lav. b sbien etulvt tbrataed wth b lnlasstorl 80~u.MMeviatlSproved. n fommnesWlson ni Belot ,i, 1aet Iiia"d mm. C A. flavIk lïM part c i t iqeit at Mllbnra @wte~ ou, Dr. Jeislon, ofU tha;t p. cha. Oal ba bein bavlng ýb&la wovedtii week to tiie lot to bis bom ewbleb b. purchaed for ý prpaee iome tufmea. im Vbtietie Deithora, who bam bisn tig lthe vtii.'tern states. rtwrned Altday eveuing, snd iqunis lier lion with the finit Mànuuaet'trwfg iarriage licenie was Ilnued in Chi- a o13 Tupaday lit to Otto Buldwiu 9thei M. Harvey, botb o Lberty- r. 41 aldwin 18 iring un the C. 1% tP.,rtilroad at prSibt. MMWe Bohm bas ,eted a ey s#d ho rear of ba'biding oa good loe freime appearauc .e. The. job vas >by *peelalpormwcion oi tbe board SoUOd Table Conféenitce of county tet.islp oficera ot.the Couuty 10*"Asocletiieutl ha. hld W Mailot cbprcb Frlday svenilg. ty gr -more are expected front ou fiar'. otheiicotutr. bie delvinr a lgt wagon contain, 1 w#~earà nmater", ebeinglng to umK Dçou. cflerai déj. agl 'raab îe*o; to give a little girl1 !IO448a.ride: A cii. wuslget MPÏ.*wagon tie borie stsrted u Mer nm a e, mimld ýsut er home uàsmit. ary' Î.a im J.. d.laI fi tii231. ee W ot i *1. tvaek thep La, uLU *hter bau"'. OeuePla wbo 1%t. uaûd rtood yul vDpélMF oORoUti cium lItttthé M$Îlt l bacw sienltély of the. play .11.1 mw» et 1»taexeluelveljno otiters bjsct hila 1.llghtl. ordipy Seoab&aiatbe tbc ae ..[motion "d buioï'ý h ý a P Haosi -r Girl" whbhcoumtst UMWbt Ti",,,., %Wankegsn, UaiuudWNov. . mustin... ail evning. Tii.pyian lu M etity 3lna a.low O baiuo" ht la quitnobstructsi bY à"aityrvrmmosfor the possblithêattd le b«M d scUmvly ulon ltete. inveet in la tC.t to e .Tbt,litouulier Oirl" and you wiil. be riclls uwarded.' ..The Rajahl(if Blong" wbich i yulb. «peu at Sebwsrrtz Theatre, WVaukegano SataNovember llttb enla t ti *Prvicesot aut nneual umpbsiof lêvr people. Promiost là tii.Vaut la Mamie clmore, a b autdscue and stmt.l brouette and a ciever and neceomipld aLti-ese. Theai tiere e prttY Lucy Buigee', te tiraclous lttle soubrette, wbp bai heein l ima »P"auclO lotiti pit t. o esmav, viiere Oiii. uAbi tarare wvttblier datxlmg. A. C. Borgms the Wel-kîîuwu «Xcentl'lcco'sdlau la a teature 'u thte eut and W. Et.-Bow bau a part ln whie b lis mier t16le tO @eor.'. Tii.producton'la moWdolrcnJ staged. mnuusy laviug bem 9 sPt uti a lavIie baud! for*Wà equipunent, and tii costummes M eaos»ptianally coeils and heautitul. THE NEW I01 'RIU- "t labo dkftO1w fr om. 01 4.m ih alet bWou.foai t dJi mabl wuvic auxtw gs -»ho t,l. vi iiin la rbeth*-rio W-gai M4 e*làcola ve 1 J i u~s et bu MR vll~e, 24. 1r thea Voi bwms u$-tu 0 l la a0fare t6 met WoU ué dIMMjiaet . uve"YM où 10»k for lamotber.", a .A Stery Wlfb a Moral. The htollowlng, ihers amotil.clcy u.boWnn, le tt t!n romnan.*eha.get Recentiy a cbuhneongregatlon là a certain villageM ut a mevbouse ai, worsbip. , To pal for. 14 tIeJz vire obdlgd to ml on themspeiiaate of tIti coaimunity foir donaaioos lt erciianta roponded brall sud *0 va*» raîwm màfr " t ma oute. l» .lu$S mmi %oi to e bil. a Ioh Blt aie*ule. "I viligive * vou wuIiiltý ou dd iào"etiagtoti.'iieILo Bet a l.'lh e ulwios wu socorisi Mm Md I ha voteaathe&tsof john Imultit .PO Sials, RBomuOb oo......00 Montgomery Ward Aca....00 obardop4opbiiiatpoint ina the mînhoter rend Itom tii. ulIlt tbeIM.l of donorls to tii. building fond. aad ima te dedildou of tii. ehortit ter. bave bi e 1v"mi or.lrent ont fronst tiat Sarngaiot vs Olailvari. Tii. Barrlngtoa iti! onmila big'N'it10 Ioçelmtla bs catà cemi ins ppun.Tiat cilvrl mi situase <tlgqi.iprpetatei upon aawly pïwrke ilO ~~ ~~tud t. rii«« hltu Wm m i Moh M"i Iasosat i"soea -neogshii lai ~ ~. ~ aid te th iss ev lyfat. tie wSm~ bat Uh~Musmàove tii dwovq. '44auup"p>saw Mrgul Mfstlsg 'Se lord ffl" à* wbild to. aibd ntret.glb oitu wmai ma 1 1a@dim o the tg" Co. shw,iirsat lu MUItbe kwii.wira sessary toa .11the moles bm 1ea U- Au hsorwgo vim 6wS. ome. b UV&l -l~lUvaisesouioa~.e Ithi gîgtue teu *Ith t0 wer v-tu, sget a raeu MofuUi.probaby mn alvm ppste 1 titrir vives. Tii. l=e j'onate use auî lisésCols drop. ,corner &çadwdicuss b aitmoft freedontwltii 1 vbouxch.b. d ott t f tithe «oD. "it Ï bëçaklngap<vftb e lntendednmrnai pte bb.anj'thlug Îat ber tanins .a" ae and nrrylp, -ore qHanustrtly. vitea Wi, yen abould bave Mn NUt..Bette. riad d list beklnd, au va xer anoetue.te lunch- rbody Iooked verJ' env. Me absuffdht of the. truci nu. Wiiy co" ptarriod propely? Ne îpctedi te ber marry- Wartist if ah. chose lck " on iimr %ut bavrebeam a terri- ,km iier boaban tuai- Lt it bains - . s er go me m tt à@-S rvillabi hui <I "WI. dose mi le cm lftaa-maii ber A Tai. ai lin vpeM q~ lêcail meg,,ga vorei~ vomia Litai "ani £ an - ai~,At i altal *llo jor uis.te the. lette,. 1 ton oie 10Pari. ises witt ii. thei rîacà»sefangd Ppupla the. New Tu, Viap*i!aim sé. ?s£lumu mb ave the àmo bere ed .vlag i GSfroy ced Mi-es (slg:et -t, Wigwam. Fo oë- MOUl Icked t hMs %tt ber «Me bràmi"«ag vti totis$-.but abs ditd a M* .0 ie i n attéempt tu op"al Ka teck ber bau la ilm la i hclOse "Yeg monet makirtome plausible av- c- te SbitG.oeY fermcar pt ie- pow i ls the qaoralug; or, bitter «Siti 1 wm Wbies #ow'tov.ib eubn vilta te 7"e trusParia, if 1 tmay. Anine'v, bsfore i, mer goo4-Megt. 1 muai ive Yeu titis -letter. I tulved It Lv. dan cagg front Dc«orut. I1 hmvh i WIipluie YOu. e t" 1 Cresmpondeularli; no i euhl kiep yen postai ap la bis mens- mmeat. tJeo'iy.,mSt tre homuat litti frleb&dY Sbe Mt, sehift but, holding Jack's lattela hWber nituýberig bI. noseVary falatir, la thodita .ai hi exeiid himiau ivth tàw=- Qle t'fttWaail faterauj venlselpgho, It lad bap- mi .1eild t ls.wtbah. bai bren.ght abpM th e ti. ola pwmpofe ho-lmg mv. Fet Jaci. b"i miei làa90 Mndicea-a* d mlsttimon tii.e«pilàns PMt t.e is vifé..a".logerv hic mu. èp9ne 1vosi ta h* ilmt et ber aivioe, ta!, ±b h dnode<utgaimlh dm *44Pdli.g mqnutqd. thé vIdeitma» M7 wis1.iasP la Ibouait e"haoet is Se*W m a"i ow t lapvMlL M ia la qaluentao *.q IWO liý." hab ue t tbe tdttlq ab la the *1mB' .6 0*mu utc wu têa a a stroa ob tfi or m»iaglaihope ami dresai. a duimot ieâv vabuit h. vlsbu a gykeov 4hu1 b. ament aido what ha esWe te but hic dutr. the. nie ho. t omle lahlb Whlle tusm sina tovethé e u h v*» brovgit bheci teta'Pre" sabhyti sight of bisWl«Meitailg by la. eop-i pagwtth siVerloie. nfIoli 'Wd by'a vgroom. Paulim p a hood giively h.bu na iis 1 o«..bada"ii'mzist U' Mit sot -hrou oisa Mv wd hW baebo hic. 'f f ut. bi neyer âlicv, ai the, Io .et rief i tuvd Liii vom, aÂâmiieeut et ther hsdrtl Mnelsscd $"Ut *a miwiub.d but ai for aibo c e * c 0 e e_ An hmnlite,, Pllln<va.tés a ove, bits vlt.'à poor rabuibai, lat of the .fllt tl bteti la tii. Dola de Bo*a. Igun.. Ski iiad béen tbrwa ubaa gi on. tam i-iuu ëgo!trnaihbu&-' ct e bg. Re le. vis v ferevma bad ions thus, saéni 1 U"maie mm mli ta do se ion wi*tii.l Étiis 1 woul tUy lte ve y7" «>m vepl te.- I bAi m nuit te ha hPOg-ftÈl m-viwbwl mdhé-b- limil ktO.or yoma rer Bras., Fme..wu ili.g i* u oie i tb h LIbeftyville COeleDecemm- 111 b. given seven t4lttoflor unti U1. treprice.of thiL Thius hlown mae t, m « éon. M dvcS4 ealu, Md ~I as Dmiamnousiltuai a ils *tl d'Mdltor l o.emt oetIaabd PM& ta bani ef Lora% 0O, vbleb talai Iil uMat8 Iob a £ onmmn.e. a dalry ts.-ad te icot tromNt evTtsakon, WL, mm t ut ti Matblatha uinadlosi a&of- *4.»J tim Wbionla ltae navaiUit îiaU ac st maison. Spr.iig rail. mnm be iid«alW naà meuoth6 ~teu4ar au4 tva mailm- es:d -e« a est-bouni Mmoi PueS im is a« ur kfrlSoo, o., sena P!rgWa $wu cagirl.vra M Iarat audei, TItI io aop «maating to aboutP lffl VUa ~V1 drdetucii&i &lesvbklh ut éd the pd e *M" tryhhoybulding t Uommad «M. Md Essala strea, Biookjym Triai LvCs., éet meomuap. w5hý habo vus muidirui WiLa irltugio" the itati Msia fi* .boum eaidas It. " w» . lit aaalaamio.« __ qair ula i ulIac'mluD