Stock, LbertMll, Illinola An' up-to-date lino in late models of s.amllk'fS be mny stock before malting your Selection. in tlme of Indigestion le îaow fut ild Rng'si Dyspepaia Tabiets r-ieve ligetion, and i<rret alil stccelwh (die. tes EkOdbyWILLIIÂcKiFY, Liiarty- ~eandi GuàLALAAgEP, Âaraî,Acv. Milliard A. Wagner AUýÜCTi0 N EERS. VAUKEGAN - - ILLINO!S 09 Washington St. Pl.aar- :13731. OUR CHARIGE 15 1 Per Cent àtt.ftwiontîan irltoata.a-ai Mar V.1mi RI-CHIAR DS ON S ASTHlMA SP ECIFIC For ASTIIMA COUGIt CURE BEST KNOWN PURIE. PLEAt<AN'i. 10$ITIVE. No ALLOIIOL. Opiatem ocr Dl.etriouw lrug.. USE Il ANI) "BE IIEALED" DIRECTIONS ior aduit.eit)c.'coafl vrry tîo - ouis. lFor !4ld ~alU every hour or tw .. PRICE 50c and $1.00 .tcocrdicc« tac Siz AU La ke County Deaers Handie il. Manufactured by G!O. RICHIARDSON GRAYSLAKE - ILLINOIS Mf you have trouble in decidiig upon you lst of presents Look Rere -Look hersaeny way. Chances are You'il eo no fartiier. We hava a fie lins of Chrstmas preserts Presents vell suited ta the testes of fastidious people. A few of the. ihings are: Sbwing Machines, Victor ýj, Talking Machines A fullt line of Jçweiery, Clacks. and Cut Glass L.-B. SUERMNN Thie Orayalake Jeveler -Th vÀ racet pleasant, $aient puy bast . o uses for Cougis, Cuid, Croup, lpiCougl ,etc., in Kensdy'n W'«ps aid Ta. Tuieedî - ~enflmaim tics s.stem by act- ig alaon tLb. bowie Soit LAKE OO1J1TY INDEWENDENT. WUM4Yi, SOME TOWN LOTS Ws are.oUlng rom esto fivesacre - a lote on tifs ed iOItro djoiliUig tovil on te eactioud, taton on tb. pro- PStY1? ~ w t aolarg nonh 014010! VILLAGE LT ev-- We iw'0N1'7 coles lotae1»In th sb4 iioti for $850, $800 Wlll mare you a build- ing lom f wanted. TIis la a gooti op- ,»eruw.nt o own a home. Bes un to-ay. IN" WTif . . . . . .to bny boue, lots or * ~ farmne, mes ne. 7. have smre good bar- =-J iW'ALE-Bous5, barn anti well *entébllsiiet business, n Libertyville. DTUNED & AUSTIN. FU M OYMONO & AUSTIN AGENCY, Proctor Stock, L.brtyville, Illinois. AIlS '~flThe mision of "Earlr Rimera" la to Aie lofacîfatheb. ay anti give nature fuil sway. mah" , re ag n< c i<m.tbat .ll* TAes.lainons littis plle rid, the stomacli bietsci ~ iro5 ~ aIbudbowela of ail putrid mnatter. thus re-. your bodahmu hotm oviug. the cause@ of beadache, conatl- mos andi Idamdt, tuat rob 7j=OR ataun salov comaplexion etc. eWitt's oeep until youoyatUsebeomu. notua imttîs Early Rimera neyer gripe or cacken. dmM th" y«I &s» lu grave dangurci A @ae, piemacaft, perfect pili. Solti by ail Pueumonla or Consumpion, a qnlcliiy doaiers. cwe byFOu~s UuelamiTubUniversel Praise, FOLEY'S ISET AMiTAI Wlen a retail drliggimt 'ceLaselle rnany sootiies and beaue the Infiam5d air pnei t sages, allays the. feyerasii conditions, stops the cough a"d prevents serions amsut. from a colti. FOLEY'S flGNEY A1 TI lu the only prominent cough mediciné 1 on the market that docs flot contain opiates or barmful trugs o any kindt antion this account issafest for chiltiren. It is unexcelled for Croup anti Whoop- Ing Cough audti wll quickly cure the. racking cough whlch follows messie anti lcaves so many chiltiren with weaà lungs unless properly treatoi. f Remember the name - Fol*' Non" ansid Ta-anti refuse aubsti- tutes that cost you tlue»M a s*the genuine. Do nlt take chances w"u nmre unknown preparation. OmsuumptlemTrnmd C. Unger, 211i Maple StL, Chainphygn M., wites: "I vas troubieti with a backlng cough We a year anti 1 tbougii 1 had conaumption. 1 trieti a great mss? remettes andi I wau under the cars et physiciana for scieral montha. I used one bottIe of Fole's Hone>' andi Tani lt cureti me. andi I bave not igea trou- bled "c." Tie hffl313005d. So. $1.0 Tii.- 50 cent d m atawo m one-han tises as muecM has t. tmss andthe ti 3100botla almoattz i as muci. SOLB MUSESMENE I FI. LOV-LL LIUSCRT*YVILLE ONE. MINUT (2) U*ft.aehe esuk ow (3) Cms ou (4) ODrawsouathie. ,aflnmsatoe (0) luethe grms (mficr" of dMM& i >Sibmgthmàe s .aeaas mebres'. , th.1mI. (8) Reles'.the fevrsh nadilIns (9) Ram es.. emm ofaeatheoxmab e. i. omIslonatesiskmn t10j Dm5., <. 1ma. <bon eetbute pm. If. etvIne m.d Uf .-auslaatge Syre o the il. m.Cure Camp ad an Courts. Lne & DM atcW AffscIoS. CODON CUE orpsaik a 0 .Wt C.,CN - 0!is lirsement to - aa a-iuaoî t le ncrtaiiy tAhe etrcalîgct <'videice that the ornesso tacure a mdlismicare ttan cardinary nierit. Mr W. . Seymoacur caia literpJribiiig anti reiialaIW druggiAtc(Il Rtaymoacnd], Ili.. ini a Icitata t lac.aiaouiii- lcoct.urier,datet .luly 2:3,' 11)02 ' sai, is.- laook tice agent-I for fil ac i ccf liIairtaa' Honey ant i lorelîoaind iatdlis-titiToiale Laxlativei Syrup asiacut caaaa, >e-ar caiji. cci.have hllda gaaici ala ifor tlîa.îî i id tb.y lare very populcor.- F.' Libertyvills. .Slake Loy Rute Fcar Fiat Stoack Show. WTiic.rau 'ciays ltvc le ic i]lia V.rata a forh citi.I<(5interiaot iraI Lava.StactI eipaal.Itiati a,<i t ga cillaula Le.,taklcia of tic,se ratas blit îaaailalc.tail tii.<itire CXouIrtry, as fit raautier tnuacs ar ;allaatCai %au have the iciivaîtiaga s csittaralalint thuaa x)giition taa acae ccali etit iie alis aoan tîicnltiaaaiitiai'1 asI fthlic ia-at pr- aluiticalis,c'lai Iod. -Tihe mtarkcets icf FulI cle aire a' cnaaka for the laet tiat ccaui (c.praauial ta) brijg to thuca show. Meetiags ofciiIl the impc~ortan rctli-ccd as- plciftisar i. e ld in Chacaago ciur ing the. week of ite. shoaw sotlîcttlas advcanatg ut seigqg tctc, et i«. augiaera<ed 1)a' lafer- iast proiclaînaofut racdiancod tsediiig dl5iisc.<I<ci I tc)i, jlà ci.tu laiy ,ai k riastacar farine-r. The iaaî railw'ay rates turing mn afroant aIl partesouthtie gloîbe to thia, ehcw-toucc- irhe aiaaciscliii Iaiicgiilid ceusa 'citli une anti acatiier icd worth a tiîouard ut ile trnipa flla. Md Chame Millons rush ira nicdaitealter jîsalili tram une ex trente ut faddisin to another, cohen. it tha.y coauld ccnly <at guud fomt, nuitl keep their tairais re rguicor wlth Dr. King'@ Nov Lite Pilla, theit troubles wouid ail pao'. awas. Promipt relief for liver cad stomna-la trouble. 25c it F. B. LovFLL's. Libertyvîlie ancd Gars- t.axî 1'ABSIAcTding etoreý; guarantSeti 8pedisol Honemeekcet 0Exetirsbosta Roaund-trip tickets at le@@ than -tbe reguscr ore-way lare .to a ciY oints lu t!ie Wes<t anti Snnthwaet. Tickets@ 'hr sale Oaetober 17. Noiremlcer 7 andi 21 andi DecembperS anti 18. Return linjt 21 days Liberal stop over priviieges- Details Oit .iequeet. l'ami ALLOit%, Ticket Age.nt. For tih. world's na'ws get The Dally intepr Ocean. For honatae es tale thes IslaEt'EtfENT. (Only *3.50 faîr botb papers un. yeaî. àà ý ý For The Iiolidays Reilious. Ilumorouse Poetry and Song. Medicinal, Morse and SIOCkI. Cok BoOkSo Elocution, Relerence, Iiogrop4g. Ilistorg and Adventure, Young PeoPw lesCasslcso juvenles, over 200 different kinds to select [rom at prices so low that jjou would hardlg berieve it . .0 Reglar $3.oO I3oo*ke. 8c $2.00 -"....68C $1.00 " ....38C Bound in thtt finest silk cloth, IIiuîniiîîted coverti. Haudsoine and Appropriate, Gifts. Sleds, Wagons, Mechanical Tous, DONlS, large and small, white and back We bellev#e that we have the most complete lino ànd moi4t handsom.e display of loliday Goods iii this county, none excepted. You 'd better droi, i and make your ;ehetiotiý early. We'll keep them for you if Yon. Bay 80o un!til you eall;, or if you address thein we will place them on the- tree, free of chaïge. B oyIer Bros, NI lUý 11 NIEWS !ROM vlsltsd et 1fr. BadwiIn'* home Sonday. 1I<s P.laimer. Chutreidl, Pster andi Frltscb veres t Wauksgas on buse 1'ueeday. Chas. Dykes will Msare ater Xmas for Kansas, wbere h. 'vIivisit bisistei and other relatives. UmssEmma (Gerlach wa@ ln Ohicago Tuesday on business. Miles Rogers. of Loon Lake, >waa the gueet ot mms.Kitrteinger Tuesday. T. -A. esyois vwas a. Chiago passenger Tueesav. Phllip Hartray faa sndiug the. vsek vlth bis brotietln Evanton. Mms. J. Plonien and son vislteti at Waukegan Frlday anti Saturday o! last week. Mros. Hartray returned trom Evanstoti Saturday where mie bati been viiting ler son anti family. Perine Richardsoni was a Waukegan vioi tor aturday. Il Hu wo6 T* --VMlM EvsryD.ua4RauXadson itu. New 700o4.Dwi IL2&-ThOns. P. aym *x'nTuudq ,r aéied before tie1 insbtirarslnvuat 4ugomtsensd, bul int u. e .IL aX&tua ditiMdn1 Ghretausi te 4à *b» ho doniadat tbat ur.-Iwm ft o*pta hlm a share ta thé, «atWl, a.1 Lia -Erotabi. Lii. AsuIrates aOitsy umtait s. NM. lysa *urein a smmlLL.athat ha badsatmotuaspse by tais for"s refusai. t islclebs ier eeavertionsl anti sait ha bad <tatamiuM t ta nav t. questigeista aiiclha ba' rofused rapîites aVFrI4ay lamthause Dis- trict Attâruey Jerom sithléeOuMIt O do ». N I i fi a c I e f e a s o i s e I -1 1.1 gu ta M t Oaa- w.. ugew» mt"s, Dwe 1&mm*of # (> ntt.ý%4àcogres ousw;tThe fM. me mon hoortout casUtfeos; wu* andm~a Payu nP .); »ap9gogpiIa oUti, ?wa *(Mia); Jodteiat, Sja- fare, Hltt (111); mlttwstemaa, 111 (la.); *aval aRaire, Wo (111.). pont Mes, and PMn roais, Ovstwesrt (fiL); Inolerart% Cooper (WIs.); beakins sud currsncy, PWowI.r <N.J.); river% and barbora, Duto. (0)>; apiculture t'adsvortis (N. Y.),-; pbuil lande, 1, or (la.); manutadt4raÇ ISiblsy (Ps.); shbor. Gatn <.J.); imIgratIon land ~analaf Hoval (N. J.); aÎue (lumeo a<d.); setos WM pirteddebteson tGe uni- .ecte of relromt rat e Igl&aun.aris- ng tirrough the. Introduction of a bill <y Sonates' Tilman to autiiorige tiie Iterstâte eommèe comisiaon to fis nauimum rates, andtihe Panamna canal. hze-tn àconmtrco.ry oves G.e referencs of theeeinsrgency appropriation bil te a mlittee, MondaisSession of thie <ouste contlnuously pitvatilntareating fo more tias four bonis. Washington, Dec. 18.-Tii. senate Tunday paeet l firaet bill for the sas- Sion. It vu a mesure autiorlzing the Rock Islan& .Arkansas & Louisvlille itallroati company te construct bridges serons the. Onachlta and otiier streame ln tthe stte of Arkass. andi was reporteti iii Seuator Berry from lte eommittee on commerce. Senator Taisîferro took the. oatu of office for hie 5ew terni s a-senator. ,W;ashington. Dec. 13.-Tii. sunate coMismttes on appropriationa agreed te report tii- emergency canal bill, car- rylng 111,000,000, but Struck out tii. provision îelatlng to bonds. Wasington, Dec. 14.-Tii. »Date va u l n ses so n for only an hour anti a half Wedneday, and a portion of tbat tUme vas spent la thre consideration of execulve business. A number of PrI- veto biiUs ver. introduced in hite open session. A communication frolf BEcretqt! Shaw regardii g anpaign contributions bY national bànI I lm reeti. Tts secretary incloceti a lot- tsr fromt Ge Corntroller Of the curresci eaylng tGat Gohe-Ports Of tank upetots raesal Only a fev &mailcontributios le, the lait14 YOMi. vissomal Gog--- stut Boston, Dae .14-U»aemJam tUn. anuatineated, Rupalmu Jev. 086 Who basa,%v.4 hors fri#n amu that 1I5M* ei ý ion anMtd tr.Cosea aildtLis moso terdetp anti mm on. ons au"otl ameng Ghé Victime. st. Pstmrbumg.VIa, Mr*"i MM Primais. Dec. 14-Espegtasi circulation tu thre eNet tfiLth Rg a% veawtmru', fortresa tuera. lnquiriis ministry of tiie interlor renulLsà statement beiug madtie Gag fi srnmeut'u adtucesdo bot co"s capture of the. fottresaandthGeM of the governor. Tiie ituatin suer. la adittedti ta h pai commander at Riga hbis apela adtitonal troopa. viilciivers, patcheti. atevolutlon lu Ldvonta. St. Petersburg, Tustayc D* (eveàing), via- Helslngfois. Pbi and Belin, Dec. 14.-T*o meus aibo arIvexi bers fîom Risa iavig vaîketi about 130 tmlles I a train at PRock, not only conluý report tiat a provislonal, goveol bus been sest up la Livonhi, but say that many of tiie treope bave over to thehInsurrectionhts.1 fort. commanding iUS& baMQntý tIteir possession andi the Louera otier tuinian oficiaisane pr Tiie meseugers adtit iat the, pli i government exerctses A« tbmougiiont Livonla andi part OtI land. The nov govorame* - bi claredth i.esparation Of GoeILAM people from tie Russigs >epiWE bave ciiosen nov Ilocal 0&"*'s haie deerosti the osnp sIrops anti biverles t; ment et contractaetaisu *1as peasanti an theoIeaduwubtrg: ls a general uprisifl so,* r4.a'.e. 5amtade, cagoTueMr. Î Rmu*sversion ot viat Mn. Mai. Et. Rapple paid thecounty seatavisit risan lemandeai andi viat bo tireat- Il Tuesday. ene te Wdo upon tiie refusaletfbil . s J. P. Shtermn aa ae a trip ta) Russ-eli mantis, vu a substance as tollevs:1 Tuea.lay. Tiat Mfr. Harrinsan deman4oti on*. Mir. Burîîett. nt Lake Villa. tradet hait of thre 503 -niais of the. stock of t tiie Equltabie Lite Assurance society. f 'citi> unr rîerciants ,uefcii. vblch Mr. ltyan isti purchaietifrein Il Tlîare avilii b.. a scialai tfIae M. E. James H. Hydie, and vilcI gave Mi.i elchai> alay, Dte iVa. iIc.raclnants, ltyan contrai of thre pioperty. paoa onacaiandirai cicr'ctm.'Adisslaaiona 1( .Tiat Mariman t.reateneti, unla cents. Siuvc.nir fioi .verytiiiiy. 1ho vas conceddd tii. shars in the cn-a 1 trol of thei. oity, tae exrt ils polît-1 W:;i. VariîWacîil a, ia laftea t ical anti ail otiien influences againit, Wa..t liani iIatuaa. Flýia taa. H.. lias Mr.i yan ant ieisproet. c raiitcAa1 laa-wa- lmi it-tlaerc- iicaîll leng.agai That Ranrimas declared tire rpob- ira tîcat business. abiy voul4 lie Iefflutive action, antir E.icalia Wa.alluira. abo is .i.rvitcg un the that hIntint event , ÈI Influence vould 1 jiay at Chicago .pciit Stiniliv etaiome. limportant. Tiat Harman tienandeti tiirlgiit M'irs, <ciilaaiwitb lia-a cson)amiiite O nme tvo otfiOee truste«. ti vote aLlaater La,-,rntc.d tiiat. ira the cit.v the controlling stock itiie election of! foi c. 1 i1]tar. . directars oi tue soclity.4 Miss .aie-I A-feris Visii li er sistet, la ieply te roeated ' questions byi lira,. la..tera- Jrgercsèîa ettVcîen Charles IL Hughes, counesl of tIre( coismittes, Mnr. Ryan state t tat Mr.1 Fr.-ircan Claw id< att.-radlag super- Hariinan dii nett reaten tiiet tierd vi-s i ectirîg fut <Vucaatiis wvc.ek. sonît ieb.egilatlve action uniesshiie Frctrlc Claliisaegaica î'crking at vas given a abare n tii. Equltable1 Gadte' liverycontrai, but nitaliers probablY vouldti he sncb action. Nefttier tii Mr. Mr-1 <cVaa. ilic. o f Vaukegtiri.éspet Sun. rimas tiireatsn any action by an oflâcet (ae rt hoame. .of the goveramintt 'olziaatcathcao! Clýiiaaagaapeit n interviev Vas Uctrenous. (civ daa sraîtiauit uiîtnlt Grcy»ake Tt vas aa tientishInterviev, 1Mr. reeent] ' . liasn»Id, anti vas beldt u. tiia pru- 1,e Nl1-lndri aw ýdgiid hmeuce et Elihu Boot, tin Mr. L1s La.ellaalc.naorfbasreagiadbs gnusel, now societary of statea auml posilcuu 't hite* areir mhop anti D. Crarath. allea Mr. lyiL. as qael. aceîtrdone- with Gnllidgc. & Lupbcrer Mr. lias toli tte canami#tteslie et %%Vaoakgaic. dreaiGoheiférence freis ILtilht Mn. Wiki. %Weage. o! f .acc alled i <H arimas tilt nt vaut aubotiy te uit lcrieids Sitttirî-aiii. contraiLie Equitabi. soclety unless io bati a share la (t..M1r. Rysa sateti Fraîrakie IVinlle. of K-Aii, apeîît Sunaiay tiat lie palti no attenlon te Mr. MHri- with ilsii parents lise.. ma's stalement tiat isInfluence MIr. Waiah cond lttle grand-aiaugbater,' Ululai haelimportant, lu ýtheeeavent cf of Rto Lù,ik e e.ilîtassnt caliers ieffllatlle action andsti iamet ima herise Satiirday. tuat lie vanteti uo partners lu the ou- terprise. 1Mr. Harman <idti Set W iiiarti Bintz;arad wcvie, ut Waukegat-, the coveteti phare l, he G.tock 1fMr. wre.the gu..sts at Iclle Bdvinuuie iyan tieclareti Ghat Gis Interview tcOO Buntiay. place w1titima. fev- <deys «ifor ha SMt, O ole.uitrarisscted business contrifo! fienidtock.- bore londay.e. YUsai KIsierKua, Hel"c Raymonaarad ]MarY Raught, Of body vms eeitpoiielit tif Getli- Vole. viited nt Urcoyelke Muntiay. tmuaiLte Insursnoit compu ata maet- Mss Matel Eda-ards, o! Wauikegaîi, tng of thG*o iarwdet trustos Wetim spratSnutiy at um..dey. 1Mr. Peabdys lai v wuSuda @pet Snda 1$W.00 aa ni> BiH m rdsOeaso. ieturibsrturi.ed rcam Richard ÀA. McCurdi. recevmet 160.0S0 1Ier.W vieiL ie br brutiber fut Joîsnoburg a 7ai. 1Mr. Peabodr viiifais office andije egain cuipluýed at 0erIabsci eos Januar1. reteaurant. Peckius Quits UsaWIr" kliue. Diek Eeàscs, 'rîco ies be.eniploYed nt Nov Tork, Dec., 14-C.orgeW. Pet- Mciieiry the paait week raturiiedtet out kuns tendetati bis rtetiuat as vice Hp îci sMtfleryîeprésidieut anti ciaitanan ot!tGefinance town Moradaiy. esio ce dcommittesetf Ge Newi Ton Lifé. inaimi aon thiejauni, that Grcoyslfke le gouo anc. oompany', at ameting of the eiuougb for hi. board 0f trest.a W.tiaesua. nsi et Thie skating on thie lake was excep- vs. accepté&i Alexante IL. Oitvas tloiaiiy dfie Siidcoy and a great many Mi"ctatité uceot Mr. Porklas. ver. takiug cdantage uni t. ,ia-s. %Wr igit aeanpompicled by Mrs. J. CURTIS MACE CAPTAIN. P. 8liernit dnii'ca tu Waskegaiiu iav. i sRoil es ooaIs Shs wil nmâaa lait lier hboitas t bis . Namoin TadIls b>'a Viun- Winter. I MuA vote., ,>Chas. ligalaaugl idletaktnga course et thie Art Institut.., Chicago. Au Arbor, MicIr, Dec.1.-Loft Win Trckla ho as asn soppnaTb"o p 3eCurtis, 01 tiie Universityr o! Wm. Tackl, wh basbeenetopi Miobiga.n ufoOtballsavon, vas oat aon. for soitras Ons itb lertJuiiuioi, basday: tmanlmousli esleei captain icie isturiiet]ta bis huiihaWiieoulu. sont yea. It'is saidt t iat iélsection 1Mr. anti Mrs. Robet Harvey vers the vu due bath taeIis ability as a player gare4t, ut Ernesi Book ant i vieat andtetatIredésierof Iilé oan ma«estoi MonailleSundy.evidence tirlibeltof tiiat tGo ruing ont Muiarilmie TudaofciCurtlu frais tIre Chicago Tiankogu- tar. ieseTwraseral. ot Fort HilIaloir day gamos for afleged unecesary cailed on triendai a.eeSaturday. - rangiaess wvasunjustifteti. 1 F. D. Battersiieli arad r. l'aier -ers ia Clrirtagiaon lusiese !oiday. Rpuiat-Agrtment. 21am. rilaof vasto, wo e Wil Washington, Doc. 18.-Bor B. tir. rib, i a-ontuaaio i vil Iuribuit, the apecial messer ta know'cutier i vely sice t ber homn 1tire emperon of Koroses. u eslt0 Eveaitii.a cablegralu froa oséainea hisatcb i W. bave su mnof t tcaeXouas tuinga empenor declarte -tht tire agretemeet that we are gciig to aisîl tbsm ebeap ta) batveen Korsa anti Sapan te anuit MAdt avuit] carryiagi tiienu uver. Graymlaake i0ida bscause t vas obtalaïd, y force Pharaey.Hoe ase déclares tont hl iilnnovai Plaanuctcy.aigu -this agreement luaiRs présont Miesee Margaret autd Matha Janies fois. ver. Waukegau igitiyro Saturtiay. Miss Romîaine U1ardcnetle, who bas Cbi.IdWiPerla by litre. been the guet ut Mis Floa-suce l'enter- Dubois, Ps.,DQec..IL-i ulie son Lb. peau fow weeks returnedt ta ber et uiy It tir 'Vuensin bons l Eeînsuu, and William liPma ati viii, SMies Cra&Baldlwin, of Evataston, vas thé parbats, vfth ir t* 050 vnI tbe guest o! ber aurat, Mr.Baitiwln, oier ociudron, bars»' leiac "u ttirLi Suutiay. u. Mirs, L. A. Burge vas the guest otMis. mai sejnomîfr & O Shepard ti t urneo Wednestiay. Ner. Tek. DeS,14,aA isesl Mr. Bluts, ot Waulaegan, calleti o oncaa ie Tari jk eOxflgs frieucis anti relativesbliesSudai. dWoti«al, 'a $88,000, t4 uga P. A. Robinson boa mouet i is boatt mat bas' e*qe bu mot -Tiéc lst Dmu of )- kgh- r-th -r CEARIN SUCCEEDS MITCHELL 1I5S., off ac ilus xtise tien hav e om itlat.. Laies unatars e ati. the.towas. TW*iatlu finie. oe. Dec.14-0oi. Gorge lae upWerea anim lm. Chambearlain Weaeday annoneti lralG eporaos thf ,eappoitment « 0f on M Gm> f trel aaians5Ma Portland, tu Rsac"eathes %te Soin H. O ISdun mîiteli asTUitedi statu senata? frao eirder ta euc$Ps Oisgbn. Mi. Ceasa ~a <émoM but BLWO 1ai Goe .indOrselnsit Of sot Only fathD@ tioemlc parti laUdsLitsatbat i-, RovItek Cort eOfuA Ghst Of NOisC of Gohetucbe#ttarpab-i ndcs1 7 mNo As icug, Thiiapoitueviî itla Cou- d ko kaL g'giEatl jiench, 4ii0, nalmbis drEsltUs. tenare liai> hasOne *r entiaYth Le Albany, N.-T., Dec, leglehature -wulir ill MUiE lahi rgilai Of appusla *i pdecialol »"sion le January. 1»0. 1Wdnis"ta hiLe Now Job* M. Ooaihi le a ftBAdSlit, f lot hm eu. ustain Mufltom ouai a"et, aonO- HO vas Of ouneolfor Mamo bore hI UluiBts, CrÏ;a Atiit1t lelia nd detniesgin »In lu1874 hiswva a ombor 0cftGe foi William EsAdepi isulsituna andti tvO M>'ar atot waneolléaec eoutGo Mi elactot i ttiattorft*i for Portlani. la emp leagua ticket, T ;,1884 ho.w valected, district attoinei as *à grn"b iî ota for muitonomair district Parker andis anooot .court, bave no power, SIX PERIGH 5V FIRE. tiofi 15v ta ordar by opening 0f tG. ballot 1 Terrible Pats of a Setier atid Ive count aad.racanMis0 cilitir.' lu a Neai Tutji apt.- casereîatss aiectly t mesnt XVase. Meyor. COMptroller as - the boanti o! ýaltierpi Ntv Tonk, De,._1.- uotier antiosoieletton tiat iCt a bai flue chWltlatvoesbuanitoadestir uenbly <districtotfaiNe lu 06d@lia tn-toiy apsrtmmneli t tIre elutiuOfno! bhumst olumbs*n* but venaatioaf î tu, utuqeli Huatre4t tibr ieM ontai nlit Tao Kr. lusb ContitML otiir wersuil urbd &D anti "M «n ~et Neo rkoli ft.andm umora eitam is Githov utu a paerie, in lit.effec omt Pth Le igmascitGem pstcgORffrom, aqcspeanti of tbJla sne ,under U aevoer*isonsd hi poUlico res an-4ti Lon-iav. &Mbeuice sargeos. Thé <lesdt inluais Mis., Tohn T»rmD#Oa5 the protier; iii ZadioLa 30i tGtheogye-ol Land ar t Gioo otr- Cibcage, Ded.14. - aie ciltiiwi, nmpag trot sou"Tm oIuiSgrand jury Wedastia ta nias peste f age. Ums.Thomaon mnet.againt tire CM içet beonlits la au ontisVon to snu erot IWaY compansY. Jobi i Midrsu, lHerbody wue.fouantinhi er former vice pieulteat j r oome viti ber lite 0005c tieirbodisformairasenai freid e oba nuet, 13'igsabot bot. Xoter granting rebats« fa 9 tiM ciuitret vaieut onf frais escape Sulîbengor, anti giving by the latoi or tue <bor t ahg Auto tation to emploies of Lie bal lseotug augit. pani. NoKgr*onfertO.ti5 Deati 0f àa' VlAUblisatqg, Dec.14.-<be statens - Ositiosi. Wis., De, 1 part . ent bus bean latoîmodti fat thre1 as 8. Alleu, a distingul effoit te arrange4adate for Lthe mes,-the civ il va? anti a pt r bliug of Thee Hague cont eresce has1 manoftila City, <liediÀ ibeaui muspestiotifor tue Lime beiug, antij He vas 80 ioare 01mi tiL la nov bellevat tu b. impossible ta-in hiAllegbsay coui 1o terte second coiferouce to meet eaniî1 26, 1825. lie cam tu yea, ows nc epete is record dturing Lia neI ioi. a.vs oce gpetet. one ot excePtionaî tua tTo M ut lu Ro mes. Nahiiet or.- ý iPiaeiplria, Dec. 14.-Te Centrai sextue, Vami., Dwe committas represntlng thes voiid's Key.anted, la La Osu Badai m4iiooî conetio, lu Carge oetiiwsch*o iusaltim tie, tatste f 3»0000 Sundai seble, out f spooi, a aId v iii a n ollmn to f 2 M e a i se, van s is fl kQW 1-ta tirevit s f cn vey nd les Delaxo>'. R.- 38] -qM obl h *0d@ ýOBO ret *b ut mat" seAU«o tLien 4u Rame, 1lr. &Y, 3 100 . mesrsho a uaei II laoia 0r f Mmatln. Wi, at d Zf en-ePMfOU M ber o4 Ber%. ai Powit- a. p"M » CramPe I7 a. laierlivnguse hIsvoe ripalet ladlesievi Ofe WeaiustmivIrl 0siettut 04ou g*sta deaf. ms eapt mlie - u r t f i ctb .8-û Wg A i* stats >-1a 4 l Obe eu» remtvo ipls speMtgvt T » vis Octle 5 I.P opim rie tbteaiGthe. a. 1 ý PA De- franmeted busineos in Chi- 1 nous aigu rwçýww wç- Pm#- 1 houle to the rear 01 aie Daru. 1