PÂIION'S IvUXE» PAINIS Best aeilio iih ing te .isterior of- gour house, ne w or old Vardishes, Olis, Lead, Glass ,Wu Me HEATH Frdur.se ei nd ertaking Ubegvie 1Irnois -TE FIRST NATIONAL BA~NK Li BERTYVI LLE- JOHN L. TAYLOR, BENJAMIN H. MILLER, Presfflent Vice-President (C. W. TAYLOR, Caiiier. The art of îmint-y i'11 iug im baril, muruiiul ejt, enc.îumze. inipîroîue mSusl oppmrlîmntw'mil uudinvest tour msaujuigu. unul'uv. lh-14omuit your sahimigs mtus. W.- pay!ritun ntiuw- .pîouuilm. 111gb Class Bonds ami Securities Bought andi Solti .ee aageneral iankmng business. Depoaltesaloicited andi courteous.trealmtr îen <o ail. Il will pay you Iq tank ai TenFirst Naonal. FaIl Terni opeued wltit the largemt enroilment in hstory of the isehool Our uew quarters, fines't in state, in "Stele" Block, corner Oeneste and Waeihipgton St.. Vîscre businualatis Wn as buinen s i.do"e, ise the hast ltouchera m»d theb bumethodsamareempleyed. Viser. studeats armmsised t. deairble positioens. Superior insiutei a i Eookkeeping. Shorthand. Typee writing.letier prema vers om graphing. cfIIec verS arithmetic Grammar, apelling peunmansie commercial law htnies. forme, corespondence. Eisglish actual bualacea from a tt finish. WVrfte for caaloge. B. A. MUNSON. Pr.. C. B. MUNSON, Secc. WAUKEGAN BUSINESS COLLEOE, lits ÀGood scliool ZION IS PROSPEROUS. Lace Fmctory Operstet Day andi * Nighl. Otier Fectories Pull Haudeti. A waeve ai pro.mpety ies slrneik Zitum City wiricit promises la carry il b the' *moet active peioti of ils hislory. Il is annonreti hi'D.'neon Oranger, fluaneial manager of ail Zion Ciy inoitilutloomi, that the Zion lac.' Iscory la s e mun tventy-four itourmu a day, on bhc hure.' -sit eight-hour mystei. This change b. nereaitated iîy tise growig demiant fur tiie products mofte Zimmu faetom'y. *Descous (rasuer is w'orkiýlg wilii nil u!mied ta incrt'aiu e equipoient of lime .mnlr.New inimmuilmi an,-au.'madry to lue tuislelieti antid î'orkieni, wio m-e laid, off wien lie output otletu'ory vas deereaeetia a uir ugo, arelieing takea liack. Tht buildinig in wlhime lace weaving maeiiuiuw are inutalieti is lange enouglih o m'uîmdsua large amnfit of equipmeiî, andi li atimi" iit cao lie used t i I be inmutalued. Skirb Factery Buay. The nuit ekirt mand w'ruslpuu fiidlom-y m nom m-uimung 4u11liamded. Twpnty "macliinemt have beem ijmîtmll.'l. TmI .. vcîrk for lhirby peaple. AItireentl oly ~.surI., a'rappers, anti waiste are bing mufactured, but arrasngemenmts arel being made to exteuimitihe w'or-ktathe inaking o varous othur gas'uuenbî. W. H. Morelock, wlio for eiglil years -â va W eiliknownu umufuacturer, -of Aurons, Ill., la ho chargm'ofthlie mmcivZion it I.ctou-y, He becaune a muenler o! Dr. DOwle's chunhl tre.'yearut mgu>,anti in one af tb. deactans. Samuel Snelm., 311, Waukegan, Kibelmky, saune, 28. /mlf E. Remnd.,239, Gurmie, Clar Jobui«oU, 19, sanie. Lyle fimitb. Libertyville, 21; Pruno, Libertyville, 201. Henni' Beekholti Highulanmd Part Mary' Parka, Pont Austin, Mici. 25. :11. Son Lest Mothen. Coumunpion ruta ln urnfamily, anti thingi il IIimut mmnolle." writeq E. B. Red 0f Harnuoni', Me. "Fon lbe pat 5 yesro, bouvever. monteesihtet ign of a Cougi or UCiti. I have laken Dr. King'@ Neis Discoveri' ton Consunîphion, um-beit bas oaveti meftrain serions lung trouble.' Hi@ motber's deaîli nas s a as ufor Mr. Rteidi. but be learne t laI lung trouble loum Dont b negleed,.and boir Ici cure it. Quiket relief andtti re for cougîma andi colds. Price 50e sud $1.00; guarnteeti ah F. B. LovELL Libertyville; gmAvaLAKE PmAnîit tmdrg stores. Trial iole f ree.- Pnom Onie Who Knoov, Tiie fllowiug shatemocul from Mn. J. H. Ileaii, l'h. G., anti manager of te Emonomical Ding tore, Lincoln, Ili., wiil lie oft imterest tla etire honts locality. He save.'"I have kuaism anti sciti Hrt' Hcmey'anti iorebouiti tls severai , arBand tibelieve il ho b. oa f te beal cuglu préparations an thte manket. lb ha ver plegant tb tle, îiitiaut anv cf te nausesting efféeb itoimnifte, smore. anti bas many frMentis vbs'nèvenmt la uoet.". As a uougbmcdithue lorcitiltirsu Harts' Honey antiHorehount Ia unquestio nabli' te ieelthat cen lie aecuret I.t cures-Crouip, Congha, Coltis anti Wboophng Cougli. 25e, 50e anti $1.00. goîlii'y F. B. LOI'ELL, Libet'- ville. LAKE COIUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDA \S NOVEMIBER3.1O Dela k.26; 1 Èâeitïlle; qtAYS LAKE PHÀMLt'ACY. [ Miss 'l. Crasser Ml ILINER Hanhi' BlocÀ, Liberlyvilie, Illinois An, up-to-date 'a li~ilte See My Stoc before zaking your election. ihsas.IdentityI' la eli kuovu tthliccisîel slaves, mai'oemou hem lth goverunent anlionilica. -athers, an may lccep thoin as long as -Tic dealer isho deliveredth le girls tici' please. anhl lu eveukI of them dis- mta thlslaveri' resides in Chicago rleasure ortier titein iseada cul off, ai' anti has a vomen cofederatei la wiitout ncurrng athiaitlskoaItriai ai ishanghai. China.,isho le aise kuavu punisinient. t0 lie goverMnjent secret service 1 tlacs for Girls Vany. agents. 'l'es fxeti pre for ChInese girl These asbounding tacts ver. dis- Slaves ea h saghai la tram $250 IL closeti b' tic local linmmgration bu- $400. The. prîce paiti b' lie Ch inese reau, wici recelved dempiaint otftiie meus ton tic Amerran girls betrayet sale of Louise Miller, & girl tramn Mon- itt their banda bi' lie tira vomes, reai. Canada, ta lie agent et a Cil- .gagdeIn lust.£,,ficvaries troin $501 r.ese officiaiInluShanghil.to $1.000 spiece. A 'yauug voman ai Other evidence obtaîne i ntilcateul speclal beauti' anti accompliaimenl liaI, Eva Campeau, Magala Drauýn anti minas a higien price. Ibu a plainer Victoria Stemaur, tiras vaitreasesand leas aceamplislied one. wia vere inductedt bcoime o bClco' - iTe "levas" .section of lie 'Noth fittîng lie enorasti' of lia crimess*hbat China. 1,1,1 have been committlei uslaicittul. bohou andte as" orinaim because of lb. absence of spec'ille lava Washington officami bst.&UI meeting tie situatiots andt lb. act liaI local authoitties of thli eaý mosi of lbe offentiers bave placadthelis ice vWhich vwu galas on.- *Pacifie acean belveenthbemaesvas ani ne Ioderai lais nater viq*-- prosecution. ment coulti i s atedti - #tÀ ' lbt la Inn, tuis sort of tina bas tenders. Tbei' cati is been gong on tan ome lini," saii ever,unudes' an Illintois ir Chief Collins. "I bave tieleclîvas ufficent evItienco ea -68 vorklng on te casnaisanti expert guilli'oeecaa ha eat le- ta do somethiluabefare long. The lu- bentiari' on the ciereQI formation came te me tram Washing- The dJiffiulti' Mishii bs ton firsl. anti 1 tien took thie e u plie offciaitram Il tkImp isi# he lie Mrnument offieera bere, but bt tcevictims mip« fsS$ they could do' noîbung. lu dont rcare ceunr' nover rotut!) 1t1.1 ta staee vit our next mbre viii b.." At Hengkoag or sOMOe011~ ' on. Wnman Suapeotid. port tiey are met hi' ""10p one voman egaînal vbom posItive baud anti salltas av*? 4 evidence bas icen gaîbeneti as a cen- tenion fer beisyth*le Xal'1 Irai figure lu thii sysîcin of kldnap. pean antid aiOncvil ing. abdutîion anti sale lotoalaveri' trinae haeseadosat la tic vite of a recenîli' decemmeti A numbe-t' TeU Wa~ bookmaker. Several othens are voin- te thse peultutim Ttlidai en vlto formenli' conducteti rearts lu statutes for lm irtig Chticago ant i ow ul te tisir homes the Unitedi Stadte., buthel M96 lns Chines. treaty po1ts-a.have neyer beeailbleetaréécit j Wbilc 40 cases are citengeti against cPcratIi tulal tie t dU5ll lte former, lie latter anc saldt tahave: recrîniteti iumnetis sba bave entereti Amberlu-,Wew TerS upon a lIving',leatb troin vilci tiens iLarge unfiés. cfaiiuctt la ne posaîbiliti' of escape s8e.'b' IX beau lfcovereti14 0suicide. -on StaIsland., Dow lis f Thte vite of the bookmaker.,ishen ItiIMUOn f ie Of' N tquestioned.lutilguantlli"dînle the tic tsiarOiin rciarges. She ivea lu a splendid sport- tIolatiiought ibidmet ment sud la supposedta, te isisaltyi. 2m2Y ho lie Praduet Of ..The charges iainst me are prepos- liaI greis ou the Atlantic terouna," abc saiti. "i canna Iimagine taMsonsthIuuA.'-Y4 tW aisde seema teolbe the headquarters of hOw theY Orlgiusted. K ha" -:T E ' GI L S SO L ) I TOthe ,slsve,, traders. Detectivesacare. China once. Thqn 1viit1 C R IN SE B O N A G Ea an hae dicovredconditions Hongkong. 1 found Ilile thert *oId they ever Lbay CHINESE B NDAGEe1ist< To mng. Ms mrcnwm 1 Mistakes WIII appen. lea lue belng transporteil te the orient. money la apent freeli'. But thore la a *tory tald about a lmi9.- Y oung orn* Rich ruts, tapestri', Chineme and Jap. W omen no more sasociate vitb OCh~ drgelr. wll lea hmet nI rafiC iinflinfl nese brlc-a-brac. virgin gold andi jade Ithere than they do litre. 1I e bis nane Msho te yet ratfer young aiOd'wsre atudded with diemonxde andi pre- heard of any American womeu f A .,cloue tones, greet the eye of the via" married te Chines. there. JI bis friends ahouid gmaes who t ç"a iperica Is utscio>sec . 1 ier. "As for mi' being conneeted w"t ho mlght -bs eaucsd. considerable etu- Lursd by Tales of WsaIth. bandi ef slave tradeMsthe ebasa barasnet.It la loto these daens of selendor that absurd. On myir pi voyages1iat 1$ sémnathat on. dey Dot no long ego » E&MLE,, aMAaNDAINaCmA nmuap«itng girls have be urd naccompanild. i bave neyer M ayollg lay atorai the store and f~ltJ R i M fIL ~ * N A I~ Wlld tales of the wealth anýdepletaure -tione there. hee ow cestoir oilcouiibie taken CO E SL VEWF ithat wiil bie theirsilioin t are "I have toi stortes of the dm 0 wftllbont testlng it. The cekvetd_______ poureti loto the atartled ..r of the aead0 h peddtns wthb ber a fei minutes andt thnasaketi girls hi' women ou achooleti that the. an have tiers, but 1 do flot kno*> bar il abs votild lik, adêrlu of asoda t unsuspecting victime reaUly blsleve the auyone who bas basa n luancai * i0gter. 8h. answerad luthe affirmaiv: Lur.d- o D na a Ch~icao o n Varlous Pro- îôwî,tg Promises. that5are millde. by my yrruhae p.4 lle druklg I vasamkd b tots ft @ii ro uYRin cfDo. marchants andi busness. men la Chi- diragged nto iis scadai. One M id !queg man 'f-ah"tas thle castor 0il. coIving ]eaI .slo-Astouadfng Prac- nase citles Who ara fer tram home," wife of a German bauler ud the. .4 "'Whatîl" xaim hegrdid yeno may'the decelvers. "Thai' ara seeklug the vifs qf a mermat. c ie P" etintehamatitii gIl, c. srod by Secret Serv- vives trom their own lant." Chicego vomen. Tho si e I t u ta" a id lth e j'o in g d rng g i t bea li- b e O f i i e &A n o th ar sa ri' la t a t v ea ith i' o r ln - as i g le , v O en ad ,m a cd ' log witi kuowiaige of hla own amrî fiias otra, tala vaut Auerican compardns ud anti Eveti'S tni O th 01':c.1ckte' m.CbIeCo.-eacant astonlg disk- ita Fbruar' m7,10,om.Nu l,0 goveresases for their chldren ubo ara cago tsud a"Y wfth M ea t-ni, '¶ Idi nt ate 0talle l" saiti eloSnres have brought tu llgbtt1h. tact have met the sains fat*. Thsasgirla' te b.ietraluei for coliege courses in They mare Ibis trip to a p ai vilh a frighlsêsd look, 'il wanted f~ itI a trailceln u malives han beeu ver. employad lu tii. Motel da Vila.l. ebig univeroltlen oft1h15 country. heateti terni ln the.orient. Tbq à forai' anober," Coing on for som in. U n athis coua n- msi. ro fflauch vomea stopped Traffie a Surprime. veaiw omen, snd htt 0517 fi tfi andth ibi Ibi dl'hm beeu the a&t th. hotai as guasts. They.engageti That Cicago bus beeunDuiet as a days ugo aftta a monti'svit ruting point. YounE Americantiie girls te coine toi Chicago and lurati rctitng sttion for the rsaorta et me. I have noverbaeud etfor m m one on The office. girls have beau lureti trom home and tbem to a resort. The yaung vomen tiie treati' ports sud tii. frequently returuiug te Oblat vilbth l. A rent editlon of the aNDEegEEv friends under vericua pretexta sud ver. rescuet itrami e dive and re- vialtti spots ofthtei.orient ba, loug "I mev 01 a-large nia 1 etCI ,ont.elnd the tollowing adveriis'm.nl seli mb ,living deatdsin laChines. turnedte btheir homes. Lter It ia re- beau baou te lhe uuier wved, wvbaa.e v onseaOf laI g in theIi 'ant" column. harems. - ported tbey egan disappeai.Tii. yog>r.îwecnesA., in Tiiey are employedte a "seiretarlis circumstances of their second dlup- Lbertyvlfs isebe tladie.' eit sud "traveling compeaiOnm0' vitit earauce train home -are supposeai ta , ye ara ,yclelîos rai sas pronises ol bg vagesan.d the psy- bave ieau a second visit tram tie tireRaI omce and paptng i r. meut of ail traveling effluses. Once Frencb vomen, via preteudedtie1 de- lIt ~ithin China they are dellvered te sire te make reparatioandatheu sent A'i. rh ime ang arnd aue waa out tii'hase viahave paldin la dvance for thte girls te China for the duel pur- t-~ iomi' *41ramgaum m miee ajv.uithein. only t10lbe huni'iad t. the in-pse of gettIng a price of $600 aplece voie moemked if the, office' kn.w tb wlmori tirior beyond the. reacb 0f civilizaiom. for theun anti sending dangerous vit- tii.-beitwimoged. U lmm io! eumg Hflisi.'Ci?<i tepesa their Dives lunhbelei deepair, neslseil against hhemeelves out of th in tire' uegative w. - ,vere shlomk.'l t10 lwr the absolute &laves of merciless in"- country. "Tlt-n lho% diti ymu kimî,w thut liii- ers f ré f rom thc reabitint ot ail lais Chicago Girls Among Captivea. vo an s mbn-? N.î)% îîîîîlîirt sud accOuntaLe< ta no ound fur their The naones oftlen more Young valu- tant jar you victime' lives. eftat bave disappearet tram home Local police andi lederal secret aerv- lu Chicago andi other American citica - tee officiais isba uncovered the' opera- and wene ahippedte 10Sianghai are ini Our Sentiments Eupressed. tions of those engaed in deporting te possesson of the. lusPectOr Of tie .Xi pnsns ummuimm teumsmivm~*the girls vere surprisei et thse Ciinese immigration bureau. The Po-i All ieronoktiwlig terr»eles n- xtent andi ramifications if tii.' lice of Ibis sud other citles are gath- d.ited tu thim oufi'.'and toit kno% ing it s>aîem tici' unearthed. lnstead ering evidence ageinat thte promoter! ai.c remueted tu eau mad 'md ouI Ml0f involving a fqv isonien and of the slavery andt heir prosecution îllîî,d knovi eugti'nels.-u.iîdeltet and the tieporting of a few is u. il is now will tallais. On thii point the goveru- Dlot wîiig tu eailu uni'r'qum-u.ed tO admittedth ie Investigators are oin thte uent agents sey they muet reli' ot& atiîy iii one placemu.lonig .'ni.ugii for nmisu~ track of bal. a score of traffickers. the police and atate authorities. since catch hom. Ail Ibo...- tut iidu-eil daure nd the number of girls lured from Iluere la no national law againat ex- rtequesred i cati al u l'uine idpitcd. borne mai' exceeti 100 lu Chicago portina #omen for sucb purpales. alone, la sai' notbing of te extent Amenîcan Consul James L. Rodgerm. of the operations of tie ring ln ollier ai Shanghiel bas enlistedth le coipr. Iiaven'l Been Showni. sections of the tUnitedi States and Cain- tion of tie Englisi and Chines. au- The e lias Iclen considerabie discuss.ioni act. t:orities lu liat ciy, snd evidence of as ta the lack ofai itic menit in te Tiso of tie intendeti victime of tiie uani sales of American anti Canadiau tiesiga cf thc new $20) bill wbhua» nuttraeieescapeti tram their captors lafter girls t10 Chinefe masters bhan bean Pra- bee imnet Ii lie leasry epaînîttarriving lu Shanghai. Tbey tbld an cuned. bee iýuedby he reaurydeprcuetofIRcer of lhe Amerîcan Davy heir ex-,Tii. autiorities have unquestlonable at Wahington. We refuse te talle idem perlences andi about lia fate of their proof of lie lucerceralion lu Chines. lu the. malter, however, until tire m ec frmer companiona. It la possible de- -harems of ai leait a dozen of lie girls of thein, manda for theIliberation of the. ioung isba ere shipped ftram Chicago. Mii- "smen hi' tb. Amerie»nconsul maY i'td.Oison, agoti 20, la nid te hava col-' Get ()otr coa) noir beote the raad@ make lhe mliair International. mltet suicide ou arrlvlng et. Shan- get;at. Youilfind thebst et EmmoNs- .Actounding lacIs Dtacloset. gliailu order t0 escape the. fats of le-...... MumaLumber Co. Forti'-niue Arnericesagirls bave been iIna e slave te a Chinies.umuber. oiti loto lite laveryin luChinese. Others von. shippedteI lterloir ternis,1 V. cçarry an sssortment of eye harems. Montothe iwhille slaves de- wbere tici' vers helti hi'ons mast«r. Wa»«anti spetacle tranieil froin the Iuieredtâ to thimbandaoaIChines. mes- afler anotiien, until tbey vers mial'y esapsate10thb bet qualili' Baswmmx. tels ara tout te cîvilization and eau oIti te Chilese, vho taok thei nme tar hope for no escapeafrrat îhnlr bond- luto the intenlor liey couti l tba ADismtrioc Camity, egoaslave hi' suicide. Tiey are bhlli- traced. lil lna editrona caamitv. iVhen y essfeuprimounera tina-Chinegat itcrior Thse orraofthtei.situation 0f the voinen have issu regmid eti torla gmesleChinatiuria lie ltan kas your beaihbeaue indigestion aidiltovua subecet te lie vima of iànu" girls, ail of vham ara yoïng and vers of lie palaces mainlalue tihi'lcs e ofyears sud macuredi veihhi'b 13tuoliltion bave @appetl] i aa. darns naud wvaathy Chinamen wvia selected becausc of lisir isautyc. t h51? kînt inlutic cletial kiagiens. ee id.-il la -thst iov Prnmpt Irelie-f eau be liait inl Dr. King'« New Llp Pilla. They tuilt up vour di- vers eableti te purchase te bc icimagineti vien Itlia kuovu liat Tsar alter yaar a graup cf vomuuenindIion't ss U 't b ecs5 g.tt'èrgns sd urp enlueunhp. dit- through connivance. vitb a vomnenthe Chinea» purciasrs ovu lhiu safommerli' Identified wvihh Chictgo's abeuldti ani ojecti ha "ù gi ccensîpltome. lîa'mut.ddark7 aIde have visiltilb.ecmli' aud teint, They' are surah' belles r bi' P. B.LOVELL Liberlyville; Ostave- -departedi vilis a baud oet lese vormen. ibai' vould ieis bre." LEP58ImmCV, 25c. Wie bave neyer beeu isard et aler- 111)oliai' marryi' liimar s»b __________ ard. asked. Fe-Go Tonic Laxative 8S'vrnp s a ieau.I Despite ail thiltha kuovieda. Ibet "Oh, 'noe; liai'meti'itl lm ant anti !fecual mnedieue for cleaning girls are being soldtu ita actuel eav- There are thousauti oraIlmisVI the eyats. regulatina limé liver sud cri' sud liaItihei'ouna andti npeni- men lula eChm.se ciM bla I bovels, tucs-'..Àoiiienes. Dillousnees. euoed are being lureti tram home te vives froin ibeir ova lanule Besdacbeq. Loe" of .Aîpeite. Bad iti suppli te demanti forwite slaves Tic voman ln question, -Ile ta Brehb elhig. isrdes oudlie -"~came as ea tartling surprise. bekes perlodical tripsata China ]tMae, îdian iody.epmi.nd the -More titan a.year ago an nklua o!trecetivas and culenlaina voma> là n -spsri 5 tie system sund lse extent reaciedth le Iera train bbc orient la tii.10W 5Oc anti LIIto inItie. Solti by F B. local police, antd from lime ta lime Siltas, Oslantili' te enci' ,acd LOEL ivill. .-tiieatrocities pracliceti bi'the Ier- 4uri", tlii. bastait 1M 6 a Ii Dontc yur uuud. tuy annl -national baud of slave tradiers causei nese eti'. The visitera. lit l a i DoWt you wood, by cannela ipple. Nolhilu vas doue. bowvea. ana tic vomen vie doe bc 10 coelof E Np-rng it Linibr ChoteInvestigate lie situation sud supi ot transPorinliDte gifla f&013, press the traeiceunlil tie feei au- Ica boaChina aI no inch esmfléi~ ,,ekàeeh.la neyer kuown te those thorilies ecte Inlutitis lusIutae, qel.- visit -Smu Frencisco, N4v Y94 Pili3eý vaiueofthlie resin ab- lehuti ron Wb Fie tre bs lng eenanti San Francisco hile action mmul. viiere itlai.posaiblecoto ieu rtancd' 1 rýmthbm' trembanlutonglieen tgneously. sanc hIr nefarloua vocatin ettcba the nikde oe of Itla believedi t texparsure vilI of tac muci Police interfcqlM'c, Piaue iil riereliefti one b titi Itself bring lie operalfous of lie slave voman cioés not deni' ber epr viiena.F@ sle lîy WILL FIAtKLEY, t radera to an endi, B luelite cases mu*htances. but aie t"cE « i ï of1iteve'_»naa-2 _-tiis 1-ot n M.1ru.sauuhtalad .qhW b v