Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Nov 1905, p. 2

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LA OtNT I)Y, NO!]BR10 1 isloyvvvllted -relatives in te él tliefr elaften, MissRose bie place0aven andai. MWe nmm are in tis llkwy hteuig ilseir lin., puttiag 4 11 smDocker ue' a Chiago ibetr A"ag Titus lias met a Mlor Augut Wite, capacty ,,bebarrots per boun. twwW Mer i. odge and"Isml Mt is Emma Fisher's bonse j4ait e.k. w. velcome Prof. > ad bisestimable nife ta our îîti4W*lie a âtong service et th. à nt Sunday evenlnig. Nor. 12. io m ire Iderstadt. of Chicago, Wng fon us. ETryune cordialiy id tu attend. tara pleaeed ta atote iiet Jeats of tins Muly recovere-d frorn his recent pooain. a Jo e isited et tire connty seat mtwmday.- 'lug t the. sevece starr iat Sunday attndance- et îaurch w'ns very bamever t1aa-s ia,,did conte ad ta a verýy pieasing ad able Mi by"Priof.0.C(ira tir. ai Ciiî'eago. ê choir ili liet ut tii. homte oi wd Mr$..Henryv Grabbr. Iexti Fritaa ROCKEPELLER hn 1Hôdge and firrrly imoved to boe Wedhesday ai lasc w'eek., Holcouib is lutting np tvo nmore kue. Wil Porteon.4 i. doing lie Oît a ader with two ladly biende ed ai ils former',, honte Tbumsdey. è- 4irlstian Endeavorers ni Lake éW >oinad la a reilylieraent the .e-Fbmoaday eventng of lest weeli. d 0 tendance wes present. ý**0bornIs asti home on eat Park »ý$ noadenompleted. 0.L Roder hm been e guess et the. . o lien eanU bert and xvife et OWAMd mete wtb tre. W. Ricb of tlls vek. 'Kr.amer inm the. ity visite d Saaiday. lrCari Rader have ttan up lei the. laver rooms of Wm. Mms Croukhite enoyed SOtiadai of lasI week "ih metet thei. Uon schooi but ev yee.passtent. I OMiteblan sd Eva Roua. visitons aturdai. Daysan eatartainad 'Wank.gan Baturdaysud spet Buutt* ithId$bi ý sW hbuteheen.undr tb.dotin Wd-- hedance Saturday ighti eÏë*on" t athe. DîaionÙe "O~, Wullam Eichman, Frank WM .becty Mondai. am .lt wedinig blls vini Lake Zxrit F-,d 1 dme Witl m uait e Oàli- isç.ý m L.pbâ Palsmdais whukmg a »r.tnd ta g*ur eC talle esit bibdansd relivesle »ianspet SatUrdai aud bifslo. Mt ta, attend the, dance talbe Zm*ih bouse, Lake Zurich, Nov. 11, Gond Chifago lcor, managers: WilliM me ZoalcI;, RailaBentisn, m AM d et the Gae. Laite Moi autThond"ayNov. 16 vyuitmlme.James Wright. émt toy" ldais la Chicago beasa on thé sici liai 1 Um Pipe baveras- gow bmo pin w Lak*eb.uub sf le a'effcnolr tain PRAME RVIBV Misses SkUmismia n sd L14l14n Pad oliled onU Lbrtiâ1Isfriends Wdasdai MR«ry Mitchell epàW Bsturday i li. nud lim. H. A. Kuopl att.nd.d the. lectur, hi Prof. Umbfcb un Pslestlns ai North Notlfield lest Baturdey SMise. BLai KudWis lat.d itI Mise Suie lasonSaturda sud gSpe. e XiaLIiuPuni a$peut ondai viii EtIet Khodier. Mn. Fraak Mitchell caii.d on lin. Cleveland, af Llhantyviile, ans dsy lest M. W. Kuedier made a business trip ta Highland Park Miondai. .1 1 lir. Mande Enal attended tu cuatemensi at theaston. during the absence af Mrlisothen ou Satunday. J. Kammer la erectinga Doevalaugliter- lng houa. st the. plant aorth ai tova. lir. sud lime. E. H. Mason and famlly visited witb the. latter's brother, Frank Tully sud fainiiy et Everett, lest Buaday.1 Mns. Tuliy S.-tesAt pregent witb ber son Franki. Massas. A1. C. Richards sud Wm. McLeughlin weut tu Chicago Tuesday. Tbey expet ta go baci sud forth daily by vay ni Deefield for an indeflite turne, as Mr. Richards expects, tu givej bis vaious bouses e new coat ut peint,1 Wm. MLaugbliin helping hum do the Rer. sud lMr@. A. J. Byes bad as their guesta Seturdeyad i.undey Mis@s, AMie Peter. and Emma Bein. of Soutii Chicago. .0 Mise Tillie Mitchell wbo bai been apending sanie e ecis it hem euntat e Rockefeller returned home. Seturday. Mir@. $. E. Knedier entertained ber sisten, Mr@. S. S. Stengeri> of Ravinia, Mouday. Mm.. Abert Meson sud cildren are1 staying vitb M. and MWs E. H. Meson at present.9 Mis. Judaun Mason Who lias been, spendiug the. greeter part ut the stimaen wiiihbem daugbter, Mns. Ed Tripp at Hennlaton, Kanse,, expects te retura $non. Mmn. Isason vent, we.t ta recupenste, hem heaithbehing mucli lmpaired by ber long iege of iclasse early isat aprlng. lils Olive Ritaentiisler vas the. guet ai-miss Emma Cgark, of Chicago, (bem former teacber fa muiuel) lait Fridey1 slternooa, st the, Theodore Thomas Orchetra concert. David Iiapham 1 sablai, endered tvu solos. Mmr. Abrt Mason la selling ticket. on1 ber kitchan ange ta b. nafflad off s sono as the tickets an. a il di.paaed o. Tise tickets range fraon ns 'ent ta ans dollar. Dnsv a ticket sud be tihe lucky ane. Mn. sud lin. 9. E. Knedler sud family vent ta Nothi Nothfield on Bandai ta attend a binilidai party, tha occasion bsIifthe ii 72ad blnulday aiflim. Ksedier's istien, lin. Johna Frai. It vwu mloa lu the nature of a farnuiy réunion, ain e dldren sud their famile@ being présent. It vas a unprise asiWeel, fan Mm» U. Tn.y came home tram marulug i s h.found the houa. occupled by ,, aîi amiy. t vas the. tiret ,teilon af tii. family in seven yegp *Vtation oi lira. WUmnEde stemgrris. parti on in. £de, the. ocesîos béîng is birtbdasy. Ater e social ôrenlng, lighCt' erembhments ver, a.rved, ater vbich the. campanydispensed vishing lin. Ede many hiappy rturas sud votlng M. sud Mnm. Rd. deligltinl ntertainara. *Itsa 'ou lufte à %4 61 You sesut a ramedy iliet fiii Dt oaly gpve qulck ralief but affect s prmanent cure. Xqp vent a remedi that viii relier. ~teaigeaasdkeep eaxoucortio aemiw. x4q vsut a réesy ulia viii Wto tols*et ni tead.aci tavani VàU veut a rmedi that la pleassua C~bb«ale Congli Remedi meets 4W ait tisse reqairmeuto sud for the épeyadpermanent curaeaoftad oida atm"vithout a peen. Fore"l by P. I. Loveu, Ubertyvile. C. B. Clark visitad la Buningon, Iowa lir. F. C. Bledertedt sud daugliter hired vialted lu Chicago seeral dais let veait. Mn. sud Mn. A. Lapp of Chicago vlited vith tihe Deckiniger famliy aven aday.k Tb@ C. E. taplc for Bandai evenlag "Thé Danges ai Indulgence," Pnav, 22: W-.85 (Tempenance tapie) W. F. Cayell leader. Mnr. Fred Pamsonq, oi Chicago, avsnt Satunday vith ies ister, lir. E. P. The C. E. 'soclety bld a business meet- Ing. Monda alght et ithe home of F. R. Rceebro. A social tins faoivng. 1 J. 4. Gims gwha i bas atravelling John Th»au anlathe lty liondity, Leat Wodnseay the",ewova "saiof stocik ad tarinmechlnemy .pthe Jet Jaha Strang feranôwo ovasby, is. jagsatrang Mitchell. li. nsd MMr. Bock are -houge111 keeplug inliMm. Matiieva cottage. WM, Crimin a lasbonglitthe Stak- vealiewn frfmeiy knovn as lIe Scotch Siitb tarn. Mr. Cimîn vini @nonli tide tee.. Wmn. Whte vill have an -aeton. sèes ai stock, etc. Navamber 14. '- -1, Mn. Trotter viii reta to'>Eaauaton tuas veoitetr a long vint lera vit h ne ,ehidren. -Carrne Baten la in Evanmtn for tva weeka. Clans alird retururd hanse Monday alter a veel's viit in the.ecty. 1 Richard Thaia Jr. ai Oak Park, vialted bb cousins here a fewv daysll est weeli. Mma. Pautail visited in Waukegan vith Mrs. Dr. Tonîbaugh lest Weduesday sud Tbursday. Mma. Frank Kennedy inited a nuniber Of Young Peuple to dinner Sunday to beguile the weariness of the day. Tiiere wvas nu dîureh Sunday eveiing uwing to the mrin stor-lu. Mc.. Geo. Strang anîd fr,,. John strang are expeeted borne fron Kansas titis wepk. Mane Trotter, ai Evanston. cain-e up Saturday to -ce.the îîewvlittle Mar-garet eit ber brother Joli's,. bmrs. Cept. Poil"- k a keepng bouse et bie, aid home cfoi, lier son ERiuer. whose ivife asud elilidrenl are li Flonada for the. winter. WeV. Safford ies in Waukegan last Thur$day. Do Dot b. deceived hy counterfeits w henu hny Witch Hazel Salves. Tiie naine È. C. DWitt & Ca. le on every box Of the ,geuie. Pile. ina their wonet orai ii @Oon paesaja if you vu apply DWit' itchHsel Salve aigbt and morning. Beaft for Cuta. Burnns, Balla, Tetter, Eccema, etc. Sold by ail druggiat. ROSECRANS. M;es Elaie Braver spent lat Friday sud Baturday vith Margaret NemitI. Mn. R Moe was entertained aven Suaday at the. lame ai J. str&han. Misse M. E. Lei atteuded the. meeting a1 - tiie Nartbera ilinaje Tmecler'. association In Aurora lte.k. lilasNorthrop,, ai Lakte Foret, vu et haine ier Bundai. 1N.B. sud S. Welch, of Chicago, splent lut Sunay vlitlng ruitiv« em __ The Biat set vil mee t e iclnnik eveny Wedaasdy aud Saturday euulg antil tihe entertalametit vhldlijeas ta ie place Novemiier 22 at the. Rasecran chon'b. Mr. sud lim. R. Kelly .end Fraak Sciiever, af Wadsvorth; speut bot Bandai vlth Mmr. Kelly. fater, lin. Pender. A Cougb Bîrup which drive. a cald outef tiie ysterna by actingas a eastlc on the bovels lea atted in Kennedy'a Laxative Haney and Tan. Clears tihe ulrost, strengniiena tih loupgeasd bronchai tube.. Tii. mothen'. friand sud the chidrn's favorite. Best for Croup, WhOOPlng.Caagb. etc. Sold iii ail drugaiséta. LONG GRjOVE. Miss Aima Krnegen ha@ returued to LaieZurich alter sipeudlng severaldays with reatives lu tuis vlclity. Mise olive jtuenther hd tii. jlea' iSttelling a concert givea hi ben former music teacien, Miss Clark, 0f Chcago, lest veek Fnlday. Mmr. and lim. M. E>lher entertalned Mr. saud Mm. Jeimerdiager, ai Barrng- tan SQudài.ý 80uk Patvas la Llbertyville- au busâness last aturday. Awuut Frae le aaeltingliis brath.r.n. lawv, StOPli eg eer, witli lis fel] vork. Wiii 8teling liasrauted thi. Oea. Kraeger tainfora tarnin af yeana. John 001n0, B., of Aptaklsiec, apent Baturday sud Banda vith relative. .liera. Misse Minai.KnUegsr vasthe gout 0( bier friand, MisaCUM ~Ksller Seturday sud Bondai. Andev Stahi lanliavluk. liahoua. treated tu a nev coat ai paint vhiCh improvei the. appeanance veyn ch indeed. August Meyer and famili eajoyed a ride in their nw uvsua mecean sd vlated relative. et tPelatini.. CountY supenltendent (*Gin imade e pleesat cali t the Schulia sciioil Srecenty. linM su di eu. Ensut, ai Wàu- couda, vstad vitb relativeshmlierls Bandai. Geage Elselr l l &tg hise mcl, "lm~t Elssler, vltli cana lueklng. Mies.Rails l-sie - &-t a-. rsipar T h h ~ s~ -t W oeda the h* e d uium te reoh that CI" $s of kit aut000 t5*.Itsplu ,yle0 ton in the. rural éi- rdilu 47,rterthIl sn oherpaler l in . coury. W* ish eut I',!i1liai oflitems t. e oldwbore aton b 1 are SAn Auction sal, notice In the Indepen ict maan aa HIavlgdecisdtu quit-farmlug I1ii Palnd Chias buer, lilwenked g"ain sali aipulçatonon the. Henry harlsate orV MW~no, -grain «cité and Lahmas farm, ku.qwn n e ii. uHub- toute, sulky plow vith stubbie sud sod JiN ait oe sd one-hait mile. veet bottouna i&e tra alisae, 8 wslklng aFare coan sd uortb froni Lake pnke, 9 cuftivatora, pulveriser, 8 drap., Zurich sand about fonr mlle@ soutbeast of mowIng machine,- check raw corn Wauconda on Tussday November 14, planter, 8 wagons, 2 of then i rggsd for 1906, oommenelmg et 9 a. m. tiie folow- hauling sIlo corn, bob sied, set ofhomrae, )ug preiiilrty: 80 head of cattie, 4 cava &bout 25 toqs of liy, 25 acres dora la vitii easl by aide, 15 beavy apringers @bock, large stack of straw, 800 bu oas, bala.nce glvlnu isilogie comigning a 35 bu vlieat. Vouai terme. FebrnlarY. ba~y work home wt 1400, H. C. LINCOLN, Prap. blaek horsee wt 1200, two colts corning O. VOGEL, AUCt. 4 yrs aid, bléck colt 3 yrs old wt 1200, black colt 2 yrs aid, two hrood mafes 12 Havlng declded to move to Wlsconsin yrs old, 2 bay colite 7 nios aid, 14 hoga lun the uctnth ndrind ilse lf nt veiging175Iba ach 29shoas, 'bo. Canlette far 2% miiles northwest Poland Chin boar, brood sow with 6 of Lîbertyvilie, sud one mile at of pige, 8 brood s0w.. , ilwaukee binder Wright's schoonl house., on Tueeday aealyDry Mcornictmawr nar1 Nov. 14, 1905. beginuna t 1 a. m. Der].DWMoorii(,- noernerysharp, the followlng proet:I o new, MCormick 10 foot self dunip 2 ~ rs iles rmoa rvo: ei horm e hy rake, truck wagon. tuilli during winter, 3 2-yr-old hoifers, wagon, InnibÈr witgon nearly new. reiistered Durhamn hall a 'crs aid. sprlng Oshorue corn binder. 2 walking pîows cali, pair brood mare. la font bv (Grays- lake Percheron barpe, work horse. 12 yrs nearly new; sulky cultivator, set gravel hid wt- 1100, three yr aid raId ired by planks, 2 sets harrows 1 neariv niew; bey Frank Thumias Frenebgoaebharome, two mc, 2,sets wark haumess, fanning luili, year'old colt sired by Cater's Tili Top, cornplater grnd sone seder po atomukiag colt by Giyslakeo Percheron cagr plaxatan, liad stan sleede, lpataolhorse' il hogs avereging 17,j lt,s, 30 diggr. hovl powbobelegbbhyfo ibens, '25 tonle taile ba3,30N bu ri'e, 15(' aud pulleYO, sulky plI., . utter neerlY hbu.iiOice IhIndi oat, 401 buebhoice wheat, aew, wateèr trough, 5 muiii cans, 8 barrel 700 bu car curn, lare (uantity of cura gslvaaixd tank nuriy newe.... tus w, 'AcCormi-k crn galvnize tak to. lureter.Dee in ower. bey rake, lame hay la barn, hysaciv erso Champion Girain Binder ho.v rack. carna gnown la bill and cnt ~7inder, bay lonk rope and pulleys, 100 bu white aa, and & y u'ther pulverizer new. sulky plow. 2 walkiag artil-a oo nmeros tomenton.ploya, lever drage. 3-borse drag, Janes- artile.toa aînrun tu entonville sulky cultivator, John Deere walk- Voaia ternis. Usuel lunch et noan. îag cultivator, walking etiltivato)r with A. onN Prop. thisile liaiveo, surrey. covered buggy, HLNE'ny SEip aud WM. PETERS.. .tc. inanure truckisad boards. Doisy. Gale Cura planter, seeder, 4-inch tire wagon Haviug rented my tarin. 1 will oeil at with double box, milk wagon. whee public auction. et my plac,. forierly barr w, tank heater, grind atone, oickle grae,2sta double bernems,, surrey maya a tii.Haines tarai,.2 mile@s hra. .t single harne«ssnew, pair. uorthve.t of Gara.., on Tbnrsday Nov. 3-kaee bob siedq aew, 800 lbo scasie., 16, 1905 comameuceing et 1 p. mn. the. 240 Ibo scal"s, 3-plece hed roani set, folloviug ProPertY: 31 well bred yearî- booki case, extgnsion table, Jewel gs.o- ill ê1een, 2-r od tees, wll lia.Un store. potato digzer, DeLavai ingstirs,2 2p ad tees, we bedSepanaton espacit.y 600 lbo tla perfect ealt-, 5 brOoad ars witb b0al, ail 'condition, 25 gallon chura ,butter heavY velghts s&d fine mare.; 8 veani. varier, 37 yds iagmian cerpet, 6 kitchen lng colt@, 4 Mad*ng colt@ aIl trou m v chairs. Donetiice.veing machine; youug mares, e booaboien Coiiy dog. Usuel terme. mars,6 boa Baa,58 @hosto B. J. MÂDOLE, Prap. thoroughbred Çlsster white boan, W. H. As'PLE-r, Anc'. NWPORT. VOLO. Lat Frlday t»"eç".weoe two fanlerai. lilas Kîttie Dowell spent Moaday la et the Mlii Creeli Catholie church. One Chicago. vas, that of Mm. John Ffgan. of the A. J. Frost, oi Chicago, spent Sunday sttesB»neand th. otiien the fluxerali of home. lira. Jesa.. Fart, of Graylàke. Benad . . osin oC(hlcago, vlsitad IMgeurge Mitdlei'e sale on laiw Wedne*- home foik" Sunday. day vaa veil attended. evervthiag oeil- E.ilepetM dywibfenaa mng weil escept thie corn la shock which 1E.Mll oet cauda.hfiedsa brought but Il cents the. shock. As aen. sains oi tihe shockg cantained over two C. G. Huson and son Lee., ut Liberty- bugielsaifcarnathie prie vas very low. ville, cslle d on friendsaet Volo Saturdsy. William Whte lian rentad bis fatn and 'Misses Gjsevleve Effinger and Frances wiii holg ansu eatoNov~. 14. Dae,, ut Wauconda, speat Sunday in Vola. The. rural mail boxe. lu "tua a.alitv are being aumb.ed. Paaaubiy thesatl)ils France& Rolng, of Round Lakte, numbers wiii coule net. spent Suuday bha.. Ed. Devin aud George Oiiarefflhaw MimesaAnna Mllerand Helien Raymnond sold s nuinher W. fat steens ta Ch, -lvie GraYalake ellen Ba&turdjay. Browa, ai Gurnee, laut vaek, Dr. i'ullen and Henry Maiman Jr. af eauconda, ver. Voio cahiers Friday. No'Pobisoo aOssffli&s COUgh Medames Albet Rauglit and John RoMUIY. Waiton atteaded thequsrteriyconference Fropi Napier Nv Zelaad, Herald: at the. M. E. ciiurch at Wauconda laet Two* years ega the. Phannacy Board ai Ssturday. Nov South Wees, Australie, Whans analyste madeaofait thie ough med icines li-e, James lMurray, oi Mdfienry, la that ler ts s le ain meshaont<fut i viinlg friands 1lis tuaieity. tbbîatre et b d= obw bas th" tbs eired liai Ouf' di fr MM i Henry Stadtfleld lias opened bis uev Cimu.TiLs ei.pU<>. vas Chamber..1 barber siap blie. 1 a Caugh Renedy, mode b-Y tii Mm««r.Lusu ad Wlington,, ai Chamberlal in Mdielse Compa~, Des-RonLae r eetVl alrs Moinot. Iowa, U. SILA.* . »éabisence. o n atvr ecn oacle aiW naioties UW" 1tuila-ruedy the. Mr. and lira. Everett Stane, ai and'sud b at eau ho- e hd; and It waucand, dlted, Mn. Stone's fathen, lI'vth5iOI< fiCWtit t~ Mr. C. Potter tant Baturday. Chamsrlas'aauul Esiodîo.amclal 0.GB. Roslng lias m9redhis famiiy and raeoaemed i h erker fo ~ oui..hold goeta Round Lakte, viiere rahliiy e fo sas byF. B LOVLIthey viilréei e i.future. Uber>yulls, II.Peuple oi ibis cammualty ver. aURNES.sarplad taelies, of the.deatliofilMn. James Dyewode iteVu lir. Dzon, oU Rumlel, caflsd on Poor Dojit vhodtle tti on uut relatives ble Tumêdmo'evening. aaa >lnll nduay Norember 5. The deceeed vas veil lir. aMd Mrs. Park Smth yen. Chi- Iknov lie Ulising lUved la YIn Vlfor a cao vistons Wedaesday ai the past aumber ai jears. veek. ' Do't forget the, dîme socialatihe R. W. Cbtteaden bilent Saturday at home af GuaaeTovas.ud Fridayevealag Third Laite. November 10. Everybody came. Litte Arthaur Hiovard le on the sick_______ 1151. Re-Ga Toute Laxative Ryrup la a piea- lira Fera Ingmam and lis Carrne sut Mud ettètsl aMedicine for leauaing Lyon, of Waukegas, called on Mir. and the system, regulatlfig the. liver sud lira Park Bîinitli Saturday eveulng. bavels, cure@ Qontvenese, Bllilouasse. Mir. Grgndey has been entertalniug bis ile*daclies. Lois ai Appetite, , Badl fatiber sud mother the. pa#t week. Br#esth, Beichlua, Dlsodemu and tle C. E,!Tapis for Nov. 12, "TIe Dangers Stomadli, Indeation sud Dyspepsie. 25e af Indulgence." prov. 23:2"5; las. 5 50o sud 01.00 batlie. Sold. by F. B. 22-25.' A . tomptrsace Meeting. Ser_ LOVELL LibertVllle. viagton Widdicanxb, leader. Croup la qaukl roeiedansd vliooplng Vincent Dvivaont.juylt s ti. oIgIal a Latle Huaile f <. laa ntheing fr Mr "r one of our ismall GAS IEATIERS make the. home- comifortable at ang hour. Verg clean and inexpensive to use North Shore (Jas Co. Libeutyvmle Offica: Kaiser SIock. f UTOIlINTY«MMTO RJDY IJSIC racay of.115 lsb'uctoors Many free advantages, such'as lectures, re- citais, concerts, etc. Pupile are now regist.ering, for tb-e second terni, commencing November 18, 1905 Ai the hbnasng of thiit' trm. a cdes, ander Eleanon .M. Denis of -Chicago, wili begin the aiamdy of Elocutlosi snd Onamatic Art, gtvtng pisys, sic. A epaçisi rat. lo offored and the ces wIll laIlmted .. The Conservatory' will be pleased to furntsh - any fnrther informnation. The homne Of Conseuvotorg OUÏ,*$ ail kinds of hedache and "tura4la. On. cpulg~ '? la g.n.rallY ausfilent t. telles. the Most obatinatsecausa nelvoub and .lck issedache. Thesa capaule do net coM- S tain eA"ypotion eorelaftea, Ouearete estio lfy you. la dose. 26c..lSent poatpald nm capt of pice. Our Assorment is Scranton liard, Planto Cannel, Sundag Creek lloMkng Valleyj, Winfrede Spiiot. Corterville Lump and Washed !gg Stove Coke. Special for 30 dags on Drain, Tde. FEED Of ALL KIID- Phone 47, 671 For CSo! Mornings and I3venings

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