Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Oct 1905, p. 10

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ils ai" b»»awu w.lm theb, catiog. letela.g ftqwai. Ill aitl W îth tqo& ia " k bw' hW *'ileens nc. ad keep Pe. Mr.7 Ou# OR ABUTTERRECKÔNINGO 1>:îbel watched the cap" a nIl* as h ed frountl.th5e Ma Sy GiIARi.OTBE M. BRABAR M.Malicît. lu etridéantimp*t1et. ________________________________________________ ualked op end dea the eonfIned apece, lisaeen Ilara' olfc* table suthte door. I>au-alhait refî,aed Io ans anjthlngltu OB1APTER eV.-.<Contiiiued.) ruîght Ilui an avlrtulanbîîuon lier- the absence tthse lady for whom ha rre in Paflins oabitlvwa1trti- loir. ras atitia. end whom lhe expectaut aie lut end a ses@ of Suffoctn'a i ,....hoh. ues a îreai.ur. a:î.d Oitairilv. I ber. li ihisit fan il hut oeitil privea in lîlakêepliug. ot i iegueula Il The, jouir oup-ieaui lm; ont% advertiactuenttir 1i11antitîldof .-.iu? Ytflrfinu ro-und. lie %a*h- ilaette beaath- uwpo. tono hal ela to iithosa dre-il- For a mojiment thé drift (if hi%. remurkll Ie" and tfiuîshei. uncereaiioliidlûatos alei. Dam &litaran.andîl .btsîîî- id 'tultrike lier; salia couelludéi i rasit te tonus. n e cogsied lier it oele as bit lithoubn the informationIiu t aI sr<1 tId iî.ing t. tii secret of lier tather'a tue a itif ili at50015 RtMatfll mud51 ber. $lie turoedt-jlJac-k agîri>. Iirti.. swlirh tbe liait l thlt maS arx Donthe î.reviaouad. ansd lh. tWD kW >Owt see thoa, ite sait. kuorii onllvinlA rd Buammars.., Sbe W&* à&Iusky mi) as the thouglit that b"ad -à diutly. "*Tiser mli kcaîP i00 ill t'leît'urpriaeit liat lie sliould kboomthe se- heau eutraIlfPl ltaoidae 4ekamir ù>wl ons. and mi- are no comfortala. iret: but ahe.-aid notiing. and qie1Y trigla aga"t s heca epatad tbi0tte M* feit that liotijoîr ius-. liriti3 awi-ui lin axpliinatî.su. bis nind. .ai sat. If they liailaSkol for hini peliig vS-s aightly dilletooerted hb -But1 t u .fortuîuate te lad Fé e ru pgt lu go to thelo.But stilit' lia er axpacted'silenci-ansd har inquirlus euh! I feired Yeu 1 otlut depst~O Rendu that I*aulineg objection l A fatte. He fell that ho bai] eommtted my "rrlvâa-" t laitural. He coutld undertaud lier himilf lutiSome wli!. end honsatr e Mr. M3llett bowe d aightIY, and W5it* Out 1 elit hieuîould net meet Milhel mure grette-d that lie had been go indiscreet, ctil. for lier te go os. 'u > ue Deceastrs. but hélft that ihaitdtrotte ton ft I o %,. 1 . a!" cri e butoaa19 1c ,7WIL." ho acq1tie.-Kait. "Nut ai racee,. undit terefore met on rau ie.- ara o the Maillost fmiy -be vied M --endau u bave alasafent la yen? ît gihette." b M Miut alauaatiLi heart that 1. a me. domestie, touM P reuchromnan retrai-ed hI itareMr Mllut s maiewrethaui 1appointaiaent. it lh rosi u the Joug gslaery. Iwitlî a look o utyu fe i ut er odr t al uw dluwpoln tuent on lier tace..She P) aat o otn a on YeO u dr ill have more amaaPMeut , exueed so luch frotathe .IPI)eftr- îlaie toppiasi brnpthv afallr t1ua soit nhnitel3o h isdmaths. VDo o p f thele people. She had baill on n.tiiiailthe. <ui duel. (laI orarslraad knoor our niece. da aia.,t 1 abrupt tcrsnlnation of thbishaattîsil irit-rf il 1gh em. aililDow he lier face: Ithon. impelle.) bhy aitirf si M Malîcttî 4réirhimacîf up P11 61dli. -fini Ws a tu at, iht lie- lie imPutae. haeî-ntiuuat: *î came ler, to receive înterCUaAIRa, ki ~ ~uo b ~ lbfr "t knutor înutDot lu Say thistIt t t e su-e questionst. If 7011 hAvIé W 1W.ýol ntbcu abou te e reuétboint first Mspeakinir t. Nr. NialýIr- uIght me hre thijkjg tête 1 tuld dlanppontmeut.comm elt; hut lia hil te-o- Lhidtru me tliat lieli a u s acarneagaint MYnifle. qil0ore t Da oor a nlle baiti ista ealiowéd inySeain otii oe ha oîld yor. areIntimtionu. If Yeu haveamu o pilret aîî 0oe t net obiî.-t tIi iea S a uon-in-lau. lie: -Iiçg tl» impact mhieli conrernaW ,fla1 a h, bean to atere nd ferahe. tV h., one ;grcst Objectionthat ap- uit$u-rî heeeieethteh l sen: if fnt. I i i ivlhsb OI oodtW i~lg heraIt o te in~itslc-plitasto evi-rititi-I shoîuid rot) hlm utfa6vrn~o iuabr&e cotethe Yli pe e u o. Yt Itiouldl îot aven do that en- liýebaihua ia!from the tahle and 11.1 ~hamuI o atafei rtt tstiraS. la ie ilî1l hava lus oti n 5iOMS Rturnad tethelieoor. lon bile une li«isdPaIle uil n nr hom. and llie (.utilliehawth tasas Of 1 posaona. llie of f.eduen suid an long a. lie likad. I vould -But one monîtent! baye 1nova tei) a fi *Y«postesion. liecliclid taie bth c hppy i Ye wold et au-uevn Ibat tconcerayonrdulf v er wààdefeateut rage anstha on- mel'1 bol -iohapeif ryon Seooid lotderly. What wmuId You de if 1 wa r. ad I esut » tel Yeiths obs aoautendet l bodor. -oiteo Yu bt &l ui-herself yournr le i no niereai t au. thbit *g bei elleUicduor for tliam lte togitsnldr? oon.aIn he ehule aitat-to f riglit oura, thtai l ut the gallery. fson. *.ud nthtrînti i is vimeS ui-a ael-e *g.tuod ud crlaîl r -dia tronts abatr inanitîion.-- Se matehed hlm kaeul>-; but bayomi lb e tde urnd &d errid ler ie ausd. hil Etpl ai uit Rtli.puttiog bis hand auddeuly on the back 1 vitory. Site precede.) 'Mr te &e thl'Ehl lIîia îî fa chair oar hlm. hie gave Do aigu Of lait i ntl they reacbed th er banda îresaaîl -i.stelY taut-lir in Ma e*ute adatton ,er lerlap. the flushu util burniug in br aurprise-Io 'iOqtqdau&. be aîood s-atching t-bek. He yearnc it titalle l tleflhie a " hollna ht o lrittas -ýte -. tW tiute~d tu hirit crvins a.d huitli er thare: but. readiing iatla Mbyroteol themr ar- itreas in bler buraing <chklansd avet- --j smgoing te ahow Yeu aométhins t *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c ba rntbha Bciruu s. lie dearosinad fot us rasi for that wili put Y-ou riglit on te the nmrililt ý*t er er10 et nd . Pe trndan a ou-r t-day- ti-ac l lading to Ibis momusa 'a dovffl oor pa ume« Ml. flccorkidor . *m nafraid lac worricd and di,_ Iandt jour rastoration te vhst base beeu ' uil pIu doiapn teitcorriar.t rt-ai.e u. 1Fus very orri - 1 uont jours evar àcioce jour lrother's death- bho c ahudir uen uthandin te trouble jon altout il any more justne -.Maliogforit Park': lus bouuaeekfpra 8uaally floi Try to thisipithe bet yon cpu of what Ur Mallett drew a deepu breath. sad ter èdst* pale.« in e jerlleitout 1haroesai, amd let oa go on fora îne u.i the a saelle aonivsil>tel t~ .cfiOS beablasCR: il u-e baveuet)0,. gooiltriends7 îl11, *Aud jour prie*.' arae. people You hase jugt ros froto iseat. and field ont bis B>obette faIt tht tiae tires a golum h and te lier-,in the ares rslchiug ber from behindth ~Vla aIlttEHhAi mas touchit more titan *ahe 1htauvleu. He look e loaokam te iý#0 *tbaa et lbhebkW* The tbiîught mss posibla lsy tb@ unselllah- tutvlt omsokts ht bt k u oteai lling, Bat-,,- nasaof bhs orda. li li adt made ub maso. _Yeuuatiethe pilea." end ho tu Of Mz Pau ud umade10 allusion tu bis ou-n fealingsuior suffler- "Un ime yara rnI roL h »bUWt&a. l&d the yo»a; lady loge.. 301 lie inca tbe su*pmanaieb. "la iotharF»rv o.«t-a' oeeaai te the fas.liy te.liebis vouliumineîro if In*"$ ra se left as rute, tooant out dar mtwe eraogat«là. ther fond then. 11h, eoralfdt te Ill Mr. Naliett. - atad looingai aI ina .eryrthung. snd lettrlm .laiita. -I a. ut. aha fimtvl.~ 4*a.lkidetWin be r otfee Dnt go for a fta, miaules. plase.- -Tbe affiir. aïu lacas 1 ama voceru.I. diahe boucht bhli. ucimouair. -1 bave lau ne.- W aq»Lnaug 1 ogbt idte ll ou.. I bava Rabt!- lacoit for aunintant aRtheb lo* i lu ue g raveiyamu rlçoly authelau-j-i aalsud uttereit.-Yevamplr M ne uahaut tai-e: bu tFcneur a theThen ternis ta Ur. Maien.,*ahe sal. *nm u iewr. Iety tmedta-e-bt hrewre o nlier test mauner. -He inlabmltarez.. - le Leigrne oe rpriseale a .amaei: mvasiber;theatrcarma esa on the d Cm awam~~f3 - 1[5we'd as mus-. Y,"utit foc- .th rcearagaiblve ýéAj lberýbA@ Pivae i- gre me fer bialus playeai tii. spy: but yutk menm iair-Owar«e« lm u i, 1levi jm eurir rtste â-d s -h -Tu . h ceiied hy de-l i et glft Ie" 1aMW ussu cary1touti, at be- ___miybfread"Pu nte on-b "bom far fabtthe bsotd ai- "ubg j-ou. MWi1(ouad it - iisal hfehad"pu a b a1 > I"thelb.uadernasodiua thaýtthlotlalutau y" e!aàurint yle meiL-l do jeu; B&rn « Pseof thc non l moied t lieafettsaagp na tmc uf tint y u Ilsel..-.. r u aichih4usSig> l5 1 W' i - .My I;.-u l55-Isut My;i tel it hif ulaah as u lie salie. aàd %MW Mathd" ouf. Y I- , mj tacilvmi, «dju.r ri prepàraî-aehl. aiat imamrm e Jrte lv yu as tb i e muet- have . ldiate<l vitmo ut her If 1Ilhait îslir haova ibis une BaIW4 euse e- u ~~~~~~~ po. euv -eaann-e eforn 1I km-m jack- Mi il hah . ss -Mi rmta. lad aneaked fui.tie .gi Il i 1t*0 bw tse 1 eer !15±ia.,6il0u"yurW.«; j11u,)lsat. Zo700 no ttereeqLf.01 0roS at taIllie roomi. vsteba Ur. AI eu l tikts ' me a itan ar a papr. ami t h i* lova ORne te 0 ih. uic a m: bel iwî,aIsd try te a aler a eaubn b od bbats ; tvssat jouri. t1 ol u *Ji g&0dooso it, y a. 111 jil lraJt meh %is-j aco poe"dte uoisme or Ver-as to never r i*à«Odw J* d "hen« ml e 1 Park men As ilsuuir.tyyMm'mi-1% ýl a11011 fd daly secamve-ibis rtoui. b.eald 4s-,q.ntesIka iai L-di ut-0UIoaW h asseth tisise t (bilad .-fil I ldoré My i le ouly s .- fer' frno.)ira te:1w ,aa. w i tblAteit? tamttultegMiMale-l He lu a tuatof h bille #m 1I la trauge ami I -anî Thora vtta short rul ii L lia b.f oudrlsrent. *ami bis souanioeshlp MaSI _McUgthe ceuuint a ii.I,, boeet przltý. ad ioat.Tbi- latter ais oqgu oitb -ilipeople a.Is urtusartbly is - -.Ihue cus smc 'ranallà,ý rit-es id,.L.14obis aauaadiditem bly i uaiti lu the- atmIouaîîire ibis tse csus-is-ad r,' s hy S-lz- -i.di(TPI. lie î-outiuaîl.i fos Zthi-l sunt ulu,t ler bOPil--L1 -u- J5'l Wafll t5 ituil .iati - - i a binmkr miîuiuir tt,% h.- aîll , O - ai.-r iri-tii aa<bwtaaiBetE1 * ler nnas sm oea a littIrbbts uin- .."hi ie, fi i.ii'as 5.t - . u esilitho tie-ult teS"latinse iiat Wé . tfr. s ies-i aiîit 3 41 k aîut >)oii.-f.î ir ;u e.4nrS tl. a Mtlceh a ï -ams .a rery laî-ilal rat-a-taI-tnt,tiraith*' S*i 11t"e t aff . 50.11 li:ug itl> mil% Ta UWi1 ametr.,laida, , ic,».ëV. .,f-go u et e5. me apra atil îîjî e. ste ist- n l ich- i " ..I. tes- ltI W-ii. - W1 44 itollicit by ~L elremei-ali-tatitit lii! s-ie Iuti i iî 5 f ta *il I t a i ,î u-r in 'r,* Wftly. xbriekcul aloust. Shu- rutai lu- hr siîs ti""r - I-~ t't- s- ri."Id uoi t attsf goal of obsrulion, tha t;Iiîs.ét, l uil *11 1 i - as e-rilali lî zS aatma l F, a animrrflal. fIsiassaul. ary.>. a ti i k i5- ' 't- 'itmit-,deufi nroXP aiedrot l Il insuuamoet. alitii- . Sgi,ij -j bu&w. fiir Ilut i >-: i-'i i -s-lai "r 04-1j t.tW u iPelltsîg. îratil. uit5In.11 -k. ii- ii-'-îif.hau.e1. aiîu leu -7z.He tait 1 IL alhnut îîuulaîel t. onsi-n î'i i Se ', -If su-.-----------di-7rsaj%'fiia.- 1hl# .r yuuug gait, tpýaa.10the es-et that -ii - ,îîiut *ui .î-,1114 w' lj n. îs (waa-sfi ier iiat tua. gand t *-Ia *nt ieu"': but slipualllbîrrî,r .iiin'yus.> ai eui 4-l uiî . ,- Il ds -1iaiaa elîgashml-à d~tpton. undi Iiiitcd aS4a. isalsli-rc i fita.-r a .i L -t - ehi aolii AUI IIli- rxi I ib he max liokius laîil.s u-iit lu. t i ii 5,- a iî - i -t-saO W4 ber suuýhualtil .it.îtar-ri- "t ï i usta .- sli- tia silm igi li et iluges ie î'îar -::¶îc' i î- %,--î - . .Lw ,-tira! rwtm,I.Nyci the ue ti.iî i-s tîîsiiitii--r.. and 1jilst-4, -e -I e. s 'Il~i-, aaaltituMwo ibm Ltter au avisuard hl lau.- ullit 'uiaitiii.- s--ai , ---lî <-ss_ nt s-I je-i0,,W" ysl b~e hert qitiIckcu aitit li-asil,. 1»1,;,k lah-, î,iu- jl'- -u - s t,,m n"e s rlitis avput nililef aetfrace froui thw. iiiit i- "h -iIal-l- 1iiOi~~iae. c. anrlta a.~afuue hiae not t skî 'l'r. h l-alla idl ut bSr Jf. ii issf~1)-~ i , .t is n ausî , an oa uarpmiirkaul. titi, i 161r0i0hi1j"t* lida elt t lrua * T8* md go avoit hirs,.iiitis-s. iît «iti I i iitga.fu.Ii - - 5 W- W ,,sure! Il iiisatîray Ilîlsa arlii ,:Mu- ! Aliuabosuyîis nli>: alt i tituI.a iirlo 1-ai50 .- t fA-u-tixe Pisit la r.sised M- ffubl 'he telegralu uendl gavé-iiti it..fpi( to: hiuI ia.a ni -: i.sje nglis.iu st1woaltffil. -ort h. e il Q15~Mati-illik- istet'y'tl L i i-lt l-i - Isi5utii.i5i caw~asc aa h -buuy fi% vsr.n*.a o liOusiudemite ta" Pl .the la ireandi deM# O f a noble itt -tien, a"dtitan sonda a bibl for tht col- wa s-- uinti. MaSae :-la nut -that taltai J - 'PilThousouseea cedarisei and saa~ abuout tise, Mau vWhogèesbts Moet' >'IY e PATUUWS *AFFECTION, bard, btoet*tngmetisoda. lahing ad- it an, r. ou.. P. cisl. roagte o esacîfpoint a-ualthé Igner' bic *4'fb . suua ;Yu-t a grutt vay off suce oret eirs, andt asia inoettis hbu à ltâier arllisu &laut lad Compas' taluted mono'? Tlueu ce flot i t Je. t M até mu and uisl e 1ouilis ieOhand net a questlou of moue>'. TIsaIla hot col, at tlnt?-u.tke Iri itelutbut tise mo a y ie' b, len B Ai lU 1d a w -vth bondltithat trembiu tomnua *»tht-ou-a Ilu murpristua bon a" lbh tiqttitest nuit alOi dyntd MturlIbvalu glaas buses. smainaabei j» aià4p o ciîîlrit tO SourseaitJO>'. roulaitotebe houest. but. baing satthwt aug 'd*visa dîtar>'routi"ont tmm-ahudt eimpers llitIpeopule cainuotworh ut, 1 >eilla an uutilsltt. ruiel-sqtaîaod titoirtably nder theun. Attother ina> ir ii aaP, a ftler irbOse affes-tlotamttîWlPe >'#ydownrîgîti rules about 4a nallîlon- dot gt el tba viiiula sth-It the ou ali t*aire, but hoie.o eosean andI close hiff- tire ge ba ta li-tet; hlla the PlettIro atîf thpt lha nver glyti a adollar. Oue sT tIsa iait Gasul listhé monda itmon aian drinks ami swet'wsud ls tenôtlnas- Poo 1de a-rllgions lcnciePr bas. arali od by the ssM iseWhodo"esneltiser. but bal Tubat 1th -tîgged caande"r &Mnud@ acollu huit cl-te nOut i overbesrlog ut tif. qi bmnWaut r- T-Ail wnllluîg. iviemu home. cine- omaun condeltitiaber il; teio uniers tai cOntsm. Bl u-le r for rgolng 10te etheater, but a inlial bas, bsis lo1,vtçt ses-el vo il hue a ab«ta ît ber longueuntIl ber te "iItif*Ut'éorfilhuaotiseT llgarc.- te noghbot' n ararakl <ot ber. SBoIf tre tht UicfSther. theo e onotlu- -s.h le Biilttde lait long stiffî4ring af, To Mty mind t»t oI>' hunorable ecul thon, amtasfuir thue iîl lulbgi. PliaIcoucat now open 10 Dr. GWaddîen la tu et a & revehutulto tsiia -qu i tla - lrafer chargea agalualt John D. lIais-e- tht >this. Seller betona bisu lttiland aemanut tut Pet the î'try oaut- f tise gospeol atrial, or le laite legal @tepae tu ban-e tir, lu IbIs icone. 'r~ie piedtievra the thteotbllbonsalrat rougist totrial for ui, >rltWlf atta u leur, the goalit iems s îîîg. lne bac oeCage hc i lit*11 bingtlix ürl t It bflt!Sausouat elther te eaauder or te pulsl- 0atf la: That the~ infliîe coe r offense. thei 18l foirlhemt lus une cho >-osTus for %,fier 'reaig aome 'oftheiatartes-bos jt rast tahsaut anilthesteli atîOf he uni- eut MisaTaril, lu balihsietries te tlb "se a sd an fftles ou i umit- ps jur ierhOnpoint b>' lbeltng lMr. ita'll- aa y Ceam és ait tast t 0u sti home. '% s fellers ei l a i îer, t1 soud ratier lie 1.11 . hé amIer aettlug of the olalIltie lu thse place et Mi. lIosketalher titanpe ugtrs verte: "I.Ike aitp a ther dither et lits iui-1sîira. tl itis shulo leth hi.s clldntr-il 50 thse Lord lîltlatb file fltCîrîstian suint. Il, (batl 15 ontgthautréer iiola r ecîeat 1ueihsg Ileyloiehoret-iliit sgaluý" tr. Leu& ba tber pophts rcitd fietGaIuilawhole Cneto ed dw klotam ajety f th grut o;tise poiflitthtie mouta>' tram Imiter- nu, lg hau t tie>'soight lu drive a Tebuti- ftoas Iumanît>' caunot ie a sait for gooutnle que ueopleeStasrana'lgoyt u Appeab parpoita. AntI as'ce are noue et us ilIl atar baelUF4lu ertgý. ApuelOnperfeel, that olat lut 1unaail out.lHe uai 11hdfaliaul. Ttsan thia tesrl.eas chu rais nimber aboulit hue itsupport h -le rings outI Itslionmssage; lisetisa ashreh beca-salho Masjnutliho sou-Ia earts etfiMau ara atîrretans-lott do- e- -re.m 3810" and honnY custo il are tabat- te. lia; rail, sud thoîr ç-istoidlsitremble snt caLL TO ACTIVITT.1 ebh. TPhe yai-' scercs tisatthei o>' ase. Dr. Jsseps a.ANa seu i:4 vwer that lts behîn ithIiags, the Arise anitba dolîsa. for tîte Lord abi bghty spirIt chuin ail tsn. dîtlî lua ilh hm su s~ IeatDavidrllni&i tel inOW, la a tatiser. s trIent. a lover. >-ounsugnRa Iolomn, nd luIfitlma snies- de That mai the' Brut cIe-ar aIgle- sage ltat reas-Itelsa il, trous 11111e Bc tnt ot the trahsthat bas staine loitsildren ta bts>' unointdIllomas. a' ao -or>' glortOtua ife. Il crystahllzed Stea fiesaesti or thse yeir.Thlis ai ta bo ipe oftmnilu. l-n.hope--that IloTeatirbt> ls a bleqmiiig. C&0taseh ie aColt- ahl a. corhlg tluroutgb al thtetair-es of nuf ttGermnait Pblioassî.er. lu bis Iot- bis wontand allureoanal habitut ail menaI --Patin&' -ilsawn ftlnt a matsnel pr ire% andal iraina, ou. Whai la tUe1h- bnutibis trac baîîpinesa. eeu ahI* e-uetne ,d nlth à feelinugut our liitttMtU. àtot lunbaSa, but.lasconentt. active, eatt-u h.b la gubuttalb>' the lutajil te do as fort, ant.I .eelaly tlulabor for thé se toilt autd chose lommaiaarasaleit gutpiussotf <unr rrves tisa! and. Throngh ontvltY mt lutnd' arhetY. do il nas l ittIe dlffuirantee hether saiHawthoerne. ln a ui 111e parenie asalleit ex anl bellaita lu tht existens-e of a goal"Mitstir -Toit,"tî toches 11118t the pIn>' ce t hat hollef moDosouI>- agr-eeitu 0itaelît colit ha inidgu'ry If tite erete, Ltheor>'. I t May beg aamgeIIf Illu' nu, Changes. Lasher devoloili the oo--lie rlvea subservWaiee. teur, andtrtfm- oes of bout>'and inuî. Il nablea us ex glueg But it nîshea ail tht liferenetu appraclate l e vaiue, oftsththlt5gi bat s oan iees roaseritng tbis me poasa. Most »Of the ris-h andallirti' do pd. Ho faces lire cllb epurlige. lie et oui Iati.i mre tise sOUE Of RI lervos vth sas-rificeIf lhe balleras tIsaI poer, tathers chai tirOugsefrOît gainaul s aia nlCie but velli. a power malt- uDt euly sîsîlît>- but fressuresa cish fa Mg fer ail h l neva 10 bbilss, w-n--lioge Whai have net caVuatl them O eau W w l* bslave andiliftingilis lire. . huron asay or lossa throughî Illek Ofait- fli Fier>-te is ajI-s en.itih.,ttIdui it roOelatlqn a nlurSt blIougi Rs pf atone la am goaut asa'gisil ihues- ive bear thé eCali tat ictîvît>', tauielleve Pl tut>' gloe n lat lieoadues not %hin. But ibutî Uod la dihus giving uns trenugtIt eas hoc i-sailli bit er%nalu lite mhenu aordilug tlaQioL. La] sali ~ huiatie aert ffeeling. et, an 5JaiDt> t T TROAs. - 0 osinsaffs-i n la clîunts, tisaft Ita oravi o.PukUa et aiN. el Wise le rie ail ioviug, tisaI more Thisa nigil vision brotistt Pauil face Pl bson man Coult ever long for hecaven lai face ctth a grosi cryliag buman, i or for hoîisias (icitlongs for tuais. itesiand he nt once.gafiere ita aP it la Go ti uiing t t mon tisaIbriugas Suerlative utîîCaiti hlm ta cent lu tc atm te Goal. the tmwab of tiaheihmaaitise place cheféea-natal cn roundl.tI lu the divine finst iabts divnine the Thot ta subslimte. TIhe crî ef buman Ie bieman., Mats neett no earauatlng 1 talPil.vle-t Ot GOfal. Hon mou>'. an-e chen hi o ealie~ la lavit. l'ie t1htre art -,Whso hoar tisaI volet sud t am or tise Chun'h la bu aeetilng tea hoep galberinoBî0hng. %We licetise ram traîas s tue golf star of-ail, bstrnig taIncite tragglng l It Ime 16dormi teo crmts' ren-rence by remoteneas». It torgete lîtg ramn anti et galliar notbllg. Ve I he tather nîuanlng dama the e itl' eocorrupîtiln u Vultc - graft itr- It iettwgy aisîtvrlgt-ul ti. ereérwn-llcrv Plate as neli au men u selas-es of ihOand lave tand ruttlîg ilua -awlrî libbîts-trust chaio ttisa ie gluIs a tse lett ka dis rutIn whuuaatîtlut OMM ansd are gatiser uOtirfug. 'sTeq su te. <Jil mlng___ huri lis aiil- èe the tanitidistrict reelalIugtS îI lth I tily oe Cod omJg: own'o in-anti breatlhng torth a mural Pestilenice,d braule thent, Andt tien tle love 1ilit anit e seplise V in flmIsejas shuill tail 10w lies attirslea- growng îaislens-j tOlas-lessets ansdi1 ual fer Iheîî t git law love bau ,grpwu i tee î-iy eerrun cutis lluuttu -anîd ltb lise Polu. Il bas borne. - thliire, anal ce gutîser uothîng. i tat'siusSitIelil d longing la foi- love. Liftti tllue erats. Tise uorla ta fuîtl iutntaulty Ilids lsieahonte, fi« tlluii1g iit onaau. EBrn>' clul-Of neii Plae(-. wrlîeu It couses lai t r l ta utoana u -it ot dtuty 5-ld over- falusu-- in biauluasu. iiuiiflal0làî Ilt(l[ifutll'Pli. Cier utirist inu@ nicîusaTtisaicatilai. - u.>'mîualhy. lthe jo>'s ut ghowing 1 beit hstlie ecu. - stlip. are nue stspreuse unît aiersiailiuîr- , 11 loîg ntlrlîittue. the etettauaglorias aiof 10V ETE SRMNS flic Loi-ilWho nieuesda- even. andl iarllu. Tise llt ut moue>'tilla the love tOf _____mnen. .1 TAINTUII>irsN oT X F»T 1Tiere Sa no giililtitlar Ibe i-thîsut Do w. eI. A. éartifr. 0. 06 gvilng If. JeAuax itbrist "Ild. "Julge oti, thfiet man -sus iledu:graut sork s-ho clin 1 ye li' liot jitlu-g'il. h'r cuwti vinýt juifsg-mt ai t. 1 gunts nt>cJtudge yut aIÏnLt lis Jùdlget." ço Mtaliinla rînrly tout su 10,1 au; mitIge aiother ilie on tthelItfa eilbbtan-uubielt. on i* lîaauIrmta lu"PIf he a Iplerf,'ct. 1 un cannait piray toi main unlesa u Dr.î'suilîàîgtuu hlalieiu alttibei crk ôor r nais beableâ thaise Of Johntu1i. lta-be'a'lerauîu lluia fu e thet noutl. - tis.u- uainsau ie tas Mu'atdîsi m oit ui othing e-tlllC 11.0 a-Iurch lu iîsker lin. .lsaitbleu-s ni.i-eliiig a hart utfitan aa t.iebitt'ilsermon. 111 apiuast lua liî,hi%ii. churcIt ; lhis cWho ducs net uî'to aklles îtaîk mediille, chus-h bas fear tai fauce ftit5i-' 1mai. at9,AI-ti unit foUtailt tai autu , T'Pi oorealt Ofait ai lOrebo«a lthe pouls yVllslux.lie awbaïl: '1"lf ual ls ne iierelisera iare neoPur. talitil uia)itcIy t Titi siolita alsO pllanse pnuarei masu>a 1 )onteil- *antd'that flot- 4sitoelofa "relîlacoll*, ia okisistua touer 1 hu wnllei . hait aujdîlpinselbtuo- , okogosa Iwsglus Iertuntptlennetu oi- Tou mats>'t1810k hat a creokeit Pai linsaltaIlret Beti- onsatl5ihbe!gi t t1 a fuRod Oise. tubshinton fréon daaealie thu auentmr ou Long taluinutthieswheu i. lurati frin atuqtilsemb.ara op, Joradlahat spring. *th ne maa s plctnr fphylicxla l h *ll il id .tragth. T1%e @"MIIIUin. Rfln& j >uthach ridingandmi calIptltgouIb. bt whhbabaho atreaeêtie'Irotine Ui. !btId11f.teut fiagamore, Hi, have cou-. I leaned hMIte a degrethal wbll yen- pec - bis pro.mpe -tilro labora t o ait î- tu sly easy. liai The treslaleuts rec-opt Ion b>' - the, de iule of Waushingtounu. tdeotily oev it noue tise le-as stoterl>' enthiugla*' il c. aslulngton aoviaail l'rsideunts. Do ijerer Dug'lossan Oolarluuty i115to me 0 )o the occuPo ut 1uh e W huiît e lo w- e ll t I la Auot a aîa ge .tl o t s au . en, )wovP.aitutPretdut-Itoomeralt c- ' isa a rner place liti-sibletîris li 1the realdonta uofIsl apaiîtaîl -ttY Ki it is hîblreutes-eaaisra. l'h.>- 1k.' uîînMu )r his > lîa tinc'lty. l1s luilîlut- a,, ae Andî iant. but îlot Shen.l.l ivlisu - i nix ta bha a glua)nelghbiaî. TlpIlr ad- bt ratiou. ur hlm vîsîbjI>- inereaaautl fi-r thei stti-eogstihl-tcuminationu of le pen~a egaiubsotlitous ut i'iirtAuioItlh. eq i llaturdai>-tuglt', x iiotrr miwep- bu On axs aidtuhel ulo.lit parîiteIoICI dtcir- ta puy 'triliote ta lutiîfr b5'- te rg I i tlnte itt tli t i ts- t i h lu î ait o se l . m i 'Ify Toiaan Uîs-orIbi. Arivtai. An b'arhaîi ioo.its ou ttî,[i rulluen tl' rre niaewltnblti lil'eiiiîaYlvaiull i e-eh lie itiaesun oth str'a-î nuil théC Witea lae. Ilu al tiar Iuy thait Wîuih-th igtoi, mluor- u'1t1< îîOIH istiP agte- Ki atry unre on i)lia>- îîatnl>% sîl 1h' th ut., squliu alutemuuubhaie oul itvfa' sa' et. proctii-iN-Stir af iisi. ili-re. de Oreror. uhe polIce have a mtuatistiOtf i ialntahulng ordar that lites al tilve hR j Jit l a di m i r b l . f Thie Whte blouse ae reuihsi-ul aoult& :40 oeîuutk sant thtel5reabdetît. alter rit nkbîsng bauds witîtbhelîu irolis I u- lr odausu Whoi more confgructitun tutu- Ws er the î.onte-eoa-l0ep. a i-tt lai. ire. fi tuoseot aipeired ft. lue n* hui'atted i ber isuanît gaînlii ta irulto-tIipeb hb ltb"lber servants anI u-or.JIalîbok PiA bi Iboîrhbande. p The Preabteut cakut lie auî glai tOtei tarn a eWasingtont and Washîigton b .utmed, aquaily glI tIsat ha ,liait- rO- wrmaî. The aabsence aof the oillef ex- utive aamiCCengreas combmueit tro i.0 national capital, ln-oîvug ns Il:t u anun oatcomplot ;tasailfw measutlve andt leglaltie -ýblsluefs. aP-W tpt that o et ite"ot routine <'bahutni er. prodacesa avolt wch-esn' I onY ut st appreclateti by thoee irisabave ta tt mials ln tihe cbaatreais nuctpie Tise Proooet tsalut he coalti sotlaP' amun te Work, tskbpg up lit teir oruta - Ru et the nainerofla piolles of gay- raletut wdtc'hare nom peudIng b fore hlm. Ouneofthlb. lraI tblgtm h or#I de miII hé- to appoint a nam pub-b li printer. tt ~lThe lINtir,îum~ Clnual. itie las îîuith-t lsIl>- aor important detils-hus. aiiOs-Ih nupy mas-h oethle t'ria'.uent*o tinte ait attention. Afttto bbceniéioO tr internaional engtnerp otitos tae Wuashinlgton5 traitn ailnspetion ot the phygICal probleuni presestb>'thea nut. *hleh hua battu seefstoîtthe Prenldeitt mîli malté ip uismIni ns 9 tu whether Cougress wcllbat raaîufla to protide- for a loecsaIa or a -a-r-Yr evol canai- ne u-tli tuire np the Ca-ar'apropos,- tionta tarecouivena The tiant tribunaln a".l - amli toseaa ra'l t~ chItizna p Who, -utllreprtaeut the Itidted States baere. AbaOho ii'be-glu tmmédite ly thse prépartation aif bis lnîtnl, oses- ug"o e congEre"S, WlîI'h ill soutatnà amuno tier thbnmlbis n-toma on the questionl'Of- rilatîalrate lilationu. 80 fer. asl can ho aacerlaluned tisa VitaI t dent _bas net t mtril'altereti tht nomws Wmicis taexpremStanlubis hait1 meaae on thîsis uject. Il 1, kuowu, heeer tînt lie IR dis- piteil te ballai-o tint lecisatilto sare (liserailu ls itluIeartug aPOn tse ru- ways uit~hex l,&as-hTOWn5id bîilcul' and ougis ta1 le tierigei. This subject ,Ili be tisaloughIy lhnslslsel Ont h-1 Iteen u0w and theo tle thse messiagOL lo roati>'fer uituluissloli taeCoungresa.i AhIofthtie Suuatorf atd Repraseiit*- tIves chose cOmltteO asîgneulto bu- n-t theun clth apelal i owara and da- lles lu conunoaeton îth. ralirotat egla- tatiet i cliprasont tlîcir bndivtdaItil vIeca to tht Preubulent. TisejdlI I t hlm cWhat lu thetr jaîtgttiet, echu>h. atone la tuspoaaîbît, and urge, il bosai et everyu.i ode ersfisl. hst te an-eid lendlug himel to'0tIse tihrea. aenable clame? et prteof8lAl hobbY. lius posalulasa agnts ofreatOTi Lightulug causait a $200.000 lire at St. Joaeph, MO.1 Pobliceman George .Jimepela Of New yOf hmn bean akppoinut dcbîiet uf polICe et Pansma. Joenu' . lloclrefellel' in Simulay sellant ut Clevelandl, declsi!at a drunkaruFa gWb- barlai -ee nover tither u-blIy or isumor- Tisa-Ppsgascanal cncosalon. amarul. .d .1-Z:IL Masheîof Omaha. Neb.,bie iahuptI roixog abbot Sis lOnt' mdeilivas.tkthsm.i-Paai ar t or a puai. 0f Dvi d at w l q - botter et ibia dibvrteb st-asaai t rat Peui. âeadtW hawl~i ~ Pd SamqeJ4,21 - ID-ilb, I'baro etu-ob mat Irieltq4 bli- ta-on> frous the Igtory of Daniel la lliona'den. Onela summed tpe4.tis orda. "'MAny are tiie affic-bend âth gltabi*amendltheotharla 'aumpogé sla tb. mords. "bot tii. e rd i 1vio ih hIim ont oft thent aIl." or au gtp t àlu the wurdo et our, Qoldua ToIx. Xa u u alasoieul tht ni» discIples« r graady tusmeot vmilli pese odi. av4m u2 a le frod. ne tausght thets te algue ayluy i rert the dIsi ple m u st e tl( .-- eet to a baoya tbiaMauter otu escpeo ilgity' mbau thé Master-d.) tout Iu tirecas e of Da nel.Ilipîitap a aie been that the prince ud ilpil nIas voulit roet havlng a Jeu rot- ver Iient. but y701 k le Dot tIlly>ta -s [t a-na tle Iheurt oftireatrouble. bFor - ]rins evirently raa euousb ut ofana- lirat le have Brun central aoir bis nugo- - se raleri.a.nd lie mouuldilkelliy chooa Ieta ut mssy stinallîbes ta truieoves lforent parla ut sucaisa eterogauso» ipire.- -t T i. tra ub fi le " asa m no lu A. ti n s bail gel the chat rnlartitlp ixt Ilu the ciug won that lie was à notndil prligh& JI rascaliuy. There mtîautlue bno fer. utes mate oi of noms!tstiig. tbeer- »W.~ If Daniel coalîl prevent bi.. Thas >ul lihoItu'u cuinteelnsu-e iron 10e R re é sur i cui y " wia> aot lite. t . s ar o ns t act. If IDanil wons-a a ler aoisoo oen utie tbîree lurasîlanta. Everïone îew v D a ni i l t- ui.) req u ire . lt aire br th e Chur alluld i le ores rerr buualy. dl- -- tengly andul eielntly; Tt ras tnot a proSpert that tiges* -no aaril uu-eaitcnta lokeutformil te 11htl piptssra. Tt wa oint in Record- ire ailtirhue ..-usof(lie timos that aisi, miso aerein poumer auj hail maaltb ruul fot use tlair itumer ta extof t- ore moue! traum îlîo peopsle sud spiad lain meatltl in luriona lirlus. Ma th~aa men la1It a plot hoaifarce0 tb King t-, kilI Daitici. And tlîa nature of te plot shoaws hîuw a-Onleuptile lbe con. olirlmofsCar, riuey on a promise ori Itae,*etroutute Kinig tht eauounteul tu lar. And the Miedi-.iand l'crsia"s flid 1sRyiog thai their Is-,Unre uneibess- ie. a tec-ree îîuulîl outIlie clisageit te ivoir Pran tIc greatasî men ofutuie king- i.W vCeuilu ,qKîru;z luiguntif.Tliay g;u.* euth ainsîenlson ira doubt, la ban-- g lairs. huat rare resp-ctait enditbtI -are lies lit lu apçly tg). ail, vitheut iiir ta art),. The hitig tel ijtuth le iaP laitdfr, lii If lue bail nul be vain ef bi, ivrer. lài.,sraî,ld perliap% avie aéen tgeU atrop mais ba'ing u#etfor hi., HR ie R .tP lie pride bulelfiiai ismokaning s promise- [igat miutih have test hlm luis Chiertand-- be.t lieuteanut. Verft 10.-Daoutlal.Who moulaI at one.9 rs the ia hnint iofthebo dctes. au the Ig iii nuetitank nu -uotice of il. He wons"îsuiiî tiipra>' wth foinface ta- - rri .artusaleui. lier>.likely lhe louaml obti ofthIiae wiueroniadtdW sud tben prajeitl fil aigli! âtof aujrmlho Chose -- ta Tuait. 'twomapt an otetttime aet. for it l a 511 puclà a ciastont for domeo pieieof tiue BncI 10,fta otlhinpray- egin litue Righi orftmou as Ilta sfor bas Sliray. tosaiter li u-bimrci. N er s - - e get-- i n ut ae pMottera It it -appy>. Tluej hall conutcui uan D*uel'o u<tiiiiîîaai wstaehbis tod. andîli1ud Dot iaet miitahaui. TiresjWa- ait!t he King. a lat tliiîar -hars,- îîg:uinst Daniel. Andi tan Muio>11.1.luîil tley ditst À) ith&"is tise - Iýiuu; p.ur-eive-1lir hay L;adImaile a fuelai of., It ras tuot aftr aIl a plia - <s fim lita ouat. 0sulhabail gppe"&. -utt a plot lu deprira IIofu bi agot fathfl tlServant. Tu kiff Daniel mas ;i« nt ail lu hi@ mmmd. lia e fed all Verse 14.-Tha KIqg. me are laild. 'lIabore4l'till llio-goina; toma ot the sn oa free Daniol. At aauiitosv the deera. illi talla affect if lha coutît inilnoe war ta prea-ont Ir. - Verses r-7.Btthare tins DO val of escatpe. The inexorable Iaw mtoa il*u1 -seca t e . A nd D a bi el ws P laco T ul a the joui, ant the Stones that Cîogied tige I n W a ls a îi e u m t h i e S i g u s e ta 0 f t . king aud lulg lard&auaothat tliere-onli bu- iri. sur"eptiuiioîeaiog of the cav's titi freeinz of Daniel. A veny re.nsrk' Sie itîs-itatut vira liat tbe Ling shouoli coessa Daniel it beihaf that DanWeP Cont moulut cave hbsafron tiro ena«ta.- Versas 18-20-Tue bing net oui>' bad- failli, lut Irc- somtetiin:ot hou- tei- haie casae. fur tîîitb. lHe passeilthtei nig hi n fàta tiug àsil su reiY lie, 4b i nt - lit list sorutie ballet ln Danlel's croit 1tîslatjive at-il ili n lu aierDaub" irbat moult lie prayor. thungh P itotugh( not haro thought ofut it s lrayer. Alse -- tlie king %ret [as arly la tise toruitgo ker-eik coubd ta tiie elieusoak'to t D)aniel front bila par it ifliea-are ,atili aiva. V,eas21-23.-[tiailitua Iti)ulitrt anud .rppaîreitiy aiu. for taspoliuke a s îirii-lainuaaireî.1-idombnflena lan dellver aug îi.Ili. and rondttuils Simuple-. short de- faitie o! lii tItis *tomard litie klmg lthicl i avil IIIt a s eîtrosrhlfor, the treutuilit tiia wilchlbclie huilipien .ruljoct' mi. Tt woaîl tirelaa moîn of brun nert"~ ir o ut aapî i e failli ta P e asi i lIbglit lu s ' n "rave bIsan td b. abîle ta uîsik qsiietiy aii an ibldi lit the eut bu-fore lisut, luters takag, u.ioetf danger Thlu- saqui tairle Mtary '15.eei-crse 2411 abuirs huaI tIire lionsui mre reaill hongra andl Ravage enorgh 40 entalargyasmoitaI, Dot proleeal b>- UeVMAnntgae rMuses ger. la ahisngei maY hiybeen Ithre o0. lbe aL Son ut (oail wliO mallet ln th:,, erv tftrusca riti. Shaduuil, 3Mesb3h 5 bait Abednegî. -The Itev. H, IL; E._Luerlhg. pndtate , As-" - - - -

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