Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Oct 1905, p. 5

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or nms-SU Na. g. Laso . TUteacirr lu exelutiet! trü,tire e'mk ftirhe an.>' tirt manches ta tire orn etcllnktnÉ I . But ve Sud tee OmpeMe lu tle leacirewsprefeSsle c that outu-lghil&Ilahtie recempenlé Of «batr anS more materlal charactens. Teecrp vork ir vtirlie rau- matfisi -tescirer sireuld lad tirs gratest coin- 7F pousatien la tier eliatien Or a enr 3À331 uzuCK. veil doue. Tire truc heacher muet r.; member tirt aI ubavlng ireceme a tencirer sire mueaue- craIe benacît ttairer vnir. Meostihave forgotten trIs. Tbet'e la arambie ton sais-r>, sud etten tire terza "saisry" bas been egandesi as ton dîgnifiet!. sud the. vend "wag"irias beau substitutet!. se If thre tarrer vere as iremns. Per haps the teacirers are underpaît!. Tire>' are. The minimum shanît! ie rsised. but. If lbe crcuinstances are sucirq4lat t canno e, he, Uc Iacherasireauld h. uIMtilgt moike tire sacrifice and! net baud together for sai'>'. and tiraI sione. Tire greal teacher et the C'rlstant necelved n psyand made s great sacrIfice. Teacblng la a divine profession. Ils value te civilzsatiin sud te tuinit>' canuot haimeas- Uret! b>'thre hanking hanse standards. The truc echer mutIte a certain citent effsce erseit. Tire trac tcacirpr muet bha serant te etirs. The truc tescir e oer bas a sket. *"Wiat le tire chooi te me?"'bat mie ir asked. sud sheait!sosi, *"Wlat arn I1te esciroci?" Tir e saciers muet be preo te ier profession sud gSaed -te saler 11 sud muet id thein retarnunet lu vrat lire scireli iveiW lirein, but lu wbat bbc>' gîvteletire scbools. Tireciols arc net for bhe teachers. bat fer tire cuildaen. Tire teschers beloag t1 leb irlidren. LENOING MAY BE À CRIME. ditadjy ensnuy et tirhe et y neci dgsd ouest an@. He la the, Puma te ire ta"kd* pitili. Au>' encouragement iron ila maieg ne a memplîce laiis crime. À man tire tser day vms cireld ida steallnt copperscut et.s blIlait!eggs sbat iy means et a liet! stick. I1ilok upon tihe prntemienaI horrover utb tire ane ceteuipt an I have for tirat gentleman.*, The adye et a gret Amerlenu rnIIJIoire ou the suir- lect of borreing la to thre pint. Hie says: 'Neyer ber ov unies.yen eau sec joncvs>'tW mire thre principal, tire Interest san excellet prefit." NAIOAL'aleOIAt W U MSUCL syii Ir5. Valga. Thre magntitude 0f.the Insurauce business; lire eteut te virlcb it pervades ail the States et tire Uin.tire deep Interest vhicb ailtihe people bva la thre sount! aud ecouornels administrstion ofthe businessa; thre varloua Plate regulationa Wt bîicirlt la $abject, at! thre loug rain ef abufs whicir fou- therefroin bave nt last arreated the attention oethtie ceunir>'tethie Imporant ques- dounviatten Cougresa sloulitor -bas tae pou-e te moniste tire business of inunrauî-c. It la nev veli undoestood-tirateuaetflite mostliînport- &ut functiens ef geeramnt la te rgilaesud siperu-iie lualltutllens vire athre Meinugicf ftic peule @are depoaited. irtnt arnong-mch Insttutions are the' Insursuce rampatliis. Ifundreda ot millions ofthtie people%nione>' have arcuntu- istet! lu tiror banda. Tireir business bas groo-u ta cuor- mena propertion$ sud iras nov bfcOic nationial. TIc>' bave pusired tier operations inb aven>' corner efthie lut!: tire peeple efth.virole countr>' arc ditly payln.- ttu thelr tregsunies irundredapttheussuda ut dollarm. Preaidént Roosevelt bas doue tbe ('aunir>' a ignal ser- vice In Caiilng lise attention etf('ougrcsstethie quiestion cf national reguistIen et lusurnce. Tire spetacle etr fort>' States. eir vwit Ir is dîfferent etoft luîranm'e ragulîlon. aud li nsurance emnlssioner pfsseasgitg 'igitonial pou-crs *, ~, ~ mer* or h4. m .-u uîsa, ..t'mi*t1nw a Siiitii.'51 i. i- I tend a report tire ethen day ot s baukrupt thouai sud et nationali ocerudtilu u-iîtb ail te people, "vbho got laonlb. bands et moue>' letîdera." regardics 0f State Unesbave a met vital Inîcreat, pne- - Tire>'chrge& b lm 97 per cent Intercat. Tire seuls asu lcogril>' Peesibie oui>' nuden aur rompiez ys- lfJl rcupt vos aurpriset!. 1 do not mérihe hlm tain et Stale snd Faderai Govenumeuil. 'fera is sbaahutely 111bankruptcy le irsving gotlotie the birsofetne muS rnsucufor Ils continuatrice, vhîle tire .le ct-cm> mon ea>'lenders." i snoeibo Il te iis belng a reesen duit <oure s ioult! regunte lira business,. teai. anti 1 do nt recken tire ltercît t aI l Nationml egnlamnt supervislin et insurallceliq un- exorbitant. If eue leude moîte>'toa maninsu ,daubtadi>' near at haut. A townuship or à rotunt>'insurauca Ignorant or su, careléemtlatlire ctinot ralruiisbe rampan>' lu prepenil te sabJeC ofet dîte isupe-rvisioti: but vbat ha pays fer It eue muet charge for the is lk. p>'d- au Equitabie Lita Sot-ot>', îir ils four bitrdred sud odd De>' Smith ir ai!tht vion ire lent uîouey le a friand snd umilionsmO et sosColiecteài frein Uie people cf tle u-boîe th. trient! paît! hlm bsck. lie vas alwass eizet! ulth mn country. mi>' voit h. a couceru efthIe nationmid ef tire lmneolntible desîre tu go eut sud spend IlStUmii once. Il nationa Legimatare. seemet! te hmmas Iflire iati udt!cuiy comaelotosavint!- fan, tonlie nover expecîti toteesacliremoue>' again. ~ AOTEJDA A veaida>' arquaàlutauce ot mine dIvides iis persona]i ansAD tj ,a y boa-overa mb otire tolovlng clase: Tiiese sube avIli rer- &Y £*judi tes a. Prere. taini>' psy hack borinstir'>' are honorable ad <'mpe- Men ciremen 105MI judictai cmces bavea nul liec tout lu business; thuonealie viii puy brk If thic> are ever more part>' adireret. The>', bave, ln genernu. aieruhich la doubbfuî those tiratwyul ertaimîl>' nover psy hean devotet! turing tram plitiral careers ta the irick becarumeey ic>'a-h ever lho abIe; these that wvilinerrg nstionbaas 'ell as t0uichePrîncîpîca oft tlii reps>' vielirer te>' are able or net. Ho Informot! me tirs paries. ha lent lb tire at ca ns s cesp vny etputtlng an end Rvery chIot Justiceirat cente tnt thigh dis- to hlm acquautauce uitb tbomi. tion stter pnssing tirrorugir icte ae atics, A minubas n iglt ta leuit!àsdollar If le caunut afferd treota or ihiuys et s pari>'. As a a-nie te>' Ist iuIo f'lrs thIe eudIug tiretgoouhonetu-ceacqluain t hae Sgee Irougir muny grades ot politirîsI effort, onces In tire resatote le boder's uasiiinguetqs 10 admit humble as veilias iîgir. Ant IlineoInstance iras ibis ayaîem tirs-I imre eali>' not me veaitir>'emuth.tcaboot h ellevéq. hnaugi tu tebennir i man vire coniti ie calied t!oUoughl Man>' sviddiers have asedth is, sppeeliug te tire'vanit>' of as a plilirai chiot justice. et persoas htm veaiti ratirer lune lire moue>' lirsu 4imit T<l'h omocsideratlons oughttulegin. s asOuse hefure va flet tira> are no e amîtir. Man>' leudans sureter tirir consent to bbhik t c or lite, sotlot>'enmuysbtet ofgev- moue>' moral>' lesecape mn erntssrnssing poiion. Nine- orneént are grouing verse or hfore vo permît arreit- tenlirs et ailutliIienig t liI onl . datt sdoucnthen boseule ltouar>' ieorles to drive us le the etouin utiat ait! wa>'. One migit atiîu' i; ws eli <ail iading autos purses cstomm. maeuirs ortUjettioda siouit! ho abandoird impi>' tué otepat!, aitir a bindgeon over one'& beati, "mualug hecause Uic>' are oit! or beceuse otlior goetrmeuls or tortu& him s auprar>' etvauce." or systems baye nt adepteti our simpe eut! effetveiva>' Tiré luvetenate anti anacrupuloas irrnou-enlutirhe mail cf tiealing vida gransd dlfficuit bumîa probl1ein.. ORIFYINQ AND BATTLINa 1 litinchei uMr bot upon t le imca A nid riftl iati the cbbing tide; The wlind wisfair. the coure' wonfre'e, But drifting t waa fDot atiofiail. A %torni aro'c mn ivseltthe min.f Wid hlmus leapemi O'er oen ie Bsttlmng 1I .0it the port to gain A~nd iatquu won 1 mtisfied. -L.on;Anîgele's Tiniex. One -6ri's TragNvy. ¶011E girl mitulth 1echili>'stalnle eyedl the younug onisu with the draapjug înouth kPeeni>. "'leesî taking aniti-tnt" sgite skesl et last. "You look tim aud waahed "Thank you for 3-ur kiud wards," i'espouded the girl wth the drooping mouthtb itîtcousderableasapeit>'. "Tour dyspepla la i worae. 1 observe. OnIy that wouid make you s0 truth- ftland furank." '*Oh! corne îîow. what'a te trouble? Dont waste your time belut ar- entitie." -'Weil,- saidt tu girl with the droop- tng mouth, "I do tt'tl radier unbappy, that'a the truth. There's flobOdy ta biame but miYseit. You've heard liabel taik about that cousin Of bers who bas been studYlug abroad,, ev- oral yearg, havent YOU' "Hairent I!, acuuiescad te young vomen wlliî the chlly @mle. "Id like Wo know wbo rouit! escape im- Aibrt Hou-art! Graham. The ftamil>' juat woraips him." "Tes, be livet! wth tbern wheu he vrastsa mal-bo'. It speenta le'@ going te drive Mrcoui hîto elîlîvlon when once be geq started. Reil., e bas doue tmre vonderful gs, and Mabel uiwSys îpromise?'he vwould "-Gîte you the IraI chance at hlm?" -Weil. you kuow, Vin ber dearest trient!, aud she al-ays bas said that ire uîîl 1 were made for ear'h other. Naturail>. i gol Ixteresteil ln hlm. i rather looked foru'ard to meeting hlm. ton. It geemed sa romàntlc tt tiuk rnaybe ire was MY fate. "s'. Ye,n nImagine MY state et mmid the other afternoon wheu .'Ibei calied teu i on the phone aud ald lbert Howard bat! uîîexet.tet!ly Sr- rivet! home tram France lire nlgit ir- foré, andthmevas dyiug ton me to uiet hum. sudtt caIied lîsumteut hiti oter tlu ii>'boume atter hem panse aire irat forrotten lire day befone. Pire Ralt!bch bd a business errant! ie imuet attend to oi the ba a-> but aire tbclgirt lied h.litere lu ait houa. "1 sIts senoexitat!. aud!I bat!tons of ting4 a m slier. but ii the nmidie of aur tmik te bail rang anti 1bat! ie g- tot i'th r.1-Iamv lb vis tire nanu h) oa-eriîamiltae kitcheu t glae mit-hem mi aaliaI eti -xSezoting ton s coutpletf tisys. for haciîad a queer long bng andtiosea ire tlitumlu hlm baund. "I didnt wavultilo elose .Mbei, en -t eniietibat-k otan in>' aoîidei, for hin ta mit doamiudsit aait tili I couit! attend le lmn, and! rushet! bactteb Rîoue.1i saket! Mabel Il ber cousin9 knew ste had seut hlm aven tu meet1 me. aud she ssiid n«. and then I bat!1 tu ring off, for 1i lad tu get lido as decent iiress and!do np rny iair. Itt vas trngglng ail over mu> face. andti I1 didu't at Abert How-andtul get a bati impression of me. "The stove mnumat meeki>'lu an corner ne 1 startedtu tatean uptai*'m and! 1badtutestop a mtnte. 1i ld hlm teutcorne wit rume, sud opéued the ktchen ilvor. You'Ill Snd the toe.tilere,' 1 sid. aili>'auti 1 suppose yen knew what tu do-edean It eut su tiat tt'l bum.1 Then I 5lew uptairs. . I *egt dresmet andut a utier Vcp- tien rooin>for tua honr% and AibtrtÈ Howard Gralhatm iuvgrappeM& 11-t g9t eugnylt at lsudt!hlîîglît i'd tescir hlm a scsont en ire dit! reine -il v8asseule et big foraigui affecta- lion. 1 mappomei. nîaiutg a &gil ail. "ýThen i sttdeuiy rentiibe)-res te man lu the kitrhtet. atnd! aoider:'t! virat hire cenitlie îltitîg. for i liadiit beurd s noise frontîm le Ibîtseîîeîît the virole taa itaurs. i vent dccii tu lu- 1etlgate. Tiheatn utamt i luil it'tia pile of avoodi Risuntik et î cgar.liha seaeuletgointi i mise- miii sooitl- Pos"sedt. aut! eî'î ie «. Ir:tngaly Ibat I Jnst starai ,Ibij-ioutit(41. Il vastire fiastuie I lndl tîkeuti igoot! look nt hlm-ut> tîiii tutu Itt'(-ti go tull of AbertI Iomivail. "Thon Il iasbt'tt umer iie-tîir Mabit bil mioru me M iti i.ire--It'was Abert Hou-sa-t! lrabaititiiniseif! Ti.' bag ant i alaes w-cru' ele<trl-:tl tîiiugs ire listi just bougla. .And 1I inad oi-ukr- et! hi l heeki-tt "I oappose lie w-aut tltîîîglîftri eneugb a lx)ceai-biia tore a..coi ru-- qaested bhua. cther.- lutit i b itagu vitir tireebil>'muaile. "Tou cant appreciate i ragctiy virenitlnla lirowut li yartr mec!" tii.' ether wyiet.-Iiinslrated Dila. Ntuta or tira %4 ocist o. Mati> are tle chanuges ruîg ou tiit oit! joke wviicir ggesis lIaI the phy-- mit-an ia more or lsa ai dangeroug persan. But semetinias lt- tonies mre ge naiNe au te bute a sort tif tavu'ltmi. "Hov'm yaur httsb:tiii galltg alcuig?"emabat!>'asked ?lrs. (tblu' viroselilteiang t-oipnptiotibil bt-ii setlsillti vIltnetttonotia;. "tVeii, 1 deil tknluimita t tei S Mr. CuttIug assmiered avit bhe slowi- neàandt!iudacîsiou ie ia-bIt-t-lriueeirlz- yt! ail hiem speech andtti ations. Van kucu- we'r-e 'bil younug Duclor Morse ber. 10 hmm tramthie fiat, ad t th be vorst ve bat! ait! ioctor Green ifittut tae Ceuten, tue. Watlteîle It ltinte Dot-tom Greeni came le salict t iet, '!trs Ctting, vo uay uîow t-ahltît eiiut orf danger.' Sa I suppose 1t niltl aî lic leansd jîmIlildo't seeni l utiv-b like l, u-ttl DocttanMre comligever>' dey-" ____ ___ Toe Utig rarte ii toyal Table. Tire caunibel klng-Tame tbit a i sionan>'ma>'y. Ciro-Wis thlie trouble, ire? "Hie* tlntet."-Ltfe. auistry'ays a ma's gins'u alhi fluil hui eut; baltnîc'ncotiua ta but thuil ftOeBftN fT&OOLO MAIIJ. lire per et M.loleimste, precurater *cnerai of thet' ly tynot!, Whoe fer twenty-ave N <'mrs bas been douîilnating the ne- s<'lilary Influence of thé' iuasian 51:11e. seauns$bat- tare aira ai. fie la more 111i111 80 yeasr aid. la eonflinedte bied lirnî'llcally cou- llnuously, be!levea$ irc sees everytblttg -for avticei ie a ouglît im. notriaq»la dyltîg siu embit- teret! nid man. let %wîbh bbe Ibreois of lire miapplng ire stili proteste vîtir MI thé-élire etfisàretîîarkmîble mntual- M. Pobednoslzeif ioa b<'ettdenein' Inatet! a foatie b>'tht' we«et. The me. cret etflmbis ruderful osuin>'river tire minda etftIwe emperorç liais been hls unhaken bellet lu sud ttevirtion ta tire prni'ples et aurtocra'- midorbbodaxy as lire tu-tucerner sto,î<'5 of Ribosas future greatnces. Hîl tiissîs, ire ha- Ilevet! wltb &Il the Iit*'il.,it3 of bis sorti, vas destluedte ladoiiiiîmîe thre globe. sud he wns ever fond if nmserting, as ire dld ta itentar ltcî 'rige 0f Indi- ana: "Itusala! itugglit i' nt a-alMte. ts- mia le a vont!!" Fignratls'ely, M. ll'lotzf pal upan thre rivilizatioti ofnire mi-ca. L)e- macracy toi hlm vas iriîeapisibie des- potiani aud Liberty' a I-arise, sud ha vas especiailly hostile t., a frt'e press. t'or lrremponsible eliturs iiltling ln judgmet ten anyandi everythin. sud llgbt~'ýfomenlng trouble ant! Interna- Uanal strife frr hij-li a monarcir would bce delbroned aind respousitile oCeiiIs t!imgraedl, Ias tuItilta su lu lire ronucillofii.' empire for n quarter of a ceulut'>linue(if the Eut- peror's minîstera coutld boi!ld iiiowu againirt M. i'ofedoîîuatzi'tf. and!bis vic- tartes were aeîu.~ itmi bis mulght mnd main he atrugglei. iii spire af fait- Iug heaibt. agaluatt 1h.' ucu retorin rooveruett. sud luà "inuonths wheii hie was unulile tea un utrIglîtlhe man- aged at least taosc.'îîr- tie aîpcî.ire of a draw b>' lusl)îriiig the lumperlai master ta balance lire. reforni re'crIpt wlth the' reactionary tîmînifealo. To latintistes wlîo at,' adiuitted ta lts bedfoinu M,1'olwa'.iotzeff tailla bittera-. He maya ho lias lest hope and! washes bis bauds of ea-erything. Hie sees ouI>' min ahend for elitr-ti and! mitite. The governmemît. lie derlares, bas tonii et! ndt,> aiow tire people toaym> ultirquestions nt state sathe>' wouid Wltl ucu- lya iq deplorable. Tht' cririls heattribube.. ta te Jack er s mtrong aud t'OMIn:ltlu iu tata-arnan, anid lie muteërêI>'liamtes the Etuperer for bis aveakucas In yiclîllug tu the in' tImfrlniles af tirheIa'ns MAKINO -0fý- LEA) PENCILS. Vent aldamtry Conilucied la Thie Cosn-. try sand in Germany. The number of penvils uA-'d lu the Unîted. States Rnnil>ly.',i dt-id-sI aveni>'. mitînt!ld i ti>'ly trr cii one of lits tapîiiitoit. A pair .if îlieu- cils a yaar woffid lie a sinali lim- Ra'e for btaos.'rcqttirlttg titeut everyN day. 1'et, at tlii'iraite, wvheuthet tl cf altt , ifIlO for the wiîoit- country la calv'iiated. oe eraultloit ireip won dpnitig bau-fi ipsmibie i. consume sncb a v:ist tîtîmiter ifie ici Cis. Borne et tii'ir(' ur'ils ara 'Illtiae ti Germnuy,- but tof tbe enlire itîitb)ei that Americaits u'se iit-tetimaare ai home mauufa'tiir,'. A vouslderaifi quantity ofethtutu article lm àIii,o ex porteti as aveli n irnparted. Tire lien cil factories or fheii,- ttted Statest'Ii po ut>' ut o'iiut 2115 8pti'sOiS îa> I ig thetu ablit $7tsi.i5i)in luW2txt's e-î-3 yenr. Aerî-as rîrntiai ouitputiiof îîaucilm la; wortiî $2,000.000I. Tire vea ii-aComnnoiy' motîglit for înalkitg ieîi.vii lm Virginie. or rëA céear, whlch grows abundantly tlr the' South, eali)tJly lu Alabama sid i"ionlda. Enraie. listing îîotig Ia gond Omotig lis oni trees for peut-il. covertng as Virgiila cedar. obtamns Ils suipp>' of ibis itiiserlal tramn the Untri cd States. But tie, Arnerican manut- facturer liq catnî)i'ed We go abrand for the graphite coîitalucd lu pencils. Miexîco. Bohlemimi. leylou aud Pibera yleld the hast IIIIalilies of graphite. Tire praparatIon ot graphite, cf whlcl. wîirh clu>', peeliiltend! consista, Ilana important industr>' lu Itzeif, aud Il bas lilshonte lu Garîunuy. Ruqineas ln swamphurst. "Our 11111e loNtit la boorntng." sajd Suirbutia, troîld]Y> "I heurt!a couple et traveling saiesmen talkiug ver>'enu tirnslasticaily ablîiit Il lu aur business section to day."' "Tas?" sait! (itltin5n. 'W'iat liues were lhey selllitg-." -one vas n drîtît alesman audl--er -the other soit! tunerai suppîlies."- Phladeiphiisa c~ New Naute tan an Olid 2hlet Sînce the govcîîîîflent playet! sncb liste with tîîdiu personal nomien- clatuire otir gnd trIeud, nimt-itî-the- Face bas a0epbî'îi Ihe hatai sug- gestion oftlite 1post drugîst and! m-iîaii- et! bis naine to .îqummuga.-PJîiIadel- »hia Ledgzer. c' - What lthe Lttli.Woss Boom. "W. l1111e voman suprecis-t tire josao e oiforb Ibrovu te as," alt!E eue et tie. "sithougir v. kne tiret1 vs are irepelée, anti that nethiihg lu tire vomt! can. mske un taller thsa i an unkInt! nature luteutietius taeh..3 But yen vont! isugir te heur tire tuuuy til recommende ta tme fer tire ac- qulning et a couple of lucires of ireigirl 1 ar n lntrncted Waireep ieuder, te hein up in>' iead, teatires. my poin. t!resaings, ta abandon short skrts, la padeur iriglen, tW var long net-k kecp ta Frenchb ieels, te affect trai- ing sou-us, te vean blgi-rimined bats, te atiapt Graclamidraperies, te hairtîuai- y Wearnwitîle. takeep rip e l*cpef.ii spirt (on 'tht' îrInelpi tlint a heart bau-vet! dawîîb>'veigirt et vose lsa pulistshe shoulders tiovu), sat! teaido various stunbs. cansating of nunuing, jumping, akipplng, stretcinlg anti mes-ing. Ail Ihase Malnle I de r.- lilii>, aud tMen drema anti go ont avit tire conscionanesa Ibat I1samnet onc fraction ot atiitIchr taller tirsu 1 itas hefore, anti nobet!>'lamdecelvot! hinle Iiinkiug sa, cibirer. My par- ticular -hum silil tanks mules &avoe rny ba-cL Sateavemen gay: "y abetat siitlie tllng yen are!" 1I mli bave ta lumup up lu thè &Ir ta ec mivial peaile are looking aI. I gnusu t lisete Iiet! about aito et tre m. thausant! or ns'e lptni uggestions te short w-amen,' but 1 arn stili andin-1 guisedi>' sud conspicuansi>' littie, anti uitIle i shahllie tW my dying day."- ttbUat!elîîbia Bulletin.t Tire FssionaairtCoiffure. The uevest bair dressing arrange- uîemîtm show hotu iigir eut!low colt- fAire, asuthîe choie wilii epeuti large- 1>' au the contour efthlie face. Tir. lau- dressing is epectal>' becemlng ta ucinen havlug ieugtir cf ueck eut! per- feellan ln profilie, bat limone are allier stye& frei m iih tW cirose tonrtiroso iess gît tatib>' nature. Tire 18M3 modes brougirt iata favon te fîtsition cf dressing tire har 1ev, whî1<- la becomitg more anti more lite rogne, îtartlctiiai'ly smzg the younger sel. Wbil tis style is just uitet! ta te wouîîau lu lien first youtlinbs Iikeu-ise proted biecomlng te mati>' av- tua( n ho bave posseit tîla periot!. lu C;ie lau- style of coiffnta e re hait it rr,îuirad ln tiresiiig tran viren tire i ur la venubigli. Uuies* a voman Li.:a n ueaitb of baîr, anuartlstic effeet ümitîuot lhe obtatitqaitircut nesttang ta soise artîficil imeatis W ssimtnu- ture, lu ut-h Instance*mmcont fte naturel itain la cornbed te tire front nti nanti for lte pompadoeur. anti the <-i. twist or-kuot at the nape of the t-eekla airtiii.-I;ii. flib tbe coiffure dressaitlau-, the' fronitlitair lm marne- limes parleansd collet! offly bacir ut thie Rides. Fair bain bias aiu-aym beeau regardet! iviti ftîvar, andthie tasiouabie miade is aurburn vith s gilut etcapper. Ou-- luig ta tle prevaleuce cf preinature3< gray fiair, aliter>' incka are n icger cousidareti as an Indication cf ativauce- it- yenrs, and! are extremel>' beeming o a youthfui tace, addlng a certala --bnr'm ant itsinction tate eeaner. Liacu Waahed Too rMach. Haifthbe husmnidsansd vashen ivoman Who posa as "helng beantiful waoaers ant impojers, muin." ton't kuaw autytbluîg about takîug t-are cf fine or an>' cIrer kînt! cf liteus. Table- Maothsansut! npklurshoalunt!nuen rbava a loncb of starcit lu, thetît, yet servantl atter servant viii adi a uitIle te get an Imitation "sinit"'lu pince oftheIb ur- isir tInt îotlîiug but canefni ironlng eau brlîîg ont. Lauîaak siionitlha murinlet! untîl. Itl s just a Ile damp ail aven, ut! thai iýronet! untul It is perfecti>' dry, galiig ven ant! over Il with tht' Ironti lt a aumspicioan of nîtilture la lef t lu If. Nev I.uportod Faiu Govs.. Feu Ween- Kurca' irw te dlean thaîr faces. Tire fat-a la mte a xposoci ta suit usI anti waîliier luisu an>' other part of tire body' andt terefore granit! ho cleauîsat mare sud more catrefvil>'. Soflon the akIn vitirhlbi wurng eut et ht aatar, thon appi>' tionougir>'lu gondi rolîl t-t'oai, after w1it-i a ltorotigli rmîbing wyul s camel'Bi 'rbmuéh wyl leirve heu- tupuritis lu thea pores. Rage valtîl, eight cunom; ou.-iraIt eun-e af horaxr, andti anaounese cf traluet! lain- au jule maire a lotion excellenltfor remiviitg tani - 'rin anit! i-fornieti eyt-bo-s eau k@S Improveti b>' i'hi>iuig purs grasse or vaseline on tire. at aigirt, bathilu tire. cai'efuity lu coit! vater la tire mernlag. amut tircuputttug on a UtIle petneieum. Neser brusi r on b the brou-m tirevrong va>'. Enusi tire. SsiI>' vitir a giali eyebneu- brusirand Fou wii l nd su tmprevernut. Fuchsia retis anti bines viii pis>' a part lu tire colon achem.. Topcoats ton cor eather lu ciotir, velvet or fut vili h. mucir venu. Hou- tanribl>' luceugruons mont ot us are gelug te lok lu tire Empire modes! Cente viti tie reteut ullike a man!@ evening u-altcest viii ire prom- mnent. Tirs circulan mui v iii h. ubiquit- eui, andi mont apparent lnappideansd cireck&. Tire postillon viii ret5n. T t li be on evening ceata et sllk, aise on cietir street modela. Aung tirs ucu boas la oue matie en- tirl>' et grecu beaves vîtir pink camel- Il»e et tire ends. Ovai buckies of wiie peani cool lit- rie anti give tire tuexpeusve white bait an Individuel air. Tire siartest Frencir moanuiug bats are et blackr crepe Iimmet! vitir feida anti hou-mo wetvile cree.. lune sutumn taller-mateienlumn>' cases la te ire mat!. more elaberate b>' tire addition ot a diemi-train. Man>' vemen vear au Invisible net aven tire front hein, tiras keeping Il trlm aud var>' vîtirut a Vei. It la ilkel> tiraItirhe et combluatien tire qulck sppllettlog .1 tire feot snd bock of tç Air ia te tire body vw* furnase.Tire Seller tire more. drafts ams tire bMigiroriet bur4 Tire sait rub lap a lange batir to 0 t 44 stnong sait solution. 04jd an a niig or in tire tb5W il le are trouble la yard.f Noe au cen h eali >1 tigirt mirecansd iigirb ç'O nirees Impair tire cieni4 igih ecto airain thi rej hacir sud cause urvu*U Ible shoeabas a lau-, 54tbO Wheu flic eyes bave f nation haIre tie. n viicia 1111e viteir atidet!.If tirewviilS C# là yeilow aud tire pupUi :d tirat tiregenerai irai11 Cnshiloum filuet! iti r Ssi In&" ireada an tiet hep Me as mueet-emeii ansd ia ing piiiovs as 1h. eu-eir sain. Tireme make ver>'ay enta viren covcret!wuti cf saitabie colora sudSéi Whippsd PeashCr*u, MM Sosir cosuat maerOf synup o e ncr peservedk 9 rather set. Bealtirhe *4 eggm antul ver>'stt.t, týW tiegnees hait a eaptul -.e ugan sud tu-o tablesp*O! pescir syrup. Mix la 1109 au-cet ces.. WhirP te anti place ta altemnate 5 seaket! macareens la A heaplul tire cnes-m M on- ever Il airnetdee ooS*Mt- Te KOsiWoP u Amongtirthe m breken la ploces sud for a kirt vill h. a compromis. ire,- tu-eau a circuer anti a plaitet! effmct. Feu- Items etftirews.lun eceul jeans bave beau se effective as th. long. ciose-fiîtitîg giave ostl omen ana aearliig. Fjorene ovanti ver>'tIt-ing net-k- laces une cenîposet! entinci>' et mmaii goiti beatis hung vlir chelus anti bals et goit!. Great emphaslm ia laid open tire walmtIlue anti a smlant boit la uev su impotant teeture et the u-el-appoint- et! costume. The entslde germent muest help aioung tire effettoe an exlttet>' utlle walsI, viricirllabhcutid-vo mueI atrive ton tris jean. Thene's a fortune evaltlag tire man vira Inventa asmlik gieve guarnteed, uct te vean tumrugiretaIhtiloera lu tu-e veariugs. A &mant novelty leda toulreîter st-art ef citffeu tu match the girdie luncciur, am a rose or umine -rt and ti ciover a whrite tmoek, Long coals, short coatm, tlgit.tng on box cotha, eton coetm or boleres-lt dos net se. te malter wbih irilla, provitied t beha ceat, For thre Crcuatsion. Impentect circuation la eflen thre cause et cehres cheekm. Be canotai te est uourlshlug foot!.dink six om seven giasses ot veter durIng thre day, live la the open air as macir as po- subie, breatho deepiy sat! practice iight gymuastica. De net.-use cosmetica an lb. face, bat bile ît trequeuti>'. St-t-a il goti vith bot valen anti 0ap aI uilit, and bathe It vlth colt! valet setot-Si times tuing tire day. Tisl u-iii lue p tire skin sud Improvo lte circuluation. Hesitir and Be-ut>' Niaas. Stop fasalug. Il viii maire yen pou- ait mu!nervoase, crochet>' aSd dis- agreeable. Warinf rictioni u tir a rougir olei wiii genereil>' gîte enicir relieft t crampe in thc legs. seaslckness csu sometimes ire r.- Ilevee bbontaitgone eje. LeMOUI aýffect a curaevt.. Roeapeople. Headache ammot always l yeimd e foitin ef viite veeloan yl overcoeothéstn 3 ellevucanthat viris viren ait! a->'fer anj A srir it r- bs-t viiii plume. eatirmnq .e #*r doPI>, ssdlng tlirs velst lun. ph" -vajut lino P*"'Wb lI ias mt People saemmn #A brotilg 19bit yUll dgveiP t- tirret,5"d bon& FALIL SMELS IN MISS' COSTIJME8 1 P-W

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