Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Oct 1905, p. 6

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rrzsf the INCIDENTS 0F 19 LAKE ' pa Funding of Watskegafkl.- Aglanes .t làmap tl .aie county wil l imt eusedatt'ly that alargeunimher l Of 40Te ont, eeperially throîîgh the~ oMtbiwe'ii part orthti.- ounty, rmn ila A diagonal direction tram the. nonfli- -w« ta thes euthmt. FL.lronii liaitl)1Y i t, bamntd Laie tigile notiemble andv Irui Long Grove tht' saille le fouuad nos weil nm the matie loadiî.g tlîrougiit A%àe Zurich, wanconda anti otiier Pointe. la fatt, tht' gester nunuber (ftuf ronde, tbrough tusim oeality have, thetc gâunli getierl direction. * 'bh early litrY <.1 th' t'cton ne- cèUftt for tflet se t thet tue lit settièlnimet there Ww110 nu ding point lu *ýq :La, ounny and aIl tht. sttierd weut tO tCiiego ta Iuy thir provisionse anti toii tiielu' hopîinx ns wehh am Lu -11l tlir. praducte and geL their mail.4 ,It was a custoni lit tllaet imai-to1 IuiOW trails whieli led aliglot1 duety frontonèlpoint tii anuther le * ~mue acessbleroute. At te tut- tIDesruad were laid ot therc wt'rl'nu secioun iles eurvt'yed and the' ronîd@le- elltte roade only through the' truvel of itIti peuple livuing liUne neigihbortiîsod a.m then became locateti where the3' "01seommodate the' -rtstetua-, be tu09e travelers. As we approaeh the )eePWlmitl iver ve auo th*t the' ruadei run miore nur l "a mcd ouLis aud along the' lai'e hire tliey ,lIled wth tht' laie. TIies.'ruade flu te thers Were laid tit witlî- iout eny regard to eetîtîn fhuen Smdtiseir uurtiserly and soutlierly Ufrsetiofl ta due ta tht'611aine(>reaRn ttî. s lez fte muet dirt't route to tîe trudi I5g Post nt Chicag. ffingg abhut 1840 sunin. u lîhsuîi' *wwbsIDo the connty lhecanim ubum iwitt ta» U1. Id0o! tartitig a traiug pont ai »o m local point au a rivai of thetait gro*ins Chicagoi aud chose an a ite tiie , ' Wnkegat' naving it Lttti. Fortit. Tihe tollowing gear they eîn- Oý" .4isidea 1gtting tht. count3@sas dumfront Lertyviliet Luthat IiSî and 8Iisinedi&teiy set ot on s a ni agil tu >bat .nd and h3'a lpecial vote tiitLb -~if was dSmied to inuve the $eût ~, t* tise followiuig spbrlng. sjqd et Wthtie r.inoval ws Apri 18* a.15 nd Wall a great occasIn tû lb~gduDot Litte Fort Whio ireW »»IUtbt, Tlw day iraiideal and Isud twô ad oehlfeo iae'h i M* Ïitê Ï 40 la unsuvh JA. B. Wynkoop> Pe6<e 40 ft e frout on Jack- 00,Sd4n#l Pastr.cwlois ulchoeseven 1Wauboga wd ..........'...100000> catatin.E Ttunion to B.ary fARY.ArBINetorea, two groerle, -two blwaksml W W 1< N xn to J J Flater atTnlo Iota 1 aud 2 blk ou.&r.4eope o.tin and abeet-iron factorl, wf Ilots, 25 and 26 . k i 21 Lake Bluff wd.. ............. 41M00 0 - -to he hpe bee tilr OaludebWakga d..15 <>iJta riltab!t ouiss, one chair ad <abinet j t' Ponîtant & wl ta JOob.hine t~f att24okFrm fqeto)ry, 0one watcb Makter, ne pin- Femâon lot e4 ot Wington wd ...................................... 6500 0<> ail ht.rurl ihabtans fr tllesunith.two Wbeetwrigýte, ue io neear Wî' , wst Cty Unitse, SelfLaeC e>Je in every direction w'e prt-ent t- wtt- maùliatory, 'he aeiues uepe Wankegan wd ......................' 50<>00> Hwakkits So010blk4uuboi neise tih.cerenony. and a s-etond teing cuneîtrueted by' A. B. Fred ICeliieri & w! to Robrt Iffl Wnthrip iHarbor deed... 247 ý28 Th ron frIh it liîenwsWyncoop. The. tituber is now lie-îog L ëlot 4 1.1k*Bl Ktsbke -Joseh umait & w! tg' Ai-e T ro u i d r ru I cslî w eli b c vce d 'thu Trni e gfo r a eut w îî ya(rds w here e u itL iert.y 'ilie , w d........... .. 350O 0> lelnroth Iota 8 ) 10 blk 4 prestut busines D ii on metif grwa kth ofn brk le. mîtade o! a nduiter o r n lt Ti . eChicago Roe coupany lovated, nb of l<t <6 W lthrop Habr prmýt bsinss orton f Wnk ancilitiee of tlîis plaefor a heavy pro- 1IMlltte e$ .ii ...... ..................... ; ...... aad né fa,' wet as thte ravine givîug nd....... ....tsmuber bFrnuMney t Ew t'vîene 'nihavng a «u' tu, t-enduce 'andlnirbsinesare not sur-. .. " *"" ...........nk Mene t Ew cvieu, qfhavng t oeartebepwed. L. ak Placeou the. western C C Sntith & tel to E idClark lioreuherger 25% ae in sM1 burned over or l.artiallY eettd qor, te la uorth of Ch'%ISgo. It la euh lut 2 euh of lots 2317.etc n 1 ecM w30 Deerlield Twiî qe... te 88 It wu1<1tltP ' uitOîlOii iti>t' tOiniiLstbackedutp by the boat wheut growlag Lake Foase .............. 5000> aton. lorenlierger et ai to gioners li those dua sto liark the' @Pot country in Ilinuos aud mut be'ome & Marl ou F Mtins & hua etal tu, Edwd floreuberger saine chopn tfor a county s@t wlth a post town uf conoiderable lnfportance before E M Clark sanie as Iset qe.... rffl 0<> luit q-............ ....2197 50 driven iuto the ground and for this part it geta ita teeno. lUI of ftihetrenunies a îi<ut laid heeii neatlY nlu î4t Lttie 'Fort luatireached a sani to.........C......k..E.... :100 Zewe ar w!Ita5. andre3 turued ont liy a "'fin b3' the' Damte Of poptîllAn of &bout 2,500 lniabitants aa t 0 osSad( 1 bewey, wiiu utit tiifinie watl jîst ttart- and at thie tinte wax incorporatei andi 8 D Talcottt& wf tu Ioiîn Sumileillne sut. Waukeffn wd 2:17 50 iug a littît' planîug sii ut Waîîiegan, in the' incorporation was nprovision that (Jourley w 5.i8 1 n 112.815 andi watt îna<Ie (but.iffedar aind îeatly nt thet (lut eletion oftat.wn ulilcera tih. ft lot 2l2 ix watitiWau- Tua Ll (heapu painted. To idetilip thé- exact siOt the' iuîaîitant'e iniglit change the.namne o1 k4e*u (le...."..... ;........... 10 001 -*~E~~EW. couneiiesin a boîdy we'ît tii what tht. llaee ta Watiiegau. The' eletion Relea A Nott to F C Clark nLtu nsaiatlohn tu tlît'y Ieliev4ýî'îlthe. lighetiipot *11tiuk pince on tilt' ecoade d uîaY in 185 It lot 178> andi w %In54 n îsz t uuai tl on of t an ttwil andl tl<îre ileuré'dawny tih. brusil Mardli that yî-ar and D. 0. lîlekinson IL lut 177 ltiîv1initt wd ......... 5,00() 00 exeetoyualotufrpo and ,ri'ted the post. wiîklithey <uictri wn -ls'-dl>eit i )f the. viiingettisHeirs 6 of ,u.luduliîh deed to int)iitt uruekie w t, t'eiî. A blîluci f land uns lauiuan bl(x. t ' fiti îîa rtîa Na-totileietaurutei'l'. 'lt ltknhi'te11411y;tltWl' Margaret, tutiulplie 6 a 5 ont at thia tinte- Dot .uv3d A few iî'gan ev<'r iîad. ew 5% sec :16 l)eerfield Twp wd 1I00O yêanre aler wben tii.- irt't'of thte t0wu n lu 7tt' l tt' rginabl court bituumt'was iveret survt'Yî'd tue-eart îîitlinisî ut tht'burneti andt tt'pre@eîît structure the' 6 R Lyon 4 wt te G 11 Wlibur EeYaMOc is putting them llm jîrsient <tinlt lii i' liUare ah Wan,-toitt'îuliiîîg 3 car 1rîividedt for* lîy the' & w! ut5 Lyune 2nd eub of gati wivre for'(t' firmt tinte' Pîtnitt'ly boardi of sievsr.Pair Groutîde Wsukegan wd 7(X) 00 itotîîîattî'r tlîi'tianuiniier <f itiii-l m'inie ijii hri-'tetl inii )liîîîîig tIlie ttîan tant ivnst.he ' lleîiweri' Uitxi. litei. hlavt' 7a tradinîg iiî e "tare-r tho htiîi <lgo tlîi'Y m "-t witlî înut) opusitinand forria Minte tht ort flý>ii*ql iein iia nannt'r t bat sgavet'hopes 01 a grethfuture. An article jwhuî'b aîpeart'd lu the' Ltte Fort por- tcupis<, .Mareb 4, 184.71,tIis b<iîg the' initial nunibt.r uf that paliepr. giu's lut interestiug sketch of Lethé teîî gait it wans t that tfite.Tht'article wau stlltîws: h "Tit villasge tif Littie Fort is etuated ,t ou the' shoretif Lake Mithigan, forty- bt fivee miles doiwî. the lait' front. Chiago, ýeni»îta nud aalut]iles mot]ith o<f the. nOrth w1state liune, andi sixteen uies op tht. lai,' 1-fronm t uthipurt. T'rit'lenearly one- jt hall section tif land llaid ot in tloe, s.a ýp greaterliortion <<twliiih are eîlîiandti ii- n roveti Aî'ourt h,aîe.tht e-set iP the. le sae, baslt -eu eonstrutoitedt1Sle- amt st'eason, antI ixt3'-<îltt' tlît'r builtiitgs. aniong wlieh we euîîniternte a brick riI bloci or th rS stonieo by 1. S. )eWt'Y; a toi in towern htousee y Michael Duanty: a rlarge addition to l)ikineoiî & Co'N .A i()2 waeuee;t~' REAL ESTABI TRANSFERt3. Furnioshed hy fmrdina'-iilFrank 44) ses iii I w%&4 ec ;i ite.>rtyvilie Twp Iwd ............................. 001io J 4b3tracts tof Tile. Titlt'e Gusranteod t 'ri !t Mdamonie Tettiplo ltdg. Waukeg4il. I. lathoflît'È; 7:1 f t,ý%ftlt i l'or laJ. (;URNECE.St4'y. :32me if; Waukego T-p wd 25l 00 0 c G turMer ho Gai> Theohulti Fred Mteyer & ai to irt-ne M trip i rtîiw ide nnd 80 rode Watt'rnînn t-e fi tt 13 b1.k long insMW' % opec 27 Ilenton 2 Apjîhebt.t-s euh Barrington w d................2C)0 tic....... ............... 10 Tpwl......... 24 4 W fi Smith & wf to Elitabetia B Mary w 11e. & bus to Mary F Wîîodbridge lIhapte1 10 il buk Sidileî lut 4 (elept a 8 IL w :n)t Waslhuru Park <te .......... 45 00 2ft blk 16 Highland Pari, 7700 00>0 I>av.istti Iotia îtd ill: (;C H U Hawlt'y & w! to William F Wrigbte add Lilserkyvihît' (rae 134,acres lansec 14 le............................ .1,î»o (K Cuba Twp wd .................6M006 A G h?îa.tlie-r & w! tc) C j1 &chgo & N W Ry tsi Chxo Wkgu Mathias Ilerst'hberger lot iii & N 8 Ry 5 affli e. 27 Village of lerairle View wd ... 1MO010 Batou îaTnp ige ..................... 1500 00 C 1) Wilîur & a' toL Samnuel E M Laitng & wi ta EmmasE Wlîiticuîbe H acre lu hu Mluhereuit part lot 4 bk 17 sec 21 Warren Twp wd . 6 0(4 lglidPr d..........I 640) tC D Wilbur to Corutlia Wiliur Joue-ph Kerrigan & w! lu 9 20 at-smi nw % sfec 21 JamnaGordon part lot 4 t Warren Twpwd ..................... 1 00> Lake Forent ....d...25M00 6 lliiiiiît'es rates. <3%t' per daY anîd up Rpesiderî.'e rates S5c je-r (liy ani 114) Contract. Department £mQir$ Brut Stoft It le a plemmure . tk l' >d Little Liverr Mils1and tiju)Y tt'hit.' e.ffet't upo)n the lilver. For eale liv Wîtib Clarnrage Tnimrnlng.. CABINET MAINCIN AU.. BRANCHES, CHAIRS RECANEO, MÂTTRESSES MADE Tg ORDER AND RENOVATEâ AND. MADE OVER. Rave your work dope by a mani experieiice(. Don't watt a year for your goods to lie returned. (live me a trial that yoîîr worIç la prolperty attend' 6<1 to. Be convIneed. 1Every one ln thir turti. 1 ain here,,to gay. A Us SHOP NORTH4 OR SOUTM 0F J.BB TE WILLSM:: its time to think about gour new stove. We have them Stewart and Acorn Line- Ang kind of stoves for angj kind of fuel. Give us a Cati...e SCHANCK BROS09 Cures ail Eidney an~d Bladder Diseases-Guaralt0d . . . 1 - @,, . LOVELI.L U*ER? VOLLE. -I ~-.l~(,- kIt i~oî ILIRI WU'kega's.Great Store Grand Vagi Opeoing Now On Ouir Grand !faII Opening Now On Lfld FilC WAS A OLORJOUS SUCCESS iing ; Rdoors were filuaag open to tisousands of sager sisopp eseg auda o eu iq adtisestore was itongesi moiti tihe kWasi asage ofthse dosI beur. Mang wère turaesi awag. as we were uais to wast osen . hu tlegwil ha ou and opS ihiSeweek t, seu rs te Ofe dise wosfs agbsBswe are offer- sgfor tiss, or frst Gran4w Oe ss.U oremsssuurted. ofsiPlume end ýe USe hW weenea* skies ofoOur Uland in Your G;Uess=-Yoli %V'-WILit Voti t)I lian inl l ul lItS50 i lti it».îir lM I " hi. 'Iui dt- " u' au t umisertif sals. for t'tbommaij nddress anî ufléï isin ai t 'ipe txîui ndbnd it inin îarketi "oc"e~ r <-. by' a iiitt'retpd voîîîîniittee ,atw.' wiii th4lu' os the.' <'ne. tlw Ils- ltaeiirc'of iving tuliel-utii $5otl fI t iii,'. .Thi.oIe- w l tifilit; will teit'luck i, nt.(;utew- ai le' *r%-ived itiitil F111f -Last Saturday we hall eo many ceustomére- we -c uld nôtv have ton extra clerks and this ahouid b. our banner day of0 ronage of the readers of the iNDEPÉNoDENT. we ai on ne reeders of this puper. et thes,' requcat, if they purchalle five« Ba Ssides this, a very novel and beautifuI.souvnir wilbe »of oheilsear. Carelul preparation end shrewd huging ls the answer. We are wel «wae, tisetsuacbargainss hve neveuMr be e n offéredo huit we adverfised Ébtisi bi salewibe wth whdug for MW 0"ds ithde store wilE[ EVERY PROMISE 13 KCiTTOTHE LUTTR. ou have a w"lewelà to aveu gourseli of ibis grand eico.Il@o.1 eaouale ood. I gu wre issnton dimeopennodey, corne again anpsiti hgof t frie god.ifv ws.Pef * sucsunuuruuuu g rn asise se-in__________ - -- - ,WE CANNOT IIELP LT b h eibeofrfl w r nig u have an Equal dianCe. ~ ~ ~ 1but wve t ng theconfidence.of eut custonmr eM dy therlal fcig eacoai u H ye n lqtW Cha ceTIny lad tbat mdb in ai thifltoWtthhcy hae cdto ad chcwhcrce md they uaceclghtcd at the tin iis tent wilil1, tuarmsd ja tiour 4 ehsr dnring tha Virlcty .m 7. ty5prits W, ,areoffedag la cvcry dffltmais Thattireom smeneu s Daont la ,le Itur.o)l-rttls is uts. cli Op.Put your aimé, i&Setcfu'mcln.Vbm ybu m r.thnyou Ym acd mot hé m"c i flmdlmg ahalldozen ogie' ." It wili nit lm o -ne-i outil tier tfisetelips are ua.wcigo.du alumce altyl h ic 1eandyefmdItc tt.m o Salamasprice. art <tpeand set'whîîla hoIe mcilady tu whom Vve wilflhave emjý-ye bI isÎMJMe = 784= fwmeman chdIl t coMre.wt m ineei h the- ulms' I NP-ARRfAT to emigueu tise timber oftW,@cie uiedwe aep'edd u m g w eu vgyal t o*t t.adeenec h iAY yNEXT oleracithe ctt cilen. Prool fib tt.s tatencat cm bhecdW USir ing dSepaoMref elseggt A Ïuew feature o0ise store which liq givfnig tIh.greatstf o! aticacthoulu i l .liiaery dpriet ehv nae MdigBanale Robert@ an trimmer anti her' rtlstic irork la delightiug the' ladies. MiseRoherte Isthoruugkly experieneti, waltt nthens. Th.coMlng *&tu.ucyW. have artanged to heving md charge of the. trimiug-departmente of cuome ut tht. largest eatabllluients ant ein. areogaimed assitauthonity ha Seseon. To show .us appsedajtIos of the liber 1Tpat- la ber profession. The. dainty creations aceIo gfiug the ladien of Wankegan have a distinctive tisintinees that la met let Saudt eudcar w tg&Mh eo M are with only la the. cwelent o!flue Pariaian creatmons. Thome rio have heen ln the' habit ut spending $25 for a bat at e dollrdormre wu« ofS<ad otMtl al S archal 7FI.ids il l nd that for 81<> MieRoherts au ap1roduce a much hanjeomer bat, onue wth more style snd in- siento«e prcasr bo vei».aurMr o îat-M.d iuffy ewant iontevieit; unr mifliaer3 deparfinent and conmit with Miss Ioherte. ~Çj '~¶S ',¶S ~ 191 O ýtl -1, Mmlli a -a »r ý webouae luUX24 leet %4%ý

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