car r. ; tudid teo oa àd*bm of a a wLi dp, 34, tw0m.1USe mai ~. UVUU lu-i lsatu ~~~Ne1bhgo~Dr. bo bw th. pat sev -Miea pmotisIg pityldlanai noml maI te,. oc.ulda Most yajum 1waatillue. mi-s &rd -in., a Obveili k»u o >lmucmw madbum a host - lierviiiM tra short wmdns hea ommifor Ibe vintev at them Ow 'oeeupbd by the doclor. la «C Dr. Conne ill iiibad a C eos ugtetamIn sret. h ~tyr, oherimekiiova as = vawhcbathe marn, ime . eiy prmooced and mach basappiie4for a divorce trou à WIb necomplam thaî while f, ffl endlovig » ber ohm at etbe hael tccber beal hlm ouv.wlb ber mropinlaMsd'a gay bharleS bol tes lto hie r mm., ne uevr rt&Ulatëded 1 '"b h. va spfoed 10 hbave home tl @Mtb«e payéetd. IN» lo t, $kt cdan aul 05&I! elgtun "Nps but veM bm .B olte- à@ Waw tesdeupwsfMr. anSd *9.mdm Kyr an mo Md buv - t Ie sePavatepa"b wobas bqe «VUeinbo0ledmslm8 onauevorn. buS vas klariet tim leél butw blar t au-m e twbhIu.n âfl otw pot k:uaob ponM fao04 04 VrboWam b hoej: n. b t l.a Mdiebp w*0fp rd aI» B4 rhss1 e: to* *» gwnnm nSIbo blm bfb a<.bmtd drive. tbon dovaim ne g»i. vUlj m vrImIer approames bqnthby sar awieS ove, 10 e folbba,* .pelugoa ay sbIne. v«aiw ai *0 em$ms01o be montalnq 1h. rngm e b&Mp nS bm eoS cf kooeppu«àaSo"k nouaate 1 Um muve ia Ibaua hhrn ima. saibpleS. Wlih ,tbh.esmdMlons Mr.. W&fflU nuiS lib eliletaI$2.50 aiEh» lcppmd. h ofci v * mte er rlmaS e i.police vrere urpramd t gain - mrecve moupIainL .Thieli1e tber "sb« hM cale ryrout be I&vht beleller maVnSdI asble moud Wolley to tie, pmhothenllary. ? bo l.a àc .1 e de*m n*je .u1 sge bmq bua Mt b Igw .fo i aabov 41m5wm Woiley vasbouad oe" 1 IbM grand juy undqr 050< otde in dehmeilet eb»bbu vensa bdji.. Atnaarlael licrumI tu Waukeg** and tube omrnjo peoplesla tb*ot à"e C" I lvmomedet Waub«aae to e n ]»)eKaet oUr.fl Mozvieo eh làSto omerleatbs e um f ua. ýé»e daile of tSe *alalbua Sot m ff -ow but iii.. ovaahawhbas h.uko ir be ot m, tee tbpvtlU be te-ri tb ltenu Bd &# a *ml or Ur Ibal ha àbe*p * a per en vl#h evl. K5j y p Or. Zupkui Waebh J E Wvu dr-,.... $80000 ~bmr Il 60000 alhàvtv. 90000 705000 , mm00 ho baveý m8e me - - wia. bumak lyse on w prumesll loe 1» dog mom bm - mib110 a il h vaFja Mt o9 0 bm Mdtg 2500 tS 00 100 o u i mpuIeli lm MWbu lia no L W&luse" ho isma dseonm M lM<ý.<ju -o01 e ot" ba éýý basla Ibm peemt ii4 tebere it wasre.; a elmtiono t hépretu 6 usmilatu Soate auv ombMPeframrnti .e*mm . to iwbail voodeloasS *hwmle auluha torage Lb* Imuaiout, Il le the W *4meemuoîmdi lua >UmtBa*t Se pesesturne ir do&. lb. gmih " 1 »mofrun. t Ibç -iinutee la bei Ibm cuug men wbo Ibehir dîne arcnnd tih- ulrlng.asSSes minterot remIe. Itla leb plan of %rnlnlstaon 10 $but Il. iue it le banS to Sl<hgt Lottie Tanner aud leb iver, who ver. ar- tl- ugo creS vd ill w.bmbtaion were fgaie motby Waakegan. SMers. arest I as on the rom- us endrics who owns «eIL pair vere living. y hithe amneof 01 ghMorendrcks ~a mworley ha.. -bami la Michigan. *M $o bbors and Mmpbel Se relatôons, twypmSon u me,- * ~ I go n*~ ood values are in- eluded ~ our Suit barsaine that vS cannot decîde uthich oas vqïwd ntereut yop mont. W. cou& nit begn ta naîne ibsue ll;our $10 and $18 janes areieeioblly trongespeC- lally in thb new Double Breast- md etybel The extra dlecount makes th~M great bargaine. IF YOU SAD ANTIOIPAt],ED old veslher, a vn e wlt o anU@Wai". vea*lhouan y our store baSeS wih gjoode and shorttof ceh, wculd*t yon tae t h.0 publie loto your confidence and maire It an object for 1h..â to belp you? This Io our position pu$- e lsely, and wa propose 10 take a Ioe from ourIjatlmate profits and ltom our stcck loto cash. If joua n ae lremt.dlI.greatvaines and viii corne and taie the trouble 10 o ", vu t eau sono convie..YOD lt iabms@tore viii jas a verîtable Carnival of good thinge ail duwlu S Decezuber. You do flot need 10 watt untll th e ason in over tu gel January and Febrfmy' J priem. Ton eau corne now whlm jou need the gonds for Ibis maan's vear, Everythhl you vear iaadvancingla price. We would have to pay more money to the manufacture@ S tu replace our stock, but necmshity knows no choice; we nood the money-and muet ha.'. it. il is your cpportunity-Profit by it. To begin wlîb ve will make a opeclal Dscotint cf 10 per cent. du every Suit or Overcoat ln the tore-not a tbing remerveai. This le only a email part of the. bargaln pricea we will show. Loto of garbnento will 1e' cnt 25 and 50 per cent. We muet do fully double the busiuee we usually do for ik'ember, and witb these inducenaentseshoulal do it. Ton cannot afford to tay awny. Your dollar will go along way here this month. Men's Overcoats. Men'a Ponts. Thisabsould be, the greatest Over 1,000 paire uf tro SOvercost value giving sale you to offer uja lu bargaitu. Ir have ever been invited to; we speial let we bave takenp neyer boa au katrong a lin. tha front $3 ta $4 value. an tjaius eason. Y,>u get au ehe- ther. lu for 0110 price. $2.6 gant Cou% at $9 or $1330. Many cf the famous Elep Better cnes up tc 024 Brand are in thîs lot. irmers ln one pal) tg md put .60. ephant )t. BOIS Peisti Detter pantu than you bu elsewln're for 50c....c ttkîr?, 5(k- and ts. value. in stiffhona . c 1 i i iart», ain tifi boone ,4k. andi 75C lt84e teya-laadUnderwear Wrighre' l* .4' mu know the regular' price. Ouru» for Lkaym' Iluat.s,all mcDu,' frou Our $4 and $5 line.. hang two or three ia.'.lç kt. laay.r4 l.aeapu& into one lut t11).oeil for... $38 8 Tou Wil end quite an aasortment to eelect from. for we propofte b make the firet day'à priem. o attractive that your frienda willturnlle ali over thein. ïaulves lrying to. duplicate your bargains. You know tbe old adage, "Firet corne, fi rat served," and beet served, for the re lu alsvoa un ly oue best cholop. «M 90 al kçcp,,mý'Range édean, bright WO00and bceàotifiul witJi t uoiling my hands." ýô 00 if YPU Wànt tb but in g "cooking ranîge, t;'.GmncbdMalleablc." .G O uiley,ica Oèked Ouf. 380100 VIé"' nme weeko ago during .the evere EL Eoedleg A wl t17?0 - wlne eatber both niay wife and my- S A Nomdving & wjft1 o ifl e L'tedevere colds which aspeed-l L Nordln art lIts 8 an.d 4 ily developed into th' worst kind of mi o il 8t. k. WForest wd 1 0O lagrippe with al Its ierable uymp. 00~ BO J Kenniedy A & wf to J W Ions," eayu Mr.J. S. Egletu of Mapie WumilIt 16 western add Landinsg, Iowa. "Kneee and joint aclr tàko 0For*" tas, muscles ore, be..dv3tolped ula, I~~oN0bwwuana lbJno >nd Doue runulng, witii aiternt; epe'Iie "" ~ ~ ~ a lIDLwon mt --ide '.1 chines and lever. W n b.gauing uçOa t 4arth of dieui iUhamnhrlaln'oiCouxh Relu..yaii MlA*~l rw'd ..20M00W thIe arne with a dmes of Clamberlelne1111. .. - - stomaéh andl Laver T@tbI'to, andtey lte Your ibe'ral mse oon com.plet.'ly knocked out IP#ttes. the grip."l Th~s Tai-l'e proniote a 00 Ob I Jiý r optiolas, Wii>ae"thy action oif the bowls, liver and liwlà ibotyine ëg% atumrdi, Dm111 kldipvo YhiIOb le aI ayu belf*eial wheu 9uwUe # ' mw iy ~ IMI*vàtlat*Aoigfflted by a cold or atted of iw g For salé> by F. B. lu inas tom le Ib Mrs. F. Protié, I Lts<ful ~brIstmas 6lfts Toilet Articles Art GIastaware Perfumet Vaàesi St.atuary Pictures Bookai of a1l kindai, for old or young Fine Candiffl, bulk or boxed Games, Souvenir Cards, '4ud màny other thingii toar numerous to mention. [ 1OVELL"S, DRUG STOI IeI~W, Ta-Ik !à Cheap Let U a lustali a telephoe e t an expense bo you ail out of'propor lion tu benefit andcouvmnlencm. Bverycnt as p"!Dig them n l. Buinees rates, 6%c pur day and np Ilemldence pates 5c pur day and up contract Deportnment UbertvWe, Port l Jbertg~4S IMmole Laycock C00Engio4 Wo ar e equlpped to- 4 ail klnds of reps>fr w proinptly. New.. pari supplled aOpposlle st. Paul Froight Imptt f ibertynIlie x miaaui. Plueuivela ~I alv s0rm,~baêk.ach,, bladdé.'r twiublm or rlei burne, boSs, ltteor,. ecema, ikîi dem4 E¶tii Who yuthta a Obdomse Pnq anm pies old by WL HACgL*T, LlbJ upon retjrlng a"Dt*bt d e nn befoflsmornlng. SlSby Wm.î. RÂoe0 er*ville aMd GEIXLAIEPE A"y. jLlbertp.»a'll md eaAyBLiga PgAggM 105 'a m Oô