Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Sep 1905, p. 7

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PE-RWiNA Tflf RfM!DY min Cimmtatsa oeuales. fatal pro- Via Ouatala, C. A.. ln a recut laertrou 27Claeloand Ave., Chicago,. 19,. writéee 1 -1 fSk Perme' A" iorg e ao- c0 dàh..1IWus 8. rue down Mi 1 IIIUil WhPa - ppett.*ad î,1 4.&W, &d*N5,bo PMnsa ba s~hrb 150 we. aad W.o 'o. ,w al~e whk;; Ih&'W Addm Fean. leia. C., INu E I OEil 00510et u.RI014T AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION 'S OCTIER. LAM S aWIY MEDICIN 41 ek'ofUé .lea wm Cheaper Lands ow Adm lave its INi Tu Mi~iaéa f omwnsha.p1a.Dl (Thug théiMorfs *sr - et.tout bleues. Fer te are thAe «MOIî.~ 5. . 1 orown t .1ur ttSfttman, .pn He IgeDAs iblet ae.-" Bthé forsu the porndRap. To nike alvoins aape; -NewOrs»é Tieys-ritla There vCAsEne éécspe!) Mauo ' n artl Skie, uer I sore ltre anh ld o &Il or thé pearnd lia old a. e Âlal th bmi-dfrin. aek!idnei1 -ne aseleandmes-Decr. h tr.Tr e la s-t aSkiztia HOaltieur- scîthed i ghti ieO4 Ra-t ln AIl Irrade M letou-péCdt iCln ay wCutil setWuhe treémutha aid rny mado. come t upifilIt cue. atei] aIl Uatld, ap er Ontaîrio titeblOoti rau. I pe tnl noi &ng ta a îkofti, tiwefthe reti h armia T- tire îhe artie to tcon, sote jhlme a thianlide alt le a "lasiblfer hie tintate elurnay we 0en dmut kîîow ho ld rd e iIcwns. or -:se t on t C anra eiedesnid cTmpeteran enianetît curbe.igne «Iiaead wo BureuItsupprseyou kth The d"t re-Qhie *sastaoto XOU nue hv lel ubi o1 ebe -BsonTascit t ifàDlttàd ta =%O1sité l tiretlabw"i- m'Olt for thé cere f Ituiau pris- imèe. Né tiatîy étuelte psy a cent or tr4bute, The' meeting et envoya aet Ports- iothtsatundai v"as djennned, until lendai, ant i ltén ub* ilTné,dsyr, ai the request -Bron sMomura.- ý iUala déèlinés that ibi.s *flmat raiR? morsthan halt s-5., andbas proedcite thé e rld thé*lundtet lier tilble for plsc.. but fet aie veulti ,tber oflght tht ppau iflaenii O tls pioint RuésiahalsDot t$ianspdber *pibsin oue a hrs israt. 81Wist. ai atiapr cscwn? ai- ýtt e tÀMUnhMi"r'.geyer, s-héoint etsAtrudthé Preadmt. - 1<0 tan. i% Ùtlopét siidén logvlias, fiat on liinéggtatàtsi;wth i Penet himml éie harich lu éxPeOt n.AIU Xea leotmuni cat.iea s-h titi EMP«te s-aie madé dinecthi- Othnhe a mant- eau embasyandi Mn. ,Mayarn eubith tise exhreinly diffienit anti délicate nea- getlatln s-lt great tact sud ablllt anti s-ountae blgbstéém ot the Sua- aln an lthenitié feW bia catrétul andi ibllful hanutSof thése veighly mat- tat anud aIs e célvédtheIa satm coin- néndiation et bis- tellas- mambers e thé dlomatlecodrps. E-van- single obstacle scie é stad' laS in te a -a-retthé signioeta posci trea t IPertsmeuth s-as eree. li the malter et s tinaucial centribtioit Enssla's anqs-erwsa a Sm andtipr alitent refrAalanti ltera 19aeallau anthoniti- tar thé itatèmént that If th( Portsmouth négetiationa faillIt WU, lx selhi-on taequestion oft meai. LIFS. MEN OWN GUII-T. Ecaitabis Direte sAdmit éos Of' Slcials VielééctiLaw- bolBacis Atmtting Ibat saie o e 4tc iCIAI have besa u glty et improer 9" DIla, acta, t.eqlultable Lite Asiutseéc00 aicti-bu as eid sith -thé State. of Nus York lu ashlus far a fua nvsI"tbgsoms la court ef ita directers, aud elcés10a thir alUégét isianagérnt of th mena, et the sociéli-: Thu, document coutalulus thé admissiot and I'éstiém s-sm thé repi' filet! yhi-1 terti-nine dIrectOr¶ etf thé socievto te h sait brought sgîinst il b'y the Stata. i s-as fIe iet -iLAttoney, Général Mai-e, Thinteén charges are aswered by tli directara. Tbey adit thé 10aD et $250 000 te the Depe. improcémént Cdli pan,- sud $Mtti000 te îL@ e "nécat" Trust Compani-, Lut valve resp.onsibiIit a& fat as thé hoard as sàs-haie la Ces eirnéti, indicating that Mégir. Alésas dir. Jordan sut! Dem'Ut bat! thé moi definita hguowlet!ge et thèe transaction The charge.- ltai excésélce salantq *Mi *id lite f ofrietthé, Bunitah la not diracîli- anasère!, itut astasic le atis that undér gui"set salris e: ceesce éesvén gicco te certain Equl ahbi. officiaissw-a viré aimedirecteni otil colupsuisa. Indeteusi thé anas- atates titat th- apractîcés ver. n Lues-stte thées-bale boant! etdirecte! Ogtlins théir beliet as te the i poiler- te purane lu fixing thé hlitus t tbe Equltibla scandale, thé directen sa SrstI,t1hs1 the biarné fer alléged casés luîiut't lieL fouud te nest On, lu( cldual oemces anti net u1POn the dirE tota as a bedy-. Contât Beni de Castellanesil rport te bq...1xlOR te hocmme président Tbé German Emp ilprohbablyt à oh- yEnropean monarch s-ho carnies Adutiral Toge la nid ta necelvé saà ret of$3.000a i-ast ton bis services Y. ismcountryi. aThe .Iapaueie Emperor tirasa 3,0 - M y esrLly frein thé national tresser- »living effitea. * Rareli Speet!, thé Londoen antiat, ii je labitetfa dandi- aes-weh as a s-s "Look a feont beltdon't hé ane." Léanit! Andnéeyec la a nes- B-u" author whese vork il taklugtg IaPh alongde et that et Gorkyin iPOPUIt Tbostige Laplins et Londli bea t lectini postage atainps aI the Mg à0 aii eil«a n laVoyvalut King Aten» ofetSpahiLasb lecs populanli- bues-n as "Alngethé Bral sAuce his éplîede hi Pari» s-it 'thé b.e tbres-ers, Admirai Toge, s-han IDn aglauti la -70a, s-as commentai n - a critl 1 Id!: "Mu'. Toge qeite aneY9hlini s-ith bit poliltées." Couai ,OftBla, a niémbér et Gérm nobilti-, bas acceplet! a Position as fg ma insul a raiiroad "bOP lu Michigan C te Jut., lu onden te seduire s Ibenet 1- buos-létge et Aménicati méthodietofr roand vork. 3Y Sig. mascagni ant i vie Wears-o si jeb@a aube. Théy ara mat!detofceu ch Italisu ceins ,puncturedti -isx hi .y la vhich are insérteti taerniik teeth ttefn-at ta-o chiltinén. Thé compi e véara thoséetfbis son and Lia 'vite il r ut théin daugbter. sa M. d'Albi et Pârias -ae récently li $4flffl hi- ales- contryman! in Constantintople sud s-ho istipu net! that beci-Yclé te that cAti- ai a réqa nient for the legaci-. Sir Chieh Chéen Le Feus-mbh. forci il hi- Chinasé miniater te Englant! eud lo- ... tle ecrétani- ta Li Hung Chani News-ou - g' Qne@uhaimnAgmi-a lé euoa a" @o MavUUIU t Nes-orloana, ttahteving that Oahi bas lb. ydbaw feez Ituation vithin bar beedet,'WOUila coatrl, te protont ber- self *111 ais-quarsaitiua '55105 lte test r etW$tol é.sharo thé pét éei dsae J& .ztédinlte oan alarmins ax- TbM thp l»lin lathé Cty siinlaý IIMle til»,*àbjy titistatement of lie., Jo& GUWt5t55thé- ysiid- fie ofpé5I~.. bap i -tceblug daval. oé ,W~wbo says., "I nov blievo, ,mtlservice Lb"te . foy5taer situation undas eetoL 1 balleTsthé number et cases ,woirow s-Wiis-schdayunatA',hy thé aMlol't. bapteinhar there s-lU only _W eiadk iiet fover lin1New Or- isi g uDoaulued thé iprésd bas Ioda èbaood sudIt tahediaéaia wiI b.ataIlvlout héforé trait. Thé soiti0dat thîns rlsb nov la fer liii' oriMtu 10protect herserf againat tc@pirltt or tayer casés tram thé e etatipoints lu the State." L Mbaye? Béhrman's elice la oeér- vitebuit viit lttera. msny froua caibs, but cetiteri tram s-ell méaunt paisona tue h 09vapaditic a agint yéillw foyer- Many, et thera oré * grlncidsi. The Mayar's repli ta, thesécomunications la that the fover la bins fougt on thé prîncipiétat It «ea aime ébitransmitteti by méans ot mec mosquito. t A spécial train carrieti Dr. J. B. eWhlte, surgean ln chargé; Dr. BDd- amod soucitea, president at thé State »pe.rd; Dr. Bevénici- Wsrnern sd Col- onel Charles Janvier ta Baton Rouge for a conférence vlth Governer béhauchrd.They itoppéd t Ithé pit- r-hélés ot Infection et Sarpy, Réservé a"d ethel'pointa np thévaaliey roati. 19Thay s-lU basin thia Ogt imoe active-, i t once. t Baton Rangé theéY ar- raii5éd vlth Gevernuai'Banchard for a drasti eniupalia nthe State. vbéré îthé faoyer bas abtaînéti a footholti Ou sugar plautations. Dtention camps s-li b.orevarséct .Insteati of detaillitS Opeple ehe s-sut te get ot loo eUt *'State thes vili preveut people tram le Intactéti points rtrmgettint back ta ItNés-Orleans. Thé wast neqt thua fan dicovéied -i tat aI Léévillé. tics' théernoutb af a. Bayoau Lafaunche, wbera théne are 177 le tauesof yeliaw feyer sud aven 200 ti cassoetdengue teven lun asettieméni etof40W people. sud s-bore a numn n- habeto déatha havé occurneti. Ai etuae lIméeuh- euoe dactor vas on e.thé ocèee sud ie;difficultiés vénu lée eést yté atta h e ei. cewdb tleenttatonto hat h etmt- o- almn-l teauontbA nv conteraottlu tx'e tacte vsnépo1,tAét ctTeréf Au- la- Botlu ws tenant Tner-eAux In Boeégufs, ntiBreasuPiis cashe. s-tèwre taunt!. lt Miasissippi City-. lima., reportes or titrée nés- cals. suspicions toernha@ L. devalepet inl othén sécions etofai et nippi. sud GevemraV~ardAman l1al a di- rastie lu bis ainasures t t it aIts be héw. ta kéep It eut. Geverneorvar. daman vireti thé Foiter Cneek Luni ber Company- at Dayton, Is tat unléssthé State helth oficer was ai las-éd te)investigate suspicion-.; fevr Iu thé-ir lumber camp hé would Rondl détachmént of Staté mlitia te Dayton te tance thé Investigationi. JAILED FOR COTTON LEAI. Wu'uss'ck . Pcihasa, Arreaéti aetI flartomgal in t fefasit of Bell. j fluccis -bas cras-nét the final tage of District Attonné Morgan il. Beachi investigation of thé scandaI] surnoatndIug ths manipulation of thé Cotonu cne en- timaIes. etthe Depatutent et Agricul- tare. Thre iditmnts huve been n-1 turnét! pricatehi- hi-the fédéral grand1 jury b Wssbingleu.1 Ouanetfthe men indictét! bas heen arreetet! at Saratoga. Hé la Fnederhck A. PeébLamof etws-York. Atten a hean- luf teforé United! States Comninssloner Chériàes . M. Davison. Peckhnr neo #)qw ~la ILthenti jolsi etBalîston lu det> otf -MOI) 00bail. Thé alliherahIn-1 »odWir bE.i IL RU., Jr.. a for- iacclta atiAtiticlnet thé Départ- eÈ AurIculIluis, a" iMoses..Uaas, a Mgaas.dparttntal emploi-e, but aev et It j% unteratecti thé Indictrnts Charge eouapirmcy te defraudth ie gévrninent. .Mr. Moines sas *diusstf rom thé gev- eriiet servie IuJudy bectusé o charges matie up théSoothèna <Cotton Assoctiatien thét ho ba& jtiggiéd the cat- tn rap reportsansd given information on the report ta- tavonet! ipeceistors. Rafts anti Peckhain s-re the favorét speculîterta codnt!ig te thé stalernent et anotter Nés- Xenk apéculatat'. L. . Van Riper, s-b ecélarés hé bat! hImselt recéived Iinformation froua Ibobués througt Hocs. AUl Arountithé Globe. New- York police made s raid oauIL den et allegéti awindliigs-Ire tappers anti arreatét i ulu. tin afit et jealonsi- John Jebeli sfa- tRalli- abt Mies Lla MeBride ai Aunis- ton, Ain., anti then kilièti blitseif. , Wallad More allas Mark MeGOf- nai-, w-beéscapét!itram thé Jeffrsonville, b u b aua captur éti et k on, O bi . Four biekiai-éra émployeti on the,nes- court hanse building at Greensburg, P'a., s-ena prebabhi- fatali- injunét! Ly the acat- tUt collapies. Thé men f el thinti- feét. Charlot E. Dean., thé Malienis tu' facturer, sud, B. F. Peek et Chcage bat A, narre secapoéfrein hing carnet! oevn ain néausezMoieih ansd drosbet!. MmN u ttTins FaIrns, vite et thé for' »«eu'Chine" romîntér te the Unted t îïai, bo is éth ie timne-bononéti tra-ý * tiPu.o aet l aive'Igut! hi-rètumanlg te China s-it barr tnt "largeti" te- a net- i *In te bis, inabillti ta vthotaid a h i teinp*atai*ýet Lousbville, th# Y. 1.', or oce t Cahié, -ri'th* t a~t ra pastér et thé AitIstiC t la natnrall pWOcume t hat thé c dean lady ln Cilesa. wh' wnnta te Put n & bM u o MetGMale *n-ada Itomer (J to bar littte lsp dos.- l'hilndlphis a Telegrapit. .1à Wltéu thé KaiMaet!lliotitpieied bi ttk et lookiug afl*r etier po-ple's t business hé mtgt #ohomte atnd! penti V a tew monteitablNMlS bis os-n tencés. t -Plttsburg Dlspsti The popu ar ',téiptutfs-anta asaînst thé 4sÇo0eo<oproves the Ca- pacity oetG0àÏt XI Wkaul public fer t ,Otualag ai a ghtdît, alaiomwing an1 tpitimlc.NeW 1Mail. A iatla lafa.W eternitîed bhiei envirettinénts. çbflbtopliî-r Columibus Mst - I avé be "* New York policé. mantfon tventy yaears iitiiout ciidcov-9 cing evén a 1~o.-nk If oIt!-man Uà*mi a bd otîy-watti. groutnti long, a t~to sect-e Uapence envoya tant fem'rftnîouth hé nilgit net bavéeérittea ih a îaîîtunkereiis, opinion about s-ar.-'-Phlladeiphia Télé-j grapb. Another plat bas béén dîscoveret! ln Cognaittinopié te pnpose et vhicb wsa thé remecai e the. Sultan. Thé Bultan's timuélis ail filletidetigiug bombe s-ban hé la net dodging bis- Chicago Inter Océan. Tnrkey bas ardéréti ln France a tan- pada boat tdestroyer, threé gunheats,, tva transporta andti milliery ittingi, andti Ileis mnret!that ns soon as titese, ara deliveneti the SultaitiIntencla te put ont bis tangué St the Czar-London Punch. Thé "lînga" ef thé Yî-los- terre- parts i mgbt hé pplie-d ta théetiali- néwsi ram thé Agicutural Départ. ment nt Washington . Nê%w "feci" sud "Iaub-tacl" are conilaniiy appearn unu- der ttecrtary Wllaona nose.-Sltrig- fiait! Republica. *Portland, lMé., la icourng thé coun- rtry for aubscriptions lu its Thomas B. bRéét! niémraialtuait. Tht-y vaut $W0. k000 and have on band about $15,000. 1.Tom waultln't hive aî,irîvedt Iis dun- 9ning bie frletidi fer sciii, a purpoe.- Boston Heralti.1 1Our elt i tn, Wuî Ting -Fang. la 31 iad ta havé beau camnjiic-ioied by thé PékIn ceturt fanrtaetask ut forcing Ibis 1country- ta a tai? course of trénlnlt etofChinese inhiecté. The- chldlike lin. Wu huas-s us s-eu, and huw to pincit s-hère it viii hurt us thé worst.-Buf- tala C'ourier. Thé Russlan gocenument. aadung ntoan St. Pétérsbisi' dispctch. bas dit- cidedt issue a'seconiinternai lean. -The amanut la niïd tu lie $110.0w,001). Thé Ruasian internai i<an of 8100,000,- -000 lait March camé hlike pnllltag teetit; Iisonue, Il le tfair to présume, ailI hé ,elike killing thé nérve -Harttard Con- » rant. Th govrnia naa s tli déctand thea It s-nent bi- it latn candi- tht i ae o lt'oveti ,mthaa codic-u tins abn eo mriné tcuhattraciieté tabe thé wtorkms. Teoiale a tat tth onlythlnguT-eiintelbusuethét cae nirasthioei- bao s héeithe caaili- modth eiibas b Cn er.- et talmani- uit-f bis Couier.~E Bard Vit, fur ets o is Amries ftue- lar théaèIod liyr ha su aane,,mfthée i-ll he- enhl, thatChème ndcaéeau nné-h ybtellw pitérnîtîîtitere éint! thIrei nithalttCutI St e asinanageti ta thcesè neltees000,0asu pua-e tien lu thée lat cenitury wIthont an ori- entlar iaket. tve can pnoaaily plai- along.-seattie Pct-Inteligeiicer. Senator Mitcell, or, Oregon, bas beau trnh, oei ctvliteti anti ientenced te six nuthi' inipnicotîmeot anto a y a fiué of! i0ffl: lUit stilil041Onautais st as a seitatr traint Oregon. Thée salar-. uile.ige and perqugsites ut Sen- stor .%Itclleil for îi ies, s-lt about psy his flue, but titis lg a nés- s-si-te usé thé oilicea!fVUitedi States Senator, anti Witt probtibli- hé ver>' nnpopular.- ]Leulaville lPest. , Thé suggesthontat Ibère hé a na- tional ceiohratiun of thé ts-e huudretith annivérsary oft Benjamin Frankln. birtidai-next JanuanY s-as ta o e e pécteti about Ibis lime. Thé day s-ill siinèîy hée bservet! ln v»rloni placés, sud ane of téin abould hé Baston, s-hicb Fnsnklin rau as-ai- tram at an emni>' age. A truli- natioal célébra- tion, hos-evor, might hé diflicuît te manage.-Sptittgleld Répuhican. It s-ouid hé Interestiutg ta 10ev boy mucb monci- bas béen optent, tint oand lait. au thé séamch fer thé nortb poe. Wbén Ibe lmpoclng tataA bas heen as- certainedthIe qutestion mai- hé skéti wbétbcr umore protitable résulis vuIt! not have been obtûiéti If thé mnieé hati been siiett lu sanie allier s-ai. Thé bat-kers of an atieexplorer bave a rlgitt ta spéiiii théir moeé>-ou hlm If tltéy pieute. btîilthé>- veuiti hèeelt humaitti-mure If tbèi- put teir dol- lars iota iniodel tenemeut bouses or cenculiiihîsuhtas.-hicnoTmib- - une. A womnit eweatt'ng offends ne more agthist niontiiia n anmanswnring, but site offends mtiore sugalust manuers, indi- yabut as mluch as ire anc tîte more chi-ked ut lber s-eanlng than at liii, hi- g0onich deos-e ta-Id Oiters ébove maraic.-Llfé. Spsnks trou thé Wiu'ss. Nés- York lioteis are cros-deti as nover hé! une at Ibis tintéetfi-es', Boston, Masse., Pictura 1iraÏàe ant! moniding Makens' Union la, discuaing réquesting a shortér s-enktay.. B. M. Bêche, Losé,.Angeles, Cal.. woundèt! s halit-ltir nid then killéd hituae. Many N. w Yank chîltren vililaàek ac- commodations s-bon thé public sclieols A strike et 7,000 puah.csuut petidlera ln bées- Krk oWing te tr-oblc avenlicags à g treateiet!. Asai-lrMpiDinvetited hi A. BROY Kan- Ieeue etf Telilo Msaise # uWéari %M a pheaomenal burat et si4lte kocag. This train seavez peré yi et 11:20 a. Mi., and makeca res- ng time ittwaen Denter soi Chl- go of 27 houni. On the da" rater- Sta the train anriceet R ock Islandi simlesi tront Chicago) au bour sndo tait behind its achedule, swing te a tunovodoblé deiay ln transit W On thé train vue Mn. Thos. Belterili, à ho ws-s hastenlng to ew s-York on a Iten of urgent business. It s alu- tit e tha t hé M ké onuéctilou sltb h ie Lake Shore tiyér. s-Llcb leavea yw biasso aenti- atter the arrivai ofthe eky Montain L Iîtulteti. %ben the Il salésîppi river vas neachéti andi Mr. et, tten fil re ilzed tîew lts hé se hé ý Cnet daspuîreti of reacblng New- York 0 tîme. His fellow piasengers, léarn- de ig qt bis iredi-ametit. voluntééréti to 11 @&iet linaniîclly lu raitIlg a purge for - 2e angluéer If bé wouid laaké up thée i t tiné. TLey re il?é that tbey i uld bave an exCling ride and wére t lllug te pai- for It. The engîneer cou- t etét te do bis béat sud tLe race for d TheS3ackliaiand nigbt otfs-aY acreai t Iliols la deuble-tnîtcké(i sud lu su- O erh condition. lAe regular stops se rre made sud betwéen theni passen- el ers ay thebétrain touchéti the trsck it: iy lit lte hlgL placés. At tbreé dif- pi ereut limés a speed ot 96 milea an â; our s-as chronicléti. sud for a nia- ir orlty of thé distancé thé train s-bis- tA e4 aloug et a 70ý-mU-per-hotir clip. Il Thé tiîer înrlvéd lu, Clilcago tan t alutés- abéati of lte achedule on rhich It s-s runus and M r. Bot-s nuil bnd an opportuulti tea ligLtinsd îrtch bis egs bétoré taking the Lake Sbore train. Whéu Intercles-atiho .odetiy réfrainéti tram PoIuS ast se àeo of à airde.,lnus-btcL recorda 'ara sent glimnierlug, andi aul etbis Rpréstiona wlth regard te théu- asuai exploit s-ère lu a vary matten-of- raet toua, as thongh Il s-as notblng >tmore than ordinany interéat Rock mIsandi Officiala aise maké no huat ové? à te accornpiiabment, tast rune bains 1 et traquent occurrence on that roat]. 1 ha 6.5 ew englie vhich the Rock à iUlandbas récéntlY Placeti lu service en is varionst dvisins are ail modela 1 e the latet typé sd bhlt fr %pend- lrdeofthe s-éék saes oue et baesé meusten greyhouuda oftbe rail reling off thé miles et a raté that makés thé telégraph pelas lookIlke sa lekét tancé. Only thé tralr pérforn- oeaé ahééta rareal thé spécial burata of speedtia nov sud titan coma eta gantera] knowledgéIbrengit soeaaid- mlrlng passenger'5 acceunt DusTr IN OUit EYES. W. et Tims (CotéetCu» usThiegs Without Loking foer Thom'. Fév people are aware, soa Fred %V Saxby lu thé Strand leagatitié, that s-O née ail constantiy 'colleting" curions tiîngs vîthaout loohluS forthem. In thé, véry set et oObiug up at thé ieetlng spectacle oft a' fery orb tise éstiér wilh thé big, vide Open éye% nay easiiy néeievé ln eue et bis es-n orbe a tiny sphéré tram star that ws-s produed lu a gioving stréak et llght 1ke thé one hé la admirlng. Meteonie duat lu evér fallas sud Upe. &Hi parts et aur planaI. ThéelItti sphares bavé beau founti upou thé decka et ahipa fen ont et sas, lu ail th. déserta et thé earth sud on the tops eofanes--ciati mountaltia. Dnol.i- [Cga bronght OP frein thé BIlent déptm of thé océan givé testlmeny eftltii'lr universal présence. Thé pintAdles t' il centain iran sud are ssiiy cellectoîl by theN maguétt ram thé roof ot soi uthousa or otitar Placé éxposétidid- rectly te thé sky. Séafarora aresametitués petéti sltL duaI f qulte a différent binti, dem- posed et thé microscopie tiintY aboIe- tans et heautitul planta cailéti "dia- tern." Thèse tlny planta lce lnbh@ait sud tréah s-steansd occur ln enormena numbérs in soiné lecalities. Occasion- liy s-str cou rses lid -In ndate & aras dry up, aud tbeé fllnty sheilaeto thé diatoma which gréw téré are hiown about as dust Thére are aér- eraI Instances on record et diatoma- ceeus duat talle at ses. Duinit tue thiekéet part et thé tali théaliers bave experlénced raneh pain lu théir éyés, thé inflammation being canard by thé lutltiinty shahse. immo er Cea'Wme. Jersey Shoe, P.. Ans. 2.-(Spé- clai.-"Dod's Idné.c PuIs bavédoue orîds ot gondi fer nme" Th's s-bat Mmra C. B. Brnet et thia placé baie0te say efthtitiGréat Arnlan Kld*lY, Bsmedy. II vas li&d up aick,0 Mr. Earnest continues, "sud bld net beau eut et heti for icaveéweek. Than 1 hegan te usé Dodd's Kidney Pilla aud nov I amn soeta s-onk antigo te tevu vitheut sufferlng any. I voulti net hé vit4eut; Dedd'a Kldney Pill. 1 bave geod rnés- san te praise titenievenys-bere." Women s-be suffér eheuld .learu a leston frein this. aud tat: léason l "cura thé kidnéys s-ltb Dodd'a Kldnéy Pilla sud your suffering viii ceie." NVoman's béslth dépends alutot enlire- y un ber kldneys. Dadd's KldnéY Pille have neyer yét talleti to maké béaltby kideys. Thte Bras Baud, "George!" "Ves. dear." "Before we s-ère mrnanned you one enkedi me if I enjoyed a bras& band." -y-ye, pénhapa I diti." 'Voitd. Andti I iîtye. Rut At sec" 1 Imîsundénîtouti iou, George. My- îeddlng rinîg la making a black nînrk an niy finger."I "-Clevland Leader. for "baeit "ia ad thé anxléty fait by =ren as ilt iras-s noir net vithout réssen. Bivry vomun sWho a lecs thé cars eofheu' ath t ahi s ime lu- aes duems.. sIdpain. Wiheu ber ayatcrn be iu dusugat condition, site, la predspeet10t olemyor enjgeâalle **y orgmtan- nny il aI tis a wns-th a bcat oet né- mm irritations. malte je a bunden. At tbis ns., aima, cangera andi mensamaremono Hablé a onrman»d eeitégutefr atructicu s-enk. -SucILvannuW ,m stou. bot flashés. heati- Lées bachactés. dreati ty d athe iars, tptation ot thé heaim. ika bétoth b.eyec, rreguiltlei, eostis- on, variable 16Ptté weakuesé snid auh îlue, sMd .1uie. am promptly bectict by la- iélligéat s-men sho are bppoaahlug the p.u'ia& M'y eexeot& s-u t iLyé @lua na ature for bel> Thé morvas = ar eh..las ui Aia hm. ue sud Ut lem tI'ctite mii té eida s-t of nsa,- .-amst bj tvying At"ther womm Pu" S etber liue. Et uug.eintskst4 aurebgiheas hé Imams orumeal it bamcaryied thouasaa t« mè s Iio l b" s ia b 7 irogt tiiscriai. Vebibistrih asah Sie14aisLya. Mi, sm~ ~t s u t e sa 'g é . 10 b @ M Uis b a i2 ;-onu u s d m nid fer Mss Ylsa Ulaêmai WbatiLidi5 s l "bLdbeisnfug whii lIi or.f at odtm f11. bu; yuénasbnsé'e; baétiaish, blth,su icithadacsi, nti -as u'y oeu. utterti bbeipy %mir.Mlu . OSi ta, jauiss**si wa= a asye.r hué- g, Thi.sqlsiie > c.aIbsiavn. UeA'stOsUtsh a*I tucturnug concerna camé îhneugb thé atone récent-y andi noticet! a beY sittiug' on a ceenter, as-ýlogins bis legs sud wuhiting menili'. Thé senior éycd hlm seveneli- as le canfreutet imbuanti iu- "Vert' veu: report te thé caclhe nd ut!l tellhim to psY Yen off . Wdon't neéd -§tei" bo s iko i-oit aroittind hère." P laie la "B t. i," sad thée astonishéil boy, aste, es a .1 dtin't wok for 700. I have jiu i st e i meses hught canté g ulaa ndl am waiting for I m th é il.' Iouii5illit C uuier-Journal. Fera ulasàè, Une Alleu% I ooi8eli. A Pewtier te sasilteis ioui' shoe. ' ti e thé feet. cures Cores. fSlbu0e. s-uthéit, Bre, tot.Caties. Achie -.s-éptti CeaI and lugruWiéB Sals- A fisale-Ea mates nés- or ti lit stéas s s oit!bol- . I l D r u q l s i s s d l i te é S t é r e 5 0 8 ta . le lu ail d I DE . A idre sa e n L a sst1 aI5 lâ Bol, N. Y. Thé cominon chOvér funniahes su 0 ee- lent illustratiozt ef thé miéel01Peut»-spé Everi- evéing,.sasthe sten ués dowmn tw o laves o id tog te n. face te face, .5lwe,m iCi s-hué thé third closes aven théno Thé mare s-amen Lave iakét! the more théy are uilliaS te oarlfc.-Dui clos. OFerehl'asae *isé on.o

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