Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Dec 1905, p. 3

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LAKE flflîiT' VNTEPEN NO TC3 I amn prepared tu f urnish familleo orothers with letOTSM Il thé aty, IRUE i P4N Wllopen Bine Pointa and Clame if deured. Juat the thing for party and holi- day dinneru People vihî want loibteri cals dot tRem by ërrdsring éarly ý&-el MILWAUIKEE AVENUE.8 A. wlui Isses Doors Nrho We have -à few heating stovetu that we will make a very low ?rice on to close out. Here is a chance to save money on a goodtove SCHANCK BROS., 8CHI llIHEIR[ Charles A. Takacs. Manager Saturday, December 1l6th MATINE'kAND \IGHT In OId Kentucky Matine Prce-2i-, -0, 75c, Cludren 25, Niglt Ple- 550, 7.kj X Sondag, December I17th Porter J. White Prosents Ms Capable Company. ni faust prleSf25, 85, 50, 75e Tuesdag, December l9th - Gordon & Bennetts Sumptuous, Scenhc Allegaracal Spectacle The IioIy City Rbv. John R. Wright as "'St. John the Baptlst Prices 25,35, 50, 75é, $100. D. A. YOUNG39 Aecoratill Ihave a force of coinpe(emt k worInmeêfor ftheir <das of work a.dcm gaveVou qick service and g.arantee saUr' 1Iselihe Best of Pàants in forge andS small queantities mnixed to suit.; Shoream s Sop at 0»0. TRIGI OL01 )STAND. MIL WÂUKER AM S OUTH OFRHOTEL pls tla fiW ervIcew. st inlu tock sud marW eote OIIwd firit ta editorwa optn~TbeDaily Inter OMeO.,1 2.0for oS. year x imetbi DR FREDERICK H MARTIN Ofice 2ud Floor Kaiser Block,, Milwaukee Avenue. Hoas: 11 to 12 a. n. 1 to 3 and -7t 8P. ni. Libertyviile, Illinoli DR. J L. TAYLOR. OFFICE OVES TEIGOS à TAYLOR'S. 13etas:-7 to 10 a. nm. 2 ta 4 and 6 ta 8 1). ni Resideuee on Broadway. opposite Park. Lbertyville Ililinois. DR C. R GALLOWAY. OFFICE OVEIS LOVELL'5 DEUG STORE. ndras-trom 1 to 3 aud 6 to 8 p. m. Libertyville, Ilinois. PAUIL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Uhaertyvhlle, IBinais. paoNs 88. D. E. FL SMITH, DENTIST. OFFICE OVES LAKE COUST BAStE. zoas-8 ta 12 a. m. and 1 ta 5 p. m. DAILY. Libertyville, Iflimolo. DL. GOLDING DENTISTk Hours 8 ta 12 a.m.-l ta 5 p.m. KaIsr Block Libertyvllle, Illinca DR. WN. P. SCHIRING, Practice limited ta EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THRLOAT. Hours 2%o 4 p.'m. OFFICE: Boom 804 STEWÂDT BUILDIN, 92 state 8tret. Chicago. DL . . F;BU1ERFMW.D v TEENÂBY SIJRU O. "OAlETAT TATE TTEEINAEA. IAbertyvtfle, Ilinois LYNCHBROTHER Livcry In Coanection Phone 337 LibertyviMe. Ill. A. K. STRARNS LAWYER 218 Wasblnton Stie Waukegan 'Phone 2761 NEWSPAPERO B I.iIL à . ltg~ MAGAZINES! ILibertyvWle. lu. PERIOOiCALe GIM 01 and8 ud Tous ACO. P bim l.ek. I tae ORbERS for CUT FLOWEliS ir ma, le - xmai I -r I. ROBSCRANS. Mia . Faulkner wua.a C4tcago lutteor Monday. Mlos Lwisiwvt in lsko Blufflit - dua" 80datrday. Mm' I Nofiasdoter aud buobaud 0f Mimem =ihae hen visitngbers.. Mie.M OWtby'i mother andsiluter are littlasber trou Wiscnsin. Four 01 i lsatudeute trou Evanston bld serite.hem telat Suuday. .Mrt . QT. Northrop aud thrse Irteud@, of Obelo, vue ouejor a dalle shoot. t lait vé. t la a *,ite uSer. wit bmbaeacbnsd peIna ver *1kidussvbe. a &,'tnue deS of i Puulee vili! gr.relief, lu oue nlgbt -uflartg vomen should 8uSd 5h...vaanugu re It luto fate. Femele troubles ayresut. Pine-ul. wol 9 «-rUOgh. seklduey sud bladder,1 oiseusit. blood and relieve the ace. sd palmerl Neuliga sud Rbiumatlam.S Sold by WîLL lLuLuT, lbertyilie sud (JUAVOLAKE PUAUMM.0 Ambroi. Raught l!au the slck flot. c Idise »OeNURaymnd spent lait Wedueidsy sud Thursday ln Chicago. 1 Mr. sud Mr@. Everett Stone of Wan-M couda viiitedl the latter'@ father, Mr. Chai. PotterSuudtey. Mir. sud Mrs. Oea. Richardson of Round Lake avent Sunday wth relatlvu» at Volo. Misee Mary lRauglît and Hellen Ray-1 moud vire Gray@lake calleru Monday alterfloôf.y Messers OJea. ltosng and Chas. jorgen-t &en of Round Lake viere vola calter@ Manday. Misses Sarahi Fox and Erumellue Coul-t san Of Round l'ake were reet calter@ tiere. Mrs. Jîm Klrwan spient an@ day thet PutL woek with Iiendea tWauconda. 1 Meus Frank Nicholîs aud Willie Froit w eeBery caliers Monday atermoon. To The Publir. Wé kuow of na greater servic.e tiiat1 tilts newspaPer eau rnder ^its mauyt Meaers thâh ta let them ni kof aa reallY meritorjous article and whore thet saeulsiAY'be Procured. For thîs reusonj vie wisb ta have every reader penuse the tallowiug-receut letter tu the naufact- unens trom Dëxe.r Mabouey, Mageneral mrchantatQjuigzley,lll. He says: 'Pieaset seud me bYexplrsstwo dozen ai Be-Go. 1 itnd it au excellent înedic-iîe aud have ta keep) it lu stock." Re-Go Toule Laxa- tive Syrup le au unfailisnc cure for consti- pation, Sirk ficeadache, Bilioumnueset, Saur 8tomâch aînd DYsîrePia. 1 tjie the ideal iuediiine for chljdren. Sold iun 5, 0 ud $1.00 lotties by F. B. LJUVELL Lb ertyville. NEWPORT. F. G. lietneyer was lu Kenosha Iset Wednesday. TIhe ladies af Ropeenans met 5tonday t<, see about their lureh fair. George Hartley's trial was poetplned mail ijext Saturday %vin it wililcoale lielore a jury at Waukegau. Phîlip Beuciligen ee,ts ta tart for st. Lewis next wlduesday ta Illake a Fred Ray wai a Waukegati calter Sunday. P'bilip Dietuîeyer le working on the C. M. & Si, P. with hie teaml. .Mns. A. B. Clark took lier."ugàt"l, Helena, ta a liosîital luntîicago iSatur-1 day. Torture of a Preacher. The story ai tIhe torture of Rev. .1. Moore, huston ai the Baptiet eburci,.of Harperoville. N. Y., wil iuterest you. He Rays: "I suffened agonies@hecause ai a -persitent eaugh, resuàlting tramn the grip.1 Ilhata sloop sitting up lunlied. 1 Lrled may remediem, witbaut relief, nutil I taok D)r. King'@ New Dlscavery, for Cousumption. Couglis and Calde, whicb eutlrely eurod ni>' cough, sud saved me frani cousumptiou.", A gran cure for dlseased conditions of sud Lungi. At P~. B. LOVELL's Liberty- ville sud 6GRAYOLARE PIIARMAOY driug lores; Price 50e and $1.00. guaranteed. Trial battis iree. LONG GROVE. George Miller made a business trip to Palatine Mouday. - Mns. John Rafort, oi Cli.-ago, visted a few days vvitlî Mr. and Mn8. Chris Sciseaifer recsntly. Mvi. K. Bergharu sud daugliter spet Saturday sud Ronds>' with relatives at llarrlugtou aud Ilonev Lake. !L George Miller who bas been speudiug n week with relatives and i riends lu th,- cit>' returuted ironIE!laitn'eek Thuroia>. Mns. Jake Elèsler Sr. leq reprtdtt luqite par healtb1 at present. _Mrs. C. C. Meyer ad- h ' '.suMe M. Meyer, of Palatine, visited liere Iait Saturda>'. Blnd, bleedlug, itcLttug sud produclug 9:m reletautly relieved hy Man Zan. bhis reey le Put up lu collapuilile tubes vith naîzel attachment, no that tise IDOdiine MSY ha applied tuside direct- IY vibere thse trouble origluates. Man- Zan relleve. ins§tautiy. 8ald by WiLL, Hâ.oeu., lUbertyville sud: GRAYOLMMK GURNEE. Mr. sud Mr@. Delley and Mrs. Park Smith speni TuesdaY with relatives lu Nlume Mande Suesby sud Auna Wirth spient a fevi days ai the pait week lu Bristol, Wis. Mms. Boy Bracher was a Chicaga visiter Monda>'. Miss Los Austin spent Tuesday even- lug vilthin ssStela Jolinson.1 ai thse home ai Mns. Jeuuie Leach Frî- daY eveing Dec. 15. AIlit meniers are requesed te lha presest. C. B,. topie for Dec. 17 '-What Our Denolailoutand For 1" inl8.14- 1 lot bosaIÉ06 eir«,@M bue.w hIe *.mmusaiu buM "M amu ww» ulul '« ueib Srs etedeoe ~hmegl à"am b *WMb jg *»wus 0 domat~ gi Wm. thIeS hét ufli e put aaovem aI eiou ileam le e i- W 4M .UrWta otouftle Ihie seur ta Cam rcith. e 11W PWte.mmassie bt WB "." "0 obtg - t"e teimgap I~ evrta '.%W," _ 5 nom US m ris Ivlihi UeON& uemuiles, .ve 1 thse &Mi -funi09" eed aiisu" vlb fhldtite V i '0uealesla e-iet ceavtuve mviug of hbar wm *t bauai bu" ha poilai buteI e ê 0 S osata* . Aà1ev h"ru @*W bs»vWUsbéchna Wlta w ,I'ill U"t Olum ew&d mia araucosu.w __ Wg Mut1IïD5It le' la wvu hm bieaivolai te eldui stewiargulu l througli tIse lip 1W Nei U tteéMhoiCm. frl f~iJbg M"i itil hW. 0" dmu collsion bullibieaI d&c&e"»sl Uft Md d iiOMC« v ge rsa17 tmn mcier 55ffteith ie port ral f , the pUIoIn u se orS an opnaà -à liidi- MM tUny a&Ir S s m ovi Srdau' Instant repenie ta th. einM emang a tisa icir tWt tloosu. i g er »Msous Mr4IfMsd tu tisait I- ieeined ta lar ber nmiefrons .et ~ OW7be 01180* or i5. Thie MW - «tBiat thsee stlor uued ta 10001113 junk as If b7 magie. a long V Mor bf -"MeI cour»e ber. fie ra Dot rem«Otly capable ir 15 ail happeudmc qulckly tisai vhuie W 0*Gm oetippamed. e --dellilte Idelý. lut a hi vigu*Wslyua- the bourse signal was still vtbratIng dultdg -o, tMsa elmated. elWven, liedit tbe Identlty of the woman lu bis tbraugb thse slip the junt uwept Ptai nobiSu ier, vltls mud, iasud cur- arma the uniteuîy support ounvuaIcl ber quater. Thse chW Iofficer, JoLM ed t&U fri@dng brtu th@s mrec- hi restai tOPPlel over. A galuhi n. nov by tis LecoSmauder, lookei &Mnv «Os. <d«tng t utu>-or Mtheimon dan- flwd hU nuQua&Iemi. 'àaa. lnto theis e esd craft .Tbey oouldgarou' PI*Stu theilkflW" ruolute i, nsusd a typhoon 0"vrui- ne ber cr.uW labed lu s bunch situli iouth China nsa, w le tsnumbelme. iaifor supremaey. the capetan on ber elevated poop. ûglibe rs fthý bOal sed laoaiei rock$ sMd This Ilmi bMs test pluugei aiu vas ladla wthtlimber. Atisough via- the gmt1eai Ulfd 0f Borneo stretchlng t g yhýu y suti. as terlogged. mie could not sgmt If bmWIse~blt Bà- .thse patb of th eccone. abedtorvard,. ffl battllng With tise Med together. . 55111 Ie. vs uotiing ta hoidom raglog Wtrmali of at, and a second A great vave, auctai ter ave>' trous "va tu mare a f-evunotutuafvs re pff- th»IP fi te ame O&m yetDSth the steamer andt ien burled ber hick rtion@ mI truat tu 1is chance.To surfac.filadormant faCWUU &. aoks, wittu irw-wlatible torce.lTh.e irattesupt teauschos and ride out thse 9gais t vau ubiLWîib fteuiediepea- via J%.«s smpisiig bert unIngmv. . in udr préenst Position vW» ui lou. imbuoyd nov 1bUtuspatong hope meut, and aisebeeled over. yleding ta q setin. or iatai ho fouahti bs vs>' Cuiviu thse mighty power af the gale VS au Tiro, S. 4i ock «M<se and vent. uks apprediable Instant ber engineestop-. moisi, hall hour vould itnesas, ott iqu, e U Tirs, lime di Iths pud. Thse man of water thtiswayed, dawna" trtercea u o hactvssistry' ta dm ise lm10to t the junt like a cork Illted tise gmt eat r.i The bazer-tm AP Uj1 eirling deatis beblnd. but hos taggered sblp bIais by hi item. lTse prupel' nina. Tb* Celui Of Ils cyclone liai blndly ouM. Moutil even Uthetug began ta revolve lu air, for the tbsi.of-sv"pi t a@&sid.Thers visaonly IWItS gale ceasai ta b. laden wvlUthU efo. ficer bail carrected bis ignal ta ..t,. the ifteitnath of heRvY m"anfUrktai-etima fosu. sand his falterlag test speed aisead" again, andi th, ub«,,otu b181 ut tnir .Ui desott vwhitesaid. Clnese vessel *truck thee Shdar a tWr- Osptai se nefre st chari houuiThen a hi f5net mo i ru.again. Wltil rible blovi lu the counter. mmashinsg 2 fo th t tie.aILlant vit icher of ezbauted tse arewi lose tOe tbrust blocit mail nH adatmauy yesrm lu apPeit sngth h e &a tise girl cloftly te wreuchiug the rudder fro îleburias. jac..TIse »smllg. confident. débonair .hlm sand the ivo lay clapai tghtly aBicervua ciangi loto a atrichen. tagethen, hiedlese nWofMail Uinas. Tisere visa an awiul race by tb s efl nit>ruftl -'"-. Hesbid sltered viltlsi Hov long the man remainei pros- gluesbefoe Us eugueenscoul mIn bu h e Sirdar sud ber masftet trais ho could nly goseauboequaently. off steam. The junk vauleedinto thee <oildbardly hbe --Ki-& ,so el 5dThe Sirdan truck oon faerday- vulderneusof noise aud tumblln u, se Uaa the blava they bai ISoelVed.. ., breakr, aud thse sor aviote toa s azy beyoud, sud tise fine steamer of a fev "IL la impossible ta deu a Yard couacloumsuemaof bis irroundlnp tu secanda ago, replete viltb magnlleut aIsfd," ha coufided ta bis second lunfu" a aft or suon l ickertagt energy, truggled lîke a -vouuded levia ouiuand. «T havi never tbs ee no"x tha'augi the cloudq beusked up la the tisan lu the graspi a veugeful tes. toml before 1. my IlIle. Thaut GO&.tise esit. lh. gale vas alruady pailg She swuug sroundj as If lu vratb to nlgbt la draviug ta a dose. PerbaPe aviay. Althougb tise vlud ittIl il- pursne the puny assailant vwimlcisd aieisuday bies"- -lied vlth abrilviolence, fh vasUme deaît ber tiis matOul stroke. No longer, Ris lutat oscOntaiued a Prayer blusterng tisa threatening. The son, bneastlug the etannwltli stubboru p«ý suad a hope. Even us he spots the mlilp tao, Usongis ruuing very isiI, bai re. slsteucy, she now dnIrted aimleislyBeemled to liftsberseif bodily vlIl 5au trested mauy yas rou tise @Po liefone wnd aud wave. She vas mers. 1 WItIi5effort ora Mu~ ne ovilg bha- vhene ho liai flally dropped, sud its ly s langer playthlng tossed about by j fors tise wlad êsurfaceewas no Jous sco rg"dl vitI tltauleq ganibols. 7The Jouir was brs1 The usit Iinstant tisers vas a horrible venomous spray. asunder by the collision. Her planta rbgxlndn rah forvard. lIs bpera. lovrly sudpaiufully le ralasdIdhm- sud cargo lîtteneil tise vaves, vers e ol! 1 huc ab ils sl aastigpotrfrb a eve toseSlu enîîcuou a Ue dc, t asu upright visa throwu vlolentir' brulisansd uL .Wltibis ri mors. of thse SlmSur. Of it aS vallW dovu. The,,deck was tlltei to s dan- meut heobhomme violanlyfilI., He isai etrong tftb er or hoîteS Irau agalut gerousu angle sud reungii usderu. visie vloe muimîvarmdh the spleen ai the urchaiued sud tartn-, Ushesvy buffetlug of theseau, ~vsifflowed tise slpau 0 sicade leu mouster who loudly pnoclalsued, ragine afh« b a tiunieoted fotr r. h-iDpassth. 'P.ti ohf SI. bis triumph? Thme gr«5t steatmsblp sistance, drovned tise dcsPafrlU Y" «Meahcannai .hi doe, 'bei lieruel>' drlfted an tbrrourtî chaos. Tise typhoon raed by the Laars onC duty. tmmurai, feebly trying ta lit blir. baid braken the lance. ITlhe Sint bai completei ber ft. urlyProidence v nent desert But brave mien, skllfully directed.! voyage. BShe vas nov s batterid ' ir , bralter suais au eicape. Wisai s vrought bargl t asvent turtiier disas. on a bariflIr ef. Oe h mg Uus for veck bearlI iuet be ta give luait oeheartbrealîlg second- Theu 4n' use logi uomeatil 1anmsursab*e va oUser vave. Ina ag l>' livinytg vbea vie gai utK« rWhat ou thraughlisîle elloa, caugbt the Créât mSrtm an 1 dq ta revive ierr. .steainer ln île treineudais s OICa prapi *' i ia w citg limbe la nlisi ber ouvard for hal bur bm«*th is nevhornanaleS>', ho aBuS a. an and asiuhodber dov» ou tise6"seha. us ma Dtiypllloe i Ki'butamd - fieRu bock, wvasbroken. Bise eilsi10 a cuIdasou se other, fier s"M vu two ive.. Bathmetlamu tenat 5011- doaibar wu sud taetb fri>use-ea pissur ta Usluth* ' ntms t tact t ta bis' auoubtaily oviui dmbMU04 M OVYU9 Msb4 arlit, "e s wli oulibave be ut f nm tlas, ul. W V éti vry living f><ate-n. thUe palierof Mber @Mi 501 .boar-visi ai ocMM, gu1ltud musai h h Uaitirrible bloIOMe tu amaeltro of ublt "t &" bue, vhich lndieaiee deatlà. lh. etara lar I Ua spray, lle. l Us5 usons tas nelaged. aud sothlng bhl i s visiolen WsvU Cg,&PIM vewaa trou ehaustion s&M vaUt Of 5Wthe MBrda pied 0M1* taad.For thU me net hm aemotiona Mhps Use .oor a9 tiese lo=micas OefY *roue husVed UP l * h OWutr v la ** .pn5ur > le aimait vIàsi. - a .usghy O"ulorut saIS ersa. "It-Seassbetl am csu tou -lus sd Waa * »«0».i n«i deqir hoD» rso. soiIteout a payerWér '. Mu o Meflisssy.oeroes M boam Use tsrtfei graap of ler SaIis p fais 0 througa corridor ane volabave -Cauat lier »' meabs vI als loW*G ed. wutb mInsetinct cfi elfpréessraO wt' z the v atrc ntitiftbe4 audcop Gm» s% alt sa "0sii~ ton Alter thse iot mono f 8olusuGtheport e@IduiGmA M >, ahe PsM gallant Britishs salloesle tslis. M. tmg for one avt«4 oSieqaib. tt 11mb ta brlng the vesse undar eCttiL ulrbcl!d - By their calp courage tisep Sisaaul lTb*man u scet prepsisit«1MW the parlyaed Lascars tata acÈtvit>',a e "ffi ynaion. Uv.. astise uI.às sali vwu rlgged ou tise ýùre» M aat sud a va>' aiI ~ eMaId# sancs*el" msa sucbor bsstlly Scotr*cled amsut versboM POfrWa vieur OW aIt vas discovered tisat Uethe "vaw» tte op a hay animd, W0 t Qf0W tah - uselema. Rackets flrei top lutta Use ti» ebOiliagsuf mO ut «»- oes* ity. lu regular intervaisla t»ilstoaut tc- t Ilêtb#@W15-f vk55155bsà. hope tisai slould Usey attract Use à* 5IeS 0dl l OOO-9s *I s m «. - tenion oM anotiser vesel Bie vta oMI . sB* lIte5, rftreuv 10v tse dlsabled Slrdsg a"d.rendu1 num>&ol IttWL a'p* w belp viben Use viesher b mera tu ur Sali a 0# bsd q8 t e om.,Y Whout thsecaptal. asostiped iai aPsbh no water vas being elslp4 Us. Omis, mm ct . age butag vliolly exteMi4 bé gdobaMU*tor dogre vers opepi an»dthe 1 M lel' admltted ta Ushe moloq% 4",bmIà~ dtb se%, superblitaisrtu t si I aMi rama v$thPut. midiap sa Uv Il" lbou t à MMab 4p u t hm -tiahm~ ai labr t béony 0w rom te Mautfut Eh O 1 tovazd G m . seHi # Wib"leli"di lm baux over tse ben et eivi imall 188001L 1 ný comparatveiy eloo* atmu prot@ctai pool v- vr'lm loy liE. GmheiboomnwuvA pletel>' holted. ini b Usai ouw ya OeMMegais Mm tbe nrtavut WvÀoul sÏi ta lumptGm rsuc om- vbio buta. vater, aug tt u" n aturei barber.,Ieto5 Mmlonci t Useli>'enlisas Tot ai thia voey pafnt a *1 P"alm reai lin etol>' sa nov avlUOMana idi'la Frmuswt;ire hi ut"a l s le gowimg lteGmmaIori 4 lingebruelSers coaapis*5«' embanhunent.Tbb §s«W* hid a vehrdi>' iMpie.iW wu the oney Iai ob@M 1 ofitbau cspped vaves. x of the etdar ramBiau thse amid wu ltleri v*1 bIs uumbun aofuiniate j"y budd" d q tsml Gmi steamer. (To Be Cothu& Mr@. W. W. Clarkilu vIs*1 iu Aurora. Mr. and Midr. Ben Holsrý- vislted relaidvea beresavt vieek. Mrs. Lytle lMS ifr CaW"st morning ta be gane for tbe-10 Mrs. Ira Rois a&Bd London, Canada, ame Y"t in Chilcago visiiing tri"ub Dr. C. J. Davis vaa. avibye trip seveval days tutuveu TIse Amit>' Club met lt Vaut Tueaiay aenlng.- CaiIn IteCearl.o! ?f Deerfield Bandar'. Mva. J. AteSse ia vistb* Wrth ber dauglilsn, MursM Mv. and mme.Haroi l F30 Chcago Suuda>'. Tise C. &. tapie fon Du. oeuomlnai-lo Sand 14-16;lPet. 2:9. .EL, Thso Preuhyteuhap le is rliular Cusas. day .venlug.Dem. be giengItied "Kilaré4 rv"Al are eOWOne). Thse lad10sDores5o Preebyteuflan chut-h re~ dollasai tishe sale )»We ladies ai aIr annuel

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