Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Nov 1905, p. 6

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JUSTI Editor J L. B. CoLBY, Cityr Èmeevd et the P»otffce et Ubertyville, Il, au SecOnd-cneà Mater 'Thphne N. I.Editore Resldence Tel. No. 141 I.bertM4iI d Weekly. Advertieing ratesl made known on appliW cattoii, ?MUAY. NOvEMBfR24. 1905 P RIMART LA.W 18 DUPINED. roy Oeeral W. B. Steji bhm feu. dm a uies tii.ballot, eubtanlally coin- mon o uemiiracing suwere to @Pl with the. roquiretet. of the set questions bsaring upon the. Dessc ballot.s ould lie vold for ail pur. »Wdr ucton 15w whlch were euh- poses, are mudatory. 1 u imbya <,tge01 b 0O - It'dm Oee tfollow, bowever, that the dogts f hesi.te viiich beld a miset- election wonld b.e vold, but oly tbi bgprbuged reoently. Tii.answers balos hado not confortu subati- »ae, question. ar iiig ilà- ally wth tiie provision. of the. &et sud tut. Alter etating tliat tiie with the dite, color and qualify sud relxty.four section. 0f th texture pnrrbed by the couuty clsrk i..r law apply to tbe counties of would b. void. ilateout@lde of cookasud the. remain- Tii. attorne.y general biolds that tin seetione to Cook county alane, the Bot the. duty of the Prlmary clark to peint ni"y zsersl answera the. questiousballot., but it le cotemplatedl by tii. est Mt as follotre: that tiie ballot should b. printed àt *e question was bubmltted wiietiier privateexpense. et the. primary law W&@ applicable Aaain lie iolds that the naines of ai, e nominatiQn cf candidates for ap- candidat@ for tiienominstion for county go court clerks lu district outeide of Office. of each Politîcal party muet b. k couaty. Tii. attornqy general printed On every primary ballot of tliat (* "t candidates for thienomiination Party pllte court clerk are not required The question wasa aked: M.plY witiith primary set. "1w dosthe. coutY central coin- desquestion scas submitted: mitte. determine the. total number Of 0 t"er.s"Y prorlaoujinthe. primary dleate whiii$hall compose the. county fr primary election cl.rke""- convention, aud the. nunubér of delegates * sttoruey general holds t tnt h>r, twhieh eaeb Primary ditrict will b. HumriotY wh atverfortii. appoint- entitled in the. couuty convention?", or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h ps fpiayeetincek. Tittorney general holdo tiiaut the e h a umbr 0 setios, ameycounity central commtte. muet doter- I9.ndeniap oiiesrerecelamine by its own method the. rator ptoleksofelcton. st t . p-basis of repregntatio lticounty I~fr<nti.wiol ettht i' onvention. cnn, t bave Do reto appoint cletha .ntieousto .kdw. *priusry k&e ectiuetinon.d as micOtion 01 thi et àprovides that How -is the judge ofelectionq 10 know katès for nomination for a county wiietiier or flot the. priînary ballot con- 1 eodlfie i te ofic o th cuut frms to tiie requicernents of the. set sah fil, u Otininsf e f atieof 'whiieuhb.receivesasd deposisat@ th Mt lititior cnt oiteui ug i vonaer.ofballot?" Ierty Ths eqcentonii sul vte a.s, If the. ballot, as handed to thie judge of Ipny. ii.quetio sumit.d S~prlmary elections afParMutli conformafi MU or flot tiie wOrdleontsIuiug to the provision. 0f thie set, it je the. aiWthe pettton muet b. slgu.d duty of the primary electiob judge to r.0 "tW -. cevs nd depomt tiie@asme. Howev.r, t rny leera of the, Opinion ballot box l. open.d sud the. ballot.. am. ~eiln for nom~in fr avased, it in noted that a ballot duesE féer otiier Office. must b lotcniresbtsts ewt"tipo rIb . herequlate number of the. visions of tii. &et, it i. nhe ol tiio ,yote. ci tIi psry fling iie ray eletion judgeto disregard the. »ame. o e Uapton suimttOd l, Anotiier question snbnftted wue: i ar ot wli.uthiecouuty cntral "By Who- and iiy wiiat autiiorlty arte *tria.utii. u@omilna., tii. aM0teso i.candidat,, for delgats' b, deegsteoavs the b.PrlapaaVrballoit, qh.i by1.ftuobs t iIIIaIIos Md a peMton. r àïcïtes 2~ gatel ý.-01lua awer te, thmqwaitoaùb. alt t bu ie, Mathe r,. 1.7 gsaay. f( MM . *Mm r E -B" quaMMi PehUaqesotor wi"aci __ eOMP.teadidat, for a dologltej» s Of Wb" c uâ-ubd tbeuety e~ ouvm" oaraibbis M Mdt À - 1 = unre wI loaJuia of te -am ' Uao et Wb 0 teng a «U' 1 USUIB e slca,-la Dot iia oeiat. lwb. Isalon r etbeS ois theef z alaise. . iedtaiiofce aiw in libée5f lansmwrl *0 a otr quetio,0b t» PC W 0 court t a torae7gmral stt titt iniay el tta oinlts ud b. ad.thlb.UmmOflthé e sto aakedàn Of ssci lth. eoitjtaflue &W- b ws iobmeg pera -CABe tat the te in tiit andidtforthe i_.noi-£ ~~tai ~ ~ l ti.cut etacomit nto o .nm ~b.t, frot amng ti. u rmae y derl &ga tes c ioss yt te prc- Ihou esecls asprimry om- mar tpectlon sud ii cadidte for fflffla Do.cdnmnt ammeo# e n efor ntyo&We. eeve lustiowaesbintteSlmd e majrt ftii. vq oote as d mur.p ma f be-Xityua c of ,M tii, dlatn., addt 04ud gora w bont . tii. u t4r te frmti oinestat ci tfor nthfe b. an 06 the l*Iiay scectro alomt.f noi orustcd?" mgh. nm-c Ih li aty lu :aerim9 dia- Tii sttorey enerl s oeay he r» iisSet9ndaspriaT1ii.oin - r oviseion.n f tiihesMt ayobr tàe M . gut eai eoncuu nomwiaruztion for. su ty e nentIvo R. servonwa Q Ics i uld .nt t o f t Y l e ot e sfulca rrlan d à ot by IF auitns47 eeon are'erf8 ried cof.thueg dis..arions eetl icnidat po- St question ub uilttedws anditbes ortii.nnton fora 10 tb* ail tii. votes cast loroftietoffice le bis "Wfa s rtmy itirit brvodW be atnoncentral com-: a i.w.lugtii quetio, ti. "T h tte provision@ ofthe mlat m a l t pueai tats ii.reqirmeus, . nd.iiyd elegaove hntnto I. iniettoO h e a c 5l arldotb Spissur. to take Dr. DaeAe eré PMi. sud enjoy tonte ï 11w live., For sale ii Wua1 1 14bfflyvlile; GuÂvetàxua % =~. Kodol iiid4 _lmOM stor.* ama- 1pl N O t. r a, s lt S a d a." Y now . 44127B 4 1 e ialo sur uscas me~ ~ " 1*5.1'emspt oenue&. w l aiene.. f - by mail 5mmas. MONIEY TOILOAtf-,(Mgfood rn Gurnj, LibertyvIlI. 264t FOR 8ALE-80 acre tarra, ln tii. t6ow or remont, iuer thé. catholle chuteb. Aus xàsaleowork my farm long.r I will uni at reasonable price. fài Emoxusu Fa6-4 FOR SALE-O gla.. oupe lugoo 1ordel, sultable for liv.r or private urn, 1migbt trait, fer good sprlng wagon W. W. CARROLL Brookéaid Farm, Liber.- tyviDe. O-tf FOR SALE-Regtstered brown Swlss bull, four yesrs old. A"s sevgraI Swlur hellern.. To b. sold r.eonaby. E. M. BARE, Lubertyville. .1 50-tf WANTED-Man and wile to, run 100 acre farm lu Avoa tOwnsbîp and boffl the owner. Addrf.. Box 172e' 5-4 Grayslake. FOR RENT-fi room fiat on Orchard street, firet floor: Apply J. A. MCATrz, Lubert8'ville. 7.2 FOR RENT-Blackeamith @hiop, witii or witiiout tools, at Hall Day. Address tirs. Emma Mannu, P. o. prairie View, Ii. - 1. 7-3 FOR SALE-Horse, buggy, cutter and berneff. Oood driver and rigs ini fine shape. H. H. HENDEE, Libertvville, 111. FOR ,SALE--a 3"-0 Winciieoter r'. Peatlug rifle, carbine- patrrxî, with Ly- min globe sightg.- WiII ..lletheap. PAUL RAT, Roc-kefeller, 111. 8-tf X, SPORTS mmd AMUSEMENTS X Liiertyvilie bowkmr' defmed the. "Dubae", of Wankegau thre stralgiit gasmsWednesday.nigbt at ti. Liberty- ville alleys. Toboggslung je 10b. lb. sport st Ravinltii. lewinter. ÀA midea .hsbeen lrnnplet.d ab thb.parksud bars tiie @Port willb. fouudilufail bluet when lhe egy nlgbts of the. wluter makotelr ap- pssean.'The alide la bkgger, stronger and better than the. oem lust smason sud shouit be a favorite psam. lu RerFatlin," wblcb coues 1 ýtbe Sehwartz tii.tre, i$aturday, Nov. 24, mati nessd ulgiit ier, la noue of the eks-.t of1uc.rtatY 0f mt tfor the prooýpectvw pstp.Tnom Who ollow thmte trla iv n thlb eadlug citie kuow of MWi.great maum of 1ù ittiration, *Ut d m e iri t amnoup. Men of the coming or '"Hcej Fatal i, Irh Aune USeigton mmd a montcapabl ompaay, more tia ondaay lulsesI 08.m t0 tlb patrons of he a" Buday, Noeusnbes26, isn e aum slltvaa's u"io ,daiaetâtisd "WbyGljla have Bombe," Il le mulS Prtrayed, and of viiohin. coneption. Ilasa drainof dometie .bw-huam r Polulsd. -ont lb. frequeut coussquence A ujusftsusicion mmd eluuiioga see wU, how pique, sud pilseloir may las spoaile for th. enguhflng Of innocencà id w-reck of ho.«e. The. pls.tlqg ompemy fa laid ta b. an eSzoptloumll ee'.rý one sud 'the.stage sceesorles arle lu every respet.- WheaYou Hàes wdcol You wsut s rem.dy that wil. not oniy te qnlck relIe but efect a p.rmmnenît rau want s remiedy thati l rehleve he lump sud 1cep expectorat"on q., ron vant à r.mcdy that WID uuntermcl -Y tendcnçy tovard Yon vant a r.naedy liaI h leasaneýt cd.afu totale.. ~am4rwan's cough BemDwymet Il 09es. requirmentesud for tii, aed sd pemits «m ocre fbad coids mnd vithout a pesr. For emie by FP. LovzL li bei'tyviliè "pOu wlci w. arebuIlding. S.dslactioo.or oron opo Boyer.Bros., nom5 ThelotatmPaysmores owg >IdiiWt Aga*subétag wee 015 t4e.vlla ta $.rIl#aon ouu»naW*k Ister- '"People vUg a o o e ereadln th m MON SA4,--Cdrn. lu shock. C. F. Pftmon, f4srtvflle, l. -82 I"OSAL.*4Builuglot' ceàtraly IOÏe&I lu LhbrtyvLle. App* Ix».. FOR8~.b.a, heet Iron woodý îlot'. Ap .4itblsoffice. F0R 18AL&ý-.Nw aine rooinhoues ahi lot 50*10Q, »W haret. Two lotos50x150 WiII ncba.gésurrey for work hors. 0f abost 1800 9ouds. IL W. Gascitlvv VOR SALE OR RENT-New bouse 7 roosos, hall and bath, ou Lincoln Ave. FOR SAL%-Qbesp, ebest Itou, wood steve. App!#t l ii.Office. FOR R£NT.-jomm suitabl, for Ilgit house-keplug, wltiiu of gai rang. Wu, RoQwau.,Ltertvll. 7-2 FOR SALE OR RENT-New 8 room L bons.on Stwart avenue. 01v.eme. -sien firet wesb iu Novemiier. J. E. BALLÂiaI,,hiirtLvvlle. 4-tf- FOR SALE-Ligbt double harnese. Bad juae,.12.*On. buggy pois, $. 7.2 GEORGE YAOEit, Libertyille. n STRAYED OR STOLEI',-frona iia Fox Lae Stock farni, a mortel pony, s welgiit about 500 poundoa. wbite etripe lu face sud white ank1po behiaia. Miseeri Prlday morning Nov. 17. Fisida.r Iease notify the. abolvp fai-li. cm FOR 8AL.E--1ular bole-r sud engin. cm almout givena siay. W. bave a 40 h. p. tubular boler compiste witi grates. olne wicb ha@ been usadinuOur plan t; are lu goois vorking order sud we wlsbi 10 diepose, of sme at once. Will seil the. whole outfil for 1121. Terme to @uit. CacGO HARDWARE FOc~USDR CO., North Ciiisago, 111e. M«U OTU Rgil or M, «ble and.Gronitil enter the, Lib&tyv!le ouMens Business (oilgeDecem. ber I., wlll be given seven Coetey: Wo-rk of Every montha' tuition or until Dscription 21 lb DI nily 1, for the price of o -ix months. This allows Corre.pondence 5oilcit.d !anh.lvlp 0811 at College Rooms ln the Heath Block for Further Particulars. 7-2 WHaY?, Roporg of Condition of rhc L120 Oounty National Baul at ,a.lute ia ate cftllinnoi,. etthUre 1I.*bii.. November s. lue. Loa anissogs .........mzaur se BOs bIoeedre circule! Ion .. »,oeno Ojeuo................ ie i. -011i 10 K __ s27 i. OS9s~LIlno~n~'~ ............ ......reahirFh , o.... ..... anfi a ake , f.Meii * lltteliuM ,Px., Nov. 10.-Tii. Amuit. "a tedeatton busadopteSa regl"to t. th* sffect tiatvyeV Maddte for pablih 0 ofi ut"*United Stats. l"i "19uI * t ionS 0f th* iziiorer"b itzOagly opposeS 6"d ftdelstfor Uic 'Ozuc for whlcb hl ea andidaAl un"o vorkmeu ver, seked bytbe fled nration 10 oppog. oongressoaàlnomi- mations Of MOU vhSm Bt e edly 10 laor. FURSWANTED Hig«hçst ma*bt Prims pald for ail kludeof RAW PURS -ON @MaY- known' preparation that costs you the same as Foley's Honey and Tar. Remember the name and' get the genuine. à som "d fsr TbmMes"h Thefoflowlug lefttar ou AL . ZNus- batt, ot B&tosvll. lad., telle 1W own storys "I sudWM Sfor thr.. momu tb hh amo leve. l A SrutgWl.t parelme1 amwu I»issicl. Md a phy Pte. pe 1 del "TW. ISun l Toe ubeg-4e, M 10.800. l'h e.l ris.eo t» veM4 16Genesce St. Wankegau It la dlfflcmît to ureZacough orfscm yourmlf froni the. lsmforte of soîdre unisse ou move tii. bowl.le le' Laxative Hon.y aud Tar acte on tii. bowels and drivyes &l oold out of tii. systeni. For croup, wiioopiug-cofflh solde, aud ael lung aud Broncila affections no r.u aI equal to the urifinal ee's La=xatvellone sutr.1 A liuid oldcure. For sale iiy WmaaL HACELET, Lîbertyvîlle; OIIAYOLAKE PHARMACT. ww imbiPaPound' pw kP oo (. p rl a n w B scuit p*ia~~ nsoBreakfaset Podi a SAKIEWS OOOLAT~ck . BAKERS OOCOA 1-2 b. au. 20 Fano Rend Bies per lb .... .. Bull Ro t~lb... Arm & Ranimer Soda, Pond pkg..a 8ardnslu oU petreaU.............. Siiellsd pop, c sure Pop" pet lb ...., Ortol. Paucake Flour per pkg ........ P u r e I d a Se u ff r b .p k g . . . .... . . . a 2 banEarly JUDO Pi :...929 2 lb c a S w e t > j ra ,.. . . . . . . . . .. 1. .. . . o 2 lb eau Green jtring Besus ..........o 2 lb can R.d Kldney Beau...... g 2 lb ea u Scata.i.........0 3 lb can Bakel Sean.......O 8h elumunpkmlu...........ef i8 lb eau Egg Plume .......-1.......101. .3î b e a n A p p le s . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . .t a 3 Extra Tomato............g Moarci Condensai Mik vetreu.t Yaht-Cub Codeued Boup pe ar . 1 [b eau Walt Salmon................. lac 2 lb eau gliced Piueavple ...........OeC 2 lb eau Bine Bemns................ o 10 Bar@ Ainerican "iy8p...U 10 . Crenm La ndry fioap..8..u 10" wifta Woolisoap. m a.le.19 10 Bars Leu9x Soap.»...... ......... f 0radp'n IouderTar oa, pe br..c Best Lump iftarci i n lu ie , per lb .. 4 « Perfection Lye per mau........5 Extra mtroug Amnmona «per bou*le.15.* Perfection lluing per botte.......tsoc ,i doten wooJ Clotiip ins ........U 3f Ibe Waehlug Soda..... $cou rine, per cake.a ................. .9f God ut alan Pwer, pkg ...I Itou Paneake Griddle . .............. lot Ashestos mats .... (iood Claw Hajir. ........... 2-quartTlncup .................8..... o "Bum«"lou S3fte .......... Parlor Matces n(r4bo) : Gond 4-swed Gallon 011 ean& (tin).......0 L o n g ba n d î s P r e h e . . . . . Parnig Enfl ............ ... Double iMinclug Kule......O Wood Cho rplu ............ Wood Potato Mas.U Wood BollNg lu 5 Wood Stskpounde-r............... .E.ELLSWORin l'h. nlcest stock ever exhhblted lu LhbertYlle. Makte section eurly. Rouudtrlp tiaket et hbu the Ili M.¶,Lwi s-, Mrs. F. Protine sale October 17, ovmsr mg. M Iib..tyabar sud let 1Dmmue l 4"s, 2Oti, Centurg Cea -Store Prices 'Mn' Snit 10to $15 Mon'a me3MilI.n aui wool ffpata 2.50 to $3.00 *Men's woroted pants $ to Meus double bum.sàd Seoed undersees 41 a suit. A bargain tl&en'. gr&U wail '01rhied underwear for 81 reduced to 75e Mayer & Florshetm (let. o..; Bluch. er cnt S3.60 Wotk Sho.. from 01.50 to S8.00 Mayer'@ Boys' Bem@ hoes, bust on Fu l ne Black Cat Udiiery, Men'is and Boys'. (JottonL and wool Es WB PARKHURST. S~HAN~IC ELOCK Libertgville, Illinois 20h Cmmuy Cabsu re Heu W. Edwpds imiured R.rb W. Edvsrds, of Deslnies Iowa, got a fail on an lcy walk Ibis vinter, spraluing bis wrist anad brulhg hie kues.."Tiie nexl day," b. say.,. 'Itb. wet. no sor, sud stif Iwova araid I would, bave te stay lu b.d, but I tubbcd tho einw.»wtb (Ihamberlain Poan B"enmd miter 5a e - - io m a cir u c e s a Sd l s p p e a rd . " pons- by, F. B. Lovn&4U.,bertyvtIne. II Nvthhng you est wlll tus oal sud So goad If you tMe blug'alympop"l Tahieta. Wmt. Hammxa, Ubsrâls OEATULAKN PRAMUaL.1v L U MB]ER. -ALL KIN- (3od Gradeg at Pair %M&es DOORS, WINDOWSi, MOULD. INOS, *RIOKi LIME, ALMhA PORTLANP EMENT. SWER PIPE. DRIN TILIE, ETC. G. I.SCIANCic Lhiiptvilh, UL ISCHANCK BLOCK

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