Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Sep 1905, p. 7

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la Wariaga vith iprealdent Loubet of MWom arcelb.>' after' lUt. Pater% pci"'eute kng asked th ie p*eldent. "A&ftar you, my ilear AIfouse,"' t- pile theUicreneciscae! emcutiva, wish- »0 Qome or MW kme»Omar au o»s OcT!ommset OdruMa"tie g y IL Pb*aliaWaTegetlt.o aeMpCun H* uaw wen reux. ita"m- freaUim a e .balacewboee of a filW5Md4wile » ominl (en t rene Ci-'1e>F Tboaaada09 Ameri.aaWOMOI04ho-~ ,ba"oudole roapml =dz d mat la thec mlt *0101gb t reglatt knowu t , Wbb causes go Mi dlc.amftcMsdE geguapualadoet i- twoe.à XmIseIrns Crosby. et &là Lautoe Ifreci EBatSavannah i Q.., wat..: ic. &plubm'c4bli7aPOIL t e fimt a w«»&eoIng hmof et gMat1i1 'A f ans. grationg wh dm e d Mfal.sd1 gladiy rooaud litta W. nwt:re roulédwtt fol or irglar Menstruation, aclhe. bloanlg (or datulecs. lew- ,boea. falling, Inaflmmation or ulcBr tion of lhe uterua, ovarlan troubles, tbat *1beaing-dowfl feeling, ducal-i ness. faiatuees. indigestion, nervou'aà prostration or lte blues. shoulti take4 lemedite action to warti off thec cen-1 Oua" oaeuences, sand, .haore to erfect healtti estu glà b - aln y d i a B . P in k h a m ' s V e g tb le oW - q a id, and then write 10 lir .n- aLynn, Mmae., for frnr tee ad- v. Thousade bave b. ueiby Hel#pYou la autltl l-dbbrmonlona tinta en Jour W"vith Z te for tempe card of handeome tinta. Teliunsjuat vWh" vorI you have 10 do and a ce e boy a r sbep yon lagettia beauliful effecta. Albalue ta uot s dia- sea breedug bot or cold vatet glue kaloo. mine, flot a coverng stnck ou with peste MUe vii peper, bt s ustural ceamant rock base coatins. Anycue caa apply IL. Mi% vill cold waar. Alabatne doe mlot ruli or aie. Destroys disecea germa anti vermIn. No vschtag of walca Lte coca eappeled. Buy onlyilupackage.ptup- arly laboelIci. liton ouDeortiug" anti prety viii sud ceilng deigit free. ALASTINE CO.. 8109.IIMADAMNE .11, lelT ciedby ~ theseLittie PuIs. 'lm KS ney cia oelaesDb- bmas &m Dysmp" D>.In f(LE dgeetioantd e0o am ER aig. A Perfet t- F.R ey for Dlaan= ?ZN.ta. 8.Dro..MS% ffl a nte la vis Muulh.celot ¶'ugue. Pain ln 11. 81e. agise e Do.ic.PUreMV gelable. O MmsiBr u-&mile Signaur FREUS£SUSTITUTI. "IE NEXT MORNG 1 t EEL BRIHOT AND NEW A5NDPY LUM, . E1tC'5 S 1EER. annt,.Ti, lià LAIES YAMILY MEDICINE b.WtI tar, .ln. 1, .-..r tiii "Y.tity hi. i * AmOLL CODNTY, NO., FARIS . lue i FB.K W . . ii,,i ORSALE"?kh.~.5ee If the scandals lataI>' uinvelled tu the federal Prlntins office bave thse ff.ct cf calllug attention gimerally ta b.e magnitude of-ltae business carrli on by tlisebrancis of tise governlueit and tise neati of.putting Il ou a buai- ies biat, lbey-wI bave served a îseftli purpose. Lîke other branche. of the administration, tise prlnting of- le, serling as a modeal eisterrW, bas expantiet beyotîi al expectation, ilntil It now couatitules a businesa as.- p-eat ae tisat carrnet on by comne of h. larger corporations. The figures preeenteti by W. 8. RoMcter, o! itse Cenaus Bureau, Is tise'currenl nus- bcr of tise Alantic shtow lu detall this iurprloiig growthb. Is 170061thé na- tIon's printlng bill was $8,71115. Goy- m-imnut puiblications ware tee sud eoaaparallvaiy rude. Laitgeai tise imounit expentiat for prinllag Vas 07,- 090,900, anti thiseaxpenilture ln lu- crealoisg. If Mr. ltoisiltea tirate je correct, thte goverisment printing doise.ln taepresent dtecade will coat more titan $l,0,0.The neeti or utlliI>' tf go vauît an oullay le opeist~o question. There le sooti grounil for tlie spplonts ltImats>'Of tise poudetous tomai turisatiout cf lte natlon'a print- ery, te lie aîoweti away cn top ebelvefi. are of Uitile sers-lt-e1 anyona. Tite tendeucy to regard tItis braneh o! Uic gaveaumenl as iegitlmaiciY educiltloi- et, bon-eser, seeros ho ihagrowliag, and the demanti for elaborilta reports on ail mariner of suisiecta. trom lb. fâreets ant itlhiee 10 tolusrct îieeteandtihe pedigrees et Iniîtln tnlbee, seema great- et titan ascr. Tite asaemling of 15.000 valerans ln Deniver a i tae Grandi Army encansp- ment was a big ttin n lhaelf. Onlw à-few Ike iuLl slte -eatioW, f Uic Etocky Mountains, anti nine-tenlba af thens batd 10travel long dtines by rail, steamer anti staea 10reacis tis latilng town of ('olorado. Then bis' wearera etflte bue lad a line c1 mareis s-iicli requirati neurl>' foui boumte bcover. Oîtly n fesvfell ont o1 aecotait of fatigua. Titeusantis ti tisens past 70 marcetiwilis eract car riage andti trai step, thoIe ivalder anl dellght of lte 3 ll0( pactatots. Wh( kept up a fusillade ut lipers anti band elaping as; onunit bere ivas an Ohl soitilerto10aplAuîl. Val te lnlersacllE conflilctclosisi tortY Yj-ara ugo0. Wba alter nnation bas nîiYtilt 10cOiflIr ivit i bis moidierIy lo-ngevitY? Wha ona conîdti rfn out 15V30 to mureth I a bot sun-nten n-be bai quit fightlnî twoleore yenrs before1 Nona! Tit Ameltlli coldIer la lte mont rtibus thnt ever tro.l lte eartit. ,Wben W, conmlîler the ariiehilue of campalgit lng from 1861 10 1]W,',the matrraI I lit a s>of Its Participatseare allyt sill legs able te euure a lotng an faligultlg ittri-islu olti age. W'ien i camptea vs-gar in national, defelstiar tisa worid takes off lie bat 10 tte Irri presîble Yantkee, Thse pensions roll reacbed lte max mun i ls finiuatory on Jan. 21 mcl. lit number bcbgx 1.004.196. Thea ro passqei lte million mark In Se-ptembe- of lest year anti graduali! Increase for lte uext fotur monîbe. Thte declo began witislthe tiret of last Februnri anti b>' te fuiuowitlg Me>' bal troppe below te million mark. Tiîesa taci are levelopetiiu a synopsis of the ai nteal report cf Pensions Commlîson< %Varner. covcrlng lte operallons cf b ofice for te fiscal >-aar andung Jur 3o lanI. Atte anti cf the j-car il ntumber cf peusioners bati tiaclinesi 1 "(1.4-4l, net inerease for lthe -aur q 3(171à. Tite repart elîows lthe followlr adiitionni filets:Durlng te j-ar il bureau lesueil 1S5.242 pueneion certi: cutes, cf a-ilh nîtnber oser 50,09 were originaH. Thte annulI value i lte pension roll on Jiioe 30, 1905, wi $iS'u.-tS295 Pjthete ernsi "anuu valute" h tueanit tce arnouililof mont :retuirede 10 pay ltae pencieners ti ilon te roll for une yenr. 4Flfty tIlusanti applicationsi we 9 0tet by men anti woman seaklng p eltiens In te government service dui ing a perînti cf six monthe, saIt i :oMfiiaItif tae Civil Serv-le Commi Mon the other day. Tliee pplîcaloi were matie belwaen Jan. 1 anti Jui 0 10 ouf tItIs yenr. 0f Ibis ittmbet abo 4e..000 l ok tae eainution. As i-nie, sîîîithim ingke 10 per cent !.tae people wito file applications fi o laite Illeextuluinalior. The Id sema Iseople bave tital liere la but sîssaîl chanîce te, gel ltotalite govr mentl setice tirougîli taemedium et conipehitive exainaitlion le contar>' . lallits. Tbirty-ire par cent of t applicis l-ito paslteexamnatlo, are appoluleti- Last yaat120,000 eu plilants appeareti for examinullon. O lisîndre t iousanti cfthem pascet a- 48,000 of tîtese ivere appointaI. T avseraige age of ltoune aîtpuesl w w 28 j-cure. WAe-llug Postitti-ter Genernt Sliallt .bertger- itsied annrer excltidlng tri ?te nuailq for - Czanadat lity-ele 1ilottlly niîd wcekiy putblcationes1 ýeles postage le preitalti iy meane eitlnint atlhe ratas for ltirti elees ni t-r lsthe ilomestie umails. The mi .1 azineul bai prcvieuiy beau circulai .lt Illîe puiisl'ltas'rate tof poctage, 1 esV«s OtaleBe I. blstclueclousz-ias0f W" Pngoe" aeog4mm"o Tise Washinsgton F oultalla of a gais- laînan who- wat 10 psy bis "bll aht a faabioaaitle Flcria isotlI.anti re- celveti a tataelsl whlch sbhowed hlm bo bieIndebtedt bthe bouse ho te ex- lent ka - hundretiandtut wenty-four dolars. He baad beau Ihere hîtî fourt tiays. andtheb.estimaI. seeed 10him a li11e extrema. Ibowveet, lha d14 -»ot tincb. -Xaling out a linge rol of bills, ha extente ietI to tIse cuiller ant i aiti, "Gupise egain. I've got more mouay Ibun Iliat."1 CoU1lt N.1?O Iteut. I'reeboru, Xînu.. Sept. 18.-<Sgpeclal.i -Mir. R. . Goward, a wli-known man -bere. la rejolciug ln te relier trous suLtring lbu bac obtlnedt trongb un- Ing DodiPa Kitine> PIlle. lis experi- weli ivortis repeating. as l ehouiti pointthie rondti ta tit to many enoter tn a cimilar condition. "I bati an aggravatlng caseeet Kit- ne>' Trouble," says Mr. Goward, 11that gave me no test day or niglît, but usltsg afew boxes of Doiltis Kldnay Plille put new f. is me anti 1 feel like a uew man. **I amn happy tle claIe I have ra-air- cd greal anti wonderftil betiellt from flotd'a Kliney F1115. I wotld beartlly recommend l al suiferers; froui KlIdtey Trouble 10 give Doiltis Kiiitey Pillsaa fair trial, as I bave every reasoi t t belleve Il wold neyer lia regretel.' Dotit'. 1eidney Pille mtuka you fuel lîke a naw man or woitttu ieatte tey cure the kitineys. Cureil kidiys uîîî-:î pure blond anti pure blouil nît-uuis bunudlng beatb auti aneri;y la every part af the body. 140W CAVIAR lB PREPARED. Itearl7 AUilfut IlTer.ned Ruanu la s Sionetie Article. Caviar ls un edible preparistion f rom itae roe of lise sturgeon, a large seat flais, weiglîlng up to .400 poundlse etdl, rounde lu tise watt'rs of ail temperile or cold -latitudes. The best caviar lh pro- ducea lu itutsIa, tisaI tertuet "parnaje' beng manutactureti wllligreal par- a tteuiarlly. Thte commoner kînti. attet 9dalulng, le; paeked lit large î'asks and ftrampleti down tiîerclu ly barefooti-t r peatint girls.ý IlThe cav-iar usedti i iis -oitrtr>-la fbranleti Rusian, butl abiout ail ofut le matie fromnt te rieorutsurgeotîs rati- turat la tthelDelaware rive-r andlotite] 0watere et lita nurtit Atattic i-ansI. Titi Icapture of sturgettu bis so greally re. d dnceti the isurier tif thettlî i ttthtir e roe bas aivanc-ed tiri urie duriutg tite lt antt ifteen j-cur-tlut his counîtry tronu e 6ôcents te 80 i-Cut- pler tounil. LtThse Nationtal 'ro' isiolter exîtiaine , tist many sturgffon are capturai 9 sinly 'b>' weeping nettlng arouuî 'e tietanantiriisliutirIemur)on 0te shore il wbere the roe ta lmmedlateiy eut oui Il wblle tise tfbairas slli ailve. 0f course 'tise operatlonl causas te creatura'! la deatb. Tbe roe le then worked tbrougt a. &slave tu separate thea egge fromurti Amuscles and ti ler tissue tifte rot v- han tisa eggs are put Into tihe pack 3,.ges as lierelnliefore tiescriteti. Tit e-Ruaclan "ParnaJe" caviar leail con aumedtiattcountîry. :- One mathosl of gerving caviar le t ie taire two tablesîlootutls of lie4 olivi al o11, otne of beet vinegar, somte clioppe' r calbeage parsie>' anti gavlie. mixiug ai ti logetiter thiorolighly ant i nig ltiith le above proportions Jist btfore plttcttt r n oulie table a haif poti utcaviar. ta Dean Hae and t&1 Verger. n- Dean Hloe waq fantuus as a joker eRiHs chiet verger ai ttouhlîester ('aille dr iraI wae a gentleman natted Mils Ili leoriginal of Dickens' Ttii.w1 liali ae beau eûnnecied wit-itir he i. itilr fi le seranty-tltreejearq. NMr. Mle.- vu o e tisa yo ngest ef twelve. S uii Dea Hole otte day: g "Mlles, wlîtît a pily you uuver sui hg 'oîr eldest brothier!" ýf- "I dii. air,tif ten." 00 "Rut j-ou couldn't.i rî-îîk-liedte rdea of *"Wby ua, sr'." qîttrîcîl Miles. s "'Beceuiee" sald te deuin, "lte aI a-are aiways ten tuiles betweeu j-ou. '>' -TII-Bile. .,Titis ha@ bei-n a scry disâsîrouit sea- son for tletricni toit. Tiiere gotisau- "Ttt.' au automobile pnrty watklng bom.-Lifa. HONEST PH-YSICIAN Worke vith Himeaef Firal. Itlal a nistake 10 aqsaumtueîlt pli>- alciane are aln-ayas k-ptical ns 10 lb. curative properties of an> thîtg else Iban drugs. Indeeti, thte best iloclors arc tliose Who seck 10 iteal witit as uitIle use cf tirugs as possibile anti by the use of correct food anti drink. A plyslelan writefrons California 10 tell itow lbe made a Weil man of hinuseif witb Na- ture's remel>': **Refore 1 rama front Europe, witare I wcs iorn,"' b. says. -it was .my cusIons 10 laite cofe wth milk (rate au lait) ivit my uorffltig mei. a cmaii cup (afe noir) afler loy dîtuter anti two or titrea nadiitioithl culîs ai my club tiurlng tee seuitg. "Iu tîme nervous syvuuî;tlois esel- oped,. Bitlî paluts ln te î-:rîiaî-reglitn, anti cou;ioietl by greut îeprt-55101 cf spirits, deepouîetiy-ll triot,'lte blues?! I nIt iret trielnedic.iuues, but got ne relief andi nt lait reaiizedt tn ail ns> troubles v-ara causeti by cOffee. 1 thereupon quit ils use fortlswitb, eub- eltutlng Engllsb Breakfast Tan. "Tite tes seematito balp me at first, but ln lime te lt ctidistresqlng symp- toms retunet, anti I quit Il aIea, anti tiet 10use iIk for my table bavai-- age. Tise iwas.compalt ed, itowever, to abtandion speadily, for B-ile le- Ilevethle nevousuess somewbat, lit lirOiigtt on constipation. Tlieu by a happy Ispirations i1ssas lad tb Ir> lb. IMoelum Foot Coffea. This was §Ome monthi ago aund 1 atîli use 11. I amn ne longer nerviscs, nr do I suffer fr001 tise paItns about lise beart, iviile ns> lbluea' bave 1«t1 me anti lite le brlgbt t- me ue$5 m«& ~i kw Ual leavlng oa oukr lut bi 0è altich eberacer, aA tinia 1 a ointre chant as fa" f cen aslite reating and cia te l-o i ban se he r bang of cbe ohier inumenrng etotia ofYteuo can ue bis cee, enslt gIrlu c0aud uti a scince- abotha gialae fndbeoethe bas en ntro- man eete o by ablng Iîmsno once a tel porl oraeilar plae. Thke oina ea bmetrc o iil olace. bThe sigîneae under icli thcedokbnp-h ents teha arlng ahtie moent.ap peo t-ou at oricathyreubomet sebyn lbnletluatrnc ontilîlon. "Te elen ti nanoral ongrit iten. cfTh lscrtiglin bw een ie thehut nfets lagI oht b een1B-liten Il nelaîk l 0ftiseut eclosis amlly H lealec eg ofrteslve atieter fmtneti ta Iogwbth a isla, rardee ntas rglils cf ollias If j-ou baveoate rte trs f itllywihuIt coral of man tee f makng eu Vn ssot okman you unesjon wakn hm wb. for once the tiesre g atelitaien teaforonce thnavle et sp10lara iswha youtl abour topt-l. nwatyu h abontite hrsd e îemi b s"One sowly aide las is cmar0111 sohes mlol arnudlaiebsch ut I oîni oan fqeti 0ka 1 le le a gnd felow. bundloo .l ie leslw Yî en odo aew butd da lwitb le s loteucnsedo a oo eal t bu t because holtOitt1 t luntenkts nbiees leopen flt ax- achly timanimprutltesions,-raily etox bclff ilm ibt ma n vto biesybiteI bluffettliardh but *ho i-ts ielît- gau etoulbanticbutiVsIlltsitn orles. lis no ulleando elo t oregor esl lmante. ite le snalouit. 00,goieamlte tire man.Ibutnt 50 iiftonterelthno tiecman.bu r an f-olluere ete iuats-n act, e'e afliger pode o aimal. tchesabile o ro anial. wiocnl epbi la '*gThe mIsa who b. a senenlsigat -lîuht le'c lati c a tpanlnah,o l ut mas oy ndes, asioral cary ing matchesor. Heil no givealp di lo tions uoremes nrt mit Iliar- r ast. anti be'n lie sot of man you're [j a 10t feal sorrj- for afterwnrtl If j-on lifntiha meant more titan yoit ilit. "ThtthlIe man wbo ut-trs lis cigar at n benvatî-ponting angle is sain uni .ît onceltt-tlgoas willout sulig. iut be's net always as weak s hit Implies. Ilies sontetimes the sort tuttI niakes hie - lonet good, anti If libcuisthlie enîd of the tilleti ciglir lbela ho l-ii' tasiteilwitI ir the tlenaciout faiiY. It loti witlth plie -hlm and *ay lit hi. yoîtr will, gîve ltlm plent>- of admitîiont andî t the Idea cf wit jou w tutIalipear t. corne front liî. lie buimtrur. eommonPlaî-e. praelIrnI mlan aîwnys cula Off lite enil ut bis cigar wl-th mucli came, alo-tys cees baRt it emokas evauiy, alwau>s con- cions of hiesa«Panisve eîtjoyment.d HIe mn>' bave ter atlrluîtem, te lie muîre, titan ttaltiof puinstaking-ast somî-tlntes paincauslug-rare, huit it's tarder t0 sec thonslthrosugli luig emoke. He's apt 10 ha a tlresoine stIcklet for the convenlionlltiest but lie mnY ho, n prelty gooti fellosv. lauO. Only. If bte'lsseltiah. lis geisiîeslm ot n muett merln anti unltrttrlive sort. Vu See. 1 don't profets 10te bave lthe sience dua-itfine. Yel. but 8suit- iesult as Ise glvers are reiialie.-'hticid pla Record. Light un the SulaJOu t-I wanl a atut ofbreail." sal lte laly as site entai-el tit bakery, "anti i B-sut il nire and lgt. oyee'm," repli--îi lthe ew boy whli ,was anxloits teip.~ii "we lave Riie nice Poundl louves tit weigi outy '1eventu ounces." '- saolauoWanted. Uppqon - Ye, i.,t dear boy. I ate very proati of utcettuîtily trac, dtnî:it-r know. Duwning->a yîîîî ever wluitewsvai i ? Uppwin-Vt'iiess a1it i! Wbalt fr,. Downing-'ro koe-i thte initecLsOoff. doncher know 1 Anothî' Verelon. As tie caslteul ati-c for a itundred cool He pattacl to say: "Oh l~5 'in ardiy a tuttI: Fer of ail glail isoris foautlotugne or pe r Thte glaildesl are lisfram stable- men." Avoiti poorly printll books witb pur paper cuti poor typue, cutid dotulrad viten ridiug in cars or carrnage, Daot wiJen conalescent freim a pmolrcei les aur witeu the wlîole body'l s ek ISuffered 23 Y ÏWlIbei-tThempecu116M er ta 1 aid ci lantar>' 21, 1903, Uta. Ihomps eUitsut-but h. fé aise ile .hslp tIl mt wle tai by boi IMi titi 1 te roi Cr se t i fi il P ýo ffl 'mliný» w* o ka oi-le .è i0, r e yfveatflanti a - ait tIn-..dtitpr fnul"l&1aeths*0b ale re iit nt Aient lhau ,we do. but thé principal .1 Ilst of the puille wb5>ee bn lie removeds te bis gréaient dis- eyesn feedeti attention. anti requactaul née the lîglt endi béattare redoced ithm lu notifv lhee dîlldtreîts parente tb rmore thau, one-blnf. Even theis, tbat effý'et- )wever, lté Sun bltazes lu thue Lies-of Onilniglit, iitn litfteri lite Opeîlig of trcury wltb a tilsi four andi aifit te fall terîi, rit tile boy> cane boule aee larger titan ilînt wih i e shows and igav is ai îllereî ii.foliwing note, us on enrIli. duly .uîgîîed ,yîtilti.pri lii al: "Mr - D i-diSuIlbeiomes my The Foollsh Little fiee. duty 10 Itîforiii yoit Ilit your son Maoy years aga, no doulit, shows tlvîlliideîîfl!îîailjîs orastlgnitu- lu seciool books yon would ce lisaandtii lý -t i.It nthuit eliotlî À warite R 0inpruve cadi beur, ie utt-len l it 'vittiît dîl-ay.-1 ListeIlite busy lutIle béee. The lext dîy hie VoIlier sent thé- Bat now lnuu vonder why a bas folloas ilg atuto i-i. Gels fouli ilens in bis beail, "erSr hpl u th And labors bard t aiete sweets DtrSrWtpi u fhm For you te semear ou breal. lohirs truly.'" limt c eatosl.CUTICURA PILLI. 19 1 8m Br-I cao ouly be a ister tii yeii. For Ceoling sud Cleauealng the Bloodtu t Ulm-Oit. that wun't du. Yuul bave Tartarin, Dis5fgurig Heneors - 60 $ 0M0 w- Dble s datglter tu me or nothing. CoeaePla2c . Her-Becatuse why',Ceout il 3c .LDnt"31111 " i Hl-Becaune lv eua'upr a Cuticura itesoiveîît Pille (ehocola qcait à vadthabsyIMfI au. coateti> are te produetît of twenty-lire ob ,la allieta i ___________ years practicni laboratory experlence *fermomltidbesE.:1 U. IL SENATOR TOWNE in te préparation of renteillot for tp asnyetC*lM trealînent of huinors of tbe akin, scalp s~1seMdciO 1= l.m r difoau' l Nei Pilwlh dilîblondl, wllb losm iof liair, nnd are l5d205ie, 5555i5i5! OrsLlifylng Cure. vb3,W. LOsDatas i.80 lion. Charles A. Towne. er-U. S. conlldentiy believeiltebcliesuperlor t @100 rodislthOu ienalor from Mitnnesota, irillant ora alil olier blooti puriliers. bowever cx- ," 5la -4 à:-- ow or, élever business man, bralny law- pensive. Conmplété exiernel and ln -3m @Koa u cm à l yar, wbose nation- ternl trentnmelt for every leuntoir maY tuir s:= 1111:ter wm' al i prom)Ine e now lie bail for $1010. coîîsluting of on t5 C 155~ m ade hlm a fora- Cuticura soap toe letnnee thte ekiu, W .L. Idable candidate Cuticura OOlulment tb beal tbhe kin. line for tbe presiden- aîîd ('ulirura Ilesoivent l'lts ta cool A 1qi .- u e o l - iaI nomination l Inqeth iIi snge&e i.lueh- PrD 1904, wrlîes lisand ccnelteoi.Acingle st la gn* MO l pe1 MM thiefoliowlug: cfteuen eîîfi-ent 10 cul-e. WAN1 AsheejLd dcÉal "Gentlemen: I b HewftOted* capte gont tfree friseti5io tiorc d ont- "Give nie a pair ut spiders,Raid the F- ct-tEjs.- Wood" 1e dor ile . Thn a i fuuny mati, as lie etiterv-il te ciothing .a.O __l remedy wae rec- dlore.R AN 10 WO "Yteam',$Pikeb" cusenthersý,' ai-hed t er ii a faw mentbe ago woide e uqpneg"epaelth IM O T N wben I.wss feeling miserabie; ballse ouIdb uuorist, witit a large, open- 'era pains blnte back; was reeblees faceil grin. sud languid: hati a dil beatiaclie andi Pertinent Query.F R C 0 euralglc pains lu tbe limbe anti was Wndog-Smitb formerly oppoced my otberwise distrecet. A few boxes cf newe, but now be &grecs witb me in The meohatilcm=Cra be pille effectually routadl my alIment everytbiug. become a vital featurec tati! &ni gladte10acknowledge lise len- Biffem-Which tid lYoîî do9 da.ry jiit ne t vellllb" elit 1 derIs-et. Windlg--Wlîicbdld I do? Ii@un ms 110finds M" a - tliedl CHARLES A. TOWNE. eJtLfem-Yee._ Did youu u aic or battitoreain aMdiboi Foslar-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N.-Y. malle bitaweery? p- '!bf. aerIoo, wb F'or sale by aIl dealers. Priée 50 cents -bThbg.e ew cowe in m er box.__ __ __COODBLOOO FOR BAI) ue ès ASRaei Genlle. labekintiof fameu wil Jigsmith-Tbat tellow Piller lec er- ftheumetlummid Other SIood Diie- 98% aflàoma" u 'iniy a claver. Ingeniotîs ctait, lentlie? e*s...sidrtCured by Or.W8lîîsm8 machlaesi,.aiMd ibere a ttrowniug-Wity, 1 neyer beard of bis Pink Plilla. faritm ssbndides. doing enything remnarkable. ..In the lesimines 1 was ai work on my senti for cataloguemit Jigemiitit'litat's juet il. emanages linges wtb =Y elbowa presseti galu8t loca àget. n coma w ay te gel aient vithouttdsing rok walle, ln danipunaudatiextremes cfTH LA Lti anythiar. cl, ati Mr. J. G. Meukel, of 2975 Tis italusia.Jackson avenue a., buque, Iowa, lu de- fkibil, INasa $W TheItei Tlui. crbng bis experlîue to areporter. emiC" -I cen- a good show in Clevelandlte ."and t i lÎDot cnrprisbng DU Icou- lest tinte i was in Clat village," said thte tractaI rbeunîatiein. For three years 1 hardware drommner. hll attacks affectingth ie joints of MY " u i eried bis friend. "Wbat amies, kiîee anti aibois. My auklee won lU !"anti kneet becan o eWOIleU I cOûiît "Hs1nilel playetI b, a réeaibaam," an-ecarcely wak on ineven grocudt anti a swered te mau with the tirelens jaw. 11111. pressure froua a tone under m _______________ feet woald cause nme seDaudis pain that lt Waeuut Rye. wouîd uearly sink tiowu. 1 s Ofen FOlt- Sapbetul-Bifkinsaectualiy bad te ait- obligedt 0lie in bied for severel tiaysat daeity te cal Itl a doukey tht, morninz. lime. My friande hwbsee stinil ice sx aee à it., Ceatstiqte-Did yen bave ltat troublati were getting no relief front- Mast. colt *oi t ten? doctors anti I titi îot feal encaraged i l i iUa Sa;lead-Ves: but wbv do you aek? tbrow inloney away for icotbiog. By la.5bpommât mmUtb Mtiss Uatiqtte-l ranI underatanîl chanceeiîread the tory of Roberît ates,. mers..a-d ci mer .. d.s lon, lue nitook a rlutlteshormeafor a don- ofthIe Kianer MaaufaetnriîigCoc., of seeoÉlSlE5t key.Dubaque, ivbo hall, a vary blie"maOf 7015M m w0mwe ____________ rbeu.natism. I1tiecid tie t!7 r. i. î- am Na grmprovaeflet. lhaius' Pink Pilîlafor Pale, elýe, ib.te .~n ao*f»ceeas --It's imlt'sihle for me te îbink andI reiiedyhe bal neeti. In tbree or fout operale lthe lypewriter aitlthe saine lime." week'i afttr begýiiuitte10 acethe pla 1C e satid the btutorist. %vus' uittbetter andtin C Iree monîlis Ipe ,,Ilulir' evaimted te editur, "thàeti wa. weil. The swelling of taé joints C yi -ire un beller oift tian wlen Ye Bti l titi, teeideriie-'a iiappeniresi, 1 ase alie."wor teatily antdifor iglit yeare 1 bave 'rz, AT su bal ito return o!f tae trouble. MY WbOls eyuic.4r551 family believe in Dr. Williams'~ Pink TatsWhat. Pille. Botb my coiitiue tanin- We .,'¶ Théenat an loreaiy knowe It il. conider them a bousbolti rentedy lti; CTWWS At Anîd titer telle il. we dore; we are sure about." .am su s But he wlît ouly hinks lie knwe What Dr.Wllianis Pinîk Pille titi for E 1 U~~ 1 Andi tells il, is a bore. Mir. Meakel tluay are doiîtg frbuntretis jX I ce reomoendPieosCre or Oof otiteri. Every dose Reuds Willop iS î1-t ____ an ecntnen Psos urefo Cu-tirongl tise veille, pure, treng. ricit El d ilamptijsu for Asîlima. Il bas givea Sme blondt ta strikes straigbt t theaeau meof ASctm gleat relief.-W. t,. WVood, Fariueraburg, ail iii bealtit. The nea- blircatl'-. lad.. Si-pt. 8 1901. ______ reguniity'anti braceet mil thse organe for =01AIAKM~ llow Tley Eseapati. their special tecks. (laIthe genuine Dr., ut P,-utseds.Wwolcc-- 9 Williaims' Pink Puisa t vont tirist4' .5m. U. Togetlîer the loyers cast their lot, or direct from te Dr. Willams =s- Andî were jiied in blay wedlock; cseie Ca.. Sc.uelu 4y, N'Y Buît il waus a tuilitre, go they gotl - A dirorco tui breatk te deadlock. Lewis' "Single Biader" clraight lie cîgar. made of extra quaiitY tobacco. ù M- W à you pav 10ec for cigare net no good. Lewin' Factory. Peoria, IIL Retors tîtarriage, wumnan la a queen; mfter marria6e. a salJetl-De Mainte- naon._________ --» . DssldKee?. Fv0a-"yeI .v u I i iLa.aeulsai tsfe dl-..s'"E .ue1.M.rt.. p i. . 1. Siseia NiMore titanu baîf of Ruscia'e profite fron~ exports coille front.lIhe cale uf grain. mm .Wig= = îDsuer fo eudup !ORI fren Costipon atlStinac TI weil day-be liad' baeasllepated Il hie Iifs-many dicter; trealci kils, but ali faled te mva elp MU118011belW sen aaked us te ilggesttea tnmt fer ber busbaed. 0. theagh Iboiecause e«floues ad reeuiisaddtbat a 0@ c patint-hOU 1NE18WELL MuliIs Grape Tonle Guredir WI. Th.. e ielvaeii.lioi Mny Imbitsd agd c.ttrrstret ,p pIns ln hI sMttattI' eart. . uiak Teateramatl gasses litapain, Ilyou ca. Uli W. ratyaect lttaia-ie uetali lue costtsed. We qute cet al al beaetsece ksovitlvl caret oeîtlpeton. bat SOC a botti auoabject taunas ,n a iteisc ti. iet etal, ituabandaseIosas certeuseau yseuai t, , al rual p ciaîs, t't l.h .7 - ,ivni tip îiî leod. pea'fecllycurd H. em iaire- ng. uaâh. n edf oatdetemu Whodahlm no g0od& Il d i c.i&t would. Ver-y r.apecîfullYyouWe' simanst M.Thestasoie eiapped iaruegm 'e1eTA u tq lJ;.si.iS ne ucast beau rt.elv coado se otet mid diesice litai tu, ea >arVatdno euIaotl.ducs.,s..udPeu.sera" It Will T -BginTodt CONSTIPATION course and taltei.uu iese terrible Stoactt 5bt..b Te.bIe, Iimtsse, lmusos.lsa ise r.l h.e Cesse, Re- ansd isuweltroubles Wa Po. .IN*uEeam% .....dd« .-Lcci ie.and treugei I causce Il eleaite lbe Treme, be Usbem. ch4ais., . te bocel* adsudles- IBilond andi tkea tute Naocone chose boy-pesed and dylog Ilies. W. diliprovunatestnesiprarlicaliy aietu helty ad r itetins. te ou t taImulleJ es. Il i..dthe. oi r ell'ada-buvaias eetsa.saer ita t ad ti.. cottctb..Chck dlarrhetanad (Irait. Toelc curestb=agteabath te esapula".la earf- ?ouare ilîbil tfa li Coasuipallenansd s!Il l u wetia isccll. ty eh"rare the bieed peleee-a ppbsit -Wr-t. far This re. oklie Taday uleiuCommtleiliaakee pYomVoresa. siâb mussasay.esiuud. tbee Wà - nsrigutl Gond ilolgchildt.a sd maurdsg othara - -t--t--- -'.vrdewa 1 q*fl pet* 30 0011aise, Snd tlis ouo oraMutle Crans.Tonlo Co. Ave..,n Is lland. i.. antd reocve ansordor diru 11ra cbott f MulPs, Gripe Tffl Ton Io'ana onattpatiotu ure. My Name Âddre.a City ai *m of.i ait IWa MR. sud MES. WIL.SKRT THOMPSOI4. SO808Main et, PeOrla. 111. MILLS OGRAPIE TOf'IIO OURED HlM. ti t]

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