When WoMen TaIk: about the good thingstobeb. ad at tli store you may rost amu*M hhey know wbat they are lalking about. Mus. Joues * au delightéd vlit our 88o côffee,tbld al bar uelghbon, resuit, 20 new cuatomer for tbat particular braud.,'Mus. Smth wau eloqunt lu her pralme of (Janned poMd, doclared sie uer bai veotable t.at tustel w mu& ilke fm~h. Tihe fru1twit t.e oherd flavoe and otiter Items Of lite Telmo Brandl Talk wlit us about your nezi or- der, we alwayu pluise. J. EULITRIGS LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and (1ROCERY Christmas Is- Nearly Rere Before decldlng what presefit 'M4 mfake, yow uhould ealu at oui store. Here lter. are many things thal will make beautiful gifle, W. will lie glad to give you new ideasuasu towhal will plues you.r friends onuChristmas day.... In Stock we keep DIAMONOS, BROOCHES, RINGS. TIIIM8LES, STICK PINS, LOCKETS. CUFF BUT- TONS, SPOONS, TABLE WARE. AND A PROFUSION 0F NOVELTIES THAT CANNOT HELP BUT PLEASE AND AT ALL PICES ScecOur Boys' Watches ut $L25 te $5.25 ANDIE3W HUSS Succosso aDaby Br«. LIBERTYVILLE X~ X X MLINIs .......... r' t ~~rUsmîas' Our special stock of hol- iday novelties, necessi- lies and toye will be complete and include desirable presents for every member of the family. Don't il 18te Cali at Smjith &Davis Ssanta Claus' lieadquarters Wben niakiug your selectlon of Chrlstmas Oints LibertyvIlle. 111. t Locd, Items of lat«tere to UiR P»Icked Up tleread Tuse I A gir baby vas horu to Mr. aad lMr. Fraik Wilon vau alled to Wankmga L. OoldenTumday. Monday to mmr on the petit jury. Mzm. L1. O ark who hau beaun ll-nEum lÀwnnc, of Chiago, spént rometil la lmprovtng. Sunday wtth bis pèrents bars. lIbu*gyle acvamir itàJala cards for Aivifle Taug e Robet Grummlitt etl ataekiqa dreg store. who ams worhliig for the C. ML & 8t. Dlel mos, of Anttoh, wa& la tova Paul rallroad ai Kttwaukee spot Sun. WebdoW a l"atend thé taielocton. day wth tha r asoute lhrs.. UM.WilliamSkinner Who wna Min Laat Frld an sd aturday thé jotti liit af lb. yack aaomewhat Iprved. of the villae *Àtd for the firet tia on Buenmilb . uptrhevg tino lake thie asason. Theo mav atorm su lb. MelvOdbPM" hoyevor quicily apoiled th. apoit. 25Sà Mmbweof lins q etQ give a privats bowling party at the Tager aBoaliq " Wardeo a returnod Thuraday frsoen gg(Tburadng) ha ing rçuted tino ao 'np lb10"b'btheae.t Ho'fastravelig rna for th acasao. About iweny frMar@halFfla. >>.inhprmt M-e.1-. &.Mille01aiSpok-iieWaab., JImBrown hau on exhibition at hlm laft We.insaday znoi later a viit of maWOOD a four lqumd-rooea, pu lis mUV"aldaga WiUa er adoter Minma Roba Plymouthi Boca varety. Il v, raid Boye. «by Athur Btta, aof Ivaho, lan& flue If rour éges trouble you reemer apecimeof aifowl and ham normai Daawklecu fit JOu cOrvetly wth deveopmont ln every other reapct. It ofaaaea. W. dulca bro en. wats on two legs like any othér roouter aideai vmnt-for bote.thé extra tva h.lng quité short but with Attorney B. IL Miler loft Tuesday well ahaped fot. evenng for Washington where lie viii iLut. Sunday évening a téléphone take up lits work as clerk of the naval meagtoCefetgsldtta commlslon.house on the FttaBandlotph farm vas on Harry Putnam movéd the first of the lire and withli Myor McGaffa h. at wekto the Kttchmann bouse aouth of once went to thée n>. The fie proved 1h. electrie, the Kera bouse in whtch he tk>lhé in a little fourteén hy twenty sac vas living having recently been sold. in which the two htred nien Jivod, located Another carload of iron pipé was tht. btween thé FitzRandolplï home and the weok roclved for use of -.Cotractor barn. It was burnéd to thé ground but Healy lu lajiaz thé vater maiths and k.e losa wyul not hé grépat. The buildtng the pipe auenow on thé streét ready for was very close to the taru and only thé thes wcrtmn. Presénuce of neighleîrs saved that Jutins Treptow left Tuesday noon for structure froi being hurnéd. Texa.s ad Okahoma whéré hé intenda F. E. 'M'ire te back in town after at- spending thé vintér. It te possible that tendtng thée.îmertc-an 3iîîtng Congréma a hé vili go on through k> California ElPaso anul vtsitiing thé minipg belone bis return. poprtiés in which lb ta tnterested In George and Atéx Btatherwick, of Cotorado. IMr. Wtré réîî,l a paper hfore Ortnéil, a., 'who are attendtng Rush th,- intning congréas rlattve to thé at- Médical college, Chcago, visited wtth titiudé of eateru capital in connection their oeter, tirs. Fred Croker, over I nittutheé uléoprnéui t ofthé Mestéi Saturday and Sunday. j nuiîing intpestq In, wav8ewide.ly îî1,tél tn the presof the wetémn tatés. A surprise parts was givén Tbursday ITh,.. l>nver Mining Il., rd publtstîéd thé évenlng k> Miss Lovina Kranz at ber entire article tgti with a two home near Rondout. A large circlé él of unîn cture of tMr. %Vire. Sait Lake friénda gathered at the Kranz home and ;a..rsu andi many oth-.rs i-réproduce.d the an enjoyable evening was apent by att. article ina ttc ntrty ùrinii part. Miss 11lasey (avitt, of Htghtahd Park, daughter of Captata Hatséy C. Gavitt of Saine Measons. the lot. U. S. Cavalry, now litationéd at The .. iéits iié viiialq».ir néxt iveek Fort Clark Tex., vsttd tast wftk at thée wly con stîonld ivrit- to aniy county home of J. W. Murray, eouth of tovun, official, proféssiouiat or lustuese nman, or and attended thé Cathollc bazaar. xl)ërienî-dtaniller i Br,ý kpnrdge county, Mr. eo.Ricardon, f Gaysake Coloradlo, andi nsk about thé property Mr.Géo Rihareo, o Ccaysake ~and maînageaent ofthé Square BéaI introducing an éstbmâ cure o! bt@ own GCoxîîanv-. Invention, throughout Lake county, and Apyti ett l opne n whtch those who havé nsed it déclare Apt ti ts fat onae n bas vondérful ent. Daers handleté ' ttvo ak- orinetet andMr.Ricardonguarantees catie Fuî.iNK E. Wnt, tiLbertyvillté, 11. tactary rsulté.Phn13 C. H. Averit, who représente the Southéra Devetopment Co. lét Tues>- -:THE day k> conduct a party of fivé ovér thé landi of thé company.n Baldwin county, oUeAn f l* mtttéd up, and as thé lands are cheap,taaa Thssconehénraly*fhI b iFy fertile and easy of cultivation, the next T ug n h uas fév years viti witàéess a gréat exodus o! Judge nty as Teamninroron noîtéra éopl b té ette.for the circuit court at Wauakégs Mise Emily Bush, whose itereting Monday thé jurons generally asking 10 latter wvritten !rom Portland wé pub. gt off. Some o! thé. véeré éxcuaed ttshed a couple o! vééksaugo, bas ré- athérs were not. "Wliat la yauî namoe" turued front au extendéd trip through hé asked one whlo wishéd 10 ho excuaed. 'thé vest. Whle awayabe vtitédneanly "Jay B. Morse," was the answer. a&t thé larger western citiés rturanqng "Bld you oay you ian a store ont at direct from Caiornia, taking thé famoui Libé rtyville??, Denver and Rio Grande route through "No, ITam a ctérk." thé Grand Canon. Thursday alternoon ut 2 o'clock a granite shovervwasglvén at the Laycock bomne hy Misse(lértie Laycock in bonar of MsInna WeUlsvho la soon lo be marnidta Mr. Bail Colett. Many young ladies o!fth village vere présent sud à fino limé bai by ail. On néxt Sabnnday Miss Wells viii hégivén a china aboyer by Mise Mandé Btténfietd ut ber bome on Division Street. AU kinis o fancy sud useful artcle fon mle aut thé bazaur ta hé hélt in the TownvallHuit day alter- noon sud ovéning. If you do not knov mast vhat k>, buy jour tnhnde for Chritmnas jan <i"n et many nov ideas hy neading ovér thé udvétisemente wbich you vill f uti in this papér. Thé merchants vho adverttse thé most extensiveiy are vithout exception thé mrbante vba teep "livé" stocks o! goodesud thé live merchants are thé one it viii pay k> traie vit],. Bai theChristmusails su you "iI tbtnk o! many thtuîgg you voulti olhériie foiget. Manager Tatace, o! thé Schvart. Theatre, Wankegan, vités thé TNna- PENDENT It hé beas aranged vtth Manager Dru. of thé Chicago & Mlwvaukeeselctnic for a spécial theatré ear ta louve Lakeé Bluff laté enongh s0 Iat patrons May bavé plénby o! time k> se. thé shov out suy limé twénby4eve patron. cen h. meur.d for Ithe car. Mr. Taises asiethat ttb» vha vih ta Maie use of in. coi heave their naines ut IbIs ôglcosud I énough pasenger. cau ho, escur.d uet any time a car vin h. Wangd toi hi te"phone. Our Ù»noci frameilpictur.. for W*L= "rcolore, MeMlus flTu « Iw o o" i at BmiI'nt'e. ý"éU a gooti cterk runs thé itor., .T'l let you off." Sbortiy ater George Weidner va. brought up. "Your naine." dennandod the court. "George M. Weidner. of AptakWse." I'Apta vhat?' iaid hbes bonor vlth a puzzéiéd expression Aptakisie, " répeated thé candidate for thé jury. "G(ues vi lt jon go loNamud thé jutigé. Given a Varlety. Travétere on thé electrlo bave naticed that onnîany of the cm aiua by that company thé door t thé front of the- coach by vhich thé motorm a ite la képI cioseti sud loctoti. In aucb a cms lb le necsaary for lb. passéngen ta aigbt aut thé rear o! th. car. On othér cars lb ta poeiblé tua altlt ram pither thé rear or frntni. ith théeammafc"tir. A passenger a fév deya ugo gai salue- vhat confuséd. Hé vas s shoit, ticté sort of an indidual, vain gusse, boit a sort o!' apoplectic complexion sud s nearsilghtéd stare Ho va. evtdentiy not usai te, traveling sud a. ho neared Lake Bluff hocame nervoue about trans tening ta thé main lin.. When thé car lavai up at lb. luné- lion lié rose nérvanaly and tarled for the front of the car vhere the baggage room vws locatead . lnnqulkly ta. vorsèd bis tsp ansu tartmd fai thé rosi. Halttag hait vay beiveni the Iva ex- tremes hé excltedly sked s theconductai vhtclienid of the car ta gel ocg aL That ladtvdual eV"ds*lwviitidbY the action. of lbe maimMA$l oavwer very aveetly: I"'laineour. choie, bath onde»stop." LOST--Somévhér. liu LlertYvilIe a gold vatch lob attâched la black tlbbom - Suttble revird tO*fader. EnD*nsAveint. Tve riex«e ala b Plê PrïSy Valsa arr.d mr mok AgmoUi Agrlcul turl ocensd qtecon a1 affleseonerm dWedneaay aflrnon M tâ tisLbsrtvills lovn a& bai.txy. tinte meulef voteplum nsd .smo tben kmiladies, Belaie reporte aofb.the ersveto tern Mmre B.Abu, lu Ishalf of lb.elai sidudro ithes minberasugg.atimg lbai lu lin. art deporlitaan ilbultLain eouly raidmtu be iarted troam en oxhumia da volova. tM"n epuaben ber vleh aW lb. d.hri aftins gslinlg. Fraun T. Foviet, af Wankn, va. premmt vit> a pocie nat01D imeifor a ssnltsry aitito ortins Par graunds. Re eagrby grasped tins opportiunty luaI faIto bnuae nprovements along Ibal lino, r.dssng 4bmo deplorable existent condttions ad non dtogustepatron. of the Fait a. b bring htmltob1h.elime lght by hie advocacy et Improveunenta ln thé losete sud tollet rooma. Ra vants tb ipénd betvwèen tvoansd lbr. Ihousando dollars of the oocety's money sud bas amkéd k> be made nupritendent o! thé vonk, A coupe hundred of dollars viii, la thé opinion of thosé convesant wlth Fair, aatters, suffice k> remedy things along thé uines hé advocates suffltient for thé thréé days théy are each yéar nééded. Mr. Foviér informed thé chairman hé vas thére sud ibén mumbted iométhing about hie conclusion nat k> hing up hie sanitary plan hommue o! thé véather (it vas a héautitut eunny day) but k> go héforé thé board of diretrn tater. But hé vante i tb under- stood hé vas théré and had plana for a sapitary syatem. AUl agred hé vas theré and bad plans and so evrythiag vas9 loveiy. Attr acceptante of the Secretary and Treasuref's reports officérs wer balloted for. Tva tickets véré ta thé fielId sud thé possibiity o! voting by proxy vwas broached, but Chairman Cater ruted againet thome gondesiring eo a point af ordér. Thé baiioting vas close and résulttd ta thé ticket héaitéd hy W. E. Miller hétng, éiéctéd vith but one exception. Mésars. Parkhurst, Morse, Bock and Ciow vere on bath tickets. The Tickets.. W. E. MUtler ........................34 H. J. Catér ........................29 18T VICE PBESIDENT. H. C. Edwards ............................ 3 F. L Cari ................................30 2.Xn VICE PREMIENIT. John A. Thain ...................... 8 ...... 4 G. B. Stephéns ............- ....... 29 MECHETARY. J. B. Morse ...............................68 vILEAOUREI. 'E. W. Parkliurst ..... ................. 63 Heiman Bock .............................63 Freman Co ............................ 63 Samuel Bleklrt...................8.2 J. A. Maoun. .....................0 ULH. Bryant ................5....8 C. H. Fit. Hugh ..........................30 D. C. Amés ............................. .8 L. B. Hanby ..............................4 The diretan elécted are Bock, Cov, Haiaby, Bryat sud Blackliér. Scinool Notes. The Tbsukeglvtng itory contet va. van hy Mima Flots Churchil. Thé @toiy viln hé publiaheti la a laler édition ai this paper. Othér mombei' af th. Engilibclam vboe abimeadeserve pectal imontion wveo Hamel Butter Banche Proctar sud George Wrigbt. On Thnnoday evoning, December 21 undon the auspices af 1h.Llbertyvllle btgh mbool B. H. Hendenabott, th. original drummer bbya!f thé Bappaban.. nock, aaahted hy local "talet yl give su ontertatamont aI lb. Union churcb. Thé proceeds af thé entertament yul Io usadinlubuyag nev books tor tb. achool lbrary sud Il deaervés good patronage irant thé cammuntty. ,An admission o! 15, 25 sud 85 cents vin h.e cbaiged. Thete ar ata the preont ta.. accord. iag ta, thé books ot Principal Koin 249 pupils enrolle lu un. publie achool. Thé average dafly attendsuce for th. month vas 235 sud forty casse. af tardtnee occnréd dnrtng Navember, stock Holes. Meting. To thé sftoekblden aofltheFit National Bank LibertyvIllé, Ill: - , You une héreby notifiod Ihal thé annual meeting ot the tbck bolièesofi 1h. PinI National Bank af Llberyll, III., vin ho heli -in thé diedon troom oai eu hai, on Tuésiay Januaty 9, 1006 aM 2 o'clock p. nM. for tihe purpose ai eleting a bordaof directoré for thé en.utng yeur qad foi thé transaction of uch othoi business as may regularly corné hélr. thé meeting. Butsd, LlberlyvlDeDL, Dec. 5,1905. V. O W. TAo., Cabler. Blini, b=leslu.Ilt sud uon u>i~aar laluty rfmyedbyMn ou T4b aroeau la. P* la .olad LAKECO. NATIONAL SURPLS SOAM-00 And a oheok book lu bis pookethmba atlhel ha neda lght wlth hil,-ad te orreot obuffl THE FIRST NATIONAL I JOlN U TAYLOR, BEJAM Imm l ProsMent Vo-uudu 0.. W. TAYLOR, QsMer. Thon a 4-ay aajielrpMd tstin iablb. vl. Thisfor YwourStcag ba i a eSnoomigdeods mwinginP end af lb. vear. Btter o]on en accouaI TO-DAY. Tha our vlU no t only h. ate, but vilh. e arnng jon MOreTO aey Buy GoodRbbr Maybe yon dQn't kuow how tob buy -d rubbers; ail rubberu may look alike to jon; aM 1 tell whether they're good or bad by wetring-is Then, if they're bad, you buy auother pair à,, @&me klnd, probably, and feel sorry for youmuul Here's where yon leara sometldng abl rubbers. Seiz Royal Blue rubber. are botter-Il usual in quality; look botter; wear botter: they c 1h. same price as usual rubbers. When you buy your next rubbors aaký. Seiz Royal Blue, and gel a good pair. Thé naine Sels la on thé sole; lok for h, and taie no othér. It'sasa good a name on rubber. a. on sboes- It stands for quality. You'll find i on ait kinde of rnbbér footvear. ROYAL BLUE RUBB!RS FOR SALE 41 THEFA JR oery Umm J'RBD tCRtOKI3Rm* for «Muter War-at tou B4 Uber4ffilee For Fait Boots, Germen Socks and theo OId Reilsine Mimawaka Arils, double soie coma ta, 2OhCentury Cash -St( W. have alto a fin.elUneoaf gents dît scarfa mufIlers, sweaters, aupnders, neattes. pooket handkearchiefa and masaelîppers for the holidays.. Vour patronage .lcltod Es WuPi E~ r Aa&mwaoa~v "UààC. t. a dit ïin&àà m