iué1LM.141 Uben#4u tuu. »"tae iae k1tOu onappli.ý Fmbad pom ulo ervouldbe Iunum e 1Wa ei*hmsias.Wt.&Ab* majohatel.W tbe evu aimi lbth Ob xedei, «MM uadalgaMd vondw Obflab"swauts 0$qus. prnstlaily rs in au. OvatIofor Nr. Frost vw: lssbe u1ba gomm t eunltyb rwpiosato acordadt i bhm. o a Pma ils iut a ttaca h le &oami ls udÏrlkUM a bai M limas Moi la a "ma »WId&boutiît the. btter"ton%, ad wlhhoul sioptâastle O*oials, ptalovsa ni promlnuit chaumapressata"s ibe point l tbhslopomm ait "Frost de" saquar." Il w-nsthei prédominant iii« eV"esisentiment of lthe gath.rsng of lnficenllaI mon, Whioua #orda miby exporlsace. PRESIDENT ROOSBVBLTPS MESSAGE. dms tii read tihe Prssldent'a message-on page aeven of this Isue. Ihla M nato"a domuinant in udertandable Englieansd trente maltera MMt Importi and Interesat tb h15 country and the. vorld. Soin. striting m fIm the. message, are ln brief: aaa wbolevu mueta ligo up or dowa together." O.puotlon han cone, h Stay, ut aw the. trade union bas corne to stay. Id b faori so long as -It do.. good. But ebch ahould b. aharply wg ft acagelnt lav and justico."1 fehbinalto do in tdéni lwith tba great corporatijnae engagçd ln tii. Isoibt*to transportation." lmuo e amnation of ralroad account.. should h. provided almilar o10 ("dktohi] logllation ehould b. enacted ln a spirit as rernote aj posaible1 !fAAd rancor." 1 pffliment.stands for manhood firet, aud for buainesa only as au ùh tosmeure ns fair treatment for ii. amali towu- as for thé big éity;1 lehipper as for the bg ahipper' bu republc ns ours tii. one thing that we cannot aford to neglect ~k ftorlng ot decent citismu." bai& eapitallat and ludividual wageworkr are alike ,ntltled to the b b law and muet alike obey the. law."1 MvOrsient la not aud neyer shall h. goverument by a plntocracy. mUet la Dot and never shal b. governmaut by a uiob," Mielbutions by corporations ho auY POlitical comiittee or for any inpooe hould b. forbiddeu by law." moé Var la comlug to b. looked upo esa lu iteeîf a lamentable and veofhld 4now, ouly thnt nation la équipped for pence liaI knotrs boy thsi wl not airnk froua lghtlng, Il ever tiie condition. becomo ra l demanded in ths name oithe higlet morelty.", Ù0 ivO to a, h niciImmigration 01 thé rigit sort and ahould hai. foltii. wroig sort",, j ~ haJ4tienc _ PURSVÂNTEI lus Notie. A Kim tl jlpsiu"ba t e ' Fusmw, rie b powe hapskwb 1b dosons ami e#y 0*bobo flou,. st letam m tini. b h ba Pob à tii. regular osrvile villa h a ïaIi potr.~Thougi le la admitai u14thb wns not lu a t blet thi ai houe na dey meeting his followera etalit h l hal overcomote etmporarrlllnoasaMd m agnain pbvuiy yoD. Wiien a retail droUiglml ho sella mauy diflerent kinde of cougi meéichmnsa gIr lr hindorsement th ny PaitlculrOUi, l il oertulnly tii. trongoat eidonc that tiée on. no favoredha more han ordinary merlt. hir. W. Lm- Pyour an ou 1 lag udrellibi. drueglatni Uamnd I., in & latter to thé manu. fueurredaedJuly 3, 1902, o», "I ,k t ogayfur tii. a"e Of Harms loneanil orehound andRe-Oo Tonlc Latve Syrop about on. mrN ava ave hda sodaie for tiem m th.y are vers- popular." F. B. LOVELIL Uâbetyile Notice To Far=eralé The llalf Day env miii vii operate fort aprlug as DénaL8. Brlug On YOU oga tis . intèr. Jan. 26-P Tii. mialon of 'JZarly Rimer" l to claar the.way and give nature funi SWay. Th.ae lamous lîtie pilla rld the. stomach and bowela of ail putrld matter, thusmé moving the cause. of bëndaciie, consti- pation, sa110w complexion etc. DéWîtt's Litti, Ehriv Risera névr pipe or aicken. A ffsfe, pleam.ut, perfet PU11.sold by aiu Md - paweuW M, b M tu Migbest, market price pald .for ail kinda of RAVI FURS Ch« s t<çmo LONG GROVE , LL.. -Mar 1i Apeu" i6*ai. o- Tt la e itale p avbenur tih e li . te rrb e iirt ure o p j n o s ~~ vfrllsa Rnrrv ciue~o ut'i «'0* 0f Ibebng simd l>itfldiAig Fils, Encloa itr.qa umArica save, i. theb ess w&a.1 euvt~ Paui".cv dru e tom. m. 10 ov, acr aiuoinue tovn MMen on e pro. iota h loqb hIfp,0. j -t , om 1 OIaIhiph~.aIhgCcqlautIgm.hi woe bmd ache, yuoe thusI ami laa~ <ais ui hismai, Ibat sali pas ~m umniîtnrse~m ~ -~ I, Winlbe $ IdarkiumeO daors, Luibu srtyvilla, Sauriny, fovp.9,10e ami 4, 4&W ho ec.3oiieeasesen dSutu nb Nllq. Iunuac Compuy for 1905. so0on J lm g E. Iaongur fMoliieeu te V. Zasaliem « «*m Ta,bisuou ïmtleà expsw i n b'o i d A ~ qra& dy mr àou, IbOO-Md »09 Nortit (enesee St. Faukegan - - Illinois' TWO Fine Organs for sale dieap Choice $40. Cash or trade. Sce them et the Jewekrg Store Of iA ILibertyville IHUSS9 Why Buy 30 Important an Article 'as, I 1Ua Steel Range- from a Picture? Cail on us ana let us show you the Newport the greatest bargain'ever ofFered in a Range. You can examine this on our floor and sec fovr yourself just what you aare getting This beautiful Newport cos ts Syou only $26 look it over. For 8àt Hef.8B [RR. [¶IV[[LU. It coatu yon car fane and Ionsof tm to -oa bank. BZ usig our nev saviugs <ysemymdo iAime t go .ymookfira to put mouey lu sud you cau get your moaey without golng to thé hant. TMI SAVES. YOU TROUBLE AM. EXPESE W. are tie only haut iu'Chlcago authorized to use C. F. Crag's Savlugs Account System, sud if yon sosd usais e pi c<o euf o iii cd you àbooklet vlth bfu eaplanatiolm. DOITf NOW It doesn't matter viiethur you live lu Chicago or not, ti system la good acyviiere. Th E-i - haak Euabas~ Mis. £W. orno. La Sais mai Wabiqeaa Ste. s marbe ad Gmrë zeoo Cemet.ry W.a* et Rvey 1 i.btD dailon..ma 1 bat ~our~.-~ hoY mftvhavenhors,, a cow, a wagon, or.n farm 10 s-i but how C&n y u txP.ct anYne n.to mako an offer for it uniesa thsy know yOU wilI sii h'. Tell them yo have Somsthingteo tsll. 'Tha boat way 10 tell thsmha through th. "want" column of thia paper. RATE-6 cents pr ein for escb insertion- FOR SALE-New nine room iiouse uni Six words 6OUSUItte a Uine. Speclal rata by ths moulu. Tsrmseu cashrslancé. w. rOiulot fOxI5O, nov bain. Two lot. 50x150 not mInertthes. %mu "aBaunion Pâlît ln WiIl exchange surr.y for work biorne of adranco. il sent b, Mau cashméatu«a&- about 1800 pounda. R. W. Ounvairm, oompany c o o W InuIsrtion. £mp 'Lîbertyville. 8-4 FOR SALE-SO acýre farni, lu the toýwn- FOR SALE OR RENT-New boue of Fremont, near the Catiiolie church. rooma, hall aud bath, on Lincoln Ave. A8 1 amn unable to work ruy farua longer 7-tf 8. L. TmPP, Lîbertyvllle, IL. 1 will oeill t rear4onable prace. FRAiX FOR SALE-heavy a sprimmg wagon,' HlîRoNnàius.6-4 light milk wagon, &et beavy harneua sd a horse. 0osmAà»Buîoé. Ivanhoe, 111. FOR SALE-5 gISe. coupe in goo LADIES-I wsnt aIl to kmow of h order sultable for livéry or privat, use,' splendid opportunity I cau give nny sugit trads fer good sprlng wagon woswerhahcn talyur Wyi. 641o rokhédFim ibr er @pare time into money. Tii. work la lyvill. 6-tfvery p teantsd viii easily pay 818 FOR ALE-logéterd bown wiaper week. Ther. la no déception about FOR SAfou re l.Aloed bra wn vas ti"..No expérience la uecesaary. Iyou bullér, fo yersoldealsonaéreri 5B. . IeaIIY vant to maké money, write t mue BAsa, Lhbertyville. 50-tf ý on-e., Addrss, BÂsmnET M cHAuma, Box J. Jofiet. Iii. FOR SALE-a 30-80 Winchester ré. -ý-- P.ating rifle, carbine pattern, withLy- Nothig vil! curé Indigestion liai Mau globe slghta. WWH oeil cheap. FAUX. dossn'L digest tii.food, ilseif, and giv. R.AY, Rockefeller, 11. tii the ta" rosI You can't expoct tint 1 a vsak tomach vin regain 1. t Onhli FOR SALE-Potatos. BYRONCOLY sud get wel vi iIt la conupslsi tŽ> do LIbertyvil, Ill. FPhone 464. lOti the fMI work tint a sond somach siould dP. You vouldn't erPoci aàBet RAW URS ANTD-1 illpýy-h, oreS thgei Wall when It lu compofl otu. RAW FURS W Nt iEDfor vIl paihs .do a fuilday'. vort .very ,day oPUmo higieslmattet Lr se or ail. n . eot. Kodol DyepsqmlaCure îla npor. Hon~m ULEETUhet Marl. 1d foct d4geelant and digembt ie food r.. gardbléof O!lb.conditon ci Fmursom- FOR -SALE OR RENTr-N,y 8 r -ma h- 801IM IndlgOstion, BWsiIng bous. on Stwart aVMeus; onos Bour stOmf9 d &a à al tormh diar,, MiOnIrai&Mwosk lun ovember. J..B. Slid be âaIldoajre RALLU>, ibitllk4-IL The reomDr. DMedosLlth s Lirai1 FOR LESp f aim, 580 &ore% givr oriulsslaatio ladus tO-thr good Wbuildings, bit ifm AWdpot t. t.t. t~eaalo i1,«vrý b oer Ftw.1lparlcuan silor ura.. gripe. Sold byWx&La RLiU, eg. 94 S OUPEU hOljjRk IW,. II MGM .nx.AIUMt PMUaiy, P Waukqma I u F trhl vori'. nova set Tie» aii A Itler Ogom. For borne »novarel UKUthOeA -mth. cam. »S INDU"E».Oaly$9.5 for bot iFan Rend pceler lb ............ IcurrNewisM. Onlet.r0 forUbo............. .psy lb peper4 ono yoar. dlI Oa per l....". Arm& amurSodas, pound. t Your Ey.a 1111.4. Sardinée lu cil pur ceau.............. .S C. . Sermn, racica op », illSholWoiop corn "Sure Pop" par lb... Oc C . héma pacicl ~tda i le ma . e Mur per ptg ........0 pbe lu Llbertyvhille, ebi aturday, until Pure Naphe Sugar lb. pkg ..........lft Surlier notice. At Husje'vluy store. 2 lb eau Early Jn Peau...........12C< 46-t 2 lbeau Swset Corn .................ist __________________2 lbhcmaOrsn String Donam ..... lsc 2 lb n Rad Kldn.y Donau........:Ift 2 lb eauSuccnteah .............. .1t 8 lb eau Balt.d Bonus ........... li....tc 3 lb eau Pumpkin ... . ............... toc 8Slb eauEgg Pluma........ c Sthceau Apples .............0 8 lb eau Extra Tomatoeu ......... ,j Muî lonarch Condonned 111k uer ma....1c Fw tl)Yacht-Club Condenaéd Soup per canj.10 rol iR lb con Wel Salmon................ < *2 lb au Sllced Piueapple .............fc 2 lb eau Bine Bernes-----------...........fo Iitr 10 Bars Amerlean Family Soap ....4àt IIfBI 10" Creem Lsnndry Soap..;. 39c 1<) "Swifta Wç>ol$oap.gmallalaé.J00 i10 Bars Lenox SOaP------------- ......29C s- randpa'n Wonder Tar Soap, per bar..4e 5VrU Beet Lump Ntareh <in huit>, per lb... 4c e.Perfection Lye per eau .................. Oc Extra strong Anîmonia per boult....1c P>erfection Bluing fier bottine-........»IO Laet 5 dosen wooJ Clotbés Pins............O 3 lb. WasbingSa................... se e co....,....cak ........ .........UC -, tgesj~('001i4 t as'ig Powder, îtg... Oc fron P akGriddle ..............fi Asbesotos lIat@ .. ............ .....a Gond Claw lîuiner .............. o 2-ua tTi n Cui).......... ........ c se',. P ad î, 'ucce," I'lor 61 rer... .....Oc Idîîîmnery, Fors, Cloaks ..aar.ath3s(5 ...ox8boxe l'ic jGod 4-éewetillroom ........ .-.2&c Ti. kea aok ve thhiel a Gallon O(l Can (tin) ... ................ 9c The itet sockeverekhbitd Long band 1 ' Fine Sho rel .... ........O Libentville. Make sélecetion Parly. l'arinq Knife .................. . ..s Donuble Mining Kuivpa......... l ...tc Wood Claioppingi Bowia........... lac MsF. rone Wood Chair Séats .................s MI.F.Potn Wood Pot.%to Maher ............. c Wood lRolling pins .... oU..c;........f Lihentyvuile, f111. Wood Steak -pounden ...............t NiklMted Sad Irons, set of 8 ....Sfc ure kt ing. E. E. ELLSWORTH- ",For neveu 'rears," write. (ieo. W1. ietvleI Hoffuau, of Hiarper, Wash. "Ihm a bitter liatte, with cbrnnic astomach sud --'-.- liver trouble, but àt lent I won, aud curfil my diseuses, by the use of Eiectrc Spenîmi Houmemeekes. E xcurmiona Bittera., I nhestatlgly recommend Round-trip ticket@ at lésa han the. them t. ail, and don't intud lu tbe negular oevyfare ho rmany pointa la future tbché vthout them lu the bonse thé Weat sud Southwent. Tickets on They are certalnly a wonderful sale October 17, November 7 sud 21 sud Medicine, te have cured auch a bai case Ilacmber5 sud 18. Returu huait 21 daym as mine." Sold hy5F. B. LoVELL Lib.rty- Lihéral stop over privilee. Détala on . ville sud GaAysi.&Ks PuÀAitmci. mequeat Fanu ALLEMAN, Ticket Agent