JNTL. INDEPENDENT. .ýxI. No. 5., iBrirETIIVnjj, LAKE COUmytYUOiO FRIDAY, NOVEMBIgR 3, 1905-8 Pages. $S1.50 PER YEAR IN ADV&] y te fRQIT cOUT Y w!ti~ATCOJNýTY SEATr. I*IPO8WILLOOTUSTA tp hat gave bar certain property, An DAMI~U~ CSUS AP OtCOE Baieher la waklng a. Frye, ezecuie of PROO<tDIN.!thlut bai miian mo ehmeai of Joboana - ~Reu ee uumd. and th remintng hutru. tf mdge Wïth mtfues tuaclm..tfer. deamia ' ua asui 10nets aide ithe W%%beaer erCom ofcout.vIlSifathe cicuiit court. Wlfg eai.fer ~'~ e <~ 7 Tieproperty 1.4,1,.d lu certain landu, Circut curs recouvened Meiday hou., etc.,lu FÀ]a iomnahip naseBar- Maorau ai#1vlag a4journd Ohi, e rlu8on; lu Lais couD ty, aud ne vioem Thurudai, mii Judte Wrght eait Algoliqulu, 9M-eery conniy. E. P. EAýsaala the. attorney for lire. Beuchur, la the oum ancmwhch 5h. chargeu thai ithe decedetai m a fun- vr.isias ii i w Ra* imnmoern und mind uaihtiil.. umi a mdie ment tu paon lamtwok, lhe jury w il ditai lii.wau tulumecithothe, brouici la an &verdct of $24ue màp detrlmnt of Unr. Baucher h Frye, sha 4o, o«Wl t Eàlff ,orb wa iuallged tu bave reprecented liat ho, ftcovo 88,000 dmmuu fer îisbi$m me.rai lbth<'ut>' Iperuon 10 be azeoutr lai irbîle wrtug osu %, çWjg< and tuat the property abouti be begmé Telephope Compamy' ald laWig mi Wa u oue eanda et certain pruoa. hga, f rOmMOrtiMér & Ta1PPer, the Foix LaeMa Getz Divorcab. Suta«Os.Frlday luin theccrcuit court W Andra .<Ot t $.4 Verdict. French, 0f Fox Faka, vas graaisi Noarly a lm tru day wmo mPtd lu divorce f rom us iite, Delta Frenuii . peting in verdict of $7406. litmau tbthe "Mcie of deurtion. Frme, chaeit cam of A"drwlandenaet Lake forem chab-hi et,, auj ow to blin iChtnegn, 'a*. Alfred Sandaim.dt bilsformner rau away mih asother aa mhom ahe omplo>îer. Heasoed fer 093 ho latmed likeil battel,, tva yeareago, aud.bedmla bu m oclor. Baduedi fouchitii. flot meeu ler aue. "au auertug ha die mot os, the Man a MudtrCaseTé" A» esal. AMwe eig out a eonple of hour- ît in expeeted tta the latter yait.of lIé s rybrouglis. lu.a verolietamardinir meek wml bemmmthe, Ezekilian m'uvr Ander'sonu$7.ca.eu. Sherufi Powel eayu thai hle Wante Psy par Damage le tlous,. prison« tin "ialmu i heflnupii Lait eek va. hsard lb, enueof thai h e a he mlt die belure ithe trWa if fflolpb Staauberg va. -he Wanner t jeflot taurieit Sapas' Rudlg <Aompay aking fur John Muekr, thube a Iuf Ma damne,. tu recempene ie fur itamage accuued, ofatteiuptuiii40arlkpe "u to ie houe, Lariture and bueineea Maristntte Wl i tbt.viug filetriai ~ agdtea have basa eaused by the ex- tua v.ek. illt, f rienido have <"u pleul»ea t tiiWarner roflery Inu fmlkt cadeace in f"lmand .helieve.htr Februey, 19IL.innocet.L s j e tgiîtg the caffl vigor. 'N0e au, tn orne of ithe mont Iecular ouly a&4dithe impniein te îli flot b, damas' mitte 'arer brougbî inlu e conrtee& - o.ytn ie anisa t hbringa up 1i. mtyou. 1h. quetion etier -6Company' lu Aftar apuji oean meet. l ual1 ,U"bla#orndammu llicidby fit.ou ThuS -et ar, f lgltood, wva, glippI~ tr« oidle of iae u..~~i. ~a ~Im.d Stu' ate nsced b>' Judep .Joum ito Uoai Fn-Me amp oliu4heo&la daMe 1Im«tltn ae, 'lby Mea UVae vore, 000- 4%P t ncvrghla J, m aiylut mai, mihui0ToyRm eiakguM Omiels. hag aaA*ora nLual u n à têma d o ot &bla mii hm ni tain milaa b"r ein dio rfe, bd la ng hlm nr. fr Wamaier a langaga.the -Wrlht «-azIi mong wou d eent hlm b d théng a aUnai thued au atMahme"1er lje peron 0< a. h. hab, .aare bâ'talo th "ymaigKcu m fer toniempl aicoue ri" Hm a oe, tbm *mî lthe baa thédlaouday liadegau er mou gar Stbrait. cho deai & hte, eit malnam Ce n ontaitW noing flpoa WJ comie luby tIrin amaer thut macao. ah.#&aight liai u ning u.i. buentmbrt er'. niara namiai lmdan m a edoeha math ers i ofmalt aim o $30 u. e ie - I I -- IN L CAR.1ACTIVE. aTra*umenm elCi.vrely Imprien07Ta W ~ Ro W 1 OBW» FOR POLICE AND Cot?4J"iAR LET. MEN ARE >AILED. Mm om tec Ith e i.PrnPOWe rTalmnm ofthe, way frelgbt whlch OCegmo, lIuupl"Ia.. 4or Lake electrie »W« ,,odons abont meven n'dlock ibave base quttaIviolf fhtesad have «Obfaevecdag from Chicago had iheir fin la otmgaildUwlub ithevillage > *etmumlaS fd te seven <>ung mu aathorltle ni Phà" suad osher place ewb.m the local operator had, uoiSd along tie lina wlii* le- rond in oveus It 0 1001138a*out the utlaionfer fme lime te buit sili ta G. W. Brymnu, ibÂd wà%ea wltebing waa ln progrees ai prSident, and m,1*Ieertiry and el at place theii rew keptibaeir eyeo upon tnmurrr Iteuapaclai 8propoeed route1 r he ag«. They were neot enrprued faut week adulWa1It uheroad would 4whea they were ready tu "pull out" w llraybeultwtu4 la *e ftpring 'nakingi endIM .at llows inone of the box cac, thêa an.rtoailie**UBdV contracte had the *WS to whicbhad beau broken. A been ]et for th#mWling of ueventy beiu.mau Went te the car aundauked pound railo forte8 me- of ronàd.- W. 8. the mu owhat they were doiux, and * a ed, an experlumd I ontraetor, it was *nid tbeaywanted te ride te Corlta, Wla., gtated had 'the. Sutract for the wbere th" hoped te obtain, mployuient. con.tructiou W%*b. Me maid nothlng as he elofflf the car fItwau de«DU*Iyed that the rond door, but acon returned with hanouer , mag eoected wttb the Lke Street L .and natta and fantened it eeenrely. Theu 1 proWet and ibis *Ai terminal would ho Word waa dispatübed ta Wanakegan and1 on thai fine a&% gm4wt IStreet. tso POlicemeu were Aoou ntheir way! Tho fine aise reytd tr., [nOak Park. leo arrent the oupposed car robberà. lu the" rune wte t lie Dplâit. river <'ropl- nientune tbe prisoners begged te he tng o awýe*t id, thence north ti) rrefaeed but withbut avait and the train Deeplaisaeg, t1wacé north-west paut 9 u W" eld untit the. officers arrived, wben !ML. Proepect, atoug 904%ti de they hiand-cuffed the nmen and took titeni k0f irhhb.Weewr rallroad whIcb it te the couaty jaît. 'cr(n"ae a ,the rut on John IL) the car was a qhîpuient of bard- Ruu.,la (mm .contîuitiltg paralfel ware and it me enppoAed the. men in- te C & Nl. W. R. Wt with mlight tended te tbruw ut sucli aicouldbfe:dprlaion ttimouia Arlington Heîghts ditepoo*d of alter the, traini wae îu îtoa latine. The reidenirs- oI Nick motion aud then pick it up a-t chair'l aabem' sud LeieSchultz wilI have te fel~nre. fe .oved. Paassng betwilen depot and Monday thin. len werearraigned,M, 1 UnEw; Motel. the fine rums traiglit >toective@ for the c(mampeurwere oaind te Lie Zyi& a d, where it turne! te proeut.. Tliey hbai hes toc.kig novai on îbe.aaatal" of the otreet. ta thepreouere up and fonod fbut ou.',1tw Quoni orse» eoo Ol hou@&, wli*i'i numujer badlever before be. nader ar- fi emmmais, then u st aide of ronai ma- refit, ud coucoding ixwomld ha'le -higdvctlm aeZurich, paâme 0te peuve tbeir $uteoîut a a te l"hecur. tbreohheiiupýa mnear Zurich Motel though that wa ter h "a4 hey domwidd tien saisWawonad Mcleury. not te puait the C.am 10te mat, auJ SoreeromMam i a ura have bien suiv cOglat wltà a 1 - va 0cidizer. golug suer bo ie gpunit the, posutkw derlY conduci. Mali of the men pleiai ve eeldson a detfnits urvai. guilty aundirai1usd «0. Tii. oldent of ne«enry .Wel i be the noeth itermnal th@ gang w&ae19 a&W die una"t17 0eifins:H»aermdtng te prett plama. Y-a .Ai mnid&Alkhal> sktqww»m1t The, a.adffroui Chécuo te Palsaie wlll iu comrnutation wt thim' enaiuai, mie c.uahued §Mt and put lu operatloa liai the arommi of thew *àm maighc b au o ea aienpoWable. À handuome euh- forwarded and it ivdosunce zmoe hm station -building with ithe asuiory tt~etre. maacblauq-v Mlbcibuilt ai that place. Tii, verbei trolley wli be ud aud Conclu, poutlva .mttoe<uleehaoeatp- ,he qrlpatent mil l e the hautta t meur, hmu Thii, lajtor Olu»a. -peui and uafety. -LAKE COUNTY IS- GRQWING ffblIlA TU'bLl iv3 C FADa~ 11OLDS tME I Tiat'a the moiji quiet baby 1 aven I 'LA i N irRjt»çr3 I 'JIYU IlJ DIEM > BABY ",e, lie lwayas ba.beeunh,îWd bby.- FIYf TOWNS 1SHOW DECREASf. M,&URNS FROM 40 HOUR .C o ff »le gvenoaigu, but ment i WteOTT ! N ~nen, MoItAhR.J btrain wieicli mue ta te.ber te WWiuai R oute " ar W dUp. àfairly necurate si NIbo WolAu mmga en*&Whou she arriveil cherae LSS f Cuutd I ' 5j »mli uotblug tthe ibennde mi, met hbnraimite Wîilie b. FssôSe .d C"mtys iPopulation. liaepe Long Viaul On TraIn. of the deauhoftehldbu re I - ~~~more uban a maleta théti neir home. F. K. Bamuieadw ho ii uecthee .,Laie oast direntor> i-er>'tira yaars fia 44QUIBT CHILD"IP 18FRAISE». 1Then the broke Jomu. fu tlhe iipneus ith lue.iarul " l cunails ii iitiea - 190"-, and nom in pire. Froin tMr. BumoteiWfi estiinlatee nie ounmuted sarne Lai ;Frida>' ai Kenosha cie fuerai ai iSMALL BOY MAM ES towai, LibertydIe lilg on.-a!thie-, h. Dot ypet aving riite coînpteted cennting *bàby revalente hatiti mai the cbild of Af naitA (;uame@ aMd arrtvi.g at lis dedoclione lu lie pý»ceflot muationed. Nietiber bas fie w ime vi.OfiJva ls.ffND*copat@d Op lie rural routes yet.,auJ mlien ii taÀ âgures are tn, it i mlllie poeui- Adolpi Banar, wm i mllihia youug mfe -fle te arrivenat a f.irly aic. ura, estimate oai thecoeutys tat populition. laudail at Caie Garden ouI>' lait 'Pues-' White 8effrching For Psaplus.a Ylo, H[aineavillea. Lake Villa, anui Mitbum are t1w toyus whiehahow in de. dey. la iPa North of Wanke- crease lu populatioa. Mr. Bumusteni multiplies tIhe naniesi a given numuity JuM »;fier the train pulled out o! Pitica gan BOY Clilma ho hi 2-M. thie usu.l figure, ta arrive ut the astimateit populýsatLs, aJnd os l cine. bur th chli ai elzil itii cuvu- Rave Mtade Obantly table buoir are computeS ou that bauua: baon. tec d as u se mwthnoîarbal i . Duovr1903. 1905. fios.E____su kth ote bdNAIMEa. Pal'-. NE.1;àM f POP. no mtins te ast fer anisltance. 8h, dareN orth Cblcngu ............................ 681 170)2 910 2775 oi tll ttheenuductar. Sididnotdars Wifebunningpuinpkiiis au tle flats ake tBluiff................................ 1590 31 M 201 502 uaed a tear. uo f Wantegan miere uqunuhes. Croons Lullubiea ta Dead.- pumr.pt ineanauJmelons groîr mIlaud Lake Forast-----------------------------... 800 2001) $2 2 050 taal va astagibrthnBiglimaod ............................... 357 8902 422 1055 Hngugii lflesfrnsb otelarH ighfand Park .....»....................... 1447 3717 1590 3974 fa I ber arma sudt croonei tMLi lullabtea I Lindon t'urdy, a emallia>' living on Wlnthcop Hlarbor-------------------------.. 12,1 30, 127 327 of tba faîherlanit for hour ai lJi' our ai North Counut> atreet cap suddeul>- uponDere< the train upenit ou. e ulght a feir dayî ago irbici froaie ii,....................................... 120 101 145 362 cllitGaouvreit............................................8 51 360 it tj»'Itber mite @aie took Iron thtbir! It wasaheadles steleton ofwhathbad..........,...............................53 1320 13 1 862 nmdbggf licte wite dries. Then once been namman, the bouy tee, accord- Ruselo...................................i45 1:12 5631 402 ohi. t00k the ltuile fan ta the retiniug îng ta lita descripcion, witi fragmenta........ne................................. 2 1127127 167 zom, aid lecked it in ie fluer>', rend>' of flesh stifl adierîug ta tii.. proîrudiug Reas...............2 i 7 6 for hurl. Si, Jeccnmined te tata the froua île anil. Surunteu and twist.d Mllliuru.................................. 60 1500 57 14e' fful ai he ra>' te Kînoaha irbere ube bauds projected froman drift of Bandil u ntoch .................................. 3106 799i) 83 825 bail friende. If ube coutd i ttiut telling gliasil> appeal andl the boy w-lch a Lrnkel...................... ..........21 2 2555101 2 *anyaue 0on iba train that tt aa dead. abiriet ied froint clinie. Racteller.................................. 261 52207 856 72 -Returnlng te bar sent, @lie lwgan the Wtb s. relative lie returned ta che finie Rocnefelile ................................4M23 107 8 95 joug truggle te keep lak lier grief. bâter lu tic day but cauîd n01 locate aieVol e..... ..',*'"*"*-*- '« ý 0 8 9 Sfhsangtothe baby, faîked ta iltn lb. the exact @pot as lie in bie frîght ha l.... ................................ .... 117 '292 112 280 Ian Lsld.................. .............. f 1892 78 195 sdpretendiîd ta laugli ai it as ehe helil m6rke. While some doubit te boy'a n" .....I7 7 9 l$t,-avery once in a ibifee uilitig clrough star>'bisa relatives fufl.r believefilm andul dLk ........ 58 15 7 9 _be teaneataiber huabanti, who sat lhe. ml te>' funiber ta lacate cli, fidand Fox Lake ........ ..............120 8300 120 800 iaber andl matcheS mt Jr>' eyes lier nudeavor ta clear.up the mystar>'. Iabe..........................6 1218 25 t8e1. te keep bai-k tie peut up grief' Thelact that chtheailnd msnet on the Rendent ... .............. ................ 56 140 62 15 vicbmu ns.lybratn br eai, akfeon acrdngtoii, oy sd uTaylor Grv.................................. 80 75 * Docelvez he Cordoctar. lobgwauintaevîdeuce givée nia th thse . l ahedulLbryil I ho h raaigoi al~pi w 'Piecohlucor ame hroigl ib trhu. aff! lai ia lgereilmats >eara canet tl t Ite counnU, sud proportionacal>' grenier liai any cltyî'and Thedonuotr amethrhgI te tain beie tbt te dseted*saesalong the lfi ufro n t hnhving communt>' van iteil mtth intereml. 'Tle Ijsngr-.j sud ha atoptud 10tait mci the montai' itrtli ahore shield nme murilerntystery., Di hiuletbspamawon aian hy are obtinabte. fAUR REPORT. Shoewe Oirs*1550 Spent JIa Permasut Imrvmehm amidaBlaua of 98,485.18. AfNUAL ELECTION OCCUIRs DEC. 6. Trenurer E. W. Parkburat sufimite tihe ànendai atatameut for 1905 wirbem app.aro belom, aiomug.theba amoni reneiveil and expendeil b>' the Late Couniy Agricutural Society'ilu tiown- duct qf ithe Fair tue year- Balaceo ad........ 0lnO agate appropriation.............MoS00 W, X. uter, Mb.ralutitnlitaaold ... St 5 Adiutu inI lointunst........... s0ll limetai ticuet.aoid sept. a.... logofl Gate adm"onspt. 6e.......... Grand $tma.i................. Gate admiston sept. 7 .... ... >.... Grand ealad ...... _............... is Gaie udituon sept. s .............mii, W Grand stanud..........................iii3ta J. B, Morse. sey.. outrance money ... ëb; 50 J. B. Murse. aecy .tgita.............. 1850 G.0G. schanock. bsabalt............... 30 go Job* CoaMaua. bey.................... 1i 00 D'rank Duieubery. hay............... 6 cO Oburlea SmIithprilees ...... ......iffl 37 Total ..................... lm Mf Axilmur PAtDOUOhT. Trttung und rumngueg, ............ iam 50t Lumbter foe Dow building ............ M le Crpetra work ..................ai Mut Palaclu...r................ ......... lis Q palntaand .it .............. ....86 45 licher expensea itemtzed it auai report) ............... 1548 PreiteaWd ..................lm 3 i110lS melticketa.POUd byChue. Smith..l-,gte Ticelaaut tlunch calibter puld by C. Smih..... .................. 4te VIve per cent. commiain a d Cba. Sith foriuel.ee.............0t1i LIM on priviiegea ucot ootteed itMI1%,,lt 1 Pa .e.............................. 156 TOLM............. lm365 Blance oun A...... i 0861 Tie, exPaindture 4d 81558-W0 for permanent ianPnvemébht, osncb am the addtion ta grand ai, etc. 'i addeil ta the balanve un hanit montS etter iuiliate tigea Ihtmfialîw pnt O! 1M5 Fair- 'Pie amcsinu terneiover b>' sUjý Of Pniviamai8 ""-, 8102S17 ie me beliove lie s-Mnilforbwucone frontthat iamre84 but ità1hot legwxwU ropinion the. dituctars aautl anolier.yee«r deanup", iii. nùdmar ttaoagb at ezP"nio! lie vry ,ubetaft enipta raeveil front "PrvlSgeou" ibvao, -Mid " in li sabilm.a b. doue .ai rmpwanto merei aut -Year v4goroue ail numeroua irom Anl quartent. Eloction, Dec. 6. la a ltte over a niontbt occra ibe àmnujal ectian of olilcera ofthe soctety but ad On1ýY tho-efa.ving pai] a dollar rneinlIeraiW asprevtoua tg) tait da.>-co libe recent Fair are entitieil ta vote Uitile iit.ivt laeutanifeet. 'hare ie Iitte offlrtsun4y for futuirp coupe iu Faiur e.etianes cb as have i luet 7-ans been atîonptedl. FistirRUAN CATCH PIYVE10OMS or TROUi amis iBr"s. flue 00Illeuu4a Il One àisL a Bgorie la<the mhnmaa atch of ldu ,e" acompluhed lu aq tar>' day hb 0itie Wankegan Sehermea are marc ci ees lamiltar ta ail reiente o! Lai ecouui>', aidd tvoulil aeea le tuck o ear>' day Itberun inao! lace uieturnec 10 îhom ' at preomut Ialiwing tcie &vocation. r During the very ser>' boumso! Sait 3day haut ton ihoniniland tire hunilîe4 poade ao! dh ver, liSteS lu tie nets oïi the port o! Waukegan b>' îiree concerna. 'Phay mer. mitb hard>' au exception, cli finehi of fate iront, uhici te unusual ih ilueîf as generall' lu go large a catch tiers are mare or teeu of otier and uot ai desiral le hinuthe oeil. Oneliii», Siith Brothers, aloni bronght in 7300 pounils of trout, and niter being cleaned tciiy mer. ail abipped lia Chicago. It te estiniated the ficher moen ar-rage aliout 10 cents n pauud on 1h. Itit eliippcd aud tic>' neyer havi an>' trouli hotpoehng o! tii-m a the i canghi in tînt parlicular lacality are Jeclarod taulie theeboauaJdbring a bott-r prmce clan chose fronmumore norilieru pointe. Man'a UnreasonabSenes iii aften uas great a anioen'm.'ButTbas. S. Atustin, Mgr. ai the 'itepubiian," of L'eavenworlm, lit., wmai uureasan- ale, whon " fie refoseil tua atti tic dactais ci' opierateon l t le, for female trpule, 'instend,' ha aaysi, wecaou- cludeJ ta cry Eloctric Bittera. My>'w-if, mas tien aa ai#,k, mils muId hard>' 1.-ve ber lied, and fi v. - phyutcfaus bail failed to ratier, ber. Alter. tnktng Electnie Bitters, ube mai pdrfutîy curaitnduia nom merai l bor ousehotld dutie8a» lunarnuisi byF.B. Li bertyvifle ,GHÂAY6LýAEE FÂMc; iruggista price MANY FATALITIES RESULT WITUIIN A FEW 11< VIOLENT DEATHS FOLLOW IN Chicago Boy Shot by CM QUICK OUCCESSION. CORt- Oltver Wendell Holmes, Jr.,o ONER MAS DBY irao chat and fatatly mounil -WEEK. mçhool mate ai Channel LaMe h the, Wisconsin state Ue noribacg Reigu of Oeath MlodaSwý. mn Earneat elirtit after midnigbt fnt8uui4 and Claima Marly Vfçis. The- accident foltowed, Inithal manies ah whicb the yyoung li A iraman by the naine o! Kate Steven. mode a member o! a Onsek 1MW. son cnmitted suicide at the Connty About a dozen boys, mere Pm Poor Farn at Liher-tyville early Monday stîldentsetaithle Leis ot* 2morng after l.eiug an tomate tif the bged heen given the freeil4 oui %institution but twa die. Bile had for cottage@ ai the lakeanit aS.bo ethe paet four or five yeàrs hieuenue ta the place to slpenil the 41 but untif recently had bei-n docile enough ciremontes of initiation lIîé go that the other innibere of lier laily mîidnîght and some of the bu conld talle care of bier. ueparted' wben George WoI& Lait Friday se, ias brougiti ta the father owns the cottage, Pl* poor farni from Grant township where magazine guu of the lateai pelé she lived, by Supervisor Thoo. (Grabami rmoi-ed the magasine butons 0 1andt pla, ait in the insane yard. 8he,m-nainedin tuthe barrei. 1<01 Lqmëd content for thetuiebeiugituthe this the, boy enapped thés Wma place and on Sutidlay ntght ait ef oeng cheiýe wae a rePort. H01t1114011q tins. iben Superintendent,.Appley ivent with the crv: throongli che irard ira lkil l'by hl- if -My God fefloira, m »bot,"' ste- ias flot readY to rettre. 13110etateil A phy»icia» wae calleil bois chat sIte irasand iras Mi in charge ai and found the.~tt oui Mi@. ReIK*ea Trobntde, an attendan t. the. atomacli but cIà l* About four a'clock'thi- next mOrntng and aIvioed bis eil. se, %ias fî,ard iafktng ta fierm-if by Br". Holms.s wira colleloma tlo Trofîridge but lier eonversation could teip and lokeit about his wuï nat b, cauigit. I¶inking nôtbing tIf thei-fatlier nîet hbu et tie tan, nntteir the attendanut psixi no attentionul ias cakeui to the Prmuefl. ta it ilnd not util ehe miade the -rounds irbere the hlulaiMafog1 i lir oefack diii the woman coule uPon bis.pn. It .ba. îc jb' c he- grewgoome sight of thie suicide. Haug- for it andî death ollccpd , ta iilg from the trou bars0o f te ga-tdsterward aitihe boupj.tPL. - md'v W-as che lifelees body of the Falls Oead Front Sou irotnun.jAstip of ch. beilcaver hbail pî ooe or beau tarit fromt che furuiehInga of theaon Mouds>'ovar ithe remhé,j coucli and chia t*ited incoa arope hait liam Whir ieae ludVQ been useil wtth insanfleculning ta et'-nomingrabato o canîplisi ithe deed. inquest oa conirada cf la* She irai immeciatelly eut donm, it th. marne of Aber, tolfu4 bejug cbought chat possbly eh, conIt Maui cafisdtits t be reviveci but it mas fouail chut hflitsra a a isw »M iag exiint. Co)roner Taylor mue notified ulblIavue a"d iminediatel>' impaebeeila ury. MWm hitefait (nom te rSuperpiaor Grahamin uftid tiii. bodY , ieer. ani the jury rendtoerol -erdlt O!f . ~ ,<i mkcl* bllh ite-e. hlm partir l o Ibo * 'Ple. moman haita aeao f mmi f10 owng a»melsia knomn ai melanchbolia s#d bail ot- huadrs PMU"demai ibreateaiutotaend hbe au mell ai the loto de b HolddI livog of ber frieudg. 8he hba a alter Whofn- Mtaen le @1.0 insane. Si, aisforty-efgtyearmms - la OU ot-age aBd leavea relatives lu Grant ta mw~giu«hsmbatme is taVmhlp. la breethe mvral leu- , $pro*. Causas D.ath ut Gurnea. The jury d@edWeil iai 5 Eariy Mouuay morning CG-'uerdemuit fru siot Ta3iu6r reveiveit word liai a ma b"bail luVai ubalsfatutbe beauefounil dead et Guruee, and ibatday uotbing irbalever la do hauaninqnfeet over bisebody to iertain Beobah" aiome iu the cause u! bis JeatI4. The ddmanhOtu a all1h14atroke. Ht, wss found t lie Charles Kane, o! Wcu- Chcago. keogan. a aborler. car stnikes At th, inquesi it iras braughi ont tuai Lat* Monda>' Mothm au 4il Johi Flaa)d, in whose yard che man ma ovin itie body 0f a Ltw*, founil. lied gane iii Waukegau lu search aonib efide, Waukqn, 1e ota lin-il girl acu ibad calleit upon Kane. utretcheil acro. tharall Togetlier the cira uen secornuîgt<>tret. The car mai not llod's ndiuiiudrauk a coiîsiderabule h odet n o niatînt of whimkeYi, jumt i hu- nînli lie th cnuco ad ooruA.i i-oti uotccilacr odlitlEu o pick up the vicolon vae O tauj frl-t- helli ats Floh.lîinspîf ae J'tseover titthe body ofaie: to i«i-ý in hole l$ iehilisPf w-4coud audJtff mach , t,cxiiaced. Ou arriviig et liss to uni. r boiniFloodit tvited the oacier.luilde i iii, a"s inne> anîl thought chat pos"fby boe, ethe M~~ allesti h,« Ii crank sot», more but be coul aoc ton. Iracta ,ait"nis .deatà "bjw Aficnt rilve a'cloct Kauo loteStii foue tou, oce rptuaru ta Waukegait but niver reaclîcil 60uth aida gai1h. ie îte 'buggy. Hubert Draini. a labor-.r, Tefreauo tais living nit(turnve,, p""hed ii-place îabout lu as îthong b nmne bluet ilr tih, saine taimîandaw film lyiitg ipon b» udmiifreuo thie grainaibut thought Itt1l.-oa! t anduJ sdwt freuo kb îîaid no &tutcion ta the nman. Early body audJ 1lb e me.ballita tlhe next nimng his body was fonnîl hy meungled bî tle car umlel, an Flood. He ivalIat upol is face- ce litabody- cliaugbh h. ad fallemi dow and ni-ver 11iaved frun thii etoiiiw-hi-h he feil. Aninqupet mai bell aor e,- ey Flooa ilres a short ditstance îîaîtlt afWednesda ighi b>' Comme, tie eca tton et «urne, and lmt a barhlelar Who meut tu WaukgaufrtoÏ5 an(]l mortu ai the carpeîîc.r tradi-. but froni the etidancet he jufr$a Kae a, a a aboaut cliirty-eiglic yesr,, of agi-. a, risi birct h bucfor che 1 fufi>' iecide iraîen lth ie, -9 1 ttirnty ypare irc.d ti Ani-ica. He t deatb ai the spot irbere h. maiAý le.,.sa ife but umo chtldn-n. Du.ni.lBs bai maistou al ima Ticeî'orauîer'g jury brought fn îî venrluet am iinefa»meeh af 'ileail froinexpoisare wirle in- lIe ma ilentifleitma a~ toxicatedin oe of the foc IMiII 1 MION. CITV REFUSES IIAMES FOR BOOK Bunuatea thie httrector>' Metn, Wil flot Have Ziou'a Popliout lu -Thii Dina»rectory. Tii.'acilianities af Zion City bave rî-fuii-d ta siîppty flutiia'i. ci heireetory m can,. mtil a rastcr of tiec pîulationu f lhioli ito a record o! thec church. Tie reasau i le ot kuiuwn îxeOt.' hiat perlis te ig; ouî' f the Jrug auJ tiiîar ails lie tihe lîd. %In. Buiiîtenid cocld o!f courso, go ina tiithécity and cake the enusu it lite sgîîiig ta Jefer ta tihe miiiý af th, officiais fii te lape tint tileyj mil cuii inca lin, after a butîvhen tie>' se, thie need o! a directory.I @ee ieSpéc-ial for thirty dayu on drain ud semr ueE.o usMuiceritLumber Ce.I LIV! STOCK 5 Inalîfllhy ho Gel NOI Thé, international Lirai tion ta , b hl aI the. YarileCilc ha@ bu ba mnt De. 16128, lbrwjug che bidere to meure hi steel for the large neir amph A l the 1- n tapetuâlnatu tionmhlWinhdon the diý. corneeapudlagtutahlons an prertoual>' adrniueil, change lu date wmli no doiA atlanilati a great denI« honte for the mrevinua dm5 ubenniug o te '"e m m i. " t e o tl a f i11 % . exposition. building mil Ieles. appr.ctata. j cc il