LÂE00UT NDP ENFUAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1905 When Woman Talk about the good things to be hadj at tis store you may rest assured they know wbat they are talklng about. birs. Jones waï% dligbtod wth ont 33e coffee, told ail lier noigliboro, result, 20 new customers for that particular brand. Mrs. Smith was loquont lu her pralse of Canned goodo, doclared she nover had vegetablest'bat tastod so fuchIlike fre@ILi The fruit with the orchard f lavor and other items of the Telmo Brand Talk wlth us about your next or- der, we always pleaae. J, ELI TRIGGS 1 LIBERTYVILI.E MARKET and UROCERY ofatchomeurchan t wor soeauin rer for heon e stmyear.Bsde et You- Can Buy Cheaper watches, perhaps, but you cannot,.buy botter ones. Our watches are~ made to go. ANDREPW HUSS Succmer te Derby Bros.. WEAR for MEN, BOYS, YOUTHS Du&k Cornes Iroun51 up Me.". RiMer laterlined eut& Irom S51.40 up Me.'. Skeep lb.d Conts Ironi 53.50 up lâ.eeg 9usdVeste $2 and up MmddmmiwJdie$3 mund top MeW* Sweaters 45c and op A S io et.Sweaters bf og muiad Youths Meds. lieed Umderwear frons 40C Up A finefie of single aniddouble breasted wool and codtonu derweer for ladies and gents. A Complete LUne of Juse received and at prices Otaare riglt., le is the best ever show. i. Libertgville Corne in and Investigate. aLalItemis of lnterest to LibertgieReader u *Picked Up lieue und There Mrsl. John Croker la in St. Paul, Min. viiting relatives. btibe MATIN!! Mf!TING Ask Mis. Skinner wa h thiake! AT TROTTING PARK. about the (ld Medal flour that Colby - selle. Held Lest Sattu-day Afternoon R. lichuashale, of Long * irove, in, by 'Dr. Brophy lu Order te znovlug mb the bouse which ha reeently Gel Morgood"la purciised of Roy EUlis. IThe. List." Clarence' Flagg bas severed bis con-u nections vlth tiie firin Flagg & Soa, indLast Saturday oternoon lr. T. W. le nov vorkipg in Waukegan. Braphy, of the Fox Lake Stock Farm, George Eston hou Purchased of Will beld a matines et the Libertyvîle Trot. Warren the. aid Robrt Rai place5.Con- ting Association grounds with viev ta elderatlan la underetood ta ha $2500.I giving records ta soins of hie tast barns F. P. Dymond and Sylvster Wheeler suèh as b. raisn aihis Lake county leit tii., fr5et lishevsek for Indien Ter-! tarin. Thoagb the day n as cold a good rltory vibers they viii do soins prospect- crowd vas le evidence tu ses the borses. lag for land. do theïr vork sud Aorta as vel ao A v)sin le ing mode for the Dymond (Juray Nutvoad the culy two etarting ferm vs.t of tava whicb is te, ha ploed emily did vhat vas ouked.1 on sale ou a subdivision. The lots wiîî The animais veres tarted ta beat bca old lu ocre tracts. 3:00. Âorta, by B.d IHeart. danm MieMan Battereon thléieveenlng!Notion by Nutwood, malde the inile in (Thureday) give a cbafing dieh supper i 2:28. OurayNuad v utod ta the meinhare of the tennis lub wbich1 dam Marmora by Harald made the tins is comprised of yooag ladies of the! of 2:26%. Tihe fourtb 'dam ut Ouray village. i Nutwood in Black' PR'-..with more Mre. Warden Welle ot Elgin, i. taying deeditlste211lttta n 1mare liv ing ordead. lit the Wellsbhorne on Newberry Ave. Witb the opproacb of ch. uvld weather ducing the absence otf3Mr. 1Wlia who ie the brne.. season ber- î ractically traveling tbrougb-the wemt for tMarshall-lobaid. Exerciing and ouditîning the Field &Co. of Chsicago. animale ie ail that ca be doue Thé Misses Perrin did not mtart their frons Dow until next -.jring. Driver dancing clousalt the town baillabot Turner bas had mucb 1 do(luvith thec Wednesday igbt owing to moine iteb real succees of the string lis bas handledf la arrangemnent@. It im probable tbat thie year and bas the bt'b in band bu inattere viii ha satistactarily adîusted that by another year il will attrac-t la a week or an. even more attention than in the pilat. A defst in a tmog at a Rondout switeht causaid the electric- car ta îump the track RECEIVE FIN! PRESENT. at tiiet place lest Friday and severali Lihertyvillianâ vere torc-ed to count the Waukegon Emoînese House tie ou the car could flot be plac-ed upan Make.. Catholîcs CostlY the trac-k until tbe wrec-king crew arrived a couple utfIoure lster trom' Gîft Tierougie Inde- Highvaod. pendent.c D. A. Bosvwell who r"-ently arrived in! tavn vitb the intention of tarting tbe 1Lest Tuesday morning tbe INIcEPEN,- P. A Bavel BilingandPoeingcoi-'DENT reCeived liy express truin the Hein- possy bas evid.-n3tly changed bie mind as Ornetein Co., of Waukegan. a eompleteL hs suddenly iet a fev day.r ago and vas ladies' suit of broya velcet eton includ-L atervord. tollowed by bis vite and ing a bat ta match vitb instructions tua housebold elfecta. Hinl supposed to ha give it ta tbe Catholics for their bazaart ln Cicago. Nothiug le known of his , ta habeid Thanksglvinïg week at tbe plans far tbe future. Lihartyvilie tavu ball. The Ladies Aid society of tbe Metbodist - The suit le o piece ot cbariningf cbarcb le8nsakiag great preporations; for vorkmauship and very effective. Thea thaBazar ovplaantfo De. 7atfront and bock of tbe jacket are the taa n al.Alaknde forusefu7 a d idin box plaita vitb white vs.t fatncy artile. avehanepaed and sfectinle titclted 511k. The leg-e'-1 fawyartcle bae ben repredandmuttan sisevs.are cut un trS-qurter1 wili furaish many suggestions for leagtb, fInished vitb cufsand trlmmed1 Chriaunasture. Aruong the attroctions vith narrov broya .11k ctffles. The1 viii b..a bootb tnrniabed by the Ladies jce elndtruhu ihwie Haine Journal wbers subsoriptions viiijce .lie bogou ihvi. ha recesivsd. The National Biscuit The skirt le round lagtb laid la boxt company hmaséasured the ladies ofa pliste ta match the je#cket. The up-1 liharai donatien. Other iesturem la tnrned presid velvet bat hma braidedi addition ta the articles prepared by the. edge viti bands o! brovu bordersd vitht ladies may b. expectefi. yeliev about the crovu, caugbt davn Tii.nam of ran E.Wlrs 0f w vtii a glt buckle. A large brava The aimof FankE. ireof hisoetrlh plume complets.the affect. The1 place, eppeànrin le Eb. ofliae peakers, Te- viiole le very heantiful and le valued at cety lasued hy Jammm T. Cabreatii, @s probobly moe than fUt7 dollars, lhe. rtery 09e àii mricn Minlng Cogre s uit aion. birlglg about forty dollars.1 for tii. International meeting vbh -W Uli mmsureino and Orastein etated ta boshldtEl Pao. Nov. 14.18. lv. Wlrs the nm.usnuwr tiraithq' vlied ta vilspakontiis gublectof *9 ."Attiudegive tii. suit ta thehbouMerasaieOguil.c of Eaoteuncptl taWestern EntesPrl-s. tienof!tii.excellent trade viciitb.y1 Durlng tun.Deeiopmeat Staosand Hov hae beanurselvtng thi euestson Imm 9 tottractit." Mr.Wlr ie fornometime ti mty beau promlinent linmlningclrcles and la et _______ tiie prenant lime president 0! the. Sqmare Deel Mlnigsd Deveiopmenl cempony X ANNOUNCMDTS X vhlcii bas luerested coniderabi. local t tiie Methadist chureh, Nov. 12, the. capital le lin unidertakiag. pastôr yul preacb la the. morulng from Studente of munie sbould tekse dvaIL --Have ye Anyting ta Eat7', and le the loeso! lhe excellent courses. vblch lb.e veaing on "Stroug lMen" A maie Waukgan Coservatory 01 Maie le quartet vii render one or mares ee- nov eaablmd ta give ite pmplls. The tiens at the eveiag service. Prof. Kmr regsteilng et studente for the. second yull have charge ai the Epvortb Léeegue torm vich epens Nov. 18 le nov under temperance meeting. vay and an able corpm of inon linstruc- The Preebyterian Ladies' Aid vili tors places tth. new ichool au o par wlth inset vith lre. Kiirnîssl. Thuroday afttr- the betunaiversities a! Ite kled. Siace mon, Nov. 16. the firt o! Septezaber wb.n it vas The subject in tbe morning at the apeued il bashesn coatinualiy grovlug Prebteriancburc-b uext Suuday viii ha ander tb. management of B. C. Fulton..h iuse-aditeovinTe and the. direction o! Presideat R. R. 'The Witaeofsas' aiitheope.a"Ali Langbui ansd la sure ta farce itasî ll ii ae ningo aOet epd.i brontaoua musical echoal. On another aeitd page ofthIis paper viilbp fouad the The Lakeside Cemetery Asociation anounceruent o! lis coservatary. viii met vith Mrs. C. C. Bulkey -an A fev ulgbts ago engineers Protine Friday afternoon, Nov. 17, ta tie coin. and MacEenuie,,ruanng worktriso forte. The ladies wisb ta anaunce thel lb.C. M.elctrc, ad bad raie) dishes ieft at the recent bazaar may ha theC. M.élctre, ad h au ncalle- abtained tram Mrs. Farubain at ber ion at Rendout but as they were gaiug home. slov at the turne littie damuage vas doue. Thre accident vas due ta the fact that Java Wedding Oxtoml. ane of tii. racks vas oui of repair sud At a veddlag lu soin. Parts ef lava the trains vers uelng a single trac-k go- the. bride, ou a siga et her gubjoction, iag in each direction. Oving ta a mie- kusels and vazhes the test of the. uidsratsndlng o! ordere the tva trains bridegreoin mter h. bas troddea upen met ou lhe single trock vitb above rowege. reeit. Raod the engineere nat caugbt Watd mugit f eachotherlu tim ta reuce -n't you buy your nusate and fdgh ofeac oter i tie t reucegroceres at Colbys? You'd belter try speed of trains the. onteome vouid.have ihleul. MI letend ta close out iny business by January neit If possible. Nov la the time for ribiions, laces and aeck vear at prices tiet vili surprise you. 6-2 Mas. H. 8. Huax.auvv. You cmn apply maZan insîde. rigbt viiere the pain l. It le put, op là coilapaiblo tubes vlth nou aIsetacir- mmm lt mducug it. ManZmostopu PMle lestea nd miOUM sain k"ade0 blini, bslsg, ltshinsd prelrudlng pu iles ou -p' WILL Hà.oLKIj Librtviis QÂxz.xuPaÂmàfv. AT THE COUNCIL MEETING. 1( Maîrufituring Comspany. Mir. Gardner retaine i4 intereet un the Young & Gar-dner beit comupany and vOll continue in 'the manufaeture of ail kindso!fhlte. The uiot companY Wiil as nov occupi tise ground floor ofthtie factory building Oomilng EzIomildluS and tise bell Company rente tise upper ton oor for its uses, Both conc-erna durixsg Orot. the. cmtenaW ithe poay *M- and srnploymsnt la given a considerabie piosinle1M,0. Sdlla, lMo, &lwo« ybu nunihar o! young lodies and umon. on foot a proj.ct ta ces.tM'eiamlsfuri lMr. Hartray vini ""sme charge of the. l9 1M20.AxaSlaI 01 0 » h»ebaP-1 salè. end o! lbe duater businesssud a PoasiMseexposiuotion ta P5a5 ae Chîcaga office iihaop.ned. Yeu I1305, la clebtetm t the l*st essIoalal f Ib o(USD5~Wley do se meny peope te"a tOol- OODel~ by'h? Dos. tlrelrdsilvsry boyedeliver Go ta Colby's for giovms sud1ilmittens. the. goodu ot euce.-.di7 SOM e a sea (hoyau gloves 5 and 10 c-onte o pair. groceries.sud mewte. Men's Feit Boots Men's Hiats and Caps Men's Shirts and Ties Men's Fleeced Undtirwoar. Boys' Suit@ moul'.sho Duck Coats: Ouiy $450 The, Rea.l Cost of Bettiement Wlth Owen la City Attorney Durand's Statement. WILL PURCHASE AN AIR COMPIRESBOR. Last Monday nlgbt considerable huai- nosaabrougbt up before the couneil meeting the INDPENDENT being reprsented in order that its readers mighât be given a. report of the doinge of thq City fethers. Nonerous bills vere examined and allowed by the finance committee after which e report vas made by City Attorney Durand an the Owen case in vblch b.etated that thecity vas only ont $450 as e remilt of the settiement af the case. Mernbers of the council bad previouely refused ta, etats autborita- tiveiy tu, on INDEPENDENT reporter juât vbat Owen had recelved. Attorney Durand explainsd the motter to the council by saying that $500 had bpen placed in o Woukegon bonk for which a certified check b.d bseu drava in Owen'@ nome. At the trial the, attorneys for Owen announced their willmagneesto accept the saine but the village demauded that the cost of the suit be deducted froin the amount of the cbeck. This was agreed upon and owjnflg to the fac-t that the hire of Attorney Colby. for the village. and the court expense. could flot be definitely figured it vas agreed to allow $100 for this pu rpose. The suin of the check, $500 was drawn by Owen -ho in the presenca of the attorneys for both sides returned the hundred dollars tu, Attorney Durand. Later it vas found thst the cos ts of the suit to the City vas but fifty dollars; bence the entire cont of the settlement i but $450 to the village. The tact that the suit was brougbt up and a finding of flot guilty returned relieves the city of ail future liabiiity iu the cae. The Sewer Proposition. The sewer proposition vas agoîn brougbt up and the wide differecee between the figures of the city engineer and the contracture who had flgured on the job diecueeed. Itappears that the village bas beea unable ta get bide within several tbousand dollars of the. figures aliowed by the enginser whsn ha eubmitted bis plans. The cause for this discrepancy la stated ta, ha thot the engineer falied. ta take lntconslderatlan the tact thoît the wark vouid have tu ha carried on through gravel vhich woold be ]fable to cave Cauning the work ta ha daugerous at&tai ures and making it necessary ta vail the aidesof the. sever as the construction would procsed ad froin tthe tact that tii. workmaa vould ha compolled tu dig standing lu voter. The main sever according tutihe presat plan ta, the Woolrldge trac would bae sta h aeoet e deptb of tun et. This vould neceésitate the iiendiing of the dfr t tro. tinee tu bring It ta the. surface from the. bottom of tii. diteh s«ainst the hiindiug o! It once lin e six toot diteh. This &"M mach ta tii. ost of the. vork snd t"i.practlceiily of glvlng dirt ta a&l vho voulihe"! à awsy vas mentlonod ln hofse tiie teamaters and proporty ovueins night &id lentthe renioval of the. extra tour boet of a part of tho job lieus groatly rmduclng the. Coattof Construction. Th.ee"ton tract vas agaiu hrought up heforo the. contil, the matter etilà helng le tihe nde o! e committso vhlch wiii mûk, e report upon Its advaatages or dlsadventages but It s.emed tu be te. feeling of the. councitii te .motter wonld ha dropped sud the. originel plan carrled eut. To Buy Air comprosser., 0 wing ta the tallure of tb. clty weli ta flov ln proper quantities ta keep the reservair et the. voter vorks fiusd it v as declded ait tihe the meeting ta buy a air compresser and the lire and vater commilnee vas dlrccted ta, buy the. machine fer Cash, la order ta pump the voter v.n needed. HeutgesandYoung vers instructefi ta prepare the cament b.d for the compressor and ta, get ilthe engins bouse in readiness for its 1installation. Hoit Comnpany Reorgantaed. lir. (leoige Hartray, af Evaneton, and until rweetly a resident of Libertyvilis, 9with W. C. Ilolt thie week purchated of 4.H. (6. Gardner hie intereet la the Finit Collaro> Tennis Petticoats Ladies' Wrappers Ladies Tennis Gown .FOR -MEN- Ladies' 5111< Lined Gloves. Stjxffed Pin Cushion Forms Infants' WooI Leggins Chi ldren 's Underwear M. B.Colby Mercantile Co, Phone 219 Uibertgville SRoyal Blle Rilliers * Thoro is a puroa df rne.inluubboru, but mauottoflt ii thofr appoaranco. Second look tho ammo as»ittqualitios. Tih. name on bbttom laithe only guide that tell& pu CdCucdç. ti bd ,ud ad nS1 But thora Io one brand that In the exhaustive U. S. gev- ernment teste of the lest two voeu. h berna fownd supere $t& SELZ'S TM RUBBERS Trhey caMrud off th&eemament contracte. Uncle Sam alwaimbij' the. bout., Do the. saeanad buy your r.uuiers et --- -FRED w COKI3R w**- borcat Talle- il elut>Issorment o01 aiN uaN < for 1a11 Wear at your biMpaI. Libertgvile, F. P. DYMOxD, Pres.. Q. W m oza. A. Wuow, Vice Pies. à»S Keri LAKE CO. NATIONAL 13» CAPITAL 10,00060Ô If Yom onte a bmnk account yen vi» bahve a natuwa à aid pride o mnake it a« largo asmiD ri New Suitings