àe.s r.*St lg ELntlia aSAiiP. MLU 1,, me utb . Mç, ab.am O ied .,e le . bity Crcu it nt 2900 ,* ym0 w n a et e lb. illlem tw .da èerh n In ,ctbàBtUet fottiSIO jeç oet Shcornelàt. lx" m it soH.ilsear. * g A i &uaia. A 1).1i aSkot, And Eamd Pt BEL? Linz I!ATÂLITY. Wt.picln'up beau nuls linttie woads Weu of North lieqbic ouode" aitetneoo ds[ilOtButkUs, an Auetmm,: !~Wnt7*t5otgeMd employ ett ti vremileatWauan w aeddentllyabtdà,kWed by ý anes f j <'Ijllb asmet Turbin. it appearstiat Turbin vwIL ladgene on a pilo trlft u bis wifn, antilamandniwft hihm carrieda sa ab a n> $~case Of, iutkuwho bhm cuir recently 0011e bethils countr, veecaneet from view Z byra elurpoidbruh anti Turbin, eelnig the Ieaveruetie agimdet Ibt hb. ama rabit Md fi Sd. The "i. vlclrhW-e o-r i avuet thé iitinte Md recalvedthe eharg lu bis 1lfit oye Md at once f 1" J 4 j D J I ineenibie ta the. grounti nover recover- i; coneclouineef. To add tn the seriouïneis of the affair D I A 5 Turbin'. Wife fainted. andi for a momtent hi c9uid not decide wbetlier to aid ber or tbe.nlured man. As won ai Turbinth tj reeovýered hie vite b. attemptedt o give aid lu Butine but the. latter vas fouud n tb y n *Turbin surrendereti himielf to thei Ê11ce ~ but ugn . thie re c4ba yoftii datimafcoIciingth Man Iilleti on J. Biner lScbold, a velilgger eai ru- over OMarday nlght by a specl train N o while walklng on thietracte of the . .J. R E raljroad the. train eutting off both Of bsIuThie crew othe train pick . I4u a hini up andi hi vai helen to the Me-di tm Âlisér boepihal at Waukegaun here h bebold wuaNormeau anti ifhi Lad CîiI do more. any relatives living la tueeunr tis wbeoabutecout c uhi esi ITh . coir'e Inquet wai bdelt h vA Iu TO e Bgovéer'undetalins moine at Wau- kleginTueetaY norning andi a verdict BSige 1N.Viginla 'St.. o? aedntaldeath vai rendered ti sl E'*F liviie .Oru'r1t belevedt t h liu@alntoxicated ah thiae wu itroubuei l tb lldney ant time of accident. =ltd«, affecton whcb cauedmeltiuCb pain andi vorry. 1 icet iembavei al Spectl Asemeea nt Notice, radcvii, anti a yeasrpe1gald o abandon vorl entiroly. -I1 beimmliii.c Notice le hireby given lu ail perionethe bit pbyslolane Who 114illatigooti itereîte t Iat the Boarti i o al ant i ieeii a y-gîo 'pý*6dia. Ituprovements of the Village-ol Lilterh7,- P , F dobsitne itewe iiitet ville havlng ortiere that a connece t amefabénotie gave » teli, the Yau, firt btalains, etc.csatiSlttlSrevi1 Le ~ at laid tu portions o tieto ulwlng attee ti ve. am %o- ?TOuSEmmaâ it U wt-MIwaalee Avenue, LaIe S&boet - BraieN Court, Coo Avenue, Oliurcb lm Street, Mehaie' Grave Bondi Divien SL W 8 Stret SewrtAven u IkJLeYa . 0.LOVULLLlI <flILLE. Avenue, Ln Z . veu, k 16.eÀu1 Thi a hi lai ave tb ThiIS aum-e i* 4b meut &0 ao slmInrveet aeetuig tthie Sujidai we' nede. an beuiWte, udanaseeMet t&#Wor ~ la-vlngbainmatie nti etunete hwâatd e o1 dry oulâ& EM. LeuiD"istNô. 1)te iw au revia = tieeo yll iawtnub18t=dyb ai 6 rnter A D lOOhorAiownbe- afd Iolm ituim. cfthe, Çuurh wW The cov M- iaiats1 mimes AL amtiordinancoprovide Shah the ihit te enio oftaddsamtmaeeennt Mis- euh ctae Arb divitet. in ,tenmu10) insili- -b-,o id~~~ yaytre.A> mmtj bebriaag imereet ah the rte<of lit. .~~~, O.<f iOve ver mat, pet obechoneNebras omaw. OmiAn ota À mmnetmiring ma e oW BRAI ame..à lu ncrt befom à&de n;a 4"- =peron hb. hiaring ant inale tbirMm.. tiehee.Lua P. HAItUA conein te. weil impreved ",0 meran aoinhtu tamake snob Mr. dig.Inquire o H. C .smeh s, steekl a=,ii41% LY Tv-e »MIbo ~riâe Hétu j'Oka loreet, ou M ~ .Ar ecim Pa8Ôr bdmaailoum ta $PO *-4r Wiil taie0on eliAm #te 100 erée .M leD-ýor oery lau ulul se talen.Atde.i a euIttioa of HOSECRAN. mclegiven by t&eSpart Set on ,u ai the horne of Ur. Norhrop ,gely jattendeti. ffl vas sIean sbier the Suarh Seot tw>' yul ooün tbecbureb painteti. e untiam ihool convention heM eat di wain wo attentieti b>'the people Merans. trude -Northrop vas honte over a le having event the iumauet home lu Sontih Dako>ta ham nov id andti vii tale up ber echool Smart Set mot at the home of àMande and, Stalle tihea lit la>' evenig. aGreee W"lcbai turned ta ber lu i Antla.b for anothir year. SMou baiRoee lubie home lu uka for two veeke visit. WARR EN. s.Miller ba been enti-rtalfing ber nanti fantll' the pait veel.' .anti Mme. John McCormlck anti roc formleri>' of Gurnee vho bave In Californla for a lew yeari te- I la t ee. M Mlary Pamaatuier of Waukegau le mg ber cousin, Mrm. Ney' Lamb. anti Mmr, Geo. Erbanti George Pr. BpadsXand -Mondé>' with their r Um Sertie weon Lesle anti Chari.lesMrrIll se- wbuled-b>'their ulster Belen te- wI;to theïr batte.-In le Islandi la «plihee ofnudd;, matie anti- ram>' Mebbere, the lme ceua wiaigiven r ti W. C. A. ah oran~ge Bail lat "ord">'eveniag vai quite velI attend- anti, gooti proceets recelvet. .CUBA. tuguit Znelqdort epeat Supdav vith eq parents. ,,. 1 lir. am ir. Hillanti ternit>', of Chic&- aâre tii.gueti o!John 0aletae veel. Usrold S8pencer vaipleaienti> sur. lied b>' enumbar aifbiA lithle frmes na aternoon. Mise Myrtie Murray' epectea feudays lait v-eh vlhb relatives lu Wiseon*h. Fi liApo ant i ster of Pelsti1e *peut mntiq evninpc vtitJause and larily'. Bd Tbomai of Ciago vaisa plemet din aCuba Runae>. ite. Ceo. Dai'lin le visling bar eugtwrtMrs.Jo. Abr4glt aofMichian fy lad. of &u Bh,mg -sYu -i Lad bai én trutthlad vihh lame hock r'ft4 Itaen anti1 f$"adS a,.,nnrnjata 361 am ou lm 0 %am 06 ,wi.mee.v - ~#UKSTVVIM.< Bmelwisratas, 6%. per dk asudo uw&e o ratoe ls 5c per day aMdup Cotratt D.partmeat Oomtlenoing Saturdoy. Sept. lith. .Axl SULMa pEtf l0uclION Or' Piqz)sis ORATION The bIttec«d@flof Chri Presenicd 111 EUGENIO SORRENTINO and làa world fanonS BANDA ROSSA IntmdUcIig aîq4hette ofGrndiea singer% sapi WondeTf ui ScenJC efecis SOLISTS GMNA CIAP»ARELLI. - soprano BItSSIE. - - -contrato AlitRRTQ ENEL, - T enar BALV*.NUMIAT( . iaritoni Bsglnning Saturday, Oct, îath, and for fv consecuive SaturdayS Mr. Burton HoIrnes Travulogues. Lait à Oblao& Milwàukee eleetric train beaiesa Lake BlIff for Liliertyvllle at1:0Por S eId P EVEIIY EVENING AT 8:15 8*turdity mui Sunday Matlnee nt -2>30 DIii Mess VUIoiiý 'o " ic mu tocksIa -e I aea ,msipairso shes ~I~Wsop wo 1 amrn ow located in rny new plant and thorougbly equlpped to do all .kind of repaitAfbg of Eu~gine& Machines aud, farrn Impie- ments. Quick ser7ice and righit prices. 7-tf -d f. BAMSTOW MANWUFACTWSEN 0or Marble and Granite Cemetery Work of Eve ry 126 AN*~ eusIec Ose t Sprf Corne andl Tatk it Over ---- ----- tlJhos tering9 end Carniage Trimming9 CABINET MAKING IN ALL BRANCHES, CHAIRS REOANED, MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER AND RENOVATED AND MADE OVE R. - if- Hav*e your work done hy a man experfbneed., Don't wait a year for yotirgoodis tu be returned. (iive.me a trial that yoîîr work iii praperly attend- . ed to. Be eoîîvjnced. lfEvery qune in their turn.- 1 amn here to stay. u- * S SHOP NORTH OR SOUlTH 0 A. ILLS::WEBB THE BLACKSMIT ,3FRED CROKER <-- ...Merchant Talio-- lyluwtar at Var INspql. iertgv.ile, hliiiois riz ,- - _ _ __ t'When in Wankegan Step into t la' * (WNbrt' flhBmort 4% and get a delicious Sundîe * Soda t 4, Water. Cars stop et this corner. 4 Oilibert tbe brumaist aud Perfumer 4 Cor. Genesee & Madison Sts. à. i4 &4&&4 4 ++4&* àà+ 4&4& (=oýrI Bowlers1 The bowling alcys ire now open with spotting machines. Machines that put thie pins on the spot. Every pin spot- ted perfectly. Bids end Pool in Pool 24e p~er cale. "Tiff RICHRIEII" Waukegan, III. Connection. 9- Tables OPEN SUNI)AYS Wat.ch ýfor the sigu, au Mny mey lbtithe i.perler wviii .1 its inery. " That, la poil commconmmna scudment, f1W tihut"Iromnt;0a te mae Important of a&R tbe houehold. We would like ta bilp yau plan your bath room mad vili gladly quai. you price on '»bmde d'Wm., thebé at - suad mmca niary fSoure amode.- FLIbERTYVILLE PLUMBING aud HEATING OAWtjANY LIBITY Vl-L. IL. 'BULILAtyX&BIE lseo. Efglel b ehr~fITas406 Ceylonaind Sedia Tm delb. &CIO Fanc fefed= Talb 60 Cunpowder or OUEYou g1Ob Finest Forma. olng Tee ib. eS l4euuu a oler fle ue MAiiO'i gidii Boit Etrob Oreelfut Tm r Ob. Of Old Meraolo Coffea pet lb. . OC g Saioton Moche end java Cfelt f. lb.Si 0. 0. lavaco.ffe, fr b . Finq8t Mochea dfav"C« elb sc ~D' DuliSesFoot. prpkg 09p Whe.ti par peekoàwme.... kà1 lialelon Breelfiet Fotpur pkg .....1 OrNm xie 1b. lper p.... ........ .... ..lc Poetom Oerliet Ppll.........DI BAKEWS CHOCOLATE, cake. f BAICEW8 COOOA 1-2 lb. c«n .. ,Soc #ouistli Seai«Powder lb. cen IOSe Dr. PrICesS akÎng P.wder lb. cen 40o i lbcanairon..... .. Xuoareliop ie a ......ere......IS 1tliathoSieToato Ctmup. .......... i-lb'eaa CoudoneeiSoupe........ Orioh gere iRaid"n, pontipkg..iu TakiVIngCrranta. pounti ph.. .10 lButHea Ri Sb...l...... ........e Baklig Soda ( brcb'e> lb. p4g. . LAUNDRY BOAFS, ETC. 10 Baae lntericea l'......... 4. 6; l» tramilAnatdry oap.8... àe 10 Sli olopeaîi.9 ord0 ' anlozos........... Il Oranpa'eWondr Tar Bsp, petrtuu'..* Hmt umpMam (Ci but er lb......ls Voreimiloa1mgretbottle ...... ... a Cam ryelt ....L............ .. (imae Tuheo,me..8k,8kai 8 Clapper bottant va ialer.... . 006od 4aeweeti Smo................ au Sm Stove Paià, per pkg ...... eak&............. .. ...... B. E,. ELLSWOR'Tti D. A.VOUNC34 Dccoratillg 1 MWv a force 01 e.Îelt$ w" a" ~ cm.0" v go 41 -toi M e 1 l As ou PlMj.t fflre E 9,Pm 7 l O. TrgiGow- OU) STAND. VIL WAUKEBÂVAM sou"E PrHOTEL. -ALL KINS- Good «rades at Parr Pries. 00058, WIN0QWS,.( moU>O- INOS, OIC, LM YALPifA PiPÇ, DRAINM vu, g'C r* buildit, or yôu mn Bqyer -soi. a foi? 1 os*.*