1*oi fton te** its imne te -thik about gour. new stove. We Stewart and Aconit LUne Aog kWfsid tsoves for aàg'kindý of fuel. -G3ive us a Cou-eue,- ,IANGKBO. THIS 1941905 2lithoBIH Pt PIDDIC K MARM Kaki, Dhck. ,Mlw"smsAvamn. lioe,l tO 1l. m 1toSad 7to DL .L..TAYLOX eoil.-7 t1010 a. ta. 2 10 4 mai te 1Sop. um. cedmuoo Doeiwa, opo.Pat. m D . iGAU.Qwà%<. goun-fra *1 te 840104 S p..M& AT1'0RM &t.t? UU. un DNN5Ou. Im ~ 012 a6. a I15P.. DÂtom OoolgMuop- -[l part the Tas veen 4hhN.,Z" nCitj uonol0dug ar m aos lu Mexicof time. , Tb*. Party lea80W gatbbrlng lua' oictorlp, MWd vo shah lea Taempkco on Itonday or TuWadi JObh.could flot liudmrudthife uali the.prmmet i~ siutuatio crotefl by Ile abéoa e..Hor thym. emem frtmuaS. 0F roisdtg unda ecrlmge for tlaeref.toonr*wu"lm I IIl & the wddingputty, Mdl »ne latinSiie hn thé roster ofaico ED.~ome *mitber tien d"lithie cmmofly, on the Huliug bunuoa" fDe I* ehther mm of the. nuptialomowooneuv.b nt-- lne of j9a ond it'aplace ot GmbohUoafor. ieBesil vd aith fian ffl dle of br.bu is w bot 10 UYW mlio e th*âta~ '4*&sortwte imtt 108&,l. boqee of on. ol Mr.nis .Four * "Oh 115<IaeryP&inmtuy luecagruefa "d wai tvsh" ht ai ~U N. s I . r__ ts, e«, u itmet sud lmre iio~ t mM, 1Wl4iSibe vM"i.0MA bU. IIIythe I g olsou ret p na f tlun d bok o-benuaig fft. sud m up»seyb ________ __ arund p tlrc~o of fie roe,8 -?ittan:h at. oudl. A tInd. el". gsct . i la lii r*" Btm gtm twue fao than o vbaoeer, fi e ni a rt ui ho f05CoI~u~4*iws ng of HoathB.,~nngtai V t..~ymns e eatü- Ui 10kelsaeste Supon eti.chage ntomi4 I nds o it..Mîwth A14 of la vtabm 014 en Mtleman m apldel nlifor Mthe.opoln elautiv of die »0» Ahb 09«U f ly.theo n oersons ricaropm te l tdetmaon Wu lhaiflI'aiR b.is thoravas îv et e au à»tu tMiioegr K .rig t'ý btq, tah sgee, oupe raths'e net r ola 'yii. un AetabetoPrvot r. hre aietal ol ie r«e nteceo latouloluw.mt i nv.g IIlm hlsdeeri-U t MintinhWtiemreal eruetly ce m ami gm , Su<*-wthout AVMit.evidence 10 subatate the ailegs&- rloy o i.vil i for thie tion, but au appUication ia l» mine<l- 1 actually a sort0of ceaubli bai tb. City sie for ay, aLnti mil on Wedn.eday aftenuon ln the Ward Linea. toier *Seneea" for New yort.,eviavama. Tb* cire-tbat ban been exercined in conction wtth.Zlon'a business bas n- quetali la timportant modificatons of oui origiWalpiao, and Mon han been saved Iront mach probable ls.. It ili onot b. vise tu diocloee pulilrI wbpt bas been doue, wbp.t [and@ we 'bave rdequilbe, ud' wbat lande w. ettl ul omUntuILtB. ngit btinte hascorne. W. bave entirely given tp thei Gun- sales tract, but ve bulti options on about a million acres, and bave aiuýh ui'der uffer in Tamaaulîpas. i 1shail tend mny next meeage 10 300, God williag, front kHavane, and then froua iew York; and then, fJ<,d willii.g, 1 aai peak to you at the Tbank@givlng Day aervice la VuontCty on Novetuber 30. MY "eath continue» to imtprove, andl aIl the. party are in gooti bealtb and sopiriti. Muapelu.FiRMT APOPTLE. CLUB tIOU& AT rOX LAKE BURN4S. Tii. Coltambl Club, Owned by Chicago - Partieas àdeaîlued et825,000 Totally Destroyed. The. (Ogumbis Bouseà* i VrLake, vuel by (hbgo partieè, waa burued to te .m <ruI at Baaay-eserningbysa am whlch eaagbl atuithoof a09fthe UllUg h Boume UUki'ovui mander. 'nmak Cari»o, vie rame i lae.wilh bis family mmd a 1ev g« Isl ver. at au.khmt vi elèrve hl.covered. A bu" tibrigade a m m.diately orgaatu., but very Ntthold be dons to ebsek t tho hm wbvlàlbhad galu.l imilsue he-dr. Tiie baliiag ram tares st»"iss44bcotiued abouàt oeru »mml4 'va valudaI a §»,0"Wéod purdahi, »»mdo by in. i~ ~~ 04. -s~ih 54va e Wff of *b 0Oftui«D n iebunue M» affle qabd op m e i Inn«- maI et dm owmbmem quieldf ht .m.tnIiyiabumOal ha aisi. g-abem Bonttm.-MthouOg Columbum ,lRoi- Onme o tas aermtol W r@Ulatle. Asateir Made for th. appolalment of a1 Wenita of Bldere tnu& of North D.aahàun, vt., lnan aueamination 0f lte tovu dlerkm recorde guardhan on the. ground th&. iivi C olombo& Hullng, th. bride octogonarimahoa munir able 10 lisce e ii vole sUatui ,the;tamttuth Incapable of managlag bis ovnaffasire.sal obc vorta about $MMo0 manage hisMMova slr. Thie fact vas laid bare. Apparontllîte l01 mant Probîte Judge Carney selecting 0. N. Dlot belloved 10 ha an esagaura kt ProvOI 10 hi e mreenary relativesmand hiesflnoce bai outvitted the en-1 viien ho eueeemmfuIi overcume the tir*aramy of rolatlvem-ium Ileenuir as numerous Obstacles plaet ln lbis way leaumI, the ministter oeagogd. and the,- hy theim aldvedl e acYoung Maiu- grom-lect ouly avaitel tae comtes Dfe mn of hie chuies. --the. vould-be bride, Ifor t'fin al part Columbudl iiullg la st preeut n o f ta. amoroua chapter. hi% elghty4ret year, vhîîe hi. pretty Hov boat te, privent the dreaded bride, Mim Jenxae tifteII. a bloomlng ovant wu 1 thm question uppermost la Is, libabt lust jroenîr ceebrted the. mînds of tbe distracted relatives. ber tweuty-fourth blrt hday. Hllagag They boil before them only Ivo or taree neighbors are applauMlg hlm for his boure ithe utmnool, and vhîtever a etutrdY dellancoe ialeust every f<>rm tii bc doit. muet b. don. quiclcly. Rigbîr Of Opposition and lcarrylue ,vut bis ob-at thua point on. of tae kiwi of the- jemI stal. of Vermont .cil&S 10 their Whou the. aged brllegroomn, a wld- aid. It l thait on complaint a ower for soeril ycars, de,ded a shuort warrant' charglng Intoxication maY lime ego tait ho TIcde! autther part- Ise, and a police officor le empowereti ner t hocomplet.hebis "eh. cet tuserve tuis at any tîmo orplace *itîn his oe. aroufil for &,iiiitable girl. In- theJuirizllcllonvwhem'hbasauthonli. ateid of Youtalal ebariku to attract hem' Relatives CMot tWarroant. b. offered 10 ebare bie fortune. esti- Wthout dolay ta, oppisng rlative mated at 8200,000, vlth any Young huu'riml 10 lthe Office of a magistrale malden vbo vas vllliag to accpt hlmi, andtd ler. made oitb tait on cadi aaui and oS wbom, ha ipproveti. mach a date Columbus Hulng. of Nothl OctogenArlan NfItéHie Bride. 'Denaington, b.d been Intoxicated on ln Mortuest ho hs bai comne acquaint-'ta theie 0 f Benalngton. A warrant ed vlth Mils;Ehiseil, ànd two montas wo' mile out and given tu a Police ose ho relved tae joyous ncws tait offcer:' vii vent ln tae relative's car- tb Was Wililag 1 teke hlm. rnage t10 lhe octogenmvimi'& resiience. WiteIL a. orklugSWc, she ha mne Whiteleitxication la a mladomoanr, trace and C'IM et atanner. and in aud au OMM ercananatforclbly enter a face sod fiu gurel ta for masculine man's houge vlth a warrant for sach 0700 t0 gagesupen. LoMt a wisper ever a minor, crime, the Vermont law mottes bbase on herl 481MtIer chanacter, aU exception lu regard 10 Irunkennese. sud -ay 0f thIb m en ca0f th and the. BOnninglon policeman vmt di- tova aile&u uabesis ye lan ber Mrectly 11 Ur. 11911«% dWelllng sol directiou longs beofoe týb octogenarima aioilol hiesa*torty. largil eiUttmriln id before air EutrOatY w»aOf0f oaval, expostula- vision. U'mt wun mises. The police OMfi l I. Yet the leivtml aainwha Von berWU"statitColunmbue Huling shouli se- tonsen thfu "i la mchV ue m ho0Ôôpgy 1dm, and ho III, pathhtieany, fore blm basideso5 otiN rubig"u"gafg hbit etathefiettl houa.eviiore Je o -avlitly pýetit mol for. ho bal sntlclpatel,so mach happineme 47 Ths li tsapc the ta. g»it a qhe climbed b inate carriago ejforeu tIe MM96 WOMve. illiag 10 enter Into, thejOOr. la Imagination orne couil Hall;caubier of fi. Norh Ewwelnton 0f1aie brothere 4l0.esaUts, Aud viiu Muaoh n the tii.atutes almw«Ost erve CaPil witing hum a matioual hank,-for ta. pomition. lUr. eil 0600,.wbhChgevw £mu coali ber t*un"oatic Prenary tearfal farewel . lotoBenînton rode HulIng. not unaturally~ e a 1* L 0d.f Ithe Mu vosi oiele Y"l tape paussiage nvolved -more or the sami bat wrathfal primsoud sol aidliiobusctba; clang h. vu aspr- Calmlbuh"M ai a qum a utj lm Plu«hr- whicii mightt givOl cptesud disombaiked ai the Pet, fsCtiy .ounpetent 10 manage hie boail.si4erodthat gue-flitw q iOiSl* 5,1tlts a oOrtfMilîy]nom houe, vhre. luacoufoitable cou-i.nmu soldiatetltai ttIfho vaaîe&. ty7com«sevte afiue t Ê s've auj i -11 g1tîmaa' - umatheii. imatobod groom- -10 <et marriel If vii hi. ova atair, Beaidmmke -1hbm bienson inail Ir1duoem*bap 088. lpt vmm kep t or aflt and did not coera maron elelm.,moro epesa lamice. 1Emubu . i àb"dehui niegrnamola. _5rth.ee% bie omtdatioe si npo via lu'it N p e s utcliet 1nom1191 WW 0kmeoly. anddeflalAi o t Aubeur ale lm *sbar. rethe. -effectuai Mant Mm. Hlltol Chargeof tu vot for ailiving, but 16- "tq tw5>vu iri r pectant young voues *ho.vu-tg b.. bis estate. Tam 01* gentleman tho helées biaVéry éekowE a» l ought su dppostuW a.. moi ba ta. uégamnt oePhm toi'uy. but irez.tais pnlmilege vwu udor lie fomterins carliaib leadlil iiimf, Mad fon -m af hearuou a 1 neease lalu flue. * ýlfag POatael aftas .OU seuIls, reine 1an sol iaty ai mmi I."agrt*tm4m~d faoutuiilt' Chli, ia5un, yFtak4pasai 1 *"&Iii iC' . , .OUly relativie ane fie or' mal uPlevl, andl if vlMM «d«aifor ions, a$ toms -' to oilbu îîvidel, me fIera «b 41 ytedDtiio I Ut ùiue ât ï, Mr. srto tiinIntla fielu vaeouubimi 1 omliecou bMot on. Mlairgfe tV Md., Who promptly s4smu" at atica l~m uvivint mer ,et as IMM -- I Ov,,c: Boom SiDoeu eDu.s* »&MM e. tct, ago F. IMP. KnEJD. ~Pbom 87 Ubiftyvll1.. IL ~Iu A.KUAiN iol" Ic..j b«hê àyuWs boul of time. Uh wmisi aaotbsr 1kW1 Md- vi* *8. visait fIa i«M. mlba a bai Roie »d e Uçnubom»diad t"bl Wii e b e 0 0Ishab@volt tu le Mai by Y. 0.IawgLL Ubortyeth Ton ouièpiý limaus lmide, elgit ire Ibm pqate., If ia put up In oUnaprdb-iubin- villa nO" ule im- mutI for liifrju4eu tg1. lMaZaul top Pain igi-i atli - ure. ii kinde et blind, blang, #p~bing aud protrullug LIbertyvllll SOyss..a«Pesai-ny. Tbrdlei vitl - *1locale lb. nov Isolbride amI deccaied th mIlion loUp ~pr bousteoaI Ils vlicb tod thewordthait Obicago a ldulWiuaêOwstrIc iet énair.. >17Placeit ino trlcflo <ulue ru"»r êoèd .' T-bègambu a uritalmatou of the miný vllbout Iobi wIp bu ou lb. Nixon 'Iaf.vtlgliV propeq *bb,,â,,%wpWin lco escrécyvau obiarvol; Ih. pw"awdbd It IIrh inu adition.evu 0lousauifl Regtlatlutg for unguai te-liige te mo 4 tel hs18êto~ -4*db lmboom laoenogy *van to tàe N 'ro reDie the.pammie 3Mime lel vis aivlu d t s a v. v c<imbateu*mli. corpi, viilek'ý 'ldu, uM4 &mmrthe am -'bot bsam'1gta.ims g»*a Mdhgobsdissolve haolau runmiela Ibo lut fiat lin. Rilg I otfl e m. oco li. ladieatei i »MAl uhpwml abilfty tgutnaas. is p110 0,0" uaon. 1 . ffammarrlidav," siie éKarins or aM Old gefoQamn duAtMaluehunedi. nome or Rmrotica'et atoly af tir tae, ooulmioor0fthecourt porarios hi» pabliehuli1 - cednLrempoulente vho 0. 00 ei 1"DU 1 bawmt "y clothmi," blumb. amce by Whb a, pu -mé bwgy iill Min ElasIlMtha s egata. luisinbed tofa oalai arina le hetac il.e. ncbaagsl iirm*alte hiIblenpIW - glMoseet aixueemeut. icultyý . m pOe imm «I I"C'Omor »me ololhus" abmt- tait, vile t" la t ibi a IF iuift el.t. 1 oudamlokmUN4 "vVllwbem tha hla insU, l lai he thiol i M « s rti ngbt 'square. ln fie mm o f m 1 hée nn6 e r' uuvtm gol, sud vo veutt ailila act»Usy couvis, bave aie mm*, Arrimls or guardi" au m o f ta. grue, éare di ormauyfllug t hat Mt." g eitfclly; yo M&ai "J«t stio0fie pretty whiteogril» vihhouft tames1 dremes 1m"an d l ore up ta-the lachel a ian Ulium, wM iialf«.»h@-pvotestingly leclarel lltOly flrmîY attaihê'V' Are Mode.UaaidlmVif. .shape offie amse tbu % eoà Mômie Huling, cld1luar-mal»et I"0>, tlait'. il over »v,*"flnly de.Ili Once tu au sgi j lnovy 7vhîiaM ccmpaied ber bu' « Xr i. HaImng -I've t the,îughîer, wuvati B aIster and a girl fbload. climiiel tbmbihllifenie gsftt hemrM&laMyipoaket aid Tbe bodl h ' mr onvblcbiehoheHulInrîVelUng I ocsXtm& 1 goueocm lad a mintster viio guide tu t.he ,,, The. trio vas thm obse4t il a oii' IIlu un up ail rgl. We vo-t lirunie m!t settersanldemmmebt muvIlIlarte take ai*ychaieseoos oing out, for ialma lug i t h e p o p u la c e k n w :fia t a m nt n o - b ô y ir rg h t a v e m o i h « v r t o r 1 5 0 i0 ft iii 18 house thé Party v i m R ei ai-fl te m mniedrig t holaro * bis o8ko. j ~ pelr t I6 iaip *uch M iem Mil coulai but asMat b - MeniIlW5O vas lmthe trouf- Tbà bouse. mousmm u vsiepatebea is at a umas oleretit. tahfe e~hs t eeolu burola, "o ilvea aiam Os.e, - but plate btleabout a block éaaw»I'. a fI MmRcisb-in beos llita - ait fat hioail b.ta11 smili oil ait. béi=. Idéitly avae Civ't'uktO ex-yers coce mi 10doas reuembai*Md ai Dl1 #lau bs 1 li lmaom lu.ha% s hur 3> e uim .la nou ne bar a Sp et. ViAN». 'ou. r ý '17ý"thàWitùëD- ý,