but days that will long be remenibered bý htb6htUfréhskpp of Wankegan and Laki county. Eaeh 44 will b. beaft1 money-miaving opportunties that wJ vrci.aau -this one week every'dollar iavested àt oui '%tore, wlUI double duty. The ofeorialès for tbIsg g*mt advertWnifi>.f wili b. the mo@t rearkable in the hietory of mere4aaudisiî Give us a chance to do you good. C. & m lectrieCamsStop a(Owr0or. Rebsen.ber d»e Placet2,12* rtGfse Street. Next to American !zqrousiOmmle. ,Great Adv This will be a week during which our customers @hall reap the profit,.W ~~ uv one@. The enormous stock laid in for our Grand Fail Opening, and which ~a ag nn you a week that wihl be a golden harvest tô you-, a week in whi-eh yon a u elïi cep1y Ladies, Misses and Chidren thàt charterized oîîr Grand Fall (Openting Sale. T1 re.w 1usd with the Ilberal patronage that hua been accorrled us that we have decidod to devt., thia wek satin he vhole seson. iva$ optstly eeaned ont and ve foaitd it ueceueary 1toe b the mnufaeturs Iles merchant Prince l tin- d.This is the week when ve util drive th= Iita fou:t prcftharln for iis grand Advertising Sale make the prime quoted by the famous mail order-houa.l bok 11lk. high.' i. Ladies' Suits, Coats and Cravenettes An sinsuorpassed assortuent of dependable. goodu in tie oew- est and nbis tls..... Ladies' ahi wool Cravenette Rain-coats, regalar prie $850, this speeial sale tM in poetfvely sold et $15 in Chicago our- cale price ......... Muwg lail wQol KeMey coate. In the empire back or hall tight-Oittlix etlee, lu tan or black, worti, $10 at .................................. au wool long empire Coatn, in chèviot or monténsk clth,5 8 irl 1 hi ae.............................................................69 W= ,VsiIty of $10 Coats ie Worth seeing, mont of theus are $15 . I18 cost, empire or belted effeet in &Il tihe différent materlals ...........................................0. 0 làkotadomewlnter Coate In due Ceter eaea, aiobeautilfal b"*i cot, Worth $25 tuis epeciai sale................................ gk'Vn uite, lu mixture or plain goode, very nestly trimmed6 8 iINb= urter Lngth Suite, tightfittiug or lom e k, very Worth $15 spftili l............................. ......... dw L TAUUIgt Fittiig Suite, strap triai lugesatin lued, the foe*i beanul etylee of the 9emaon, Worth $25specialsale . .... dOm kmibome tight flttiug 50-inch Coste, ined a'ith best -gkbo esti, raie o! the bet Inported materw lellar 4&ib og cgliarie Cot, mediumn or dark mixlture borne 1Mk n"eMYeiet at ueck, double bremted, Worth 6$12 O0ý46M broaedloth Coït. neuirrel lliig, lined througlio ut, "wlcollar of fine fur. wortb $25, ...ii ................ LP 17Ae%. Ou Mi wool Kersey Coat in black wîth pretty fur collar, worth .50,l . ................ . ...................................... a I 10.98-Women'o New Autumn Suite, made novelt.y uaterials. Tii. coat le 50-lnoce. long, ulule breeaeted. new sleve. Tii. eklrt the intest nit adeertised ail around U@ for $16 ou! special té ............................... ........ 10 98 1 Corsets Bat.iste Corsets, with or witlout garters, ',e seller, speeial at tue $1.25 Cordet, specdal for this sale Corset Covers long hip 39c »9C Sue Muslin corset covers, wide lace iari. jueregular 50e seller, special sale 25 embric corset covers wth valencien nes lace, W. 9b lace ruIRe, sold for 75c, special prie. 49c iià orbeit cvers, worth 50c, spécial forftub "F"UR DE3ARME NT, OT1I1G les mtsae rnal inspection wil omble <om tograsp the real magnitude end merit of our l'or. dep arbteseu.The R teaa i bans'OU ilsworld hevecoetrhbote t* 11* 4., mmopua aet stock. !verV artide is weIl modeand supernljIglid, - M pueçtlg fted. ftot a point -bau been oveuteloed landm sslectiou of tuis ime. W. devoted extrbordbfargcaneto w se ectou a i m et. oU gvm0twere nmade *0 aur specdl ader becausewe-would b. stitd with nms but tise best. Tise favar WUltis wM e tuslmebas bêe Moeived assures us thestwe mode oa nstake, and we siocerelg hope dt mm t gos 4U ail goursefa 09thme B~g.w vtcs w ueneaiIg drin <ts yst dvedsno Sa eSc permitme <o quote but à few prIses. <bit we bm~ Soerbfnou. 7f. $50 modConte trou $22 to $500. W we ant teli ,eu bai the, -Mm, oith iis w.nderfut Fur O.psrtmont. Nô depevtioem -b hsevhu ten*qW l . andi ,uan>yof Ohase toras WoUW#beis d et tbo. os'uhantle ttomu owss Our whole totk At tim p'iC" u ere 4~rig Ifht~.V1'e. 1.v. hao 4kgrIagiChicego, a viseilte . w msore Win cO.bcàyuUsiNkOeu C.* iye boter bargahnsin la arydng.. fure sPecfai. ami we gaM»neathat In t1,futue wlen ou tMhlt 'of -Aire you Ladiiea' biaek tr md* it ftr h& talle wà0rtk$160, Çpè*ý4é'r~ LAdUies'fins 4 * wi 8l.i" .ua.m>th Ladies' Mu@krat Scarf, sold eveiyvhere for #4 $ 9 special sale Imitation Rusan Sable., vith six biuulatala wortli $7.50, special @ale $4,98 good heavy brush tati, vortii $, sale price9 -REmndume ladies' long.Folx scarf;, iller byown or Iight, with very mil biush t94l .0W ever7whr«Jor $12. 11dm ope" amiae ttol it InSMdïrts. and from, $22 to $500 in Coats Ladies flannellette flresèing 8acqums or Kimmmos neatly trirnmed, well wrth Soc, special sale Ladies' flantiellette Sacquee, extra hoavy quality, Perolà t1m,< 0sod oeverywere for Ladies' Japanmé or Pers"& Drmislg &Sae4 nieytHmmed, specWa for tt week Ilvou A Forest Ladies' shaker diaw Ntght (Gownsracy yoke and' braid trimniingu, worth 76ci. apeeial ladies' fiannel NIght Gowns, fl» us, trlrnred with fac ,rl, t z egai 81.00 seller, -speetal sale Ladies' spun guis Blsck Petticoats, with double ile, Îpecial sale Viter Purs, Coats, Suits or Sklrts No'w youI )oints. reaohed by 1he eleetiio line *0 atte» onr dom . 'f yoi M'ake a pu*base of $6-.0 4rable. ud l io eonil More ln 1h11 omt1ouof thecooty thal l a ert.inîy that Yoa eau alvay* soeur. ob neyait, nôblet; w i 7-7