling at pilceai conisltent wlth the best makeai. are ade on houM .1 thee cheper Mws fewisha iep we av Men's Negligee Shirts, 50 cents and op Men's gmdewear,25. cents and up Men's Overadl!s. 50 cents and Up MwsjckeS, 530, cents aMd Up MWs W Wok Shirts' 25 cents and, up Meau's o05OScents and up MensIose, -10 cents aid up- MW4 sTJç 140 cenMu andi OP -Me. Kid gloves 50 cents and oap We'also carry ae<pplW# line of ladies ties collars, sll& glaies, etc.' au $mih &Davis, P. Wa, OVOma ernai dtya rocemlly wih J. W. Leu, éaii wlW-t Milwaukee. miBm oug. JaM, nstlu Je4uýt to move ilala bis -M. mad lin,*.'L EvByanmaxit 1Tues.- renmly eompbt4hoseidene(in second d« ap oig for Beaton Harbor, Ica., J'mtreet. fàiaxWteavua<ayu villa relativ«s km(. D.A. lJOU« i(on lber vay to .0w».Colorado City, <101, vhre mhe wiil nuit , jsq bomi novô *la couruePi cona. relativeu, t < Eto o ge&r's uuhdlvaoaon JWxn. Cbtu r 4,VdThursday trous dd. q ci " l ova. Tblu le mm ai. Minumote vbi m % rond (if cows whlch vlgfor tittPart ni the be ofimnlfeu*.I- Williat fuia~iily,of Kent, la., Naèy M vcormickr returmed iwtli M'.viuitlng * 'IXtqpp familles bore aI 801itier SlKeluey, vi oN- te rSt me 2 =e vul t tC. cCrilc oe k*f) vil, in the near future IMBI ina lwâuý end viiimake ber home» moreve oto of thelbLuce bouge, le thé 2-ewth e imin the. futumu ihluCae Tho brody ef BurMt iet 12Cra, h.Pr«ed" aawSuedam ncitolfield wils ci Ys4ed A. Crafie, 122 Oatiiertu i a anum. i pI*nurodayai termoodu la j,. Lemuoag ini,, Manisltier of Dr. wcu o' oduat Rockefeller. »Uéo, wm vbIpuglat ta LAberty-ville 'I~uai' haRm taIvanae f r iM. Famb" fa upending the voek 1>0àdw and a eld, Iat tolaoe villarelativou.mtEerwin, a snburb af lic Mu Annaai Foote ailrnd.duh~,a Co&a.. Mgoom vhoa acoupla oi weeks mAn'ot adduhio agu~~~~~~~ v.uloeyIîrilearea Waukegan, ad- Mimes cilhidwell, ai &t the. gravel pi vwhen tbe mule toamhe Germes. ver. iiiue8t'sofolVrs. J.. S vý diiidlg druggsd hie, for a consider- Gridioy, a 1ev day$ resîexxîl. aie dlbm.aflng ab compoundl trac- The local ure. viilot cloie Thurs- lure of the claviclelu rpidi recoverieg. day ulght of Fair week ax(] the week ai A promineet Chicago physilcian vae In the Troltlng Asuaclatixx meting, as towil li. eek negotlatleg for the c<utmeay. Oliver Bovn tare, on Milvaukee myoeàao, Mné. Ralpi Darby hffl xîicîy recovered wltb & .vlev ho erecting a large sanitar. tram bey long iliuam af ty ihoid fover aed iam thoro. Oaa. Austin'@ farrm vas la nov. vIlth Mr. Darby. viaiting rola misa, uder considération andl two otier tire. at Diainmil Labo,ý piprlunol eaxned. As yet no pur- Peter LÀtchtileld lu rapidiy recorerieg abm a ureprted. roe, tbe offerts Oilthe opération lie re- JE. X. VM4shua n lu ovliiirg bhis new csntly undervu la a Ciricago hospîtal. hem rmmextiy piirhuAsé o letostractpr 99 la qer the osa, of r. bMartip. Wellà. 9. Z.ZElswortht viii iave lptp A lcallady iqabsu the followieg rom the vacateil Maxi,.,»boum e vie Walter Plainut: "Our bévu, lu getting en teucity fjbie viii eûter the plan. formerly lIeuedays ho ea't puaixgrocery Decplsd by Mr. Ellsworth. Mr. Wellus wagonivîit aGIm eI gasolîxe l.Fie and fa.axwlli occupy their new home muta ho more rsuumablel la te .Koubker snbdivioe. Mus. Ptulbm.,01 Marlnetle, W is., Appleton, Win. physlelaeuhbave dclare1 Mr. M. ItouglMi et ofOîawa, Ko». aud var on carp, tb. foufrst fli that swle. Mr. mmd Mr». L IL Dutterieli, of Broken nmmd the t. ypholi fever epidemie coin- Arrov, led. Ton. bave ijeet apexndlng a mon le Ihat locality carn bu tracei ta part of lbo wvflb iîti.J. 11 O(ray and th@. "cginaoath~s flsh wii, il in a famlly. welU knova tact, malté a b"snees of feed. C. W. Forneu report.. that soimeone ieg ram the sewege of the city. Thoe ntoed hb ig mlaut Setulay niglil gchange part of it al lut that even a and took trambIe trouxers pocket a typhalid jever gere, conlillho th oqght for puma coetaimlmg ln the neighborbaad of. a minute capable oi gettlng the better ai nlnehy dollar@. Mr. Fît mess if;pqvil a sbamaci tInt cauld digout a carp. Micigan. The malter i.. uip thé. geof Chicaga papers tus veek publisil, he loali Çle. notpce ai the dearh of [telleFr*ncls Alclorieta Coii, Boyes andi larduor Plce, If40 Indigna 4vo.,Çiicpgo Miss and Clork lMobona, a Iso Supervieor P~rrmvAs bora in i bertyville sixty.eli MIiller and ltheIblor were ni the Liber. yearu ago but maved ta Chicago vhile tyvilie party wfvll pgrticiliatui e ithe qelte yolieg. ShevO. a&xoOM ber 0ailitforimi opsnleg Cdthe Zion City exten. Paul'@a Unlrermallutcbllch andti he Ol s ion obt.eC. & M.' dctrie Satuvday. Settier'sauaclmhloa. T brîhee, 1r. mmd lMr. VIRe lfrt lau: Saturday Cornaine mmd Abner F murvive br. for Marmlltovu, la, viore Mr@. iie The fanerai vue bmld Suedmy at 1:80, viii viuit tee dayu. lMr. Pik. le exhibit. aRo. J. 8. Canîwell oftlcatleg. Inter- inga fuil limo of his faînea, White Wyae. mont aI Rasehull. dattes ut the lava litai. Fair ait Des- (iii mettlore viii romomber Ed. Moins hlu vek and expects ta carry lltevart. vbo mmtl 1884 remided on a avay a goadly ehare 01 the honorq. farta ah GageS LALO, lien removieg ta W. A. DemmR,otiiç,mac ad Nebrooba, vhere ho lu counteil a pioneer the Dletfiyr sAlwoi in Wmukegae and settier. Ata aLettler', pienieelId ou lim "w III charge. lu spemking af the hào Iprm an pI Nrta Lpp a t#W weeke tInmuer oi thebui4iness la Mr. Dean the *in" b@h 4u4lblu ville vere pr eseeteil vlth Wuheum Gazette le laI Frlday's imqte a ralumlileegtpee Birer sel. Acceord- maya: Yesterday aiternoon at 4 ocblock '109 ho aelocalpaper the occasion wam te h historié Dietrneyer saloon passai most Important ai réceet yeare in liat ieta the hande <of W. A. Decnu, of vlialnty a graitgthberlug having aumei- Libertyhille, who wiinle ýhofuture cou- -btotu do-lIamor- -ta Mr. mnd Mre. duel Iheiusies. Thefflmoyer's have- Sltev.rhand pelebrate cîbracteriste of rue lte saloop, whieh lu locatei mast vusteru settlementâ, a reai uld ue*tloi , eet i of I ePenre'm drg tarp, for pilo, yçare and years, and It len keove 10 ,Johmey 0qlvele, vhop vorke for livo-hirdit ai the n'en 01 W*gtkffan or îWilliam Spolitxansnt af love dois mot more. iLs silon bas feloyed enviable boeraev nlu oflups por dace ho lîke ta lam0 as the saloon %whlciobserved lhe *,ucahe vlit hioge lathe busineus a#»4 leirundth #e Woprieties clouer than auy ivbsa lut IMndax eight touar mounusaloon tri thé stitte af IllInoe. PMr.. attempte dta atop hlm ho lied andi biAt Petaxyer retiros on actoMet oc4llheuItI, fornbis 4Stneudni font eileves hievouli Andile lutairbee atrp tu lthe *0.1 a% icuv, beu reeeiof hi@ valtaIp&s.. 99 once. Mr. Deale v elI knnvu bore, *il bomto Wankogan qnd reoluten aqanti te ver >41p8lr. ýt tea o wokcbar gat on 4t gt, MmAs"1 y'aarn ntd trone ndstar h iomie. Wheou e '»UMyc Vtad tb. Mallg atatin: af the C.0. L &8 . F.V. IR. Sorman, practical oplician, viii loe duit pand burly mbadowe arase and i he inLibertyrille, eaehb alurday, unlil 'isie 01 thmaint a lbai volce demagdod liirther notice. At lIces' jselvy store, hi in oat. Re aI oece starlt4 for41Il boue "d moon gau, here Thiiie amnowl acbory ah the present UilleiLtea lime lu rumnleg three pressesaneitboqgi The " sof unmdlaottesealMllîertrvllle hvonty4,o ePeople aie. heteg empei , L.PMomfo h owe ndine An.. te exilem, pasnt lie Ilîfi. Superle. Mgd..efier tendent Hubeliomon as beenmabiug Ir'. Laurs Gage PhilI.' Bidon r. Ju4ie Juimen am . Esanm silarta btoleeremm bis force andiIt la Mr. John lm Ma r. 000. SimIen hepl 10 bar, the plamet rueeing vitR a WS8U . iAIjpomam. fnll couxplautof aibnde le a short timo. T2h. plant ban a capacity a of AI 88,000 poumils per day vhen ail lhe promu are vuaning andl about eighly men andl girlu viii hie nedeil f Iis ont- itiaee tbt taid etm eaa lvmyâ put lu reacbed. The storo ome 4t 100t ewtiaL Chaubelala's CWalà the preseihtIW4e 5re Ahil vttl i lelaic M e iie s t h Iuiplm, ia,mys h ~prllclpoi ti.p4cking deparltoeUtt"lx. apexis the ecroîlons, mmdaida I.totkn Woring avovl trying ta prepubre nature le restoring lb.e tstem t aa il for ahîpuat. Ahqmrwvas iaioi Ibis healtv condition. Sali by. B. LoPluL vook toi b. shippeil direct tu, KansasLbeyil. 017 mani big ordors are vaiting their b1ure.1 X ANNOUNCEMENTS X The Preshyheria Laies' Aid gave Next Sundny eremîing ut tlb. Presby, a fansivei réception Tlîursday af tanIt tre cherch Rler. tQuayle viii lo &bigh wook, at the home aIflMM. Alienion, ln suhioct Bunymes iPggtlgu U l>rges booof Mus. F. E. Clark, their departing illuatratieg l]i rearks villa lhe store. 1 -911- e1 eb- a te ocet u -1. - -.Ai 14 erlal lntelt il lRe wa twsuarred, tireIta oBath- *baba llarwood, vie miter bearieg him tour gosBl ELhr, AlIred H., hianie U. ani Anan P. dwlul 1874. On Auguât 15, 1877 ho va. again tnorrWe, ho Jane A. Biaigelt, vho vith the oldest and youngest of bis tioees sti1 survive hiDi, as dosWilliam. vhola hb. took lotohi, home at ttheai ofI1 yeaos Hceembrace lreliginla lieearly,60'@ and bai for mmm>' yemrs bien a niember ai the LibiertyMl Metbodiat churc-h. Re vas a ol lb. keruggei figures via con- eci lthe presel generallon viti ploneer limes ite e ltory.oi lAb o aty. He -w" a qutiet man, , sl aid coiervative in, jndgmient, iely identitied wih the Lest îhlegs ile .commnity. The metnory of hi@ bie mnd iarmeter wii ho a preclous berilagetbu, is descenden t,. The fanerai tank place Trom i is late honte Friday ab 1:80, hi@ pastor, ler. H. F. Lamier olTltlng. lHe was burioi le the. lamily lûtIeaI-liluotoni Lake cetery. Ruiea tate. Cmli on Dymond & Austin for an.rthing lae b. amIestate lin. W. harema few ~I mrm boumsMmd-lote for sale af, iz eM= 6-qPUIsu.. ie D1ký Il . .ChamberlIain Bulldlu* Plae la Liberty- * vole. FINE WATUIR 18 NEASON. Ona pr'operty 1a10 intp-»tb Dthe. Macaroni factory vorkme M ee tgaged slekieg a "op Wel and exSca4at.. le« for un lndury that boa qul loca*ed la Our City. Ut. N. P. Chamberlain, a contraetrt nme Taxe, andl who erocted the stables at- the now mile track, la llnanclng lb.ý enterprime, and hi, neîphew, vho hea baen lCharge 0 a large factaryaof tihe klnd et Waukeuha in ta operate thé. plant. D Mr. Chamberlain va. attracted byr làbrtvghýrunezclled vater- and- mon of mme, liseoDceived tbe Idea af àentabilahlng bore a&modern maeufactory vbere ili ho botted Winger ale, soda Lpop and .ai l nesai temperance drink,. f oine douen machine, vi i stalled ln the structure vhlch ilutaobe 40x80 and 15 ta 20 men permanontly employ'ed. Wagons viii delivor throughoit the county and two viii ho e aietaimed ln ÇblcagQ. The buding a lu eonemI mmii artuUc aad me. Chamberlain viii mosT mpare Tqmds 10 make the estabishuet, 1attractive, He hopes by early sprieg t> hav'e itln.a operation. Hi@ conviction là, firm that ioft drinks with Libertyvillo's famonu water the h4sis of the Ingredienta wll. lied a ready market, anad if in luposable ta get a llowing Wel it vii hoeACCOmt plisbed. lu Tact il the #rut bwing dois mot so reoxtit, otiier hale. viii b-ý dtiled 4g lho1 là,ithe lacity where hioen Weils ahoued his Chances of muccesa ulong Ibat lUno are g0o4, JK SPOM MW. AMUEMTS X At Fart Sheridan park a matinee villa apeclal attractions viii be given 1Labot 06ay aitelxno. le the evenlng tho Per- formance vw h b o looed by a dance, 'At Sêbvarts opera boute a sperial L. or day matleo iii ho given Moeday aiternon, the gleveeth Hour appoalqNgýi that day both le altornoon. AU(% oeuRtng performance. Chicago cyc44 lae p»qiemg lr thei anima l Q le riOttrace tbehorua over ýho 4.beryvlile-Wa 1» n ',century çNtiaru e Lbo 'r Day. FmV4 ii thé i koldor of the preueat iseard whieh h. iade leat jear covorlng the diatance la 5;10 vii iagala rideadlneahe leinoet- ceptional flood lore, ItlaI hmhoult that b» meay out another @ecamd or twa frein the mark thm year. The tirnt starters la the long grind wviiiloave aInt5:30 ln the, mormieg and the scratch mon get ç4 at 8 o'clock. The omtrlou cloue Auguat 81 a lucil *2 belng cherged l ail, conteutant, vha do ntmaet a theiIb Century Radi Cligh auwoeat" wbvh lal giving tho re4s. __ Irbibt4t" at the Schwartz theatro Mn Wuaday viii ho l'YOD Yoemom" vhlch lu sncbà a deparlure Tram tho average dia. fet productioes., It lu a gw@dlMtbdlet comedy vith a plot Woil we.t1% lltenlm'g ta. REarlILK.Mitchel amawou tbe titi, rois. Asmthe pay 'arfrefflou"YOD Yoe son" shgya ,,ldemco of being Axneeaau iy4o thousgho bash"jugit "eom% orer." it in said that iece the detII ith l eege no oe basporlvaoIe %boharactor go 5o perfeclly nm u».Mr. Mitchell vho play i te lgd *11k nov scenie equlp. muent and dnrleg oaci net a xuuber ai of reftnoil speclaltxea are lt0rdueed, lu- ehxdieg tho "Lwah.emee'a quarbettle." Il vas August 23, 1005 that lDaniela Frankie Whoeler lbU aslep le dealli. Fur a 1ev 7ere hobad Bal li darknes8 t andl for oearly %try jev'Cars W been un- mlle tomae a prmted page, but durieg 9 bia lime hbe ca dmfotetu il i th E the pleaisont moui of bi lms trugglos le a eew Country' viti bls frlendsblpe of bi. long lif., lb. joyauf bie rellgflous faith and th. solleitona ceuofii@ 1w.,souns" aed adopteil mon William. Mir. Wheelor vwu bore in Horkimer > couety, N. Y. Dec. 12, 1824. At i limage af twenty-oe yarm i. camo vte lllinois amd @ean aler entero4 e, tract af landl froufi the Govermaeust la Ela towneshly. Other additliotu]disaate vere made possible by lie pvwleee »d W ise meani1 .M , D e cOlby m erca jam Phone 29 Libertyvifte Ladies fast black seamniema home. 40 gauss, doublum ie liced Heel and tafi, also in tan andopmn a"o Vlueo at 16c. our price on this lot pur pair Boya Extra HeavyHomo, 3 thread knéee.4thread hesl anidtii *a tocking that will outwear two pair ordin"r 15 e 90e #4e« rheze being samples we have themh only in No. 9, this quqa tr stockîng at Babiesi al wool casmxere Home, ilk Neelm and toua, In villE Blue, pink, and red. Chrldrenm, Tan Mome double kne,heels andQ 'iu toea, in sites 5, 5%, 0, 8. and 9. the. 20 c kind <Jp3l THIE FAIR'LDRYK Fait Term opens Beptembe« 5, Our uew quarters, finest In sdate- lu" Block, corner ( and 'WumblqMt 1h. bt echaa m iitAq huitm s& tudeiis ae amia t t. dmdu SSu4orinarucin a .Uo.M.wgup vrhting, letter pieu W91& $tu a " e fe ish.Mteii 8. A . 8O N SUIUr e9t. STORE ALWAYS SOMEFIIINO NI We have evergthing in 'Dry Gzois, Groc and [the C#W«est Meats. Agi kinds ofD and Vegetables. We have a gret variety àl Ladies' Wahst, lors and beits-in the latest styles. WC also added alot of new suits (o our f# INsbng.,Departnent. ail kinds oif Ib caps in dlm latest styles. NJso a large variety of trunks, satchels, cases, umbrelas, carpets, rugs, iatthg oUl cioth. Shoes for' everybodg, from i to Grâidpa". Bargamns inSewing MachiA

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