Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Oct 1905, p. 5

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M,. OIOBER 21, 1906. Next Door to IAmerian Eixpress Office OnIy One Weel' but the greateet opportunity of a life tiitiLd will be crowded in. Not a quotation resembling normal figures appears in thie announcement. Ail merchandise- baig been closely scrutlnized. Ite original coet and worth, together with its deeîrability at thisseeon of' the yehr bave been carefully considered. The. rosuit la an assemblage of values that lias nover been equaled. These bargains are to epread our fame. * C. & M. Electrlc Cars Stop at Our Door Remember tse Placil 212 NorthGene Street. Next Door 10 American Expres 0f fice. týo Novembe 4, 19ýc b~oIOr TtiI LIBERAL PATRON4AGE ACCOEMMDUS DURING OUR I IRST SIX MONT1S IN BUSINESS. aU ptosooaa inatureowprc-preutwlh.mny of our competitors wonld be glad to stocek up. Our profit during thiei week will be in pleaaing old customers and .gaininàlnew lan 0i.oe to 61ordpeo hiee hewweflsl epeeida ria Beaoou's buelnese--mortt than we really anticipated. W. are satisfied with our profita and now we propose tol give t su ethe i eon he ohifside Otitheoe lecroded o of tdohewihraanod thxposiheteoan iffotsterlinegir oatluegradaexositon o strlin vales ad sesonppeaerriglaparefofo x ofrln Ineac deartnon caofuly ud asur yoreef o th roi mnt f eeryitem we have for your inspection. Ikf~ tChildren's Coats. Pdrtlfl't Rats Trimmedl Free Price 04.98 In sqyiug "batm trimed fr-e" we inean that If you buy your trninmings at oùr millinery counter, you, can hiave your bat triînmed free of ail additional charge by our expert trinmer. This mneaus a splendidsavin !g to you, at 1 hast haif of what you would expect ho pay for the saune article in Chicago. Youwil be astonished at the saviug and satisfaction you obtain by tlds plan. Ready-tomwear tiats. 75c up W. are fortunate ln -eecning the. entire lineofo Trimmed Biais o! a large Chiîcago houe. whlch Inter changMd ies plans. Onuy by purchaslng tbe"entlre stockt ln lis enormity did we secure 1h.. marvelouâ bargans. We are el- luemg- ek-i50 per cent. lois than the cot o! manufawtre. 8me the $2. 00 bat we Bell at 79C Frine Tailored Hats- at $.4PA8 The, balanceof our fine Tailored Rate trtuiD" wth f*qtUseu, omtqniabboussie, regular$24 $4.00 and $6.00 vt alust MI@eo2.48 K Marvelou sing to You Womsn's Tafrta Si lk Waiste, 42.98- Made of fine wiathable taffeta .11k, .mbrold.r.d front. clusters of pins tuçks and box pisits on elther sld,newest stock coliS,, ltst sblO*v with deep cuif. ail izes, 04 walts ordinarily $2.98 The. fact thnt we pa.y ca@h and taite advantage of ail dis- comnte enmablos ue nt ail times to quoe lower prfcee , han cati b. found elmewhere. We conduct our business at thé miDimum of o«Pense, and area at ail timt'e satlefied wlthei moet modest of profita. =fu's black garlere lna ail ses. lt5e kîid, * é fothls .mals. 1................. S .. c I*dWs umbr*ilas. bncy tuianle, regular si spilr, specllIs........ .................. Soc .014 svsirilwere ai $2, ale......... .....98 As an example of this money-saving .Plan we quote You the Following: roue FektIet 5&c feathe M8 .1-2 Y'4 5.1k Veltet 4&c Bandeff. I 5c 1-Ti for Stglsh Hat $1.49' Worth $3.00 to1$590 and, immed"eeo Charge am mmcus.V4100 aul co orapeà front. deap htuca uéM bock ........................... Ladis'cottes Pop"iaw"aita abrown. blu. green and blac .reglar 1.0 Lades'cuam*resmevcrized or chaznbray clatit W" ot rewith au.' broidemed front.specWa for tbis sae.....................9 ladies' brIllIsatIe ut'mone plaitd, others tlred wth buttons.sold ueewht ltS2.98, speial sae......... I. Ladi ena wool'baitste akai or aun's veiig with boadoade Palki*do timmiq> .speelal sae............................ S249 Ladies'beautifl aIlmceruMled waW& ts mUtniegisald aaywhere for $10 speclw ode .................................. $.9 Ribbons ibous nsl al olora, regular value 10e vard specal sais yard ........... Satin or Taleéta Rlbbàko. wide enough for. hair rlbbons, speeal Mesyard ...........S lleavy satin or Taffeta Iilbbon, oold any- wlaere for 16e yard, speclal sale, yard...80< Beautiful plaid libbons, regular 80e valae speelal for tbis sale«*'** ... ........ ....... 20 Mou-seline Bibilon, 4 ln. wide ln ail colore solti auywhere for 85c, speelal for til Ruje;.........1 . ........................ 1.....20 Ladies' ânue Handkercblefs, lace Insertion or hemstitcbed, spoclal sae cnly .......... Ladass>laaey Bandkerhisls, lace Insertion orlre*mbrffiderd border, sogular o5 slr pe"laltale only ... ...........9 Ladies' extra dua qnality Handtkerchils val, lamsInssrtion or deep embroldery, sold for 85c,, specI lalal....... a Ladie' ln fnyColrs ptodate style*,ae pl et lnor l]c. reular 26e seller, speclal sale ........... o Childreai's extra heavy ribbe.d Stoctinge, ln ail aimes, regular 25e seller, special sae .. ..........I.......... 9e Ladies' lp;is black Rose, full regular madie sud salua dye, double soles for thile* Saie...... . ... ................19 Ladies beavy black-*ec lined Boss regular 25e value, speci lsale...........19 Ladien' black worated Hose. regular value 49e, apetia sale .................. S Ladle' biset ooswnter weight, regular 25e.elrasaasl. ................ tic LadiIes? pàbo"Imistber Belta, sold any where for 2&,; selisl. . 0 La<1iE.BiIk bâtsvrlatest styles ourrU Children's Heavy Beaver Coats' l1 in le. brown or green @leeve wth7 i emibroidered ancilor and eagle, belted back coût wbichi l well worth $400 wilil e eoid at til sale ..................................... il) I..... Child's Zibeline or Chleviot Coats, big box plait@ in baek, belt witil twol IA buekies ln baek trunmed witb velvet a $5.00 coat. tis special' sizes up to 14 ..........................................:......................I Cides Beautiful Empire "ot, trimmed witb fine silk braid andý'rade up ln good durable material, coat worth $750 sizeS UP to 14 tilegale...................................................................... Chid'R tll-wool Kersey Coatw, ail styles and colore wortls $8.00 at ......................................... ..... ............................ 4 . Ciildiq Coare la Crushed Plusil, siu.' up to 4j, worthb"IV.00 1% spciai .........................................................................I Handeome Little Broad Clotil Coats, aIt colore, linedwith inter lining, worth $400 at............................................................... Children 's Dresses, Chhdren» Sehoot Dresse@ madie up lan heke or plain material. 'verY neatly trimmed, regular $2.00 seller, special sale .... ................. Children's cashmere or worsted Dresse, ilr4rllnlng, fancy yoks and brald trlmmings, sold anywllere for Ç2.50, special sale............ Chldren'a shepard plaid Dresses, Baster Brown or suspender style, very I neatly made, regular $8.00 seller, speclal for this sale............. Infant Wear Infante Kimonas, ma" up ln dalsy flanel ait colora, special for this Sale ..................................................... ............... Infante' Kimons, maden~ In plain colored daiy&lflannel, wltb whlteait shawl collar, regular7îOc seller, spec iasle .................. ........ Infante' knitted Sacques very neùtly trlmmed, otld anywhere for 50o s-ca ..................................... ............................... Infants' knitted Bootees, tuI length, nicely trimmed, regular 25c ele special W ............................................ Infante' ail wool knltted Legl nl black or white, regular 50e seller ei)eial Sale........ ......... ............................ .............. Infants' Bonnets 1ft' bear a k a B o nnets, re gu 1a r sell ers9 7 5e, e pse i a1 fo r t hla Infant. Bonnets@inade up in silk or velvet with 1heautiful cord trimming sold everywhere for $1.25. epeeial for til sale ........................... IRemember, a child cao buVZo Che aplyj as an adult at this store. pricesl marked in plain Red figes we make special efforts to Jook after té wants of the gounq folks when- theg eý sent. to shop for. their eiders.,> purchase they make that is unsaesa%î will be cheerfuNgy exchanged. Prie* $4.98

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