coIJP4TY. 14 9t, SPCBRS10- AE s.Gi berd 69 a 'n tc . ((icre RsIleves ttWr detres. end a t. It. umeums.: OVELL'S- DRUG STOR! r, Jplos. tow, ft Y f Ae ofN Use .oebrated Glove "in Kid, MO-. dÔi. SU11 Lied. A»aIn ânlie of Gent.' f ~ ~ l CAMf~n . Ewu *SRI#NMKc LOcC .iLtf tvUimun f P. P DYliOt, Pvm.C . WOMM"asl Gap. A. WMzUr, Vice Prea F P. a. w, 4stCfliter LAKE CO. NATIONAL IBANK FP. u.'i. V. F. WaîîîurT, tliiA. R. GAI.LOWAY, J. 8. O<iRDLET (Iro. A. wuauim. A. 0. &ScilWEiAIi, JOHN GomDIN. Uyonbavea Bw Amoutbpgin to inre t THIE FIRST NATIONAL BANKI JOUN L. TAYLOR, BNNAMIN H. MILLER, *. Preulident Vice-Preefdent C. W. TAYLOR, Ca1hier. aceun vi.hae eyr e ..dI en l sb*nh. Weae water lis las es>elaly sd ii olli aOielittlw. have loettedtam.We an o tclinsOlvestlgat Our'm.ot o handbecoavncdi ii te tu o your svnt'OU 40open ibn soeouni viOc un. IligleChms.Baiuasud Sorte ogta~ o Doos s génerai b.ninku slr. spIt8lçf4 n "0rteous $tmmenPîth Mtg8~ lnteu ok. Milwaukee Avums. LîhértyvilIlin àà DIL 1. L. TAYLOR. *»».->4 ho 10 a. mi. 2 4 aiîd 6 te. amdee on Broadway, opposite Park. Lhtyilé,hlinots. et 1uso 1 *' PAUL MAC ctuPPI ATTOIINEY AT LAW. iolu88. DR. E. HL SM[TH DENTIST. OrFIC. OVCH nLAX« COMM -]SA=. gotras-8 to12 a . nmd i ho 5p.a DA.ILY. s Llliertyvllle, Ifliiols DR. GOLDING gous 8 o 12 em.-lto àpW 1 ýi4 "oser BiocI: - *a w«t ed Taylor Grave 'No* âcUoo.*vluEAttention # ît a Who Bock 'à Bâ eplarge Trect. to»D RU' 11 OR91 AGAIN. 'CoajdMm4ubls nystery surrouvide thé * <u. of mnai upposed to lie acting -oe.lgécorporation who have b«quistky making efforts for the puai Owpra daye tu get' options on large ofetieatndin the, nelghborhood of *àduwovth and Taylor Uirove. Who y~pieteali ibaut surmbsed but Je houbt by maur that nmre demi of Jage proportions lé beinx eontemplated. IL D. Amnewoowne a frm aboult e -li ad e balfuoruhwest of Wadsworth véé aflered $100 dollars an acre, Thos.. eeker van offered eighty dollars for his placwe l ile e lewho lives *thi. rond golig vet fromn thé Ame tara va@ offerad elgty.llve dollars per Kce èfor hie whole t is tract of land. WOllUa Olliver wes also made a Proposition, 075 bilng offered in that intanve. Want 2000 Acres. Unùe of the men engineerng the deal stade thé iaiemenitinht two-thotsand acrs of landwas eqired and as ail thé pid of property so far lîapected comprise a éolld block it in heiieved that thé laed in vmnted forsome lbig indnstry. serim and citbeomie have lieép edrancaf as tu wvlt la thé îoeaning of thé step towgrd thé placing of thé land unadr option but ce yet little can lie gleaed ae to thé ultitîjafe objeet of thé promatero. Another Rumor, A rumor hmas e blen going the rounds thet thé Illinois Centrail qegain planinug ho bniid a fine beiveen Cicego and Ililwankée aud that it wiii Pea, accordlng ho the. prest plana of the communy, through ibis inîmediate s'inity. Whéteth ie ivo deais are separ#te or whétber tJ'ay are heln orked in lojnto e not kaOvIL. ilaid QC ff' ut W,'le-An Itaian laliorer bad e monti usuliand sn- longiueapaeidet timir near Lake Dibtif une day l.t-wek. Witi a gang u Ielo<w countu7imnihé vas going tu iwork on a lteavy hand car when bo losi bis balance and foit henatihei viecis pasming over bis wrioh aimot .everlng -bis band froni hi@ erm. VTeo meinhér vas aftemvard aiopntetd<. Ri&Mekrel. Çqguht-WilùIAà! lMe- %oert aus (lhe record catch for piciierel et Pitakeelakehaving talkon a 17% ponnd speeimen irouî thone waters luti Thuroda,. This lu probably not only thc largeât plekerel euglît et Plataee laite thé siasou but thé largeet caught et, eny lake in the oumqntk ts year. I la l now lu the bandé of a Chiégou adermiat and lé boing monnedso that lu thé e ere to oms ft MeUgraesthe lieltohérte dlvelllng plac- KNIIId By Fàectric-An unidenthlled man, bis poktescontaining letters in a* uaknown langonge, was @truck hy an elétrie car à- Highiaaid Park Bundey alght and ins;tantly killed, Thé man wu »soen alklug betwin the two traclé by thé motormen of tvo cers, bath of vbich eppoacied Itlhe trestle et that place et the anme time. It lm suppoéed tiiet iin the glere of tie lgite 0f thé two oncoming Cara t th man hocameecoliftiad atd teppetl In liom o0f Z.e qý (levý. VTheeqrmwç1e ýpiinqug *t e 41gh nt 0 sageed Ati the tipe gn d kW loti-4anbadij mngnlId, ne WPA toekoir/sAlice Hmuni t La, Fort villbe yet living but dWed oon altér reling tii. bospitel. Dra. Havée andI 5oberte atiended him, Otelon Aito Pound In Lake Oounty- Ad. an, of Weukffan, found an automobile neer Lae Ville oua dal lest vsek and examlnation led hlm ho béersethatlt b.d bien dearted ae k la bisa a. trippe à 01ofUai tsaceséoriea bieldlffl lampo*e, ock, boum and tnlnius L Re hook thé numier md If W.atber in God rhuradmiy And vr$UaML Recorda wUt DI roken. ENTRIES AND» EXHIBITS 810 ht ls hehIutber nov, if (bat lé proptiona tii. atendance record et. mny proviané iir *WMlbci excelled both Thuraday Lbd taldéy ofibcersof théesciaion on Monday declared thq lieW never experienced such a uéh du emrWla the week. Appli. cations for entry bblauia lal thé classes Ws nnprecodsntêd aid eueste for stalle and puns bave heen jumt as unua- uahiy nunurocs. 80,1Isbat; been aIl veel and ail agréte iaticipations4 of thé inosti*enbqoliaW iili e more thon onlised. Ulg Ets " List. The enivy (lit bliegver liéieilnied, Thére are enterd lathe hernpecasss horss,.1 and thé running~ eventa have not bien listed as yei, although e numbér et refluera are on thé grounds. Thé..etiles do flot close until the nlght bfoe iscl race. Enougb la evdént ho enre tuai every cea viii *tort vlth mors, entries thoe v.,'got away on eaLa4" eounty traee before. An indicetioa 0a'i l iin thé fact thai the 8:00 trotibes tIlt-en éntriee. the 2:28 trot thirteé, the. 2:40 pace fifteen, thé 2:25 paSee ivIre d the 2:40 trot iveive. 'Besidss .on o! the other Clase@ have a good lo4 Wegnesday #ied brglt and beaqtlfsjl, an idél POr day, and et time thé INxpePçx»MN go.n to prias crowde are streamlng iiitothe groundu,. h la Children's 4oy and, tii. ittie tolike arv very machinu eyidee. The. mldvay le felrly allée vlt4-.lakica, stands and booth,tnd aUlare dalng a ig-baineé. Tnesdey the eashilem were in ve.y departiment boer Ibaun 1tii. same day et any fair la, pftvlow iyears. Thé stock show wW bu *oe. As the gong rte,,ho 'al uth hore for the races h linéseumateâ over 5,00 people are on the. grounidéaned moc coning. repoQrbd Istg othe policet hWaukegn whba etouce oommunlcated with thé Qbicago anthoritieo. Tbit led to the identiflcatlon of the machine as on# »tolec last wec'k li that city. The owner. gent eanman ip et onice tu tak. charge of the auto and pitura It ho them. Itila thoualt the Ibleves lied at.tptd tp get away with thé auto %Ad that a break down or &mo other diMllulty W.led htem t Ndisert ih. The machine wasa olight runabout ini goondconition. lutoAe @andran l4urt-1(obert 1D. Druce@ afuil blooded BruleInldian and at muai. cian et Fort Sheridan w*aa von over ai Ilighwmàd carly Monday ncoraing anelectric car and hadbothlega cut off. He was taken tu Alice boini.and et the prceent turne la reportsd £to bc recover- ing. Brucs isaaid tohbavohmseitoxlcat- edaet thtine of the accident. Heinge musicien of unuoualabllty and at thé fort heenen sviable reput.etlonaie a pierer. He was the only Indien in the musical corps at Fort Sheridan. Man Stabs Son-Peter Ashton, of Chicago, seeding the sommer at Camp Lake, a oliolt distance f rff Antiocli in Kenoâae connT ty aiblé4 and it là& believed, fatlly 'qgpdpd hie eon, John AalhtQp #g t4 mesut of a fatýitly iýuarrpl, laet SwidAyrnght.. .Ashtop had ttempied to. attack hie wife vlten thé boy %Neatta hlez reaccie "'4 witl(oigt a word a, ibraloi Ash. ýOo ljeeped on hlM and punned ithe kuttu b(iNhm. VTe, earing of the. emewsscotinuedforl0daysand Asha- ton wa. held under bond o1 440,000. Hiehbaflot furniahéd thi.bonds and in novi jal lu aKenoeh. Th@ Auhton home la0of oltii.Ousét on camp Leke and et thi. tinte of ti. tragedy lirm Ashton was.ntertai'nliga oumie Party oi Chicago Young people. 1hina lleg.d 1 hat Ashton vas jeae ~abWWian of thé attention that had bée abp~a hie vif,. Thc three daughtée. of Ashton witnessed the stabb4ng.- Phymiln say thi. boy eannot survive. VAT T"tc'- PLAY$ IIAVOC Lligbtmbmg Strikes Otton and Dooo, mach 1'flMage la mil Parts olfConuty. NAIN -FELL IN, TORRENTS. Tii. beavy electric storin which vaited Loaké county laWolsyalt u unifornilyevers urougiiout aima i th wviiof fthe oouatr "ud mach-damaile vas doue. Tii. llghtding played hevoc ln gineral and torruet wf ater tll for néarly an hour. Sub-wey Floo ded. At l». Bluff thé C. & x. sobw*y where thé lechrie ga neder thé Norîli- western 11Usd wth watér and for nulr an hour cars conld not have pasond under had thére bien cars hou rna&ad 1h vad nearly auoraing héfore the. i#Do& outisi<IOd enough hotu ake thé cet passable tu pager service, t.ibertyvsile out Off. Ai North Chicago e mud waah froux thé ide of thé E. J. & E. elevatlon fell upon a poleo!t he eletrie fine puÎbing l over on thé North Shore ele companys llght vire. iakig ae circuit whlch eut off houh Lit and Lae Bluff leevlng thun ho s l darknéss wherever 'thé electric lighte were used. Telophone communication botwoe. Libert'villlé and Wamgkegati wvA s el eut off and Dot qutu mioon, *0 uneday, were the vimse&%ga nla *6 The çar oDuhWeUhertyvIbs division oh (lie eletrk WuaSieLsoP0l ot1hcon. mission by llga"U« .5ut>ir of pesse@n sboun4 n. e Sore points vere lbiltu *0' 'hi owu ove,' nlit. Cart on lMlain Lu Kite'pd Thé Zion Cty cars s le eg ni mber of care ou ithe main lime wne mmcnd aoui hy the lihtat nden viluavehob. p ut tu ahape at a asindrabls nuit tothé comupany. 1h lé seid thet patically ML*e ouly arsthatot off e««»Wly itbont damage vere thon thmt vu", <ova their trolley pois dning * thé m anid etood stil ontil tii. voasiof W1h vas oaer. Thé boam ubte Zens. Redamoni plans, ui Jgv*tt irwe trwit b "amd ý t bu iedhoté Uroad.. boiides a qmaaiihy of feins uel., ami mplemente ver. destrciyd. Bine. df* D OwnaOI wte. GewrgeLww~atér. a buakemur- Qinsg ou nA lesten"on the Wsconsn Çeohrlva bided by,&iashc&[Uglitning, and stageing front *thé effects of t#b ebock feUl dovu al chutéeAt tii. top of. whiçbh. v as standing and wva, unconsioux Langaler vas ah Lake Villa viie the eunlua vataligLnlo 1ud of coal ai the tim. of the aeccidet. 1h lé h.. lieved that hu viii uenfler. no permanent injuries fron t th.unlusuel. occurance. M, lieat Fon du Lac. Strikes Water To~a. The îew welter ower ueh Libortyville vams truck et 8&10 lu the ,veîing by a terrifie boit whicb jarred the whole tovi but no demége ta the. big structure vas doue other th"n no tee,' the gllded hall whieh ornaunented the top from i e place throwing the fragmente lu varions directionq. %L Mau et Ou* Xkm eafiate For lelatur G«e . rom That (heorgéMean. aof Lake Bluff, welknowetlirougbotthe violeof LaIe couniy sud a an"dIte0f tvo ywear g for thé stehe legétare vwhici toga hé neenlyceaptured, hmlesdlappeared, vili eomt as a surprise ho bis many friendsinl tuis loaliiy. No man on the viole lake qe v as more widely knovn In uat'Velnily iban Mavman and for years le bas stood et thé Northwuaiern depoti Chicago viere lie bas old néefapera ta [tii. passifg throngs oi t4q paers. Boni. yeara 'agolie vas îajuged vIiein ihe ,émploy o! thé Noitjveteru voed end foot one ami. Docé iai ibm.Ià»hua made a ivinq for imaeli aidlamlyi thé n»per mcntilousd Thce can or ieot é uen and 'mix. Ireced dhappmaimac15not kovi and aicordini htoo or onba neibore imuit Maye been caneed hielmybslallty ho car for bis large famuly, Mawman, vas a man nîncl reppected by ait vho ku.w hlm and ibus bis abeence front bÀ%. Ite. lé aSU the more unexpl.bnah" Mavinan -hum O$$bienpromtineat i poltios.trot Uaaa cWWlft, b. later as lndq.adent candidate for tW blsaU 11 Mtmpedblé district ad auve bis oppon. loos- e mre "ht ihhéj ýe vAlp*IO PATTON'S MIXE» P Best motW ais for je,2 tihe interior'o bouse, new or1 Varnishes, -Ois, Lead, WB ma -HEATH 3 buàne a eltoye ......... .2buS ugasoUesto ove............ Sut, ý$60. t. Do" ...... B ...... Orai$v als "lY piw . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . ?PTJB L.ý Onlg 204.000 shme* 1so no-h orgwdztiom stock lMS .of<S Imikjpudd nos Au opportuqadtgor a- ar,owd en, a Grousul floorF RfM~I&RzNot iander $10 wote or 9 aq ISperson. Write or tee EIDNS FeRANIC E. WfRE, Liliertyville. ii 1 1 0e dNOM .lit I for pea #41 W. G. WELDON, Portage, Wis. jg éF. N.'GrDDINGS, S$yracuse, N. Y. G. J. SCHWEINFURTH.' ct' Write T'o dy for. Furtkqýf mVo ul Eauus L' S 1.50 A Madebyg