La qet Q gime t.e Seond iloe6nel _ ýiri nr.avnagt "Noir.3, ut the. TolMlu a1m. rtme. Wls hall, Libertyvalle. A Terrible Tragedy J Chicago -CherryIll.,thé ewca lv. ightouaeeé" and cheoa.-lu a romarkable idrmy i lui"g towu on thée eof tii he c *OSIW ~~motive for whlch la mUli a mYitOrY. go. Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, héan______ UW4 Men" wll bc theé aabjece ai tiré mîlîam Le Ducti, a former,, living & decîded 10 Incorparate je a clty. The 0*odléit cburcb 'Nov. 5. 'Mine Maxbsw mile and a hit *rdm this village, fin place la but »me weeks 014 a"i bu CHAPTER XX. I lAi the Epwortb League praueîît- gtantly k-Bled i brotber-lni-law, May«- 40Ô people' thres, storés and în.e i- 1Mr. Mallett did fot get mnch sloop ir thé @obje~t of '*à,iiii Std.1 or Charles Nickel, ln thé Cbenoa staté àou& whilo awe.ting Sentir Caetellan'. rtura. ràs aftrnoaiti t2.30 Dr. Cutylisbait. He thon killed Hugh D. 3o1es, Charle*ton.-Mr. and Mns. Georg e m". u ptoo buéy dlgetlng what »od theé firt Quarterlv Conférence. a weUthy landownier, who w ros-Duk-mxau sere klled at a crssns 1 ogo i b eal hémrd. P t he twoact ttwo ~iw"ysaqnonai the Sais ehour the actng bsIanéess i the bank. barricad- thée'Bg Four bore by thé "Knicker, th,. i5iio idecription of blé 6eanutltul ~ AIdBoclty haai am reglur d himît flna the.vault. front whlch ln hackee'fat train. -Thelr team wasecume al xatywt ta ie ~IymetIg ilhMn ~ ~ varntuh fusillades durlng the afternOos killld and their wagon déauollhéd. cf the iie-cilled Pauline Maling by Jacks h* Avs. Claie meeting precedé the hé ousetwo morH e oualsdek-agi B"omlgton.--Gladys. thé .two-year- DomtoSi, anal that thé photograph tak-en a nsb aibay.Ho fnalserviceiPédold daughtér of Mr., and Mr@. William by Caitellau was uftetward loaitd lathal piymrsigtu, two sheriffs and thélr députies, atert Hutsos, of C l ied at the Brokaw ladys p6oééélon, i hellet lu thé lmi- Wbi LsJteéidj Lt.smetery ABScatlon malntaining a deaprate éloge for sax hé resit 0fa poanuti PtumWantinarally strongthéned.,.and 3 rassit wit.h ré. Eger on Frduy hure. l"aally troublei, for whltth Le ,al, as tersult o hi» Impatience to. riait the grave and Nov. a.Duc blémeal Nickel, le iaid tu havé lodgli mef!thé eviléuce of bisi nléce's beuth0auefo hemrdr Bloomngto.-The Interurban ml-d2atbljacte4ted every moment. At font 1isé topic for the norolng Service e ntécas ortémudrgeoaI lîlinois willl 'e vatly Increaséa li e héérd ât6@ 'ecouvent bel] strike sIx, raoyer i btrcla wll b. "Thé lirarir. - I hrtge n 1906 andl iu 1907 Iltel expecteil tral- aa.wltl1 a feeling of relief, hée rose ~Ukèt of a 0 réa loual af .Witneéeeir" Manfela.-W. D. Fiarbanks, brother le>- service wll be éuîabllshéd htweeu and weot dowaîuairre. $hine veslnr th aridréswillbelilimé- of vice Presidént Pairbanki aud préé- Chicago aud St. Louis. fH orités'o îîîghlw si with thé toreoptican. Ail are Mdent of thé Firet national bank, sId Sprtlgfeld.-At thé request of théeo, n iun~iart o a'os hr tvited. . C angly, ashir, lait eaufouna l tlinois Vicksburg Monument commis-1 were several lotigera about, iri Mr. e#o. J C.Lauléy cablé, hd he~1 M-leît snd t'îtellan pausei thhuogh *to bé from $10000 ta $30,000 Short ln élon Gov. Deneen bas accepteal an ln,-the roam anal"ut ot thé bousewîtltooé OR1 SALE-2 roli, i4cloné éliredaler. ini his accaunts. Thé dfaultlng cashier vtution ta hé' présent at thé -ort2ali exchanging a word. »d shape, With or without tiuekés. was :uayor of thé cty lu 1903 and waatidcation ot the monufment toIt>lîinoisý But, once aaf,,ly outaide, th&.éénar. éOMAé Mcl3iDE, Rockefeller. trustéd lmpllcltly. Mie downfall lé soldieru at Vcksburg, Misé. Thé cere- 1 who wu e minrrg over with pietnsant sald hi have heen hrought about by mo11y1lé 10 take place durlng the lat- self-importune. rapirlly uufüolil the Ait toyrn orderddelivered fre. naone untortunate Spéculation. Langley bas ter part of next May._ j plans wlelc thé servant and liehaïffrl con - o amti r lrgelorEMîoNsMEacenturned aver blé fiué home anal hlé ageal Llucon.-Whtle plcklng upplswî-ctafo r.llltuuitaue0 suer0afather bas turneal over thé lait 80 acrea liam Walker. an aged tarmer lIving ln thé couvent burying ground. Iw. cannai it 'van Laatisfactars wltli of land hé owned, thé remuant of 40C Prairie Creek township, near thé bar- .'i shall'point ont thé gaie by Which c" gt yor mue bck.monsieur wlll entetr; alter thut, thé rest s opt>aucialge Whor ilnmaléin. acres wth wbich h lie as békéal hie tder lin. betweeu Lagan anal Mason. muet dépend on monsieurs urg:city and 1yýF ESIK 10 op ticiati b vl otician.boys Thé fatheztalu70 years of sgt cmuattea, fel tram a tresud wheu or the éxsétilee wth whicli lhe carnies là ale? iswt', puéica uticai. a"d la uow practlcally homélesé. fo>iud waé dead, havtug sufféréal a frac- out my directions. Thé servant wonld Grtbats WÎ,îi Shoot. - ture -of thé vertrebra of thé neck and. have.uothlng tu do with you dlreètly; btn .Revolver Waa Ircadéal. thé sktll. site wlll arrangé malterasu that youncau I&Y Omaa.Fratik- Stanton, Thomas Spr lngftd.-Âlbert Nescli. 17 yeare Pana-Thé coul situation wth thé enter the cemeteri' tir ourseit tad oh- eb al*an George Reéan uttendeal a aId, sbot aud klll Joseph FIfer Clark, Pana. mines lé becomlng wanue each tatin a viéw of the' tomb. Bot monsieur biý,ii Sharran, M*I., récently andl Thé boys b.d bien trierais for yeals., day and thé dealersé daim that théy are will éitvék.» himselt lu Mr accotrrîlice'S 14é wlh a littlp more thaa thir They wére playing cardé, anal Néscl i uabie ta aupply mare than one-third' ldmiltsud if lire is seen trom thé- chaîrel *0 ofthte honoré. Jay Graham paye that they had agrped .tbat thé ot thelr car load ordéra, on accaunt wldow t h yylcocldilabton ,ît thé cillera crosiiéthé graveyard WI*II off &SI honorée'and bîgli average frt ane canght cheathi~g shoulal hé ut thé iéarclty cf cura. 1 ahrhrato»tégre hc lig Sýêuton mitood "econd ta hlm. ehot ai with a revolver snppoied hi hé Maroa.-PiUa Huit, a brlckmaion, lien béyond."' »âp«tin ws coseanda nmbe ofunloaded. Clark enappeal thé revolver wlle returnlng tram thé cauntry Than tollowed a list ut directions. to ~etiho va clse nala nanhr aiutNeîch once, Il lé saldt, sud jater vhere hé bal beau repalrlng a bonne. wblcIb Mr. lialletî î,aid the closéat atten- gih bots iu attendanitce but the. Lakte Nesa ulé thé revolver t Clark andl qtepped off thé Vandalla trucku ta let tion; sud, as the olal Spaniard conclual- >Uty mark-émeu éa.ll beld them lu pulled the trlggér. A bllet atruclu a fréiglit train pose. He waus sruck éd, they came withuri sigittou the Con- M.Clark lu thé mlddlé af the torehead. by a car doa su utalned Injuries vint of the Holy Asruption. 41 sub- Clark's body was taken ta Scottvîllé reîultlng lu bis déath a tew houri itantial Stone Wall eiglit téet high fin- Xysty loséal It un ail sides, anti on thée t ou, tu 0, food you Sut that fils for huril. Nééch la under urréal lter. front ivere mnaivé ironugatea boardeal glp.q do a pouindalbrin. îî turne awaltlng a côraner'u lnquet. Bloomlogtan.-Oscar Lindinger. ageti bigli ébove thre litre ot iglirttu bis-laltire * m~8I6aeal tuta poison. Thiti trt - , . 12. la deuil ut Mason Cty tram mllk sacreal precincte tromth ie vuigar gaze. bV déprlethe blood of thé necesar Plan Damé for Rock Iliver. olckncés. the taurth mamber af thé- Fnrtber oit onute iest ile. >as a very ~ldngmaenil util oion Rocktrd.-A syndîcata haé plané tarily ta dIa tram the santé cause émail wicket. aitoost ili,eiiiiî*rther ÏÎe1ýtg mýeralbutit oisns t.about compléted for the erection oa i thilua ew weelia ai each athér. Thé naisses of Ivy ttht ag IraIt ray to tire ly jVOppsia Cure lmi a prfet digest- threa damé Scrons Rock river at Rai- -léeue la epidemlc t Armingtan, grorind. Thie loor waa thé ire oseri W. l1Iêuéto thé foodi regardlais ai cae, Byron sud Grand Détour. Thé Tazewell cauuity. and t i1 îchel'. IVill hy tiré lay la-rers wlreu n tg tirirr er- la OcbfIu Of o!thé iOuhim . 'It allow@ héad dam wil hé at Roscoe. near thé 2aunty. ronds, sud a cuver-I Way led tfrotir b intu toegan-u t regt anal get [stnroirg Wisconsin fiué, andl there thé bucir Decaur-Tha caunty écholi ut Ma- thé main eutrairce hall. Tire main gale f oas neVer lCeirèl excelît for uerais Réllévetq Belcbtiag. Heurt Biim, water ailI iiaod 1,000 aéras of fatan on county show an euralment for et thé village. W.Uomwah, Indignation, Palpitation lands. Opions are beluz secureal an 1906 of 3.838 pupils, wble lu 1900 thème Thé belix were tili ritrgirrg for ves- Bea'etc.* Solal hy ail dnuggiot. tès acres, ia tht work of conutnîté. were 4902. pri. au Mr. Mallett reachi-r this hait Itou cun hé puéherh. Concret. dams Seatuuvlle.-Kipp Smithl, Who ébat idien lttié gale. nujl, accorditrg b di- iýruàhied fre anal ail eyeia 1u11vîlI hé contructeal ut thé ttres towns. anal lrlled Beldan Allen lut Jautary, rections frffl aCrstellan-who was lnrk- ni l4inabi, prieflwitb a Mamnxth léctric powver planté wll bu beau fournd gulty of murder sud h4g -smoug, qhé l'rualrwod-he gave a 1tédk aof iÀ. Batéwi1ar. hé éréctéal eht'hééé placés to furulili given a verdict at 18 yéarî lu thé peul- low, qnlck. triple krruck thrëe tinrea over power andl U«iit.r, teutiary. aa then wégiteai with i eyes on bis _____________________________ ILw atch untli,,Ove nintîeai t idpasel. ____________________11t.____1- Thé bellp4,céaqed irgug. Tins wau thé maillent' urreerl oit arrîlire îîelîed _________________________________ - thé dour gertly; il yielrled, andi thé next jmomênt lhé fdund butseit lu thé dit» liglrt ofeta lonig, îra*roîvpasage. Hé sto,,pé. ad lirteti a-enuf colorai ' s r e s g ar m e n t t ra l a y a i b i s e ét . I w a s a s U ese O ffe s A e Un SUCI "pldhimslf lu thé caipacious garaient, carefully draiîg the hooit well orier bis C, hesal. Haviag trikéi off is bots, hée went stealthlly along thé passage, acrosi a large Stone flagged étrance bail, anal pasil ot of wbst lbe had béén tld wae t thé main Ontrance loto the inclosure bé- r ond. Hé tndalbhre a moment anal 0 $2 YOU SIIOULD Chicago - $1.lochai -boo4 hlm attentively9 lunaàline lvîth hlm atonal th. eh apel ou the extrême r> lght. lb. daoonof vhicb vas open; anal hé noirthé ',ick-i of théelletes athey Daily - uait at thoir dévotions. Hie. cangbt a RtzA > t .gleam ot gorgécus colon as thé dlean Dadg véulg llgkt felI thnough thé den Win dew opnithé vesisents of the prient» loger et thé high alter, anal a ft4oe dor of -ineéose crept out upon thé 4W . Re drév THE .1thé hoods él clouer ovér hW .béaial and T-1[2M$2 ChroniCle e -.dth.: open agacé ta the ohr aide ____________________________ h9le lin. o! windows, anal thé profilés et the nonstrer. turald toward hlm. "e. InOW ihorteéal hi. slrIde andl droopéi hie TO' PAID.sIN..ADVANCE i ubject to With- !laqolalers theé botter ta pertorm th part 'he vas asiumlng, anal paiseal en with- N r saN D Ttéit a glanée to thé nlglt or to thé loft. epeclal drawa withotit Assoon me thé Windows woe pasméalha 1 N D E ME D N iraiséti bis hesdan sd lookéal round again. Ré was et the etige of the boryîug SUBSCRIBERt notice grounrl, anal over in thé éxtreme corner SU SCI- 1ýunder théeaalshéiesaw thé tone lhé ihiati coma ln séarcli of. He récognlxéd It by thé sémi-érculur top-tliéré as -,We bave suceeeded in getting reduced ratest with twu leading Chicago Dailies, not another 1ke it lu the iulosur- andl is héat quléhenéti alittle ai hae the, Inter Ocean and The Chronicle for a ligited time. Until tht offer is ick-ai bis way arais thé graves. -wthdrwn e wll ôke sbtrititions for the INDEPFNoENTaîîd either of theset Té*s *t * * éhargi1romémt» tu-o dallee for the amal sum of ý;3-50 per year. Thetie rates eau only be sei son ta saffrôn, froru saffrun ta a dlean cared rog our office. peurly gray, anal stîll thé brown clonâ- the tan corner cf thé Conu-eut gravé- yard. Mntr.él b aishe bi néved idéné;ha Seuil your money by 1Chicano $2n. Mly aliétt ld bs r ceve iens; ha 090 haud the new bliefs that crowded upon ciglagopostoffice order or eall at lm wémesau conflctiig anal éonusning g~.e tthuit for a tiime tE vas ovénwbélmed with INDFL'ENDENT office. U iijperplexity. "Pauline Pelling. flIie May 29. 18--" ____________________ érendi the simple inscription ovér! Inter ud over again; thé more hée pondeî'er !Doe no D la I thé lesa iehé îdaretooti bow lb was i Do ot DIa~jthat haehual beau ilécoyeti by fate jut I1 thié fruIaies Jouroay. Chrouiicle Su wb Now $2Oc a Why shonlal bis iAiee, Paulîné MaIl- O cean ilug. havé a iture Ot thé gravé a! Pa.- lîne t'a ing lu ber posesion-tor hae anlonger doubtéal that thé lady elgn- __________ _______________________________ lag nt Mal ingtond Park- vas bis niéca.ý andi couclodéti that thîs vas thé grave vite-- Lcf htlnl ati én . H iTifR RtECKO N'iNO that erdîlséal thé obli tévatat 1 alS the *ét tvo lettens of the surname, anal =ond Ott 51thée lguifléancee ofthe lieetsha!d ravu hlm trom Unglan.! on mucli a vIl.! gwcuchasel Thé servant ta ail -appearanco boiy o verher utéavpans la thé hitceoa. *àà v. orhtng hersait loto a terer cf fnlght c8h. expocted-tbe éxhortalloarto finish di- réctly, sud th e inters vonla vonder aI aot lb, grontie.ald ber ingutenl- gaz vIsiter vould lieé aiscoveneal. fié 1quaket itIhfean as thé Conséqence$ cfo ber cundaset préseuteal thémselvée ta sber Imagination. Miie bail menuliehevon Lchiait dit nielesely pieutthé bal! diésai 1kitchén dcont a quarter ut su boum hée- eforêt but see vassure ltbatulneto Atlent, unable ta fecar tée nxiety aur elonger, ghe décidai tirat sané muet at nil rutks go analvamrn tha man saY ibeioreliha»came ut bis tihatorînésa. tCat<'hiug -ug a basqket. anal muttering a fé%v vorts about garnlshitig ta thé other hnasy letens. ae@étama-il ton thé gray- Syard. liii. hrrieti along. kceping vîll ount of sigit o! thé sistera at Ibéir devo- t.pna, util aîné reachati thé comtien. , '~Cme 5ai u t onee TonYeu i w alustos-ereal!" 1 Mn. HallalI vas stal toran aMo- t»runt. "VonYeunae the vonian wo b lpeal Cas- q elaImutauadmit ma?" 1 "Tes; but for pity's ae came away tnov, or we ahél ail bie ruinéil!", 1 Thèeevis no mietahiné thé larron lu -thé pourtvmîan'é face; ana liha tarteal nt r once. Tbey vaikéal quicklY over thé sgrass; but for ail Lis hrîrry. Mr. Mal- ilett manége al toVe wu questions anal Lget tva replié% e aoe thay reacheal thé é maIllbum h y vhiehhélieîli e tere. 1 "Wbaî sort of a persan was thal Pan- U'ne Pelllng. vhu lien buriedti Ibre?' Ir "$lie vas a momé baba, only three «moantheéoi. Sté -as buita lu thé hué- pitlof thie tua-n. long mine a iandoneti." "Meaeitl heaven!" exclainiasl Mm. Malatt. gazing atbha n larrkastouish- Sment. 1 Thé vaman vas turYing bit» along cthé narmow piainge. tarn eay moment nov migbt lt-ad ta diseovr'ry. "Andi it. nitherT' héegrali. "Wa4 théelîeaurtul faim lady for wshuit 8-nom Crîtellén teok the s-lev ut tiré grave just béture ste set out for Emiglanti." Anrd tiéfrerém. Msliétt linrat covre- tram hi-stant surprimee ha ountihimqelt onîsidé théetionr. wîth bis harts ou the pat haside bit. bis train in an vii ut coullictiug tougta. r"Pelling: lia, by sainte maos jupèl la thé coùiîléalon. on beau lad I trii in- téntioually, pénhiapi, lhàt ies ite alli lu tis couvent anal1l4 hurieil hère, wbiîa luý trullh lb le bis cîildasgrés-e. analbis s ivit e insill living; unI, sccorhing tg ttc preeent aspect of affairé, Pélliiig'n 'vite sandallne Maiuling are as-idî-ntly une! 1Anti ste. Pituhiie Nallirng, or PeIling. or t -hataver ghé lé. la gaiug tirlié mammieti 10 IoDonon ta-t»nrov monning. anal she tins oua buébanal étil living ! i voudan If stehmk-novm that hie ln étill alive? Atter ail, if Ibis turnoutI Inné-ana ltloIrks s-amy lis. it-l ébaîl réstiue my rlghttnl piosition at Mailingford, tor tâté girl bas sdisobèyed the clause lu PanPs vwiii about emarryîug avîthont Summets' consent. mAndi that providée thé motivé for bier ouué. She k-uév, If hen hnsband founa gber, sh@ veula lieacompelleal té neslgn thé estte. Well, @ho bas plagéal a nuc- eeustol gaéie nofan; Ilfi Mry ing noir.",ida An.! that *veni% Mr. MalleIt, vho ha.!ednet bees acrae a herse for nearly Flvesty Yeats, rude thé Iwveémlues cf Rexécrablé road thhstl'4 halveen Villa rPientio anal Bsmilla. and prepaeét anal ,déliveréal pensanally sevénal telegrame ta t le dlmpatcheald diéctly thé ornie opouarl in fthé mumulng. 1CHAPTER XXL. a The elgblt ut BeSptembér wvsa Rdîmp, coantortièsi momling, and Msaing- mfond Park looluérl ticularly dalité. aThe îky vasn of a doîl gray, and lhé-ala alriuleél eadily al]thé day tbruugh. t Babétté vpe u by lu Mies Malling's dresng ranin. Il won bal! pgnnine ui'lock, anal h@hlait JusI réturneal front seeng her mlétress off 4 - traîn. Non. et Ofthe guésîsavèere astr gtantdthe habnse 'vas unuénélly sîleut, aès it vas rlik-ely 10 hée for nome hors. Thé hall of athe prévient nîgît lied hein exceadigîy àspliidanal vus not éouelnrîed unil ànearly 6 Wu'lock, e that thé. dallons vwuld nutlibe Iik-ly to héasmtir very e eniy. Babatté vas to loin lbarr ulrisst Charing Cross station witb thé lnggage n af hait ant 2, andi, thongh bier mia viea fuillot tormenting doulits il ta bhe dsî's évents, ébe avent about har.tneass as methodalliras tbongb uutbing on- usuial tatI happeneti. TeudAls-y anal cané- tuily shie foîiati up thé elabomate govir aio éréém-colored salii, viti ils draperie. ut tbick costiy lare, anal ils soperli bou- quets utfadeep crimeon hlesiot»s, lu wblch Miss Mallîni' delîghted thé eyés cf lber admIrersata the hall. Very elecumupedt- Iy sté placéti-the magnîficetit dismouils sud tables, vithwi vbîclier întistrnsbail radomneti lier shapaîr Ibroat anal armé, lu jtheîr casea, anal thon tachédtiIbén ua émail oakéu box vitb steel clamps. Thon shé vent Pound thé roum in ylbem heye ana llcked anal sînappeti thé traveling t-unks one after anuthér. That tdons, ,lhe sat devu lta vaît, she k-nev nultfor Ciplaîn PeIlng réceiréti a telegram i e o quarter ta Il that moming vhlch e iIlffl hlm 'vîth surprise adsud coity. vitkia th»é itlenpick-éd oesthle 5105,1 est loohlaag ho.s% ffag ntol thé cab, aud osal Ibtronglithé trap te th. driver: *'A covérelgu If you rach Blabepigate churci by tvénty mlnutëo te 1lSr Thé horse justifia bis gond opinion. sud the drive as .acempHie.! igond tioe. Thé !chorèlidooft *oe .open..andl a bonr-wrheéed cab vws wsltlsg entable. H. cm91 h lnvmry qoiey, andl wslkmd gp the lue aWel vlahîsbnste ditnrb thée r- vice, for Lie aid netk-nvw ih4la iwae tiare for mAve te au e. bride*i fac e H Jurie..!iIflIy that bis future#codt vu a l te é ided by that Inspeet"a Thé church vau eclalandl gloomi mii misérable mernlng. aund a- few Pensos vere ucattered ber. andl tiare smoa the éeats, attractel pcmlbly more hby cml- wety ibm n teront. lu PeIlling advanced, hé wus @truck hi thé sohdued rilues ct the bride costume. anal h. vas not a little surpris- bd et thé absence cf théeninl attend- auto--for théecI.! lady standilng bobisél the bridé évdéutiy aillai]thé oic.e! pev openen. Thé bride anal brîdégroos vére a ânue couple, thé man hélng quit@ OUx feet hlgh, avhiîe the lady vas aime veli proportinse& Pr llng veut quletly aient thé chancel until hé reaeald thé endauoneet tethé, aitar. anal then lhé vaiteal tonthe bride tu turu bier face tovard hlma. Thé duer- gyman'e voice.vent onu vlttthe servIce: "Wllt thon oay hlm as.! serve hi, love, honor analkeep hlmn In ticketu» anal lu béalîi, aud, torsak-lng ail othir, keep thee oniy unto him. se long ae y@ bath obuillilvel" Th'eu. tan thé iret Utie, mbc tnna tovard Pelling. Her expressIon wae eue of unmîxt-al apture ase eh.ralseal ber eyes la thé bridegrooma, sud ber lpa véré uneiosai ta spéak lb. vorde "I vîll," vten ah,' btcamé an-are of Pelling's fixai stère ut borÉbr. Hie gize attrectealiber invoînînlsnily, sud @she looheal instluétivoly oveack' shoulbînden lu bis direction. .lick-. otdeming avbat va.thé malter and teamiug sh@ vas going ta faint, rmiortd lier with thé sbort anewer. Shé did net speah. but contInuai te gaze os-an bis shoulder nt thé man who bild no naccouatably rivetai han atten- tion. tien undér jaw droppéa»upsinoai- ically, lber eyei hecame as Ifixai aithosé ehe vas gazing juta. anal esery vestige ot lite anal colon leftiebr tace. Thé néat tbing Jack seeémed lu réalisé was that s gentleman araing a Iiht os-rcoat nwas spaak-ing quietly tau the né- touisltii clergymaan ênd tisorfgeoting that thé lady -riou1d la, trkera ta thé vestryr as sh aIre ou eèfly va-ny II. Te -Rtted conrgegaion Iak-éd at ascii otîrér in wondernrrg irsity sas the bridrai liate rieppearéd. They lingerai au liii, util ttec olti paw opéner raturneal andi lertétie tht-m ta départ, as abc désimeti t0 close tiré r-Iumr>. . Pauirne, vib duil. dazéal denliuirhI hien eyas, sait ln ther- séay, listening ta, %vithôut uarmtrinitnig. thte conversation ai thé titrenimen grounel an,,nd her. "3 n itrennîy .rrry,'"i'elIing salal, in isivr mtq the clengyakan'a reilueâbtonu an 4x,liustiorî; "but il vuiti hava héen cninrinal tu alow tire irtrtter bu go fur- them. tor the lady lé rnry aité." 'TYour vift"' ceîralJack, Incrédu- lotsly. "Yéé. sit. my aife!" Pélling replIi. sith the lenét touch ut hauteur. "Il hava beliéeetierhan t lie lnilfor thé lent six yéar-In tact, i lieliveti il sa thon. uugbly that 1 sînoolt nut have tallerai my aýyr.sthis mn.rning If lber aonconaluét ti not betrnyeil hem. It ja psible thal the ttoughtt Ivus déani, as t bave beén lu Central Atfrica for sas-anal years; anti 1 uuderstunii thé expédition ai vhich I vas a memiben bae beau ibrée or four limes reportadinl the uî'wspapers as compléts- ly extermintedh" "'Anal boy came you to présent y0fr- self nu opportuneiy Ibi mornlng*!" asheit the cergyman. "Thmt lamore than 1 nudenitanal my- self et préent; bol I thinh l lu due te accidentaI dlacovefles made In Spain by a brl oo mine vho bas gone hlther un buhinéet hf ie ovn. How t happons that 1 bave beau lé. le belleInlumy vite'à <bat ll Ilthoeé yeatandl neyer fonnal ont my mîtahe hetoré 1causal undéretanal." "Mis Msllngtloch han mether'a nams vhéu théehIheriteul Ilse eate; penhas that msy éxplalu maltera," put lu Jack-. "Watestatel" uhealPélling *harl- 0Jt li al too long te diseuse nov," Jsck- anaveréal: "but ne dootit the change of namé accounts for your ignorance of yonr wife's existence." -<To ba èontluuéd.) Mqusé Rive Pagei. l'If a voilian asan't a tari, tbere's sauMething wrong with ber," remarheil an observer ot maukînal. "8h'. ln love, or ont o! Il, or ber livér la ont of order. "'Amerîcan girls une lb. gretit for taklug up new cuIté. Now, an Englluh girl sotties dowu ta .ing one lting. anal stick-s ta It. anal notblng short of au eattquuk-e or a dynamite expia- slan vîlI hurm ber out of thé way otf1IL "But yau Juil inggeéit toana Amer- Ican girl tirat somné w physîcal ax- archse wlll givé bar a plumup neck, or raines ber bîpi or any othrer aid lbing, anal sobai lI hc nothing aise to-srell, utIl thé uovelty wears off or moine- t1ini'aise turne up. "Jus oit0w it'i oxlug. Every box- lng master lu towu ls ruébeal t0 déna vlth applications for Instruction tram gmil.. Boxlng, you know, lé warrantait tu do thé Impassible; eoîiéaquéutly tbay al want 1. ,1 "But, then. atter ail, 1 supposea 1v. Juit that vanlaty anal nuexpegtaiunu ibout thé girls os-en here wbIch mak-ee théin io attractive. Yan neyer knov whéré thay're golîîg te break out uaxt."l RIsé or.Atisuaeca> t*aveu. The siza of the Atantic wavei bass bes carefnlly méeasuraîl for thé Waéb- Ington hydrographie bureau, lu helght thé waves usnally averige «about 30 feet, but in rougb weatbar tbey uttain frttim 40 ta 48 tést.- Durlng trmé théy, are oten'tram 500 tu 600 eeét long,. siilent 10 or il seconds, whlle thé longoit pet known méasuré hait a mlle antudld4,sot spatial1téelf for 23 oSndi. Cultivat. hoMad . tihua radIale itteagtbas" courage. 01OARIS and -- I laite ORDERS for OUT? PI La Sua Lu.; ai Cu~w C -I Pha~ mlik.f~ bgpsflpl PrumOembIL . o. eWfn"&004.0 é Quiltg, Thats the fudto upen wh.b we are building- Satisfcion, or your Morley bark. Boyer, Bros., IVANECE. ILL. Thé Store that Pays More for PgO b Clmiha4 r* -gCeugM *M M»o pour d beiab, our 1k-mesS ami ha4 asl -ouIlyoutme bi0mméme doeva t elpeare lingave dAmwndt PDneumocCmumpome.àreq*W cureit by rors u.SSea.tuwIrvq mootbuen an tbo blhs" ab agealys thé héIIII embo»dtu~ stopm the congb A"i puesteiqe réulte fronOba octa. FOLEVS MI UTe le tho ouly polet éoogb ModWe on the mark-etth" do.not cealit optIs.or harmful drap c09my hls antothscuphsfsdoztidnn It in uuezceled.for Croup MWboop lng Cougi anal vm qIk-y oe mak-ing cougb wWb M olovi milsi' ana l ave so 0miy ébUiag vitl vé Reinember thée 5W-FI~ Moeney sud Tap'-aufueuul tulés thatcostyol flM e *O i& génulue. Do ual labo cbaneoiV if tomne uaknovu prep.rsào* C. tlnger, 21139a4e90' Cbin.1fgu Ml., -aritos: 'lx lm trouhielvila backiug cougi for a yen anti Itbauk lIadtconsomption, llldSggpouu, rmedies and 1I vui odére met4 physitagofor svilm en Mths. 1 M4l ono botde of PoW lo amy A" mi? t ce.! ame, and I bmavemet ms tf bledmic" TIsh. dmn3" a~u0 The 1JeCnt matm mudaeb.aU nMink