i d *2s U0. CW 0êi Lb gr bo wi a le ae ont firt six m@îth ba ,%Pu ......... im th 21.........l Maii w.in june 2. Meh circulation 200 ju Ane onaba -chool boy adbis ola a>m broken While attsunPting 10 tackhe î*otha Playr. JOua« Who. iras oas ot ;b. inos promisiiig playens on the teUIn inI ba out of the gaine for some urnea àmesiii of the. fracture. Con@tenit Ion bas strudli tbe homes o! Waukegai1 reaideuis ot laie beeause 0t te ueprecedonted bigb deatb rats amongthe ilfants of .iteeeltY. 01 it> 150 birtbes gofar tiIs Par 37 bablet-a&M rporiâd deuil. That the high rats of auhiis moug the. lnfants is due to a ad conditioni oftihe inilîlgiven them, le eIîeveil 10 ha inn.by tIie physîciani a0 the grester part ot the prOweit daY bable are bottle ted. The daat-h rate tg eîpecialy high luntthe torellilidbiat rbsre his lknowiedgs ln ebowu lu the alsing ot hildr5t. Tiasîve deathe froin choiera infanin a abus are eboun ou the reýrd@ cfthe.city. A roceutly dramn ordinance mhlch bas ast bea paued by tii. Wauksgati --..i olsill for .the. nulk dealer ubo i Leut Satutay môong Lonlu"Rue, deputy couty clerk, sou of CnuutY lerit A. * . L * nedees,,as cafl ledmiatte duprvsors room ,in the court bouae ai Waukegop aud lu the PrOeece 0o, the oardsd the rsi of the couui tY cert Who bai ssibled for the. occion a Meolution was rend comning hie crtaoUmeu as sean ofici ansd apreûet conslstlng of a hasuilul set of clIver kulves, fortssud spoona mas Pmeet-d biin luhe .naine of theofficiais 0othue counnu. The. gifi came asna. wedding Pre-t1 Mr. Rends ubo on Wednesday of ibi meet use married tg Miss LihaitPoForo asmo o Waukegali. A speech ut accptaiice use ortbcoiiig alter a pleaqaui rerinderbyanomeW 0tthe Offiiais Mud lu the naine oft he bride ho ibsuited tbëm ail for their good wili sud kind»ais cigare werehsunded around sud aIl mokod ou tbe genial Youug groom. Mmre. endes is a native Of Waukegau, a graduai. ofthie ll 'îgb hsebool sud poplar lu ocieiY. A. Chance Por You 'to bave your eyes exaiuiued free Md obtae the be@t gla- seai reasoable pricea. til ai ivci Den the' licl New t'v Tb air tac hi, wr UN bp AI - .aç_N sb'd lui. .asy. .tuai . ian e. ekld . Oea. Ud T. FIsaoi aSie Il -,40 Btbed .04tttd OMM55 iclill csde~olig sgrof eai uterteah rodact,.-Waukeffl wmli MisEmnert, exert oPtician Wili ha t uIiiaO i l=iulienuilu ii fture aliehn nl ai ithe Newcastie Hotel, Liberty ville, l asof lm le5 correct, poge dlegulsd by added-colorlng nlatter Sept. 26, gviug fre examnni0 T tilui; Ifl ur. ucdern iealias ofthle rmal tbing. Milk eyes. No one unged te, buy. avu soas1t eoe me 19 Auguls A -D IM, monutitet 12 pr cent 00ouds sud 3 per Seerns) oung ladies sud gentlemen i lem. i<'i* If uietil. cent butter fat or t wmliib condamonai. ot Libsrtyviile, lu jears pasi, .Prelared a Omanm aloeu1cornesunuden Lb. protectioni theinssîves for excellent pstions by polttet stlvt 01u theit.ordinatice whicb apples 10 eOndig ça le* mionube in ecrtng a l nbapy teadInsa earus u oeas mi .1 bronilghtraining for business Ille ai .atby snrts ubuigau ains.Asandram thla.Wril a ue t. hcaBusiness College, (67 Wash-. -b-p týAs raw thborraiaavte. ymlmail 30e iheir go slireulous la gane also mates h unlaut10use them iIlli 01haodwoomeî iluatrated catalog uPOU ei public le sasWil dWsased cous sund requires ihe dealer ID regneet.1 lie Biollilys wIlhie tait. ot a licenseston mbichbc he it M , William Desue movsd bis. bouseboîd i coucervied. $10 par year. efecta 10 Waukegan Thursday of tis mnmte i. k ir.Delanwill malle bis future Frank Mareball, Who reaides o tehome lIVnulWanhere i businoeslI declaras tie Laite eouub @ide, iras paced under aret by iocaied. euung rss threly 111t Officer Davis one night astwe i rtealIii. pomi*for ]Publie IauProve- j amaing80 Vouler charge of drunlisunewan sd taetsu the1mons ut Fai.'.)dM il olci ttinune roet.O 5 ofloftihe Bc a of Local hmnuiove. ute su luquirY as 1 oissation ucudercre"tOutar-mn,.BD.2,10 t C<ituy W. Ù. T. V. riving a i.ioliphartsd entfiermns. o IîvlIU lln0r Scd i. itais sud the assistance oth 3 ni LUother ofilhe y 1 page~ ~ ~ .u haii!e a quimed 10 pla"ehlle I aste -B- 9 alliE ae<oui lios nI gpcwa Fair adition. opub.dormaicoia<.s hmn *Tbunrsdi. Ouiober au As tiee -rrwonmlneodalil- ocm u ed hciithe -. ~~made a luit effort sud asethe b«vY Te. nl.i Uts et ild.l rdenue hbaviug lianaiedlu or orVilâ : lieortivillo. for the @Ilt trut bs ondinthe ioehefolloiuii mprovemsiais Ilae l WM.grai9s amug ec aratheht twi'Annected s@YOiMiof stolin os 'iesaId"WOn5D opanlu% and ludolng t'Oh bistb mas" sppyvIr 1i.liaÎr ta aOre I otn od mman15 aught sud oraslaed go ubt ihbai 10 ses "junoUeî and a d ncl eu sauputaird. oficer Davis uocos bWelIiis u aISallol u ae us ânem beon satated ihat heansvary sri!aetao WeLiR Ac- oni.nfiuutociac.MasalsdBasote; 'uI'n laukreaAvanue %ePTU, 50 vO WEI vuse attermard fluai p sand -ote. taf i nuelaolllt b viler, 011101 ot ibe Seés - avete;lun 0e treet front hast Batnn.ay ulght ai aboLit 9:80 î »~ tnue*eaieri a distance ofu ir bretb away uhen las o'cloc mlocrrdo h orl- e n irtr (17tule) teel; in A vrck ocurrd o theNorté. tom Avaneutfrom oie thonied Laite Coutl estern jailliuorih 0f ths Yards Ai ibisintrou AvenuetImtoaler icisi oticeru! aeccptng place unat iba sau"sIdeuil $ Pot thtu55 !uS e et18M f Lhtt> teebnesemella sthat villal' hna ontà egf<t>, ot).A ».Go- WteIOP.ISN. occurred la urelicoaéilug thue * enuste oi;h yistni.uC. lires and thousaude ut dollar e y n 0 Agrwnturli B"l ý0damfga ta the rolllug stock oetvene, 'as s-Qose Avenue tram D ueon ër of uervifýea u int ie ulthcompauiY. The wmc wuse 51'AvncIn.w0it.ay Froule attaches 10 t ausodle machtesaine .maânnsr fA utoAven3u teIuAeLe 10 Avenuel, 0 trmit Avenus; puIEIEsiEv romse Is r., mgb i an mhcb mas nabl p ai~~~ laslel 0 eî emtetgrade ontia 0f tome ist ati SemitAvenue ta to lie amnsrto f g trai bu ndoua tom Ilseukss Avenueisto auault s e apaeuer bcltgl orcliard treetfrrtte e'h lbe joli megnanluou o n CtryA brateman Who wmnas lm o 'euewonrtii Street. lu po«T bat off 10 hm If ha iia<un thebmtop 0f the caboose glvilix g o1ils sniin"a signal« lu a frailms.endeavor 10 ar<tjti0loM ;eEîattl strmi the wmc mas ubron un thibmgrottat bi, Iebst£venu om N00XivaiiUu"MêmAv-use isDEi'iuisuv u Bile? treetL; ta itîi sîntran. filai Ied<liethe impact sud rndele!uucousclous. amteo.îth N*bsrtAyivelit:nu!lrt 3e 6* ne botter, sud if Car mers plied up sud as mahig trais 1 ieêtroe ak vion rea. ilte frudfl Park et ue 10 doman as a gees me i. mas nseeeary t10 elear saayihe debre. way. a iret trilelfrnPot u i-rn Par mmif grise deirable m Luctl n oneuaàas 1ud sud ibt '?oi.h Avouaà.; .L Avenue; l il @ eet beimeen ihe brakete,the uly lmrlouely lujareitu f m ar in rapaeot teo eoari. étreu rein Park Avenue ap - ' te offirelplat Sti. morefuli decibed la ba Test tout mith A-OfatdfUt fer o ~ut oihe s"id Vyiu» ace.oey tAuiulg al lant of our -aulbarlhaubave talon teNa I flti 1,a, lipliy a lada' attendant. aivantage of our unprecedeuied con- paasr~ o d~aui oanti CourtIo xarhv proposes lu use its bination offer maie during teIii ar, e J ty11le lain utot Ama led lit, Fouler get tuai mbrby me gave the, Clicego Dcidy sâe t sl i.or !Lbril riles t te fnd ild puta .AcTi1 Jiacdo.s sol "at hroseile, L>ilp5c'a *110515easd the s1 plasudl c fNIuEPEIZiT n toit111 jan for the oil efuet thte a W lm oahaIra ulY rprialug ernail sain of $8.60, or lmi WeeSnIý i the eocieiytiath thChrooaaiute slons asIle for -direct ropoaltion tfroua the publlshsr. lu taut, su gret ________w____ nasour saccse t iat me a» enabled 10 ofst .*»BéfDl0 lo Z ~ ] contine the offr for a short urne sud ut made ontt blanks adtlas ailour subsAirl w uo w"ahto 11d0c0as tii l T Ttatlea svenage of tibIs otaiy t 1 moi .. ouamuicato mth us ai ones ibthealler i par ous fSole ma srumin lesubWaci 10 mibdm @al wI ithoni notice. 0 tn « ali*a I eS peli m uet bha.rernembered that tihe forac Amonut ectuailm1 a pt eue esin sîivma. .Wa mitout mn mm à aumP lhrosie hm batelu bmIsufeu jeans and lay j11seer.ilf.1.eh am y MuiCMosénai u " a6"0i nthseu asa nlg onderfil v tesme tamitie. 55UL trides for leadershipunutil nom Ilu;ak ee big la luthe nuuspater mold sud saong e -amn 10 .PAN «-d v.od s,55iChicagopapers le mithont peer ns an At rateof Ovéepr sae iy a P" ' AUL MAC- cles, relable, ne sgttlng paper. TM ce __________ChroshteeilnaapeOIr ihai ml hb;auanot%.. ian -7 aes-. m eil mmproved honor 10 any honme.idII 1buildings. Inuluire ut H. oioloseit ageatsein a edean Btt rtivlie.magasine of ihe hoaaebold. It. rotail I . l a lp l t o ! f 1 0 fr s h p r sl a i 1 f td c en t . a y e er s u d ahl e y o u r tsre touager c srourari,1 subscrcNr n eiat on to uta Tm ~~ ~~~ auace *rite nefor compe copy. j.îetasîntailtipa~a E-Rideard bou Oms'Regl SofsIe 1Brgains-AmoiiK ibmtheust4youil:l~l<~u reaste h. Abc »verni Sbiebrg" w e o ifýt e aeut olor. h so lia e»oWtriimnably. E. I. lng: saait houes iy n»mWpo"14 5o-tf lt 100110, 1850. 8oya«uoi hoom' '._vide._-_- 5OxIS0 loi, $1800.E iot mmbousm ,E-t igîu. W. M. st'vnAa, $*M0. NO acmefarine M pst 'acre. 10 50-2 acre. ose mile frout, village $100 per E - - acre. 1441aces four mîhouot $80 per f7f 5piii hmii EI04ïlEt4T-The B D.acre. Texile, <Clrado, Dakota. Vis- - 91 , ý 4u counuy, 1 .cousin sud Canada lande front $2 ta, $16 Ite alilbaril sud racre. -Excursionis free 10 buyers. ; uAbc rnimtop foaciadjon. ruî mo';ýrtoggse sured WB om Y~~R~alavanoeh. bparry for sal. Money ailfor Businea rata;, 6%e par dty Asu a S-Vis im yar ni Susa 011eProcore Immtiani & ArisTi, liuidenep rates ric pen day sud op rE-,1 tÂwÏi yer oilld tarin, " rcorblockl thrty ville. - 50 hf For Rent-4411 acmefarinituated onie 1,4 asud nue bal! mille nortih ut Round 'Laka <14~~ ("""pie.Mm 1 sNStation sud ocm tule fron Itoltins nuil Cntrgct DepartMl*à1 T gt buIs rde ibsrty- platorm inl Le ecoui 111. Verl good 50-2 buidinsudMlthe m le ata lu thie ~~7rii0i lut ~ bigliasi tate cf reptir sud cuivat"o. ir*;Jro t s..(k"iA pply 10,R. W.,CfnatasLi., Qryea. 52.2 ______________________cuit ââàý :z =1,4 eq -,» j r eao...ThC papo t hiago ut Minlg ithe lampliglite? la the 0« in 4OCUM$ of Pck.t aweek contain notice. oit 'usdeath pureane. Of!igid<uttesl. The -tofi t , PqiU ~ a lrgaret Liills, wîîo it wili lhe more iian ushenai nui utofdamag" ILB .JIPBN) neiiibered iras the daugliter ut lnvolved. Attorney Persons of - dyngta8.iAtre ennib Gibbons, of DeerlleliJ.Lakte Wsukegan wili bandleibtease for E. W.i onay fukietytlE, IActtn or [cniy's Minnrity rsëpre5fl tOa-Vtri 1<1-Lake Villa, srtihaIlgmdplck pSo illeo le siate legialature. Rurial was le us captnred aitiihe fair urollnds dutris t înnritCilinoteemetiery f ront hle à. ccident at.GrayalakO-Lat tSaturda3' . otbtho9491" ontit.f Sair sventng George Adains, workiiig ut r=fiiWiaukegan Wii a bonamaa mne he . aed . (Jaaufug actor.y toiraylaOi, la5froid, Clîlcago sud sscatadbis clbnrp is w In ust y Fo Zi n- It im utho in- th o*vict im of a serlu i sacient W htCli re ais , afro itu the coenty jI l U be ho h wvl lnd up odZolt is auDon ill lu nia cuat him bis arm. In suo wu hélas beld under $1000, bon> wsly auu u»cd Iiai ion wjl )P manuer is ba d w~u ca g t in te, aw ting th@action of the grand ju t, p 4 rieur future have at new Iîidutiry 'î0 i machine whicbhli a ns onerat- Oný Monhtsy justice Orte boulait ho t ib 1 halle cul a M*raPI14-r tCA)irY. ligat'010i no h wit. He ian over to uthfatterni of court on ltae l t wn ait once inken totiitieLalisside charge ot piikng the pocket ut John 9£ Pte mnsbshld thee.iiim 1 I)arîn hospital au operati>fl was perftoried, Clarki, cf Wbeelng, the pncionar iuaklng FI orelocli, tormerly of Aurorand linluhopes ot saviîngsthe moucber butut no <jefenesl. qJ Lraigeineate for tle starting 01 the i-eu i otcrtain wbether Ih wlll White Attorney Colby stâtes, that ha actory lu the near future are ouil to ha neCs55a1ytanîputate ih or Dnt ,ea eae ima nsu ithe til an ith .' Kmous sd Thmas,>~~ Oîs-Torn e v l, e in 1 fot stfitulet to conYlet bllac lve beau couapleteil - moaan ThmsJ rhr'De Toa . la lebellsved by mauy thau aheimâta il lrcqppers w»I lithe. principail Pn<ducts (Grahami passed awaY uai Tbhomcset orifelubla bond. Tite bond wasuiahpd E md Ziongirls wîiliie euipliiyed. For LngLae testMonday r'go1t 16galter by HarryG.IMMillar In Chicago maos statte ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I #lon bu tît ad il steigsveral uonbein hert man wun> scedules pro rt 1 the -roulble. tMr. <Graham wu sa bachelor, vains(d 07,ri0upou uhirib here ho ail naeded to carry oni the work. , iloryyar tge u for tour viol ae t$0.Jutc .V.Sit hat e d ben clerk of he townsip sud Jamen Mrrie a povd the bond ute- Killed by Cars-neev fngInt oftGrant. HiemWu s moucher of the wbleh sîlourd the rele eoftheii mai], 0 reel a wmuly the namne o t irni Graham Brus. ot ilti Long Lake ths law providingsht uherse aimareit bulthida Lundgrtn, l t ig at 111gb- huîtel and a cousin ut Supervisor juâge in not a <esident oftihecounty imo F wood, thirty-one yi'ars ut age and Tliî!î Grahamn. Him Iinim ax nOt iocai jinstites may retentit the prisoner by m . onsIdered rteaî until a f,'w dayo . îPX ovîgiiabod lealfor esr, wa strrk y nsutl bitus denib. Asistalît States Attrney 1Miler hait bouild Norubwemtiýrn train wliile .. giyen inqtructIons to Justice0rvis betorec tietilptiug to criss the trnrcs at ilat Three Men ini a Boat-Tire muen lied a uhon the taue unlglnally apparda ce place sud vine ijstantly itisu. Tite ratter excitig rx e meina gamnen tailas k froin ths bindm 0f JusticeI lîîuneh btI the Niaval Tratining site liaikley, ut Libertyville, lent meek, tuni nain crew did uit knuu anyone lied <unr North Cliicngo une day lest we.'k. ho shîold tli. nu bond uniés given on boI struck and tl é train î.untinu d tu T ie m on ie (, - (Ii rey .luîn M<i, g ud La kte county sscuriy ben cs the thep nexi statÎio tfîire ih uns utopjsel. iîwn'r <if the boîat, living ati îlcgîi bringing ofthe unatter before justites nie wuîaî~ îoiî *nsîerily J. G. lîrittan, nîimo of Chi( 1 lîui, a n îiti anduitMulri. Mr. 1Miller waa in TiteWoniii'sbo(I waf t ir WY f lonson and Fred llorn il ut1ox ietyville at the iiîîîe th reieaoe Ofthe îngc . As it wuLS d rk ai te tine L ae. TIitebi ta c] înl Iiifin ut F ix îî1a unsseured an d khum nothing of lu i ici belleved that site did not use, tbe hake ail munuer and lmt Wi.dnesday unîl tue tuilliiwing day wlhen hoetient tu approachling trai nand bping unalle ho wumas lîed 0. Vnikmnnduit nithaut iu.g heuar aiepped tn frontitout h. pt>îe launeihed mni.n Alko lithi- White tit.- taBl igenearal tOinthle min gan. The itres inubail sînrted tL ii îlnot show ntut h fitahrin of lark. Road lncorporates-Te rond taire the luttle <r-afht. tthie City ieourt Attoîrney UuIliy staten that his itbOut a bsginnmîîg and irithout an bui uhen opIposite th~e Traning jean will ha niWay iiianimer the charge station the utivili liean tut roll againt hlmu whee b thîMne cornes. end' as ih bas bls.u t ild, the CjiaO, liglî nd snon the. watîr iaiîe iîîî ____________________ Waukegau sand Iortîi Short. bas uit tihiboai in suî:h îjîîuiitmlis .tii malle last intorporaied<one.ofuthe ils e itsin the eniglues tco dead". After tdîm By ts Record utofremartable cures li popse etîns'.P hu aîdlias tîw %verut.thie msnieylrt tuewaVes l% c"ii1ilirltins lwciiue, Use itprooue exensve itae ad nuit i itero driftiîîg abut for n lime one truc blood Punrifier promineihy Iu both a etarthig ilueaiend a-finislitg ltheiot mag capiif. 1.As Lh. wiîud th ulliGey. (ict oniy llood'a. point. T i s i l e i. < d "Clark" rond uns fro nîl t tsenor huivît tIi-h ouai ys P IS - 0 l e t I wv4acb for the pust several yeare bas linalît drified lu luuid and tLiiilliuen Hod5PsarileiutflI ait xhautedcondtio wadd aht;l. cthcresd lIver rmedicite. 26c. tissu maling efforts lu p)uslil itsway a xuse odtii ae sir.eLai up alongtAie laki thon. and uns the pet gbeme of the 'luit. Aleaunder Clark. un IlT TITh linior io bis suulîlen denîji. lnlur4uÔilfhIlIfh~ bave been takeli oui ineurporati[ig the Charles A. Takace. unaer 1iart ubiel lipm ictueut lihie.ugîi ami WilinettI,t isi(iikg ithe finit positive,-friday, _ ept. 22«d 1905 stop 10 bhi talai' liVthe riind tîr that setionutoflis pripiiu.dline ulîich lus Dhp Van %Ninkle between Waukegnand Chilcago. ORIGINAMR. S .. . V la r ... for hiN Mse lîs . . L / A è I J V a rry Ja c k so n if a torch n luii' innldmo! the. otfkial lampligiiter ut the village or Lale Villa, Attorney Ni. S. Miller cof that îîlu(e is nom siig the. etnlxmrntlon foir the necoteny o )t$10 ahichi linu iii hie oui as a rcuit <of tiliuileiit. Tih ill ia for tih ufflrunt entaled in a hiieni bIac.IsPitib's. bill fuir repiairs tu the conveYaUce ouftthé salt attuorney. It appenrs that Nillier wns.drlving along the utSirt of the village ulasu bis bores snddeniy bolted s& a reuIt ilueie ilaesi Amard ai St. I.îauim Exposition Lent a d BroachwIa Caret Cougis, Strengt Luno, goutly moye th meanat te the tubu ulihu fer oung and Old Buit Stays Is Rigi Iseil them from 2 horse to horse power Let me fi1gure with gou, as mg prices will. mike ilt tgjur adventage te Investi- Also a tulli une of Fairbanks& Morse 'Wind- -A. W. Lichtfeld FaWI Terrn opeus september 5, 1tJ 0u tWquaTt81'll, il' ii tate, in 'ýteele" Bloek, otnerGeltesuee anîd Wa8Iîing916 St. Whbue i<5B is taugWas bus5a±tiis.o+ Whcrc the bc* ftesebre sd is. eg methodu ar e ui d. Where sWtîlo iS e, miaed to dae ahpo$ktiou S"04« Otinoiuetiofla la Booldkeepiii< Shortýt'd Type, writll5.latem - 5s. oa. m egrpbti ce work.- Urltme18GrammW. qaclilai. nmnhip. coý0*nerdal lau huslnuêlam. oreponeac. Egishactual icsfu BDIMi t uuh rite for cataoge. S. A MUtSO4, Pes. ' -C. 13. MUiý0N, Secy. WALJKEGAN BUSINESS COLVEGE, SEE Rip and the Oummries Up in th.0 C sIl Mis. L Cu OS OF SPEcIALTIES Prices: 25c. 36c, 50c, and. 76c au, COUPISOf~O R*e#eo. Suadag, Sept. 24th 1905 rthoe the Bk O Theovs ulw u.98 ýc 8%. . 1 l'w i.tuL hIniti tinle h3 il t Comed y, Sentiment, Seusatien and Teai Pnces. 25c, 'à 5c,6e,&75 cenl Right - Rigt't Machine ht Repair BO ~Wodf Iatn 110W lInei~l jinM equippe to doairfl km1 ofipè rearigof Enali jr Machines and farm lm mentit. Quick Ser7ice au William Laqcock Liertyvle 1X EVERV EVENING AT 8:11 Saturday and Sunday Matins. nt Comparé thae"-»Ikt lth whet VO" nnIs. par do 1en ........ o Extre fltabbes par deac...............e Fruit jour Pf3* Rech ..... .........s .IIly Qiasss wlth tin tops. dox. 206 TIC" AÂND COFFEES; IIIOleCsSun Ovlsd Jaen Tée lb. 85e Tut Ym a lB oauIS Toe Wufoa English Breakfast or 001011<Tas 4Se a 1au0 4»9vj.tr itil. Ceylon and india Treà Soc gradelb. soc v Fan=yncolrdélapén Tes lb. 0WC Koiverrvwkf5etOme sMM wonti I Gunpbwder or Youang Hyson tas Ib.80e A q.ely %»% »V er tfla i e uy Finest- Formosa Colon£ Te&Slb. 00c Noihlag botterla 1h. Niwsos ga69"e st Engtlsh Breakfast TesprrSb. 60c ogi gmoer oulia A& me or tisa ~hlc GSn olfe* ..par lb. ...lc Old Maracaibo Coffée par lb..--20e Bouton Moche and Java Coffe lb. 25e 0>. 0. Java Coffepar lb .... SOC Fînest Mocha and Java Cof'.. lb. Sac CERBAL8M pettijohn'a Breakfast Food. porpkg.tas . ihbmded 2 Whet*a pakag ...... 1 Ralto Br a s ....dpar .kg 149 oraps Nute. per pkx ................lc Poatuin Coréai, large pkg ...-......... BAKER'@ CHOCOLATE. cake..16C *AKEWS COCO^ 1-2 lb. can ..20C Monarch Baklng Powder lb. cen 8Se Or. Prices Baklng Powder lb. con 40C 1 lbî .an kWlmon ...-. .......... ... ..... 12e guatard Sardinmespr ma .............OC0 ilonarelà Condensedil1k tlie an.....%O %int hotde Toniato Catoup.........10 i-lb eaui Coudeneed Soupa ........... IO oriole Seeded Raisins, pound pkg .1.. S Tanksi rlup Carranta. pouad pliE.. -SOC Boit HeadBRa e r lb ............. e Beakinoç Soda («3 biursIL.pkg ..:S LAUNI)RY SOAPS, ETC., 10 llars Amrican Famils Sop.....Ili v) creain Laundry goal)... 39 10 " swifto WimilSosp.ofmallnile.8Pe 10 tiaro Lonox Sop ...............U c <irad pas ViWonde'r Tar Soap. imr bar..49 m Lump Stsrch (in lulk), pqor l.... 4 HomodAmmionla, per boutl. 10 pFerfection Rluing prbottie....... toc' a CanU Pereton Lye................ ef fialvaaimed Tub.,aeh..69c, Sac aud 80e lCopper liotxn ieamhboler.........98 (iood 44Sed hrmom ..................2 Itlsimg Sun stova lollali, per ikg .... tkib ie pr cake............ .........k Sapollit) Scouring Soap> perrako .......& Tangmefut iicky Fl7 paperli3sheatâ OC c E. E.- ELLSWORTHI dm s 'y iy le- ,d *-tf-d mlinois kt 2*30 MAFATE 0 Marbe a-dGat *ooumenis Cemetery Work 01 Every DescuIptloii Cormondeuice bolieItCd D. A VOUNGO floulse Painting Bccorating wwrluem frkw er da et werk mmd cas ulve gem qWU servie and guaramteema"Ir' 1 sen lte BesI et Peints le large aod smnoN quantities. mlxed te suit. stoe ad eopt GEO. TEIOS' OLD ' STAND. MIL , WAUKEE AVE. SOUTH OF HOTEL. LUMBER. -AILKNS Good Grades at Fair Priea.. DOORIS. wINDOWS, MOULIO- INOS, BRICK. LIME. ALPH4A >- PORTLAND CIMENT. SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE, ETC. G. I. SCIIANCI(> SLibertyville, II. - Qdg'ruai. the fotindaihc wiio . mh w e are buildhhg. 3adSIcbOO.or your mous Boyer Bràs.«, Saui 'or m 1 5c nti M tIg Li) bï; ont but cht enOf . 1 1 m kp P 1 riglit priceri. il it