Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Sep 1905, p. 6

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~ISAkoeU1U ~. DRAUM~~ *ià&QMËUY lV b4wsge sev-1 table>, ai, O ZsTisc henae br ta tise 40itthusaugi Il S, use rrslithsého1o* ithut1 .an AtlalaaUmes bis a s nalli bd4&S a ladys dock. .WI&lsa dis-1 4 -., eab b«"ast4 ro$lacat the1 baud ou lu É*491sd te Pick Il op au t 1lay b& in demi e,ae*mir the ad ' zig:a»pmpingfrisathe pocist, . Me" oi t out bomnedly,1 t,ý as h. dii s, sous destij J obon tes thlb.tabla. SILO w4 vha" ab isi lt.e Issue NS 'Il vwuthe pbotugrmph ut a rou te the dresslsustable, vîere ~M vore stili huruis. tlu md1 teet Ihe plutugapher et tlb. l. cri. Thse priatin wvaInlu s e eh* id st uudévtand; but abs )t mau e apanisi. Site lumued 4cture again, sud £inlIse strour e ccl mîmot mais 'ot Part ucrptios ou theapinuheutoné. s aîe a hevas sure, bégàn vithi ir "P." lmortier te assit ber, umed iss MaUiga s agultyiug ut, vIls the nidi ut that, she out tle naîn, or as much of! h obe- e" is unhd clan>' trace; e a blot, follovae i I--l-g <,u'Y 18-2" The rem-iodier ot Sdption vasunudistiégaliable. e axpected Iis! Tbp grave ut àt#lUbgl Thon wvben le mis- ",i .dvealuvé-e' usurper! And lav a sbaud lu délrouing hem!" w1ped thse perspirgtUou fromn ber zahreus t acs, Ptiousi the photo- abrdram, anti lcked théetiesi. CHAPTER XI. sasi b un Meaus béartlees, anti oleue pricked her moto ottan te eleut vitI regard le Etîsi ,- 9 weAdsa'ad a 11111. if she ad saud te Ses for lien, If aIe hati 4a asaoeurte bhn, or if pqqt~ Sli ber te off erhlmIa isfree' .bai sat hMbookishl 1111 pot ou ber luger vhen lIé>' vere py togter. snd, vils s strauge ho ecarrled Il amonth il jet tis te Jai acis bégan lu b* ho omget lue aU in Bucking' euS>' te shoi( is gratitude bail âdoten hbaablla Mles se tedo lacisa god -tes ahtwà, *#tekduiIL, veu ull e sdut et sep- bans. vras feli of Po0- ited te "olothIe llsgfer o#ened. A joul" ,Mea vere Mbilo'U b.ofMeMov bt et toi voeI ud " êab 151*5 la. as ~u5~5ebiflgsUt andllu te f sigaa sl for tj If"jeumilUaI osel *0sbleasbrrbutuyles- u iustmms l-awo- - e kn f sth1ev iser. ta b-le enuvm reU iau l.e Mun-&* po h* 5 b-ecSag alie ver> ~ ulm vmu g. flva .Ner15va e «NIabut at ivu Iffler thm la ao «A ji is Maate»w t auroot meaus I bolm"taler su tbsud mbegl8"grtew fre s&slt5n kkoIf he ad buslinsl Age rve e* tthe brlr a tI t Mm aItt'à w'us.-a br =aleraiseli iu e Mlslb. oa du" t le ac, e wsumevisalemplquedtisa choe% abs sasbsaigt tl 04 l ie ast 151 bis nejarSo Wra tIbaeng acs.fH. 1.11et- WKtIf bepad bser a rd uin etlaeliosforrmtub.ontl t offlalaStereltmaiboepr, W vMofoiiilie acmtsakh& v Ondrd e j stli',Mr. lett c»i« ohia ofms ulr Ia h m lu tat ite as.t5ireea i" 0 lo e br aefult âlal lésv t e odcierafoi Bd fiaist e h i. fir kb#so a abokt et e, ý,s& MJta v a mct ethopv h lp É for theittee h *M te tat s th" ho v dame-j'aI gavily b tisas miRub;bt a iP the engagement; but eluaill Of CO thers wae uotbing fr me te do but s7 . quieuce in jouir wleb",," Ethel fait bow ungenarues Ibis remark 1 wae, seelu that is nagect lad led te What badýifles2d; but miss vgeid -st1 lie drîvan jta r»oUenacu. hlm, sud su ulve hlm cause lu Justifi blussaif. lier feelings wèe too real te beau, diesse-' lion nsd abs avulded tisediscussion. "TIratin eal pasast," thes nid, grave- ly; "bttar lt il rut." Thouagb abs dld nul gaj ont word lu salt-deteose, thers wss a vould ut e proach in the subdued toues uf bar ad- vices; though ber speech vas su mldl!-1 teront, ber whoie marnuer aaserted hieu, rigit te lie considered more than lanie- Lim Irouihout thse affair. jacis fit miseabli susali nuder heui calss gase, aud i respect, for bier wag vaslly lucreasadti >'Iis lutIle passage et1 arme-, ant, as ha was ç3ruied hy' tbe al-. lemuocu express baocis luMalliugford Park, ha could ual chaise freai is mnd tbe table ut the dot sud the ahadow. dRAFTE» XII. Thé ain vas comlug dowu lu torrents. endi there vas a general expression ot dinappointuseut on lthe meu'e faces round the breakfast table et Malliugtord Park. "But ion kuow Il in raally too bcd,' Cecil Danesford oheervedte 10Miss Mail' lng. "Tour bondi man bai fixed to-day for the north endi cuver, anti ho sas Ihey are thé e ta n thé whole éslaté; anti nov Iis rein comes aud spoils She Who le Motu. Il la anuoyiugl, y(uu usust shlow." "Pour creature-men!" said the lIon. Miss Colling, reflectively. 'The comnfort ut their lIne dépends upun the une amusement.o! the bouir. Deprive theun ut that and lie>' arce trandel belpiessiy. (liedin a voman!", "Weil, 1 hope yon vil bave guI over -the tiret ruais- saugltcr btis eflth2' Pauline lutérposed, bringîug thé couver- ntion back lu tue original Objet. "Whj by thé 171h T' severai asied. "lBecanse I shah lIhen antale my long- déterred usjorily, sud dear old Lord Sommera iussts thaI there viii ha a big affalr ou the happy occasion." "A hall? Deligtfnl!" éxciaimeti thé ladies. "Anti I sban't hae hère!" muslftred Ce- cil Hisaltention vas satdeni>' erre'uted byan adnerisement lu the Times, e icb h.e helti lu 'i baud. "Bj aIH lha's myserion' liîe exclaiss- éd; anti thonnlhé st gaziug at the newa- paper lu mute atouishmeut. Bertha Colas leaneti d look- sd at the place hé -vas pointiug at. "How sxtraomdiuary!" she exciaiméil. "For pi's Bmise, let us lotothé mis' terj!" Panine said; sud Bertha rend ot the folloig sdvertisemet: "uiMsUlagford Park-Ift Iis shoulti meel 1the e of Sir G. M., hée yl boeu ut somethiar te hi@ dacided advautege 1b>' appljlug lu Meurs. Daws & Rtaven, 16 Lemsan atreet, . C.'" Thwee vs général atusishuseut uti Lvarieus ver. lbheomrmises as lu vbat 1Il ceuli men.Jacis. glanciug at Peu- liné, vas suprimed lu e ber sgtated ïamitetIlle lul.Ipt. Bbcmolloaci ta hlm Dot te sties Il, a"ltought dater- mlacdly vIls hem emotios. The othere vestae mortsabsorbail hi thir cut'le.lty' te tatas mucli esd sud she bore hersaIt cas demi otil breakfat yas fSisbed. "WIrot eislp Mr. ettesand me >te à"uIsis hla theu lsards for tbe sec- >,uentatl?' abe saked Jacis, as sheIeft the breakfast oo. lack premsd te o lin em lu lbe boudoir la a quarter of as bou. Ha dld sotet Us te IbIis uof Pauline'slouis, le vwu a pour StugglIMg arlisI, wbo laed 1bilste oIlved hy tise exrcls otbg un- taidl tàant, and PantIn.wvs a ri, rbil-hem vmaz, is auperor iu mont rtigoat IaI00051lu Ibis vorld; jet he vauiDotsete aisbr bis vifs If uh. dtd nt bileve ier lit. te ha spolIas.sud wllb. ont av. Tis vusthe Idei that bann. ai lien an h. rscslled ber louisantishe brakfast table If ever a vome's face. sipreessi udieulyaroused tsar, is tapa bd dons suevwh eIsa ( Cli lin pl hèt idvortlas et la tise Tisses. He -*t n Ia le tliq breakfast rousulha- toré as jolsai Paulien. read thse adeer- rtissapat *gls send copled &bue .idress itî 'bis not" hock. 1i iamn la lha usigbborhood vIls a f-to n:mq te eparaI maY looistâtent OP=a r'bst i Meaus." hasdecldet. ho a Ileved Ihe ladies te ths aboudair. Pau" isI ilookislg unlika heu,' edf, vasditins vIts lmBottes. lacis - sa l oe to atet'butwvet sralgbt té h lsrpk oet inagluthe Invitation$ trett- ti Bloutnamea ien his. Mr@. BettesloftIthea uoom atter a tisse; endi =pa, ao~treis: teluJacis, put hem baud "Il know vhat jon -re goiug tSu sci aie; but icau't tais- about il just nov >-no; to-dsj. I viii tel] YOD tu-moruv, or là; day &fier; but do't epeais of it nov.' I sais I sau aavr." lutci t eprplexed. Ha bsd expecteti tIsa moment tbey ver, cliestogetber lIaI abs veeld toit hlm vhaî bsd ceussd .ber disqulel. Re féit unbappy aud vom- adejet ho cold hardI>' torce lier ta apeais ousa subject Ihat evideutl>'dia- *ýcUflo, I do't vaut te vorj jus. Ydarlinsg,"'h. asiveeti"but 1 ma ces- teesouI1arc cuus and I @hall lbe glai Who vba ou usu tel me aIl vithont dis- trtesclng jaursolf."1 es "Thant YjOn vrj much, desu,. Andi Duv I vauttlu as ous if thora la auy oes og vould lte me le sentiàa dm0 te Sfou, Ibis bail,"- a- ackiloumban ahoIrepliai: a' "Tes; tisera are Iv. people I Sheulti .dlu us oiutlavit-lir. MalenI asd bi Sdaugbtsp. 'lhu , a erythhlg déairs- B l ~i aeidldut soggSt l; and tise n1 oseesvs w j- ssi m lah i-daa abat arte ses" d; .Wa thédatibtsm kisîs, tlu elacs or Agala a is e 1.1a lttws 88 f "1 l ro eui-.a bit et a viteis, f l avs M& t anmgis. 1 "i m uj evl ett* Ic ââu, s u Iuthor.viiih. Me user gt lues>' pont#V t~a e ad ont IV ho by. IN« Obi'Vas kW 1te , Dius fÏrlbtl" *bo re#td uèouatu las reom. 'lue s Wl» se *11w a seceqtl tween u. Wbaf easu ?IÏ67Il Y I', o ect a lie to ajcotant fer h, etes mal be an adeertlsement la to-merroW 's *pa- pîeu that wlil exposeali. Who eau w«ont to SundGeoffrel Mlllng ater allewlng me uudsputed possesion for thse lent six jears? If tbsy Sud bien, thel wül»tel ail, and ho wl l iel lsu**ne they cannot se"t hm for syhl3aIe I met duamvsg heu' muais tkqr kw. or boy cau I Sgt theai t at ta anther; 1I mut do It ujesif" aud ltll tusse tiougts rouu tbroug babr uind, abs crocsed to tise bell, wUch Babotta' prumptly answeredt. "Babatte., 1 waut to rua up to London Ibis afwmrous, aud 1 don' t want the 'whole boutse ukaew about I. Babttes eyez liseel yula quilit glane. of Intelligence; but ber Iids'droep-, ed lustantly, andoséueswered, MIÎWly4 "<certaiuly, mademoiselle." "If the peuple see the brougham Isar- lug the bonne, t wll net thets vouder- log, su I waut jou to ru devrato the village dnriug luncheon sud brlng bock one of the public filesfrom the tu tbere. Tell the man'to drive to the stable yard -lun tact, jon can corn Ie ak lual; and let l be there hi a quarter put tre,," 'Very good. mademoiselle.", Babette's face geamed with mrnel de- light behind f'auliues bock as tbe lett tihe room. 1 **u you tbink you bave oul t50 go te, Messieurs DawasIL Rajen sud show jour pretty face, and mayha a ten-pound note, or go, sud tber will tell you ail about the person wbo sent them that udvertlse- ment! But you doufot otwit a Franck-, womuu go smply, my gooti triend!! M. Dawa la quite prepareul to recelve joui witbpollitentes, snd to.telrYounthat hao reslly kuows ntblng more than that bus client, wbom he lenflot at lbery lu name, ie anxioue tu obtain the address ut th*. present Sr (ieoffrey;," aud the girl chuckled grim ly as she went along. l'That old Dawa sill lîardlj risk loing bls shure of the plunder. eeh to oblige a. sweet, 50 haudsomte, go soft-voieed a lady as jon, madamer" and the laughed sais' ý1as~ plyd-tbn meeting bewem bare mistressansd the lawyer. "Il wisbl1could) ha there to ose!" ýI Pauline stopped ta seak ta .Jack as. they cross the hall atter luncheon. % hall lie dowu for the whole aLler-- noon; my bead le aching gu dreadfnlly. Wbat wyul you do witb jourselt, Jaek? wAt asday in sucb a terrible aufilollua' la a country bouse?' -l saoliwork. t's a veek to-day gane. Itoncheti a brunîh; t ylhoaa grand opportunity. I should advine jour takiug good rest wile yun can get it" Jack respouded. lua. matter-of-fact toue. peu]ine set ber teeth iu ber nnderllp and lafihim. ber mnd racked with anx- iety and fear. "IAt il Mt 1 Imont he la a position te tell hlm s omethiut that wiilnt hé cou- tradicteti. 1 mont Sud out boy macb Ibose peuple know bat ors to.uigtt." (Ta ha continued&) ?A OINTUAI WAS TOO Tao R««6 Olti Lady' Coîburn u s ilnusber granddaugbter comne good advlca, the ,week hafore ber weddlug. "Nov Its ail verj fine for, jon to have the»l plane for rnaklng John oer-If ho neede ftl." nid the old lady. "He may have asreideas about retorslug là fav lttIe habite o u ~re, oy'deam- but jon dont vaut tago tu far. elther ut You, sud You want te b. pretty corati Iwbat jou saY. "-wben I was a girl, somebodY toMd me thse stomy ut a youug -oma ho madie the jomas man. ehe mr" promise ber ha would bave notblug teý do wth Smoking. Weil, that vSani rlgbt esiongla, hit-he'd n-erbeau o tutamperate ensoker, sud ha missel te littIe sootblag hedd beau accub- tou.ed te gelt rom bhis pipe Once lu a WLll. *,But If evar she 55W hlm looklug nt it she'd remind hlm, 'You Promi"c me rieveu, to hava anytlslng ta do vitI plp.c or smoking when wa were mal- l"Th..u une day the kitchen stove a*~ e4 blieail posesed-filîed lhe rouan full of emoke. SBbc nid as ethough* thae tovepîpe needeti cleanlng; but ho -ha wonskmd of stubborn, ne au ntostlmnnare et tims-a-ha e ut eIbeme anudsnid, I promimd iyen vhz wa wers marriati never te bave auj- ldbsg tg do willa pipes or smoking, sud thie coames undet bath headm.' "Aud the had tu go for the stove moan Lî'selt, thougb he was a rosi conulderutp man, mont va>'., ber bus. baud rut. Ton Juisa ber lu mini that little crcnrnsleuee wbeu joure mab- rlng John over.", lKerely for Illustration. A echool teecher wbo bas ot a very goond memor', gasysliat @ho somatimes, torgets. frorn Frldey tao Mouday, vhat nome delinquent, wbose pnnlabment boîte over, bas ectually doue. It may hea thebachld's motiser haîsbeeu $eut for, ta talk about the M5tm', and tison the wsy le plin. àýTheatoachur s ummunsh itI111e culprit5 6" asys ta ber severely.', "Nov, tell 7M rmelba exaotly vbat bappeust." Tbé, blld4 j foarful of correction, talle, a8" the rteacbeer'sMemory le uefrasbad aA cerlsiao0fcel', vsbmbiment wve et ridle iwsetle., hecajse aaaspate et their rImaae **Hers," lhs sai te t«s et tbaa 'IgIve me your g»a." H. abt t th targat, butthe bal w vat vilS. Tlh, mou grlaud. ,L '¶'bomesalnd the assi ta the mam * vis bai lent hlm theig. "", ruht'g i -Va>' on b-t' andi~ RsOotme' abl; 10,I 1%* Wbls baai ufthI*s Rehau about ltssftlboveranamiHie tmd11 lnue " ls bqnlmyla aaei Uv* 0 as!ésemm se 'ia AI the pue eset Ilam , bamt-woiisxt mms "d vebai liais and ti heot'là"$i woum -aui a WW.lpsano >uy sud a nov n'te Sf Uaq et s a saq cI reply- to Il.The feeling. t Ilsth clatrbI41 Clrttla nutla flu 7Pt1h villa tIs verkera ofthe a orli veud h. forever, nenioved. 'Th. churel foumdai by the Carpeuiler ut Nausreth ahemili boome pre.suinentlll the eburcI ethtie vuuld'a verkera. A vital question for thse church membar of 10- "Hou' do Chrlat'e tollovers lu- 15aprt 11is Iachiug lu olbat'a?" (lau athers e hoelelaI doubî lu the mini of aur. abat vers the leacbings or chrislt ailhfull>' tolboneti b' al protéaalni belle! Ii Hlm. nu argument voulti ho neededt luprove thal the chnrch. la nut opposed to labor? LeI us' examiîne ourselves tint, renouncîntsisn lu ounr ovu Uves. sek lu vIn Ilose -or whom nChrist dled. W'é rendt laI vîen Jeass as levea nmong mcn "lhe cern- mon people leard Hlm glati>'." May' ths lima apsedîl>' mime agaîn vheu ait Il. plain, ortiluar>', commun people, tise vuritis lackbone, HI» hear Hlm glstily! Many out lem nov du su lna thec aunach of lIa living Christ, la clev orth1e gréaI esponaîilllj'et- log on Chriss ollovers let usdMev four ba"S t Iouglte from îlhe text. pi'rst-Notice tIc quesoioner sud bie spirit Tise attitude outhe I quiror la citani mportant. Supposi slt-intei- mate mal' blinithe menstab vision. The bigb pint cought coma damaging ad- rnbNdOn trom jeans. Ara va sver guutj ut prjutigothers? The mv- fui day test approabea vIsa Ingtesi ef t Ilbolu Jeans betore Use lIgh prient, Il vîlI ho Annaanti Calaphas. Heroti Aud Piliats, junanti 1, leturs Jeasa. Beccnd-Notce the Quesalousi (lu during lRis trial. W1kts uPrma diE- uity ut perfect sslf-auMMant! Anti lic vaa undrgoing this ftutIhé bel- tarmeul urthIe. vuii! . Ha vie vs- cealodthelIsFatherbooti ut (oti, ami the brothemlsood et man, lad ail but measedhet llcentral moment lnu lma te, vîlcI ail propbehe at ouset tor- van andtelu vich ail histomy nOW louis biais. Bbouli vs fat] te vor- slip Hlm vWho la th. "taireal amoug lIoneautis. slugetber Ion-au"? Thiril-INoîleIhose Inqulveti about. is aIethaîer social statilon. Neet au>' quesationcrise nes ote lOssa Ot peu- pie trouaiehclthe>' v ers maiinl> dvivSi? Andt to ort tîsu, maullouaul b>' aime lu Ibis abapîsu,, uay bu taisen a, rspresetatlve ut tisa cburch msm- ber out o-day----ln - ho betrayeti II film, tesi vîia the cIraI. or Ile Ivalvre, naver pousussed ClrisI's spIî uer shoulti ha, or auj ut lis modesrn Sm, hoe spuisen ot as a pradasat of the churcb uf JesueChrist. The other, limon Pater, iII> shovs us tle si-. uiug., ufferlng, rapeuting Aud torgIn-en clane, vbo are saveti hi grace, aut, isnovlug heur ovu veakss. han-e s Imno and hearty velcome for ailtvisa nulle vlth lIem ounIlcesme coutil- -tiens, andthlg s cauma the real cbnrch. t Purtlý--NotIcS îhe doctrine, as lbs' log Chritsoniry. Nul what olsars - ma mieinterpret Il lu as. Elis duc' brIne Dot mans doctrine, Posseeslg s rperfect isovîiege et tisa vold's ueed, "sUmpteti Ilkese ai vare, yel vltbout aiH"le says, "Comea unte lus,mai je IlmI labor sud are heae>' latisu. andi I vîlI give ion mel, Taise mj' okm upfu yensd learnu ut ae; for I1Lam meek sud loWI>' lu beart; antiys sisall tud et utie jour cousis., For my yoe la cee>, &Mi my burden inlilgis.' "lAvaleeu lIat aap A" atiaria. ftoua tbe dasti, fsouChrist s"ai glva à lIe liwt."-paoiSuO S:14 6 An intereud ti4getn b asthesupro ntal b>'thIftat bil lu Poland tlasu 9 bas e baulaetdi'5 a manu vIe la L asver beeuaas. Aithsugi th.esIau ir ber et jeans le hac lived IWlabe"v» f6s'l>-fire amidSf«y, ho las.alvays . l s valklng lu lis sloop. He la living- dressus]Ife. Ntuhiotela-ami te bi fis le a cousumbuBsla, valilng ail ti vhile lu a condition ut mimd whlch lI Rire.tb 1har of à permanent tine Il ta s ver>' ettrouis e. To psyahol *ogisîs Il présente a entreal Zy pbase ot nterestlîug expenilualt. For Ilsi are uny other people vbo.valk ta slacp. iarn acqushltd ithou iti wbq iman g-v5 là-Itais ia bsas w b au *blu l lI op, If s owuy ta lok out sud cme If Ibé bb.t lla a ls-usual place. 'ibee ara atudiée lu P qc u o y andt l sao d sM e sth$ attôacouof iýtiaunghttul mIadf, SMe tisai ra ý llstratnorsaut tis tait: u"Alleu «that ileopeOgtarias frhm tisa 4aid.i. -.. Th« maresacblug nov for the polt vlan a MaM ceaies te h a boutI15 bqdbxaa to eho upsan. TIaeci 14U_ a baby hous Slite vltb 1r. i- gluSt, but abat thé lima comas vbs* l boe uste sufreuder te It.he Mas las pb*wa"am"aCen"inte se"lliv. lus 'I!lursare seuls abat smo 2 are »eor nouacilusomtImel thoe eulift who earouseti by the deuiland vlan lu avakens hWe victlsaho avaumnthèe u vhscruelty. Wiseu st la tue lats lu edéea eIsaoût Wvbo remorse oly It loftitI; ho aousesatabs sou]o et asdyukard vheu totue taf« him te rtura froa tue artr o f l* vay. lia arousas a coul vllihsae alu»Melaginaft Itia, a" t er. ,re- mains nu more sacrIice for sin, aud tlan ha dellgltfuliy looks upoun ia vlctlm, as lu lice etrnal despair b. bas nu hope of aither reforin or salva- tion. Sou]is eh about una ta lght ho liv- ing for Goti, that mlght every day' ho throwlng lufinaullal paver that abonîti nlilft humunity, are simpl>' golug 1k. the somnambullst, aloug the dfflger- uns edges of corne precipico. W. muet awakan tlaem. Anti vben the apualle vas talking bc exclalmati vitis ail bis .,ntbnslnstlc Power, "Awais tison thet leepeet; avaise!" I)o y'ou love Christ? If yon do. have yon fully awaisanct? This glory #bines ln aItishe windows ut vour coul; viii jon lunmedltelj, uet- trally, entisnsisatlcally, go ont snd -amuse -otseau, eaY'lug, ý vis, ti-. tisat alespest; Christ abail give lte i nat". SPRITUAL UELW'-NEAUU HMEN? *cV6 C a . FO Nlc*,. .Oa, *Rer,. M . "And llu tIe man's baud a meneurlng reed."ý-EXekIel, 40: 5.' iu Ibis clapIer va have an accunut of Exekil's vision ut a temple sud a clty. Thc vision Bée-ma lu bave beau luténiadtieluencourage thé captive Java iu Bishbylon that blé>' saultire- enmu to Ibairous anad tIbre bnlld s nov temple whicl God votaIt ovu andi vbéra Ree would mtuthleusandi blesses 1m, Ieums aiuse luteudadte l direct tlam te loS further thon Ibis and tb expect thé conslng outhesaMe- sialu, vbo sboniti set oP a spirituel temple, even the Gospel churchu, Il. glory of vhic aholnîtcontinua le Use enti ut lime. Thue dimeusiounsefo! Iis tample andthIl. cveraI parte uf t l ar isison by a Min vlth a lineofo fia, andi a measurlus recti. or rod. The aise oft 111evlsoalury tempîsle19Au5 gretat s bplaîiy lutlmate ttishabt Emeiiel smv1 la neltenho teisen lIterai- lj,, but la te ha undeatouti ln a sphiri- Una sens., SBut Il la net Ounr purpoce te desaribe the vision or lueIv>' te interpret ut. lu- stesti, vs Iteluappl> tise thouglI ot lhe cmn v theIsmeasnmIng roi lu. 5a spiritual va>'. Wes Ite b ava Il sus- geai;te0uns lb. dnty ut spiritual RpIf- mmeauremeut. (loti semis luus tisa man vith thesenaaurlug teai.The Bible intiniates ver>' plaInlj' that Our tbouglatsansd voralaanti acliOUSAVar culinually sublectltb Divine tselng. anti moat ut ns have a cOuinues abat va arc veîsheoinluthe balanc a"i teunil vanîing. But vs Ofton- times furgatounr dm1ut fcIming np b th. Divine standlard. Wo es saillI ut dlacouutlugounr duty, ut trylug' te pain uff Oftteen ounces tae @ponuI, or tllnly-fivs luches tb the Yard, lu alaracler velgît, or character mess- uremout, suongounr fellov meu, fou,- gettIng lt (l ot secs uns il th.evIlle ami measurea un b>' an ahsintelY va- hiableand tuvarylus standard. If (loti masures us Ihen va ongîl te mensueraunrseîaes. W. Ought lu learnu sufer as va can vIat tu lis standard, ouiIhen' mensure ourselves. b>'i it. Il uniti ave us many houms ut remorso sud selt-repvoel If vs voulti emsmber the s uarngmin anti keep ouIlves np tb biseimeai. il voulti save us fteuximan>' hunnauofn- morsea anti selt-reproacla1- If ve vouli exercle ounrselvea more aoutantly lu the dtI'et mauintourselves. Ail acounti ara men voriig lunIthe Ant. Wlth tmaur itl aleta summer Lonly, but a vIola lîfelîma vmlteu lu uotblng more substantieli Ian Ils allfting muid. IVIat Slnd ut vormian 1 tolng? liovcaubtante la4Il? liOv mucî of t I le galug te romain? (loi vaute us lu do abiding vomi, vurk - hat yl stend the test outUie, et titis, of lirs'-vomis 115 saolimmain. Chriast Mte Hila disciples: "I have2 tcboasis yen. sud ordilusi Yeu, lIaI 7e shoulti go and brnug torlh fruit, anti abat y'onr frusital 1romain." What la MI' vort liSe? LUtme velcome agafin tise Mauvitthlie moaeurncn roeatiLaI me gel about Ihe dutj ut spiritel seob-testlig. Il vîlI sut lama us, but vIli ouly maro me more cars- tub,' maksmeabuil tt aler,.If I «»P te Sud omIt vhat sort e of I b1 ave honeaudemi. Ami I building usrrov or. large?- Arn I building .ofvo& bey a" maisbbW t Iat fias Ire auen se naI>' dutre, or a ibuilding out ete? la >- iWs>ta> vorlaof tise Slnd lIat shall a at us bavTe toq»u n tervw à' vIl tbe ansiI theh@ aa-1r2s1219sM& il 5g 4 vhillMs te bave or eutcs.coa Ma chaiscll, Oui'. tboossOurWovrd@, ounrois costally brOngîl te the teut floti e tandaid. oe a, lCxravagance.-Tbeu'c are men mu . Ne,« TorS CiIty vhospeuti p,OW -te I& $10.000every'month for suites, uf as romusaihdara ual anti annuel ha- ré cornebornas. Il ile .dm1' ty c oma a unpe tensle s. Bofimente have con- viel"los t les- thm îe Jo>'O u t a a -Wea=ll enu Ive rallier Iban Ile cond P. slery et vipI vesilia cagel Joi N 7* ~. 1.R aii Nd ~" 4e. sveel4 A s pel*ý'U t«rsihes- siesep. ii.sidavit on vlîh lcb t. Wa*rrant le »ased charges that lherricis bas embeésale thIe tndgoruthe ti. te tu 118 emoant ot 4145lO. Thie Gnoruor niéttaly appoînteti W rren Bigler ut Wibasb, au Auditor. thue appélutuaent ta tais elafect the moment the appointes ceux iarreugefer hi#e baud, -lu cntu Xngli,.Shecricis trous office. (lier. Uauly ellèe" that the Anditer laid hasm p susu»>et I"a plains endIl liexcusa- lie:violation t thse mv. osu a gros. hW tisyti et public trust" laln nention sud logung funda belonglus ta the Statp te' tirs imunt et 4lOO The soini. the floyaruer oflags., w&as îulaused, hevlug befý §vestd lu Privalae 4ffaime BhrarmWlek vas bouked aiStheb.pole. ta- lleja5Ip Ipdàamrpolle. olargeti vlth eus- bueaent ut thse Blatese tns. lHe walvad ex&mlation Aud rafoselteta tel concernS gthe case, referring ail lu q0firemeté lits attornley. Au' Ludlsuspogs sdispaîcis &$y$ hst fr, voitigltina of lbeserurlîlpos plsced I. the* banda eor the overnor tends te show that-they ae of ut efient vaine te pro- tert tiese Pte. If takan Witlu the 1100.- 00 hond ofthtie Amerean SBrety Com- rany. Tbqt face vaine oft hese depes, stocka. haqils, et., gvenn tu pr.te'tthle Slate for the $146,196.80 tdns 1, in $142, 704.34. ut vbîcli about 18.,000 repri'sents inveottmuna in var:nominIng enteu'prios of a miore or leî pecuilatlye nharacter. Tt in thosght hhat the ruueluder. amenti- iug to about wUOU iii b.' realizedl on fnlly. 0f tbis umbuunt $1 fi leon de- posit ut the Farmers sud lMarchants' Bank of Cicero, tod. Thé notes cîven bîit he J. H. Murry flompni, tbrongb WV. B.Wickar& amni:îtiug to About $51,000. aili hé lpaie n fidi, according tu Mr. Witfkard. Noter gregntiiue $18.11M, signed or indorsid '>y Eicu IL. WOlIcitt. former Mtate lieus- -or, are thougli t.)b b gooti for faice ,allie. ra total of about $00.0w0 ,bat problîaly wi,, ti turned inSu cash. lu aflditon it in thouglit probable that coma of theé nîing stocke lases au se- tuai e-cmimem-etel alue, su that. ail told. thea -amiountrealizeti puoabblyvilii ha 1 1100,000. HOME& FOR 45.000 PERSONS. ticer 4,0001nuildiogs ilu rroc eefCon' t eîmucllun lu Neo rk.rz Greater New York in nov enjoysg lies gréalet buildling boom. Il la estimateti tât 1,2NI buîldi:mgareunuder way st a cust o! $J4.453,715. MostIouthe"se e dtructurus are slatieint bouses anti the>' viil provide humes for 45.)00 persona. TIse greaI voris accomplisheti by the àrmy of buders trous Jsn. 1 lu the pré-sent timé, repréeiîntinz, as Il dnes, bbc practîcai output of new homes for lb. jear, motsuetIsréfure aké cure ut the netural iiereese lu thé city's population.ý Thîis Inrease bas been iguruti conserva- ivly ai 130000 peroa. lu order ta keep Pic. vith this énormons grovth lu lie pîopulation Il vil ho cetu lthen-aeu îbougb building recortisban-s gous te suasl, thé suppi>' ut homes eu b>' ne meau buin excesuftheisdemauti Whou thué gnensî monlusday o! Ils jean ar-, rires, soute six minîhîs bence. IIilb tbe constantau re ut thé city's vaut anus> ut commercial enterprises uorthward in Manhattan il will be apparent thut lhé suppi>' ut uev humes nMuet taise cars neott only et tisa normal lnt-rsasc iu popula- tion, but ut probahi>' an equal on rresr1 numhar ut persons vho vers foredt!hy this commercial movomént lu thé norlis te sei hanses tarther ava>' front u leatn business denIers. This coustaet eovi- !Dg unS ut the seetre lu the lover Part1 of Meuhattaus le growlug mure asti mure atggraive. Biais ear es the arusiofet Shosa dispomscetib>' the sucroacismeut of business enterrismeagowlug in uum- bar. - WOMEN ESCAPE YEL.LOW JACK. Nev Orleass Epidemlc Has a Teudacy tu Catcshmeu. , The New Orlcans dotintrs have reachai lbe conclusionthuaI thé Italiens are mort liabîslu eyllov féver than auj other race aud han-e il lu s more violent forai, anti thaltha bigi nîotîlity amoug Shesu le duc ta that tact anscî.h an Sa their mode ut lite. Ou the itimer baud, the returue prove dlean>' îhiit vumén are1 comparativel>' #ate. the tesîba trui jol- low fever hau in- e iuie'u s gréta muug4 maIes as amour tomates. aitiiongh thers le a large lésai. mnoit>' lu New Or- Ists. The difference l t ta lutliefacît tbmI the men, for business and ti ler resens, are couspellidtial go about more, and Ihereforo mun greisSer riasi t fbig bit' ten b>' the lutectéti muîîuitoes. Tisa u-umcu vbo emain et home a-oli the riais, especlallyIin thie optusn reqideutial section%. vhené teearet ee-, if anoy, infécted muosuuitues. Jual vlan CoL Waltersou asserbtisaIh thé colleaagratinate la nul àsauccest lu Politien, a Hiarvard alumnus lautist a jub ou the Maia police force. Hamold A. Loring utfPortlanti, Me., bas recelved au appointaient from tle Beeretari ufthéis nterior as superlu- laifdasil otnative ludisn u nie. Balor Bîuris, suthur ut Malns Muet dmastIc legllatios otoele cforce- ment et prohilbtion, hiaudi> anunnees - Ibat ho la »IL a total ahtaiuer,. Major Gaa John C. BaIns, assistant émchet of staff, la acting. Becrelay et -Wsr, aud vhll eultinue te serve nuts r 4litant Uaeotaary Oliver coneldus.bls ,Vacation a osuet.1. - Tberectl;deal of Dr. J. . tra- :sll.v, speaker o et l.mltfouse ef nore tàt cceails the tact laIst à ývasltheIreaterinste vi e Si oîet 1"border rua" vai appli. RImer Dever, sertary oethtie Rapi' rleas- natlsoal *omalttes, rose t. abat poIo .n luIMneaInjses.H vasfor' Maerly' a nowepaper reporter and l la soi lIaI lis oaSlfty v anul exurbitaunt à A satue of J. sterling Morton, sac- , rata?>' of Agriculture under Clevlad suad "tlas ut Ambon day," vlu ho na- vulléd usaI mnI aI Nebrasksa City, - iol., latIls Publia Park ihlé heodu« àite taolethe cti.- Whitv wRaid, the Amerîcan amabas- tsador w: Oel Britauia, bastaisesRaril ,j lv5' cedne ms Park, liMf>'- I g a usfo Lneani viii se- ut iss viler lI vII ravel ta, ,cilii.7 . '. l1' îî taguleuilta"' Y iv frémi a litemri Anti litpratatre ai 'hat l tai u. 11ed s year. Inter. 9s1d bis Phb 1 .frottâtthe Universll' t ('hi'. caeu li180. lRe hat dette Pogt-grià' uatle ars ut Tale, tatoght et;b¶X' < thfi'lîliverel1ty ut Miclilgafi eud hiselé pusgtorrate ut Diuy tui, Ohob borfe h. avisalld luo lais prpe.ent poltitiim la thue farnît>'0on thé Midwvay» ll lumdI- tien to bis elauooru wori, lie iP dea&t ofth tise is'ples I)lvlllj ions.'. St' dent organulat unit Io lapanier 0ut lb Ryde Park Maptiet Churumt'. 1'uoSSaOr Wllett'a uttémunces have causeéd IUsel commnt 11ev. l'allisr Cavniisltl t he nev prp9idntut o he Uulveu-eIty ot Notre Daîuîuv, bItuimubue»nt thé beasa<utf1101 sinus oMet 1831 nitla - e one utthSeémoaSt -~- ' aciiohur>' meus lIn ~ tise Itumn Ct'll- - ' lis (tiiru-li. lite t I> - - but %-, years utof a g i ' . t r o u i g au d n r o-.- busaiun l iu es-er> : y ~ v- eq-suitkl a a"Of cIliztuiltiiilp.lii aaas, hu ait I.î'etoiiIta1, Obii, n-m u lu-uteul aI thue' larlwl a arolu lItaI townilns *t Ntr- Durle, w; èhi-tov-c " es'---- as; pîremli'uî. nnati m ts rdlietlluIn1h04. l'or ithe rust twelai' veara lie hlii mbueul asfmi.Iiiiit udituar etAf laeMaris. lm a nti-ei l I'-irer uand has éenu uit Iimilsus- tr-mins 4uirnimitor bt the'urr'it imae- Mal utlllimmi N<,ul an, vio Nsas ewet- éd os premlde'ti uthel oîpei'Iix ofthlIe Vtoulut congri-sa unt uitf, is îunî uuthor - aorld-a-ilu faune. -- 1849, andti amiuîhu- anedlua lit heUni- - irmity btuore, aub-i sequmeisîl> tîking a ,'ourse lu mnetillue et Parls. 'lie proc- bical.>'beltan lIts b>' vnltlng for lb. - newspaper. 4. re MAX ISO5Au. bai honuirMil hlm a vlth Ils Royal HelleteaOnmrersuad ha bas mecelveti tront France Ith e e'orm- Lou uf Officier d'Aeadeiuuie. Aftî-'set' tllng aI pariasaitIhbis mollies'usa lla . terih b.' hssuIstuiui; bis bocks vîtb lncreaslng succeat. Car'y MIe"uSo. mecrili>' aetti presidént ocf the IulemuaLtIoul Feder- atiou ut Commesrcial Travelem wuv$ the final preside5t ut the Commercial Tran-elers' Mutuel Accident Associa- lion ut I ndiana, sud milice 8t17 bas been serretiSl'- treisuurer ofthlb orguinlzaiui. lse vas bot'u lu. Mur- gan Couint>' lun 1843,. enliutléslnl the Unioun am>'lu C si'i'LKasi. 1862, antiseraedntil ieabîsti by wountis. Laler hoe bocame a clarik In a general store, andtihonsuastraveling alesman. MNr. McPc0mnao bac made -accident insturuince astuIcI>. sud le mli ho be gtieruiiy foutu! o11 he rigît big» Christin iiuîitbcrg. the sien tIvéti lob premier. vboffulim'i.i titI.' la Min- luteruorut caIe anti Who nilldirect Swa-den'u c ouilrsà a wla'th regard ta the seession o! Ndor-i vuy,Il tle cou- - serative leader -but recenbîy bau - - anoréti moderato refora%.Hle là wealtby musac- ttrer, and bas been us iember oft île upper bouse outhé esussetasLtt5O5SSO. nikstiag mince 1M&0 lin. Luudberg vas, unml iils accession lu lhe cabinet chairuiuofuthtie commIltéeeun clabs affura, bhs mostI fluentiai parlismaul' amy peut lunlivéden. Ha la a shravi aud attuB ateaman, la possasasletfJ' gral euergy, and wbile nul a brillianI- urelur lae sils'culy effective la tisbate anti as a public speaker. lie vus bora jul>' 14. 184-1. Rav. DavidiNyaî,Wl.oasbus loft Chlicago luteaueme the «4 e thé novl' ftte Si autei bteforcornaje btars a otn oing, l u copas Bsogeergl.o a piassbu I I va. edai cemia h lt nvil ut. u nopm e nicm Aea ia tessaesu o. adnColgd inar n a ono tP neSUlle tHe wtIn tui Sedn

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