Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Sep 1905, p. 2

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IeOUTEs 1 Oe 4w e r Win Mie It1 l that the large mail order1 ilcgoiii s-tti great eieit 1 dot, Jatatiantil y the Post- arImet requirîng the mail vrai routes lu lv nîminlered 1 1, accrdiug lu thé numberitt .. eth roule. Thetbuxi1 dtriér males his irsI 51011 le ,'And au onu uttil thet a tlas routé je nocbered.i alu mani st-lions of thé r., beau isutructeil taiarry p0fht.It la likehy that SIO iti b. matIe Icause <At adrautugea lu thtenmail- M, Wheai a firux dots ils ad- or çtscstir letters il i-su Ad- r te -Mailt Box N. 1 Route i te carrier vililias-eta<e- M, tht thé mail-rder bouses t ab tu titixé the u ci-ente lean te aumber utfrrtral A couty andl tbe nîuijier of aroute. No atteuîioti eed lbth nanes of farinera living las, bocause a letter nîdréas- ister vili ntsc1 te fariner bis daume had hem vitttn ygEQ l'OR PENiNANTIL W.é UI i se .. éi% 38 Cincnnati .- os1 6 --.116479L. Lonia.--584 B Doeu . ...39 92 BURLEAGUZL *W . L MI, @0 49 Dtroit -.6867 064 Washington. - 54 17l 02St.Louis. 46 T 'WW . 1- L .UP 52 St. Paullý..- 3 77 L in oi Idlaapeia. 8 82 I1-88 eleoted - 6091 j ..1 5KamuasCty.43'102 16..IS 1» Sioux City..- .74Oil ". .6.7 S! pe-eblo..- 51 85 etPeoles Jek% W. Wy- b *@tula Eat IsTe- ýlb*ter daY ie vas sur- 'e 'vlaidov imusodlatsi bb dock opena. A few sain JO dlscosered a dynamnite *Mi,,WOondunedua pifci tlaa thsoey that ft vai, Oblet Wzmunan b 'tifes- lu Colùmblant twumlF years sud huaehbeet suet fan. bomaee ber 6-ytur-old i hi fe eh*rahlid becn ; 4 mmfl, .getvpale vitI ýîh-et han Aud refugeil t j&bar reaCh tast the mlght tusWahkes' Chemauli monpromsinent scitt veut iýKy.,,çouniltles sucide canblit acil. W*,,idIWinI Nt Itrib. Siilàs vilI ntstlrike In lm& *dager of s vaikout that ~nstheucti 's shuppîng ,Z = emplyresutffour 0c tallvy coipnie-the Ih,,C.&Q flua F r i K -ill V U- B rm.vernt mthe ofgte e a I- elaeatpemathers tre e12 =da by ordefs tram the . ilpa ttatW b luroln. Downing bal been *0SltB5 U petmanter mores tas thirty IyteA us- der a&l the admlsl.trslloUti. and had the reePeet and confidence of the illaSSEof ' Tockers. Ha Ris raete f.appued te at, b. shove reproach. and he vas ONeu s, a deot cliurthmau- à fev fiAys alaO i Petéaster Henry Ollterheld *WASl"' moved hy Preulde'nt ýRooset tVithout -ermnt ng d vithot la beariaî- The Wh revelationsa concerag DtwnM- h pr 555 Dot sppoiuted by)t». Oeld. threve ,«ev igt « o the whole situation. and mAl citigeng nov believe the trouble ID e the. Touilera oeee lje etirely Downilng-$Prl fauît and Potmasttr Osterheld ahn inebs- cent vieimieof s dishonet sahord'u&te. P9 Th@ hinpectors gslned etrancé to Dowi P inlge bouse vithout Downufl l' knowi mi", and ver. damfouded te find theétu regulation mal] aack vitb 250 tett*ra lun c* It. Bone er olpeied 'and ome Il eo itilI jlma.d, the potmarks shovin thelire stealing hal covereil manY 3e5Tt.Down- d ing entered the room while the inpel ors ver. at work.. but mivl no mur- C prise or feeling at ail. It in relatéd thatC Gun year &go a former clerk lun the of- fic bail te make good t 'shortage of P iely$»00and dicil froxu grief &Rd @haine, proesting bis innocecue. o CAN.ADIANS liESCUI£ pISNES b Invade Sec, Train on AnericSfl Bide nter A. apecigl froin Minot, Fiteen tmenina priaysùece« eni attelupt tu iberate tbree alleged hîi piggers," who' were unider aret.l iI avicins attack on Deiinîr Steriff Pixit- nou uf Portai aud Dlputy Seriff cutOrge o of tIis city on a $9o Iiue train the til e er luoring t 3 O'ciock. DOPoIty <eo- ci left the city the presiols aftërîîî,,tI aith t warrants for the arrest uf the titrer i Portai men. At portalilhe wus ftis-«i- ed by 1eputY Pearqon snd thet tire were,~ arre@teil sud placed in a soutb- e bonnd SoS train. %s the traitg was lêRs--u ing Portai t was boardedl by n douen q or more men fron the Canadisu ide. .vho made an absait upon the two dep-M uties vith revovers and suci-eedéd je- dragging two oft h menietier arrest front the train. The heu dePuties vert ic overpowertil sud badfly beateli. but C Sherig Le. batsentt a enuber of depu- al tim e uportal to errent tht members ofT the. resculaz Party. a CHXLU)REN WALK 700 1MILES. Bc ?5BU'P te Phittad.lpbiaivth Parets- a .Bahb ors on Wa.. Weary. but net discouraged. William a ElIis, formueriy uf Duytou, Ohio, vaike i iet the polie station iu Philadelphie. I pnahlng a dilapidateil baby carniage lu vhet vas a montb-ld baby,sulihe vas s foloweil by bis vite, wbo led bY the i bands two boy. ont 4 and the other à 1years old. The party. witli the excep-, tion of the baby. wrbicfi vas harn On t'lec 3 sy. Il trampeil tht 700 miles froin Dayton inces June 30. aud cotinued the we&ry walk lu hopes of reucitir Hum- le-y.RI . hefore the snow taill. Thej t family iveil on a omatI tarin fer Day- tont. Illn on Jué 30. the bouse vus *burued. EHis had a hit muel.butj elt enough te pay the ralroiid farste1r r- rhode Islandl, vhere lit lias reistive$. t à. 1OLT KILLS FOUR 1IN TENT. 1 tl LighiiU g t Calant, Fatr Grenada d aecka22 pess'onsUnder Canvas.< La Four men ver. killed, six ver. er,- r' toulynjured. and a dozenu and su Là ehidren vert stunned bY s bIt of liglît-1 i Dng vblch vrécktd s crowded Pol t alexhibition lent t the couty flair inlu lu dianpolu. lova. The deail are;: lt un-1 der»on Carl Paterson. Theuore Young1 md Blain Wright. The lent vas crovil- Sed by peope Who hId goue Intel1t escape the raie.. The lgi.îiua s1tralck ýh the tent pol and aplit il wide open,1 1O vandiating over the tent z. I tedrthk il li lotoshred». Thoîiads <f vhickeus in ltht coopt e ve.killed. le Grant Fara te Deesuse Park. A. dentilias Il nconluitd ilr the old Grant fatain lut. Louis connîtY. In Mo.. a short distance weat of the St. tLous ciY liuit3. for mui yetarathe 39home of Ulysses S. tGrant. < iiiliebccou- f Vertedi tt an arnu4entut park neit hecar. The tract comuprisies about 440) ,,aeres sud thtc prtiase price was $113,- nixepossssio wonim urn ixUse- e-aly, by the evertumruofe a traler ttacheil te a traction car es the Home- ed division et the PlttabMrt ttolwaY m0apasy user thé Glesvoeé bridge. ittoarg, Pa. Tb* imont saglottzll hurt ea tAkea te the home. ablicbPt5ý' here they viii hiscompMlladté restai ao toms tires. The e.a w er.abletat woeedta tetheir homes attir bas-laSthoir Jleo dressed. The accidet vas081w Id by th. talle-r.eof the bribes te vork reperly., Tht car and the trailée vers movded. ma.! of the paffleifbits. orkmtn on titeir way te the vrarientl lenDts tu lhe viciulty. At afflJolie usn thora lea Ssharp cae.The. ont te roandefi the 'carre, but the traller, îrrylug slrty passengera. vas tbrevu trai the tracn ou ils *nei. A acteseO infioin fotioveil. as tht upset car vas àrgged along s considerable distance ef or, the muter could he ttopped. HRISTIEAN ENUBAVOR GRonWTH.L Pseeident Clark Maires Oaortety7 e. port-Silver Auiver@a57. The qnarterly reposrt on the prOgreeS f the Christian Endearor moveinett iy te lIe. Francis E. Clarki. president f tht Unitedl Society of Christian En- earor. %whiclî vas m.1de public the thli rt da'-. re-irds ad îancemeut in Chris- ian Ende.aror thronghout lte vorld. bhere are nciw 67.03 alliatetl «ucieties. n increise of = 1 ince the lant fconveti- tien teld iiil] Balimore in July. Tht ex- ecutire coniiiiittet ut the board Of tras- ees lias apîîointed an interuatinal comn- ntlitete ltaké charge of tht plans for elelirating tht titrer anuiversary ut the Christian Endeavor movement- Thia viii ake thé forai of tnt creallun of a a-. cial tunil for extending Young p-eopé work in all parts ut the vorld aud tht rection of an international liesdquarttts building. GIRL PULFILLS SUICIDE PACT. klse ChUs Thouipeen orMartos, lad.. FotlovreatlaluDeth. lu carrylus ont lber part of s suicide compact. entered into with ber chuin. Eleo ltaugher. who- comnaitted suicide et Mancéenarnunth ago. MisSChlo rbompson. 17 years old. of Main, md, svalloked a large quantity of arsenic tand dled tromt the poison. Miss Tbonap- son vas at Muncie svith the Bauglier girl s-heu the latter endeil ber lite bY lsbiug srornic. It is believeil that miss Tboinp- son purchaseilthepoison ai thetlime friend, but for turne reaso potponed ber art. Like tbe Baugher girl. Mise Thompaun looik the poi son whule on tht street. Afler swvallowing a large quan- titi of tht drug thée called a cab sud asked tei le driren tualier borne. sIte hecame unconsciont befure leaving the cabi and died within a few boura. SEVEN lu IE 41FLAMES. Aven, Cocu., Plant Deetro7ed and Girls. Womsn and Mes Perlitb. Seven persona are deuil sud tvelve in- jored. tome of whomt may die, fron the resnît ut an explosion, pallie and lire lu thé Climax Fuse CumpanyinluAv-on. Coun. Tht explosion Itseif vas coi- paratireir' insignilicant. but it commuai- caleil tht lire tu inflammable material. Thiis ,,tarted thetbaaie amoung twtuty Or- cupants of tht room aud lu the rush toi the doors sud windows several men and women verethtrant hack ltb thé fiantes. There is nu lire department sud th( dames wre uncheekeil untilthtîe entirt plant vas destreyed. cusing a Ioas ol $100,(XJO. Two girls, one vumanaut four men perislied. - Ndit Caîfs Heurt te Wall. Pinn.eilte tht heurt of a caîf. vbicl lini been iuugbtered lu bis bua. Abru bain Xelilrny utf Vilkeabarre. Ps..,r. ceiveil a notée syiug: "Beware. or yul may lie serredi tht saine way. Ily th, bren r-ut sud then its henrt hud beti torut, onsd nuîleýd againat the aide o thé baru sud lte note pinar ed uIL Deaah Lurks in Livo Wlrç. 4oaepb IRingzo! Waterbory. Conu vas killcd. dwa rd Satin, residence ut was iujuired. probe-lly fatall) and John Rloss ut Wuttrbury vas badi burneil by contact wilh a tiré electri ma Woeld se trmperer Nié fore tht e nd vernal PeOCOI Japanitaé var lte pence tret hic majeaty ilé méon.d pe. uag»a. t la st. >eteraburg erumelt pro eigu povrsiw 'Tht Haguen t la Iatovn ceoing tiaai goveenuent i powers" voe -vti lie Unli lueted. vth th b$lng Doltte Russla cotet The aune' gresteet aurpi plan a second steps'e-reuil Retuestret, wv metîtt. It Io nul ho taken réati-lug a9 vîlli Présidél, The fat tlb réporlei us be igtI te proî te, betieve tii final Hagiat e the honon of0 readl sud 9L Slan proposai. conteentce a5 anti that Pre qulaltailbis Nîichotas. Thon. v-il dix:usatil nt conferettie aui Washington Win ho rendh ver vili hé elndlng as h ti&tI var $ai trgltt vital réd honest atteli rencd an ai, ho consitrud ploslvea trot, peace conteli for a ptrluui a Part>' toil] thla practiei. 1expirel e-dts fauy nton<îf trom luou enetOy. Atnther lu -tht mort lib( Cross sOû-istY a ivuar, Iuukhl e t> otfni-ion1 L-sldgued agteemenbts vitu--ire---t- pla tlhieucuvill I sanu-trenîmuen lbluea empoés guarsittét' Cty Me-y Protet Hears. fuitring Companuy in tbat ity. Ail tht %vIi Iat anth« ea er. Popular indigntation las beeu srouséd men verte lectricitins sud vert aI vorb lutinîis 10111 19" d. lu Dulth. ll inu., by thé kiiiug of bears ou the virés.fitlu de UWa eev25 îoiti tht city limté. Thet liird heur Wb Mt1wogt ~5t te2Suthwf ti o v eeks vas %lossoh i. ~~~vhhl vIin Wedna, Becoms,u1see Geta 054M0.000. 'stiisas '~a-fels ~<* t b.d vanderédI lto tht ciby aud XtIt Charles TemuiletotI Crocber. lte OuIY marine% rlttaew011cSis fontau eaay rlctîm lathé rifle et a citlien. sou et the lote ruhîroal magnate. CIalts wlet v -" psobal i ii Sn etoftht resaideuls Ibrenten to inv-uké Freil Crocker et Sun Francisco, bas proposlti whsbe huaband, John the. Humané Soiety if tht latightér réacbcd bis majorit enil recelsel bis spiesre il Ith vhoau ah 'Îa@ trtsg- donte tt'top,-portion of i tather't estaté, amouunting stîmltte Ry vheu thé accident hep- l 5 DO.Yug CokrI qu vii grief. 1Vaccination- Causes Drabi.th00. Yug Cokn l *tîh on The 7-îtar.otd son of Chaile W. Wise auphom;oreaiatYale. sroe-upou glar Ralu Azaared. diel lu Oaklandi, Cal.. Of fL-bk>w, 5aCli- Boys Lincoln-&5 Privat, Car. Questitl ;» amif t he b.cause oeatliit O!f trecuinUpulori svaccination av. Thomras Lowry ut Mie-neaRpolis. presi- Jt.îututteg du that tell the Otter day The bey wva -ei-cnatd Aîîg. 14, Is-en. tient Oftheii SonUnhe sud of tht Twin tiviial<Itu lovrbs'ok cburch ladies hald fordays Iter hé eeoe . avu tete andlavare htttrly .tor P-opil City Rapil Transit Complany, bts hOnIglit pos'iioni MM enaChan, met-tomnaottanous. Tht <ototra .uilnot ex thtelhistorie pinte iar usel lii Abrahamî Ma. en Cai. min plain wbtre tht contamination vahi-h Lincla,. Thé car -Iiilie preseniel tu Cu mt te ariog praylng thast iauelthe diseausei-sie troin. Iie lneatha1,r ad w vi tomeas, sdspoilithe futlvl- teIiieplspr orwihwl I.Girl Chal Oves Roof. place It permnentYIrli ont Ot thé puits. Ram-it. Ia-estu mlsespau. Atter a <lsse us-en roufs iiu wiiula Caettry Héroult Xe Dtad. R E.j talansd Frank Meyer wee e thtq loîtaunil lerions look part, Jonathan Iteed, the hennit of Es-or- vas rt.îî s-t Loan eMsi sîppl barge la tie i-vceu17 Ytu<t'5 ud, vus a,- gréencemeteri. titan Troy, N. Y, , a killed j,, r uscNets- Yrk. h 'i d ! uhelai-For tawIs-t jeura le suent i$ mid. Foor othér pussengers tht ouly girl i'ttiti- tf iflte--'e-îerr>-.n.akiug boors et tle tornb ut bis vIte. Ht 1h1 g-!g.' a i~St'tttut u hsîttide lefI & lange fortune aud vas 72 leurs treeboottrt iga"1tg iiiut lti-eice rci.uril'< olil. as Test mev. Boys, for yelrs- teciadNovyt g-e mous vere injurtil vhen-the %vdnadNr ytaA e. aglins iBrothers' cirrus vas tbîulut ofTeachers t-ni-se. ?',,irusa>'ud Sîten lias-treacheîî a e t Maryrille,. Mo, irnpriton- Tîtere ore 140 teuu'îîers fuît c-evIf) blîaiiîfotiti Penelita- grcreti, accurdlug iptctaturt oniler the i-ansas. (00X)persoiuto iiIiilttt-ii h ti Iîi în t.iili' t rou! Louidotiaut it lis tiougît glItte, ai uiii-il tu ti ti-es i.suui'ýd hi Ii-tu.etZtunliu t fDe11tuiar iiili oe.e latfersoc Atain Bride. Ithe cîîstîu Ibureaui. iurehfrîuu itsii <~the îýa1s 1Kiuîg uot Norwi. tes-son, -ho vras thé central ceaunis of 1900. lu 1S901 tht-i- uture 1-1- le Casair Yauntg murler iaset laherg,.inhîS 181<0' and lu i 17073 tur Eartisueake Wrecks a Town. pouris] o er orerbus- e,,en (o.ttu0 childrtu. The tutu <if( Monte Itossa, ltaly, an C. Mrtin TtuatlieriaÎformer Ther nust inaccessible place, of3,"00inhala- 0 îlis leMoth.rin-Lav. L.ewi a croiker. afurmro f tireen. uts s'ias deîru> éd hi sunerthquake, IdWllilams, s negro, 29 years tbau. l'a., his vife laid fou' iutirn i cu aceitgtusprthe vilre.tî-elt un à* umother-ln-lav, Mrs. Mamie wn-i-be h ating tuastols rÜunlac nertéslae j bits brother-in-law, CIales hii-l<ti-re .uuaOng nitiNluiina gatucredî%loste lDies lna Reue. à Pittaisst rg, 'teth.-asa b> Oné cliila désilRaidt a ueo itPlt Anderson of tht schooner V. Il. ateprebabte-loos ot h1 ie i ltler» -îtîîut lie.î<tilun gave oip bis lite ilus valu tffort U *le resait of aitamiîy quar- - ~NI-ose I as esthectat wo lu- ltht breat. Two .iheî'i l reigit l5(-iîiucrs, -1 ê th<i-u' h ie ia - jJauLeule s thé Prttirsbliundlfront eoe.By & uk 1.0e-sn. Hu>uîtutrg toi- iiuir's.lia-t ieslioChiet Raien. nahe.iFace. b.nB. 'Who vas arrestel 5 a i t,t' -rs,-I lu IloNrlIt mtn. Thîir irt-s. itîtauî.tî-Ftthé utteil SiouxIlît- Ib ii.other day afler haviug nuuiLperititîitY-elt t rueru, tri-it i-ousaiulil cef, l'hoî in-ut the t huo îich rWta lt. ste h resident lu or- éd. kill tie (.n. Caser,. itIcilouthe t tiding esut ta hMa plan ton bsndllng Bc ee - -nltSot aoa glte co.].ouetput vas déclaréd] I & 0. Wreck inInedana. Ituknsrauiiî othDkt. xu ais -ezaunalîon lirphysi- TIiaepersolis vert killeit sud ltiî--~ Attothett Operablon o ar spon. ,ha Steta te bnalui at'tnty-rise itrîtIthirly itjîrelii )ht tr. W. Il. litrlutr, presilet of thé wreck ut the "Cauitin URI[" <iii blt«lIi- Uîiserstî utClhiago, airain sulmittel h i limonsd Oliho rail-oad xs iniléfroutatuan Opération andI friands fnthe.on i eumtitsae. Rimineil, lnd. Il In ntiiteuiithatth i-n. loulaea. Wreck va* Cuutatl 1»truhu vwrécber.Te il, te Slg g4-1 e« ~- ulsea O A~.accaaalt gol. (&pqa gthe hon1 f nli ted "u m5tloi il ofIl tali. 'I.".- l. b. i1~eIs'rue N t' P $1tie*pepme statist1es a" 50w J, Audits Pace boishtlug empfled b> the eCoSSUsb«urea wS~ atul aàd te Bu oke Their show te feilotogreord du lu un the peuttw~euty yeart: * Tesecdes. celleilANlIe. agesi a appeutti ............... les 111 1as a prototeof -. .......... 2,M 79il 123 tou .1e sooner la tht R111980-.................... 2184 BT '144 plan ritrer- aitd e0 ots.lUS---------------.. ,561 mos 175 'M t habeeli rotWed. thau 18n0................. &M90 1128. la th 1891------------t, les2 ling Invitatins tea lm...............,TOl lOT 280reçetl bconterence at Tise îus........................ oms announeed oMeclallY lu 18l ........ ....,80 82 189 an thit "the RussIs gv. lm.............. .500 13 esthing 18 .......... 10M5 122 pes te afidresthe for- U ..................9M5 120 10Us ttM( itil asi ltetotht hold-im- ,08.............. 7,80 1»0 M lics uàà pence conterence t lm800............... 6225 131 107 acrits 11195 l1T ils 1901........TM, 25 18 la8and« 1titt tgotlatlons Pr.-on ................ 8,84 144 se beeu ýaauncmen tht te QU ............ 975 124 04 lThé msoneîn httt1908---------------.. ,482 lie 90 wi peopoteti tu atdrffl the 104....... Il teneti loto tiecla.1 Total ............11.09 , 2»06%q».tiltItI _________________ ht ishow that tht numiber oet re erecutions bas demared steadill! *oie srve 188, whie theé numberot mutileradse - homicides bas incresseil. but ltere la Been notiting, la thet ttallstics te tîplalu the te tiotN decease. adce» wa - Blirent lawyers ascrIbe thi d Tea h lu executlens tu two causes, one bains T the growiîîg sentiment againt capital vhi ponifiaient sud tht ther aud moreolut- fort porta-nltunue being lte Ixa dmnistration tin of thie criminal lasud the fact that Itope attorntys tube &ava-ntage ot es-ery teeh- Iditil nicality tu si-e telires of the murder- Cotit ers tbcy ases lîred ta defend. Secrel-ry cudt, Taft,.liit is Yale addréssa rcferrtd 10 the tht preritisuce of titis rnetlîod ut practice routo ýmntg crînifual lavyers. snd ileclared ilvi that thé je-dgts alîould lie gis-en the pew- tdit er lu cuîîPel the lawyerstu1 try tlieir te cases oit thiir inerits sud not permit piOi theni tu exiggcrste unimportaut evideuce Pila" antI cover ni) the satîcut points. uiat Statiatica curtriug the yeers glace 1894 tero lto 110 mlîîw tie causes of al«murdOs If t' sud homicides'éoriitted lu that PtrlOd.*11911 Duriîig thé elteen yeurs 51,602 persosa il Il lotit their lves as tht resuit cf quarrOla., plat moulbCiqL5.23.5ff8 as Itht resuit ofuunowucauses, or 4.087 as the resait ut jealousyr, 3,711 then eti stutes audveré con- vert kiled by tighvtiyitin and 2.516 toge le greateirt serry hrt mothers kilîtil their inîfants. lu retil-an"si. te sligbtest lnbllug thut log errent 1,"0 persatns iere blled sud ag mpisteti anythlig of tht 1,101 higliwaytitn vert kilt-il. Inganity e-Iii ast tht cause of 1.502 ileatbs sud 516 îlot nucntet centil hepersona vert bilteil during strikes. lot lancmentcreaitsi the There ver. fewer lynchings tuIn 104les-s irise. Ttiît Russîs ehoulil thonan lui ar since 1894-lu 189)2, se- tralf i conteretice. despîte, tht crding ta the sttistics. theré vert 230 sîdel ly taken tîy Prosident persolia ttiicil by lynchers. the gretest are: ras bearrîl itIt nmme- nîtner li auy of tht eleyen yeara. Tb@.coni cieur ilit the step couid numrner killed by lyuching hba lictitste lte iby ttîîaila wltlîout tIrst tich yeur. butt titere ha been s gradualil it eotupicte understanîding derrpage <lutuit if4. shuwins tîtere ver* iel, rt Rtoosevel-Rset. only Ut0 ires t lkeixhy mol violencet. T luit Preglitent Rosv lii GAIN BY 000 FELLOW8. lins )eng eîtirtlyinl sympatliy - T1 posai, a~nd that lie la salit Increatte of 102,105 lu >enbtthip la>' et to tht inîtiator of thé lie peittil ta Grand Lodgt. for conteretîce aboutit lielona An inrasie of 102,10C) in membership but conruking the. second,, snd for lte year is salovtî in theo report ufthlie glady aceded ta t e Ru - (rnd Sire W right taitle u the oypreigfl il, jaili ccelet b ht ua-grand lolge ufth lit tleiitndent Order ut tht J, la clear proot that the Odil Peilowa. in lils iglily-first animual ta lready lias been caltid. commuînicationt, wli,h vas beld naI Phil- lita, esidént Rooserelt rellii- ailiphia. Thte total sîtbordinatt loilge ow epart lu it to Emperor memberslip was gret us 1.217,145; en- le cainent mernl)ergliii, 177,83(); Rle- ta be mas> important toptes bekal inîerberstîit, 474.1>59; rimiletr ut uo Sthe next world'a pence s unbrîinate ug'.14,31.5; t.ctuittturti tîti nd ' t t e elef of no or r lief . , 3 1 4 ;total reve nue, $3.- ill id t l th beletof oul 638,91; total rtgoutrces. $3,ffl,071. dfli mes that att agreement Tie ilitant Iraîtch alune lu tht or- ta tel by whlch the danger of gtization fails t a how suîltutastial pro- Vot greatty ilecreaitéu by con-t greas. Tit-ee a 1,-s ini nernberaliip ai, ety wblcb vwiii provîde during te y.-ar ut a tile ni-ir 300. Xlisie ti <il b. vugedl euh for cer- condition 'of affilir. iyotht granîd irs, tit usons andl onty alter an dernds ittni:ate atlention, sud par'- 1 apt bust béen madet Q lapa raidicail tttiastrë icusble agreement. Plans are tie c îoîtsiluri'l fortirelb.idi Je Im port a t questionts l 1buiin, oft iis îr ti lt f te or ter lai teTht test of e sliuitutis ltiî-ulerstaip ,nu, d ill bei the iring ot ex,-.l, the enceaueliî<it'iit br,rt-l. iehuhbasici, oi bulletins, At thetlant allnt 170,(0)> tîtilnîhri. atioutI 12 pier F~i ,rence It vas ugreed tlbittcent out vittutaare it tii- 1,.triarichs rnîli- uto jo utx Oveirs n nuoon tant. Tht prottsitiont i tii uake ruent- deý ie treaty voul resort 10 birsîtipiit inte ,itbîr'inttt lgethe 8tir, P.iti- live-year limtusît bitshis of adliili4ssaoi t te militat. If thcre Io notîtrîg 1aprerent t 'thanige-i'îîali t Ixht-saute pi<r- trout dropî<lntnprojectiles centtgé ut lods.etiluer' go inttite ni;lifi ltt as-i <1w goiitit roinltie etîli ip- tas lmt the territory oft8Its totutheIli militanit rai tlt i il reatli a imiportant questlion willllie <SO. Il Woill ttti lui- tlit,'i ni(g-t 1h lruitlesattietfthet liRled fortîîcît fratcritttl irgiitizitiou iti the I ýy Iy e-l the nations uttîrlig uorlil. -do tai, ta girînS Iti ore lier- A re-1 lîuon iîitroi'ee' ly Claudel Sndl better proteclîtin.The Itu Iti-ll 'fKetittclky jrivitles foîr a lu ot te Kick tatntwottid î'lchange<-'-Sti ti toltetGransu t iti-il ttt l'tirari-lts 'Militant, hi ushichfo rtuken 0titinsud leornergî- ilît IIoîîy viii lu'iepriti.tttolugisltt Ca trduutg thé launchiiig utflirect'ly li i:ýoiit inl" sttbji'clte ý tes viii lue<onderel. us thé e-tîrueal ut Ile uiiereigu grand th c plitre ot action o uit t- lu igi'.to Bel$. Anun1alreportsofut Grantd Secretury th r conféence Cé ons-eues Nomne Joihnt 14. Goodwiiti, irandTt 1reaaurer M. ait looking la limitina ihu tiî-iîarda Mieklè and îCetîîrs 1M. A. Rs- lh îitlltamy uierattotîs 14,i11 be 'y,î-oiulonuliîg Ilt uptcll imilitant, ti w iti a iew a u itig ti er t sub tittp l. si<t- iry liudi in ri, t l ellit~ ~ ~ ~ n a pwlotltgtug 1ired 124210 canîdidates iîîtiattd. 54- v u t'- o uat t l n l e ri n t . t i t eu b e r x s t i o e n . l e l n i t î l 1 3 , 0 3 5 d i é . t y s-ratini tluna inla n n M.iice 18:11)1the o<,rlî'n iAo-iu1t.Ited 2,9-,t Kowlibg <out fthe Mitssion- - 2;l eniihts;2> iteibeis have t tir viii aiou le tabdt stit fîor ditil. Tht report uon Itle ivarions borne g ai,i nîluîllng that oflte Is- for the i-ire ut i.; orpiît aund ageil lîîîsried wurshlpis. bri-Ifreti sho,tliirti-iit in usttutions. ai lit thub ,îlic' session aiuthtii-grand 'EP.'1S SLAVER DIES. lodge it ah sil-i of welcoitîtit'vs ilir- di treil by 'Mayor Wtaver. ta whi-lt B. S. il c-Face, Noted Bleoui Chiet, ('<îîway utf(lieitgit reepoinded. Melville fi re on tise teservutlon. E.('iiîrlu, 'granîd nitster; l'MeutCiii-- th~a'e. i iul citiet vho qtî<ltis, granîd jatriat'cti.anid Sirs.Anis C I 10 lâve ireil thal< shutvîi'ldh rwPjresidenit of Rebellath Assena- d, ('ltte<r,. iicithteutier day antlly, aii oki.. The îtli-uîlnce usale ulltiitillit i-rgt. cery j îrisdiiîtioî of Ithe rieli tIltle îuliiitry uiiîtg rcirementld. t Bpsrks from the Wirts. i - phtllttdelltiis reforuwtrs hart lislîtstd il thé fatldtittotf a bogumtîs51e ut60.000 t pollicdluiiitI 'l>ityinte iîteri-at ot ringtg politicAauo uturetlîau-oiie-ttii-d us-rs, deuil J. of liulii tNew Yurk lhits ap- pliedta10titi <'outrt of cliaîcery liiiTre-itou. for the, Aitericsit 11echine Compnîuy or Theu National Flrernen's Association clùsed lilsautaut session nt Kansas City ýleO Mi. lSm *bat Tou Tistufi1 Mt te *«Mr. but Wbbt rom ?hîsk 1 gibt tea lar."soieWakrus- IMPor' t Uttera-cten. resîdient Itooseveit us tîrglug ln, the ineel ternit tht îie-oîasty fer a lfor lte construction or the 1lana- canai whlcb May hlieccomptabed te Ïhertest poestble timei. lu bius mt remarbe tb tht, C0osiltng Sd e1 Bagiaseers of Itie Ithmlan mi Commission hé aid man> ig hih tare regarll u 0fthe tt importanice, lu liat couasttot. 4* retuerkosbavet Just hontutan- nl aenti trausmîtted btîthe Bouril, [GèneraI Davs,-la.tcchtulrutîan, ba$ naulborigefi -ti~îkctI tent Publie. P' r e s id e t t a l : . - ial 1 r abosut ta Baimuetblie con- 't lu thtIlîglit ut suggestion. netas tien. 1 bas-e nitunteilyu eease la- litdhitéit h-ou a-e especlallî itted te re as adlrlsers in pîtsuiîîiiig thetitrent- enigineerling -ork thé veid lins 3-et su ad 1 expeet >i te tu ons, tme. n-bat, mu tlaiik 1I vet teluhcar, but et yen tiîink 1 otiglit ttt lacer. ae aire two or Clîree rnsiderutions be 1 trus.t yol u-ili osîcriditi keep b.n- eyiir iiiiîîisl i iiiîîîig bu,)sR<'tntclu- Sas Ioi tii. lrotuer type of icanail. le altaitiult iiâtely il viii pritt-e uoo- ltoi httailla qsu ttl taifi. Siti aa l'lt oililatî, ultsl-lie, Itinlutht 1if feasilîte: and I f-eu ilat atlie ut c'lier tids-siitajges ft lItPantisa te ini tbaItiltitua tilt': iaet Ici-iI a îl 1lie tilios Bal y tt n ile polyiig Iteto llilîloa t erfeit titiity of i«-li-uiiiirotaî Ilait ot-a-s Ilndl- nt, retikkilit1pir(lie ileed out iaias tl wlh -lit>all lîoide tlCftor the i.tue- oe bu~ilditing fîit t, 'tutu nîthebbc sfeat ma lt, tl Ititile iîr.- poî.sile hit. îtty iii-eret-i4he- riik, thetputil'ourse Id ltr.fertîl,ie. liait if to adîîpt t m ut ai mea lev(saciai-tînmeans-tii lueur Sitarar. tîtdîî.t itre ildefiîite dillit iM itk lîît îreferile. Il the îdrau- 'en tand tui'idau ue.-sare clîîselî bl- i-Io 1 etîvîl >-uu t l Sa>'do. i desîire oto know wlîetlîer. if ynu recornîsienil igli lerel îiiîiloik i-anai. it viii b. ntle atter il is cioiiîîieted ta turu Il ýoor siillstilite fîor it. au tillit. à $te Ie catîiil. ait itout iii!errupiitg bbe tfr laptoniit. 'j'mi)îouth.Ie lrimle i-ln- rat itîts tiîi iekelt stî-adîuy lit minîl e: ' téitînittot îîreetl-able amui-i-il(if sborlui'tu<tî: 2-praitital certanny abat LPlant pr.îposi.i ll hie feaslt-. ttont ailibe carited out nith bbc taiiairnîini Thet qîlaltit>- uit ssork andl tteaulOIlutt irir. lîiod iiîiîiiiiiilso ti, fr ean 'lîcrm,îîîay lie g.ilrus-ou vi». Il-lee- yitoiei.t t,t ei itlut ion tof ajplrtn rat iîleal ciansi ulil d lie îîîcîîrreuî: iifI tere in tiot. tlletu 1I liiiétulneft ecattal cut. teîdoitu a yti-n n luieh M bîrilla:tii tlhe Iearealt iossiltîe dtetil eîîtuture thle ttii, u li en atis% trai'tttahlP tailke tht tiornal sii)airosa otite isitiium nt ti ltiit -i ,itinirallé sliurtest tinte tusile sti-ure t, l'Aitnti ahri-rtyl Iw- cul te êtttoif titi 1<a i-hara,'ter an gîa îîîtî-iiiî't îiit atnd amtple etita- uivattiI tîtr tit itat oheiso titI alier lhe Alat or'tu the laiu rThe ay in transi4t utoit-fthe q ne -ius tutIt itria i lutk',i wouîlilie t.f sdut ia maq i t i e n lu i . i, t iu pareil v itIt sh orti- liag tlîe aitme titi-thet i-'uotruuýltio lecaitl lîr ,uinii-liiiig tliç niskdatiti il. lu short. 1 tlîre yr ti ent julîiiePt iii talui-,i'.ruiil.q îltestinsa tuolîn 0<1 itretiii liiiSttZainotg thtes'a rimiît lials for -a o<tîilu ,ra s ie ' h iit i -cve ,tiiu- alljll. fr a ti- lesî'l viii -wer loi-k-.i. îd fur :a stleIel canatl. tii iy. 1 liri pu yîu the ltteet'itr e-as greatl cllitiin o l citig uto tiisiotias i. o iililhie misih Ihitrugl ess tut i-ottii1îg thteîîîî-litioîîs. CIRCUS TILNT BLOWN OOWN. le-gaIne Bron-' Big -Cacrua ClIapae . on 3,000 Peuple. A1t IMari-> ui, 7o.t1ree periotis neri iortalli h Ii-t atdti ltiori- lita u i si-o r nionslY iîtjîîreîlIN h-n t hettlt,'itt'ft lI tinglint isIrttri 'ir-us acre bitais ivun 'tfùný,ty afierltuit l' , et' t tli iitl , <i -' w r e u l lt he r- nte luiuaiti t îti euitte %tluni broil il liihé o*tle of j'allie antd silferiug ltat illas'.'<d tiai> olititu ofu t hteté bu g tet -nlt lit di-atribtut. Great politai huit ruot ofseteacarne crsiiig I îec grouutil. bering lthebodieaufs 01îtelt ors'--iueit. votuttiasd chilreî-beueat atem. Cre futthé injoreil sud th tnieks. ut tee-r of tuioge,,vbo vernt) hrt vert ningled vith lte roaring i oua, IthetlratPetilig Of tlephautâ au te tearfiti iries ut rage sud terrori wl' atlmalq in cloget or li-bcains. Twer tycages cututailitg anuiual@ vere ovei arneil in lthe rejodst of the crovd, an the fear tiotantîe animais voulil cucai as-e new streslu thé pente. Tht garent, heuavy. net canvas tourie Il1 fur moute rninuteq anul rendertil ti w'ork ut reocuiig thé injureil sery difl dilficutb.'VThe strounger of those lu tt audience raslied tor thée exta beu tt frat crash isuit ainl ther farux>' escapte. roISleul betueen mothers and Élii bhldren. 'sepanatel . familles, knooebo iuwn frail wotnien tîîd aililéilto tbe ge erat conifusion aîîd îeril of thé aituattit The utuét qeriouualy injitréil ere cane toilerthe grelot:etîlter pt<les ut thterma eut. Scani'ely elle ofthîae buried ia ler litit wrei'kage estalpeti lgîlalt bruit .,i cotao. Otto lliîghiig siî Ibis IV, tite n-oralot trel bis cîr-ns Ilîd etacou eri-il mi-ce 11 cen. Ilernuan IlaupI t of aaRhhngtutu, ho js bile ohltat living graduste ut West peint, la îîlstiuguiglted lu thé mllitany bis. tory of the Civ-i'1%'ar as vetI salutrail- vai sud engineerhng ciri-tts- It LoirdtTetupleinore ttIItO itelY eci- brsttl bis eluity-tuurlli hinthîda, is nut tii. oldeat 1iier, lue la vhthout dout "tabliher" of thue Honte Of LOi-il, 0o v-b.lite liasbeen a usenber aixlî-tIîref <L'loutgh MnI. W. P. Frilli, R. A., ie 86 yeans ut sige, lié utvertbelq u wrk, aIt day tourge-t bis eaaei, sud it aIpneu étI tugagéil doiuug repilcais of tht fs-moui pictures vits vblcli«I amie vii es-e b. aasoited. Gem. Aitraiden S. Webb, Geme'Cartei Ii~ Wbilltthe mev demnde CI diselose no receaclen lu the bots-y lndtîélrlts. Morley tinO distributis-e ojisratioili made distinct ads-aauc. Batik el- c-iaugek resicheil thoir hlgbhilt total for oeerek sîtice. cari> lu May, Thte aurikloit of curretcy for crolit ilit- lig pirpesoteroacheli upo l titSt to the largest éxtént thîs mOeli a ût î theu- n-ais vIder retînieat fuou-iilfler- lai tonne, Mentstb ite latter bltm sîegotlilted et 5 per centI. Thîais rltC pnoiiutiiy May nov hecome the~nlt. aluini for cholce néneanlîle lî;butl'ui end bsaîtlng profitas rlîg Élit- hit quarter -lItlibas-e an iLuppysig ratioil. %Vtblesuît <eallugusiljfuil titli iu ýer staples nmade a litbstaîîtl aiilui. 4ilpîpitig rounis are iorkeiluy ity nd ulgît un the effort b o ovrtaibe ltroti<it tirwarilhtg. Notn-itlimtaiitditii tl.i- bcqs-ry butsinessa akeady îtiletl-il. tée a tbtitdaice o u huîtreirs'tiltta tiil"',- ee'eutted. and a llglier au'ê-r2tMs. ' -t lirove-î'notbatu uliberitî st-lut-i tits if i iiutiutti laitrge trantsationlI i- i nuti-t luil-dy gos. i-lt<iliInOh, uiiOti. iiet*tufiiliitligs uttand u<lit~-r llnery, <'hîtaka. giorerit- anditittî fruits. I"îruuer iuipr",4iii ofi anttIi - Cel.uit oîitioik fuir lolhti i-il>' oin- terlou relu il traîde laretreli ut Stoc'ks of utirulia udîi- iiiot ,' i< ure ut a luwin'11lt, tandii' < li-te- liletttsbmit procri-ila thaît'ul. Coul'leins utaki. a guod i slil. wblie tht' comnieri-I Itortiility alntt lu (i'nuiiuaralliii lover. Biank <'le-irings $9716<',.t.-ed lotele ufthîe crrtéîioniidig weeki i 1904 îy 15 Per-nCtI. Fiultres reporti lu ln 'th 'iriOdIs- trIct Humbler 18. agaliet InIi bî,t n-tek. tînd 35 a yesriltgo.-Dun's Ilets esc ut Trade. Traile sud ltîdluut<.s'î'il- huiTçI l e re iiarbttlIS' i-ite lu neariy ail liiu. FaIi eixtrlbUllon I lu i fll swing aîud ;u portions orthtecWest Ilautof tîuirg.' Pdettel svoltue. Iuto-nîuîr ni-r liti i -i'e stit tgruatly Ilit ev'lid'ce r t uta î.Y I-ont (ropi)is ontut or ,dange-r <orfr-t-:. Woon deaîîî éiti othlut iuti'ilitii < stilîtauind and I urlt.iOti.îiiing ttl<stii,. t,îîoîra, > Lul iiIau hil id osnaut t> tire uiitîg plî-IiitIis 3'ear. ('<l leii Il gettertully are gouil fîîr his géz-iutofu lte >-eiur. iesidtClte th aict tht r i-lIl trailts liaithe griiltural rPuiou-tii sti retatniel tîy ac-lis-etarmint u- lioua. tiroaçt slind earîiitt.rtf-r- tigirt vcî- 5 uier çent lua x" of ita yenrar 111. vieuîthte-présent %t1%tsuof r acthil>' lIratinaitlie t-w ttl. It ustnu-s fatinres Ilutthet' Utitîil Sltates for ltthe wk ending 8eii. Il Humber 188, ngalusb 137 1hui wci-k. 1417 Ilusthe like n-tek ot 1904. ]--0 In 153 182 lu 1902 antdi15S Ilut 1101. Il. 4: i a ile tellure@ for tleuen-ek ttitiit-r ililrbyt-t. ast igt<lust tvetily 1'i% -t ,t e-k îînd tuen-ut'Oi- in thisi a 7 car ngo.-ltrudtrt-ts iitt,- R ieport. y iIsi- tl. îliiO ujtne *I.15 t ., 0; hbsl pimîe hti-usý rt-l Iti 8:.<o heiti. tainrtiu h-'u,î.$3l, )ta F475; îrltît, Nu. *2. M83e t" 8.-: rni. No. 2, 52v tr 54r,sltsut itiarti, 0<' lu 2tr iy.- No. 2-(. 7'ltu il ht<t mtn uitiy. $154 tu *, .0;prairie, $.1 To $1 1.00: butter. ilotuiee ireauuury. tIti 1'î 2-; qggi. t-esh. 11'tu18c; .Pot$tlue. l'Pr l.îîshel, 31k lii45f. tu bu.lirligs.,ih)it ens-ay, $4.00 tu $50; hi-cl. colunîloui li rtulie $2.5<) te $4.50; uheal. No. 2, 81<' t e ,<' onu. No. 2 white. '-3c to 54cr;iiat'î. Nu. 2 vblbs, 2idta27c. St. ,oiiia-b'attle. $450 liiu*e.90. lînga. $400 ote $5o.ej0; sîttp. $4.00 tu g-L80* vheat. Nu. 2. 45c lu 84ecreura. N,. 2. r»-- bu 53c; -f<tih.Nu. 2,24C tus 26,c; ryt, No. 2. 58c lu lit)c Clinciuatit('atti-t. $4-(4> tIii *5.00; Itoga. *4.c00 te $5-5; sheei. *1)0tu $450; shua.No. 2, M1e lu M,-; coru. No. 2 niztd, -Aclii oir(;;-: 'tti.No. 2 tuixeil, 27e tu 28c; rye. No. 2, <60e tu 62C. $4.00 lu$t3e ;slti.p. $250 îî 5.00; wheat, No. 2, SI.'C lii84c,: cerut. NO. 3 yellioîr.5 lt 5(k-; als. No. 3 white, 27e lu 28c; rye, Ni,. 2. Mei' ii 2e Iltiwalskee-Whent , No. '2 iotlitrn. &.k t S.7,;c;iornu, No. ;3,52'o1tefili; ont.No. 2 white, 27e te 2S',; -,Ne. 1. 604e lte r lînhte. No. 2.49-- tu tac; pork, uteas"%, .10 ItuffsIuýCâtiê. chui'sice "iiuu 'leerO. l$4.410tý,' 57; og, fuir t-ilutt$.4.00 lii $5.940,1 sbs"- Poutuon tu gîîui l îui tl. $4.0 te $525; launlia, tairtolehilice, $500 10tu$7-75. 1.oedo~'1Ilcst.No.-2tixisI. b85i te 86e;c;iornuNo. 2 îtiNix Si5c btuii- uutuu No. 2 iixt , tuelu32c; ryt, No. 2, i-e to 42c; closi-r si.cîl. prime, $7., Nv York--caIllt.$4.00 t. $5M;> hogs. $400 bu $5.954 tiutp, l"'.00 .1u $5.(»; v-heat, No. 2 rul, 85e tu 87c; crn Ne. 2, rSSIIte 60e; ont%, tatunal, vhltt. 3ic te 33c; botter, crtttutcry, 19e it lu 21c; teg.s, wetetrn. 20i-te 22'. short PeronaI1. M. Caroltus Durtan ia ho paitut titi>pur. - Irit ut bIs hlltess te Pelle- )t Peter Ileur>' Chévanter. n-luimuide. )tfortne in toi iallotins, i4 said s or ce, Columnbus,, Brtlioloinew county, în<î.. is mi1, to be the retler moan of the. entire jopullation ofuthle Uniited 8rates. Plhilip@ Lebon, wiiu took out a lpatent lu 1801 f or thé use <'f Kas for lwibtiut poRpo"s, il; lu have. a s4tatue ete(cîe4 t.e bis jnemorf ln Paris. Hé was inurd.rs4 lu 184.

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