Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Oct 1905, p. 6

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"8 Ua»,Àppwm. B, 010 Supoate, rt ainer. iS-, WwsQ4uitl, Robert- M mW48aste-18. *te nht uoevse5 Un- Vy teêinuwatiom ver. réad ifte-d te sappruprate commit- 'aiutIon. ueo.reati and referred t oeamotdsupervisors 0f -thse Uâtr er I4aie and state-of 11111 itlmen-We, thse undersigiiet le- oters of Alitioecis hvslp, r.- .uly petition »lur flonorable to efl e aMd n readuat Uie- Tot- teelocts 0f Antiocis 1ovuBlIP. as me-we- recentiy dîideti late m 4i9ltrlcta, slo thât on. veting "Ial bêlaiitis Vilage of lis. or at soma. otiser convenlent ta thse sotitraportion of nid ilt.5 u ecdpr tise present ad3nat- Spolfte plces are, la tht or atiocb, Ithereby maisig i rft$fft te tise itm sla mtisouts- woouof « et sd vshlp. We thlnk *tmtomanSdivisiona aoked tis m e -telection diswtht R wasisp os empart la form M" Dore ogtEut for tise W, "amn i b»g Çtisiisumito ~. empettllymbtoitteS, tpYAisgE8 ES "tuAND 12T O* th tVommitteeon IElection Wta. . v of 4llhios* Late Oonnty-a: ý*eaembl. Glirm andnSBoard ét5t0Ol fLam omaty': la Ums .Pee«Iiytopo.-L y~eu #oeuebie bostisat lot tise faget SfltW yers--to- Ot».f re z .se 1sxtun;tisai W ed.tia.e..Iy nedsilà ssi boew Suf«smmotbssa uruecon- #e Y*Z, am la tise State et .w1 mw*ssa ntus 0erisettwe. t* the sali seau- 4 toamSpt cham e _u ~ 6 ts m Ul i st ià6ddâw t uot eto Aprse dli biaih viril. boumsci ~s*s vus tse ats abe et - let. 1.ff la accmor- plimasaem et ie ate o *Ms<tS Aor ytfor ts elie with thsgnoeilatMa 11, 1u0t rlkhe provtpiioner>a Actisai mâètf tise byonft 08mutela1 MIM41 opentieda, l o-n ts ensm isundeti ati ftfp dollars Dam, payable quanterly. MESwxff-X .GOSSWILLER, maris. Appucant. lets te, signature: Chise W-.Frd Staisi. X IhlinolaLLise Couuty-ss: ieth Geasvler, being duli tcwronigte li11, on ber ostis Ilend sapa that lb ise haerS w abe>r aplication byb er amis- itand SiiovEtise contents Uiere- 8~ tsaitisbe staiemeuta ibeneln wd e true lu substance, ami lu lier speecil 8IBFR X OÔseWILLECR, maris. tribel anS avenu te betore me luth daY of Septemiher, . D. CIIALES STEIpEU 1 . Notari Public. AVIT 0F TWO CITîBEPS AS TO REBIDRNCE. UdI tilatiLe Cesity-m- F» Apperen>Oibore el tisls wUte law. do depose am for iSuewf, ihat uI ss e f t f ~ts>have l'eusaeqalat- tgSasublebed to tise f ore- for tise terre of IÏW'thaiat lie*Uthbuabeau ket salimuasa coeurt, for »Ub S tMad &WO tO bo!«t S iuiptis du i %W Àt . 1 ~seI oe4*14WU pr, xüoeyPubie8. sfreitu. Ezsu r itise Blai. ïT. thse Hffoithie Cbalri asisa Oai- hors 4t, tise.Board of Superdor or the, Conney of Lakse and Mêle Tour petiioer, Vinrent C. Prie, W speetfpiy Irprsts tisat b. la thse *wm et 0 Lot dv. (5) lu thse Addition. tu tise Yortiswegt Addition to thee lWn et Little Fort, novWauisegan, mt- usted la tise Ooonty ef Lke and flste et Illinois; tisat for thse YeaV. io su 104N sad Lot Ove (5) was aloueSd "pon in equalimed valuation of tuenty- tire iiundred dollars- tisat priortu théis years, 1903 and 190 thea largest as- sesaed valjuation ever plae upon said lot yras on bundred and tlrt7r-oeven dollars, as h. Is Informed and verllY belevez; that salti aaessm.nt w athe' resuit of an erreron thse books of tise temsesorof theTownabip of Wsukegatt, i sadtLais. County, and tlsat saad as- gesament boan been eorrected on tise books eftsid Assessor for the. present year; tisat by reason of sncb errer and exessIve valuation of sld, premises, your petitioner lias been compelied to psy tMes for thse sald yçârs la excess of tise ut propsortions tisat said preitléeas souid psy. On account thereof ydflr petitioner praya tisat yosir honorable bsody vii refond to him the. mot proportion due to hlm within tise rontrol of yonr hon- orable bodiy.'1 And your pettioner vili ever pray, etc..1 VINCENT C. PRICE, By W. C. UPTON, his Attorney Roferred 10 Cosimttee on ]Erri;n&o Âsaeauents. Reporta front the eharitable Institu- tions red snd orderesi fi>&ti Superlntendent Appley snbited tise tolloving report: REPORT 0F C. A. APPLET. SUIME- INTENDEUNT 0P LAKE COUX- Tt'F OOR FAIll. LlbcelIle ILt. Sept. 1, 1956 AU C qrRECSITED. Joue 14. Ufeecivsofa0. IL Stevens for 1a buo. potatou ............. 13.00 Jua. 3M RSred efJ. Austin fer mu &...........500 Just 1 taot-,àet:J. Auin forý til................. ý. ....... . .00 Juas 24 Reelvesiof J. Austin for eaui............... ..........11M Zuy 1 etelved of X. Austin for bolIesi. .... -.............00o Ae. 14 BexcofetX. Austin for 79m« eawc...................... zo Ttlams 0f~cireti....... =10 Ju.14. 1peu J. W. huIlerfor à Ïhoote. *&»......1... . Jose 1&. Salae. C. crsmeier P o- tale sW «d15 g1.,............. 23 seller.ftare te i;;; Cartare7iWa*Utegan- *s. et nelévase a........... .40 Janie 2L '«ll irsMaWs faceto Cul cag.................... ]LO . Pull à Alan-- TUes»-fer repsi r- las IWibtIsmil ................. 3.80 Jarse 20. Poutaffe $aiRait..........tt10 3 ly . adaieCo. Oras Ce. tor gruvesasl andi - Jlr.eP. & bo*cmmt........... .25, i It ulfrt ten eeec . 25 AW L 4. .Fa X . ,-hr.tefr Doaesbecc pension papota .........0 AuSM Il'ilfrtugtaon ln4ar and es . .................5 AW 11 . Pl lakie Couty tcavel 14.fer tasel .tand md..........4.001 *'W& 24. l'am fltebt on totaecce pn5Bes ...................... set. 4postage saans ..........1.00 Sepi t 4.ld wosna tare 10 Wau- Sagas................... ...... .50 SV6. Pold Glbsoss Srsp *o. tor 2»lise. foor deriner ..............6.50 '£otui als out ................8. 2 'Xotal ecels-ea..... .............23.o10 BaibSerduecC. A& Appici-...........22jý EWtereti te Committee on Counny1 Farim Auditing. Supervisor RuntIngton movedti tat ail biliafileS vwitis th ise otproposiy à*s'rn te and* . Ked 1he referre te 1 appropriante, ealnittes witisout reati- lag. Motos lcaStted. Supenvisr Runtingien movati tisa tise foliovlng named gentlemen lie se. lecteti as Grand Jurons for tise Octoisor. 190%, andi Match, 190M, termis of the. Circit Court, to-vit: FOR THE O)CTOBER TERM CIR. CUIT COURT, 19M3. O. W. Farley, T. W. Fuller, Edwarti Lux, Jerome liurnett, lHenryp Grimma Colon Ostrander, Johsn loaner, J. R.a Bracher, C. F. IngaUis, Charles Roi-. drIsige, Geo, Ralioveli, Tlmothy Spehi-t man, James Murphy, Enocis C. Red-t ding. W. E. Davis, E. O. Bauman,1 Peter Nlmsgern, E. W. iey. Rermuny lielter, If. W. Kuedler. C. B. taston,1 R. e. Sasapson, F. W. Stisumaulser..1 FOR THE MARCE TEI CIRCUIT COURT, 1906 W. F. OCbJaisne Franks newell, Alfredi Efluger, W. R. Tirany, John RiezEB. iR. Moore, Charlheu Wetael. Ge. Burneti, C.J, Ingfraham, dhase Webb,-Pers-y Austin. Patricis J. Cenghiil, Thsomas Pearson, E L~ Dali, Robent Lenbba, M.Lb. Foyers, Frank R. Piagge, C. 0. ImaU,m Anton Brown. Peter Dawson, W. F R«ogan, Fred Scisafer. motioni carneS. Superviser Grahamt moved tisai *0 do nov adjourn.tuntil to-sorrov noru- ing siDnse ecis. Motio>r)arnied. Waukegsn, septembar 13, 190W5. soard met pupnat teadflounamest viti hai nMie atise chair. Mm e »toplget: me ir Madn, Ailplet00, .01e, coonnai, it w*fde,4 Oraisasai Gibbus, Runtaoa Berebetge«.Lamy, muiher x««'< Murray.Quetn, Roertson, liai- moud. simous, Wobiit-I& 1 kembers absent: UuprvWn Unl~-1 Ia ibe :Vwlle*of oo, L«ké Vontyl, 1ieS mby, George steldoerfer ase Supevisr 0rhaupreseted thse followIng resoluton anti moved te I lste 0é f Ilinois, Lsae Cqunly-s Board Of Ijipervisore. .eptemiser ï rerm. Septeniber M ,19M5 Wliereas, i-tjappears that tisesir- go Telephone Compnny (a corporation) lae osnticeting a telepsoune n.on cOr- tain h4gisays In tise Town of'Grant. Lake County, Illia, and ether touas ln èad county on,,vishIr tý bas no franchiae or permission frointhei County of Lake. Now, tiserefore. be it Resolyed, by tise Boardi of 'Ëuper- visons of Lake CountS,, Illinoia, tu reg- ular meeting assembleti Tisat tise chairman of tiis board and tise State'0 attorney of Lake. County b. andt iey are berehy Instrurtadti * taise sucis necesry legal actIon, as vili preveût tise construction of snid telepisone ue or Unes untii permission la obtained for thm construction front sald. County of Lakse. Iteaeutlon adopteti. Sutpervisor Gruant mote t tt e do nov adJourn until to-morrow morts- tng at nime o'eloris. Motion carrieti. Waukfflan, Ill.. Sepicuiber 14, 19». Board met pursuant te adjourrnent. Chairman Miller- ln Uic chair. Memniers prefieat: Bupervlsots Adams. Appeton. Clow, Conrad, Bd- warda, Graham,. Gibbs,. Huntlngton. Lamey. MllJer, IMeyer. Murra.s>. Quen- lUn' Robertson. Raymend. situons, WII- Members absent. Supervisors lion- enherger. Ungen and Wooley-3.- 1 Minutes of previons meeting read 1 andi upon motion of Supervisor Rlunt-,, ingto sapproveti. ie foiowng certificat@ as resd anS reterredti t ie Commitie on Er- ronrons Asseasment. Zion City, I., Sept 12, 1900 îTo tise Honorable Board of County enpervlseruLake Coaty.llinois: Ms-. Chairman anti herebY certift tisiZion LAnti anti la- 7Vaepi Assàmenation, John Alex. boys, vsa sxei for lm0 on Bloc 51-1 section 2%, andtihie vest hait et Block 65, Setion= 2andt-aastnlp 100 tetonb>-1.2%M.96foot ling vest et BIoqSa 79 and 91, andi cat or tise Chii- rage & Nerthwesterls Realwy, la e- tioe =,antitatPart of Boe 2%, Sec- tion 27, lyfug West orthtie nortis ad south alléy, vifs vaassaeudu proeovi belonging tu John Aiex. Ds>vle, vises la tact lh bad aImS> liera amesaetite a séêpcration kirv as tise Chicage & Nos-hkvetemu Rail- val Coumpany. Tise angeseeilvaine on tise atésnaum Ppoerti vs-U ,80;tise esimalis value $1.782.Tiseuatont pftaxes paiti for 1094 vas $i100MI, viini amiounisioulti b. refonieti lu Ste. Laud anS Investment: Amcrados, Joisn Alex. Dovie, beqanse et tise double asaessmemt andi double pay- meut TisedIstribUtion cf tise refund tu tisia parti as a tst daim le, au fol- lova: Seat., $0.80; county.$11; town, J2.92; rossi and bridge, $19Rf2; total, $34M9. S .(Signed, DANIEL OLOAX. Asaeseo- Town of Bouton, Lake Coup- ty, IlIlins.a Bubseribesi anti avenute ibis Uts day of Sepiember, 1M0. (st) WILLIAM E.LSCHOLZ Ndtay Public. Circuit ClenS Lewris 0., Brockwaî, .submitteti tise sslhoving ert, vb vas reati ansi seferred te, CommaIttee oùt Slettlemeut vits Sherif and iCrcit Clenis: To tise Honorable Board of, Supervis ors et Lais. County, Illinois« The underoigneti, ClerS 0f tisadis- cuit Court aud ex-Officlo Recorder of nid County, veuld respeettnllî report tise tollowing roceipis ami expendi- tutus of My office fronlune 6, 1904 tsi Dýecembêër 8.1904, inclusive: Nomt,.s of florusuesîta recordetOdu- Iug % ypor .......... ......... R rdniua tcr arued ............2.107.75 Reserniux tee, ret-ls'd----------.1,1iL2.51 itscordîsse teeslipre'. rýp,........220 Total recordits. fera r-ceivesi.. 8,04.75 Court enars carnel ................ Il ;î00 court cette recel-rd .............. 241.00 Court coa4a pre-v. rep.......... ..... 44x) Total court coste recels-eS ..5298.00 htlacoliaucn ous cts nefm .144.001 ltlacOlaneous resta rc,-s.vesl 4..... Entai retae arel........2.3 7 Total tests rese-ed ..........4.7 Etpressan»Àosag...... ....... 4.151 Total expeuaes ............. 2,4L5 riln s luexeesof e..ssez e.... $ 198.80 uxpepses li a es of remep 2 ..117.20 atte ot* Illinois, Lakse >nt- Lewis O. Btoçisvay,, hein« d»1> saenu, on oats sayil isat the ferego- lnu »eport h i hm rude le ctvst te tise lieut ofhi, Raovledge, lafofffition andi iellef. LEWI1 0.BROCKWAT. Subscribed and svorn tsas lits day of September, A. D. (Seal) A.1 D. B0TSFoim. Th the fHonorable Board oe.t. apoevI I . ............. 57.0 . .... ... . ... f..70 P- ..ols ....... -. .. 0 0 Totl ropesIestu........ -2, ou 9flr oocu enreiee 7.0 iOt 49a leasrcl........ 8.19. Tptffl deinxpe % ....... ...76. Rèr»,guin droU % eens:... .623,l"0 Toftsal4d gsebs o d u esr...ord-M .5 uýdumul;year............519 il' usos dururt 36 .r ... .95 Tm èllitme eld 36 gyer ..... 5.:0'.60 Total eaneds durug year. .0.9 Toaiepn e"d"rlfs8 eurs. . 3. erlpa luextsa of expeuses ..2M0.1 StE r Illin1oisLakse County--a: Lewis 0. iirocisiay, belg duiy sworn, on osth says that thse foregelsîg report by bisu inade la correct to tise best of lis knowledge, Information and bellef. LEWIS 0. BRCKWAY. Subscnlbed aiid avoru te, before me this IltIs day of September, A. 1). raffil o MIomee fer ma aursg su istt oeaediUg DeMbt*1. Ï»& abuta 1 ettte thse pu mamem« au5 thse feuor tflumt y me oeuUi by ori# aoevide durimi tise wbItiwi thse total&m"qat ofr rceipte etWis*at suer malle « ecmarater: Fer ilhuchf fe« u Oti la emet ...........*ï 2OS i11.0 Total caMin"sfor ait RefelV0l durlug boit Ydfosevces bero- tI9eoreaus .aru. 54 *cd4 Dot reeed.... 87 nse eounty mtrepont 10MIS DISBURSEMENTI. Obrta "Araffur Whall .r . « 95 DueCoDIis)er w1. 18> ...508 State of Illinois, Lake Couty-.s: 1, George S. Powell,SIwrtt tlandai for tise Countf F aie snd Sigle of 1111-19i, do aolemnly .sweer that the foregolngaercount la lu ail reuptects Just and true acording to miy i*at kno-iedge andi bellef. GEORtGE N. POWELLý (Sa) A: D. BOTSFORD. tisa151h day of Septenibes-. A. D. Deputi CleI-s. 19M5. County Clei.. Albert t. Rende. 5Db- slab l. T. DOWER. lItteS Uic tollowlng report, whiichi Notary Public. vas rami and referred 50 Commiftte on To tise Honorable Board of Supensi.. Settlement wlth County Cieris and j ons of Lake Counti. Illinois: Couny Trasurr:1. George N.Powell. Sheriff la and i To tise Chairman aud Gentlemen of'frteCuyofLkan lt. thse Boardi of Suparrisora: frtsCoty0La.anitaec 1, Albert L. Hendee, CSt et Wlaels. r.speettuliy preneet tise fol- andi Clans eof tii. Uousty Ciurt lu andi, lowlng report oif ail fees ad eniolu- for ~ ~ ~ ~ $lt tieor;t t usemeDia of my office for.and duriag ltse Illinois, respeet!ully SubuSit thse fellow- wsi ered»-.ue1 .D 95 en eot f iil ees of My office.andI j herein 1 stte tise posa amount 0f auI lng ritor#tise fées or emolumenta bY Me earnnd ao tise aecessary expenditunee ties-e-; by olliciai service durlng tise balf yezr, for, for aedd uring tise hall Yos.r endlng hetotasunt of reLcelpta of ulsat- December 3., 110 4 ietemn I state tise, vrnm reaat grosa ainount of ail tees isy me eurnediee ei rcaatr hp oMetllservice durlng saiS haift >OLr5EvT. telci year, tihe total amsaent of rerelpte eor Fer et*s tee ln suit. ln ecourt .. .. ....5W-75 8 154.6 visatever name or ciararter, andi ait For ulslaîlauos ërv- Baemasy expenees for elries bire and irecs..:............. U2.10 . "'-.101 otier expense: Total candis e alf BiAiseSReeelved ycsv........;.... 81.14..55 denrt _dueig Duse cousoty 551 ;resport..56 Art. et estes la pro- bie-------------.. .50.ý 02 3 7218.3 Met, et civil asud est-- toutl e4------7M.72 244.M Lent. e t ciiî ere.. 2.115.5 90.0 service,e .... ;..-111.16 1,161.16 Total enshw fore 3 year -.-- .-----.. 14 flerepta dsclag tise 3 Loruecslaformser 3% yeio asti bêmetefore reported au mot n- eivei: Acct. of etates lu pro.- base-----------01 Aet. e ii n em Iua] ruses ..72..... i Acet of enmty soeil-e.. 962J Total M4414 ....* 4.12010 Arnt. of netS Sire------------...$1.725.50 4,ee. o! ma«s,.................1.17.,#i ArcSetfexpeeau change,, postage etfd ocajieuses...............065 52.942.15 Blsuse tise eçnaty ........... *1.181.5 Ceunt iCenis. To tise Csairsaun and Gessiemen of tise Board o f Supervisors: 1, -Albsent b. Heudee, Connty Cleris anti Cles-is oftise Coanty Court ln ansi for Uic Count> 0f, taise and State et Illuela. sue.pCfUlp sOUbMnît Uic foi- lovlng report ef ail féea of my ebOIe. ea a ofse et ecesr>- expenditum theretor, for entid dniag the hait yeair ending Jmaes , 100M, viserela 1I lMse tise grois amena t fail fao, bi me eannod for officai aervlces dslrlng seiM hait pean, tisé total amousdt ot recelpta et whateves- name on cisarater, anti :11 noefflary expeuses e fr rn iire anti otiser expenesi: et Acet. of -s ba sery-.$,554.5 2,».25 2 $5.48 Tctal u ii Lie.,ze. -an . Ia- ..SeI .... ........2.... 7.40 .Total decaMyrs- yar ndn otal e e ohs x rU Express chan eotge aioSice Do eent> Jouer 1. 100----------711.70 BtetaorfMilnoiasbaise 1, George N. Po;well, SolE lia a for tise County of Lake anti &&te of Iillae, do soemnir sueur tisattise fotcgolng uccaunt la la ail respecte just andtj inueaccording to mi l'eut istiviesige ami bllet. GEORGE N. POWELL, sberif Subscribeti anti Ivoru te befor. me tisa 13tis dur of Sepietuber, A. D. (Seau iB. T. BOWERS, NobanyPublie. Ceuni>- Treusuren Lewis C. Frire submitteti the folovlng repofrt, vicb vas med anti refes-redtet Contmlttee on Settieint vItS Cousit! Cienisami Couni> 'Ireaguner: To tise Ronombtle Board of SupervWa ors ef Luise Count!: Gentlemen-! ierewitis suimit tise toiowlng rapent of receipts aud ex- iendîtur., ot C.4unty, Reirship adsud ii Mlscallaneoîls Fund* front Septemben 1, 190j4, ta 5eptembgs- 1, 1900: DrCÔL'NTY lUNDS. To balance ou band Sept. 1. 1910.3 8.90.21 To W. D. I.4lstali. for support oftoaretaI lemvood -..... 375 >A.atblop llcense.censudrepur- tiq............ Tt.fnsbroeStoslnr Co-ie... ................. 6.00 To as htuiossh.Audtltor Pub- Ils, Arcounts, auât. alocit by Itwàsup Leud Cassluleiunky neotNo. 2............ ...... 5000 'ri A. L. Hermine, Co. Ulsrk, ex- t'ed iftees.....................1.51185>7 To J. K. Bowes-. exceas e5etl.n expriss.---..- ............- 4.0 To cuuuitai recelved tram Tep. Coilertos, Sensa ous, (l")....- 50.25.o7 T outy ta% clleted hy Coui. te Colecton (1004).-...........17.428.M5 Te double Pttuseut 19 o(usIty tex ...I.........................4.13 Total rccc5pts ..............1114,3W3.80 EXPENDITUI1ES. C'r. Il> emouut et roussIr ordes,plild.$ 3181 Bey aunouf jury warrants palsI 5,3P>1.60 DY amunot o! Corouesw ar- rantsa.............. ........ 4LOO uy ailseout o!fit and eut ah e- porta ..I................... 21«25 157amot nt toreigu cita,,. Dr upunt on court repnrmers B> t areotofrooenl es - 61 B3y auMMsnt ýaI Suýies-et un lor- loveS sueney.......... ...145.22 117 smountet C.£oe» c fr jetiguetai»4 sales record ....- W6404 B> ofiulte pelter'. feua11504, "d@&at tUa:lt ý....................150.70 by ateatfprintens tees lWuI asseelpatet rol- - - --..... 258.27 BIy amount ut t. C. Price. Tresu- tune, nsar> ... ...........1.....Pl »Y secoue oflerk lbIne,ssunry Dy aalaoet ef sundries ad 7peu 26 gXe ...-..................... 119.13 Be annouat of reaInaioù taxes.. &388 Be *mioüat etf cntand Inltent mgncrats oetmsle seussded .... 2.18 Total eipendltnres . .. "e41L55S To'b1a"ee ou hanSdroaty tund«s.;27,001.1?. ton rss m=Walou onouaty tex, .... ll. ............... smog Baba.. rountY ftImd§...827,10M.0 EiiSET? FIX». ,tebaseeas Let .5'..o o.~ bQ*4A4 t a* or ~ Ce. * uis 8* au&Motaitas"salseira USaabeeat eusse druit. 'à, Levis e. l'rWtoCunit "ollscto te soleîsssl.v avesisthattohe foregolng aoroliut 1 la Ial respecta just sud true tcrdln taMe su et knoviedgeanti twaet. LEWIS C. PItICE, Cousit>-Colleetor. Subserrlietianti avorna 10 efne sue Ibis -1tis duy or Septeaiber. 'A.1). 19w,0 A L tunN)EE,. Couatp Cleris. 'CeunI> SupPrlnîcudent of IciSool Frank N.. Gaggn subsaitti tise fol- iovlns report andi bih, viirisere me ferresi te Commiitee on Education: Stt, of Illuola, Luise Cossuiy-,e: To F. N. <iaggfln, Cout! Supernuti- eut t fcibss.Lake Comt!. 111,e Ds-.: Fer servicss anti expenses trosu June 1 te Septemben 1,148feîlowâ: For 12 day. spur lua sbeol Vis- itatien At 84.0) p..n day.......848.00 For 12 daya* expenses la ariscol vis. Itation at St 90 per day------------ 12.00 FoIr 3 dey sueut luaenbmlatsnu et JOH, gMlmNI JOUX y. WBLI*, paot b. arepied Anod adoptéd& bintion carit'4. iluperelsor .Lamney, (Chainian 0 r'obinaihte. on Lirense, ubmt*t foilowlns report-: oeat.e ofllisois, Lakse Couny.m-, htourdlof supervisors. s~ Terni. Sept., 14, . AD.1j* U1r. Chairmîn aus4 Gentemea of poased of $upervisorq: Tour cominfte. ta wbom va-; ferreti tthe petition of Arthsur a. Ku wu a fer dram sisop niomns.t ai ToIq WaucOnda Townsip.voMiSber lMo ta suibrit tise folloiwlag repart op g matters befre tisein: W. baive examlned thie petitic fim4 It centaine morelta a àsS= of thse voters of said toulubA*i. N --uli tisere re reommend tisatth Clerk b. au tborised to issue a do %hop lirons. t thse aaid Arthsur le.. I wn onis ayinglnto thse Casai Ts'eanry the. sum of 3lve bundroit * lare ($r00> for on. yeel's lue Ail1 of whlch La respectfully mmmfi ted. I *400 r dy...............5» MILES T. LAMPT. C&Isarman.' 5 Fr dys jintlu .ahea~ iitiTROU. E. GRAHAM. Sui .14.0 pe da.........0.0 W. P. CLOW. *4.0 pr 07............24.00 Superviser- Quentin m oredti t taiffl s3r&tg, report b. accepteti anti adopteS. I. Franks N. Gaggin. do soiarnniy Motion csrrled.- ivear tisat thse severu Ites aman- Suiper-visor Appleton moved tisai w' tiened i n the abore amount are juat do nov adjoura until to-mosrov e e andt rue andi that the serv1ces, chargeS Ing uttein ociock. for tiserein bave been rendee 5a" Motion carrled. tisait tere ia nov due me thereon the seul.- of tisréeeiuadreti twenty-elgisi ,Wsuiegun, Il, SePt15, 1. i anti neotha dollars. Board met pursuani te dorne .1 . MAIEKN. GAG34IN. Obiau Miller lInbis, chair. Subacribeti and toonute before me 3Members proesai- uçsrvi"J this 141h dey ef September, l»0. Adamîs, Appleton,v, C oCnnuS, E A. L HENQIEE, valua. Graiau, Gibs, .Hmnlcgeoàv - , Ven. oteisrgrMiler, Meter, Ur j Davidi Adams, Cisaininan of SpechaQuenta,. Roberson, iRaymond, R-Sisiè Bridge CPsudsttee, subsuIttedth ie toi- Wlllte-17. lovlng -eport: Metubers absent: Supervisera 4.- To M~r. Chalrman andi Gentlemenet meP. rager,. WIe-.8 ihe Cousty Bo&rd et tis eCouuty er Mîinte of precedîssir meeting rose Luise adMats, of Illinois: and open motion of Superviser Qtue*- Tour committee aplsomntesi open a tie approveti. aumtt<tieo- petition front the of Newport J. C. Marchant gbitdtett anti Warren askilg aid In Uic cou- iowiug petition. visicis vas rned snd struilon of s bridge acroso the Des reterreti te Cemmitiee on Erroineffl plaines -River nunr tise towa linae W Assensauents: tveen thes id towns la tihe Couuty of To tise Honorable Cisuirmian and i Ms> Luise andi State ot Illiisl, beg lenve te bens of tise Board 0fet ensoi subrait tise folîosrIng report: of the Counut of Lakse anti Sisir , Met on Marcis 13, tegetiser viti tise ot Illinois: Commîssioners otfliigisvays or tise Tour petitioner. J. C. Meschant, et tovus. and organizesi by uppointng tise County of Lais. andtiStote of hli-. Davidi Adamts, Chairman, sud James noie, respectfully represeuta ntoeF G. Wvelch, Cleris1 of Newport Touts- honor tisat h. la tise owner of tise îhlp, as Cleri oft tie- Committee. nortis twenbt- (20> feet of Lot One (1) ~Agreed upen a nov 90-fi. steel bridge assid tise souti twenty-tour (24) ftet. 0< aud concrete abutments. slpecîfleations th is ort ony-tour (44) feet of o«iW angot ansi Aprîl 1 tise day set te ne- Lot One (1), alln BlocS Thirtynme,,t celve bide anti avard tise contract. in» l the original Town of Lut doq Met et Court lions. April 1 anti aft. Fort, now ln tise Ciy of Wou5t1s'"i er-duly consldernail Sids, avarde Inlutise County of Lake and MSate « tise entract te the Continental, Bidge Ilinole istai he bus peltis e tà 0o. fon tise sum et $328000. on ntd parets of landi for tise l" A Commutte. of4tifupervifions beine 19, amountiug te the suai of * In action opon a petîtbon te change th.- bîtdredti en ansi 58-100 dollars (15*., locatiotn of tise rnda on wiicbtisehe nid 58); tisaitthe taxes on slid pareel bridge wsîs te b. locatesi. It wan agneet hlnd above dexcnibeti for tise year 1 te delay tise commencement of bise asuounblng te uhe suns of sevea bridge until alter May- 10, uon wvicis415-100 dollars ($7.45), anti that la dat5e 1t vas agreed te meet apd Soes-r- taxes on sait parcel of landuti "., mine thse location ot the bridge accord- above described amountedteotise ing bte edeclalon of bth. Comm itte. tof of our andi 88-100 olar gupervis.oonRoad. Met on May 10, lng anuex.. puiS by llin on a Qu May 20, Joue 19 soi July 1, hisle -'If §411ti taxes for tise year 190o4 awelting btse declolon- of tise Commnit- 55it1 yetmr 1902, $198.25, tee on tise BoaS. . our -petitioner tunilien o At tise meeting of .Iuly 1, fiudlng bisai tise nly Improvemeni on' that tbe decision of thse Committe. on property lu tise year 1902vasan Roand vas te change tise location et tise ene-tory frame building of pr rondi, andi the opening efthtie uew rossi ne value, and that laid propaniy là doubttul, decideti tisat uethîug coiild the snme condition nowta t Se done tovards building theo bridge. ihat tinte; that youn petitFono, Adjourned te Saptemiben 7. [lieretotore made resineot of yout M Met Septeniber 7, ant ilndilng condi-onssise body t tektase action lu the tiens not cisangesi, seIdedta dis iseilas anti te necomusend a rebute>of commîitta.. taxes sa paltI by hlm. 4. SG. F. HRSagof tise. Continental 1tour isetitioner funihus- rep Bridge Co. preseuted daim for $M0.00 tisa the Wauisegan Ciy cioo damages for the hreailg of tisa cou- tin isan rebatrd te bhmts tract ef bridge.. Motion presented anti pult by hlm on amount o! it secondaS that HoagVa inai for daent- ber, andtisaitishe Ciyo a ages e b.aleved. OCuriai. Adjourneti basltaitée limlsir action, v1us te 10 o'clocis, Septeitben 12, te maise ence thereto, snd rebaatd tise -Sua reort anSseiie.petiti bi Petitiener on aecmnt of Setmue 2.-Vinti eXpense Ofth. ciy tae.. andS l"ss.......,... 82-0'wIlI ascortala and nocmmm To W. a, I. her, ooailttee wunis and alle.............. 8...amont of nebate- ttebcpaN te To Il.LOruisai. uoobiltltee corS pethflt '0r on aconut ei. sudSrailae................ Itt adFMadBig % To G,., T. messilônsai. counstte ii tSlo'at Big u- verS asSefl g... .......... 2.16 PauS by is -55 aO1480i; tisat Te E. A. Tarylor, comltte e wrk tarlesi isenoe ame Veuneèrs at la ..........23.10 Te ob aminar.Dormenet:eS >Uiif61 514 tumes ot a os, ' glrli. ClerS, rommitte1 25,» 10«0 adi 0c outli pareets le er a Mntag............»9.90abe stteS .- lqo J. t.Iverf. remmitîe onS sel l eZ,...iî......... .......... 1404 eLBWelcessttee work sud g . ot -wAfl 7 1 1-

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