Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Nov 1905, p. 4

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BIG DAVS This Grand Thanksg¶ving sale wil W an evernt long to ,b reunmbered. Prites wilprevail in everij department that, Mi ive -one a âd ail rea occasion to feel thanktul., WAUKflANS GREATEST STORIt The plaoeWWee !verg Dollar Dom, it's Diu .4 212 No Gilesee St. WakiI. jos. Ô)IN41 IN, .Pre.. V ____________________________Ott Four, Great Days During,,which the People of WaukegananLkeÇuywiIae ut<s for Being Truly. Tharikful. Every oflering bas been suelected and priced to make this sale the banner one in our hstorg. Everg promise made our patrons ýsioe we opened our doors bas been fulflled to the letter. R"la bies our watchword and thousands of pleased customers WiI tell guothet everg promise bas becs kept et, Waukegan's Greatest Store. We invite gou te compare our prices and gonds with the oflerim bg Chicgo departinent stores. There is an old saùing to the e[fect that coisparisons are odious but In Iis instance they wil prove most pleasing to you. Our bu4jer watches the market dlosely and bis oxt taste adMId kll s most amplu evidenced ini the trulg superb disptay we are making.for this OUJR GRAND TIIANKSGIVING SALE. Ladies" Winter Coats I TWbi wl usa rare opportunig te buga luamiounecoat MI a fer les. di. aôulr pes. W. have h u sin # .6 -MiV e t wte &o r- TheWuçUsdWlIt-68, w tdodus la -the lem%! peved sisÏmd dw% iâ-a W mWaid v ete i line wthCo m ob e breapted pnsi olets t arap accu bck, hOuramohad ir bfancy buttons, ne. ,Seoan upto-date andsrvabgamf, for FrdaY $49 sample only, Tbanksgving iale .................................-4 9 Women's coats lu faacy gray mixture of plain, navy blue, black or broya kersey. Coate tbat bave 0t le and qualty. Miade % length, coilarless, 1hal! tden back, vit bit and faaey motai buokies, box plait ~ifetbéc and front, trlmmed wlth velvet ad braid, Iarf epateh pockte. an oppotuait tbat vomea eau recogniz t t remmny svtngsiôf S afC e tr one glanne tthse 6 . 8 eoats, Positive 81 io se........................... WomWea ~r Colaer Cmoaade of vinter weigbt with dssp roiling collai of! muokvatioroppoeum, fer oct vort*a $15. gaPIet$9"98 VEBY SPWIAL AT TEX DOLLABES-wo5'a Eonui oata i kt e dloh, ~wmoty tsllored, ou -appsd an p siete$1. OItivlYgaMU ortb Up to 11&0 ...... .. ..... to-.......010.00 Wommu's 9iTéd 95 d&flaiu i lmnor tight IatIljsi bsaadsoiytaiklos&Msé m fine kSwms7 lolh ' 14 ocos ahh r" ............. .... 14 9 wom eâzune wodiv mithe pile., b o@* OUI oawwaun idsi tat Ilai .............. su Ladtu' FI LA 1 s.' S11k. ?eWttla. blàok undersUi thm. rosie@, worth 980,.Tak *f. noeosrhed satiný petticoats, worth ,ThaukalvlngBaie tue bark petticoats iunaM&kfinished -~ - -&...*A- âO bi4lil.a le 'lh=kW .1nk, bot., regujar prie. 85 and 89c, lOc] ias u*to ldgratstre= iver car, tare fl bho LADIES' SKIRTSi- Our shirt uin is dhe Most completse e lime alomeWdll attrat hu.dreds teo 0 astouish die shrewdest shopper. $1.9s for $ Womeu's Walklng Sklrts, ln black and ail colora. Also mixture@, very neatly talored, for our Thankegiv- lng asie Women's $5.00 Shopping 8klrts, lu heavy gry cheviot or blaek Panamas, for our grand ThankaglivAg asie Womeuls Fine Panama or Cheviot Sklrts. nesat walklug lengths, panel front, aide = rnes tly trlmmsd with oa.e re- clr re "*60. Thankuglvlng amie Ladies' Ilîndkrchies plain, worth at lIMMt10e '~An~vn api. Ladies' fmncy bandkercheswth Inch embroldery or lIce edgnga,4 worth 20e, Tblankogivilg sale price. 9 25, 80 and 50o handkereblefis, Thanksglvlfflgsalie price. 19c W. wamt our omb ul ,tf te", te reaieutîsr <bt t la but a stop [ro et. us lstrlc-cars teo t ewmudome" ObRwlsI erksand prompt attmdiemokes it a pleire te $hop herm. $1.98 2.98, 3.98ý Lamles, flam wl1 60e, Thna AUl our $1.00 la Ladies' hori n natOmor omuUu, w . u', ma m- lA CI1ILDRoNs COATS w<uM ho bard ta coooere0aCholcer seleio01et aments ANb. louai la owi dreoS coal6tee achgoMeot la maie âs hait uate mu iwfl ho aàsource et g mle .a*Ifecs tImcmSr oth e W « tit uodmheYoung <.ks 'béinqwell Il" Thg o wel aowear weil. Il Cats $298,in brovn and bine meton, collarles, 1ncked ob!ew tlt ot, v t d brald trimmed around neck, tucked oevs 29 iculae, ims 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, splendid $5.00 values............... . 8 Ahi.'-ull Lngth Coat, fine heary chaviot, endisas arlety and styles ta selct bin, vorth 87.50, -ePle s8le ..................................... flJr< H~ Grae 0800, $9.00, .81000 cots, ail the latent styles, samiple . .........4e.............................................. .... OiLot Of Uttie oeild' Cosaeconsitng of crushsd niusb Âtracha, tancy ba>skl, iorth 86.00, <7.00, and 8.00, 0ample sale.................. Butu Earkn Cosa, In white, broya, Or blue, Tbanksivlng s............. ........ 1..................................... Xobmmts, Long White Catis, nicely trimmed, wortb $2.00, Tbanksgfiviflg e............ ................. 3.98 5.98. 3-98 2.98 ChiWren s Dresses FMannett» Dresse, ln pink, bie nid cec-k, neatiy timmed, everYwhefr 4 75 cets, for oui grand Tbanksglvlfl sale .......................... . 4 OildWen" Cool Dresse, made up lu Mixture., plaidea', etc., trlmmed vltb fmnY braide, for Oui grand Tbankmgivig ale .............................. ohepherd Plaid Dresses, 11usd througbout, made up tu the lateut styles, for our grand Tbankaiivig sale................................ *......... 1.50 Cbldre'. Dreumi, ail aiges, made up in casimoies and woretrda, silk yok anid 25 &pplkas trimmig, lnauai colore, ivorth $4, for oui grand Tb.nksglvilg sale .5 mUat' beautilulWhite long coati lu Bediord cord or Caslme, Wortb $3 ta $8.5è. Tbaaksglvlug salJe......................................... (>bidrWaaWhite Bonnet, Worth 50e, Tbaakmg,gae...................... Childin'.e ekka Bonnets, ln ail coloreWorth 75c, Tbanksglvlng sal......... (llinse#trau fl .50 to $2 boanstd, ThanksgivlII.. .i.................. 198 i There is a dalntimS4 chanoig lOdIslIctv«em Sla Oq plots aendombraces11ailâltest Yles aidfabrlcs at pria Ladies Shirtwalt ln ffannelette or material, worth 760, this samie 'nover oold for leus than $2, this Ladiee' beautiffli nuu'aý velling w colora and stylea, worth $8, this Ladies' faney woolen 'waies, aome, idema, from the- àe.-walit mo the oet, wlts worth -0, tht.. s Orne JR 1.981101 $,5 and 16 il LADJIES' SIORTS 4 mee - . ý ýxý' ir 77-

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