Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Oct 1905, p. 2

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' *fflehW r wo iefl b1U5hgboa be paek. . - -ids 'iaBufW.s the Mgrto is arodSI e r*pmtBandeaiteramt WAbi ocesn ioa t -ebody. atoo l ofChicaga.Wth Mm]E . Pane oftss tard Vicinrtbas rat hlmas. wn s Sa hve it A ïtid Lbo uffvas t fi Xalu M.Aeri tensve fé npàIr aean. tM-. aiing #tou lhe nmte, M *sheriele atake lng gho, o Cgvls am1 10 mioasvlstgr 's ith s Med b7 MieEmm*n i tisam suro Huft, . No ergp for >, urgsd tu buy. ad mA"Florenc nter. Mmt etis Iy Snday. a againable to beout Dieucé abo 46epelt et vask vils frienda ouweq eor sunad te W41ton % e two v 4 *- . Bettg barlugg la depts duriag Mr. on cur -coualy *MM* eoatteaélag »M liste ar. xmu Un.A.J. King **MW er.. Qrcesumd "91B p f~ rou lbe Cty IIAem yafledon atto"Wsitlb to a od"cag ofsr.mdMm. .W o~. >.~ Oabf iMicq Ou te baeauti bfIelci, aet p r eosT "Suesi mW ad p Lot* tnIe~or IRawleiie BNawds ai pias.for hie agnat *w fol we op ieanue0 .ilp, luthls ewtma ewU OO mw sts W o!e t *uoea i, C blgilon odeWé py abelun's P'ain IDa ils d . , tblag Vigoï. -oulyfor lvim iedteset quelsappue- tiozc à cossepwwatr ebffulba o rshh a ama liimt for -P isa isu.. u beumtbm-u Daim 14 umIeualé. or sala sy fY. B. LýoceLi Lbertyvl. RvLs Pnaacy. PRM VEV lir. M. Wagner sud cilérsa, of Grayolabe, spdnt tvo day" of lest eak wi*l ber mAter, lire. A. G. Menthon. Hacc Mitchell -speal Seturdey ané Sunday vltb bis parents. Mii.. Ada Loomils attonded lbe chucci fair et Wbeellag Friday sud Saturday nlght ot lest vsok. Mr. sud Mmc.IM. W. Kuedier called on Highland Park fiands Sonas. The Misses Dearleo eand lMr. Leyton Dearlove, of Glenvlav, vislted ut. the homeofo! Mr. and Mr. Win. Edwamde oror Bunday. Miu Coca Kreuger opent Snnday et LibertyvlIlo. lir.' Hoett, of Leke Zurich, spent Friday vlIh ber sleter. lire.- A. G. medier. lire. L. Oison and Mm. B. O. Fritch, o! Highland Park, called on Mns. M. W. Kuadier Wsduseday. A number from isare attended the Sundày Scheoo convention et Highland Park. Mmr. Purdy sud Mr@. D. Ititzeu. thaler sud lire. S. E. Knedler belng the delegatea f rom Ibis place. Tbe3' report good sesslan'e. ý Services next Sandey 'as usuel. Sun- day echool 10 a. nm., preuchlng et Il a. mu. sud 7:45 p. m., Y. P. A. at 7 p. m Paster wiilpcsach both mocniug and tynig Wçe hope a good aumber vili attend. Lest Snnaay *as tise largest number avec preseut et dis Suday Scbool. W. still look1for thet 100. Mi 1.da Smun, of Chicagowb bas bsaspepdlag a mntb, vIls Mr.: auisé lr.Cha.s. pregue, retamnsd te hec homs eltclday. W* are iglatl te boer that Mr. sud l)ire. -W..deeformecly et Spring Vallsy, ,Wls., expet te local. hores.foc th pvsost' Thoeybaes rected Mr. Stanley Froot.'. boues. Mrs. S.SE. Kuedienr grew tlss"cbamploa"ý pumpkln vIne Ibis nommer, as va ,ounted mml "70" ripîpie spuphlna ou eue vina. Il csclelnlytaelmuenesr Mué. Bd. Burlingai, of Wenboeba, uaetucasé hoocaitr a veeke.' vii wth bear péate. Mr. suédlir. L. E. Locale. Morrisé, abthebhome of!JM-. and Mme G.. Smithl, Soudas Oct. 15, Min Rose furikat sud Mr Robet Crant, of Barm> Ie I. 1ev ï. a. Byet, oflliat log. The y-ug couple let t Taesdey noon fur their ftotrn home et Harvey, 111. :Acm. Chas. Hersùcbbrger returasé home Mondas, h#ving @peut the veelt la Chi. cao.- Mondas eveiug a fev of Ireag Wmbrenberg'c young friende gatliered et, hem home te ceebrata ber blrthday, Aterar spehant evaniug vas spent hhey laf is vibg mue many lbppe' ale rhou barsattendod tis a ocert eit th. e 3*9Day eouccisBond"Altler nocu. The smding vs gond, but tisa avttoudi"covery email. Choir practics attise home of lMr. sud lir. M. Kuodit' Fri4ey nigis. Thoue vbe etteffed service. et the Ra Bond"e eoisig bei the priviloge of heaclag ths er,v.Y.A. mevalgb, of Cbisiso, anuereugoiel of more lisse ,orélnary ahllty.. Ho bas lb.h "glt" cf belng ahi. to bold lb. midi- vlésé attention of lb. audience, sué lnterpeabis discourse. vth anecdote., Wbicisonly served te Malte il the more iens.ting. lir. D. Cligusuladifor Chicago, bac future lieu, Tneséey, accopeaed by Mmc. &E Kuer sud MinesOlive ltathlr ef Loon g cro, vho vil soolt ber ingettin seottlsé lu. lANCE ZURICH. Don't uts.$tiadouce nesat aturday. Arthisun ilggeasd Lois Heugchtlg mmïd. a tumestrip te Duo"es Dter. doW. Vu. &Woansd fmUllyatteadad thse vodIBU ôg o!iher rothhec.l-lav et 14eiroft Park Monéay. A' ev bara in bbRg ut et tise moais boIs. Bail Pck. sud Wu. Pitareansdolmg tFi vork. gt obsata e Uf twsatj*aý y*u.ýla Quito e ambar ftosis bers attendad Henry Wrnberg'a auclion near Long Long Gcors lest Tneoay. The Knickerbocker les Co. has eterted te bnîld e bg boavdlug houese t ia plant bers, for the use of the men la vAnter. Henry' Pepper etteuded'the luneral 0f bis aunal AuChicago leet Sunday.' Tàw Jolly Four vlfl glvo their tiret grand dante lu Lake Zurich'hall. on gaturday Oct. 21. Mugie by Prof. Hertel'&. orchestra, of Chicago. Damc ticket% 50 cents. Supper eittra, .at Youug'e hôtel.- Everybod7 lnvited tu attend. Arthur, liigas erys ho rasesd Ithe hlggest crop of pniapkins dii. yeartWb. avec dld. and they are sure the clght. klnd for pnmnpkln pie. ý ý- 1 A good meny huntera'trom Chicago sud Elgin wer e out over Seturde *aasd ,ndy sud cerclied bÔ 't. a lot ci geme. DIAMOND LAgE.. NextISunday et the, Plawosd. eb churcis Sunday .cboel p4l te etg :0 P. m.; cburch 2.80 ad Yeng poPlW' mieeting at 7:80. Ail ere nrgsd to 1]. preestat e are tbese lUes r am.J.R.simuone, cf Cem asy, .Think vbet milTs ae . sleé trom. hieterrIble cougbLbefi Dot talon tsen »"M *mA v Jnihl coinpleoyuréhalyy eaa andcoa an Momie. At Lemlebrylh Chas. Iloyar, di- Pî%1lnseý*do e ba 0Several Itou bers took a trip te Joliet luet weakFriddY. Mr,. sud Mre. Win. haIt vied vlth relatives near Cary station 8undey. wns. Umubdeuetock ha. bired Fred Labo ta asalet hi l n s faîl worL. UMm,. WIII. Glese of Chicago, epent aeveral days vitis relatives lie réeentl. M'r. L. Keller anid cblldms re nviig relatives et IleisenvIlle fora fowV daya.. C. Hans and Mr&. Katis Bergisocat. dauihter wve sPalatine ristoro Supday. Mne. Cis. C. Mear and, chil"dre, llaise, a-à]M ou rlativis lbera lttu toeeasiof Ibir ebildren andé ured Jakoel£soler Jr. le movlmg frot th AlbecI Welfternu ente J. Pdiluan's farm ut ILonRGr«ovs. lias LsaisAbart, cfor nilake, bue beau angouas eteacher et tis e SolAta spisool for tb.e oailmg yeac. Wé vis 4g, resos ané bopsathse popils cd t*0 acisool «iSapprode a a godtoacha vissa tby baesCO&. AT s- Satqdey t* .ý . wt ~ ~ ~ ~ wLw W00 0M lo oaéCin' iat w 1<,0 iba cb mil rbs I be k5, nàv, otilkcle omDeere neary ne, p 8vptleniv, wltber nt O, 20 al .loerdrag, valkCh" culivtr,ue1u0 Piev chora fl lowe .0"arlov, 2 3-setinealceMWum vac.ame oa me, 10et waon vllbk polo rabd thle, set doul wor bem. bey r»,, rnal nr,'et p bor bey f ork, res la leys. vblbàrrovy gndono, leerain ag, 2 lk ceas nearly newv;2 8 tons te re y rnck 22ares onen,'su aeh oa1 nt vlth polherardtcle, fto aube ronetemton bây ork roe adB. Wy. Sace, Prop. Wrnéos H 0 A revaéin aoee lr. cn ande uncsgasd ofilet&boet 8pubnsc 22auctiof on l. Dn Jmsfrt wo ile oa lt f o!ag s oes and ouaand_ othe-haitiles tfeu t menton et Bp W. eeddl v, Sp no m.iPlcb , w1 ee b ie.banc eriagron ntlBensrJamestea, og M"~ eas~2t o a«rneyrsblda2 rone-n hAlvea, 8*imb1oo24, *21195,olmén ey at ra.1M . Iet orarasscoe,eSg ne icls-w pe -lzich tie-ckbalane ho)rs. eaycsé- Bwak1 ie.,millk2 weg on, s2aglbkm 'I y, 2 2-her uliü bale, 20 elppl ae, 10 acres ,otba mam*c. ran vltkht e, lot o dreet cern iod, >Paout 10 tome ! 1 .16 toàn s e uilrg t trck cetn *er o* sqptrwai* b# r àof W. :Arlodr, abo t0tons o Wc. 4 toArndl calh<hit, bp'ftek mot WIté Sa ee- tsdblevale eaie Mr. Gru e a4 ri4se dcrl ae billi ecelcresalensdMm.GI Mi âIieWisN lsid ed mttotulee Mr.k hige ll er q ce dntur ar iesciate, dotkimtlm ancd Mm. rW5 nu omsteer ntise Bradvell scbol. Www for menan4,.yo, 4 % Ibe best 0lntbing trou. «ira usn agll cor.oufriands lssJi'sl*,4tord«y. 1 ,De&à%Cbcaé&q etobar fi1e tpilpnuoi& John, Buopnio& l'm Originel laxative couib Syrup Kennte y.Lez-atAse Rouiey*s0Ter. il «e faail.celd fei thm gth e Màby7st lmà a ea& milhrtlc on 911. ieole. . t t gave. tise foerl.k eoâ&dAala *11tu thrpat, .drave a* t4 ploamnadm.iu ouffl. lb. -cougis XW et xuutfl qs M1 Mu".smembranes ci dia h>ne ~ broois ltubes. K»an,'a".tgAv. 1008" ad T 14 crain, i 6.4, prom t : . 1 William Merima vwua eDeesedo collsr Sunda3r. in.. Lea., of Clilceg, vieitts età A; ffl >der's Friâsy. iloy Ro*abebi, 40tf'Chisag, aget Ruaday ,vlth Go. Eockébabch, sud MissEdna _Apt< tt &sdaWedh la Rtilnd part lonasteanoem. Mi,. Fisher nd lMre. Cousiet, of lsbertyvllle, cafsé ou fr" hm er Mm lr.Bd. Bliaushi enteatalnasé rsI%* tifwaubegan somay. Z È.Top].hjelIt liongs tuaI halo= vugu; eeaol nouée., On- « Octaear 26, 1900, coomlgibeat 10 taalr "d, 6 t 0618 7èiý smclmgcolulrlby rowooPetbo8i 40Otom of «àod tweebqy aud 700 b of cal. ose trou jouIseead, Il dm*l. s dosm bcoén, Oehorna grain ;z"de, Doriaumguover, lKaYetone beailoader, bey rabs, saulky clttvator, corn Planter, priMs 0lt»M«ae, 8-etion drag,ulky plow,wlkm plow, vooder, lumber wfglu,. truck -wagon, doubla buggy, aingle obgg, bob olelgb, cutter, bey r4ck, vood rack, tat, bore. blenketa, lot cbaTn-yi derrick, bey rope, Iork and pullsys; 000 lb cèlese, 240 lb sca].., Sarpls o Srator 600 Ibs capaclty nasrly new, 25 gallon chur,., butter woprker, oih tank, etack cover, cern ceeler, fsnnlag mili, set doublo'a ben., uet leather £y ets, oh store, - Coda bestor, chairs, table, Cooly can a nd a -lot of imani* toota ton mimerons to mention. Csuel terme. H. T. ImÂsePrtop. W. H. APPLST, Auctionmeer. As vs are pceperlug to move to Nortb Dakota la the sprlng va bave decided'to oeil et public aution on the E. 1). Dean fami laedisé village 0f Ivenhoe. twei aIeweet- of Rockefeller and six miles mrtb.aaet of -Weuconda. ommeaclng et 10 a. M. sharp oeu Wedaooday, Oct, 25, 1905. the followig .dooc$bed kropertv: 23 heaà ofet tla,coflslstng of Ibullef, j fréh mllkers, 4-cows du# t o çome ini tlis . mu nth ", 2 cofs 4C15,nug la in D)ecembor, 8 in i&9e n d 14 smleb, lift t ov ,ail balane g1viu9'4*iil, eorne coinin crib, 40 aeress f.corp lu sbock cut with imaë ilntu, pair esahi calee, Ddere corsi p "ne; odrbob 01.1gb. 2 nillk -2 rs clta OrsQbornie coca bar- viotor merlyDa, MeCorialck corn harfflter. mm -. shleî, 25 shlpPiug OMAoÂÂa Bucos, Propa. J. H.Derme, auoeor. The Misse Tillie çnd Marie Deckuger vlelted n Evanstou Sunday with the 14. Homabg>rger le Vi.dcng ini Cham-. Geo. Outtier and fankily are cutertain- ng relaietts 1cm, Southeru, Ilinois. F. C. Biederetedt vilI bold an auct ion on 1nay, Oct. 31. Mca; Michael Horenberger and MNi. »»rd, Rprenberger ettended a weddlug la Evauston Tbureday eveniug. Attnuer 0e 'people f1cm»Deerfield ateddteSundar Scbool conventiou 1a« Hiighland Pa rk ljwt Thurêday and Pman Who 4 1ssd ~ au Oltenv tWi-U5i m nW . T .uu etwâ forthi l Iuast lie>' baow tisortelne d"nge It and t wt il alvsys jeurss. Ter li mot r eM Clantasugvtng il, sud for cegs olds -sud cyeup It lea neur. paW.For »bl by F. B. Lot-iLL Llb. Tise baiser bil t Higilàné Park lait veak for lise beaslof St. Mary'& churcli pceved e g anéauosm. Retsa K o f.Whslernllle speat Ldony v Ils Ktie Horeuberger. '3ne e aliohep atRectale Parkle U«7 pfls. oO lMdboa1"sloreses. - o ZaummséUab.bam. bathlb.mWs tontineofigatting baily hurt *hile aI,. ltDluq ceoc ie lbocd oaa day Lam *esS buttei dolSg ncly under lb. ?ebailgarniebetussa ObêErerfts .Silor.plié juniors rami v« lnom Wu a FWv 01te'ai et ti Se emtâ tmnu "11.1VA gdue" *0e clé pitaesaof tiseenior bail tee. got tlaenm&tWonla 11k shcnldocand km ne 1 u' in il. t t 701Atye Mdé Ttr. ef>!gI srap isdIUst M a a = aa boa. iacut, o.tisa isavel om u o.T aiet mue oroup sud vbotpugc.ub *7U rilstbe csi col* vgl Ingof the co I4beryvila; O --.1g SweP4% a~bows, Trngs. T.OIY* i Curves. #ouleqslihW" Mmd CU deRso..S HARD& SOFT COAL, Ri~eberumWe have it. EMMÔNS. -MICRLJBR CO. EDWIN A. B16UOP, M'g'r UDBEmYUOL ILL Estimâtem oun W Pister luterlor Finish and ieodt i y oYur houm. Mill vork on vlth short Notice F0 iilr HRUE. For Cool mornigs and Evening gooke 1h. home comfortabeataàuy lotir. Ver dean and inexpensive to use North-Shore Oas Co. Lîbertyvlla Office: Bulkky Block. Talophone 44.. 1 LeOun5. 0 ou "0I ~g~gs~om *veeowsocuass BAKER.... AND CONP'E' LîsoewrvvîLLoe ILLINOIS. houé>. usmea esor ixit l it . and .m,& serdan On" ben lat, ii1.>Michael ly'éuivlct te in l * W'm. Paddck . "-um ElgAn taller ChltagO the Vast wok. w0b"mr. ,. E. Carcil le 'vorkingtba1. W11ebock. I. .Bls it'teoiet Iransaeîcé wm: KaaMsdy As tigus.t et ble.', b115i3055bi 6a$i5téd. mçgIher, Mme. M. Dau. A Mm..mieof' Wegieqda vlited ber M. casr-oll, of Waslswortb, epent sut brotimr Mr. Oul.DtuRrée. d ay vils hi. antis B. J. CarrolS. Mriss wkin es d». MWi k dja~ Auoom RwlSbk iAs ,wtb%Ë cilet suS A **clp.relatives ia Waukepa. hIe. b Gorges Omu yo!fL'hkta len______ vnltig )merpalte us et pisset Mi. Btea scbteraets -ta-Ne.PMI10la as pl OFApilv a ber et'bs lttia ibos, Dateada& ater- Il)eW l' t e i çp Doneena hir er twallUablnlhéi. Jacua Litho mo orgll sodelsbya

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