Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Oct 1905, p. 11

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A shvotesi«lot Ou. thstl Iao$. sud beo Tired, nervou ther p unfit di'.,and 1c ";r. tther ah oe no dfiubt i oibe, headachd. diaplatement. s Lpai E Pink doi*idla b. eoudltiou.Itie ergmaaandi p. plaoemenis LaId Sncb testina isoulsi convince 41 lwat sotei yo er. l6 Our 'orl to n " forI ce-lie. 1J . isa. Pinkbe. frný Addet.1 1349& 03, W. a- Ooiaonu «mobe * ~ KSpéd ANADAS DEPENCES. Taklng Over Mtilf»end Esqulmal ÇÜLTU RESTOKEP Stronghôlde. eti d i Cn"haîasumesi thetir l he@M" iof ,1. DU flnanclal and mlltary barden ot main- pwgim.o vole ao ... talunn thé naval detences ef Halifax 116 ffUl"OS AdWleO. 1and E~squiItalt. ~ otfl àWth the' assumptlon of thia re-r Ahu aem té lis*n te poslbllty, a new volicy of posalbly t.1 aehe t.oguard be far-reaching effet la the relatlouahip for ah. reslae. it'momo beveeu Canada andi Engiaud villihb. ,f . tefemalere» ais bt ltituted. It moai b. itgai'dtd, lau rit, ansd cervouanea.=4a taca~s one< of<> the t impîorat ce tsP"at of h&p$- atps toward nationalienit that the Do- t minfisa haiever takou. t This neoilperl la the outecome of a etofdscussion andi agitationasa tb the obligation resing upon, thet oolonIe. 50 hbelp besr the bursitu of0 the Britiah Empire lu fils pollcy 01 the verld'asos, ansd tht esulle theretrous vill be vatchosi vith keen I modiateiy concernedt, but by the UIteeat>etoias th cuitnis us boldos wth ber owu sono andi pa> the coet thereof, whlcb viii ho a total of? ~ *' g $2,000,000a year. brluglng tht total expendlture of mltîs aud detence up a. ~to $6,000.000a year. Borne mothsa a1o the Btislh Ad- 16fo on mraty witbdrew lia leets from Hall- fxadEsqulnîalt. leavînc behinsi )us sud irritable,. .i oly a amail vessel or two of tht sec' ýt to caure for ber chl- onsi case. This radical moye on thet )ndtlon ruluathe child'a part of the Brtish goverumeut la, la reset.î opn heru'ei1. itn. vlth the uew concentration Poi-t hOuId flot bc bamed, aslcy of Sir John Fluber, the Seniorf la afferinp vith hockL ordofthe Admlralty, by vhlch the ebeasng-own painaOr ntLordthi cakIng fle a burden. main leets wll ho kept in1c 0 h Usan'a Vegelable Cou- lvsaïofo!the British lales, readY tu uufaillng.cure for thtp '- _patched on short notice tuanol imawgtena the femnit distant main of action. 'manenti>' curesa&U dia- As yét Ithas not heen decideit vhat i irregulanities. ou' sa the oiown disposai wlll be made of tht BrIUalk 0 women of it.. value:. garrisons tu tht Haifax ctadel and am. the Eaqulmulî barracisa. The men0 Fu . ovmb god LydIaE viii prohabi>' get leave te' continue. igt nr vs. m'.i. service under the Canadien goveru-, 1 m evus, 1Usd a"ihl-ment. Elghseeu hundresi men have 1nilie5ula mIIÀe euxM censtltuted the Brtish torcest Halil- w airaâd0"iv o tua fax. i ï. Plukbams'sVagth fx elenuttlandyosm The Dominion Mînîster et MlîtIa. adicle and for vbeU L .9 Sir Frederlck Borden, has ont oni>'y tabit C-eaupon Ib l mone commtted ilble gevernent1 t. b.ý Itofunas 100 EHIir plscing of Canada upon a sel -epeni- N. Y. et ibsis ln the matter of thot 0v = advioes t"Ck Omi torte reterred te, bth ruh o Lynu.Maaa.fore Parlamen, ai lis roceut sesion. L$other ochemes of defeuce. lu ist D w eLAr» epinion the bet service Canada can ýSHOESC rellder the empire vili hc tn equil> al S S th efences efthie Dominion as thor- m $4.00 ont Eden UL- osghly as possible. and te that ex qaaa IIe tpfy l,**c teut ludîrecti>' relieve tht taxpayer of the homne cousntry. The mnstert favors the estabishment ofachî of mlîtar>' depots aerons the conti- cent. Large gens and uew rifles have hotu orderesi for the miltla de- psrtment, a Dominion arsenal and emali arms factor>' havin been etah- lshed fer tht home manufacture of munitions ut war. A MuskttrY achool 0 bas beeti st#ried. an army medîcal corps, organlzed, an Intelligence de- v ~ partmient created and an engluicer corps tcrmed. 4t4 -4te addition a cew body et mon, te be known as the Sratheona Horse. F.atwd X ilii hortl>' bc organizesi lu tht .17tu Northwest. Radical changes are ho- In lg made In the annual camp meth- Ode, aud a permanent camp ie belugt REdopn m selected ln the norîheril part ot On- 0 .100aobff haveb tblr e- tario. rhe irai line et defonce et the à t 0 ie liu; Bz,*W a Canadien eilitis la, flved et 100,000. 'a. .'lg: M" 005.; Tht mlîitia force now numbera 40,- Lk. ai 1 muid te" Yet lote 000. Great armories are beng bulît me rS aidélu man>' centreq. and le man>' ways rooitb eagsW»bWbkb eVf there le unusual actîvît>' le thîs de- as l a" aaY" Wu eal = bass ai;-« ore t b. boaspartment et the governument service. vo be di SlICtbtv.. the Furthermore, repaira are beluz factery edtbot.015 ther umade tb the historic citadel of Que- otm' Wb Y bec, Whlle lhey are under way tht tsar wttIIar ~ af iade gaurîison la housed at thetwtv Mr large fort rected a tew y tara age a.~N~i.ubar Levis, opposite Quebec. The ~IvIsiter la surprised et thtalze snd lassspoheicW..Dut- extent o! these earthworksanad thelr in. pssip extensive iarrack accemmratfla. oroed.sisr7tieaWm Wbln hle they havd not heen equippesi tes aa.. ct o l Fua iet wIth large gens, Ihose could qulckly 1* ut) aii ho placesi lu position, vhtn tbty voulsi tra 4 'm a l commandi long distances bth up and *.'.-c asdovu tht St. Lawrence andi effec- ~t <~V fi tualy protect the ancieut ty il M e It Tht miliîsdepartmout et Csnada msb m m la aise exproprlatiug landi for the con- imiSisUoU atructlen o! addltional fortifications w thtrn, despt t hei feu-iî. a Levîs, Queeec, t a point two milea keY mr nscaY lly izd villa be0v the Levis graviiig dock. Tht 1dg mot bave tht ce- gane, Iheretore. have already botu tp«47 cf recelvesi and i vll be mounted as scon ibas tht emplacements are completesi. Tht elevatieu "Iibe 150 teet.- a In the Sand. sta.ttlSonmbfuhlttll A pile of aud lu Mail street ln lw ht front of tht poteffice gave unlîmitefi et otZd 51a11L ojoymeut to chilsiren te whem Colney il s«assermois; dotaDot Islandi andi tht other heaches vert NOthr viablugf uet b denled iast week. It vas a ptitul "Y' yorexpeualve. isury >et amuslug sight to set theus revel- mh andi accle. aud lhe Ing lu tht aand, tht bot breatb et tht ir animal matt? la asphaît pavement aud tht uuc A feeds ileise gema, raya o! tht sua eucirling them lu- ne OnjY ln ove Pound lstead et tht soashore breezes Ihat ,operiy labeltd. Tint Wall andi ceWlng dsilgs. shoulit accomipSiy playlug ilusentd. crattu>'" sud oui' arueat Nevertheless, thtIlttîteues bilît in« color plano, fa"e their castlos aud made their '. ud A.SMJE C0. plIes andi got as drty as their time lé, Or Mi Watt St.NM 1L veulsi shOw, drear>' eyed niother' __________________watchlng them, andi eccaslonailly tak- PI..40-800 ng filera tetht teuntain lu City' Hall park. Bore otwth a kiud heart Boue yeare.gine 1 vas malsng a roux! tkneugh a Posture. 1 came. scrons a green noot hait au Inch su diameter. I loeised about to ose vhtre thora vas a tree. lu iooklng op a steep bill, about flfty feet awuy, 1 sav an aah tret about elgist luches la diainotor andi frema this tiroc tht root came. I1Sit not trace this roui; to lis ondi as 1 shoulit have doe, but kuovlug the distance to tht vator, on lover landi bolov me, sud tht size cr the root vhend 1 eut It lu twa, I estimatesi tht root miuet bave gant tventy'live, test more, niaking seven- ty.ave foe gu ai tht roui. must have travae tg obtain waser. Vines. inoiasdîng ail that grov lu gardens. ,soci ai frapes, aquashes, pumpii, aise cucunihors sud mol- oua., lu thei' natural state, clumb whoro tht>' have a chance. 1 have b.d sanaie lmb high le trees and hear gondsi silsaquashes, Bo that I vould have to give thtm sulpport that lie>' mit grow le matenit>. Mar- keot gardeners s>' that a squash reu- ning alossg an tht greund ln comning undor the 11mb of, an apple tret or any other tree viii lift itsel! te oh' ta support, ansi thon tait ack. Again, they 5e>'Itat!i we place a dish et vater to lthe lgbt tir Iet o the tprmlnai point of a vint' andi a little torvard tht vint will go for the vater ln whateve!- direction the vwater usa> ho. 1 have imnown htuteruîut and elm trees to, seesi their rouis Shirt>' or fort>' foot dovu a step bill te. a run- nIng brook et valer. It bas beonvr. corded t t4t; a veil was dug twentY- Oive foot trem a tret aud linesi up wlth ceusent, and ihe weli ceveresi. Thse vaten vas conveyeul to the bouse lu a vooden pi"e, le tbe pipe there voa a Isthole antInlutirne tht vater hegan te fail, bosidesa asqulriug a atrange tante. On Investigation It vas founsi that the weil vas partlai- ]y' lilleil vith tht roots o! the Ires. A root tounsi tht knet haie'tweut>'- fve foot avay andsud f ounul tht vater et lant. 1A troc ln Calitornia sent eut a root foragiug for vater, go it tollewed tho lin of a sever. foilawlng its cas- ing until It reachesi a blgh brick waii, lu' vhacls severai teet up there vas a susali hele ieadlng te tht other aide. The root miade for thia boIt, passing tbreugh 15, then Il rau uloweneonthe other aide. findiug the waier sought. Bouse years ago 1 rcisd o! a case where there vas a welI on eue aide of s bouse aud a wiilov tret on the other aide, lu tht course a! time the troc sent a root nîndor tht cellar bettoni te the other aide of tht house and celiar, reaching thet water at ast. luni>' ove case, mac>' îears aga I canveyed vater from a sprîng to tht tarin buildings lu wbat we caîlesi pump legs, Tht logs getting - ame- vhat decayesi. tht root e! a maple standing some ton or tveive feet ava>' sud a littie devu hili feunsi Its va>' into the loe ans i llleit them ta sucb an oxtent that tht vaser at tht buildings vas mines.. On txpierlng. wo faunsi the trouble ais related. Myaterlius are mati>'of the works et nature. Hov de the routJ ansi vines 1mev vbere teo fnd wiater? ta it vegetabietInstinct' if it is, es-en thon iR la rnysteriau3.-Timothy Wbeeier lu tht Nov Yorkc Tribune. Bamboo Growers lu Washuingtoni B3anîbix la beiug grevn o n bridge Island. M. Fturuya & Co. bv been turilng tht experirnt and be- lieve that It bas been a suicrePsa. Bamboo stalks are uaw cmore than five tees in helght andl t ut tuelieves the>' viii grow te a hetght ot troni Ifteen to iveul>' teet. Tht bamboo viii be suitabre for maktu5g cuies and tht lighttr clas oef friiture. No at- tempt bas hoon made t0 grov tht heavier close o! bamu etiat la usesi lu the Orient for censtructilg bouses, lasdoérs ansi for a vartet>' of othor pur- poses.t mea teP S This te thetfirsttm n top bas hotu made te raise bambou lu Washinîgton er St an>' other North- vester'n point. It has heen trans- planteS ln the open, acd If tht ex- periment la a stîcceass fieluls a! bani- hou yl be planteul. Accerdlng 10 tuembers of the iirm that la malsina tht exiserument, tht bausbou bas abevu evs'r> indiîcation et develapIsig as rapidly lu tala State as it weuisi ln Japan. Tise qualit>' O! tht stals la sais la ho eqsiahly gond. It viii requlre au acisual adaptation et tht home grown bamouOtelits multitude of uses ta dernonstrate whtherlils growth bore ina Ssecceas. 1-Seattle Times. E-xact Obedielice. Native 'servants lu Seuils bave tht general>' deairable thousgb sOmetinits Inconvenlint virtue e! the Chnese- delng exacti>'a they aria teld. Tht trouble tg that the>' seidolu tise JuAg- ment,. eet. apiT Lord Roers lriug a cma nln Insia, hait orderes bis oman te prepare h is bath at s ctrtain ieuir. Ont day a fierce engagement was golug on, but the servant madc kis way tbrough a tonni et bellots, andi alpu'aréd as tht commaildtr'5saide." "Sahib," saisi ho, 'yoar uath la reasi>." Even à butter ator>' cornes tram an ukuevu soidier, irbo vas awakentd, a -- brt -r - br ulin a bs-ot.M 1APANtBs frANm IN TEXiAN Immigrante Are BRattu 1 e ndiBe- Comins Woolshy. It vin b,- ton" lilih o u's-u1 et Anserleana that tht greut Sutle et T'exas bas within ils btelursa liriv- Ing colon>' etf.l.palstse taruîîrs, wlîose umnbersa alorti>' wIll te lîur,-IS'le- cicasies. It seenis that 5woe Years 4ige a %îIr. Oljishi. au hlstrue7tur luituslt'ol- lege lu Jahitu. purchasoul -4X) acres of laiat lusouthatemTu"ex-s'i tutweont Hiouston ands Gaive-itoit. ssiilu-h ho tieesi tfavrablshe for the: i-tltts-atieui or ite. Upioulthia ht' lit te verk fort>' of lits evu countr'uten. At tht endi et the. lirat year tht rýiuits vere 50o fuuoratile tisai dille thte caiuier o! J:tlyins'st immigrants i-sie lototht salue region, boisght 4,00<)acres et landl andi aise stuntesinletoe ultirate ris-e. Nov it la reoeiihat '.nr Gatia, a e Jilpneso rous lîriosa., hl erriigpil te puircîlase 44,i) acres ot landsiw-est eofttepu-e«eit oîhui~tf lis î-euiitî'ytuelî un Teeaus andi liai ,liiti t JuipIii ta get 1.0(K) tîîii'u sto teille 0us l108 luhlut:1(. It t s ruchier ileelar-ii tt i it I'etapt ed 'y sthe l",îs eus - î.Illetit 5111t tisastt>' have îu.i î ai - î~ l4i a ltikS ofet ne tiit) 11w i s tl tI'eOttuer Texas groin-a ' ii' tusiil'va sac.. Olns' rî'aga15 tcr ii'su't-itli exte'tils'd t iui 1l a e it I., tI'lt'etîe i r i i r iietl. t iesire ta lu,., t tIiiiii'r--ailu cays, uuaaun les :tilliý,.. ILuI.'sî- iio to oworkluîg haretul Il di>'thtu'> liav s-evtis ai ts'ndiieg si- il as iglit. If tIbis account hoe trut' t w-Ilcu'r- Icinly eoetmanch tomttl'ut. 'fhe royal welcomînosali tahavei' tut'tiex- te'îde.lib>'tIse Texans Ia tihel.uausae- imuigratils lm vast>' diffruit froin the ireatrnent aceeerdi'u ii tîshir (Chi- istse eusina on the Paititi coaat. Tise Jaîtaiese In Texas îire.utiîiibycoe w-lth tht idea et- makins tmî'r lierma- fitut homes ibere atîtioft bet-uitîîing land owcera. Texas bas Ititîr Of lnd ansi la short on inhabitants andl lahior. I'erhaîs If tht Japanese t-uloutists hsall Bougbt un>' other State itutîr c-s'it'ne weuid bave heen dIffereuît. Ths're are large nurlubers eofttis a t carS as entract halierera undier auril.itilshe, Hawailan Islands, hbut titeir tutus la rast>' sifferont Irons Itît et the Texas immIl-raný.-Pittshurg P'ost. Cnied lBtr Rheunatiam. Dep 'alley, Pa., Oct. 2.-ilSîttlal.i -There la deep intereait Ini Srteei couet> os-or the cue'of!tut iittle datîglîter oet1. N. Whipt.ey ot Itheusina- tiarn. She vas a great suifferer feriire or six rearsand isotiîg mseiueita île lier asir gasasVtil he trieul tittîsi'. lid- ne>' 1'i11s. She hogan toii iatros-t ai- mea t aseîseandi nov abie l'h -trei andî cau ruse ansi play' as otiier vildren do. Mr. W'tbuîkeyanys: -l aus inîdeesi thankfisl for wbat Doilui sKthtîey PIla b;ave ulîtuefor us> dauugbli r: tii,'>'savt'îl luir trousbeiuîg e erllîile j erbuips for lfe- Dodd's Kide>' ls tave pros-ti tas lheuîaatisi la onte of lthe reatlts ef diseases i Kdey-. itiuetuîuuttsat i 1. catsi'd la>' ric AiulIn tht llea. If tht Kiduieys are riglut tbî're e'au hoeuse t rie Acisi itse bilootan tu -iiseutsleut- 1>- neoIheuiuatiit. I.uîîiî's Kîdîse> h'ilis nmalle the Klîlîiys rlgiît. Virat Cons. ViretServesi. Â week bettîrvecininenceuset Joues, a senior, ý% ho w-as sitar>' et t.nrslieg-beesetftru'. w-as Isapîtit> en- gaged Inledancing i inuiner clotbu's. A. smille of eluglziteianticipautionl îayaed unîsubistu-a tures c-iieulRob- hies enteretl lina etii ttîîî'osat. "Relie, ('lîtrt-Y'grs'tte<l Jouteei. "Oh, nothlusg utt,' satid lhohatiit. " juat goiiig'rsîuutii otise Cleîîsea's tuu cnll-geiîg te) set' if 1î-aîî't get askeîi te diner.' 'l'î ole cie fi lujwIy'froisuuJolues' featuirea. "Oh, .sa>. iute" lie expostai- Ilitedu, -vat yeo*t oug saineniru s'tae? I sili goissg tusrt.- Tise Ideal anth ie Real. "Wlat euatgi-a omu anauluae tu a ma*s lIfe' igîîdtht rer>' ruiîl "Ii ytsou iare.,aîr iy1or." rei'jae.ititi aeaInt-bsureul iaitil %tioi, al lîttît luto ua ait ithe tusa rr ieýiituai ga ute four îuun tu >-eara,"l*iii ciilic cltuiiaii'ofchages1ue re- euiuteï chule iîiiî Onteno' Tieni. (,roucb-.%Ios ut ii.pIeopli te otalti almluts ilier ulieli-f i utigaiart' i-ere luif.ater tilt. Ascuns-tidtl'? Whoiîatolul rîti tiat? NOTICEO IT. A Teuuig Lady trots New JerseY Pas lier Wl5s 10 Work. "CelTegare nie terrible spolia ot In- digestion, wlis-t, -emlnng on erer>' week or se, nmalleit' t>'lie -reteiueil Usîtil Sorne onetoleuaieubthut tht cofefi' t drani w-as te)i lîtatîs. That seiesîs îîaîîsense, bIî,t 1i1ttitldthese attat-ks tastttoe cciiit otn auurtl>' afttr eiittiig and cdwere ti'luih ut'tb>'sut-tit'airu- est'îalî Ialuis li theii,' fthtieicstotit'b tiîat i could cuti>' iiiud reflet bla> e'u- Iusg rn>'ciotising ri aIyiîîg titîcu "Ilf cîrcutntaii'ts maoeult tIpiasible for me te lie dccii I apoîst heurs Ii great nîlser>'. "t refttaesita rush>' belles-tit iras tise cottetltîtil ic.lly 1 tlsought a trial wosusi ai legat sicututbarn),s, 81 quit coffea In 1901 andi hegaîs on Posttîuîi. LMSSOF APPETIE Colid Swesta. TwlthinqNe.. a* nd Woaknoaa Cumed by Or. Williams' Pink-pille. Nature punisbes ever>' nfraction of her laswjs sud careless habits tasil>' lewlF to tht condition deacribesi by Mr. Wil. lisran Browue, of No. 1019 Lincolu street, St. joseph, Mo. Mr. Brevet la an -x- pers tinnernu the esphoy of tht National Biscuit Co. H. gives tht followng se- oeunt of a trying experionce: Iila tht spriug ot 1902'" ho My§, bhlie 1 vas reglarîr workieg at my trasit, I grew seaaewleat careloita un > hbtaof e1ingand driaking, snd fical fomunsi iat my appetite vas fdckle, t adi tasit. lngered, lu ns>' usuth, ni>'nervei twitcbed andi ver. beyoud nîy centrol. us> kîdatys ver.eout of order aud ceisi aweatslwould break eut over my bodyaet odds times. Perbaps, wbiie I atosi talk' ing with nomet one, Ibis trembiing of the limbe. ansi prot usé swealing, lai a severo obil vouildseize me. 1 became alarniesi a my condition andi, havilig piasi uendorsemeut of Dr. Willianms' Pink Pilla. I get a box snd began to iuse theun. The>' belped ie t aonuce. Afi,-r I bail useti eue box thetswitchieg of the lierves. the trouble wlth the stoxiiiaub ands the colds aeats stupped and hae îlot reappeared,andmir appetite îs goMs. I have tlid aIl my fri;tîda ta Dr. Nii- liauîîs' Pick Pilla ccred mienudt I recoin' meos tii t tevcr-vblu<v." D)r. Willitim Pickl Pilla curesi Mr. Brîîwîe tiecause nutliiîg cae strciîgtben th.,î Derves excest gaîsi ricli, reti blooi- andi Dl-. Wîlliina' Pinik PIl actual>' niîake iiew bluod. TIlt! dou't set on tht biuwels. Thev don't hother with mere avîiiptoinfl. The>' drie trous tht blondi tht cause of nena, indigestion. uer- vous dimordera. geiîeral weakne« ansd the troubles et growing girs and voue. Thte ila are guarants'ýed tlà hcfret from tîpîstes or haursful'druga. Solsi hy ail dreggistrs, or bi> tho Dr. Willieîes Medicine Company . Schensectady, N. Y. Barring the ammagras. On tht Ilinouis Rliver niue-h lire staek1 lii tranîsporied tIoemarket on tht sterti w1wel paî-kets woîctî rue te lSt. L.ouis. A ('oegressîislî'a daegbter. Who W41, trereliîig on ont tof the craft for the firgt Iunie. rieta-thie assit pens willi ntiicia lîuerest froni the <abusstlrw.iy ",whit are thos»' aie s keul, of tthe mate. "'Ttiata wiiit we calthe 'tîr age' ",reffiîetltht hoattunîiîaniliil- ouial>. "'Dear ise!* ext laliued the voine! worn. -$"Sa tiînt"u at hutises' mmii grauts came surosa the oceauu In. lisit. dIo you kîîow." anti sue tudiesi the cuin- strutlio! ofthe liens iwtlhngw mje'- eat, "i1 neyer kuew isefore what pips îîuaît b>' 'puttiug up tht bars' îsgtiilîa t heils." MAKES ouT ITEMIZED 1BILL. Tong Fellow Reputrsa s Iefractory7 Punlv and Cha-gra Accordîngir. The question of renluiuuîîratlon for la- bar. llways a inuuutl <nie, Ila aeacept- IlIt oft iig vie-tsi freîîî varions -stundîuoluts., .. làan scial cniiiiiîiiiita- le Texas wbtre Mîtvr is hai ata insi!Mr. Hec- dersoîî, tiie ownî'r uf a weii, itttd out vith a pienlî't lîtunt, w tus a person of j consequt-lci'. Is wasa aso mnatter e! public cone<'rn w luns tepump got eutSO of genr ailîirîfiîsed to eprtormâit il proper funes'tlaîîsa Ail tht mnhiluthe localît>- apetthte day lus Heîdtriuou's bîîk >yard, t'ensuit- lng andi "tlnjkeriig," jointl>' snd sever- ail>',,at tht purni, bat ail to noe a-Il. Fîniîlt' aleîîg caeue a Young fellow, Je Brasdy Iy nîsme. froni a nelgliboring - ransch. He lookesi the parai) orer, theugbt a coulule of minutes îaud lîîsîde et two minutes moreihadl It ln work- iuug arder tigau. Approbation was gen, .111-t liante 3yotr prive. le. uit>'boy'-' su lui tht awuter et the îunuip u bartil>'. Joi tut.tsra b15lit a liiitisei Sali t11:1t hei t.-.ui$u5setaitilita alsut tigut. Titure %as a t u:lllut ,eaiuthil-i. andi re- unitk r i iferu-ttntattire troin ap- prlobai oti autit ru-i'l.v ttuîlttlz'îdini. lae e ivre', . m' stlitise ug- gris-seu l ietulur- l. 'I iuuitglit yos wîls a squaure kiii of a ttti.Tlat aln't "Ywhite mcan's chaurge. WVby, yesî didn't<do uotlî' atitll-tiy cine of us eouild a-doue vitat youu llace-aicutyeu wau'n't more'n ive mnîuteq dais' it neltlier. lty> ceets 'ud ho a buig price for tisat verk roui dont." Jo rouaideresi agaîsu. "All rgbt," ho said, "l'Il niaie an- Cther charge. l'Il laesd Yeu 'ini> bill,"' 'ho nîdeul. tureleg on bis heel. 0 When the bill came it rend thus: C l'on workiag an eue pulp ve Minuites .......... ...........$ 5M Fuor horest-ugîte that no asher nmoth- ira aSOUn otyon cuuld scratch up. . 4.50 Toîtal.ý................ .$.5.00 -New York Tîîsîs's. Lewis' "Single BIn4er" atraiglut fie igar. Tht biheat price 5cc elgar to the deaIer and tht highesl qualit>' for the imoker. Lewis' Factor>', Peoola, 11i. PrOlhomioual Aiviiet. Yonuug 3Man-Doctor, 1 arn asdictesi to Relief ibai cones tretiti! 'eis or oiber cathartics la than sufteriug troni thte constipiation. but reliefad crniset ray ho hasi aitht price andi more promptli>'cIs Lmnes Fmand Medicine lsa cuarefor constipation. M beadache, hisck.acbe, aideaeb generai debilit>' tisai corn constipatioin stop wheu thel do their proper worký SoIt by ai dealeratai250. go TYPE Printemis' w tt ilqîor habit, ls thene un>' curefor V U ~ Ditor'-That tepenula on cireu- For Sale.aU stanito. Are yeuu mannuesl? Wb rMe Yîîulug men-Ne. dml lks'tiir-Tuen mar->'averna n irboil UmSfp&mM, utaîrs' streînotta iban yuuare. r I'ion'$ Cure fer Canuunpttou promptly ij ~t i'elteeta ry uissîe 5-year-old %inter o ertup.-MisL. A. Fiance. 23 5l ___gCO street, Broeklyn. N. Y., Oct. 2. 1901. 0&n A large poreensage of the people lu ow *!jÏl. 1 'u tirtzil go barefoot except ou SuiidaYî " ,y sud holIday. Bisceer are thteaMot ruh and l m- YOU NEIED SUCH :A TOI Until Mull's Grapo Tonie, Wai D*u to Amerlo... the IFollowlng Was Incurable. READ TIIESE STATISTICS-WE CAN VERIFY.T et00 ontpeople si Stoarh T-tbta anlziserln epil est st ept " tif Constiptdu ion andInme leroebea tnd tisaaldelt orsda% thea.. l.Ma>din t 5lma uery enpientel'ii emu-sgesi. Htois a5r have Ilwhonde on't it u'gecIt, natigont kliown mcoaedote es asuo usn tee doi nowe. Saiege galbsit Il uthlu ko t eansavaIt il. aayu. la letaSaineiurub e ustho ath eset 4In talta e acIi', ne TuiuîM- Ise lhatnc r l ab t, wbey rstht ri eI n te te emnîll ', iÏaeTs* troubhle berua.. ohasit, i kncvthrat bann tueu'l elib aryth* t'ur ou bi'hiemTouand us voile.v. b- au-lily gaerai uet 15iMalà$i t-Ilend sire o luahly tht>'lie est t vly e I sndlnavs e- cobeaspvetesud panaiM ial tht inlouéitus het 1r amla 1vnf 1b5< ecans, sud thon asle, deatIb., cases et thet ioltandi eu«éI Now Cansipation aidSittunseitTrouble uneGrapo Tolite.- prt-ved thlofaiup byeuri.ugower 1,â th. etto mel- w two &Ms .Many of thess M -. h et etM.7. = z. "setc".,u, cespliloat.d be u ln h il boue te I"aI ether relne.dioe nd douterabsd fali saii suissualy hope, despaires ef., Dutsurt t.'ah neuitodmalla us»a., é, the. uquiciiy andl. te st urias. ,Thoe .la e»easb 6111049t lie. Tiseapsa, e« Pieu-la, vweh is su&t'*qa"tftchae teurtet fcned ailbis Ilite sudi- hais givera op toile, toms.,a oeM c-as nureul b> 24 bottuez. Dr. Dili1, et Sit. Loîuis, wisose bealtisbat. been bu-ea uî If>YeD btFe ltbeumim8u10110 d-wî. clamns a tissi ern ailltes cuavai ,idi.îues-.Lung anis lIti'W ii. tisas us la s spîildid medusauue fer digestion, Dyspiepsie. culai, fefer. Stouns-is alndtDwels, suis the hesl seusu-al 10" 0f #trop sus strellgtb4 rua 40 tot ie ebe r-sac-. -Dr. lHedolnk, ef Kanueas pieuaicltia. fdotua, bas igI0 ity>. visobail Constipatien se badlytisat bais Complexion. etc.,.ueeOf hoe vengeai iun cervelle ethlapa., says te the resait cf Contisatitt',â hua gncas sou-prime *fter tîylug everything Grapo Toei lI caîa0y. .Il tie viacurtis b> Naila'&lGrapo Tene;bes iteToute. Suai ta Dr. Mattlà# says It la tht beat thing fou- Stouuac andl bos> shoulisuse it. Tnb4là nowel ad aihîdu-ed ulle, tisas bas como te miulîtdieutis areu'. oucys t hie attention lnaisaprofesaiai caue:r. wiserebull's Gr-apo Tente Io ui tliZseiluvallit fon yt'urs, afte- saîsng Os- tDun'w vautbut setn..Dowleo tissrough course et )fuslu-sGrpo Toslite, effon anis get Wel.Goed f« AI eays aise vas able te leave beiedI atter tu-cc anis nurslag sueas tise tinai bossue, aund la new esitylue goatl! braIts. %ae lhasittrueis aceryting that 123 FUIER COUPOS came te ber tite. Mu-. Croît, et -St. Lotî.liais dyspepsie, tiver suis boa-el su-ou- Sensti ti. coupon athus usée hie for 133 yeaam, visiti e couteeidur- dites sasianmu ruiu-stanms. $ ce bmteioftutMahla Grapo Toi.$or lug the Civil WIar, lie eaid lie neyercol a nd iConstipation Cale. - get snhusyisatisai eues aifocded himcs- Il, b ut bt aashort trenaittuo! Mllis MîIVI'aGrapo Tenie .., 5ateTU uîraîti' Toniteceoauu.ett'iy cuniaibin. lie Raok ilanuil. rei î-î.naetuded Ilteîooldsi slîiera, ta n>' Gire Full Addreî ss nd n*.ý tof avisa suifer s lis tisate comluin. Ts dî.abue containasDert th NI r. Mct«uol>', ni Tu-oy, Oblo, vas euee!of ilec i. AS drus wsensr-t tht' grnesa uffern taorer camh.te ouIr attention. Tisent mppanitiy vasn't Tht genauinois adt- eu orgau cf bis body frtue trtu-n diseuse: nîsapelà on th* lahel-tsbbl Licen Trouble. Stomucs ans Kiana>' Trou -loue ruet bà*o ýeo4h Botter Off w uta'. 5He Wal. Thue man irbutc-as s piating tigas altiti the rnadtinestutti Unele Itëtîjuta it- tiii u t ite feauce csnteutedtr iultig Ili,( counnceb.9 "You tlin't item wre-elovér iii" îl- las aoettue cou-tsi?" rensarkeil tue susti lutîtter, 'uVurlul deiît i e,"liSa,' leiiu "î]lesu tu ii.î't roiget oluu-, ndu iit fin itioulualiki' te rst o!fithe suirîsi usaIli. e t-iuinel Fan>' et yù* p. a' tus h ctitS loli 1 tiîliîg tii Yî', ijt'- ,ulittt'.- E! o'-u ln poltits i'% tatiet grittin'. luit if y's ver>' rit-i, it's; des-u catitîl au lacoinue. Es Ali'îî p-' Att roîkitî Ai'us hetltaioffIlîali 'lu deti ilî- lIt p.tellii.'-t'iisugstNews. A DESPAIRING WOMAN. Weak, Nervon. enS Wretched trot Wootinig Kiduey Trouble*. Mu-s. Henry-'A. Retrner, Maie ani Gars t eets§, South ilesîs, led,. stys: "'i'u'btii1t egain usltî1 l)nî's KIl1 c-eak I cotîul hiartîly dsrag iii>'- reenu. i wcitas -,cretî-lied anud lter- vtus. a asd luild - lutg isîsus pluth. 'heai-e. thtrtt- lsansd ceaS u',ses. linupa>' set fic luetest eî'loksd rue ani theîteîîcît tise liîeart. 1 bal i tIle hoe. hat tiiJ ut.> m urîtrise. De:i's Kidîsi'> 1 t'ilis branglit lue relief utndsisas-ts ui' tîte, t shalîss'uer-!orget It." SldiIt - ilsdea lers. .5oelîts usluox. l'aster MNiltteu UaC.. Bisfaits. N. V. Secrt of teccega, siii-veeiq assit-iot i îiur.' ne- lîu.rkî'ititi- ju aric itiî the lt iut fi er - 1:1. iu i -it let uii 1Lil l tutu .ittt i large lut iik balancet.-' "*i llees," caç14iliiî,l tiwe aî's- -lîlît iteîiitt'r. "I's quleer 1I îuîuîr huit iieil1 tu gret hliosftal>' tf yîuli' iutt "Oh. 1Iotisi urite ttiiuk'i. rî'îu ti'l iitti littorary iilrr. "u"My uî'> ii aitiaur il tueruituiiotsfortir itiiii.'rr-it' SKIN PURIFICATION. 1 Cuticura Soap, (lutinent aud Pilla Clenause lhe kisi and'fllood uf Tortue- Inr s uinor - Couiulete Treitmsent 'l'he igotiziuli,, tiî1g andul tuurniug et ti' sinu. tu intuztititit' t1 riglut fuit hlil urti Itit etofsului. uts In st-tlleul : tilt' tti-l sisfilgsu-eiet. asIlis< tsin ls a l lo1gis-erus; tht ais'fuistuf- fi'rlig oa! ltutits, ansi aîxteiy of catît eut lpairentsas u mleiilleS rust, te-s- tera nlul;th ilruit tîti-alsit'ulud îa reui- euI> ot ilnouust suerbîusan tu s-lrtis ot sîît'as > -uîuu 'usiti tliuu'îs. Ttlia t ('uIt tura utiti îu. )titustit sunti11'11.% are efthue vi-iltti'eit urt Net a i)uubtou'. -")0 îuui,'ts .'uricîl tht lui l. "iut iatfferis gandl serere trials phan!>' tec etitîter*?" "Certaini>," reftuieul the li tae-ielr. "I's'uslitaril ef seseral este- i suture 1tutu vere refenîued by gettiug utaîriesi." Badapest lnsa a deasi treet et twtuty- thu-e houais which neoune c-lui enter hecause of the abuorusai deatlu rate that bias prevaliesi thora lu lbe pat. hot wwterMan, zu oulMinsud imb or Icait.N tataappUed. 0 werk. Tboy ru alu.or othel cet ro. tsa an MliuteowonDesx il

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