COIJNT T INDEPENIYENT. S1.50 PER YEAR IN ADV.~ LIBBRTyVILLI LAKE COUNWY PRTECT GMIE.AID riU PROMOTIE GOOD ROADS. -QIINTY ASSOCIATION FORMED FOR -Tm4AT -PuRPOSE. SEVENTEEN 011.1- GATU PR98ENT. munIers and Nlmrods -Swarin Lake Roglon. and This CounWe Ieenst lin Came Laws a Vital On*. fmlurtaay et WauksganW-asperscet the organhstlou o! lbeLaks outy Aesocaion, wbalch cornes hulo existenc au tbo.rsslt o! a euggetlon by Toat. anster Bstaast51tLe raent banquet beld at Murchke's aotel, FOX L&Iae.80 « eluatcalyowvasthe ie* recelveti tbaI Mr. Steare as e epoueredt t appoint a commiittea ta devise vays sud unsan of acconaplisbiag the orgsaizatlon o! Oume sort o! su association, anti ho seleteti bis cosilît italeY, cbooiug represetatives tbereou froua serva vting preclut lu the cointy, seveuteerao! vhom vweme Prest Satun day sud Anich asti Cuba th. tauns not represeateti vers bard [-romby Jettera o! regret froua Lb. coninniteenen, Aàsumpltoilsdinuer vas servet tI h. &bwaurtzatland lolovlmg ubich ofamcrs vers chosen. siudicatetihbe-; wlLh: prasideut, A. K. Bt.rne, Waukegsn. sretaryr. J. F. Ridingar, Wsukegsa, Fit Vice Pres., W. E. 'iller, Lbertyville. Second i Vce Prie, Ueo. ,eReuhas, Tgammrr, OttolinMurchbe. FOi Lake. liEmmtiveCommise«,- W. 8. Bullock, Waulqaa; Fred Sebasis?, ghlad Park, logather ultIa lb egular officer- Pgoe"demi Iearuis &Wttt t uthl ~ cie thelbassod&$Wlu vie tu protudi tbe *à &d gus lanLaie eontY.W né uhatr t <er ~msamcomt-e n. ~~ie~lSM wuvrm si amva ..fflshu4 Ma append 0d lb at"e49 -So immeDorevm essa &b ow mm x»Unby mmaiet av deq h ib e esaudiBa ou$ wm1 b laheatahlà» prop«rlm te eisasetleladaa liii"abfui SmS ApNEW DmVCr MOR UNLOADMPGMAIL PaO oeD.M ta&eiuRaiNew Schesas lae a. ay b Ueed laiLake Couety. A device for lbe unlosdlng of mails from n ft trains bas ,rc1e-tly bisen l- vulsi and ti lie bpot lato prectical lm byoveral rosdeinithLb.mnrfuture. Tb* posu Q01ce deporlmnont bas for severai jeans baen lookiug for sosie vaY 01 bllydl@heagng malle vithot dlakeaMug thee peefth !lbe eandthl nouly hventai apparatne gire promilse of Ohiuthelb il. The. device consiste af a platiarm ata- rangeItihe door, upou ubici le plid1h.sacîs for delivry. The. plat fbru la satoniatcanti operteti by air froun lb. train brakes, soeurlng lstan- lassons action. Contrat beaou thb. cran. ou station plalfarm anti a lrigger on lbe mail catchiug ai of the car, re- hease a spring ou the devie vbich shots the sakl m a box placeti longwlde lthe tracke., Thiebox is 00 madetielIa air le forcet i it, ilby the. Olylug saIs, which acta as a cushios, pravetini tiamage ta lb. box, suds or contenta. le vork le hi g aliefactairy anti commedeti by railroati anti guvers- met oSéciais generaliy. Il la laarued liaI tue Wi@causin Central bas under atviseinent plans for the. inaliig o! lb. patent aloug Ils lino * hrougb býale county vith vev La orer- comiug the difficlties vhicb the rati * bas bai o! laIe ahan sveral sics have beau groanti beneat the. vbealeaOftthe cari elîber duë tb carelees bsndlsg or *lad o! proper place for tischarlug the pouches.___________ Mad n>.Uuceonablenese - leoften.asgresa s omen'a But Thos. R. Austin, Mgr. o! li "Republieasu,"of Leaveuvarlh, lad vwas ul unreason- ahi., ubes bie reusai w> alul.h dotri ooperatonu hie vif., for fanal. trule Inatead," ha esys, '"vo con- cîtidedt t r vKiscrloBitters. My vife *m vasIbn su siebr, ehelcould bau'dly eave ber bei; sud Ova phyicaus hat f&fli 10relie. be. Aller laklng Elactric Bilters, @lba ve&fcrlcLly curéd, anti cal aov perfori ail1hr bunsebolti duties." Garsulti hyb F. B. LovEtL Lbertyville GEàsBLAKE inÂReÂcy; mruggsta prie maux of the salle sud abuses o9Stlb garne laws W lby DOWe@lut. Metlod Of Carp Latermlnathosi Wrong. OO thfl Srs a1 thi e eassocia- tiou la coiarsatloa itilaan INDErtl- DNT ~reporter aflar -the mting -id b visusi lb preset minsneof c"ring ti»bnlakseofcarp auharrnfl. He explails t the lbstage gves ta certain mentlie rlght ta kiff tbe carp. Drag nets are uged and - hausauds 01 pounuhe&AÀ liftei, the. gaine lOh bing earacted sud Irovu back imb telb valet. Rowever b saj tth. pickerel1 sud baue thue taken frona the nets sud1 throvu back imb the lak aus?.olten 00n bruleed tbey die. The csrp la a largeé Oua sud lu thrashiug about lu tbe nets injure the sinaller flsh. He favoreti trapping Lb.ecaY p by placiug wire nettlng1 acrose tbe mouth of creekesud lmiels after thaefleb bai le t the labo to spanu sud vib in e sa different seaaOu than other Ilmb spawn, aud then the. Car)p coulti esaly b. extermuated.1 Our informant furtber declareti that lui the way of clearmhg the laites of veeats sud rushes tbe cari) were doing s great gooti The§e'tish ruot about tbe laeI bottans as do swiue lu a fieldi sud rasideuts slong the @bore@ of lb. lakas bave beeau deltgbted ta vituese thei grouîug ezpanSe of clear water wherei but alev jears ago vas al vilti rice sud weeda. Why No! a County Licones. Anather ide&adtvanced is tii. agitation o! legiiatlon that viii permit utf asci conty *lmuing iees 10 buter dsslrhug ta bunsh ithia île conflues, the lucomens liae driveti ta bpaiti gaine wardeus appintai from tlb couuly, sud tg le sai a unbetaatil srpîns vooase veilascrusM laay 0< lb reedets of tlebM lae rgoon lgd lyaci as gain varissa itlaeiesmaaou& a thel mduti lblaws igblt e elldIy sisu boadugafetaqbird.e ad lb goo0 ruade Propoehliom have Dot baga p r O I - i i l - * O u maS a s . m .a - "vmwetm * 0< wpruêtiav n" aly a Iinai Midy the& eomoeeertiation amm e vis il b redt. ArEW !MATUJRES or The!PAP! R. Whah CaPrlaeaThea Nv 1d.4 pendent As ItNou lai. Tlbsermons bY 1h. "Rigivay sud Bywsy" preachr appearing veekly in the I!<DIPEDENT are Sttrscting IuUCh comment. Tb.y are writeu by a mn vbo bas gaînàtifaine tbrough Iis one vorb lb. length anti They show a knovietige o! thb bibesmacla ms le »Ieln o inla a puatciin pailor and t ha sbpe ly aa m irestu lb lCDEE!EXItT reàders san available lor a bai! houri relection o! au eveuîmg. il yeu have Dot been readlsg thena do go sud you viii continue 10 tale stivan- luge a! the commua devote t t Iis euh- ject. W. dlamiu hat îbrougb thene coue va preacb lu a larger congre- gation tban galbera under the roofs o! ail the. churches l in thecounîsY. Hurnan Inerest Storles. The 1,Hunsu Interet' scories appear. lng veealyin lu iis palier are foundeti asoiutely eu lact as louidlinail valks of flfetrougbout the eoulry. Erary veel the @tory js C&niplete lu ilsel! anti yqu viii by reaaiug lias. sketches te- ceiaie a broati etiaation beides learuiug boy the nîber alue-tauthm, o! lhe worid ie living. Reati upe o! hem anti souvilii reati them ail. Gives the News You Want. Besidea lies. special featares which va oblalu at a couitierable cost we have luit. the.-local county uawe that any other Lake courity weekly carnies. Tht. IhOEPENDENT le careflîs editeti, ie con- cise andt 1 the point. We do notuLse ",fillers." We priaI tbe neya andtheb neyea you vaut. WIVa am ta maIe tbe paper au ideal waekly andi our fat groving subscriptioui liwt speakke more piainîs than words as 10 wbat th1e public thinke o! our effort.. Bul feu people are eiiiely fre froul indigestion at Iis season o! the yaar. Kadol Dyspepia Cure le Dot oeiy tlb bst reniedy to uneaun il diget@ wbat you eat butl becaun lb aio anables tbe digestive'apparatus toa9asimilaIe anti traneforin ail foodo mb otissu. builti .ing logd. Kotiol reiras saur touiacb hert tara, beicing sud ail forme of Indlietion. DUTCIIe IDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1905-8 -Pages I - ARE )UCCDO atlon reMmu da B<rdY OfLabo e Cmi 1 èepbone coe. -aa D Sida of'Tracke. pour iguà a*oll Chargea IDENTlI VIEDYTPRtIENIS. TO limy tMuby Poiunte. A mmn heler Idpntifleti ivrelativêesTO BT1MULA%ýâ BUMINESS. froun Chicago as beiug John Lotoft i a tbaal clly, was founut deati esrly Satur- Last Monday culsi*Ae overth liunes dei, morulng bY section fc;remau Auguet Zieso tan B &pot about a imile uortb o! oflb Lake ouuàtY 'ÇWshone Company Eqrerett sud near George Yore's private went loo ffeta ad*ow with lbe new crasstng. Tii body wa.s lu a vats! pries for ton tlb cas of talking with Ouied ditch by the mddt of the south nanv aearbyto*nlMUt iiihalf. Wau- bounti trsck. IL. was go completelY kegan, Laits en«ul sU<Lke Forest bave corereti uitb water and vas lying lu heen droppeti tram, DtO 10 entspar éncb a manner that lb coulti not bh aril wbl at sons oS th,. more (istant eaaly sean from thtpussiung trains. places whffl e etrdêrs 25 cents bas Lotuo*' body did not bh.,w evidpnffesof Ib*.eli carged, lb nOv rate rails for a his baviug been @truck by a train snd the 1-)tcent toi. cVbauag> aill r,-maiu ain tact that eh at uo valuablea upen i tht. papt nathlb 25l ca rat.- peran sud not a creît was found ln hie Soins 0f the. Lake anty tOWIii>wich potiket»sat ltldt 1tuthe m.urrniime ttlht ' Flitiuteti frouai0 $0 tIi- 10oreut rte lie lisd been the vitina of foui play,.jA are Buffalo Grov,, ot 1Hill, Foi Lake, trail o! torm up gravi-Iansud d fijini tlie (jiler, rsysiake, GhiîrTi..Huiftl)av, track ta, bis final rs-tiDg place led the I vanhoe, Laite Bluff lesk,. For-est. Lake coroners jury 10 tlîink aitihrst Iliat Villa. Lake Zurich, tioé G hlove. Miliun, possnibîs be lied tben hrowu from a Rocktefeller,. Wauiegurî. Volo. Wadm- train or liati lipped fron. morne freigit' wortb,, Zion City. W:îîtlîîop Harbor, spou vbhh le waO Stealing a i(l. Semrllcal7a,)..taismr A mrid vith hi% iane upori it and au distant the. toit bas tee reducedti ront sddress led to communication with relà-2101.c.s tires lu Cicaico aud to -the ldeuticahlca-; Tbl cbange la nuit duet» t- gisiafion o! tiou. Laler il 'vas foundt lat lie. bai auy kiud and la tila isent of a d&.ire on beeu working for C: C. Anderson vicia the part o! the teleiiine eolnîpauy to the. constructilin gang o!flbthev North- I timnlaÏs buislaemtls te tbelle! o! the. western short lin. but hati beau diaenmen bebludthelbcausera liant ifl te rates ehargoti. According tb Anderson lbthe tIOSOuSatelephont.s viii Mu 'al s uiject ta'fita vlulcb .eaaci. maie r1a1e4«tos ollae long distance tated i hI.for uork and led la the 1k». cas" wh& tlbhe llbusiness viii b. WUg of bilejob. That ha mlino ua aDy .griatly icssib i.ris ae Audeosaidcould b.oaccounlti fr s le ed&l a h la i,buulithatrnany waho le belies-etihohalsdnome w b.0 ilb edo But »ovb - phone@ lu theïr gang resdanue w1 E~eau communicate fl fe supposai 1h51 vltlaohi raluwi itIa oWéle .*apiy, bave lb. laveh.bai tartel ta usil to a b4Chisego b sue 0 aet g ai trauhm bias: 1 blm* snd in lb dars.aus-i4-t bà iii. doue. It l'msnpas . »«W aulima or a-0 lu"" 1 ,g5ofsWAm vMê amaba t -Imm. u l.UuU i1 sam.U l stau, b" a mmmIobu i e tii 1 rouS ldt etrnuckby some uk»we [iTbljýeiaa m mai vSfond ljlg eue" ua the C. m. a. e P. ranimaid* bbsrsSua ie 1 wile wkig n te igt oaiy WW by Mm*h à. Ul1 vbhs vlhlg n l rlht ! ay. UÉ ~ for Dieu, lai viâl mêeae t.tea druam sasuer. 1B Hlighlsid Park Libr"r. c Meet llqwill a ablsaie-" as Tu.eane? atone tif 1h.evw srassie buildisifor tlb Public UàbrrytaIRi& amorfint Wmas oltianti enmeomeiaid. ,lanti Park viii b laid mil Satu 'l Severalm narrivai aI b s pot "d'a Noveberil t . :80P. . A ôp cou0ple of tlbm Identifiad i ii.aaude" 1 oeu wil adcum:30 et.. A copern.M"6001, 011 -ooth L'llcasîreet, a Ivede, b loxd uad car fts tc..viisb le Tbug arned bin ta bis boni. and Wl ci l o pe. J ie R s rd he v a st bpince h fiD la cars QI bis ife alt r par ui l!v reann laimg op s e o aya r 110015> fthe a a isng hm . tbort y af ter tlb men 0»011, roporl, Hr aunn arkefalbd thelbbon» e . omunbAba s hok- 1 sol Cm's Bglndlsb ~lgsundi anti hen 'sb. rehed iebi . Emoor Club for deposit lu the boi. tiying. Almo usine sud pautorimasmeo! easciiDr. Foley vas calleti anti upos echsrcb lu tha ciLy, anti roster o! the îuîabo ttt ha bmnh teachere o! ail th.eoois lu the citly. «ti atIonité! at rusa blod l Gee, Ki, uhérstiti you get thon h,, vesseI. Be vas au Odd Fellov sud Ihat IA ib ula'. lodigeuaicharge of bis fumera, TROLLIEY LUNE BETWIEEN WAUKEGAN ArND KENOSIA. 1 .1 T'lb §cmll of lbhviid useI" va tati etong for tirs. jontie vho live lu Wakga, sud Monday they etartedtot tramp to tlb yul. Thas-got se far as Evanston. uberé their "deareere" endati abruptly. The boys are Frank Sisrabiuski, 10 yesri old ti uepbun Ad.smeity, 12 eaure aId; sut Jobs Traire, 8 jeare aid. The boys, ou amriviug lu Erastun, spenloý WillimDsly'a hardwsre stars, 720 Davis streel, lu purchaS rilas. &eWe vaut tbrea riOleo,' sait Atiamsky, dtiphayiug a&820 bill. -Wb at are you golng ta do witb tbeni?" aske-I Daly. '0. ve're going out wet." àuswered Adarnsky. MEN ARE ASKED What Do Yon Weat, and May ilava Lake Co. Patronage. »EWOLF AN»D UR. NBTT EXPLAIN.E Froa tihe l)enftn political heatiquArters reeeutly camne the quers to the Lake oaty Dee.n telegatea lu the stat. convention whicb resulted lu tii. Qovrnors vletory, 'Wbatdovou vaut,c if aything." E. P. DWolf spd Capt.2 Geo. H. Bunaett, of Wankegan. vers tlb mon whom ik vas the Denean managers9 vlsb to'rewarti for ibeir faithfnlneessinlu thst nierorabla and long drawn out( figlît vien on the. Lakecouuty delegationf DeWolf and vere the only twa mon who were dest, ladsu d all the ie for Charles S. Deneen. The reîîlv was there was uuthing wanted that croîîl. at the. timlaib. tbougbc of by the Lake cour.ty inen, but1 later abert wats aunounred the1 cqoty'm patronage at the. Elgin ftSYlnm huti bw» taken fromi I Measrs. DeWolf1 snd Duratt îrotested, sud aith thb. resuit It look» ag îhough Jarîje NIl.1 Woodman, storeket-per and Ge). Adamns,1 historitin, would i rtail, their pociiti-ils.1 Alread.v the muen solectei ta, tale their1 places are at the. îusvu,îal ad being lusitruced lun the work they assunie, [-Y tbe retirinic office holders, but iL la uuder%tood the. (lovernor bas decreed other places muet b. found for the uew appoinitees aud the Lake coanty mna nut disturbeti. At leael Meitra. leWolf aud Burnett en underanti k, sud declare tbey have information that vvithin s few daya 1ha1 eud viliihave beau sccoinpliabaed. Interrogateti tier the tek-phone Jual ase v.go 10 puaisli r. Waodmaa sai loe bau nothlug af the. effortâ o! DOWolf a m , Dus.aMi th" hb bai Do intimation lb mn eme1aii polutei vouli fdm tale lb pastellos.3 *bae lb lt iaetered lb ezpeet to ta ffl .111 Houerer tOnIsolitlciana vlq o e Threé a Wskega Youths Sun Awal from Nom., but are Capturad hn £vaaaton. SATURDAY NiGHT THE LAST RAIL and ti i;la eatedth iat tIb is a11lbi Day notifiai tb. police sud ti, boys OeO etrset Waubegan, vas fataily T*>'epot le t 'ar a n WIL HVEBEN LID cBpetin ii t-ici eembe 1.It voietalien baekt-k Waukegan lu lime bumueti mut Sunday avening hem tearacadI laluirent, 11,1*M B. possg ibe 10 aemlb. t fronteveuing by a policemaani. Itdevelopeti clothas itsVing caught rs froin a probieao!fl teedes*1 Kanosha tao Ciebrate Momentou$, Mlwauke. t» Chicagu iy trolley. The liat tht- bill laiti beau lolen by tie candi. vhîcb @ha vas carrying lu hem' track-level ta the lerel 0ftli Event by Big CQmmemorate. Wynn linie are- not unider one managemntAdansky. boy front is f, atier hi-fore rouai, over AI Meifel saloon. iîj boulevrdt. sa Right-af-W&Y. Agent. but the. Mil waukee, Racine anti Kenoslja tarting far tbhditantilains. Tii.tria 1b-ppetei that celle isiiedtie tal ovar I Zion bue tb. castrant for tii linae extends ftroua»Milwaukee te Kenosbs ia uow very penitent and ailliug te give tb. telephone eariy lu lie eveuing anti of four email pssseger dp4uo an onet it h KnsaEIeclri c home anotier chance. as Ibers vas 5no ligbl lu lb. roonu St tige tien ta lb. îvo ulîbain the 'l Wbea btas ev veeks due Zion City j ai connecTeisitreLcannesote ligt a maile anti vai>holti- They are un the lise bluseaaj cei.bnatdthelb.conîpielion of Oie C. &M I Chicago & Miwaukee Eleclrie, vbicb TIRKEVS SCARCE 1iL vt wile Labatallai. adWuea. electric rosdte10thalei-ty anti Preid'nt îaîîdd pasaeugera lu Lie very heart o!fRIEGO S utdeîtiy ch.etlmscveithtlier ivaimit Fros sttei ai th baque tale h 1 hicgo RIC GOES P. al urning anti tirpping lime mutIle' F.!ISIIPLACED IN 1 Frost satetiS lie bae pnqueextabesion ao.____rau ilownthte stairs imieking for ai. Imupti 1 b ile a oc-u ue xlenion IL is clmimed tint lime time for the. jour- au ta Kenosha iy Doeur mber 1, lIere a is vi eunrubu lna Iva oaIo nl IeSaml anti Se-venil mtiri saw ber vhPrasiee nti-ari,Ron Laea coîsdeabesxmesiimo dnlt s aCîiago ant i Mlwauk.tin LiI le street but "t-me s» startledlII tiri hy Recelved. Anaol. hi ~ ~ ~ i 1blt ad u otve .l .aet a ailitd foi- lie lmomnt tii ent1 lier the 'aidmetfSul b no. By Salrias nigit o! Iis veek lie 1Kt-nocîî& le plannîinîg te have a great - he iii-cled. Ful. itt i-t vaiii asat rails o! the.Elne betweeii Zion City ceebaInala iooro!Lieoputngo!tirkeys mie idvamminin 1lu:bout ht-r amni lie flaîîîec hpat ot.*t$ie Gog sein fRei 1 celbraton i honrprimee aumiiiff-mmml istilmtsiiiî. wI tVili 1 u lerroulimGeore eei , f R olland andt Kenoueba yl bave beei hliPt. The.'the Imcv'u,aiea udeeo iitn ieeeîî etr - ~ n-îtaIilerlii- cud gmarillele ail compiet'of aisdtlrmelcon-odshpiet o! 2fr00tbta i munig larrouîîdiug cilicnd taeicb.-trlmmmisliy uinormiiig a rnis iiimra e iii a phmiltaraatteîigitd lie. stradtionagang bas for severail îaystson I guiste ai Li c it eo Ie ill anth!e.rtmi a.r mmuiilmiiieîi)ttiIiitl1tme20,0id0y0Ia SbafWtbl-oacika rnserei 0 hl a horCiuFrontLb. lest rmilofifhlime ssma ci.cmmHl'ImIIII(es mii..expecl. lutemerinjuiies anti at tbe iîquest hell by a total o! 35,000illesapmd lp sud il Ie anuoaucadth le rmad vii b re pri esîdi-ay ut !teeobi er- .Inimiry mofIl,(.m1îmal iersiairitiîes tiaiDr. Taylor it derelopei thaIlbe. Ihea ni htii p opeimti fr trfic n Dermimîer ~ tnit Railvay oumpuy.tie îles mre lialît 1mecourby thanîs- huchant o! the utînan hati triile oaa. tavis u an b sehg% Whlie il id the purpon lo! tire Chimiago Wn cln Rgla a. giviIiýigliRilamimrîers %vie luis veitr dmukaItarteti for lie lake viti tb. Milwaukee Ctîcpany t.. ext,,mul the R .W!î,fîîmrysprueaethv-1lmt i i îm iral imî. Tic avowu-ciintention o! jumîping in. on the: future. ltme directly Ioin Kefiochu tu llilwviiukee ûf tre Winkt,i'ita& Foi Lakee alartric tttrkt'.virmi hi lriigl iii»waçility ils a ay hie ttippeti aIthe police station tlu sirnîa lae n tbS ml tule is iti@ let aLLugbî liaItutk ililie)olaid Unîe reeitit yabsorbeti by tie C. & M. a roi. a'l, wtime averamgt. and asthe tell the offi-ers o! bis plans: They a ufaot'rh Ii eo' aorti o! Keubeha durng the. prenut eaitric is nov in tht. emploY of the. nationamiltast îlîîy drava Iighit kbecomies oe ao cafeth r0 ue vm. is aomget - yeam. - Ieu Knsa latter nmmmpany lu lhe capacity of nuire aaure eviiemî t liaI lieme mai11 teletubone teaoasIber ubat lu do wtvlista f "matr enoug t t. Trhe lin. nngi-of-way agent anutilenggea] b. aialmrtage o!f th1> ,lliî.uwy. Lie man anti il vas turing tha conversa- eiae»-« t Wakgnle bing tiouled-tracled s occuring tb. righîtof-w>as issireti uortii Cii(ekemiîm i"M'Yaulesme ailil tii vear lionî vhlch folloveti thal Lie voman'î fit for the gp aud arrangements are matie lu rulu1 o! Kenosta. Ha viii have eqrge of have lii take place ut tIe llu ire famored tireas caugbt ire csaing lier teath. tvu ogra o the dans iqata bigb rate of speeti betv ea uIthii. departnienit util tlb roai pambes uirs mnlesusommmclling uulooked for Schaffcrt atteruart changeai bis mriai efl dtc tb. itill In'u, Kenocia a ciînnec- its way eider brougi te Milwukoee anti bappenq is thlIe maket anti fron aIl about comuiittilig suicide ast retuirnedi ber plautelbiut a anisA tien le bing bhaut froni the. ity te the IMmc Wynu le certainis adaptai for juel igus it taumpeirs tuait the. sîriîîg goblîler *%ame tea nt that bis vife at th. polut Pobmaunlyia station uf Lb. Chicago & hMilwaukee lint surit a respousible position. vilb. oumt o! renacli o! tire poor muamn. 1of eath fran te lb âmara mItln h sug5 Al..K VOL. xiv. NO. 6. JOHN MILLER VINDICATED. OTIIER CASES HEM NORTHWESTERN BOY HOLDUPS. No Crime to Rob Tramps. I4ELD FOR ROBBING GANG IN A verdict et tuehis wl BOX CR RIELIE-AIED. court mairse It appeas that II la an t Box CAR ELEASSO. andi proper for on. tramp 10 rob or for onueset of "boas" 1tro Ezekillian Murder Trial Wil Go Over Otber 01 Its vajuablm Tb "l a couple o! monthegMOfor he ". Up in December. up sud robblng of anotiier gang l seking transit lu a %ortbweem *car were released. John M iller, the L ake B luff m an, I t â p a e in t e es m o y h " churge wth the &ssut of Marion tiiehi, se@4 o! freight car touriste baul at that plae on JuIy 5 le ow a Iresth' an aa naeopha mns. It viii be rememberedt tat on the e«MMrMaes aboe ataMis tiei as asultd n Cbicago to Milwaukee wherowe< abov dae Mse Pehlwasassalte oncrowd decided that tbe other bai ý the lake front wble makig a paintig ý thinge that they wanted., A healy I of the landscape. According to ber @tory eh vas sitting alone in one o! the' np was arrauged and éeseuted Wi les frquetet pesaea lou th blffvictime reported the matter 1 to t lmfbentedenssaeaonate o beffaud farthr along the lins the. 1oua4 'presne o! s mnyneae r f v ei ere iterceited.' Wêene ofa mn ner be. 1Alter heing held lu tbe couuty JeU, With an uath ha s.laed ber and bore the present terni of court bey. her to the grounti. The girl scresined relese th ogb there could te1 for aid and tbougb ill at the tiue foughtob st hircneto l ber asilant vith Ouperbunian strengta aflair, tuis the deduction tuaitthu ocretcbng bis face, as eh. afterward toid w>ufll recognhas its owfl1 p o* the police, and tearing hi@s clothes. T 0e r otuei on o! ths cla m f migrants. mian eeiug ber desperation and fearing assistance for the girl fled wbile she Ezekullian Set Fre.- anoust unconscious vas a short tiine Ezekillian, ebarget i wth Iboi i* aiterward picketi up by a paaserby and Hazar Ogusian, Who was fouvd do taken tu tbe Agard borne where ebe onthe soth 'sIdea t aI W e gsaa vas t«Yiug. lsat spring and Who 'ehortI*l »1af About tbree veeks afterward eh. waa crine vue arresteti and hae deesià egain at the beCansd there met Mliller th, connty ail walting trlgj,, wbo was walkiug upon the. shore. She releaaed W.dnesdsy ou a uni oëf 1 claianed ta recognie. hlm as the . fuI corpus the. pies of the Bs wbo attacked ber and ewore Ont a attorneys being that more l" warrant for bis arreet. A hearing vwsu othebsaielapeed. thee ff giea the M &D befare s LaIe Bluff belle If or ,nblch s prioner m i e b and h la4 s Wbeto tahe-r grand rir Out bail, andi no teM as tbough the ,vldence and pubit fttiTii. matter wus arged ea meut agemetinlufavor of releasing hlm. Wrigetotf Cbkfflo m leuw* L&ter belonte liegrad Jury ha. use Ognela" w u te egeanield hhouglabyseversi uasae e laucctterme "wtr provid a elrumelhbL His employer bernesthe e 1.W *t1 "oiu SRmbetg onehier uli hiesvWo" WU, lb. faadiv= iIwolam a inuwas alIteet. litie l Wrooo ni*e-,4%0 * *e0BeMe wa la lssi.~ theB la hisem das m i btw« - iie, wil~S banIUUSPBUUUT flst la nqpng' 1WU*$B eai %1* te poeldveix 1m et thelb'lis e Ui, 116Wu mam lamesutami eeou.d pd-mie b u"d là lbM jei.for hllblés u. cadlocewl10*1 laepîl of lb tacs-lIat lbere vas 11111110 mueb effeveetu Proveual It lmI- aà* te ain. 0M possible for Mile' 1<> have bsn ai lie on lb UÔW6 t u 01 bmm of hiieet h litetIlhleI~SBd vthà m -urmtte. tu h ave ocurrul MW eDý*Mwl v Aselu EUMWb aa vuq " haridéasntlon o! lb eIlfl. At bis trial 0oflIis Ysar, uliui mai illrvwu reprmeenaby Attorney EL W. tbat h u a Ieglebi Clby, of Llbsrtyvllie. saddvas givena a ud seo tte s oi 0 verdict of nt gallV on the rsI ballot lealiM eI u iJ lIas jur bing out lmeu I ha balour. ~ eh' 01 WOMAN Zc it !ATALIY 'C,: BURNED. vZ - - The usu .lsectrlp rond à»Pot b LigleaiCandeSeté Vire 10inluelb m usam tue b 11la Dreàum d lire. C. A. Sohaf. - C &M lcrie l in .~* fort ln Burned te and the. followlng fro: n li»s i" ».atla. telle of the. planas0f lii. no95 ,Th@ plane for lb.mew HUSBÂAND ON DitUNK. depot ou lé bi hlèa"m - ~Eletié craifroad i àziSonhr Mir@. chas. A. Schaftert, o! North Gene. besu setîleti and work :hU. - - jwwp ýmm4wl i -1. $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVAI